The Dumbest Criminals Of All Time

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in 2009 Matthew McNally and Joey Miller robbed a home in Iowa using masks drawn onto their faces with permanent black marker whilst on the run the two discovered that permanent black marker doesn't rub off easily leading to their simple arrest and embarrassingly stupid mug shots however these two still look like Geniuses in comparison to some of the other idiots we'll be talking about as we discuss the stupidest criminals of all time take for example MacArthur wheeler who robbed two banks in broad daylight as he thought that pouring lemon juice on his face would make him invisible to cameras when shown the bank's surveillance footage wheeler refused to believe that he was visible stating to officers but I wore the juice believing that as long as he didn't come near a heat Source he should have been completely invisible police concluded the wheeler was not crazy or on drugs just incredibly mistaken with the lemon juice mistake eventually costing wheeler a 24.5 year prison sentence however if we're on the topic of terrible disguises then we can't go past Dennis Hawkins whose disguise as an old lady wasn't much better his sweater accompanied fake boobs a full beard and fittingly clown pants with this insanely recognizable outfit helping police to catch Hawkins only an hour after the robbery the police chase for the area stated he would get my nomination for dumbest criminal I think you still have his black facial hair with a blondish wig definitely different different is also a good way to describe Patrick McGuire's disguise who robbed an Illinois convenience store while covering his face with a clear plastic bag he was only able to obtain 60 from the robbery however due to his extensive criminal history he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the stunt meaning that he had to spend one year in prison for every four dollars stolen from the store talk about a bad return equally bad was Paul sinclairs who attempted to rob a bank in Florida by using his fingers curled up into a gun shape the quote-unquote weapon was so non-threatening that the bank teller gave him only a hundred and twenty dollars after which he'd flee on foot before being caught by police only 10 minutes later then there was James Blankenship who thought that robbery was legal as long as you did it at a certain time of day back in 2013 Blankenship broke into his own mother's home after which the police were called who would take to their Facebook page later that day to explain what had happened he fled the scene upon seeing his mother the male was located under the house hiding in a crawl space when advised of his charges he made the statement I thought you could only be charged with burglary if you break in during the night time Blankenship was given 180 days in jail in order to pay a hundred dollar fine yet this wasn't the only time when a person was dumb enough to think that a law didn't apply to them because when Reuben pavin was caught stealing from a charity thrift shop in New Hampshire he'd state that he thought everything was free because of the name of the business Finders Keepers the sign did say fine as Keepers so I took that DVD player took it home I haven't told the local TV station a couple of weeks later the stuff is still there on the porch so I'm thinking of myself Finders Keepers they probably just put stuff out there for people to take the business just responded via Facebook stating this man who was caught on video is saying it is all a misunderstanding he thought everything at our store was free is that really the best defense he could come up with after which Pavan reportedly turned in the stolen goods to police holding that he's not a bad person or a bad dad and is rather just unbelievably stupid but was he as dumb as Derek Mosley who in 2013 attempted to rob a store named discount gun sales by using a baseball bat when Mosley allegedly budged into discount gun sales and smashed a display counter with his baseball bat the store manager simply pulled out his own personal firearm and pointed it straight at the would-be robber holding Mosley in the store until he was arrested and charged with first degree robbery a similar story then came out of Texas in July 2022 when a gun store was robbed at knife Point although this tale instead ended in a body bag as the rubble was fatally shot by the store owner as he tried to exit with his loot but what happens when you accidentally call 9-1-1 whilst committing a crime pocket dialing the police is probably a fairly common occurrence however for Carson Reinhardt and Nathan teclamarium it happened at the most unfortunate moment specifically while they were breaking into a car the alert dispatchers soon realized that the core was an accidental one and moreover that the guys on the other end might be up to no good for the next 35 minutes the dispatcher stayed on the line listening and gathering information as teclamarium and Reinhardt did the following discovered a car that they thought they could burglarize discussed how to break into the car allegedly broke into the car exclaimed in Delight over finding narcotics in the car became confused as to how and why a police car was following them and reacted in disbelief when the arresting officer revealed that they'd been on the line to 9-1-1 the entire time Scott Simon found himself in a similar situation although under much more severe circumstances whilst on trial for murder in 2015 Scott was successfully sentenced to life in prison as two years prior he'd pocket dialed the police while admitting to a friend that he was the one who committed the crime he had no idea he called 911 Sheriff's Office spokeswoman told the Miami Herald he basically told on himself as did Albert Bailey although in a much stupider way Bailey had planned on robbing a bank in Fairfield Connecticut although rather than exercising the element of surprise he'd call the bank prior to the