The Download — Viganò Calls out ‘Gay Mafia’

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the download coming to you live from church milton headquarters here in the archdiocese of detroit when archbishop vigono blasted members of the hierarchy for supporting a gay mafia his term and said that mafia was controlling large parts of the church it made headlines in the secular media his charges were stunning but only to those who have not closely been following the war in the church for her heart and soul today we're happy to have on set with us here our very good friend and of church militant investigative reporter extraordinaire george newmeier george welcome good to see you and have you back as a matter of fact george covers all kinds of stories unearths all kinds of dirt gets all kinds of garbage for it and then turns out that he's right about everything that he reports because he's a very very fine journalist uh george i mean just on one thing you know uh you know what are you up to are you uh are you chasing down some more bad guys what's going on yeah i'm uh i've been uh examining the epicenter of the scandal which is washington d.c and and uh why do you say that well it's you know out of washington dc came theodore mccarrick you know brands bishop michael bransfield uh donald wuerl and now walter rossi and you know three three will gregory three of the four three of the four have gone down more or less you know or or their careers have ended ignominiously but we're working on rossi i'm working on rossi and he really is you know certainly there was a triumvirate you know there was a mccarrick bransfield rossi triumvirate two of those pillars have fallen and this the third one which is rossi needs to fall because it's outrageous that he remains the rector of one of the most important churches in the united states of america and he he's undeniably a member of the gay mafia as vegano said and there's plenty of testimony to suggest that he is a a gay predator in the mold of michael bransfield at the very least maybe he's not guilty of all the crimes that mccarrick has committed but he certainly he's been accused of gay sexual harassment by um alumni of catholic university and by seminarians he's allegedly had relationships with seminarians who some of whom have gone on to become priests uh the most notorious example is matthew riedlinger who is a seminary kicked out of the toledo seminary and who turned up in at catholic u and as a as a student at catholic u rossi allegedly began a relationship with him and then and then pulled strings for him to become a priest in the diocese of trenton under uh under a crony of mccarrick's john smith and then riedlinger as a priest got ensnared in a sex in a sexting scandal in which he thought he was communicating with a 16 year old it turned out to be somebody working with the police an adult working with the police and so riedlinger is ultimately expelled from the priesthood but before that happens he was stashed at one of monsignor rossi's beach condos the one in atlantic city and we we found out that he was i found out that he was registered to vote at rossi's condo and in fact i went to the condo and i the mailman happened to be there the day i was there and i said to the mailman you probably don't want to talk to a reporter and the mailman said no i'll talk to you and i said does matthew reedlinger still get mail here at rossi's condo and the mailman said yes he does well where is riedlinger today he is working at a furniture store in wayne new jersey and he's married to some guy yeah and this is right here on his facebook page yeah and this is the guy that rossi had a relationship with allegedly and then and then uh um stashed at his condo while a sexting scandal involving a what he thought was a 16 year old was unfolding now before we get further into rossi first i want to ask you uh you've written a lot on franciscan university of steubenville and you know got a lot of flack for that but you know pretty much what you're reporting has turned out to be correct but the latest scandal engulfing the school right now is the fact that cardinal stupid will be speaking there and they're getting a lot of backlash for that let's say is scheduled right now scheduled right now so i mean weigh in on that what's going on here well it just represents uh or it exposes the problem that i wrote about you wrote about uh which is the what i would call the notre dameization of steubenville and and it i think uh it can be traced to problems within the third order regular franciscans i mean we're seeing the symptoms of of a disease that is contained within that order that's a troubled order and so uh the symptoms of the disease were that steubenville hired a a liberal leaning president father sean sheridan who then hired a world henchman in william gorman and made william gorman the de facto academic vice president of the school there's gorman standing next to a world yeah even though he's a whirly boy even though his title is coo he's really just like an academic vice president he's the number two guy and they had this project where they were going to push a diversity initiative at the school and under that banner they were going to bring lgbt speakers and anti-catholic voices on the campus and they were going to do the notre dame thing which is oh we're going to dialogue with you know heretics and we're going to make freedom and you know and so uh out of that ethos has come now this invitation to one of the most heterodox uh cardinals in the world cupich and uh so it's not it shouldn't surprise anybody who's been paying attention to the direction of steubenville should