The Easiest Way to Join Binding Ends/Join Quilting Binding Ends/Add Quilt Binding
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Channel: Chatterbox Quilts
Views: 9,393
Rating: 4.95189 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, quilts, quilt, Chatterbox Quilts, Kim Jamieson-Hirst, how to quilt, tutorial, free quilting information, quilting tutorial, diy, how to join binding ends, quilt binding, quilt binding joining ends, easiest way to join binding ends, joining binding ends Chatterbox Quilts, how to finish binding, how to finish binding on a quilt, how to finish binding a quilt video, chatterbox quilts videos, how to finish binding a quilt chatterbox quilts, quilt binding ends together
Id: -sEezX5zbPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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