The Dumbest Rules In Baseball

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did you know that you won't be suspended if you throw a broken bat at a batter but if you drink too much milk before a game you will be you don't technically have to touch home in order to score a run you're allowed to steal first base but for some reason dwarfs are banned from major league baseball baseball has a ton of ridiculous rules but one of them stands out as the dumbest of them all a lot of them are less dumb yet still confusing like the rule that says if an Umpire gets nailed by a live ball the play continues like nothing happens according to the rules base runners could be running around the bases right now but if an Umpire is hit by a ball before it passes an infielder the play is dead this is what happened in 2014 when Angel Hernandez was nailed by A-line Drive the fans hated Angel Hernandez so much they started cheering Bryce Harper would have easily made it to third but since Angel Hernandez got hit while in the infield grasp the play stopped costing the Nationals a potential run but if the ball hits an Umpire after it's been fielded or passed by an infielder the play goes on as normal this usually results in balls being kept on the infield instead of going to the Outfield because umpires were either out of position or just couldn't get out of the way quick enough almost always costing the offense big time like in the 2017 World Series with the winning run on second base the Astros tried a pick-off move that would have put the winning runner on third but it hit the Umpire instead the runner had to stay at second the Dodgers slide out and ended up losing the game this rule can lead to some unfortunate outcomes for teams and umpires who have to continue humping while in immense amounts of pain but in most circumstances the rule is generally fair but the rule that states that pitchers aren't allowed to pitch with tattoo shoes not so much yes as a pitcher you can technically be punished for having tattoos Justin Miller found this out the hard way he was covered in them his teammate Billy Koch once dared him to get a tattoo that said quote I love Billy Koch and he got the tattoo on his butt Billy Koch paid him and his wife fifteen hundred dollars as a reward for getting the tattoo pictures are not allowed to wear anything on their arms that are distracting to hitters so if a team complains that a pitcher's tattoos are distracting them an Umpire is able to force that pitcher to wear long sleeves that's exactly what happened to Justin Miller in 2004 who was told by the league that he would have to pitch in long sleeves after a team he faced in spring training complained that his tattoos were distracting them and for the rest of his career because of his tattoos Justin Mill had to pitch with long sleeves as crazy as this is mob's off the field uniform policy can be a lot crazier because according to mob players are prohibited from dressing up as women which was a practice that was not only extremely common but also may have saved a player's life but before we get to that a word from today's sponsor we all want to be healthy we want to support our immune system we want energy we want to have good sleep good digestion elevated mood healthy skin healthy hair but doing all of that takes a ton of time fortunately ag1 by athletic greens supports all of these things and it barely takes any time whatsoever ag-1 might actually be the healthiest thing you can do in under a minute so instead of stressing about getting all your daily nutrients through a long list of multivitamins multi-minerals probiotics and a ton of other supplements ag1 covers you in just one scoop one scoop of ag1 not only gives you peace of mind by giving you all your daily nutrient requirements it's also great for your gut health which can support your energy levels focused digestion immune system and mental Clarity and somehow it still tastes amazing I've been taking it every morning and honestly I just look forward to it for the taste ag1 is great for anyone who's trying to be healthier which should be everyone and now you can get a one-year supply of vitamin d3k2 and 5 travel packs for free with your first order just by clicking the link below do it right now MLB teams have been hazing rookies for decades and in 2016 they finally went too far forcing MLB to step in teams have routinely stolen players clothes sometimes destroying them then forcing rookies to dress up with kids clothes stupid costumes and most commonly women and in one instance it actually might have saved a player's life in 2004 a man randomly shot a bullet into the Cleveland Indians Team bus and hit rookie Kyle Denny in the leg while he was dressed up as a cheerleader fortunately Danny turned out to be fine because according to the team doctor the thick leather cheerleading boots he had to wear for hazing decrease the bullet impact tremendously thanks to the boots it only caused a minor flesh wound unfortunately after the bullet wound he never pitched an MLB again if this would have happened today things might have ended differently because in 2016 MLB implemented a new policy that prohibits requiring coercing or encouraging players from dressing up as women or wearing any other costume that could be seen as offensive as random as this rule sounds it might not be as outlandish as this rule which only became a rule in 2008 after one of the most bizarre events in baseball history from the beginning of time pitchers had two options either pitch with their left hand or pitch with their right hand until Pat vendetti came along he could throw 85 miles per hour with his right arm take off his six-fingered glove put it on his other hands and throw 83 miles per hour with his left arm he was the only ambidextrous pitcher in MLB history and in his first professional game he faced a switch hitter he came up to the plate to bat righty vendetti switched his glove to pitch righty the batter then responded by going to the