The End Of The Series [Every Genshin Achievement Finale]

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I have returned achievements have been got you know how it is I got a disturbing comment the other day they said I sounded down and should get some rest or hang out with your girl you heard that right hang out I could have sworn I did them all who's your girl is there a secret hangout that no one talks about maybe they're just messing with me but it's with my brain for weeks now and I've been searching high and low for this person known as your girl now this is actually going to be the fin part but wait there's no way you've got them all done by the end of this video I could have sworn you had some massive ones left well I'll explain more at the end of the video Don't Worry achievements are not going anywhere as we beginning a new series as of 4.6 something along the lines of speedr running the new patch including all new quests exploration achievements and some other objectives in there too so I'm very excited for that and uh make sure to be on the lookout but back to the topic at and we ended off last time at 1110 with 78 more achievements until we were done another day another achievement there we go good news we have Whispers In The Wind today that's what we want to see perfect I believe we are done with this there we go that took way too long all right Gotcha Day number what like six I'm going to go middle oh oh we actually did it got you number two for the day let see how we go here no we didn't get it of course got your number three for the day let's see great Fortune not what we want we want great Misfortune good news is we should be able to complete another achievement today I have finished every single Furnishing set now I just need to invite everyone and get gifts hello Mona give me the gift thank you oh wow there you go Chong Yun should be our very last if we can find him that is where the hell okay I think I've sorted it out he should just be here yep there we go that is another thing down we're at 1016 and this thing is complete now now we just need to create a few more furnishings and then yeah time for today's triple gcha see how we go good fortune it's not what we want actually it's just a double gotcha now I forgot we finished one yesterday so come on give it to me don't think that's what we want the days were starting to fly by with mainly daily and weekly tasks to complete now and it was finally time to add another task to that list fishing one of the hardest and most complain about achievements is this 2,000 fish surely it can't be that bad now a good question is where is the in zuma fishing thing oh there it is see he 20 20 20 20 and three we'll buy both of these okay we needed do two things we've caught our first fish but first of all Pon you need to get muted poon's muted and we also need to check what our starting amount is 179 only 1,821 to go the last thing I want to do as well is start a timer so I know how long this fishing is going to take and what felt like only a minute later we were done with fishing at least in inuma in just 30 minutes we got about 50 fish so not too bad so it'll all up be like 20 hours over the course of I think they take a couple of days to respawn over the next like 2 months or something that's assume we only fishing inuma though we're going to do the other regions as well we've bought a uh fishing line stabilizer so that should help us out next up we have to buy the rods for each specific region but that's going to be a little bit of time hey we need sour bait apparently I don't know what it is but I think it catches this black thing wait he doesn't wait what the hell does this guy want then not that one not that one he wants the regular bait okay apparently sure and that is an hour we are at like spot 10 I feel like out of about 40 oh what was that for by the way I missed it uh 20 fishing trees okay pretty good just over an hour in we called it there the problem I had was Toki alley Tails my Pace right now was very slow so I didn't want to rush to fishing and get the 2,000 fish and still need like five pages but 120 fish wasn't a bad start we woke up the next morning ready to get into it from now on though our days and weeks would start to fly by good news look what we have we have another reliable helper okay this time we have to defeat All The Hil shells without destroying any boxes done daily got you number one great Fortune not what we want Da got you number two not what we want we're back at again with fishing lovely I love fishing bro like we aren't getting Pages man like come on seriously oh I got a page I got a page I got a page there we go so we're two for 10 now I mean at least it's working all right that is everything for fishing today and about 30 minutes so not too bad let's see if we're getting any closer to buying this Rod yet we have seven and six left all right sure 46 47 48 49 49 spin crystals we have we need 11 more to finish the achievement so I'm going to pull up the map and let's get 11 more spin crystals there one of 11 number two three okay five six seven what's that like eight or something nine I think think I need one