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hello and welcome to animal [Music] sleek and powerful with a bites match a magnificent athletic physique and keen intelligence the Doberman pincer is one of dog Kynes noble men this incomparably fearless and vigilant breeds stands proud amongst the world's finest protection dogs bred originally by taxman Louis Doberman in 19th century Germany to create an imposing but dependable protector to accompany him on his rounds this notorious tax-collectors dog quickly gained an international reputation as a working dog supreme Doberman have since excelled at police and military canine duty as therapy dogs and service dogs for the disabled as searchers and rescuers adding competitive dog sports often depicted in films as menacing these dogs have earned a fearsome reputation but what is the truth about this breed are they as ferocious as the movie suggests or simply highly trainable dogs with a sharp an unforgettable presence so where else to visit one of dog Hines superhero breeds than protection dogs worldwide home to some of the world's most lethal but gentle protection dogs trained to not only live alongside small children and pets but who will defend their family without a second's hesitation today broadcaster to go live in a commercial at 5g in it just got fast now and it'll be patchy just to demonstrate yeah ha [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah cuz the protection goes worldwide lilius Elias beautiful always like he's attentive you happen beautiful of you hey would you like to look round will show you the place show you what we do excellent I would love to look we can come in this is the training room where we do majority of the training oh nice so of course what we're gonna see today are dogs being prepared to go and help people in there's guard dogs yes it's very very exciting because of course we know that doebelin are known for being amazing guard dogs we see them in the show ring so many times these days but we don't often get to see them working so this is what's going to be very exciting today's episode of animal watch is to actually see these dogs do what they were originally bred to do so I'm here today with lador our protection dogs worldwide and of course Milano the most beautiful Doberman he is so gorgeous so how old is he he's 19 months now 19 months he's he's a big boy so how much bigger is he gonna get I don't think you'll grow so much in terms of height you might fill up a little bit in width but that's a his height is done it'll reach about maybe 46 47 kilos I think fully grown yeah so that's actually quite it's big for a Doberman yeah yeah and tell us what you do so we we select dogs from puppies we bring them on in family environments then we select the best ones but they're capable of being trained we then train for family protection ultimately you say it's a bodyguard for a family a bodyguard for a family but of course these make great pets as well ultimately that's what they are they're a pet there are pet distrained yes okay that protects really they're affectionate family situation where do you go from start to finish in their training so we select them from different places in the world trusted breeders so we'll pick back usually two three sometimes four from a litter we'll bring them on in a family environment for six months see how they are with kids people environmentally sound or any nerve problems we then select ones that we and most trainable then they come here and in the process starts in terms of a training the obedience and so on the protection yes until until they're completely trained so an 18-month process start to finish with a dope yes and then the people will come to you yes number one is because they obviously they feel that their safety might be compromised in some way yeah if you have some quite scary stories horrible daily we get a lot of really bad calls from people that have some terrible experience like what burger kidnapping and people been tied up on a Friday open the safe jewelry taken cars robbed and Families tied up kids been held everything you can imagine it you see on the news we get in terms of calls so of course people are desperate to have a dog that will will keep them safe well it's something trusted yes yeah in a post to an alarm yeah and I guess a lot of people won't break into a house when they know there's one of these these guys when you look over the fence or look through the window and see one yeah he's absolutely gorgeous loves affection my clothes have you had any famous clients have any of your dog quite a lot yeah we've had a lot of famous clients with the dogs we've signed a lot of NBA Z we can't discuss certain people's and royal families royal families brought all those quite awful boilers extra people how much for a dog like this cost it said something like thirty five thousand upwards Wow yeah that's a lot of money but of course they come completely fully trained the people that are investing in one of these dogs they were learn to go training with you to all of the commands that you have trained to do what is he capable of doing so he's in a median dog you could take him anywhere on and off lead but he's capable of searching your house minding intruders holding them at bay long distance attack multiple attackers it will travel with you in a vehicle save you from being carjacked and will he just automatically do this or do people need to give them a everything's on