The Elder Scrolls Lore: The Underking

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[Music] [Music] the under king or the evil one was a cryptic dignitary shrouded in mystery and myths known throughout Tamriel in the third era and by some reports even earlier his armies of living and undead followers were called his agents and he was understood to be against mana Marco the king of worms and his sect of necromancer's the under King was one of seven groups in the iliac Bay region that performed a considerable part in the affairs before and during the warp in the West in the third era 417 the under king was the old bugbear of fables chronicled back to the initial years of the Septim dynasty some legends characterized him as an incredibly aged and incredibly mighty lich or at least something similar to him other tales allocated he was an arc mage in life the most compelling and impressive mage who ever existed somehow this mage lost his heart and his very existence was reconstructed the mages heart disappeared and lacking it the under can cannot truly survive or perish there are conflicting records of the under Kings origin though the tales divides some parallels the second era saw emperor Tiber Septim conduct an array of battles with the intention of dominating or otherwise ameliorating all of Tamriel at his flanking was the Imperial battle mages are in arctas the closing years of the era saw the Empire turn its concentration to morrowind rather than pursue bloodshed the tribunal endorsed an armistice while the definite terms were never revealed it was hypothesized that the mortal God vivec complied to hand over the new midium to the empire a gargantuan brass golem forged by the Dwemer to assist in dominating the summerset isles it was also hypothesized that is there an artist perform a considerable part in negotiating the armistice with the potential of the new medium the Empire could effortlessly overthrow the second old Ameri Dominion but there was a complication Numidian would not operate by Tiber Septim zorder Zirin arctas created an extraordinary relic that gave its wielder the potential to manage the Empire's new weapon the totem of Tiber Septim the battle mage also planted an insignia on the totem and even not of the Septim genealogy or at least of royal ancestry or holding it as sinks per human aspect would be annihilated if they pursued to utilize it but the totem was insufficient new medium did not possess a power source the Dwemer had initially used the heart of Lorcan but this was no longer accessible undaunted a substitute source of power was created a large green gem known as the Mantella which was soaked with ARC das's own soul new medium was revived in the second era 896 a trimmin and elsewhere and the isles were no contests for its horrendous power it is said that the obstruction of a Lenoir persisted only an hour before the altmer submitted Tamriel was consolidated and the emperor announced the beginning of the third era after the following year Tiber Septim deceived his battle mage however once the Empire's adversaries were destructed the Emperor started utilizing the medium to destroy the nonpartisan royal families of Tamriel and Institute loyalists Zirin arctas enraged at this mistreatment engaged for cover the Mantella and the clash that occurred both sir anarchists and Numidian were decimated and the Mantella their mutual heart was blown into the realm of a serious the totem of Tiber Septim was also obscured as the debris of new medium was shattered across Tamriel and arctas severed from the Mantella flattened into a condition of semi slumber in an underground depository somewhere in High Rock as the third era advanced the Empire's exclusive soldiers who would come to be established as the blades were assigned with assembling the d'ĂȘtre dis of new midium their anarchists became known as the under king and dispatched his subordinates forth in pursuit of the Mantella another record tells that the under king was East mayor Wolf's hearth a high king of Skyrim in the first era who regularly came back to life at multiple points in history and was a living embodiment of Shore the Nordic version of Lorcan his arm sowing embodiment the ash King is said to have been conjured back to life to clash with the Dwemer at the Battle of Red Mountain in the first era and again to Red Mountain in the second era 572 to confront the second akaviri invasion some details of the second battle mentioned the Ash King as the under King wolf Arthur under King was a confident - and classified otherworldly associate of healty early beard who would in the future become emperor Tiber Septim when the emperor shifted his concentration to morrowind under king advised him to dominate the land as wolf hearth had a long animosity towards elven kind nevertheless the armistice was endorsed alternatively wolf hearth felt misled by the compromise given to the dunmer and relinquished the Empire without the under king Tiber Septim discarded hope of conceiving a unified Tamriel meanwhile as new midium was now possessed by the Empire Tiber Septim had ziran arctas examine and research it the battle mage ultimately learned of the Battle of Red Mountain of new mediums genuine intent and potential and of the under Kings engagement however his examination was discovered off fragmentary Dwemer schematics arctas came to the final judgment that Numidian was energized by the heart or life force of lorkans visceral anatomy that is his mortal embodiment both hearth upon listening to this disclosure Tiber Septim understood that with no medium he could fulfill his occupation of Tamriel and position a ruse for wolf hearth the under King reappeared upon