10 Keys For Personal Success | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message tonight I want to share with you please write this down I want to talk to you about the ten keys for personal success I want to remind you that our class is really focusing on a success which gives you influence and that's the concept I'm trying to communicate to you as we share these thoughts the school of influence is really based on the level of success that you have I was thinking for example LeBron James one of the top basketball players in the world today was simply a young man from a high school but his success in sports makes him celebrated the word celebrate is where we get our word celebrity from celebrity is someone who majority of the people celebrate and therefore they consider them to be people of influence his success as his a basketball professional on the court gives him influence in so many other areas a young man won the MVP last night all of a sudden you know he was telling a story yesterday when he got the award last night about his mother bringing him up as a single parent and how she contributed life but he was unknown his success thing is a Kevin Durant is his name he really became influential last night because the MVP most valuable player in basketball and again I want you to understand the principle behind that the principle is if you become successful in an area of your life you really become influential in the areas of life and so the goal is to really become successful and give an example of Jesus Christ when Jesus came out of that little village called Nazareth Nazareth only had 11 houses that was made down and it had one street I went to visit Nazareth over 27 years ago before it was built up and they did excavations the archaeologists found the original Nazareth and Nazareth built around a well because we have a people found water that's where they built a city or a village and they discovered that not only had 11 houses no wonder why Jesus was well-known in that little town when he went back to them they said you know can any good thing come out of this little town they said you know who do you think you are but it was really a settlement but when he was about to begin his ministry he had to do something successful what did he do he went looking for a problem you know if you are a basketball team and you losing you want to find a player who can solve your problem the Miami Heat went shopping and hired four players to solve their problem they had never worn Championships so they were looking for who solutions success begins with identifying a problem to solve so jesus christs knew if i'm gonna be successful i must succeed in something so he went looking for a problem he found one he found 12 so he found three young men at that time sitting on the beach with an empty boat that was a problem they were professionals they didn't know what to do with their problem what did he do he offered to solve their problems what did he use his gift what was his gift the gift of Dominion and he told them to go back out wrong location wrong depth and net on the wrong side and he solved their problem now what happened after that do you mean what happened after that it says Peter said to him what manner of man are you in other words you just separated yourself from normal men that's what that means we thought it was a normal person success begins with separating yourselves from the pack what manner of person are you why because you solved a problem that we couldn't solve you use the gift we didn't know you had immediately he became celebrated he became a celebrity no wonder why they were willing to drop their nets shut down the fishing company and join him because he became what successful in an area of life therefore he became influential influence is the capacity to cause other people to listen to you or to follow you what is influence oh dear I guess I'm talking to myself talk to myself talk to the hand influence is the capacity to cause other people to listen to you or to follow you that's influence suddenly they decided to listen to him then they went even to the point where they said we will follow you influence is when other people change their priorities for yours what is influence when other people change their priorities for yours its influence so the reason why we focus on success is because success brings you influence and I'm going to move very fast tonight because I want to get to these ten keys and then for the rest of the year we are going to deal with each one of these keys and we're gonna deal with national influence because you will never be successful until you have influence and you will never have influence until you are successful they are connected so I want to begin to talk about then the origins and the nature of success our focus in this session is going to be on the role of laws and rules in personal success write that down plays the role of laws and rules in personal success there's one point I want you to leave this class with tonight and it's this there's a difference between a law and a rule and rules can actually stop you from being successful we'll explain this in this session anyone who wants to be successful must break the rules please listen the captain will give you an important lesson tonight your failure in life or your a lot of success in life is related to the fact that you obey the rules are you thinking so don't confuse laws with rules I want you to look at this slide we can see it from where you are and I want you to say out loud the words that you see in this slide ready any word go intelligence