command okay the reason being is it safe that way yes you don't want a dog to make a decision that could be the wrong decision everything is based on command so why don't pin sir what makes these dogs so brilliant as guard dogs they're an athletic dog they're very loving they always want to be with you but they've got a great ability so they've got the right level of drive to work and they're very loyal but they easy to train people do ask me constantly about doctors and dog tails he is a working dog so what is the reason in this breed your docking the ears and docume tails when it comes to guard work it's simply the work I wouldn't do it for show purposes the ears when they work flock and hit the face and what happens is the end of the ears blister say does it happen for a shepherd cuz its ears are upright but with a job it'll hit off the face and then the delisting and the infect and then it becomes a problem same with the tail the tail never recovers once it's missed it Wow and it's literally forever in the vets with antibiotics and you've had plenty of examples of where you know try to work I won't work on ever again with tail and ears you're putting the dog through the pain I don't really miss fair if you want to have a Doberman and you just want to have it as a pet be is community about if what you're looking to have a Doberman as a guard dog as you've heard here and they can sustain injuries but anyway I'm absolutely dying to see what he can do ok so we're going to go through some very exciting demonstrations of what this dog is capable of going one time to work no mom so we reduce of training show you the dog fighting on command barking on command some biting go boy Moran oh good that's good super boy good I don't know UT out good good boy good that's good I don't know and I know out out good boy that's his reward good so Annika this is a religious really nice they'll ruin this exercise here is stilling training so the point of this exercise is so close is to do a 360 perimeter around me eventually without the lead so we've taught the foundation to go round me both ways guarding me from any threat okay and what's the reason for doing this if I'll lead it basically it helped people that can't handle a dog as well as me not have to be hands on they'll literally give a command and they can get the phone out the pocket ring the police ring help and the dogs literally garden the dog it's lit she's going all the way around 360 around and if anybody was to come anywhere near you from each side he'd be like I love you yeah okay winning me over right now okay good boy a hill yes good okay it's good first day out close so say watch and then give him a correction right watch watch [Music] good boy good boy good boy you'll just basically tell the doctor hold and he'll run in and hold someone at bay okay it's very it's as simple as that you know after panic it's it's a training exercise you can let go the lead what you'll do is you're holding you'll say aurelius hold and then over and find him close twice as good good boy hold good boy good boy good boy when you're ready Iranian Alton the rain is out good boy Iranian out it's not as easy you you say out now out dog training is about creating consequence for action yeah so you said out there I corrected him now the word out from you has a respect okay in a poster he's never had to do it for you before close just like he's never had to work for you before so the dog doesn't know whether you mean the word and yeah that's where we train people well I had thoroughly enjoyed my day and found the Doberman breed to be super smart highly trainable and extremely affectionate they are wired to work and please you and need training and stimulation to provide fulfilment in their lives I was amazed at how incredibly well the Doberman protected me even though I was not their primary handler I would absolutely feel so safe around a trained one of these protection dogs worldwide had shown me some of the best examples of what a highly trained Doberman can become if in the right hands well I hope you enjoyed this amazing episode of animal watch on the Doberman and the fantastic protection dog worldwide that make most amazing guard dogs all over the world is an absolute bundle of energy but if you enjoyed this episode of animal watch and please give us a big thumbs up and subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the bottom of the corner and if you'd like to find out more about the work that these guys do then I'm going to pop their website underneath below and you can get in touch with them there well I will be joining you next week when I bring you some more amazing episodes on dogs wolves animal rescue and conservation so it's bye from me and bye from a very Wrigley aurelius see you soon please be sure to follow me on Instagram where I will be leaving regular live updates on my day-to-day filming on animal watch at Annika Spence Kerr official [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 4,159,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doberman, doberman pincher, Doberman, doberman dog, protection dog, guard dog, dog bite, dog attack, man trained, man training, dog, dogs, dog protects, attack dog, dog bites man, dog protects woman, Dobermann, Dobermann Pinscher, Doberman Pinscher, Doberman hund, Dobermann Hund, Schutzhund, German dog
Id: 0LgCGpbMhAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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