The End Of The Sino-Soviet Friendship | Mao's Cold War | Timeline

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ReacH36 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

To be fair, both Mao and Khrushchev were pretty bad at foreign policy. Iā€™m glad to see everything eventually worked out in the end.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 12 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/UnparalledHistory šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Fuck Kruschev to Gorbachev!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 10 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/PerseusCommunist šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Well it was a long time ago. Let bygones be bygones

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 11 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/lan69 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] less than a decade after the guns have gone silent over the Korean Peninsula a new era of the Cold War begins this time between the two greatest powers of the Communist world China and the Soviet Union frustrated by an unequal relationship is China's supreme leader Mao Zedong Mao's ambition to put China on the world stage would shape her transformation as a nation but it would create an irreparable rift with the Soviet Union one that would break out into open war for so long China's bitter rivalry with the Soviet Union has been shrouded in secrecy now eyewitness accounts from PLA soldiers reveal a conflict that has been brewing since the beginning of the sino-soviet alliance this is the untold story of Mao's cold war with the Soviet Union [Music] March 1969 on a tiny island in the Ussuri River between China and the Soviet Union war has broken out nineteen-year-old Wang Jian Chi is about to face an enemy once considered China's closest ally by one inch senior Dorothy euro junior I do ha quality care Italian georgg la da la millennia there are shoes and you do the cheese food are they needed by Shinya I am a Scientologist Chinchin given your magician common room gentleman Ramona when what you thought - Nadia feelings hey sir come on your jean de Malaga in the most dramatic turn in status state relations in the Cold War China and the Soviet Union are at war adjourn bow Island the quarrel one and a half million square kilometers of land that Czarist Russia took from China nearly a hundred years ago and the current demarcation of the sino-soviet border now the war zone gen bao Highland in the Ussuri River it lies within hundreds of metres of both Chinese and Soviet military camps both sides consider the island fairs as the conflict quickly escalates China's top leader takes action Party Chairman Mao Zedong with the capital Beijing only a day away from the war zone Mao fears Soviet tanks will soon roll in across China's flat plains he orders a surge of soldiers to fight the superior Soviet strike force barely one month after his enlistment Wang is sent to the front line on Jan bow the making of the film holiday season her caution dancer watch it allows hundred thousand strong army Joshua song imagine hi there to see till the Duomo 19 pieces just always just be one messy doctor he filled a cool - inna with her the tenderest hand pushing the bougie has the feet are huge [Music] [Applause] the Chinese army scores a triumph with the capture of a Soviet t60 to tank a superior weapon that has never been in Chinese hands the prize would fuel mouths drive to build a modern army enabling engineers to design China's very own battle tanks with in years but mouths thirst for Soviet technology had its roots 20 years earlier in 1949 when China and the Soviet Union was still allies October 1949 the newly established People's Republic of China looks to the Soviet Union to help transform it into a world power in 1949 when pearcy was founded China was extremely weak very poor and the Soviet Union was in the much better shape in terms of industrial development economic development military capability and political influence in the world three months later in 1950 the Russian leader signs a treaty of friendship secretary-general Joseph Stalin the terms of the treaty however would be tilted against China's favor this plants the seeds of mistrust almost all of the Soviets loans under the treaty would be for the purchase of Soviet arms [Music] in addition the treaty gives the Soviets exclusive access to sins Young's and Manchuria Sakana meas Mao finds China caught in an unequal relationship [Music] so from the beginning of the establishment of the PRC Stalin is making the point that you're the junior partner emphasized Junior and now is immediately beginning to calculate the potential repercussions of this and there is he's conflicted there I mean on the one hand yes I need what the Soviets can provide and I genuinely admire Stalin on the other hand you can't