more should be one here maybe not must have already got it I think I see it should be it now I Chu him in I think okay give me the achievement please what why does it say 54 whatever we need six more five left four three four and five should be the last okay let's try this again and achievement oh there we go okay freaked me out for a second there but we're good come on bad luck bad luck bad luck Misfortune I think I need great Misfortune damn okay good luck Good Luck Good Luck I don't think that's what we want we have Whispers In The Wind surely it's the last one okay we done it but still got more great Misfortune great Misfortune great Misfortune don't actually know what I'm looking for here but I know I'm looking for something I don't think that's it I believe that is 48 by the way we have two more so one more day of killing that dudee oh I don't know what we did we did something they interaction cards all right okay that is all for this week on the TCG show I am almost player level 10 but this one here collecting there's another tier after this 150,000 it's going to be hard we decided to get Farming Marie J J something like that as it would be very easy to do both the Shields and summon TCG achievements but before that we needed a good deck okay perfect we now have Laya last person I want is where is he where is he there he is shung after this we should get to farming her all right we've got Jong Le now we're good to go hold up we got the wrong deck active never mind okay now we're cooking Candle in the Wind there we go baby 15 damage we're kind of cooking here by the way we do need to get 300 but we'll get there um let's get a quick little update see where we're at we're at 200 for the damage and 137 for summons not too bad you know it's been a long time when you can start calculating every single attack the opponent will do versus the attack you do and find the optimal rotation for every single situation that's how long it's been you see this rotation I can't switch to later this time I have to switch back to the ocean Ed because he's going to get killed one turn too early so now we can put our two summons out again cuz he was going to die from these two anyway so it doesn't really matter let's just end and and get this over with by the way are we getting close or what's the deal okay we're getting close on summons and then we can focus purely on Shields so we are getting up there okay and this is a perfect optimization we can switch to L this guy will die and then this guy will hit us with a burst for the shield and we'll be oh my God it's going to look so good are we are we close I like I've been doing this so so long have we have we got there oh you're kidding me9 really okay yeah cool that is one part done there you go and now we just need to take 38 more damage sounds good oh my God it's done holy it is very very late right now I am going to bed we have so much to do today a lot first up we have Tales of winter which is part of an achievement so I've got to search up how to do that let's just start from the top I guess we'll do the for one first okay that's one of three next let's go kill this unusual hilly chill of course it would be the very last and hardest spot for the last day that's yeah got him got him this is the very very very last to one there we go perfect 1026 looking good we also now have enough to do a temple on the standard Banner so I guess let's do that nothing yeah that's uh yep sure I believe these plants are done or should be close 19 minutes right [Music] okay I have died time to see if we got got unlucky today great Fortune maybe tomorrow how about this one um no awesome we have all our plants now very nice we go there's something okay the last thing to do today is fishing yay oh I got a page I got a page I got a page I got a page we're at three now we're at three damn oh fourth page oh number five I just learned something big about fishing I don't know why I never did this but if you switch it to nighttime fish respawn or if it's already night time you switch it back to day the fish respawn as well but it only works once so I mean the more you know page number six Jesus wait we're actually cooking all right we have just under 400 fish CAU and we already have seven pages bro we we we're going to be fine I thought this was going to take us like 2,000 fish but it's literally not also well one fish short for this Rod sure why this is so clutched this actually one fish here perfect we then bought the in zuma rod and got ourself another achievement for doing so my reflection down there I'm not even standing on the ground by the way that that's probably the most exciting thing that's happened in about an hour so yeah this is an ornamental fish I'm starting to be able to tell by how many B they do on the rod told you oh that's definitely an ornamental yep 100% I would put $1,000 on it yeah I told you I'm good at this we have got to be oh my God you're not even oh my god well last time I checked we on 395 and I was about to say we've got to be getting close by now and we just hit 500 that actually just looks scripted but I swear to you I didn't actually look the worst part about