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hello and welcome to animal watch and this week we're meeting the Rottweiler [Music] this week I will be meeting another ultimate Roman dog one that is famous for his muscly good looks his sleek and shiny coat and of course his huge toothy grin but equally for his amazing power strength bite force intelligence an ability to guard and protect his family with his life this dog isn't just one of the most powerful dogs in the world he is also one of the most versatile and also one of the most loving and gentle meats the incredible Rottweiler the Rottweiler probably one of the most famous and ancient of herding breeds in the world to some people he instills fear with media images of powerful guarding Rottweilers baring their teeth outside huge mansion property gates taking down intruders with no effort at all and those large all-powerful wide jaws clamping down hard the Rottweiler astoundingly dates back to the Roman Empire he is a descendant of the ancient cattle herding drover dogs many years later the breed was brought to Germany where they were named after rottweil a town where they herded cattle as well as using their skills as powerful carpooling dogs Rottweilers are said to have also been used by travelling butchers at markets during the Middle Ages to guard money pouches tied around their necks their nickname only becoming the butcher's dog however World War 1 and 2 saw a great demand for military and service dogs so Rottweilers took on various roles including messenger dogs ambulance dogs and guard dogs this is carried through to the modern day when many are used by the army and police in man trailing detection and also in the apprehension of offenders so what is the truth are these dogs fearsome aggressive muscly uncontrollable beasts as some films the media portray or are they versatile cattle cart guard service and family companions perhaps they have a humorous side to their character and one that will amuse any household or family have luck today I am meeting Liz Don Hill of Fantasia team Voorman and her daughter Mikayla who owned the all-time top winning Rottweiler kennel in the UK they have a huge an exciting day set out to show animal watch viewers the versatility of this breed we will witness the Rottweiler sheer power guarding prowess and powerful sleeve work but equally we will see its obedience gentleness intelligence and role as a family dog but most of all as being one of the world's most multi skills breeds one that you can be sure would be gentle around children while keeping those beastly intruders as far away as possible from your door well I'm here to meet some very special dogs today can you guess what they are [Music] [Applause] hi Anika hi how are you doing welcome to Fantasia amazing whatever crack you've got here yeah well the thing about this breed if the owners there they'll let you in but don't come if I'm not here they look beautiful [Music] oh they love leaning in to pee on this brie can do anything anything you want it to do it's a great companion it's a great herder it is a dog search will do garden protection and of course it wants to lie by your bed and you it needs to hold your paw I can't wait to find out everything about the Rottweiler my name is Liz Dunhill I am Fantasia Rottweilers UK I have been breeding this breed for 40 years now along with my daughter Michaela now I know you animal watch viewers are keen to see just how powerful these amazing canines are so Liz invited Marc Rigby and his wife Gail both experienced in IGP dog training to demonstrate some sleeve work and takedowns with their powerful and enthusiastic dog goose so this is goose is a two and a half year old male and he competes in a sport called IGP it's been known as a few things in the past it's been on the chutes and IPO it involves three phases there's a scent work phase there's an obedience phase and then we're just going to demonstrate the final phase which is protection work so the behind me you can see a blind I'll be studying there and this handle is my wife she'll be sending him in to do a bark and hold at me firstly mark hides in the tent and the commander's shouted goose is off it's amazing to watch how goose apprehends mark and holds him up against the back of the tent we then see the power that the Rottweiler is so famous for the hold is tight and unwavering this criminal would not have a chance in escaping at all so you've seen goose doing what's called a bark and hold now we're gonna move into something called an escape [Music] [Music] [Music] mark then demonstrates how girls would apprehend a criminal on the run and finally we see the ease to which goose releases on command so as you can see the protection works fun with them but we've been around the breed over 20 years now and over half of that has been around the sports certainly we don't encourage you to do this at home there are fun breed there are family pets and the protection works not something that should be done by anyone who's not qualified to do it it can sometimes be easy to get them on equal it can sometimes and be not as easy to get them off again as well after the demonstration of awesome bite work we were keen to see what other marvelous skills the Rottweiler possesses Maggie Daugherty and James Smith were on hand to show us how Rottweilers have been excelling in man trailing yes that's man trailing not man training man trailing is when a dog is trained to track down a person such as a missing child or lost an injured person by scent stark is a show dog but true to the versatility of this breed he also does a sport through the man trailing man trailing is a fairly new sport to the UK it uses the same techniques for training exactly the same way that search-and-rescue dogs work we're going to use the forest that we're in today to go and look for our Mizpah mispers gonna leave her scent article for me at the bottom of the driveway and she's going to go hide and then we will take start down he'll pick up the scent ask him from the scent article and then he will find the missing person and I'm going to be there at the end so I'll be like so I was to go up into the woods and hide before stark the highly experienced Rottweiler was to track me down and to find me we headed off into the forest and Jane explained to me just what was to happen thank you drop this my sense that this bottom is the drive first up to now okay so that that's what's in the envelope did you say your sin so was an article clothing a pair of my socks pair of socks at the bottom of the driveway this would be goes right into the deep dark forest so let's see if he can he can find us I felt like Anika rise from the eighties treasure hunt series as I ran through the brambles almost falling flat we ran for at least two kilometers before choosing somewhere to hide we crouched down and waited for stark we could hear them coming in the distance so what we do now is we're just going to go down and pick up a scent and actually start the trail and look for our missing person and hopefully find them come on stop trailing ready buddy sake training boy find her find us then suddenly start was upon us and I was told to make sure to give him a treat for positive reinforcement which I did he found us with your socks pointer fine I was then asked if I would like to take stock and try and find the hidden person I agreed and we were off so this time I was on the end of the line with stuck and boy was he powerful fast like a bullet so fast I had to properly run to keep up with him eventually we found our missing person and stock was justly rewarded that would keep you fit I tell you if I had one of those dogs every two every ruddy person's amazing cause he is big strong