being informed that the emperor had settled to attack the tribunal after all but was greeted by the Imperial Guards a battle occurred in which certain arctas cast a soul trap spell on the under King as he perished Wolf's horse heart ripped a hole through CERN's chest executing him the emperor then arrived gathered the soul gem consisting of wolf horse heart the Mantella and blanketing up the event by allocating arctas had been murdered while pursuing a feat no medium was then utilized to dominate the summerset isles soon after the battle of rotting undead wizard materialized and blue new medium to shards though he was then destroyed by the new mediums death struggles Tiber Septim was then crowned first emperor of Tamriel and reigned for 38 more years he was prevailed by his grandson Pelagius the first to whom the under king also emerged again declaring to have been sent by Tiber Septim to aid the new emperor to run his empire during the Imperial simulacrum the eternal champion was known to have encountered the under king subordinates who were characterized as dogmatic and apparently deranged of peculiar note the champion was assigned with reclaiming a document from the den of goal fog the dark a goblin chieftain told have been a necromancer and service to the under King and Hammerfell in return Queen blue banca of rehad aided in unearthing the position of a fragment of the staff of chaos the eternal champion also reclaimed the ring of kijiji from a catacomb in Black Marsh where had also been concealed by the under King and the third era 401 the position of the Mantella was determined by no fogger the sorceress queen mother of Daggerfall around this time emperor Uriel Septim the seventh was told that the totem of Tiber Septim had also been discovered four years later Uriel the seventh sent an agent of the blades to the iliac Bay district to inspect the death of King Lysander sub Daggerfall and also to discover an absent letter he had penned to that Kingdom's Queen the under king figured notably in many of the affairs to follow ultimatum in the warp in the West Prince Arthur go of Sentinel eldest son of King Cameron and queen occur a fee had disappeared in the third era 400 a well-known tale was that he had been captured by the under King Prince lo tun wanted to know the full account and hired the agent to discover more information with the aid of the under Kings minions the agent was able to discover the truth that the king and queen were behind the vanishing of Prince Arthur go the agents efforts in Sentinel ultimately led to being contacted by the under King to recapture an item taken by mana Marko and his necromancer's which they had profaned and given to the blades the agent was able to penetrate the blades refuge in a colon and reclaimed the item before it can bear harm to the group the agent ultimately determined that King Lysander's had been killed by Lord would born an aristocrat from way rest in an attempt to obtain influence and that he had for some time been in control of the totem of Tiber Septim the agent then reclaimed the totem from the heavily guarded depository of Castle Daggerfall which promptly started a bidding battle between seven extensive powers of the iliac bay including the empire for its custody the under King was one of these and made his offer centuries ago a Tiber Septim ruled the land and fortune Empire with great Numidian the secret of new mediums power lies in its heart carried within the Mantella it is the heart of Tiber Septim battle mage it is my heart it is my Mantella it is my totem it belongs to me and to none other I have won and lost an empire I have no desire to tamper further with mortal of I have in my possession necromancer's amulet one of the world's greatest artifacts you may have it in exchange for the totem in the end the agent gave the totem to the under king then navigated to a serious and reclaim the Mantella at the under king's command a new medium was stimulated once again he aroused from centuries long slumber pursued across the bay to come into contact with the automaton and reunited with his heart and a colossal explosion for an abrupt moment he was flesh and blood again then finally capable to receive the true death he had so long desired the elimination of no medium conceived an anti-magic sphere of a several miles radius encompassing the area and possibly through some array of time contortion each of the other six parties synchronously collected the totem as well and triggered new medium to their own terms the developing catastrophe forever mutated the kingdoms of the iliac bay and the occurrence was later titled by the blades as the warp in the West in the third era 433 the champion of Cyrodiil navigated to the crumbling ruins of sank Rhetor in the Jerell mountains to reclaim the armor of Tiber Septim the ruins had been secured by the blades in the third era 36 after four representatives have disappeared from within once inside the champion confronted the ghosts of the four blades who had been profaned by the under King along with the rest of the ruins with their aid the champion was able to breach the curse and reclaim the armor [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
Views: 84,292
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Keywords: elder scrolls lore, the elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls daggerfall lore, the underking lore, elder scrolls the underking lore, the underking, underking lore, elder scrolls zurin arctus lore, elder scrolls ysmir wulfharth lore, elder scrolls numidium lore, elder scrolls tiber septim lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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