How Much MONEY Do Minecraft Servers Make?

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how much money does Hypixel make how much money does that SMP you play daily make how much money do extremely pay to win and exploitative servers like purple prison make what about YouTuber servers how much do they make all questions I'm sure many of you have contemplated at one point it's no surprise that Minecraft servers can make absurd amounts of money how much have you earned from Minecraft servers in total around 2 million but the real numbers for almost all of them are shrouded in mystery until now I managed to track and calculate how much money a variety of different Minecraft servers made with play accounts ranging from 10 to 10 000 and they had no idea I was doing it what I discovered was actually very eye-opening here's how I did it Minecraft servers rely on donations ranks cosmetics and other purchasable Goods to stay in operation they all have an online web store where you can purchase such Goods some of which even have a section listing the usernames of players who have made purchases and even smaller selection of servers actually list what was purchased by the player as well and in even rarer circumstances list exactly how much they spent now this recent purchases section is not extensive at all most having a maximum of 5 to 10 recent purchases displayed which for some servers may only be purchases made within the past hour or two but if I could document and track every single one of these purchases made 24 7 over a period of 30 days that would basically allow me to calculate exactly how much money these servers made per month and so I did exactly that I asked cortex from the Minecraft at home team to make a program that would track and document every single purchase made on Minecraft server stores and then ran it for 30 days I hand picked a selection of 19 servers ranging from play accounts as low as 10 to 20 to as high as 10 000 containing a large variety of game modes and mini games and tracked exactly how much money they made over a period of a month I included extremely paid twin servers crack servers servers from other countries YouTuber servers and even some unpaid win Service as well and ultimately using this data we can calculate how much money Hypixel makes being the very first to do so let's take a look then we'll begin with some of the smaller servers on this list and gradually work our way up coincidentally the smaller servers are non-pay to win as well remember the numbers I tell you here by the way because later on in the video we'll display how they stack up to pay to win servers the first server we tracked is PVP gym a german-based practice Minecraft server which is due to its region has player count Peaks as high as 200 and dips as low as 5. averaging about 100 players the server is non-pay to win and has made a total of roughly 917.96 US Dollars during the 30-day time period we tracked with their 50 Euro rank muscle man being the most common purchase however most interestingly PVP Gym's top 4 donators who contribute about 275 dollars to that total all bought either temporary or permanent cheating on bands this is something I didn't even know existed but PVP gym allows players to not only buy unbans for permanent bands but also unbans for temporary bands which is responsible for a good chunk of their revenue next we have massive craft a factions RPG Minecraft server who are the original creators of the Minecraft Factions plugin and game mode by the way massivecraft is a server with immense history having a massive Wiki dedicated to it with a lot of RPG law and information it's truly one of the most influential Minecraft servers of all time the server which is now over 11 years old is also one of which is Euler compliant and it's basically non-paid win as well averaging a Play account of about 40 to 50 and peaking at close to 100 massive Crafters making about 1 170.54 US dollars a month with their one month as a premium rank being their most commonly sold rank this is another thing you'll notice many servers now only have temporary or subscription-based ranks rather than lifetime ones Archer MC is a prison server regularly peaking at over 1 000 players and having a player count average of about 500 or does it Archer MC is paid to win and features a lot of purchasable rank Banks items commands robots creates a battle pass and much more but only made 1256.96 and with a sizable chunk of that coming from about four to five players how was such a popular server making so little will I logged on to find out the owner who was nice enough to ignore me wasn't much help which is surprising since there wasn't very much action on this server in fact I don't think there's more than 30 people online here where are the other 400 odd players nowhere to be found it's a bothered server no surprises but even with about half the player count as the previous two servers it's still making more money can't say the same thing for me though since my last video got demonetized which is fantastic considering the content which I was demonetized for is content made for kids but you can help