other box to bat Lefty vendetti then switched his glove again to pitch Lefty so the hitter decided to switch again to bat righty vendetti then switched his glove again to pitch righty causing the batter to step out of the box and hit Lefty finally the umpires stopped the game but they quickly realized since this was the first switch pitcher appearance in the history a professional baseball there was no rule preventing the two from switching Lefty to righty for eternity so the yumps just made the batter hit righty a couple weeks later MLB made a new rule that stated a pitcher had to pick what arm they were going to pitch with before the at-bat and Pitch with that same arm until the at-bat ended unless that arm got injured in that case they could switch this would continue to confuse batters throughout vendetti's career including Adrian Beltre who put his helmet on the wrong side of his head to pretend to bet Lefty as soon as he saw vendetti decide to pitch righty and believe it or not MLB rules actually allow this in the old days batters used to wear helmets like this until 1983 when MLB started requiring players to wear an ear flap this adds protection for when a pitch comes at a batter's head but since only one batter's ear is facing the pitcher when batting MLB players are only required to wear one ear flap here's the weird part there's no rule saying which ear the flap has to be on meaning even though MLB forces players to wear an ear flap for protection they allow players to wear that ear flap on the wrong side of their head which adds zero protection Raphael for call did this in 2012. yasmoney grandal got a single while doing this in 2015. Carlos beltron did it while hitting his 100th home run and nobody stops any of them from doing this and if they batter wants to put his helmet on backwards that is also fine after Randy Johnson threw a fastball over Larry Walker's head scaring him to death he did this in the 1997 All-Star Game and nobody stopped him because surprisingly backward helmets are not banned in baseball but there are a ton of surprising things that are banned throughout the game for example fortnite yes in 2018 fortnite was taking the World by storm and baseball players were addicted this became a massive problem in multiple Major League clubhouses in Philadelphia Carlos Santana went into the clubhouse and smashed a TV because players were using it to play fortnite in the middle of a game in Toronto the Blue Jays made a gaming curfew that forbid players from playing a few hours before the game in Texas a policy was put into place that banned all video games during work hours but no Clubhouse had a bigger issue with fortnite than the Boston Red Sox they installed TVs inside their lockers so they could play in the clubhouse the team was doing fortnite dances in the field they visited Microsoft to play the game with a professional setup and pitcher David Price admitted the team regularly stayed up until 2am playing the game on road trips at first this wasn't a problem but later that year David Price had to miss time with carpal tunnel syndrome this led to wide speculation that fortnite was to blame price is adamant fortnite had nothing to do with it Budd promised he would tone down his gaming then in 2019 the Red Sox were terrible and it seems like the player's fortnite addictions were becoming a distraction stirring up reports that fortnite had been banned by the Boston Red Sox David Price later said the game wasn't necessarily banned but admitted the Red Sox were no longer playing in the clubhouse even though mob has yet to ban fortnite League wide it is banned by certain teams who all have the power to make their own team-specific rules for example the Red Sox have a team role that says you can't like pictures of women on Instagram during games Pablo San and a vault found this out the hard way after Jared Carrabbas exposed him for liking a woman's picture on Instagram while taking a bathroom break in the middle of a game even though MLB bans phones on the field or in the Dugout there is no rule that forbids them from using them in the clubhouse he was still suspended one game the White Sox have a rule that says that you can't tweet in the middle of the game Ozzy Gian ran into this issue after he lost his mind after this call in a game against the Yankees after screaming at the Umpire for over a minute he was ejected went into the clubhouse and started dissing the Umpire on Twitter while the game was still happening there is no official MLB rule that specifically says you can't do this but the White Sox suspended him two games the Marlins even have a rule that says that bat boys aren't allowed to do the gallon milk challenge in the clubhouse before a game that was established after pitcher Brad Penny offered a that boy five hundred dollars if he could drink a gallon of milk in an hour without throwing up the batboy couldn't beat the challenge and apparently made a huge mess in the clubhouse causing the Marlins to suspend him six games for doing the gallon milk challenge these rules are ridiculous but they do make sense and don't really affect the game on the field unlike this rule which is extremely dumb and has cost teams games for no reason according to MLB rules you are not allowed to purposely use detached equipment to feel the ball meaning if a Fielder takes off his glove and throws it at a ball that is an automatic triple this is rare but it does happen it also means players can't catch a ball in their Jersey or pants and still make an out that's what Nick pavetta did in 2017 and even though it was impressive and wasn't called technically this was illegal it also means that if a catcher removes their mask and uses it to touch a ball in any way whatsoever that is illegal this happened in 1995 with the bases loaded and the winning run on third the UMP didn't even remember it was a rule but when Tommy Lasorda pointed it out the UMP had to call it bringing in the game-winning run because even though it had