fishing so far is when you're at the closest possible point but you just can't reach a fish cuz it's too far on the other side like like make a closer point or make the fish don't go so far away we called it there for the day ending at 541 fish or at least that was what I thought but I remembered Co fishing was a thing back out at fishing in Inazuma in a friends World where's this man going he just having to swim man's going on a mission I don't know what he do what the heck I spot you all right that is all for me for now we are at 4 hours 38 minutes and we gathered 691 so we went up like 250 I think no 15 translation a few days had passed and it was time to get back to fishing I'm not getting any Pages by the way I'm like halfway through all my fishing inuma for today I haven't got a single page all right that's all for Inazuma we did not get any pages today so that's unfortunate okay we're at 6 hours and the very last spot for today okay that is an hour and a half I've finished all Monet leua and inuma today not bad so where do we end up for today 882 very nice so we should have this done in like the next 2 weeks I think maybe three something like that with the fishing done for the day I decided to get stuck into some TCG open World challenges I think I'm just dead here man why do they make these card thing I'm I like they're so hard H oh wait wait wait wait I have a chance here hold up yeah I think I'm just dead I can't do anything man I I actually hate TCG so much man I give up on TCG man I I I I actually hate this it's so boring that is correct I didn't even make it one challenge in and gave up TCG to be fair is not very fun for me as you have to use your brain and I mean I don't deal with none of that okay it is a Monday which means it's a new week which means we have a lot to do so let's get going starting with reliable helper so we should be able to finish this one and now we just have to clear them out quickly is the goal should be pretty easy I think should be good give it to me come on come on perfectionist there we go beautiful now we only have two commissions left for monster start that's pretty good we got more to claim today so that's good we've got to be close with all these Furnishings I reckon we're with in five oh I actually called it perfectly we're four away I knew it let's do our double daily Gater surely we get it today it's it hasn't been like 4 weeks or anything great Misfortune great Misfortune great Misfortune great Misfortune twice Lucky Fortune slip give it to me oh good okay with all our daily done oh wait we have one more I forgot we got to buy these things now I believe it is time to do the TCG lovely oh what did we do I don't even know what we did that one's the the lucky coins one okay we just need double that more than double that sorry we are very close to play level 10 by the way one more match give me my level 10 give it give it give it thank you okay I believe that is all for today on the card show there is one more thing we need to do fishing we're at 882 I think we can probably get to about 1,00 maybe 12200 today I don't I don't know what it is but some days we just don't get Pages like I haven't got a single one yet okay that is all for fishing in inuma at least again not a single page today wow awesome I have somehow wait it says the fish escaped but he's still on the rod like is this going to work it didn't it was all good we moved on to our last location all right that's all for fish today that took a very long time actually 7 hours 48 not bad I guess no toky early pages but let's see what our count is we started at 882 and we're at 1068 so only like 200 kind of lot less than I thought but that's all right okay we've got tals of winter that's good okay two of three oh we're done finally okay that is finally done now we only have one thing left in the uh teapot and that's this come on great Miss Fortune great Mis Fortune great miss close we're actually close our other daily Guta didn't work out for either but that was all good Lance here we have Adventure exam I think I don't know if this is the last one we we we're close though okay I I don't know how many we've got left in this series man our days were becoming shorter and shorter it now consisted of only checking for four things commissions lay lines double gutcher and fishing every couple of days oh and plus TCG I really only did that on the weekly reset though welfare meal come on come on give me the thing I need please nope cool all right Let's Do It Good Fortune cool let's get to fishing yay okay we got a page that's number eight I'm glad we're actually getting some okay that's inuma done I think we got what one toy Ali page yeah so we're at eight now let's move on to monster and leeway okay that seems pretty good for now 9 hours not bad and we are at 1223 so we're well over halfway now we just need probably another like 7 hours or something the next few days actually decided to go our way we got a great Misfortune slip so we could mark off one of the Guta achievements we also got another commission one done we were getting very close to being done with one stat and we also got some plants oh we also did a