not be surprised that cupich is the featured speaker at a conference hosted by steven now gorman you're saying gorman may be on his way out what i've heard is that gorman is on the way he is on his way out it's it's there's it's uh a certainty that he's really not going to he's not going to be there in the fall his patron was father sean sheridan and father sean sheridan is now gone so why would why would gorman remain the number two man well why do we think sheridan resigned just that kind of came out of the blue yeah at least publicly well it's the i would say the project that sheridan and gorman were pushing which is a you know let's turn steubenville into a kind of second rate notre dame that blew up in their faces and it was bad for business it was it was alienating potential students it was angering alumni it was upsetting parents it was just bad for it was a bad business model and so that's probably the overarching reason why he was fired but the specific reason why he was fired according to the sources i've spoken to is that he tried to blame what you reported on the professor uh professor white why yeah that that scandal he tried to blame that on somebody else in the administration and that blew up in his face and the board said you know you're gone that's that's what i've been doing steven lewis yeah he tried to blame the stephen lewis scandal on another administration official and that that gambit uh failed and the the board got up he was extremely upset with his attempt to do that wow and that that was the last straw i think interesting when you do this thing and you look at it you say huh well it's probably because that was kind of you know uh lewis you gave this book to some you know senior grad student whatever to read and it was this horrible blasphemous book section about our blessed mother uh in the book just awful stuff and that got a lot of headlines but people didn't know who lewis was and all that anybody who's kind of i think my child should go to steubenville certainly anybody in that crowd of catholics they know who supitch is yeah for supits to show up i mean we already know that there's donors big donors popped on the phone and said this ends i want my money back well the whole i also heard from various sources that one of the reasons like what you were saying about it's bad for business what sheridan was doing there were a lot of angry donors who had read you know reports on lewis and called up and said i'm never giving you any more money and they got too many of those calls yeah so and they've been hemorrhaging money yeah trying to get all these students who who withdrew their acceptance they've been they've been spending millions of dollars uh trying to persuade those people to come back but you know through with uh scholarship money and that's eating into their endowment right and so they're just trying to stop the bleeding by getting rid of these two clowns who thought that this would be good for steubenville's future yeah but now they're just inviting yeah i mean that's that's amazing you know look you sort of get it you know that this conference happens and stupid just kind of comes along like an extra piece of baggage but okay maybe you got caught just not paying attention it was a summer or whatever now you know he's coming what are you gonna do now you know and they'll screw this up too you know they they have a you know if they have a great opportunity here if they disinvited cupich that would be actually um a great advertisement for steubenville but they don't have they don't have the guts to do that and they don't have the probably the faith to do that little preview for monday's vortex we talk about this case and so you guys got three options you need to pick them up pick up a phone and call and say hey you know soupy can you kind of just you know withdraw for scheduling problems or something or we can do that number two just come up and say nope guy's a heretic or anything to do with him yeah or three you just roll over and you know accept it and you know suffer the consequences but we already know some of those consequences are going to be because these donors are ticked but if a school like steubenville adopts the notre dame model of dialogue it has no principled grounds for disallowing anybody no matter how bad on to campus and of course george newman won't be able to get out the only the only people who can't in fact the steubenville's blocking my number every time every time i call steubenville it i know i never connect and uh i'm and i've been told that they they play those sorts of games and they're still playing them it's amazing i you know what we've what we reported what i reported what you guys reported has been confirmed by subsequent events and sheridan is gone and gorman will be gone as a consequence of the liberalization that we decried and yet we're treated like we're lepers and then that we are we're the crazy ones yeah stephen you got some questions on uh yeah if we could uh uh go back to monsignor rossi for a little bit you know talking about uh reporting being corroborated recently uh archbishop vegano came out and and really vindi uh uh your reporting on monsignor rossi the fact that he is indeed a member of the homosexual current in the church now you know when uh uh when you first started reporting on him he exposed his his assorted background his history with the seminarians students and whatnot you're you were really widely panned you know people a lot of people just didn't believe the the accounts but yeah vegano has come out and and really vindicated you um he uh in the past couple of weeks he uh spoke to uh marco tosadi and