alleviate that with just the Press of a sub button at the end of the day they can't demonetize that no pressure of course fire vanilla is the first SMP to make this list a mostly non-pay to win server averaging about 75 to 125 players on this store we can also see the top donation to lockhe 5985 who donated a total of 170 US Dollars this month bought a 56 Mythic Rank and six 19 unbans I'm not sure what Loki is doing but he got banned six times in one month and then bought an unban every single time well regardless congrats on being top donated lucky 5985 and contributing to five vanilla's 1 693.48 earns in the past 30 days next we have high picks I mean hylex MC the scuffed pay to win Hypixel equivalent for cracked Minecraft players hilex is literally off-brand High pixel from their name to their logo Hub and Lobby designs but to their credit they are decently successful averaging about 350 to 400 players the biggest server we've talked about so far hilex MC is also our first cracked server and thus for their pay to win rank perks and Play account they have made a surprisingly small amount of money only bringing in about 1 711.54 dollars in the past 30 days this does make sense however though when you consider that their player base is people who cannot afford or are unwilling to even pay for Minecraft so the odds of them donating at all is already very low this is also noticeable with mine Barry another cracked pay to win server except mine Berry is over two times as big as Hilux MC peaking at over 1500 players daily for such a high Play account mind Berry is only making three thousand four hundred twenty one dollars per month this the disparities in cracked server earnings will be interesting to analyze when we get to the bigger crack servers later on in the video next we have another non-pay to win practice server stray is a growing 1.9 plus PVP server averaging around 100 225 players daily Strays stray rank is their clear most popular with a total of 62 purchases helping them earn a total of about 225 dollars in the past 30 days is next and other basically non-pay to win server averaging about 125 players with two Big Spenders Reaper ghost 187 and fardi mcfartson making up a third of the service Revenue alone life still SMP has made a total of roughly 3114 Purity vanilla is the first self-described Anarchy server on this list although is slightly different from traditional Anarchy featuring two or three rules making it vanilla Anarchy the server averages around 75 players is also non-pay to win and has had quite a good month I guess as a server has earned a total of roughly 3161 now ultimately that that was the last of the non-pay to win servers as now we begin encountering what's known as semi-pay twin servers vanilla Europa is the first server we'll talk about a semi-vanilla server with a top donation rank costing about 164 dollars vanilla Europa of course has the infamous crate and crate Keys which will also begin encountering much more often now and while the server averages about 50 to 60 players one of the lower play accounts of any server we've talked about so far it still has made a healthy 3612 about three times as much as massive craft a non-paid win server with a very similar average player count here's another SMP melon s p a server I am slightly familiar with of which is your most generic copy and paste fruit themed SMP like the 72 other servers exactly like it the server is quite small as well averaging about 40 to 50 players yet is pulling in about 3918 US dollars per month once again displaying the disparity between semi-pay to win and non-pay to win servers things begin increasing now not player count wise but cold Hard Cash Wise mine view is another smaller pay twin server claimed to have 180 people online when in reality they only average about 75 to 80 players it is making 4 646 dollars a month roughly and they have some big donators here as well our boy loan Trooper has dropped almost 700 on the server alone with a few other donors spending over 300 in the past 30 days I guess that goes to show that when you sell so many keys ranks perks boosters and more players clearly will buy a lot of them Speed MC is a server with auspiciously consistent Play account too consistent oh this server sells a lot of stuff it took me about an hour to write everything in their prices down when we went to track them and hey we can laugh at their faked play accounts all we want for reference they probably average about 60 or 70 players Network wide but it's undeniable they make some serious money from that smaller player base earning almost 5 000 US dollars in the past 30 days interestingly one of their top selling items is a battle pass something which a few servers have begun adding relatively recently mine Melia is another server which sells so much stuff that I ran out of character count on Discord just writing it all down but clearly it's working the server which regularly Peaks at over 1 000 players daily averaging about 700 is cracked but much more successful than its other Seven Seas sailing counterparts earning a bit over 6 000 US dollars in the past 30 days interestingly