robbery stating I won a hundred thousand dollars in large bills and no die packs I'll be sending someone into the bank to get the money don't call the police we are monitoring the police scanner prior to making this phone call Bailey had already served seven years in prison for a previous bank robbery however this new plan was equally ineffective as after arriving at the bank to collect his cash Bailey was locked inside arrested and sentenced to another nine years in prison although if he wanted to avoid this time Behind Bars he could have had a chat with tato and Amanda Watts who got arrested in Florida for selling tickets to enter Heaven at a price of a hundred dollars Tito Watts said in his police statement I don't care what the police say the tickets are solid gold and it was Jesus who gave them to me behind the KFC and said to sell them so I could get me some money to go to outer space you should arrest Jesus because he's the one who gave me the golden tickets and said to sell them I'm willing to wear a wire and set Jesus up the couple had apparently earned over ten thousand dollars from the stunt meaning that they were able to find people even dumber than them one of which might have been Reuben Zarate while attempting to rob a muffler shop in 2008 Zarate was told that the shop couldn't access the money safe without their manager who didn't begin his shift until later that afternoon instead of bailing on the robbery Zarate instead gave them his phone number asking them to give him a ring the next time the manager was in they did so later that afternoon although after returning to the store Zarate received no money and was instead met by Police and charged with aggravated robbery then there was the man who gave the people he was robbing something even stupider the unnamed robber walked into a London Bank carrying a gun and a bag which he take to the front desk before demanding 700 000 pounds in cash from the bank worker but after making his demands the crook handed over his gun to the cashier instead of the bag investigating Authority stated the guess is that he is very inexperienced and panicked when he approached the cashier handing over his gun instead of a bag by mistake but it was Trevor Jones who left an even more damning piece of evidence at his crime scene after breaking into a house in Atlanta Jones took a moment to check his Facebook on the owner's computer before leaving without logging out less than three years later a similar story entered news headlines reading a 26 year old Minnesota man has been Tracked Down by police after leaving his Facebook profile logged in at a house he allegedly robbed although this story has a much funnier ending the homeowner decided to message the robber via his Facebook stating you left a few things at my house last night how can I get them back to you which was followed by the robber agreeing to come back to the home so he could collect the stuff he forgot however the robber didn't get any of his items back and was instead arrested while still wearing a watch that he'd stolen from the night before while both of these idiots used social media poorly at least they didn't brag about the robbery in a YouTube video as is what happened in the bizarre case of Hannah sabata in 2012 at the age of 19 sabata stole six thousand dollars from a bank in Nebraska and while almost anybody else would have simply kept quiet Hannah instead took to her YouTube channel jelly beanie to upload a video titled chick bank robber in which he'd straight up admit to having just committed a robbery she'd then discussed her entire methodology for the crime while showing the money and the amount that had been stolen before concluding the video by describing the vehicle she had used and that it had its license plates removed this information eventually resulted in Hannah sabata's arrest and sentencing of 10 to 20 years prison done so in a public courtroom filled to maximum capacity with people who had seen the video just two years prior to this 21 year old frank Singleton was being released from Palm Beach County Jail having just served time for a trespassing charge the only issue was he didn't have a car to leave the jail so he decided to steal one from the visitors parking lot yet the car he decided to steal was a manual and he could only drive Auto Singleton sat in the car looking like an idiot before being arrested and sentenced to a further six years in prison telling deputies that he tried to take the car because he didn't feel like walking to his home about six miles away and while you maybe sat here thinking that these criminals can't get any Dumber it's time to introduce 53 year old Michael Anthony Fuller while it's common knowledge that the U.S banknote doesn't go any higher than a hundred dollars Fuller had the genius idea to create a counterfeit one million dollar note before trying to use it at his local Walmart he loaded his cart with a vacuum cleaner a microwave and various other items totaling 472 dollars before handing the million dollar note to the cashier expecting 999 528 dollars in change needless to say Walmart wasn't able to facilitate this and instead store staff called police followers later charged with attempting to obtain property by false pretense and uttering a forged instrument
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 4,154,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumbest criminal of all time, 10 dumbest criminals of all time, dumbest criminals, dumbest criminals ever, biggest bank heist, dumbest criminals caught on tape, world's dumbest criminal, world's dumbest cop, world's dumbest criminals, 15 dumbest criminals ever, tv fail, fail, news fails, criminal fails, fail compliation, awful burglary, cash call, crime, dumbest, criminal, criminals, viral, new, Dumbest Criminals, Top 10, Criminals Caught On Camera, Caught on tape, FactFaction, Dumb
Id: A0ZmV1HGya0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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