The Ending Of Silicon Valley Explained

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there will be spoilers said for all six seasons of Silicon Valley today I'm going to talk about the ending of Silicon Valley season 6 episode 7 exit event as well as 10 years later the extended Pied Piper documentary I definitely recommend watching the full doc if you haven't already the youtube link is in the description below a truss fest Richard paired middle out with Sonny Vance on to point out making Piper nut the most efficient Network on earth however Richard discovered that Piper nut started to compress the content of encrypted files in transit by bypassing encryption they unintentionally made Piper nuts so efficient that it was able to decrypt the strongest known encryption schemes making Piper net extremely dangerous as it would cause the end of encryption and possibly the end of the world Richard and the gang had a sabotage they're launched by using a faulty version of Piper net this defective version created interference that caused the speakers and the phones to resonate the devices began broadcasting a frequency that started to repel the rats making them flood the streets and buildings kind of like the idea Jared had back in season one when he was trying to pivot saying we're not here to tell you what to do with your rats we're here to get you rats stat the failed launch made Pied Piper become the definition of Pied Piper as the Pied Piper was a ratcatcher who would play a magical pipe to lure rats away from whatever town hired him in the documentary we see Oh everyone turned out ten years after the failure of Pied Piper bighead is the president of Stanford which is amazing if you know the fact that Josh Brener who plays bighead graduated from Harvard University in 2007 gross bought a lot of Pied Piper shares from big heads dad before the launch when Pied Piper had an eight billion dollar valuation so it's safe to assume that Nelson and his dad made back the twenty million dollars Erlich wasted Monica mentions that the coin they issued to Erlich was sold for twenty million dollars meaning Erlich finally earned the 20 mil he threw away when he ran Bach Manatee Erlich tachi and yang how to become an egotistical money driven entrepreneur the same way Jared trained Holden to be exactly like Jared finding jinyang in the jungle was most likely referencing john mcafee the man known for creating the antivirus software as he moved to belize to build a large compound and started to become a warlord when we see jinyang he claims to be Erlich and even has his ID imply he must have gotten ahold of whatever money was given to Erlich the show's creator Mike judge commented on how they came up with jinyang and Erlich sending saying we went around to a lot of different versions including one we came very close to where it was pretty clear that jinyang had actually murdered him but we backed off from that one and decided to leave it it seems funnier that you don't know what actually happened to him Laurie is incarcerated for a reason that is not provided Mike judge further explained this saying we had talked about having one person we didn't know who when we first discussed it in an orange jumpsuit being interviewed in prison and we never say why and we just settled on that being Laurie when seeing Laurie in prison I kept thinking of her ending line from season five episode seven initial coin offering where Laurie explains to Monica you have certain values and I see no reason you should not work with companies that share them similarly I should work with companies that share my values makes sense that the one main character operating with no ethical values besides jinyang is the one who gets put in an orange jumpsuit guilfoyle was the one person out of the group to trust an ish and allow him into the system to replace the build with the one that is set up to fail showing us just how solid their friendship actually is it's revealed that guilfoyle and Dinesh run a cyber security company a company named Newell Road strategic technologies in memory of erlik's incubator that was at the address of 523 Newell Road Palo Alto California earlier in the series when guilfoyle talks about Anton he describes it saying he grimly does his work then he sits motionless til it's time to work again we could all take a page from his book and throughout all of season six we see that John is the human version of Anton so in the end Gilfoyle is working with his two best friends and by the way I love the small details in their office as Dinesh talks about not doing it for fame there's a framed picture of him with the people in line for the Pied Piper launch proving that he is the same ego-driven tech leader we all know and love Gill foils phone has moved a little bit on to Dinesh's desk to slightly annoy him and there's also an orange thumb drive plugged into Gil Foyle's computer this is interesting because this episode ends with Richard losing an orange thumb drive with the last remaining Pied Piper code on it some people were saying that this was the wrong thumb drive because it should have a silver part on referring to the one we see earlier an exit event but that was Gabe's thumb drive in that drive only had the version of software that was used to destroy Pied Piper the original build was still at their headquarters so in my opinion it could be Richards thumb drive but knowing guilfoyle he wouldn't keep something that destructive in plain sight also executive producer of silicon valley alec berg claimed that the thumb drive doesn't actually appear in the episode it was just mentioned to further emphasize the fact that richard lost something that will end the world and quick side no alec burg did it just a wrecked exit event he also played the documentarian Bill Gates who is a fan of the show makes an appearance as one of the tech leaders getting interviewed and out of all of the people he was the one who was most suspicious of Pied