The Easiest "Impossible" Level in Geometry Dash

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You're probably wondering, how does  this title make any sense? Well, there once was a level so strange that most  wrote it off as impossible. But as months passed,   people began to realize they were all part  of a lie. To understand how a rumor so   insane even spread, we'll first have to  understand the creator behind the level. This is Sary, by far the best player at the time.  He had just completed one of the hardest levels,   "Deadly Clubstep" and it was seemingly no  challenge to him. In his victory post he   mentioned the possibility of creating a level  using the butterfly mode or as you may know   it the Swing Copter back then the Swing Copter  was this weird dual setup and so people begged   him not to include it because of how difficult  it'd be but Sary did not listen  In the following days he began work on a level a level that he  called his magnum opus a level known as red world fear raced through the community any level  Sary touched was instantly an insane challenge   eventually after days of work he finished it and  uploaded it to the servers but it wouldn't last   long Sary was unhappy with the level's decoration  and wanted it to get rated which basically means   having RobTop officially approved the level  so he took down this version and proceeded to   collab with arguably the greatest level creator  of that era Neptune I think Neptune of potential and made some of the most  iconic levels in the game Being one of the few creators to have their level uploaded on  RobTop's YouTube channel Neptune made quick work   Neptune made quick work of redecorating red world and only 3 days later  it would be uploaded in its final form But this is where the story takes an interesting turn You see, Sary turned out to be a hacker And would soon quit Geometry Dash This meant that Red World was now left on its own Abandoned by its creator And things would only get worse RobTop would then release an update that removed the hitbox of a block Which just so happened to make Red World physically impossible as this block was crucial to pass the first few clicks Unless you had a copy of this level You could not play it at all With no direct access No one could really tell the true difficulty And this is where all the lies begin With Sary turning out to be a hacker People were unsure of the true difficulty of Red world Was it even made to be possible? Luckily, a player know as Jack the Froster managed to record a full run of the level before it broke What they saw Shocked them Not only did it look insane Jack the Froster also spend over 2,400 attempts to complete it practice mode Most thought he was a decent player As he had beaten levels tough levels With much less trouble So seeing him struggle so much Made them doubt that Red World was even meant to be possible However... An interesting thing with JackTheFroster's replay is where most of the attempts start to pile up  It's right after that custom swing copter par that everyone begged Sary not to include It was almost unseen at the time and the weird physics made it super challenging for most So when they got thrown into an actually hard Swing Copter part it hit them like a truck Soon, the level would be placed at the insanely hard section of the hardest levels list To give you a perspective on how difficult that section is it sat right beside Silent Clubstep Another level that took over 8 years to complete it's safe to say that most considered  Red World to be on the brink of humanly impossible... saRy's creations always had a bad reputation For example, his level "Hate War" was despised for its random difficulty spikes that  made it awful to play   that made it awful to play Then, a few months later Red World came by and was avoided by many due to its seemingly impossible gameplay To me, this is quite sad I even played Red World myself for this  video and... while it did get me mad at times... I still appreciated it for the interesting gimmicks  it had saRy was extremely passionate about his creations and put lots of effort into them     He unironically spent sleepless nights working on Red World in hopes the community would like it Sadly, after he quit the level never really got the positive reception he desired It's genuinely a memorable level and to have it ignored because of some fake rumors is unfortunate and on top of all this   he final nail in this level's coffin was just about to be put into place A few months after JackTheFroster's run a player named "Not Just Pk" would upload a video titled "Top Five  Hardest Impossible Levels in Geometry Dash"   Red World placed that number two on that list  The video exploded in popularity and now even more people became part of the lie that had been going on for months Some still had a sliver of hope, though And asked Riot the best player at the time if he would attempt to complete it He said he was interested in the level and may attempt it in the future But at least for now no one was attempting Red World As months passed, however, the tide shifted  Copies of the unbroken version of Red World   began spreading and now more people were giving it a go some started to notice that