imagination motivation time courage confidence ideas hard work creativity will focus intelligence imagination was the last word what's a big word success I pulled out this slide because this slide has all the principles that lend to success and each one those words he would try and remember intelligence motivation imagination will important confidence creativity hard work courage time very important you don't rush into success so success is really an integration of a number of prints will be going to talk about tonight I want to talk about these 10 keys or these 10 laws of success that I have used in my own life and these keys or laws are immutable they are also universal and they can work anywhere in the world these laws have no respect for your ethnic background your pigmentation they have no respect for your family upbringing or your culture because laws universal they work for anyone if you learn them let me talk about success I want to quickly define success for you so that you don't think that success is something else everybody wants to be successful correct I mentioned to you in my last few sessions that success is predictable failure is predictable and reason why success and failure are predictable is because everything was designed to function by laws and laws make things predictable laws make life predictable write that down all life is predictable because of laws and reason why everything has laws attached to it is because God created everything to succeed and that success related to God's reputation he wants to protect his reputation through his creation whatever God created is supposed to work it's supposed to succeed whether it's a bird flying or a fish swimming or tree bringing you know it's fruit everything else they would buy laws that means you were designed by God as God's number one highest creation which means that then God has to create some laws by which you succeed to make his reputation successful in other words success is good for God now success is not a pursuit this is important if you want to be successful in life don't try to be successful in life people are failures because they try to be successful successful people didn't try to be successful they simply followed some laws in other words success is a result of obedience to laws what did I say taught allowed back to me what did I say write that down and tweet that to somebody right now hashtag Myles Munroe success is what a result is not a pursuit in other words success is a byproduct of an activity that you are involved in the Bron James had no desire to be successful he desired to be the best player that's all so he followed some rules last night I heard them interview him after the Miami basketball team worn by 20 points and they asked him a question they said how did you do it he said well we had a few days off and instead of resting we spent all the time on the gym shooting in other words on their break they were working what was he doing he was following one of the laws hard work even when you're off he was telling us that his success is not something he desired to pursue but rather he was more concerned about working a law so that's important to understand what is success let me define a couple of thoughts for you first of all success is not what you've done compared to what others have done why because you'll always find somebody less than you and better than you so you can actually claim to be that face in the class and still be a poor student I remember that happened to me when I was a kid in in in West in prep school here in the Bahamas I read all that so excited I got 48 odd s 48 and I got the top mark in the class I went home and showed my mother my exams my tests my mother punished me she said you got faced in the class at 48 two things has to happen number one the teacher need to be fired and number two you are disgrace that means everybody got less than 48 she's a forty-eight of what and that was the question 48 out of what see success is not measured what you've done compared to others success is measured by what you've done compared to what you were supposed to do he was supposed to get a hundred so fifty-eight at the top of the class is failure because a hundred was supposed to be success so success not measured by what you've done compared to what the others have done is measured by what you've done compared to what you should have done in essence success is the fulfillment of the original assignment of purpose for which the entire test was given your life therefore is measured by why God created you not what you've done let me try it again your success in your life is not measured by what you've done but by why God created you compared to what you've done in other words you could be a complete failure and everybody else thinks you are successful because you didn't do what God purposed for your life conclusion then is that success is simply fulfillment and completion of original purpose the purpose for the exam is for me to get a hundred percent I got 48 so according to the examiner even though I got the highest score everybody failed including me because the issue is not my comparison to the others who got less than me but my comparison to what I was supposed to have gotten the purpose for the class was 100 percent everybody sit with me so success in your life is first of all discovering why did God create you what was the assignment the purpose for your birth why did you come into the world and this is really the key to measuring your success in life that's why God measure success this way Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 