he said this he said monsignor rossi is without a doubt a member of the gay mafia you're going to read about him online on the american spectator website that's a direct reference to your work exactly exactly yeah and so if you could remind us uh remind our viewers a little bit more about what you've uncovered with monsignor uh rossi and his just malign influence uh uh at the uh the basilica and i want to jump into the advanced questions just based on the quote pavilion and fall folds into this how would vegano know that rossi is a member of the gay mafia well he would you know as as his statement indicated he was receiving complaints about rossi as as the papal nuncio and he said he said he received documentation indicating that rossi was a gay predator and it's assumed that he still has that documentation in his possession and that's one of the reasons that's a form of protection for vegan now sure and that's why he wanted people to know that he had to have those documents um we've been told by somebody very close to the situation that vegano has with him uh over 300 personally with him over 300 files how many pages are each file we don't know about 300 files so you can just sort of whip through those things anytime he wants and write a uh you know you can write another little testimony and say here yeah but another reason why vegano knows that uh rossi is a member of the gay mafia is that the gay mafia tried to make and i don't think anybody's reported this the gay mafia wanted to make walter rossi the bishop of scranton after bishop martino uh retired early under great pressure from his liberal priests well the gay mafia which would mean bransfield and mccarrick and wuerl and all these other people that you know thought rossi should be a bishop uh they uh they put his name in the hopper and uh he was going uh the vetting process started basically and zombie pia was the nunzio at the time and i was told that um during this vetting process so many negative letters got to zombie about rossi that zombie said there's no way this guy can be the next bishop of scranton and he's he torpedoed his nomination for that position in fact regali i'm told that regali who has his own problems uh oversaw the vetting process and even regali you know the whole process sort of blew up in his face because he was getting so many complaints about rossi from people in scranton i know stuff about his time in scranton which i can't report yet but it does not reflect well on rossi and it does not it would not commend him to a higher position in the church uh so that's another reason why vegano knew that he was a member of the gay mafia is that the gay mafia promotes the you know they the members of it they promote each other they protect each other they make sure that they get into a position where they can be a bishop and you know after rossi's nomination was scuttled bambera you know who's nicknamed bambi yeah he came in and he's he doesn't like he's horrible he's horrible but he's not as bad as rossi so he was sort of the default uh position and uh so vegan i would have known all about that and um and so yeah it's uh you know the rossi uh scandal is just a window on the the ubiquity of the gay mafia in the american catholic church but really in the in the entire west i mean there are rossies there are rosties probably in every diocese he's you know he's uh he's got a high profile yeah he has a high profile but he's been um you know he has not received any coverage whatsoever from the washington post i had heard last year that the washington post was going to do a story on rossi and they were asking questions about rossi and they would have seen my articles i talked to michelle borstein and i was like why aren't you doing a story on on uh this obvious gay predator you know a guy that you know i i was told you know this alumnus called me up one time and he said rossi uh proposed a threesome with me and my gay roommate and you know and this guy was like this guy's the head of this church dedicated to the virgin mary now you have an update because you were thrown out you were kicked out of the basilica yeah by my you know rossi's whatever this lady but then since that time you found out they were actually lying about all that right yeah rossi yeah so in order to avoid having to answer any questions about vegano's testimony concerning his status as a member of the gay mafia rossi made sure that his security uh uh upon seeing me would either call the police or escort me off the property and that's what happened actually on corpus christi sunday was that i i went to um the shrine and i said to uh and i i knew that rossi was going to be participating in the procession and i of course wasn't going to interrupt the mass or the procession but at the end of it all i wanted to go up to rossi and say what is your response to vegano saying that he received complaints as the papal nuncio your previous statement doesn't address that aspect of this question and they didn't want that to happen and rossi didn't want that to happen and so he evidently instructed his security people and his director of security whose name is valencia camp appropriately enough he you know she comes out to me and says you i need to talk to you outside and she says uh we have a barring notice against you with the police and you you should not be here and you're subject to a five-year ban and you you've got to get off the property and they all these security guys are watching me and they watch me until i get off the property and they're acting like they were breaking up a terrorist plot you know here i am just a reporter just standing there yeah and they're