mind Malia has some Big Spenders by varox DC has spent 1 185 dollars in the past 30 days alone with a handful of others spending a few hundred as well what this also displays is that when you sell so much stuff I mean these guys even sell gift cards for God's sake players seem to purchase a lot of things another interesting statistic we calculated for mind Malia is their number of unique purchases out of the total of 267 purchases made in the mind melee store the past 30 days only 89 individual players made a purchase meaning that a lot of players are buying more than just one thing we are entering the big boy leagues now though as as the next service will be mentioning are all earning well over five figures per month Universal craft is the second biggest Minecraft server behind Hypixel and is also the biggest Spanish-speaking Minecraft server regularly peaking at as high as 10 000 concurrent players and being paid to win you would think that due to this and their immense Play account that they are bringing in fact Stacks with well over 1 000 purchases made in the past 30 days Universal craft has made 20 205 US Dollars total sounds low right well remember Universal craft is a cracked Minecraft server so the fact that they convinced 1416 people who are not even willing to pay for Minecraft to spend money on their server is rather impressive the next server is also a foreign server craftmc is the second biggest server in Poland peaking at upwards of 2500 players daily craft MC is a cracked network with a variety of game modes and they have a massive catalog of purchasable goods on their store now I'm not sure how they've done it but craft them has made twenty seven thousand one hundred fifty one US dollars in the past 30 days while only having a quarter of universal cross Play account craftmc has almost three times the amount of total purchases made sitting at the highest on this list by far at 4895 purchases made in the past 30 days between 2565 Unique Individuals that is insanely High mind you so if anybody speaking polish could fill me in on why they are doing so well for a cracked server I'd love to know next up on this list we have loveafella craft a server owned by the big Minecraft Youtuber lover fella it's a server which has gained quite a bit of infamy the past few months the server averages around 300-ish players relatively impressive but the amount which they make is even more so love affili's server has ranks exceeding the 300 mark which is very high even for most paid win Minecraft servers but the real money makers are hidden in plain sight the 1000 lover box bundle why is that so funny to say has been purchased over 400 times earning the server about 3 600 US Dollars the 2800 loverbox bundle has been purchased almost 200 times earning the server over 4 300 the 5 000 loverbox bundle has been purchased almost 150 times earning the server 5208 that's over twelve thousand dollars in the past 30 days from just love a bucks alone I can see why gems and other premium currencies are so common amongst pay to win servers now with a total of roughly 1 487 purchases made between about 781 individuals loveafella craft has earned a whopping 29 612.76 dollars in the past 30 days with just an average Play account of 300 and absolutely insane amount considering the amount of players they get but love a fella would be beaten by a server arguably even more Infamous known for spoofing their play accounts hosting fake sales and never end utilizing the most egregious methods of gaining players possible buying voting spots on website so they show up first on Google having some of the most aggressive and outright predatory monetization a Minecraft server can have and being extremely difficult to DuPont and maintenance wow that was quick purple prison is a server I'm sure many of you are all too familiar with now while they do fake their Play account claim to peek at upwards of 1 000 players some days unfortunately for them they forgot to do this for one of their domains which reveals their true Play account of which is an average of about 75 to 100. purple prison has some massive whales though the biggest of any server we've seen so far love attitude lcxdd and Cat boss all spent over 1 000 US dollars in the past 30 days alone with a handful of other individuals spending well into the high hundreds love attitude and lxcdd have spent more money on purple prison than some servers like PVP gym and massivecraft with similar play accounts have earned in their entire month alone purple prison has made 32 115.73 US dollars in the past 30 days and you know what's even crazier we tracked purple prison for an additional two weeks when we were testing the program so for a total of about 43 days and they made about 48 384 dollars an additional 16k in that two weeks displaying they are making about 8K a week comfortably absurd numbers for a play count that low yet Purple prison is still beat by one server minor cube is a well-established Minecraft server dating back almost 10 years now with a lot of history it's a server which dream himself has played and promoted in his videos a server which was supposedly the