bit of inuma fishing as well a new week and we we have Tales of winter this might be the last one I'm not exactly sure okay I think we did fouille I don't think we've done the bottom two I'm going to go number three and then we'll do them second one second oh we got it we actually got it okay we're actually done with monst commissions like we're fully complete I am now going to move I think we just go down the list let's just go to leeway next okay this might just get us cuz our official's level 9 no never mind you see we were still missing friendship 10 with 16 characters official was our last though sitting at about one pixel below level 10 so we head to our daily lay lines to get that last little bit of XP a few days later while farming lay lines we also got the 400 lay lines achievement AKA halfway there here we have good sign today so that's a good sign this might be a achievement I'm not exactly sure though no I think we got to do it one more time all right let's try this uh Ware meal thing again I reckon I've been doing for a month now and I still haven't got it so this is annoying it had now been a long time since the start of this episode and it was finally 4.5 update day all right it's update day I guess we have more achievements or something I don't know so we've got a story Quest and we've also got a new hangout for Lynette so we've definitely got to do those two okay it's just updated it's 1188 so we only have to do the new hangout Quest I guess plus we've got to do geot travel diary okay we need to give him like 10 different things apparently so I guess we got to keep track of what we're giv look at this you got to scroll for the new wish page as well with this new chronicled wish it's kind of cool maybe today we get the right slip no all good nice we got it that's Zoo Tycoon for 30 we need another 70 though and we also have our plants grown so that's good okay they reset that's nice okay I believe it is time to do some fishing as well we are about to get Tokey alley tals page number 10 so that would be good uh yeah we're at nine so we might be able to finish it today we got it we got the last page let's go that was like 2 minutes in anyway shall we craft the final book I think so done Tales of monstrous Madness done complete I don't have to fish in in Zumer anymore hey final spot for the day oh that's awkward that's really awkward all right that's it that is it for today well not it for today but it for fishing what are we at we are at 1603 okay not bad let's go and do a lanette's hangout I think and we have been going for a good like 20 minutes now we haven't even got to ending one do it always this log okay there we go that's done that is ending two okay that was very quick hey ending what three I think you can skip now in in Hangouts I don't know if that was always a thing but I swear I've never seen that before I can't do my hangout because I'm waiting on the Cheery Quest that's annoying that's all right whatever okay now we can go back okay we got something I saw it I think that was one of the extra ones yeah no cuz we still got one more ending done done done done done everything's done and with our three new achievements from The lyette Hangout Quest we had now finished everything for update day we do have the story Quest still but like do we care about that for the moment not really also what what is this I was in the co-op Tab and I just saw this I didn't even know this was a thing someone smart tell me what's going on here a few days pass and you're not going to believe it but we actually got it the final gcha achievement I think we're going for that for like 3 months all right we're back at at fishing again I love fishing we're now fishing in Fontaine which is a first should be able to get like 1,700 fish though I I I was just fishing and I got sucked into a quest I I don't know what I get for this Quest but I don't like starting quests and not finishing them oh just 20 Primos okay okay how how the hell did I scare these guys off I I didn't even fall in the water it was all whatever man all right we're at 1780 I guess we call it there for the moment there is one more thing I want to do and it is where is TCG here I want to do this one I just need to use three Elemental bursts real quick okay wait we're actually just too strong we we actually just can't do it cuz we're too strong whatever that's fine we'll do it next time you know what it we're going to do some more open World stuff I'm I'm feeling up for cards right now so let's do it I hate when they make a deck for you man I I I actually just hate it cuz I have like a set strategy uh whatever man okay we won somehow I actually just have have no clue what I was doing I was spamming buttons and it worked okay and we got the three Elemental bursts good we are two away actually too away from being at 10:50 11:50 sorry all right get out of my way leor or whatever your name is who's the last who wants it you everin I don't know what her name is man oh I hate these challenge ones man all right who else we got oh we got people in Fontaine let's do it get pan you suck Remia let's go I'm going to reset that is such a unlucky start I'm