treat us like this we're China and we may have been down but we're not going to be soon soon after signing the sino-soviet treaty mao finds a chance to gain his edge over stalin later the same year in June 1950 war breaks out in Korea between the Soviet back north and American backed South unwilling to risk a direct confrontation with the US Stalin requests for Mao to intervene Mao decides to play the situation to China's advantage he demands that Stalin provide military aid as well as air cover for his troops he hopes this war will be an equal partnership four months later in 1950 Stalin agrees to send military equipment to China but he insists the China take the lead in the fighting there no bother you guys eat it out sri effort to go to vintage here to this do you become a light have a mother dear part to goodness modulus further may live are studied topic urgency [Music] Cheeta martyrdom JD - were truly done to her make water to study that I put it out - what relationship and Italian oh yeah grando by Iridessa choose a children was a more glorious she wasn't she with an uneasy compromise reached Mao orders over 250,000 troops into Korea Stalin deploys airplanes to China's northeast to defend her coastal regions but Stalin stops short he decides not to send planes to Korea Mao's outgunned ami faces the UN war machine alone clearly the Chinese leaders were disappointed by the Soviet decision it was one of the arguments that Mao expressed later on with the Soviet leaders that Moscow simply betrayed China as a stalemate sets in over Korea now pressure Stalin for a to develop China's own military capabilities Stalin agrees to send more ammunition but holds off on the transfer of military technology Stalin and Mao rivalry it's a deadlock but events would soon take an unexpected turn the 5th of March 1953 China is embroiled in the Korean War [Music] but a shocking event turns the course of the war Soviet leader Joseph Stalin dies from a cerebral hemorrhage the new Soviet leadership urges Mao to end the Korean War within months a ceasefire is called [Music] but the experience of the Korean War casts a shadow over sino-soviet relations the Soviets failure to deliver many of its promises of military support during the war convinces Mao that China has to become self-sufficient [Music] later that year Mao unleashes a five-year plan to increase China's industrial output is determined to transform China into a power no one not even the Soviet Union can afford to ignore now studying must come there was no need for Mao to be fearful of the Soviet Union and it sort of really lifted the cover of many other factors when Stalin was alive Mao couldn't review his personal political ambitions but now there is no you know reservation or hesitation from how to compete for particular influence in the socialist world when Stalin was alive Mao had to yield to his reputation and authority but now Mao sees the chance to dominate Stalin successor premier Nikita Khrushchev one year later in 1954 Khrushchev visits Beijing for the fifth anniversary of the People's Republic of China he offers many gifts to the young nation including loans that Mao is hungry for khrushchev even agrees to return Soviet bases in Port Arthur to China a major sticking point of the sino-soviet relations since 1950 sheesh you know mother don't care facilities are for that Military College operator and cinematographer for casuals okay so sure kameyama who cinema children Poker Tour money answer the Argonaut esophageal shivan buco how you anywhere joseph imagine year put on tellus touch of each other to cover two words also a llama - sir - commissioned a philosophy two years later in 1956 Khrushchev does the unforgivable at the Soviet Union's 20th Party Congress he denounces Stalin's personality cult and excesses Khrushchev's move is unprecedented the rule of Stalin has never been questioned not even by now he reminds a lot of chalice leaders including Mao Stalin was a god-like political figure even though Mao had a lot of in-home peasant relationship with Stalin during Mao's revolution ma himself as we know became studying in China he enjoyed personality cult absolute control and political power now in 1956 57 when Khrushchev was a star he was wrong ma could not accept them so mob began to criticize Khrushchev call him revisionist new Russian imperialist a leader between the communist movement to make matters worse Khrushchev puts forward his concept of peaceful coexistence with the West he believes that capitalism will fall apart from its own excesses but now believes de-stalinization will bring down the Communist world dragging China down with it you are telling the Western world that the communist system had flaws before that you know in the cold war between the west and the East there was contention there was reverie for the merits of political system these transition met to the effect that the