acting like i'm a member of isis or something and at any rate i researched the matter i called up the police and i said do they have a borrowing notice against me and the police said no they don't there's no record of that and then i called over to jacqueline jacqueline hayes who's the spokeswoman for rossi and i said supply me with a copy of the barring notice she never did because that doesn't exist it doesn't exist so at that point they were popped and then she said to me uh you are welcome at the basilica at any time that's what you said to me last friday you were welcome at the basilica at any time and this is coming from a group of people who put me up on a poster that that hangs in the security office where i am i'm pictured next to criminals and and uh you know and it's defamatory in the extreme and uh we've been unwanted posters yeah and i mean pastor you know monsignor rossi's idea of pastoral accompanying a company meant is escorting me into the arms of the police he called the police actually on sunday and he had them come and the guy parked right next to rossi's lexus so there must be a cozy relationship there but because they didn't actually have a barring notice the policeman didn't throw me off the property valencia camped it and she did so on this under this false pretense and so when i exposed all that they then had to back pedal and say oh you're welcome here at any time no real quick um in our remaining time i wanted to talk about something else that you uncovered um the fact that rossi has various properties and one of these properties is um a condo in uh fort lauderdale on galt ocean mile a very beautiful strip and here you can see right there this is walter rossi and andrew fosdevick this is a priest in the scranton diocese father andrew vozdevick they bought this property for half a million dollars in 2012 and apparently that's where they both vacation together you found out that they're like this old gay couple yeah that's what the priests and we've got a bunch of pictures of like there's gold ocean mile very beautiful and he's the treasurer of that place right he's treasurer of arena city tower so somehow he manages he should watch out make sure yeah he's careful he manages to find time to be the treasurer of that place and it's a huge it's a huge complex so it can't be an easy job and he probably gets like a salary fifty thousand dollars and kickbacks you know because that that's the those jobs are notorious down in florida for that right but yeah he he i've been told i asked a very well informed source in scranton what can you tell me about father andrew and rossi and he said oh yeah we all know that they're an old gay couple father andrew's nickname is randy andy rossi's nickname is wanda and um they've been yeah it's an open relationship like they pursue their own you know they're they're you know they have their you know it's an opens right they walk around the beach and the this came to my attention because they each have their own sexual partners and it's not they're not they're not yeah they're not they're not exclusive and um but i was told by an alumnus that you know rossi would refer openly to that place as his quote-unquote sex pad and so um and it's in it's in the gayest part of the gayest city you know the fort lauderdale is considered considered the lgbt capital of florida and and that is in the gayest part of uh fort lauderdale it's on galt drive galt drive was built by the florida mafia and this is something else that nobody has reported on rossi which i will just reveal to you now is that rossi's family is has for lack of a better phrase mob ties you know his father was or at least you know it's alleged that they have mob ties that his father was the bookkeeper for louis de naples who has been accused of being tied to the to the buffalo mafia he and his priest a priest who's very close to him father ceca and i'm told that father zeke is a blood relative a blood cousin of monsignor rossi's but at any rate his father was the bookkeeper and and the accountant for louis de naples and that's why his father is so rich he's an unusually wealthy accountant and it's possible that the reason why rossi can't afford all these different places in fort laude he's got a place in fort lauderdale atlantic city he had a place on dupont circle in washington d.c he's i've been told that he keeps rooms at king's college in wilkes-barre uh he may have other he may have other residences but he had at one time he had at least four residences he lives in a very nice rectory on a lexus right yeah he has a lexus so it could be that some of that is coming from what is as you were saying he's got to have a he's got to be getting an enormous salary from the shrine mccarrick wuerl and bransfield you know basically told rossi treat this place as your personal fiefdom so god knows how much money he's made as the head of that thing and i'm told that he uses the resources of the shrine to feather his nest with really wealthy people for example he'll take the choir and he'll have them go to rome to participate in a special mass for for like a couple of rich people and then those rich people give him you know a huge amount of money and he probably takes some of that money and puts it into a salary and he puts it into the big salaries of the people who work he has all these staffers who've been with them for many years and they're fiercely loyal and that loyalty is not coming from affection as far as i can tell it's coming from the fact that rossi pays them a huge amount of money he overpays his flunkies and he underpays the humble people who actually do the work of the basilica like organists