Stats Explained In Dark And Darker

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be giving you an overview of all the stats so that you walk away from this video knowing what everything does disclaimer however I'm not going to sit here and try to explain any of the formulas to you if you really want to get a super in-depth understanding of the exact values and how everything is calculated I highly recommend you instead go to the dark and darker wiki page they have all of the information there a lot of it is accurate and data mined up to the patches so let's just jump right into this so obviously first our very first stat is strength and as it says here it increases HP and physical power let's go ahead and start breaking down what all strength does so first strength contributes to your physical power and your physical power bonus which just simply allows you to do more physical damage whether it's with utility items or just abilities that involve physical damage it also increases your max HP making this stat very useful for survivability so that's pretty much all strength does however very useful stat but very basic in what it does next we have here agility it says increases how fast your character attacks and moves so let's dive into that so one thing that affects your character with having more agility is something called action speed so if you hover over action speed right here it says increases how fast you interact with stuff chest portals corpses Etc now it doesn't say this in this tooltip however action speed also influences the speed of your weapon swings stowing them swapping them reloading attacking as well as the speed of usage of consumables so action speed controls basically your interaction speed with everything from weapons to doors to just anything that involves using something so agility is super good for this reason for giving you action speed so what's something else that agility does agility also influences your movement speed so as you can see right here where is it one second right here how fast your character moves so this is the tool tip that tells you but agility gives you movement speed again if you want to find out the exact values I highly recommend that you go and visit the wiki to find that out but just as a little side bonus to let you guys in on something when you move backwards you move at 60 speed when you crouch you move at 65 speed and when you walk you move at 65 speed and you can walk by holding shift in game the other thing that agility influences is something called item equipped speed which you can see right here it says how fast you equip your items pretty self-explanatory it just allows you to equip items faster agility also now influences a new stat called manual dexterity so let's go ahead and read the tooltip it says manual dexterity is based on the agility of the character and determines how quickly you can manipulate an item with your hands for example this attribute determines how quickly a Bard plays an instrument so manual dexterity was added recently to essentially give another stat to bards that way they have to build up gear in order to play songs faster so if you're not playing a Bard you don't really need to worry about this stat at all finally we just have interaction speed and that would be under here regular interaction speed so this just says how fast you interact with doors props chess we basically have already gone over this the higher your agility the more interaction speed you're going to have overall this however agility is not going to influence magical interaction speed we'll touch on that later the next stat that we're going to cover is Will so if we go over here to will it says increases your spell power improves your buff and curse duration and improves your base magic resistance so what else does will do beyond what this tool tip says well it influences your magic power so your magic power is going to allow your spells to hit harder it also influences something called magic power bonus which does the same thing it influences the power the damage of your abilities that you are using it also increases the amount of magic resistance that you have so if we go down here where we see magic resist it's going to influence this stat right here which reduces the amount of magical damage you receive by another player all right you can also check your magic power bonus right here and it says the total increase to your overall spell power alright [Music] another thing that magical resistance does with Will Will specifically is magical damage reduction so this isn't necessarily magic resist this is just a flat amount of damage that you take less from Magic next we have buff duration and debuff for a duration so right here we have buff duration how long or shorter a buff lasts on you and then for debuff we have how much longer or shorter a debuff lasts on you so when you're talking about playing like a warlock for example will is a really good stat to build because warlocks rely a lot on their dots which are debuffs all right so the next stat that we're going to cover now is knowledge knowledge increases spell memory capacity spell casting speed and item identification so let's break this down into some parts so the first thing that we're going to cover is the spell casting speed because that's the easiest to understand the more knowledge that you have the faster you will cast spells pretty basic huh the next thing is that magical interaction speed that I was talking about just right here so the higher your knowledge the faster that you're going to have magical interaction speed and you might be asking yourself what is magical interaction speed even mean you know when you're playing Dark and darker and you run into those shrines that give you attack power or give you defenses or restore your HP or even the portals that you use to escape the dungeon that is all magical interaction speed so having higher knowledge is going to allow you to interact with those objects faster that's really good for you so if you're a spellcast heavy class it's really nice to have lots of knowledge because you're going to have the advantage of using these shrines or using a portal to get out faster than other characters that don't have as much knowledge the final thing that knowledge influences and it's probably one of the most important things is memory capacity which is right here below your health it says memory capacity is based on the knowledge of the character and determines how many spells or songs a character can utilize in the dungeon so let's go ahead and we're gonna hit play and we're gonna switch our class just real quick I'm going to swap over to my Warlock I'm going to demonstrate how this works real quick just so that you understand so first and foremost if you look at the bottom here this is going this right here is your memory capacity so right now I'm 9 out of 16. you see how all of these spells are in tears these tiers cost the amount that they are attributed to so if it's a tier one spell it costs one if it's a tier 6 spell it calls six so see how I'm 9 out of 16 right now so these four spells together accumulate up to nine uh memory capacity so if I drag the six on it'll turn into 15 out of 16. I drag it away it turns back to nine to six nine out of a 16. so the higher your knowledge is the more spells that you can take or the higher tier of spells that you can take and even though this isn't necessarily a part of the video you can also organize your spell memory priority like so