weakens the social supports legitimacy in the moral political sense of superiority so MA was worried about that within months Mao sends a veiled challenge to Khrushchev he declares that Stalin's serious mistake was not to treat the Chinese as equals but he maintains that Stalin without doubt was a good Marxist by implying that Khrushchev's denunciations of Stalin were brash Mouse utterly positions himself as Khrushchev's superior [Music] but Mao's ambitions would soon result in serious consequences for China he begins drastic measures to overtake the Soviet Union in what would terrifyingly become known as the Great Leap Forward [Music] in 1958 Mao unleashes the Great Leap Forward an ambitious project to transform China into a modern state through rapid industrialization [Music] it's fueled by a drive to rid China of its dependency on the Soviet Union a Soviet Union that Mao thinks is distancing itself too far from its communist roots [Music] - Ally Jerry Umbach didn't renew you know function button water changing to three inches which he got by talk to the Eli by Neil I stood at that they don't talk trend retire tacos but with masses of Labor diverted to steel production there aren't enough people to farm the land with no food severe famines spread across China over the next three years it is catastrophic a combination of famine and overwork killed 38 million people a death toll unprecedented in history the Great Leap Forward was not a rational and decision-making was not based on you know expertise it was simply political decision and very emotional soft decision-making instead of claiming responsibility now officially names the period the three years of natural disasters and blames the famine on unfair Soviet policies the perception of the Soviet blame for the famine still lives on today veteran Gao Singh churn grew up during the Great Leap Forward onions their entire table i Karbala y'all more Wednesday till you check what in the dungeon Beulah we shot those Renea oh don't sell women talented researchers rewarder Virginia so when you quit unions know she was [ __ ] with industry when Khrushchev hears of the devastation he openly challenges now to shop in other side with the leaders this autumn al was crazy it's completed unrealistic completely you do to pin so you are destroying your own society and into the country so mall was very angry when he came to know those kind of Soviet perspective of his approach to to communism one year later in 1960 Mao bites back at the romanian party congress in front of the communist world Mao denounces Khrushchev as a revisionist Khrushchev retaliates by withdrawing all Soviet experts and aid from China the sino-soviet fallout is now in the open two years later in 1962 the ideological rift worsens a crisis in Cuba involving the Soviets erupts the Soviets have been secretly building nuclear missile bases in Cuba the u.s. responds with a naval blockade of the island the crisis quickly escalates throwing the world to the brink of nuclear war [Music] in a rare gesture China offers full support for the Soviet Union but for Mao Khrushchev does the unthinkable he reaches a compromise with US President John F Kennedy and agrees to dismantle missile bases in Cuba Syria to Gaza Cooper thought originally you too much the hadoo 2,000 units and a teacher hired her to yard time to warm a yacht oh what a medians on fire people eager shamash angry journey well make well how are some chicken tikka thought that and we are solely to change her doggy Mao condemns Khrushchev for what he terms cowardice in the Caribbean Khrushchev retaliates by severing all ties with China he also condemned China's nuclear arms program the breakdown in sino-soviet alliance is now complete two years later in 1964 the sino-soviet split takes an unexpected twist Khrushchev's own protegees asked him from power the new Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union secretary-general Leonid Brezhnev Mao sends a delegation to Moscow in 1965 in the hope of reviving the sino-soviet alliance but the Chinese delegation get a rude shock at the Soviet reception Marino's East Africa of Abuja URL so that you a new industry she shouts at you good wallop peruzzo two sequential panache you want me to send cheese unity yeah alright you Sam also don't concern yourself with Hamid a very important come to our cover I consider one reason why Caruso [ __ ] up yo Nemo queasy firm also don't cut the Omaha Tom would you hahaha when the incident reaches Mouse ears he decides there can be no reconciliation but all is not lost for now he plans on turning this incident to his favor using the excuse that the Soviets are attempting to sow discord in China Mao makes a deadly move the year is 1966 using the excuse the Soviets are attempting to sow discord in China Mao unleashes the Cultural Revolution it's a terrifying campaign to purge his enemies at all levels of society