he says I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you future and what hope to give you a future and a hope God has a future a mock ahead of you that's supposed to be what you reach if you don't make it to the future that God intended for you no matter how many people celebrated you you are a failure so success is measured by the future for which you was conceived ecclesiastical ten verse 10 says if the axe is dull and the edges are sharp and much strength is needed but with skill success comes quickly I love that verse the axe is dog me said if you don't know and understand the laws and the keys and the principles of success you will work hard like a dull axe and still not get the tree cut down you won't accomplish what you were born to do so life is not really chess but working hard is we're working skillfully smartly and the only way to work smartly is to have knowledge of the law skill has to do with knowing the laws a skillful mechanic can fix your car in 1 hour you can sit by your car be angry for two days listen between you and the mechanic he knows the laws of the mechanics right so you can fix your car so you can work hard and still be a failure if you don't know the laws so what is the the the laws we talked about why do we call it the keys to success Jesus Christ said these words concerning living in his kingdom Matthew 19:16 verse 19 he says I will give you the keys notice the plural word of the kingdom whatever you lock up on earth will be locked up in heaven it makes plain what that means he says I'm gonna give you some laws keys are laws principles he said with these principles you can stop things from happening or you can start things to happen and whenever you stop when you use these these keys heaven will back you up and whatever you allow Kevin will back you up in other words you'll control on earth what happened does Wow I'm gonna give you the laws he says by which you can actually bring heaven to earth you can cause heaven to act on your behalf on earth so whatever you start or stop depends on the laws that you disobey or obey you can shut down things or open up things depending on the laws you obey or disobey is that clear he's giving us really notice he says heaven will do what you do which means that he's telling us that they say after God success not up to God is up to you if you don't know the keys God can't help you if you know the keys God will help you why because God is a God of laws he responds to laws he just like any manufacturer you obey the laws and manufacturer they guarantee the product will operate they support their product because you keep the law so God says I would give you the keys I would give you the principle the system's the constants by which we can have success now I want to think about is not success as I said it's not really something you pursue it is a journey it is a process you will have success at increments on your way to your ultimate purpose success has more to do it moving in the right direction than coming to a destination success it really is a process not really a destination when you make it based on the process to your ultimate purpose then you are what you would call fulfilled or you fulfill the assignment if I got an a on that test I would have fulfilled the assignment of the one who said the test maybe God does spike us when we bring 48 percent home we are proud of sudden guards ashamed of you tell God look how good have done does it usually see what you could have done you've settled for this you call this special you called this success you embarrass me says and that's why I'm going to share with you two different between laws and rules very important the secret to success is Josh wrote one verse 8 God told Joshua the secret of success here it is he says keep this book of the law on your lips meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success God gave the responsibility of success to you not to him read that verse again cuz this is up to you Joshua whether you succeed or fail and it depends on what what do you see that come on sale ow what is it pens on laws yeah thank you very much Lois I told you that success is predictable you can actually reverse this verse let us reverse it okay if you do not keep this book of the law on your lips and do not dwell in it day and night and meditate and do not be carefully do everything in it then you will make your way of failure and pour am i right yes reversed it's predictable so if you don't know the laws and don't obey them then you can pray for success no one has ever been successful because someone prayed for them or because they prayed for it success is a result of obedience to laws am i clear okay why our law is so important you can deal with this really quickly write this down the key to life is order order comes from law the source of law brings order when you obey laws you bring order to your life the ultimate law therefore life is law because there's nothing more important than law what this law or do laws protect sustain preserve they guard and they promote life if you obey laws they protect you they will guard you they will preserve you they will sustain you and in the end they'll promote you if you always do it right I guarantee you you will emerge to the top eventually people who take shortcuts people who sell drugs become rich or people who sell their bodies better bills or people who compromise and they're in their jobs to get ahead don't worry about that don't tell us because enough they will fail they will fail because you cannot break a law laws break you write this down please without law