resetting okay that's better that's what I'm looking for all right she sucked next one prunier let's see it buddy I'm at Max capacity never mind think I'm just going to stop there for the moment we're at 100, 439 so we're getting close hey Google what is 2/3 of 600 the answer is 400 am I dumb I just I'm so I don't know man Lance all that is l l dead lines what I I don't know B right I don't know if we can get 220 today but we'll see how we go I guess bro I I literally cannot reach this fish man come on come forward let us check out Pace by the way I believe we're going to be like well into the 1900s 1946 we have 54 more fish wow we can actually do it bro this fish is just not getting on the hook come on come on come on no that's it that's it you're done how about this huh C down C down C down C down don't go left don't go left don't go left down yes I'm starting to be able to talk to the fish all right where we at where we at where we at where we at 77 all right 40 no what how am I so bad at math hey Google what's 2, - 1,977 the answer is 23 it's 23 no no no my fish disappeared man what okay okay okay okay okay we we have 10 minutes I got to beat 15 hours what are we at what are we we at we got five more five more five more five more five more that's one that is two w four oh my God last fish holy and ladies and gentlemen that is it we have completed probably one of the hardest challenges 14 hours 51 and 59 seconds that is wow we did it let me claim these bad boys I might I might need to flex this for a little bit actually let's go put that on here we go I just want to show how much of a no lier I am with us being so very very close to 1150 we decided to keep going onto the TCG open world challenges we only need 50,000 lucky coins so we got to grinding zaru City let's run it as fan let's do it all right well we're restarting this match that didn't go very well I got a new strap let's just use wander and them up oh we only got one we got three 00 for that man I'm actually I'm actually over this all right Fair let's do it n this this game this F I man everything that could go wrong went wrong run at sick zubar ra okay that didn't work out very well barely got through that one let's do it Sila I man I don't know my God look at our die by the way I think we have enough to do a fewer Nemo things let's do it air what do I got to do trigger some reactions done get rolled a Mia there's so many places to challenge man I didn't realize there was this many run it Sarah well that was easy I lost two Health oh we're at Max again man do it dancing girl he sucked who's next Lam see if you're any good she was weak who's next what are we at by the way something High 125 okay halfway there SC just solos this person you Howard oh gave me a random Deck cool I win get Maia what we at what we at what 132 what the is an action card I don't know what they are I keep collecting them though but I'm going too slow now I'm searching it up oh don't worry I'm dumb as it's just the cards just use the cards got it a back let's do it easy IB back wasn't a challenge this guy was absolutely pissed by the way all right we got five more people okay four more oh my God thank God we were almost out of card chall I searched the entire map and I finally found some people bro these guys give like nothing they give 1,250 that's just not worth it okay another 1250 see Lander okay another 1250 we got to be getting really close now bro we are 2,000 uh let's just say three I about do bats this guy right here he's going to give me his the last 3 Kish yep that's 2700 that's enough I think that's enough oh but we get some random deck man man what he just healed I'm over this going to end just don't kill me please just don't kill me thank you bro my rolls have been look at my rolls man whatever who cares okay don't revive I swear to God if this guy revives I'm done oh never mind he died again don't worry we're all good that is it that's done it's done it's done it's done but that wasn't the end of it there was still one more achievement to get the 600 action cards a couple of challenges later and we had completed that though now this is actually where we're going to call it we are missing achievements though which I am going to be grinding for until I hit 100% but there is zero content left in it as everything is now time gated there is not a single other thing I can do other than log in and do a daily or weekly task for like 2 minutes and that's really it I have 29 achievements from commissions one from capturing 70 more animals which is locked behind a weekly reset one from L lines which is still a good month and a bit away and four from crops that is all I'll still be making a video on whenever I hit 100% which is still a good while away but for now be on the lookout for the Patch videos I'm going to be going really hard on those ones anyways I hope you all understand and also enjoyed this series it was uh a lot of fun until next time goodbye
Channel: weightless
Views: 54,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, achievements
Id: xqXYClWyI3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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