Pipers failure saying that something doesn't add up Pied Pipers actual build would have been destroyed after the demo before the destruction Dinesh and Gilfoyle must have kept it and used parts of the code to build their cybersecurity company and Monica could have stolen it and used it to build her career in DC and she claims that she's working for a think-tank and when they asked if it's the NSA she goes to smoke a cigarette as she always does when she's under pressure confirming that she now works for the NSA which makes sense because Monica mentions that she was in contact with them at the end of season 5 episode 8 51% saying to deal with things like the NSA they called yesterday they have a lot of questions about our tech so when Richard is the one who loses a world ending piece of technology that anyone can get their hands on it's probably a good thing that the people who are most familiar with the threat are working in cybersecurity a lot of people seem to be questioning quartz existence like why was guar in the season she literally didn't do anything but I think she served a big role in Jared and Richards relationship jared is the human version of a dog he's incredibly loyal and guards the people he cares about hence the random rage and the you-you'd scene and the iconic how would you like to die today scene he was like a dog barking to protect its owner Jared was state-raised and always felt helpless as he was put through the system with a lot of ruff kids he saw Richard as someone who is weak and needed to be protected which was one of the reasons he left who will lead to join Pied Piper deciding to work against the bullies of the tech world like Gavin Belson eventually Richard no longer needed protection as Pied Piper became a powerhouse like hooli to the point where they actually bought hooli so Jerrod felt like he had to find someone else who needed protection in season 6 episode 2 when Richard is making fun of court Richard is being a hypocrite because this entire series he was saying that the tech world was for the Nerds and the rejects but here he was making fun of one at this moment Richard became Gavin so jared freaked out once again defending the weak from the powerful court helped us better understand that jared will protect weaker people because he wasn't strong enough as a kid to protect himself now jared is protecting the weakest people on earth the elderly something that also gives him the opportunity to feel like he has multiple parents to make up for his awful and heartless biological parents throughout every season Richards morals and beliefs were put to the test in the heartless greedy land of Silicon Valley Richard wanted to achieve his goals in the most ethical way in season two he admitted to using a hooli computer to work on his Pied Piper algorithm even though it would cause him to lose the trial in season three he turned down Coleman Blair's offer when he claimed the uptick was caused by buying fake users from a Bangladeshi click farm in season four he couldn't handle the pressures that come with being a CEO but understood that he was becoming like Gavin and admitted to not running the company with integrity however in seasons five and six Richard continued to become more and more like Gavin and to everything he hated about him he even became more like early cuz he was sleeping with other people's wives and took advantage of bighead jeopardizing bigheads career and income Richard's morals and beliefs were always challenged when trying to make his successful business he started out by turning down ten million to eventually turning down a billion to the best of his ability Richard stood by his principles he ended up not becoming a giant tech leader like Gavin Belson but it was his persistence that made Gavin invent ethics even if Gavin initially created it for the wrong reasons Richard's fight for Pied Piper forced Gavin out of the tech industry giving Gavin time to become passionate about writing and he now values the arts over his image something that is shown to us by him cutting the interview short as he is too excited about getting back to work with Gavin having no motives to be the kind of man we knew for the past six seasons it makes sense that he and Richard are now best friends plus Gavin's a really good author the elderly woman Jared was taking care of was even reading one of his books Richard had the idea to create a decentralized internet one of the most ethical pieces of technology that would exist Pied Piper accomplished what it was designed to do but it ended up becoming potentially more destructive than anything they could have ever imagined by sacrificing the company ruining their products and throwing away six years of hard work Richard ended up making the world a better place so I can't think of a better person to be teaching ethics and technology at a university Pied Piper was forgotten the girl who now lives in the house is wanting to work in tech but has never even heard of Pied Piper in Silicon Valley companies and people come and go so quickly the girls lack of knowledge was meant to emphasize that power and fame are always fleeting at the end of the day what mattered was if the group could live with themselves in a place where everyone's success is determined by status and net worth Richard doesn't make billions and no one remembers him but he still finds fulfillment and that's all I have to say about Silicon Valley in my personal and completely biased opinion this is one of the greatest comedies ever made and I will greatly miss it always blue thank you so much for watching and I will see you in my next ending explained
Channel: Bryce Edward Brown
Views: 751,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Ending Of Silicon Valley Explained, Silicon Valley Ending Explained, Ending Explained, Silicon Valley, science fiction
Id: 5JM8bkJLLjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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