there's no definition in life laws define things you put a seed on a tiled floor and leave it there for 20 years the seed will stay there and no tree will come forward why because you violated the law of the seed so the law defines the law is defined what the seed must do you must put it in soil you must give it moisture it it must be light a sunshine or somewhere otherwise the seed will never bring for the tree so you can pray over a seed for 20 years in the lobby on the tile floor your prayer speaking in tongues quoting scripture over that thing casts and demon soul will not bring that tree or let's see because laws cannot be substituted by poorer prosperity doesn't come by prayer if you obey my laws and keep them meditate on them you will make your way prosperous per square doesn't come by prayer it comes by keeping laws some of the laziest people in the world are Christians and somehow that Christianity makes them lazy they want God to do magic these people are wicked they look for miracles all the time we know what happened when those people asked Jesus Christ for a miracle they asked him one time show us miracles he said only a wicked and adulterous generation seeks medical in other ways shortcuts hmm one of the greatest temptations the devil levied on Jesus Christ with this temptation he took him to the highest pinnacle and said jump that was a shortcut he said you won't dash your foot against a stone you will hit yourself another way take a shortcut don't go through all that stuff about the cross and you know all the pain and the crucifixion and go into hell and right he said look let's just get over it you jump now they'll believe you guess what that was the biggest temptation you know that was the biggest one but Jesus said after that why tempt the LORD thy God not with the bread and and the power was ok but this one he said this this is Deb deja the shortcut the longest way to success is the shortcut tweet that to someone now what did I say the longest way to success is a shortcut shortcuts means you violate laws the Bible called it's trespassing you know if you cut across somebody's yard instead of going around the main road you call it a shortcut don't you forget what are you doing trespassing and Christ says forgive us our trespasses forgive us from trying to make life quick but I'll go to the process of Louis forgive us for trying to get quick schemes and that's why people get into problems with business people offer them what kind of quick rich get rich quick stuff you know sell this or do this or do that that's why gambling is really demonic not because you can't gamble but because gambling encourages shortcuts and a personal gamblers I guarantee you they will always be poor even if they win once they can be poor don't violate law now I want to show you the difference between natural law and super natural laws write them down number one natural law is inherent in creation that means it's built into creation number two natural law establishes natural order number three natural law regulates natural relationships notice the word natural from the word nature huh natural not sure nature yeah it's business in nature natural law cannot be changed natural law is built-in consequences in other words natural law doesn't need God to punish you when you violate it for example gravity is a natural law if you jump off a 10-story building God doesn't need to kill you why because the consequence of breaking the law is building to the law can I suggest to you that God really doesn't judge you the laws he established judges you natural law has built-in consequences next natural law has inherent judgment again it tells it tells us that it's predictable if you keep smoking cigarettes we don't to wonder what happens to your lungs you keep drinking alcohol we can predict what happens to your liver if there's no question about that your liver is given to you to purify the blood in your body if your body's filled with alcohol in the blood that you drink the liver takes it out of the blood and keeps it the alcohol burns the cells in the liver because of acidity and it becomes fried it call it cirrhosis of the liver now you end up with a fried liver that can purify your blood anymore and the liver poisons you the thing is supposed to keep you pure becomes your poison why because the liver was never designed to extract alcohol so you broke a law it's built in judgment God has never killed a smoker God has never killed an alcoholic God has never killed a drug addict never God never makes you poor you mismanaged funds by things you can't afford by things you don't need it's a law is a judgment built in it's a law spiritual laws I'm very important I just give you natural law spiritual laws number one are established by God created and this is important in other words natural law and spiritual law have nothing to do with you they established by Allah created you didn't create gravity God's wonderful design of the universe created gravities secondly spiritual law establishes your conscience there is a law in your body called the conscience in your mind no one has to tell you when you're doing wrong there's a law in your body tells you you know when you ate too much you know when you ate something that ain't good for you the person who's smoking the cigarette knows the cigarette is bad the conscience tells them this is bad for the habit controls them your crunches is an spiritual law and number three it's ritual law as I inherited the human spirit all of us know sin even the guy who doesn't know God knows where he's breaking the law there are laws built into