Mao begins targeting the top ranks of the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army he denounces his enemies as Soviet revisionists veteran GAO Singh Chen bears witness to the turmoil who do in our Hall take a sort of tuna Madonna being so that's all I'm telling you Angie Simon talented you're gonna plate it get it if you do what $24 20 nights on our table let's go gentlemen para uh your pathology the fervor of the Cultural Revolution further escalates the sino-soviet conflict it brings all of China's misgivings over it's unfair relationship with the Soviets to crisis point the long-standing offense one and a half million square kilometers of land that Tsarist Russia had taken from China in the 19th century this territorial issue becomes a nationalistic flashpoint or intense the Cultural Revolution became the more superheated the rhetoric became about the century of humiliation and while Taiwan was the number one unredeemed issue right behind it was the northern border and that was the Soviet Union so you have the old friction with Russia now being grafted on to the new quite intense friction with the Soviet Union dangerous overheating of that relationship thousands of Chinese besieged the Soviet embassy in Beijing groups even gather along China's border with the Soviet Union to shout insults at Soviet guards the Cultural Revolution convinces Soviet leader Brezhnev China must be contained Brezhnev deploys 1 million troops to the country's shared borders China retaliates by doing the same it is the most dramatic turn in state to state relations in the Cold War professor Li Zhao been served in the Army during the time he remembers the sudden hostility we had morning trails practice we use the Americans as our shooting target we paint a target as the Nixon you know big nose with a blue eyes because we were told Americans coming we need to prepared war against America all the sudden we don't know why we were told Americans not coming but the Russians well so where the change in the shooting target you know not Nixon by the Brezhnev Russians coming so we began to prepare war against the Soviet Union with increased patrols on both sides conflicts break out these are the archives Chinese officials release they show Soviet troops harrassing Chinese guards at the border [Music] [Music] Chinese media also reports a Soviet tank running over Chinese protesters [Music] Chinese fishermen are also Harris [Music] but historical records reveal both sides committed offenses with tensions running at an all-time high it will only take one misstep for both sides to break out into a full-scale war [Music] the second of March 1969 one of the most tense points along the border is a small island less than two and a half kilometers long Jen Bao island is situated in the Ussuri River to the east of hey Long's young province it sits within hundreds of metres of both Soviet and Chinese military camps Western and Soviet scholars say that under Mao explicit orders Chinese soldiers ambushed Soviet border guards here the Soviets say over 60 of their soldiers are killed but China's official tone is that the Soviets opened fire first fearing a full-scale war Mao sends more soldiers to join Bao Wang Yun Chi is one of thousands who receive Mao's order you order - yeah say yeah ah ha 1 million air - legit honey - taller the more attention [Music] they do show they were mistreated vicious Asuma see ya I paid yet a woman you went and saw at essentia I think went oh that's a total ban yeah Monsieur totally murder Susan Cooley really nice awfully Pia Pia Topeka Syngenta one week later on the 15th of March 1969 the Soviet Union launches a full-scale attack they bombard the island with heavy artillery spearheading their land assault is a devastating weapon the t-62 battle tank a weapon that has never been in Chinese hands for the pla veterans it was an impossible fight against the overwhelming soviet war machine so don't Punk rejuvenation [Music] put on negotiation don't ruin changing [Music] she's a woman putria change any shownu vs. zombie boo boo ha choonhwa tina to the band I'm Jay okay so the cheap [ __ ] hard area to depends on pooja poverty Chile Indian Association Hall Pass royal procession jungle crazy Hawaii is a cannula you do without children to support Vittoria [Music] you the attention I'm a possible take this water yeah there sugar but in a huge moral victory the Chinese army managed to capture one Soviet t60 to tank they're ordered to protect it at all cost but the Soviets launched an all-out attack to recapture their tank resulting in devastating consequences [Music] barely two days after their first offensive the Soviet Union launches another attack [Music] their goal this time the sophisticated t-62 tank that is now in Chinese hands dowsing churn is tasked to protect China's war prize at all costs hidden jaundice they don't pink wanna shock me you should