Minthara Act 2 Romance (Drow Dark Urge Origin) | Baldur's Gate 3

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I will never Tire of sitting on dead men's Thrones my blood ran hard when we broke Catherine's bones together we have greater challenges ahead of us it is clear now that he was not working alone during my time in the cult I came to know one of his co-conspirators all too well bal's bloodletter Oren to think I thought her to be speaking for the absolute I worshiped that woman you make it sound so simple she is the chosen of Baal Lord of murder and one of the cult's founders indeed she is the one who indoctrinated me when I first visited moonrise stood before the absolute in awe it was more of an idea than an entity pure love total Aaron was by my side she told me that God had chosen me to be a true soul blessed and adored now I know that those memories are lies there was no God Oren held me down in a cocoon of Flesh while a mind flayer forced a parasite into my brain and she laughed at my fear I will find her I will murder and I will smile it is as if you read my mind perhaps you did in killing Catholic we fractured the cult's leadership when we break the other Chosen and claim their nether Stones we can I expected you would be but know this what I propose is my honor impossible but if anyone can succeed It Is Us we have the prism and we have the courage to slay Gods we may fail but we must try the power of the enslaved Elder brain could reshape the world we could reshape Shen then we will need no gods we will be there equal we will be we have a purpose and a bond by my oath I will fight with you while that purpose holds there is yet one thing about you that troubles me though something I need you to explain when we killed the tieflings at the Grove I was not in control of my actions you do not have that excuse so I ask you why kill them I'm flattered will you be bringing dead rats and birds to my tent now that we share camp I just but it is as good a reason as any I have done much more foolish things to win the respect of far inferior people I am satisfied now I am ready to leave this damned place whenever you give the word the city awaits as you approach minthara you fill her mind reaching out to yours tentative and curious then it retreats soft as a whisper sorry old habits I did not ask permission when we first met before moonrise I intruded on your thoughts without hesitation and took what I needed from your memories I would not do that again unless I had reason to think you were hiding something from me and I do not I did not think we would ever share anything more than an uneasy Alliance born of our mutual enmity for the absolute I was wrong a deeper bond has grown between us I trust you but I would like to touch your thoughts again now that my mind is my own may I of course I do not hide anything from you when the absolute fell silent I thought I would be alone I expected to spend my days among surface dwellers who knew nothing of my culture I did not expect to meet another Outcast from the underdark who understood me I did not expect you I have been told that I am special since my mother first held me in her arms the burden of expectation before the absolute I lived a life of certainties I knew that I was destined for greatness because I was born to it I also knew that my inherited privilege came with a cast that the bonds of fellowship and family could be broken by Envy and ambition I could not enjoy the taste of food for fear of poisoning and I could not enjoy the company of lovers and friends because I feared they hid knives behind their smiles in spite of the danger I was happy I knew myself and I understood the world around me now nothing is certain Without Love without the absolute without my home I do not know my son but you do I think show me myself Through Your Eyes let me see what I am to you she joins her thoughts with yours and you are as one you share in her strength of mind and formidable will doubts that eat at her conviction as doubts cluster in swarms and the thickest is around her sense of self she pushes past revealing the image of her you hold in your mind what does she see the cold shell of mintara's Mind melts away and you are drawn into the heart of Earth warm passionate dangerous I have never lacked confidence but this conflict seems so much bigger than the two of us it frightens me I do not know if we will survive it but whatever life remains to us I would gladly spend it fighting at your side and lying with you tonight [Music] her mind touches yours feather light and hesitant stark contrast to the confidence with which her thoughts intruded on yours in the past to know there will be no voices no orders no gods I belong only to you
Channel: kirbothestabo
Views: 6,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iIqSpfBkjpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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