our spirit being number four spiritual laws regulate supernatural relationships for you to relate to God you have to obey some spiritual laws first submission you got to submit to God God can't help you if you a submit number two you have to confess that you don't know nothing that's a spiritual law you come to God as if you know everything then why do you need God as a law a law of submission not just of your body but of your mind and your intelligence the last one spiritual law is built-in consequences the wages of sin is death so when your forefather Adam sinned God didn't put death on him death was built into the law let me quote God's Word God says the day you eat this fruit you will surely die he didn't say that day you eat his food I will kill you the dying was in the act of eating the fruit in other words oh disobedience has its own built-in consequences God only to judge us so that's how powerful laws are laws are so powerful they have their own inherent judgment you may think for example you're getting away with some private things God who know about God knows everything you see what you doing man no one's watching and God has given you some opportunity to solve this thing up because eventually it's going to destroy you and if you having an affair with sin Freddie with sin privately it secretly God don't worry about you and God will even judge you it's built into the act laws i inherent now the reason why I showed you that is because I want you to see the different wiener laws and rules because there's a difference between the two and it affects your success write this down law is the inherent principles that regulate nature of life and relationships in God's creation I'm giving you definition of law law defined is inherent principles that means the built-in principles that regulate the nature of life and relationships within creation for example the tree relates to the soil because of a law they have a relationship if the tree breaks relationship with the soil no one has to kill it the judgment is built in it the fish must relate to the water they got to get along real well if the fish decides I don't like you no more water you don't need to kill the fish that's God never killed Adam does it look your relationship with me depends on you not touching that tree I'm gonna kill you but if you violate that tree that means the commandment of God is not a tree it's the fact that God will not to touch it the law he says I don't need to kill you you will die when a fish leaves watering you never kill it it dies and a plant leaves soil you don't kill it it dies when a man leaves God you don't kill him he dies is that clear so the relationship is determined by the laws I mean if you drink gasoline MC and you drink gas names he had anyone drink gasoline holy Hannah anyone love gasoline you like drink it oh yeah nobody oh come on you mean you actually go to a station every other week to buy this stuff spend your money you don't like it you actually do something you don't like yes the question is why C you should do many things you don't like because in order for you to get some D function you need to keep that relationship with the gas station you relate to that station because you want your car to function so there's a law the law says cars need gasoline and the station has it so you got a developer in each of the station constantly progressive your car is life if you decide one day I never go back to the station Kassadin I never arrived in no more so you shut it down so laws create relationship very important number two laws are both natural and supernatural both physical and spiritual to guarantee maximum fulfilment of purpose and potential in other words God created all the laws to work in your favor then the parlament life is simple you know we don't know the laws so we come to life experimenting guessing hoping things were covered my real simple job the rest of my life reason why I am doing what I do the reason why you called me maybe a pass no teacher a simple job I have my job is teaching the laws every day I get it but your teacher laws you know this is nothing about anointing and all that deep stuff this really is about laws you can have an anointed fool teaching foolishness you got some good preachers who ain't know nothing but the laws they make you shove ha in the end you did nothing no laws you got a good sweat you still broke poor depressed frustrated don't know how to succeed and you've been going there for 50 years because it's not the preaching that set you free it's the truth of the laws that set you free and that's why we have this class this class is about law that's not the law of nature law is essential to life law is necessary for all relationships and the concept of me is the concept of law write that down need creates law your car needs gasoline so there's a law established by the need the fish need water so there's a law it stops by the need the plant needs the soil so there's a lot started by the need you don't want God you need God that's why you come back to God people think that coming to God is a religious experience or something no it isn't if you catch in your senses that's all without God you can do what nothing the Bible says without the water the fish can do nothing without the soil the plant can do nothing without God you can do nothing he says this is not a matter of choice it's a matter of need you don't want God fish don't want water some more write this down plants need soil fish need water birds need the air the freedom trees need carbon dioxide they don't want it and humans need oxygen and a problem