first to ever given YouTube rank a server with a variety of Gamers regularly peaking at over 1 000 players daily and averaging about 750 minor Coupe has made roughly 36 000 to 227.95 in the past 30 days and during the past 43 days where they had their special Easter crates and keys available they made a total of 56 807.07 I decided to hop on their server to tell some players about how much the server had made as well as how much they had spent themselves to which they were not exactly happy with and I was threatened with a mute once or twice from their mods the very next day I went on to their store and died kid you not their disabled viewing the service purchase history here's what you used to be able to do see we can hover our Mouse over the recent purchases and see what was bought after I had some fun with their players here's what happens now clearly they weren't happy I was publicly sharing such information but I know what you are all waiting for you want to know how much money Hypixel has made now unfortunately Hypixel does not list a recent purchases section on their store however using the information from other servers we've tracked we can extrapolate and multiply to apply to hypixel's play accounts there's a few ways we can do this hypixel's normal mini games aren't really pay to win but their Skyblock is meaning they have combined elements from both non-pay to win and pay to win servers so here's what we'll do first I'm going to combine and average the revenue from every Minecraft server we've tried to excluding the cracked ones to get an average revenue earned doing so we got ten thousand and thirty five dollars then I combined with the average play accounts of all the servers excluding the cracked ones again and average them to get an overall average server Play account of which I calculated to be roughly 158 players so from my data the average Minecraft server which makes about ten thousand dollars a month has an average of 158 players which sounds high as it includes purple prison and lava fella crafts figures which are notably higher for their lower player counts we'll keep going like this for now though so knowing that high pixels average player count has been about 41 000 lately we can divide 41 000 by 158 and then multiply that by ten thousand this gives us roughly two million 594 936 that's right according to the data we've extrapolated and applied to Hypixel High pixel is earning about 2.5 million US dollars per month roughly 31 million dollars a year I'm going to exclude the outlier service now love a fella craft and purple prison and do the same calculations which gives us lower but still extremely high figure of 1.65 million per month and removing Mana Cube as well gives us a very conservative estimate of 1.46 million per month if we assume that Hypixel makes the same money as mono Cube relative to their Play Count which considering the fact that high pixel Skyblock is paid to win then Hypixel is making 1.86 million dollars per month if we do the same thing but with purple prison then Hypixel is making 14.6 million per month once again displaying how insane purple prisons player to donation ratio is I'd say that the best estimate we've calculated is the 1.65 million per month one absolutely insane now keep in mind my little study here is far from perfect and the figures are very rough Hypixel is in of itself an outlier server with no real comparison server earnings can fluctuate pretty wildly each month my owners fluctuate between 1000 and 3000 depending on the month but more on that in a video soon so my base data might not be perfectly representative but this is the best idea we're going to get without Hypixel and other servers telling us themselves the same goes for all other servers who have fluctuations and earnings play accounts and more and remember those earnings are not including maintenance costs server costs plug-in costs staff costs advertising costs and Time Investments of which can reduce each service profits by 50 if not more regardless if there's one thing you can take away from this video it's how little non-pay to win servers make comparatively to pay to win service and I can guarantee you most of the non-paid win service we tracked reinvest most of their money into server costs each month walking away with very little to no profit sometimes even losing money but that's a topic for another video this one's already too long I hope you all enjoyed this video though it took a lot of effort so please subscribe thank you all so much for watching
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 428,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft servers, how much money does hypixel make, how much does hypixel make in a year, how much money do minecraft servers make, minecraft smp, how much money do minecraft smps make, minecraft survival server, minecraft server ip, minecraft lifesteal server, minecraft lifesteal server ip, minecraft server 1.19, minecraft server hosting 1.19, minecraft duping, minecraft duping p2w servers, minecraft duping on pay to wins servers, 1.20, 1.19
Id: -6EMW1yajT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.