tell me you ha young daughter Johnny oh yeah well meant I mean Melia are you yeah she's in the wrong sugar chunk alarm crucial mission no more than a Jewish um I did not hang to the tower homicide paddy was often D : dark chocolate imagine get it Durga Tonya changing [Music] the Soviets fail to recapture the tank but their missiles hit other targets with devastating results more than 800 Chinese are killed as the Soviets relentlessly bon barge earn bail for months their missiles even reach 20 kilometers into China as the Soviets try to wrestle gern Bao from Chinese control the veteran Wang Yang Qi the front line remains fraught with danger say AHA say near City Hall day on haunting Dada Tendo es ahora si sir Tatia tenant unhappy mes for one many NTSA each other sooner we offer to see me ashore tomorrow so you tomorrow this thing of Tommy chamber your woman ain't even funny natural man soo Gina de Guatemala we can deport yo shorty to merchants cousins how one church in Tahoe Nintendo treating shorty [Music] as stalemate sets in over gern BAU island another flashpoint develops this time on a part along the sino-soviet border more than 6000 kilometers away at the border zone of TL occur T belongs in Jiang province August the 13th 1969 Chinese frontier troops patrol thiele Kirti a Soviet taskforce responds with deadly force they kill the entire patrol and occupy the Chinese border zone the Soviets are further hardening their attitude towards China reassure our unity Surya - what the see she needs our yoga turn the bunny dark how hurt era would start - without your culture vicious we are certain he's our manager chime in jingle as the border war stretches into months Soviet leader Brezhnev considers a drastic measure to end the Chinese threat a nuclear strike [Music] the threat of nuclear war now hangs heavily over China the Soviets nuclear capability far exceeds China's in Beijing Mao orders the construction of an underground bunker city against a nuclear fallout professor Shen is a 19 year old Saudia in the Army at the time he remembers the tension in Beijing the mother tangent [ __ ] [ __ ] - what dejection Watonga what function potential money funding maker in the Waikato tomorrow 2010 every time g20 is a measure to the Treasury ocean vitality doom thousands of Chinese built a labyrinth of bomb shelters stretching almost entirely under the capital city China's cold war with the Soviet Union now reaches crisis point [Music] as the Soviets consider carrying out a nuclear strike on China to end a border war they receive a dire warning US President Richard Nixon threatens retaliation if the Soviets carry out a nuclear attack Nixon states that such an attack will be a declaration of World War three his hardline approach - is Moscow's plans for a decisive strike against China more importantly it changes the game entirely bringing the Cold War into a new era so now the game change the game of the Cold War changed from the two poles bipolar system to a triangle system now Nixon introduced new player China to the Cold War so there was triangle three poles China United States and the Soviet Union when the u.s. threatens to retaliate against a nuclear attack on China the Soviet Union is forced to assess its strategy the 11th of September 1969 Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin meets his Chinese counterpart Chou Enlai to defuse the conflict with the frosty relations the two meet only at Beijing Airport they agree to begin border negotiations by the next year hostilities cease along the sino-soviet border due to the negotiations but it would take nearly 20 years before both sides find a settlement to the border issue on the 9th of September in 1976 Mao dies ending nearly 27 years of his total rule over China a huge shift in relations occurs inside and outside China [Music] [Applause] his legacy however is immortal don't enjoy you ever see this a lot in Joshua other than wishes for them please what consolation actually impossible Putin ingenuity their unity huge them she's in her father's own so de barajas not depending on this is someone in someone into detention tons of summer means would opinion since the beginning of sino-soviet relations Mouse ambitions for China set the Alliance on a dangerous path but from the ashes of a war-torn country shamed by a century of humiliation Mao was hugely influential in shaping a fiercely patriotic nation and superpower with the decline of communism worldwide China is now redefining its role as a leader on the world stage
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 757,902
Rating: 4.7873712 out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, mao, communism, cold war, chinese documentary, sino-soviet treaty, sino-soviet war, mao zedong, communist china, the cold war
Id: azBOK69FirU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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