with this is humans don't produce oxygen and they need it to live so there's a law the humans gotta protect the trees that's a law every time you kill a tree you're threatening your own life so this is why governments are actually finding people who are cutting the forests because they are about to destroy human life on earth and so actually there are countries like Guyana or Brazil or Colombia where the largest amount of trees exists in the world they call the Amazon forest that is really a oxygen factory so the United Nations is actually paying these countries not to cut trees down you're not amazing maybe the Bahamas should start a new industry tree planting you can plant so many trees in these islands that they repay you to keep the trees because the trees are the manufacturers of oxygen which we need law in other words law can bring you money if you understand the laws all right challenging laws now when you challenge laws you put yourself in a predicament and I'm gonna make a statement now please buy this CD everyone but what I'm saying is the key to your life this whole CD is important for you to get I'm teaching you stuff that took me 45 years to learn and I've given to you in 45 minutes write this down humans are the only created beings that willfully intentionally violate natural and physical laws we are the only creatures that do it fish never leave water plants never leave the soil they don't challenge the law we are the only creatures God created that question the law challenge it violate it intentionally willfully walk away from it we are amazing creatures and that's why there is global failure all over the world in every culture every race every ethnic group people are failing by the billions because they disobey laws and intentionally all other created things submit to law they obey natural law and spiritual law you know do you remember Lucifer lucifer was created as a cherub cherub the cherub is an angel that was created by God to carry out certain responsibilities for example there are three cherubim that we know of cherubim is a plural word cherub means singular the three cherubim one we know of is Michael Wright the Bible cover Michael the second one we know about is Gabriel it's a cherub and the third one we know about was Lucifer now a three time was created by God for a specific purpose let me give you the purpose of each one the Bible talks about it Mikey was created by God to be a warrior he's a warrior so anytime God wanted some angel to fight it was always Michael who showed up Gabriel never was called to fight anybody Campbell was created by God to be director of communications every government needs a military they needed Department communications and they need a Minister of Culture guess who that was Lucifer in charge of culture music you know sound okay if you study the Bible whenever there was warfare that nit was needed Michael showed up lemon when Daniel was praying who showed up Michael do you know who cast Satan out of heaven the Bible says Michael Stern find out whenever God wanted someone to bring a message Michael never showed up it was always Gabriel in every place there's a message coming from God Gabriel showed him it was Gabriel who came to Mary because he's a communicator he's the messenger Lucifer was director of music and culture what did he do it was a law that you stay in your place he decided to remove himself from his position let me tell you what a demon is is simply a person out of position you don't need to kill them they are naturally tormented tormented the word torment is what the word demon means diamond means tormented one tormented one means somebody who's in a place where they supposed to be today never comfortable now there may be demons in this room humans that's why you are tormented you are doing something you were not born to do and that's why you hate going to that job because you're not built for this job he's torments you and you Tom anybody in it - I know why I come here this old lousy job I will go home business lunch time see you Tom in everybody around it because you are out of your purpose it's a pleasure to be around someone who's supposed to be next to you my god some of your smiling there's some demons and your work when you go to work tomorrow you know them very well for ten years they've been complaining about that job and they still wouldn't leave this is Tom mentation this is this is how many people right they ain't built for this it's not that gift not they gift am i making sense so let's top of the law of humanity first of all God created all things to live and function my lord you said that but God pitted mankind to live by natural and spiritual laws and that's why all humans must learn laws for relationships to be built properly the reason why people fail is because they don't know the laws and therefore all relationships are products of law how you relate to life depends on the laws so you supposed to obey law is the key to success and prosperity do you ever wonder why God told Joshua if you obey my laws you will have good success do you know why so you can have bad success he says you make your way good prosperous why there's bad prosperity a drug dealer has a lot of money but he can't sleep why cuz the brothers trying to kill him he got stay up all night watching his money this is not prosperity this is torment law is the key to success and relationships and so again I encourage you to listen carefully during this series for the laws that's what we're gonna learn I was telling one of our ministers yesterday I said I will never be poor again impossible I will