and people like that so it's a very perverse brands field like situation everything that bransfield has done rossi has done and if if he was investigated as seriously as brandsfield was investigated that would all come out that would all come out yeah what do you think is the uh what's the end game for all these kinds of guys is it just power and we just want to live a comfortable life look we hear you know we discuss amongst ourselves or the studio often everybody's just trying to take a guess but you know people write in and say why are these guys doing this why they even become priests why don't they just go do whatever they're doing outside of the church we just theorize well many of them have mothers that they want to please you know that i think it's the explanation may be as simple as that in case of rossi his father is sort of a john wayne type i've been told and he doesn't have a particularly good relationship with his father but he's close with his mother and being that i believe he's the first born in his family and i think to to kind of impress his mom and please his mom and maybe his dad too and also have the cover of respectability that the priesthood provides i think that's why he became a priest it was a way for him to have his cake and eat it too and to probably stay in on good terms with his family you know and uh uh he's disappointed i've been told that he disappointed his father in a big way about something that i can't yet discuss uh which goes back to his time in scranton and uh and may explain why he was eager to leave scranton although he probably would have ended up leaving scranton anyways but he's a you know he is a a priest of the diocese of scranton and if bambera had any sense of responsibility he would have investigated uh rossi by now yeah but of course he won't yeah because bambera is in the tank for the gay mafia sure and he you know is uh he you know these guys are you know they can't stop themselves you know they've acquired bad habits and they just cannot stop themselves and they you know whenever it comes down to crunch time and the decision as to whether or not they're going to investigate somebody they don't do it unless they're forced to do it by the state or by some enormous financial scandal let me ask you one final question if i can just a little over time but that's okay we're uh uh when you look at your kind of reporting and the stuff that we do here and a few other uh uh you know outfits that we have some respect for and you compare them to the catholic establishment media what do you see as the sort of greatest discrepancy between that side of the journalists the world on our side it's as simple as the catholic deplorables i would say are playing to win the establishment conservative press is not playing to win and the establishment conservatives mean you know the catholic deplorables want to knock out the gay mafia yeah the conservative establishment press is hesitant about that because i think they're afraid they actually have made the calculation i'm convinced they've made the calculation that the gay mafia is better than having the catholic deplorables run the church they would rather have the game off you run the church than the catholic deplorables run the church because a lot of these guys like george beigel they despise traditionalists and they they see traditionally they they see these people as like pre-vatican ii dinosaurs and they would actually prefer a donald wuerl to to a catholic deplorable well that's quite the statement yeah because everybody has you know the george weigels of the world and you know the guys that you know doug and whoever just look at uh scott hahn just wrote a forward for uh father carter griffin and a name that you probably haven't heard but he father carter griffin is now like one of the most prominent people at the seminary in washington d.c and you know what the last who the last secretary for cardinal mccarrick was or during his time as archbishop of washington carter griffin so that he would have that position and that people like scott hahn would think it's a great thing to write a forward to his book it just shows you uh it's business as usual on the church but uh it's speaking of business as usual you know you you wrote a great deal on world for many many many years and then finally he resigns in disgrace last october finally after having lied through his teeth yes absolutely that exactly mccarrick had harassed him and and and laurel has the uh gall to say that he forgot yeah which is like saying which is like saying i forgot that i was eaten by a title i was actually bit by a tiger so people were very you know they're they're very you know wondering who's gonna be our new archbishop and well we know it's archbishop wilton gregory right mccarrick cronie talk talk a little about that because some people out there really don't know much about gregory yeah gregory is once again he's a he's another he's exhibit a of am church business as usual amp church he's a uh oh i would say you know he's obviously a colleague of worlds who wants to do world's bidding and wants to make sure that you know he he's basically he came in to conceal world's misdeeds and to make sure that nobody that the world mccarrick rossi scandal bransfield scandal doesn't spin out of control so he's here to basically make sure that that what happens in washington doesn't reflect too badly on the gay mafia and so people should not trust wil wilson gregory uh you know i was told i was asking about wilton gregory i was asking some priests about wilton gregory down in atlanta and you i think you guys reported i reported on it that he there was