no impact on the play whatsoever a catcher did this this was also called on the rigs in 2011 and even their own manager didn't know the rule even though the UMP was technically right Joe Madden completely lost his mind and got ejected but did you know according to the rules even though Joe Madden got ejected he doesn't technically have to leave the game yes there is a loophole in the rules that allow ejected players and managers to stay at the game Bobby Valentine actually tried this after getting ejected in 1999 instead of leaving the game he put on a fake mustache and sunglasses and manage the rest of the game in a disguise the umpires never noticed however this was illegal and he was fined and suspended the next day but if he would have went into this stands dressed like this it would have been completely legal because according to the MLB rulebook even if a player or manager is ejected they can stay at the game as long as they re-enter the stadium as a fan and watch in the stands without a uniform on unfortunately nobody takes advantage of this rule because nobody knows it's a rule something else that nobody knows is that according to the rules you don't have to touch home plate in order to score this sounds mind-blowing due to the many examples of players accidentally missing bases and getting their runs taken away but in very rare cases players don't have to touch any bases and can still score in 1976 Chris chambliss hit a walk-off home run to win the pennant and all hell broke loose thousands of fans started storming the field he was basically tackled ran over multiple fans trying to touch home but was so overwhelmed he just ran into the dugouts and never touched it after the game chambliss was told to go back onto the field and touch home to make it official he was escorted by security but still never touched home because the fans had stolen all the bases under the rules at the time chambliss was technically out this run should have never counted and the game should have kept going but shortly after MLB made the chambless rule that says if fans rushed the field and physically prevent players from touching the bases the base is still awarded to the batter meaning that touching home isn't always required luckily for chambliss MLB was willing to change the rules for him these players weren't so so lucky they got in trouble just for their cleats because according to MLB cleats as flashy as these and as boring as these are both illegal MLB's cleat policy first face backlash in 2010 when one of their biggest characters Brian Wilson decided to wear these incredibly flashy cleats in the All-Star Game this wasn't a problem but when he tried to wear them in a real game the opposing manager complained saying they were too distracting somehow MLB agreed banned them and find Wilson one thousand dollars he responded by coloring the cleats in with a sharpie so he could continue to wear them as dumb as this ruling sounds there is nothing compared to an MLB band Ben zobrist from wearing these cleats which were the opposite of distracting these cleats were supposed to honor Ernie Banks and other players who wore black black cleats back in the day zobrus was warned by MLB and sent a cease and desist letter that banned them in 2018 causing backlash from players across the league but even though these cleats are as normal and as boring as they come they're still technically illegal because according to Mob Rules players must wear cleats that feature at least 51 percent of their team's primary color as dumb as this rule is it can't be known as the dumbest rule because thankfully MLB has changed this rule in 2019 allowing players to wear cleats as cool and as boring as they'd like meaning these cleats are no longer banned but did you know that little people are yes this rule dates back to an incident in 1951 when St Louis Brown's owner Bill Beck wanted to make a spectacle to drive up attendance he quietly signed Eddie Goodell a three foot seven man with dwarfism to a major league contract then as a surprise had him jump out of a birthday cake in the middle of a game Goodell was later put into the game as a pinch hitter the umpires tried to stop this but after proving that Goodell was on the team they realized there was no rule against him playing he went into the box and since his Strike Zone was so small he got walked on four straight pitches MLB found out about this got pissed and voided Goodell's contract two days later which set the precedent that little people were in unfair advantage and were not allowed in Major League Baseball but that has nothing on this rule which is by far the dumbest rule in Major League Baseball and is so dumb that even though it is still a rule players have refused to follow it for decades according into this rule Joey Votto high-fiving this fan giving him a bet and Jersey is illegal Freddie Freeman wishing Pete Alonso a great season on first base is illegal Ichiro apologizing to this woman while chasing down a foul ball and making her entire year is also illegal yes because Mob Rules forbid players coaches or anyone in uniform for fraternizing with any fan or opposing player at any point while in uniform this rule was made decades ago because the league was worried players were gambling and players on opposing teams being friends was a bad luck luckily almost everyone in baseball ignores this rule but believe it or not some people are trying to enforce it more according to this report Joe Torre who is in charge of MLB on-field operations made it a point to discourage players from being friendly with one another once fans were let into the stadium because he thought it was a bad look fortunately this has done almost nothing to slow down the constant banter between players and fans throughout the game
Channel: Baseball Doesn't Exist
Views: 3,156,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ixC8bSXZH7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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