never be poor again why because laws are predictable laws give you control over life write that down what did I say when you know laws and you obey laws you control the the outcome there's a verse in the Bible that we don't even think about separation of daughter Jesus says Jesus a farmer goes out to soul he sells his seed watch this now he says and then he sleeps and he wakes and he sleeps and he wakes and so comes the chute and then the tree and then the fruit now what you didn't hear Jesus say is he goes to bed and he prays and he fasts and he speaks in tongues he did not say that he said he goes out and he sows the seed in the soil then he sleeps and he wakes in otherwise the guy doesn't think about it anymore why I done what I supposed to do I paid the laws I can fall asleep you get it up and run I must say it again when you know law and you obey law you control the outcome the farmer doesn't have to pray for the outcome so he goes to sleep and he wakes after you go to the gas station and you fill your carpet unleaded gasoline do you pray for the car to run no why you obey the law so you don't even pray you just press the gas and you're gone what it's supposed to work if I do what I'm supposed to do Lois Lord wisdom it's very important knowledge of laws and principles are the source of wisdom the Bible says in all your getting get wisdom and if it costs you all you have get understanding write it down write down the scripture it is proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 write that down that's one of my key scriptures in my life one of my favorite prisoner might in my life it probably is 4 over 7 I live on that from a teenage I still live on it I'm a quoted again in all your getting get wisdom but if it cost you all you have get understanding he's talking about the laws if you understand the laws you become wise knowledge of laws produce boldness sometimes people think that you are wise know you ain't wise you're just knowledgeable its knowledgeable of what the laws when you learn the laws of life people think you're smart you're smart you've got a good memory and you follow the laws they call that wisdom I can counsel anybody I am being I'm causing people at the top of governments and they think I'm smart now are you go to Lourdes and there are laws of leadership and there are laws of communication and their laws of social development and their laws of family security so I just repeat the laws I think oh you saw why I got a good memory and they pay you for a good memory because the laws make sense am I still coming through you're not quite in a boy wisdom is laws and principles apply matter of fact the three words you want to remember is knowledge understanding and wisdom right they're different knowledge is information understanding is comprehension but wisdom is application you can actually know laws and don't apply to the results is the same huh you fail you know your gas tank is on e you know that but you could avoid gas stations you know the car needs it to your knowledge you understand the car needs you got comprehension but you ain't got no wisdom what is wisdom applying it going to the station or getting the gasoline so coming to a class like this is one thing understanding what I'm saying is another thing but leaving here what you do with it it's totally up to you and wisdom is application so laws and principles are more important than power when a person knows the laws they have power when you learn the laws you can demand your own value your car breaks down I'm gonna keep mechanic knows the law and mechanic says look $300 I don't care you argue you want car work I know laws so it's $300 see you know laws you can demand your own value I get how much are you thinking why didn't I hear this 25 years ago because you were in the wrong place now you're in the right place you are diplomats enter a boundless administration's unit right but give got to have it being in the right place all right Louis place is strength now not as I talked about laws versus wisdom but let's have a lawyer for the strength sometime a strong person is not smart that's rude the Bible says in Joshua 1 again God told Joshua be strong and courageous how he says by keeping the laws your strength is proven by the laws you know and the laws you obey a strong person is the person who keeps law I'm talking about ritual laws now you know I'm talking about the laws that God built into life inherent laws the Ten Commandments are actually divine laws you can't change them I was thinking the other day and God said to not kill do not kill I was thinking kill that means anything is alive could be killed correct you can kill a forest now why did God said don't kill because when you kill you affect everything else you affect everything else so these are divine laws you protect life you preserve life make your way prosperous now I want to wrap this up with the different between laws and rules it's very important then we give you the ten laws we can close on that and then I want you to don't miss a session but we can deal with each law separately so you know them okay I talked a little bit about this true principles and laws are never broken violation of law is impossible you don't break laws that's number one number two true principles and laws can never be violated if you jump from a ten story building you didn't violate gravity gravity violated you when you jump over ten story building you didn't push yourself down gravity pulled you down disability no difference you didn't fall if you jump with ten story building you were pulled down if Robbie didn't