a priest down there who got into a scandal involving a gay prostitute the priest was going to this gay bar and he got involved with a gay prostitute and the local cbs station did a story on this that guy like a year or so later is made pastor of was it saint pius the 10th church by gregory so that's all you need to know about and he's still an active minister yeah so at any rate i asked about gregory and you know you know what's his status with respect to the gay mafia and you know what the nickname of that has been given to him by atlanta priests it's he's called the queen of the nile so you know we're not talking about you know this is a guy who at the very least is an enabler of the gay mafia i don't know if he's a practitioner within the game mafia but he's at the very least he's an enabler of the of the game mafia and today i heard that uh gregory is living in the embassy row penthouse this palace basically on the fourth floor of our lady queen of the americans building and on embassy rail gregory's moved in there and i've been told that the the uh bishop dorsenville who was mccarrick's babysitter at another place in in town which net world is actually living at the residence world that you the house where mccarrick was hiding that i heard about and just went up to and entered entered and i established that he was there and i talked to dorsenville and i said he's here right and dorsenville didn't say no so at any rate dorsenville has moved in with gregory which is very telling and tells you that gregory is nothing more than an errand boy for donald world sure yeah yeah i mean i look he's 71 so he's turned 72 i think the next couple of months he's just a bench warmer they've just put him in there here your job is to make sure that if anything happens with rico or any kind of investigations or something that you thwarted it every possible turn you can sit here and keep the bench and that's it why would you move somebody who's going on 72 into a big high-profile position that in three years they're going to be out of just leave them in atlanta you know world went through the list and probably visited a bunch of guys and said which one of you is going to cya for me the most and so he moves in there and it's horrible to have to speak of the speak of all this in these terms that's exactly what it is you know washing there's no way with mccarrick having been there in washington and the you know and his continual involvement there and you know all of the stuff that's coming out about all the communist stuff and everything else there's no way there aren't files miles high there that they have records of they have to cover up all sorts of things sex abuse money laundering everything it's all there the world knows about it that's why he lies constantly every time a question comes up or he has a very bad memory lapse i don't know how you can you know be a cardinal forget things like you know every single day whenever you're asked by a reporter uh you know and you've of course had your mix-ups with uh yeah i mean you mixed it up with the donald quite yeah you know it's like what the bible says those who live in darkness fear the light even even a small journalistic light you know and so that's why they're calling the police on me that's why world called the police on me two times in in four years ago and now rossi you know was trying to call the police on me and try you know tried to have me uh well he had me tossed off the the property until it came out that that was all based on a fraud so you know that they would resort to these things it just shows you how much they have to hide yeah and that's and that should inspire all of us who do this kind of work that you know we need to redouble our efforts well i think it's fair to say that you are uh one of the leading torchbearers in all of this george and you certainly have our respect here at church militant excellent reporting great investigative all the skills the the intuitions everything hats off to you thank you thanks for having me oh thanks for thanks for being here before we leave you a reminder about our church militant action arm where we bring together whistleblowers investigators and law enforcement so we can all help bring an end to this rot that has invaded the church you can help by clicking on the action arm button you see it right there sending us information or donating and praying certainly everyone for the success of this endeavor at the end of the day it's a spiritual crisis a lack of supernatural faith on the part of leaders and faithful catholics must beseech heaven through prayer and work to protect the innocent from wicked leaders whose actions are destroying both soul and body for all of us here at church middleton thank you for tuning in and be sure and tell all your friends about our work here we will not be here tomorrow or friday owing to the 4th of july holiday weekend here in america and feel free please to send in your comments and tell both george and i how cool we look in our suckers god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Church Militant
Views: 185,988
Rating: 4.9184551 out of 5
Keywords: Church Militant, Catholic Church, Michael Voris, The Vortex, Church Militant Michael Voris, Vortex, Church Militant Headlines, Church Militant The Download, Roman Catholic, Priest, Protestant, Atheist, Jewish, Islam, Homosexuality, Liberal, Conservative, Agnostic, Democrat, Republican, Culture, Society, Sin, Virtue, Christ, Jesus, Pope, Vatican, Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary
Id: txIXbznHV7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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