dog to hold on to it he's strong is hey what's a fabulous skill for a dog to possess and has most certainly saved many people's lives well done our clever and multi-talented rathi so we had seen the Rottweiler at his most fearsome and also at his most sensory so now Liz spoke to us about just what is needed to make a real show Rottweiler while her daughter Mikaela help demonstrate he's above average sized breed with much substance and bones so he's a powerful dog you have got a strong powerful head and jaw this dog's got a nice dark almond eye we want to see a nice clean skull so you don't want any wrinkles you want no added problems here because wrinkles calls eye problems such as entropion yeah so we don't want that we have got a muzzle which is two to three proportions to the skull ears that lie flat you can see this big big roomy chest so a dog should have plenty of pristine and development and good for chest you've got a good sized ribcage because he needs lots of heart and lung room in order to be working we need strong powerful hind quarters because cruise-ship rupture is a problem in this breed and it's akin to a very weak rear and the thing that we need in this breed are these powerful hams this good second thigh short well let down hocks which a an endurance dog should have and as you can see this guy has no tail so he is an American rock piler this dog's tail is absolutely bang-on perfect the tail on a rock viola should hang low which can come up and over the back but never ever should it have a lateral divergence which means the tail shouldn't be off-center the other dog B you have is an American dog yes which is cross and what was the originally for the actual cropping of details in Rottweilers the original reason would be for its working ability so they didn't want a dog that was constantly having tail damage when it was working so that's historically where it is these days there is no reason to doc ock cropping is illegal in the whole country you cannot show a cropped dog in the UK or Europe we were then treated to some show ring demonstrations so we could really get to see how these magnificent dogs move finally we watched a little more obedience courtesy of mark Rigby and Nicola Lynn Bourne who has worked with Rottweilers for over 13 years both were to show us the differences in style the Rottweilers can be trained in first of always gonna be marked doing IPO style obedience which is generally a little bit looser than mainstream obedience which is a little bit more precise [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do a little bit of obedience stuff stuff a recall and a retrieve wait white [Music] white [Music] white [Music] now more than anything it was important to find out about the character of this breed especially around children so we sat down with the family Beresford in order to gauge just what the Rottweiler is like as a family pet and companion well I'm here with Mandy Nigel and Isaac down here and we're gonna be talking about the Rottweiler as a pet there were billions family dog the temperaments are solid all they actually want is a bit of love attention a war and to feed and the brilliant with kids it's letting the children know that they're not of toys yeah they're a dog and he has to respect them and now you respect that missouri's do you find that quite protective over him look after it make sure that you say there depends have all got different personalities the bottom mom Nino is Isaac's best friend and he's very protective of him they're equally as lovely to all children that comment yeah I mean the very excited so you have to be aware can they be destructive if you don't walk them out enough yeah they can get up to a lot of mischief and they do need a lot of exercise because they're a working dog alright so what do you do every day how many walks or what would you do to to keep them fit three walks yeah that's daddy does that how long would you walk them for would you say five or six miles a day to to wear them out and if you didn't do that that's yeah what might they do to your house well they might do some furniture things shoes they are good guard dogs because we always have males four or five at any one time if we go out with it we separate them okay because if somebody comes to the door and bill god so you just separate them so you don't have any arguments the good thing about the rotties are they're very very welcoming to people yeah but equally they will guard your house so if somebody comes to the door and you're with them and they know that that their owners are with them and it's okay for that person to come in the house they can safely come in the house but you're not at home they will go hang on a minute I don't recognize you and they'll go into guard mode well it was clear from today that Liz and her comrades had demonstrated what an incredibly versatile intelligent and gentle dog the Rottweiler was as well as a dog that will protect you and your family with his life a service dog a show dog a working dog and a cute and very cuddly dog that will curl up with the family at the end of the day how would you sum up the Rottweiler in one sentence or in several words the Rottweiler is a dog for all seasons a dog for all reasons he's agile he's sensitive he can do anything you would like him to do and he is very willing he doesn't want to be with you he wants to be inside your skin he's your companion for life what's the advice you want to give to people about when they want to go and sorcerer arathi okay when you purchase the dog people think oh I'll go and see a little puppies and they'll go and look at the pedigree and that will sell the dogs to them instead of doing that do it a little bit different go and inspect who the breeder is the breeder should have a profile the breeder should have their own pedigree so the footfall on social media should be immense they should have a repertoire of the dogs they've bred you should be able to go back through and see how many generations of great dogs they they have don't just be an opportunist and buy from an opportunist or a puppy mill or a cowboy that's put duty to Dottie and ended up with a badly bred litter because people will be getting diseases and they're also going to be getting bad doctor exactly character is very important and if you're going to buy a dog to go into your family when you have children the child is the most important person that you have to protect and a rut viola should have a calm tranquil gaze that denotes good nature and devotion if people would like to find out more about your Rottweilers what website should they go to our website is Fantasia team balm and calm okay and I will write that down on the screen so you can spell it correctly and then you can go and find Liz if you're interested in a Rotter Phee got some amazing puppies and everything and if you enjoyed this episode give us a massive thumbs up and remember to subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the bottom hand corner I remember to tune in every single week where we were bringing you some more amazing episodes on dogs walls animal rescue and conservation bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 3,634,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rottweiler, Rottweiler dog, rottweiler, rotweiller dog, rottweiler guard dog, rottweiler protection dog, guard dog, guarddog, protection dog, Protection Guard dog, dog bit, dog attack, man training, sleeve work, bite work, protection work, protection training, man trailing, Germany, german dog, Dobermann, Dobermann pincher, animal watch, anneka svenska, fantasa rottweilers
Id: GBZnnOe_n5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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