Creating a Home Lecture Video Studio

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it's that point in the semester where I'm updating my lecture videos for the next semester so I thought this would be a good opportunity to update my little makeshift studio as well going from a space that looks like this to a space that looks like this so if you are interested in learning more about my cameras my camera settings my lighting my sound as well as everything that went into this build stick around [Music] I've been teaching at North Hennepin community college in the areas of business marketing sales advertising for nearly the last 15 years many of the classes that I teach are online so for the last several years I've been trying to create videos that look like this so that I can enhance the dynamic elements of the classes that I teach taking some of the things that I do in the classroom and bringing them online for the students that can't get to class and can only take online classes they've gone through many iterations looking like this or this or this or this I'm always trying to make them better to engage students and to really get the point across on the classes that I teach the beautiful thing is that students have told me you can pause any one of my videos at any time and my face will look completely ridiculous and I'm alright well minute so what went into this build there's a few factors that went into place before anything else it has to be the studio has to have a clean quick setup meaning that I need to just walk down the basement turn on the cameras turn on the lights and go if I'm making constant adjustments beforehand it can make a quick 10 to 20 minute lecture video into a half-day or full-day process which then you just procrastinate and you don't do them to begin with so it had to be set up a dedicated space ready to go and really that is the main consideration I wanted to have multiple angles because we're used to watching YouTube videos or watching used to watching Instagram and seeing when things move from one to another a static a stay a static shot might end up sounding like this you Buhler and those are really my main considerations so what went into this build let's start at the beginning first the backdrop I had a lot of different ideas for the backdrop whether it was paneling or faux wood but I went with just a clean painted canvas backdrop that I'd had for photography that I just really didn't like much but I thought I could work for this video so I adhered it to the rafters in my basement and I'm sitting about 20 inches in front of it so it gives it a little bit of a nice blur and we'll see might be something that I switch out moving forward the next element is really in my opinion the second most important element and that is lighting things have to be lit well especially when you're getting well into your 40s you don't want harsh lights coming down on you so starting with the lighting setup I knew that I wanted something that could be stable yet I could fold it out of the way when I wasn't recording videos so I went to my old friend galvanized piping and man I use galvanized piping for everything workout equipments shelving and a lot of different photo equipments so I wanted to create a bracket and the best place I've found to get galvanized piping actually is is Fleet Farm here locally but I created this bracket and I could have purchased a bracket like this from a photography brand for maybe 10 times as much I want to say that this whole bracket was 15 dollars I'll put the description and links to things like this in this videos information page so I adhered that to the rafters and then that's definitely gonna be something that stays however I did use a newer seest and a few brackets that again I will put in the description and brought that up on to the bracket that is able to fold out of the way I'll move around when when I'm not using it my main light this light right up above me is a godox SL 60 watt powered LED light that again puts out about 60 watts and based on my camera settings that should be enough so when I turn it off and again bring it enough color to my face it's a 30 inch or a 30 centimeter octa box and it's about 25 or 30 centimeters away from my face which is kind of a good rule of thumb but when I'm using I will include the link the umbrella actually broke so I figured it would be a good opportunity to just leave it it is double diffused to make it even softer on my aging face and like I said it's pointed down at about a 45 degree angle at about 30 centimeters away from my face now for the hair light I took two older LED lights that I had for another project and they're a little harsh and they're not meant to go into the nut this modifier but I have a small strip box that I use some zip ties to put this put these into this strip box right behind me so again when I power this off you can see that I'm still lit up a lot of video people to produce video might not use something like this but I think it just provides just enough separation between the backdrop and the subject so I put these into this I put these into this strip box and kind of macgyvered it up behind me and point it down with this strip box as well I used two two levels of diffusion and inter diffusion panel and an outer diffusion panel I also put a grid in this this strip box as a lot of the light was falling off onto the backdrop and lighting the backdrop more than I would like so there you have it light on my back light on my front of my face and the lighting was covered now I needed a table I thought well maybe I wanted to go natural wood maybe I wanted to go darker but I thought white would be good because I'm only using one light and actually a lot of this light is bouncing up and hitting my chin so it's covering and taking care of some of those harsh shadows so we're aware should I get a large white table for cheap you've already I said it I'm sure IKEA of course so when you do IKEA I have a link to this table in my description I think it was about $30 and it's about 60 inches by 30 inches which covers the full frame pretty well however I was a little cheap and didn't want to get the adjustable legs forget how much they are a piece so what did I do we'd back the galvanized piping of course I actually had some 3/4 inch piping that I even used four legs for this table I don't plan to make a lot of adjustments to it so I figured that'd probably be a cheap way of getting around this however the legs were a little bit long I didn't want the table up by my neck so what do you do when something's a little too long tack it off of course after taking three inches off of this table these table legs it now sits at about 35 inches I'm sitting in on a stool which again is a nice dynamic height I think for videos like these and like I said measuring things out for these videos is crucial so that I don't have to spend 10 15 20 minutes making adjustments now came the camera and where am I going to put the cameras I could have used multiple tripods but that was kind of messy so I wanted to actually create something that as well could fold out of the way did not look at galvanized piping but instead focused on two by fours as well with some bolts and some ball heads that could hold both of these cameras and both cameras are about 10 inches away I have a 50 millimeter looking straight at me here and then a 15 to 35 set at about 32 millimeters both of these cameras are at 2.8 and I'm shooting them at 30 seconds which is kind of the typical TV frame rate and then one over 60 and I think my ISO is up at about 250 I think the consistency between them is pretty good but again this might be something that I play with as well I will include all of that information in the description as well but again I think I'll probably make some changes going forward but for the most part I think these are videos and I think this setup will enhance my videos continue enhance my videos I typically get pretty good feedback from students I try to not take myself too seriously when describing things like pricing strategies and promotion strategies and SEO and all sorts of fun things like that which i think is kind of critical for for videos as well oh my sound my sound is actually one area that I want to improve I said lighting was the second most important as we know from listening to podcast sound is the most important right now I'm using a zoom h1 recorder and a pretty cheap a pretty cheap Sony lav mic I'm using a lav mic because there are a lot of sounds my heater just kicked on I don't know if you could hear that or not so washing machine might be going above if I used a shotgun mic I think it would pick up some additional sound but I would like a rode cells a wireless lav mic that goes right into the camera that can again make things just more seamless on the production side well there you have it there's my North Hennepin lecture set up if this is an area that interest you for vlogging or business videos I hope you learned a little something about cameras lighting sound maybe what not to do but if you do have questions let me know I also have a link to a full blog post that focuses on again some of the closer image shots as well as my gear list that I use for this so again my name is brave EEP renzlo I appreciate you taking some time out to watch this video thanks
Channel: Brady Prenzlow
Views: 5,607
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, home vlog studio, building video studio, canon eos r for video, Godox SL60, Lecture Video, Brady Prenzlow
Id: V_KcGS4whJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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