JackTheFroster's 2,400 attempt practice run wasn't really  an accurate display of its difficulty and   Wasn't really an accurate display of its difficulty and so they started to wonder that maybe just maybe if a player good enough attempted it it could be completed This is Trusta  a fairly small player at the time but nonetheless, very, very skilled  He was interested in Red World and thought  the level was completely overhyped he began   and thought the level was completely overhyped He began progressing and soon enough made major progress  42% 59% 68% This was crazy! Trusta was about to do the impossible However, just as quickly as he progressed just as quickly he burned out and progress would remain stagnant Maybe saRy's masterpiece was doomed to stay unbeaten afterall It had been months since  any new progress on Red World   was made but SrGuillester was about to change that Similarly to Trusta he started progressing super fast In fact! His first progress video was him  getting 67% only 1% behind Trusta and a few days later he'd take the lead However There was something... ...different about the level in that video Just like saRy got Neptune to  improve Red World's decoration  SrGuillester gathered a team to do the same that way the level  would have a sure fire chance of being rated by   That way the level would have a sure fire chance of being rated by RobTop since the standards for good decoration  had gone up significantly Since Red World's original release Viprin or either Riot asked me Riot asked me and I was like "Yeah sure!" "Why not" Sounds kinda fun For some reason I remember that was supposed to be kind of like the same but maybe it was going to be buffed I'm not sure like I just remember that it was going to be like a remaster only   anyhow at this point SrGuillester's only goal was to become the first to prove the level was possible  To do that He still needed to pass the Infamous final Swing Copter considered by many the hardest part Fortunately for him this racetrack seemed empty Even if it took him months to beat he'd still most likely come first Started probably in winter or spring time On my side I made it probably in 1 or 2 days But for the other parts That the other creators made I'm not even sure like Most likely pretty fast SrGuillester struggled to progress It had been weeks and he had  only made it 6% further   He had hit a massive wall and it was starting to get to  him but SrGuillester wasn't going to stop He needed to become the first to slay Red World once and for all  Everyone was counting on him Little did he know that a rival far bigger than him would snatch any hopes of that ever happening So I was kind of just amazed by most levels of that difficulty but I specifically remember Red World Rebirth and I was like "I don't even know what a Swing Copter is" like I was kinda surprised because I I'm also checking the video and it says that he did beat this only in 4,640 attempts which is very little considering if this is a buffed version too A buffed and remade version of  Red World   had just been completed by Riot After years of it being considered impossible  it was proven to be possible but not everyone was a winner SrGuillester lost his chance  of becoming the first victor   and it would take him months to complete it although most importantly the original Red World was still   ignored... You see while Red World Rebirth would get rated and have many victors the original remained broken and unrated As far as I know barely anyone played the level in the next few years And saRy's goal of having this level rated Seemed less and less plausible as time passed... Over the years many levels have become unplayable because of new updates A moderator named Pauze thought this was a pretty major issue   and so got the bright idea to try and fix some of those levels While fixing them he happened to remember Red World He thought it was special to Geometry Dash's history And so for the first time in over 6 years the original version by saRy would be fixed and rated! I was super super happy about it just any old level that gets fixed to be made possible I think is really awesome for the playing community This was incredible! While saRy had been long gone by this point probably feeling guilty for his hacking it's good to know that his goal was fulfilled after all thousands would play the level and hundreds would complete it And a few years later the Swing Copter which people feared initially had gotten so ingrained in the community that it would be officially added  as its own gamemode in the new 2.2 update The story of red world just goes to show to never be afraid to try something new  When it first released the weird gameplay saRy's aura and JackTheFroster's replay all made the level super feared for anyone to try However... When a player skilled enough attempted it they realised they could not only beat it but they could buff it in the process So just remember if there is something that seems impossible just make sure it isn't another Red World situation Goodbyeeeeeeee
Channel: [ER] Ender
Views: 89,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xm8GPQm8odA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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