so you notice how I put cursive pain first if I then drag on power of sacrifice it is now going to be second in the spell memory priority what that means is if I don't have enough knowledge to cast a certain spell as long as it follows in the spell memory priority I should be able to do it so let me try to make that a little easier to understand so we're going to take some high costing spells we're going to take summon Hydra which is six Eldritch Shield which is five Walker which is five it puts us at 16 right you following so far so what happens is if I use Ray of darkness which calls for I'm going to be 20 out of 16 so I'm over but you see how this is in a spell memory priority in the fourth slot so let's say I go into the dungeon and I find some more gear that has knowledge on it and I put it on this spell will then kick in because it's in my spell memory priority even though I'm technically over it when I go into the game it works the same way if I say lose gear and I lose knowledge and I have a lower memory capacity that I still have the crucial abilities that I need so for example of two important spells on a warlock or curse of pain and power of sacrifice right so if I put these two first I'm always guaranteed to get these first in my priority and then let's say I don't know I have bolt of Darkness an Eldritch Shield this is usually the the setup I run but let's say I throw some anhydras on there if I end up dying and losing gear I think I go back to 10 memory capacity instead of 16. I'm not going to be able to use some in Hydro but the thing is how I actually I think it's nine I think I go down to nine memory capacity I'm pretty sure that's the actual number but let's say I can't use it anymore because my knowledge goes down I lose access to it but then if I get my gear back during the dungeon I get I get access back to the spell again so that's basically how it works I just want to make sure that that was very clear because sometimes people are are very confused on how uh spell priority and spell memory works or memory capacity whatever you would want to call it so that covers knowledge now we're going to talk about resourcefulness so resourcefulness is increases how fast you interact with stuff and significantly increases how quickly you install items such as traps and campfires so resourcefulness basically all comes down to interaction speed so this is going to go back to the regular interaction speed here right here this stat so this is going to increase the speed that like you open up doors disarm traps placing traps putting Camp fires down like it said stuff like that the only other thing resourcefulness influences is something called persuasiveness which is right here this is another new stat that was added for bards so let's go over that persuasiveness is based on the resourcefulness of a character and determines the base duration of special effects such as a barred song So if you're playing a Bard you really want to prioritize having high resourcefulness because it'll increase the amount of time your Buffs will be lasting so it's very very important okay guys so that basically covers all of the main stats so let's go ahead and take a look through real quick and make sure we didn't miss anything so armor pin and Magic penetration these two we haven't covered yet these are pretty straightforward honestly they determine basically the amount you reduce a target's physical damage reduction amount and it's the same thing but you just put in place magic so obviously how this works is if you have 10 armor penetration you ignore up to 10 of that player's defense as if it's physical with armor and 10 magical resistance if it's magic damage right headshot damage reduction is typically on helmets so if we take a look here you see how it says uh 12 headshot damage reduction so when you get hit in the head you take way more damage than any other part of your body same with Mobs so that stat there actually allows you to take less damage from getting hit in the head projectile damage reduction is as it says it's the amount of damage mitigation from a projectile now guys projectiles do not just include arrows bolts and Throne items they also include some spells Fireball is a projectile their magic Missile is a projectile there's some projectiles that are not just physical items they can be magical too so please keep that in mind physical damage reduction sometimes short-handedly known as PDR reduces the amount of physical damage you receive overall alright so you get this from armor rating and you get this from bonuses whether it's attributed by armor or whatever it might be we have obviously gone over magic resistance physical power bonus and magic power bonus the only other stats that we have here are our primary weapon secondary weapon and impact power so primary weapon is going to tell you how much your primary weapon does now it doesn't show it right now but that's because we can't equip our weapon currently we can't have it out it'll show the stats of each swing that you can do on the weapon so if you're ever curious how much damage your weapon is supposed to be doing with all of your gear and everything totaled up before thinking about the enemy's defenses and everything else you can look at this to check that same for the secondary weapon so whenever you're in game and you want to know how much damage you're supposed to be doing with a weapon just open up your paper doll and scroll down here and it'll tell you what each attack does finally for impact power impact power as it says is how strong your current weapon strikes a Target and determines if you can break objects and stagger enemies so this influences how many strikes it takes to crush like crates barrels destructibles things like that this also can influence the the way your weapon can interact against another person's weapon such as a shield so if you have really high impact power and you hit somebody with a shield while they're blocking it actually can do damage to them or make them uh stagger in a sense so and it also goes into detail about your primary and secondary weapon as well so that's pretty much all the stats guys again if you want to go in depth and learn all of the formulas the exact numbers and stats I highly recommend you go to the dark and darker Wiki to search it up in Google it'll come right up as the first page but anyways guys I really hope this information was helpful to you um if you really enjoy my content you like what I'm doing here please like And subscribe leave a comment tell me you hate me you love me whatever you want to tell me I'm I'm here to know take all the criticism uh obviously subscribe to the channel would love to have you guys be a part of the community and if you want to support me monetarily the first tier starts at a dollar and as always guys thank you for watching and have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Dylan Smith
Views: 6,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, dark and darker pvp, dark and darker solo, dark and darker gameplay, dark and darker best class, dark and darker solo guide, dark and darker how to play, dark and darker high roller, dark and darker hunter class, dark and darker solo fighter, dark and darker solo gameplay, dark and darker hr goblin cave, somekindadog, dnd rogue solo playthrough, dungeons, longsword, zweihander, war maul, falchion, bow, double axe, trinket, crystal ball, arming sword, class, skill, perk
Id: m0FsrZ3DJ6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.