The Elite Shipmaster Rtas Vadum's long history with the Flood

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what is it that stench I've smelled it before hey guys welcome back I am excited because today we are talking about an elite who I believe to be the most underrated character in the entirety of Halo the shipmaster artists module also known as half jar he's one of my favorite characters ever in Halo for a number of reasons but what we're covering today has to be one of the biggest ones this is Arthur spud ohms long detailed history with the flood during the Battle of alpha halo and also the events of halo combat Evolved author served as an elite spec ops commander serving the arbiters fleet of particular justice the fleet that followed the pillar of autumn from reach to the halo he was in command of every single special operations unit within the fleet that was deployed on the ring however neither him nor his closest warriors had ever done battle on the ring despite them really wanting to within the Arbutus fleet was an agricultural ship the infinite succour which supplied the fleet with most of his food and nourishment and stationed onboard the ship was a holy prophet the minister of etiology however this crucial supply ship had mysteriously gone dark believed to be boarded by humans maybe even the demon when the orbiter learned of the ship stasis he needed to act and he needed to act fast so he summoned none other than his most valued warrior to go and investigate artists radwa Arthas then gathered his most elite warriors including a sub commander by the name of Baro crucify a legendary psyche Lee believed to be one of if not the test energy swordsman to ever exist a very close confident part us the spec ops crew embarked on to the succour and their phantom and when they arrived in the hangar bay what they found confused them it was known that eight grants were killed there but all that remains were smeared trails of grunt blood leading through the boss claws as far as the Covenant were aware humans had no interest in the dead or at least they hadn't before but they followed the blood nonetheless until they reached the mangled remains of engineers which only served to heighten the team's confusion this was unlike anything that humans had ever done before it wasn't there killing methodology it was way too barbaric and violent as they continued to move through the shed their confusion levels only rose they reached the ship's hunting preserve supposed to be teeming with animals to hunt yet all their senses picked up on was one creature believed to be some sort of parasitic infestation upon investigation they were attacked by a hulking disturbed creature and like elephant it'd ever seen before and were then assaulted by more creatures smaller yet larger in number after some fighting artists ordered easily to switch their swords and they began cutting through the foes as they came using their personal energy shields reflect some of the bullets the beasts fired eventually they were overwhelmed and they fell back through the blaster where they tried to initiate the ship's self-destruct system but to no avail it turned out that the profit on board was blocking artists from accessing any of the ship's systems in fear that he and his troops were infected and that he would use the systems to attack the Covenant and then help this strange parasite spread across the galaxy to unlock them he demanded that he and his crew made it to the medical Bay so the Prophet himself could personally see for sure that none of them would touch by the parasite so the team then fought their way to the medical Bay their numbers however dwindling in the process on the way there Arthas ordered Barrow to overload a plasma battery which effectively destroyed many of the infected on their tail when they made it to the medical Bay they were stunned to the profits approval and he revealed he was locked inside a secret security room one level down there the minister revealed what they were truly dealing with the flirt an ancient parasite that was actually present in some of the covenants religious scriptures and one of the many hurdles they have to pass to begin the great journey he'd also discovered that the flood onboard or searching for the engineering room where they could gain access to the ship's slipspace engine and use it to begin spreading across the galaxy it also turned out that the flood had begun to create a proto gravemind which was making them even more intelligent and deadly by the minute to fix this colossal mass autist devised a plan bearer was to take the remaining grunts and three elites to the hangar and signaled to their phantom to pick them up while he would take the remaining four elite to engineering and activate the slit freeze drive with a course plotted directly into the Sun this would take all of five minutes and within ten minutes they'd all be safely off the ship and the flood will be headed directly toward the Sun however the minister a typically weak profit instead insisted that they get him off the ship ASAP and destroy it remotely angered by the profit putting himself before the good of the covenant artists picked the [ __ ] up and slammed him on the floor taking his system override codes and the marking how easy it would be to just kill him and say that the flood consumed him the team sliced and diced their way through endless hordes of flood to their respective objectives on the way to engineering all three of our asses elites were killed and one of them was infected but he died an honorable death by the bleed of his commander before he could turn things were already bad but when artists finally made it to engineering things went from bad to worse the minister or at least what remained of him appeared on the monitor in front of him almost entirely infected by the flirt assimilated into their hive mind sharing all of his knowledge and information declaring that the flood now had sufficient knowledge to spread beyond the show after plotting the ship's course Arthas turned to see his sub commander the great swordsman Baro crucify semi infected stood blocking the doorway what ensued was arguably the best energy sword duel in history between the two best swordsmen arguably to ever exist the two went back and forth dodging each of the slashes and carrying each of his attacks artists used his energy shield to parry one of their swipes but he quickly followed it up with another one which could directly into art asses wrists and partly severed his mandibles with this artists managed to deliver a fatal counter-attack impaling Bearer before giving his loyal brother an honorable death ensuring that he would still join them on the great journey despite the parasites grasp on him battered and beaten artists boarded the Phantom and departed the infinity core the only survivor of this horrific event so that summarizes how artists have smelled that scent before something that I actually didn't know that I found out when I was researching for this video was that this operation was actually a cut level from hero - that got repurposed as part of the graphic novel I mean it's pretty similar in theme to the gas mine mission miss arbiter and Oracle so I'm assuming that it ended up getting repurposed as Mo's but school would have been pretty cool in Hilo - to have an almost flashback mission to the events of seee but from a different perspective to actually see this happen in-game but either way I'm really happy that we eventually got this story told in some form because halo 2 alone made artist one of my favorite halo characters of all time and this story only enhanced that we seriously seriously need him back alongside arbiter in halo infinite it's like God the things I would do to get this character back just if he does come back please don't recast him his voice is so [ __ ] cool and dare I say iconic it would be a real shame to lose it we shall cut into the heart of this infestation retrieve the icon and any flood that stand in our way also this video is a sort of a remake of a video that I made about two and a half years ago back when I only have like 6,000 subscribers I figured that I'd update it and the sort of modern hidden experience style now that we're almost at 200,000 subscribers which is absolutely mind-blowing and also because I love this story and also this character so [ __ ] much so I hope you guys enjoyed quick announcement now that black ops for results most of you guys know that I'm a huge Dom be span I'm actually gonna be streaming zombies very regularly over on my twitch channel so it's slash hidden exterior don't follow me maybe come stop by every now and then it's just something different from Halo that I'm not gonna do on this channel but I'm gonna do over on Twitch just for fun so check it out I wanna give a big thank you to all of my patreon boys for supporting me ardan tomahawk Evan Momo chica taught me yamir Matthew Pierre Tony Jim Zack Jack Madden Eric Brown Sam Grafton brew 98 Hayden woods Gareth Davies and Murphy Brown thank you so much for watching guys I really appreciate it and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 846,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo Flood, Halo 2, Halo Elites, Halo Rtas Vadum, Halo Graphic Novel, Halo The Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor, Halo Arbiter, Halo Shipmaster, Halo Energy Sword, Halo The Flood, Alpha Halo, Halo Reach, Pillar of Autumn, Rtas Vadum backstory, Halo Flood stories, Halo CE, Halo 3, Halo 2 Flood, Halo 2 cut missions, Halo lore, Halo Flood lore, Halo 2 Anniversary cutscenes
Id: AZ7Pgxu3Xqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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