The Efficient Home Video Studio for 2020

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well now that we're all homebound and deep into planning what we're going to bring into the world next I thought people might like to know a little more about how I bring these videos to you you might want to replicate that with your audience so you can make awesome sales videos coaching videos or course videos and make them in no more time than it takes to read the script now a couple of years ago I showed everyone how to you know to set up a home studio complete with green screen but two years is a long time in the video world I've made a lot of changes since then you may have seen them without knowing exactly what they were only that things look a little nicer than they used to well hopefully except for my hair you know I can go to Mars in my videos but I can't get my hair cut in real life you know I know people are really suffering now and I'm I'm so lucky to have this as my complaint I hope your problems are few so let's go behind the scenes now and look at everything that makes up home studio 2.0 for 2020 and this gotta mean something [Music] before we get into this let's set the two-fold purpose of this studio number one make the highest quality video possible including green screen and to make the videos in no more time than it takes to read a script so set up a system that represents the straightest possible line from the mere thought of a video to getting it on that memory card just the way you imagined it and the purpose of this video will be to show you how and why I've set mine up the way I have we'll start from the back wall and move to the front along the way I'll show you the items I'm using while occasionally giving you the budget alternative okay first of all room size this is all based on the room size of most homes and offices this one gives me 12 and a half feet of width times 11 feet of depth I mean after you hang the green screen of course which cuts off a foot and a half of the depth otherwise it would be 12 and a half you know square feet so if you wanted to use all the depth possible you would paint the wall or hang the screen from the ceiling I don't want to do that because someday I may want to sell the house but more to the point I also want to use black screen and other color screens as well for when I'm building courses so that foot-and-a-half it's an acceptable trade-off but recently I realized I needed more space from side to side see when you hang your green screen from 2 light stands the legs of the stand take up a whole foot per side that means you're 12 and a half feet is suddenly ten and a half feet so I ordered some C stands to replace the light stands why because I could fold their legs right up against the wall and reclaim those two precious feet now I can show more and that gives the whole video a more spacious feel now the company that made my green screen went out of business but the technology is still alive fortunately and in this example like mine it isn't reflective which is a good thing it doesn't wrinkle easily and it comes with reinforced holes along the top for suspending from a frame which is pretty much all you could ask for and I don't really see a budget alternative to this except for maybe a smaller room so a smaller screen next since we're building this studio around the idea of getting a perfect green screen result you may want to use soft boxes as many of us do to get enough light spread evenly but now I supplement these with four little LED lights and two larger fluorescent lights to get more coverage on the screen so two panels right and left down low two of these longer fluorescent lights on the floor to light the center of the screen one panel up high in the center to light the top and one panel or a backlight aimed on the subject which kills the reflected green light off the screen by the way this works just as well with larger LED lights in place of the softboxes if you wanted to reclaim even more space from side to side that would be the way to go it's just more expensive but it definitely works now for a detailed look at how this green-screen piece is done check out my video and the PDF called the ultimate green screen resource guide ok so let's move on to the camera we're 5 feet from the lens here normally and my tripod needs another two feet to handle the teleprompter tripods the way we use them don't need to be very portable but they do need to pan and tilt they need to be able to hold at least 12 pounds the teleprompter should be easy to see and easy to use you may have heard me talking about the Caddy buddy as it's a good solid alternative to standard teleprompters like mine but I like being able to operate it remotely which makes your life so much easier so I get my full-size teleprompters from prompter people and use prompt smart studio for the software because unlike their tablet based product it works in the real world so you never have to stop shooting because your software suddenly froze and now the centerpiece of this whole studio the camera any prosumer camera with a zoom lens can give you a shot from at least the waist up from this distance but we're not using a fixed lens camera anymore that's the biggest change I've made in four years we're using the Panasonic gh4 mirrorless camera why because the footage can be up to four times sharper with two times the color sampling which makes doing green screen effortless it also just makes a nicer image before this camera I would spend you know several minutes sometimes tweaking the footage in Final Cut Pro [Music] [Music] but when I just didn't want to do that anymore with this camera I just dropped the keying filter onto the timeline and there is the green screen it's done I literally don't have to do anything more to it you still have to light it right or it's a complete disaster no matter what camera you use but once you do the green-screen process is transparent as a budget alternative as well as a much easier to use option there's a Sony rx100 which I shot the last minute with or the newer ax 700 both will give you very good results I shot a hundred green screen videos for this blog with the older ax 100 but just like any prosumer camera you need an audio adapter to get the sound from a good mic back into the camera because sound is so much more important than most people think it's what carries emotion intent meaning and sense if it's subpar so is your message for great sound we recommend the comic uh audio mixer which fastens right on to the camera and becomes part of it I use a Sony wireless mic system - excellent budget alternatives are the Sennheiser wireless with base station or the Sony ECM law next you'll need a monitor of some kind to help you get centered on the screen the reason is that your flip out screen is going to be covered by the shroud that sits over the teleprompter for that I use this I can model but since it isn't made anymore my next choice would be the I can Sega seven-inch high brightness on-camera monitor just connect it to your camera with an HDMI cable and you're good to go and that's it so is this the only way to set up your space heavens no but it works for me it all fires up in a minute and I only spend a few minutes a week shooting sure it takes a little while to set this up any good system does but then anytime you want to make a video it'll be there waiting for you the budget alternative to all this would be studio on a stick but that's a whole different story again this is for someone who wants their videos to be as sharp as they can be without taking days to make one I know this is going to give you quite the shopping list but keep in mind there are some items that will last almost forever I've had the soft boxes and some of my microphones for ten years so knowing what wants to be replaced and supplemented is kind of the trick but that's what you keep me around for right thanks for thanks for washing your hands and we'll see you next time on the visible authority [Music] you
Channel: Steven Washer
Views: 72,044
Rating: 4.9281435 out of 5
Keywords: home video studio, home greenscreen studio, better greenscreen videos, Video Production tips, better video production, Visible Authority, Steven Washer
Id: 1bNromvJAgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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