How to get a flawless greenscreen shoot in a tiny room

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a lot of people say they have a hard time making video because they just don't have the space it's like some meteor came down out of the sky and exploded in there 300 square foot Manhattan apartment and this just won't do for an image conscious audience or one that's hypersensitive to misperception or god forbid both which pretty much describes almost all of my clients and customers how about yours so what if you could make all of this irrelevant all of this background noise what would that do to support the kind of stories you want to tell support your brand so let's find out let's look into this and discover exactly how to turn this liability into an asset [Music] hi i'm steve washer with and welcome to the background actually this is one of the most popular ways that people do videos they get an idea to make a video they don't really think about what's around them and they just start shooting and the problem is that doesn't necessarily support their message for instance this particular room is one in our house that we that we kind of like it's sort of a combination bookstore coffee shop but on camera it looks a little bit more like you know an episode of Hoarders and that's not really going to support anyone's message and so even when people become conscious of this problem sometimes what they do is just take a blanket maybe you know throw it over the chandelier throw it over some things in the background but all that does in the end really is point out the fact that they're not really dealing with the problem but well that is one thing you can do the other thing that you can do is get a full-frame DSLR camera with a fancy-schmancy lens and just put the entire background out of focus works for me in order to do that in a room that's 10 by 10 10 by 11 you'll need a full-frame sensor type DSLR camera that will run about 2,500 dollars and the fixed similans and at least another 600 dollars the one that I'm using is stationed like 42 miles down the road I can barely see it from here I think it's gonna have to turn in an an expense report for a travel day the other complication with a setup like this is that it is a sensei level camera so there's quite the learning curve so why don't we try yet another way something that will allow you to put in whatever background you want behind you and that's not quite so difficult a learning curve ready let's take a look now so here's what I think is just about the ultimate way to do that and that is just to cut out the background altogether and put in whatever background you want and of course I'm talking doing green screen but not the way we've done green screen in the past because what everyone has told you and what I've told you as well for such a long time is that you need to have eight feet between the green screen and the subject you standing in front of the camera but what I've discovered lately is a little bit of a loophole we're not gonna break the laws of physics we're just gonna bend them a little bit on your behalf but before we do that I need to explain to you generally speaking how green screen works so what uses four lights two of them are set up in front of the green screen itself you've got one here it's about three feet away and you've got one here it's about three feet away also and these are special lights there are soft boxes soft boxes are really cool they're big and bulky but they make a very diffuse kind of light and that means that the light doesn't create harsh shadows and so it's easier to get a nice even coverage across the green screen which is key one of the keys to making it work so well now I want you to pay attention to what I'm gonna do next because this is kind of the key to bending reality here a little bit watch what happens as I move closer and closer to the green screen oh now I'm being lit very very warm that's exactly what we don't want to have happen so I'm just gonna walk out and for the green screen until I'm no longer lit by these lights there's three ways you can tell one you can kind of tell out of your peripheral vision that you're no longer being lit two you can kind of see a line on the floor where that light stops and three you can just look here and see that the light is being ended here by the cover of the lighting instrument itself so as long as you step in front of that maybe give yourself just another few inches for a margin of error you can have a perfect green screen you can have any kind of background that you want as far as the background is concerned now as far as the rest of it remember I said there were four lights we've got to hear and where are the other two well the other two are right here you can't see them right now because one is right next to the camera on this side and when it's right next to the camera on this side and the purpose of those lights is just to light you it doesn't matter if they like the green-screen or not the green-screen is happy it's got--it's it's already being lit it's it doesn't need anything else so you're being lit separately and the green-screen is being lit separately and everybody is happy and we have a really really nice background and now your background can support your message it can support your story it can support whatever it is you want to get out to the world so that's my little recommendation for today now sometimes it's a little bit tricky to set up these things there's different formulas and algorithms and measurements that you want to take to make everything work just right and so you know I've created a free three part series that takes you all the way through doing green screens all the way through the shoot so if you'd like to sign up for that just click below and be my guest and that's it for today for happier audiences i'm steve washer with [Music]
Channel: Steven Washer
Views: 249,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video marketing, online video marketing, video production, greenscreen, chromakey, video lighting, greenscreen tutorial, free greenscreen course, greenscreen tools, Steven Washer, visible authority, web video marketing, #videomarketing, greenscreen tips, greenscreen lighting, lighting greenscreen, how to light a greenscreen, shooting greenscreen, greenscreen lighting setup, video marketing tips, video marketing for business, video marketing strategy
Id: -jeqx-xoiA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2016
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