exist you would have floated you don't break laws that's number three true laws and principles break those who violate them and before the creator of true law does not have to impose judgment these are important principles of violation of law number five judgment is inherent in true law principles built into them number six true law and principles attract and activate their own benefits I like this path and their judgment I don't like that part can I say that one again true laws and principles attract and activate their own benefits or judgment if you learn the laws of life learn the laws of creation learn the laws of spirituality if you learn them and you obey them they attract benefits if you keep my lord Joshua you will make your way prosperous that means you cannot fail failure and success is not up to God God's finished he's created the whole thing he put it in motion you buy a car made in Detroit from Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company builds into this car certain laws it needs oil it needs fuel in these transmission fluid it needs really the fluid or water they decide that and then they ship it out to you to the Bahamas ok no problem they say if you give this car everything it needs all the laws it needs laws needs right needs laws it's a table function for you no problem if you want the benefits that are bidden in this car they say you must keep those laws if you violate those laws you attract what judgment the car shuts down doesn't serve you you become a failure it becomes a failure because you violate the laws so laws have their built-in benefits and judgment what's the benefits of law number one laws and principles protected the product number two laws and principle preserve the product number three laws or principles serve the product number four laws and principles guarantee product function number five laws and principles simplified product operation this one is important if you know the laws don't break you become very easy you know some of you got a iPad you working with that right you know some basic thing with iPod right that the laws are hard functions and when you bought it some time they haven't built into the built into the iPod they have a function that says this would teach you hard functions so you can press that and teach you how this product functions that is there to protect the product from abuse so laws and principles simplify product operation once you know the hard operates by the laws then you don't you don't need to pray you need to pray about how to operate I've had do you it's nine the laws at least number six laws of rennes must bring peace and confidence when you know the laws you are confident why can I teach in this class is so much confidence because I know the laws and I know what I'm saying is true because I actually am a result of them I learned them tested them proved them they work so I can speak with confidence these laws were laws give you confidence and boldness number eight laws and principles are the enemies of fear when you know the laws of life and the principles of life there's no fear in your life because you know what to do there is evidence of ignorance what did I say write that down and tweet it to somebody right now hashtag Myles Munroe blaze what did I say fear is evidence of ignorance Wow if you know you got $100,000 in the bank and a buddy panic and ain't got no money you are you can panic why why why are you not gonna panic now there you cannot see the money they can't see the money but I'll come you know to panic in right next to them cuz you know something as a knowledge reduces fear Jesus Christ had no fear of death now that wasn't because he was God he told us why he said my father told me that if I live my life down I could take it up again that knowledge made him fullness of death it was the information that gave him the confidence and the bonus when you know laws they cancel fear and now you can see why laws are so important let me teach the Laws of Success law is the foundation again I repeat of inherent inherit the creation it is the glue that holds the universe together everything exists by law everything exists on law everything exists for law and without law there is no success now why is law so important I want you to read this verse that and I'm by the way I'm going to I want to say this because right now there's some people preaching around the world about grace I'm not against grace but I'm against the teaching that grace cancels law be very careful he overdose on grace and you start the abuse in law overdose on grace and success runs from you know those on grace and you use grace to break law grace doesn't cancel law grace positions you to keep the law he proved it the first statement of Jesus Christ on earth when he came to earth about law it's found in Matthew 5 verse 17 reader loudly go do not think he says that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill them and I tell you the truth watch this now until heaven and earth disappear it's very severe never sit up there good he says until they disappear not the smallest letter or the least folk of the law will disappear from the law until everything is accomplished the earth still here wait it gets better read anyone who breaks one of the least of these laws and teaches others to do them to be that will be called least in the kingdom of God read the last part it's about me but whoever practices and teaches these Commandments will be called great in the kingdom of heaven I'm a great man are you great yes do you mean how important laws are you teach others right you become a great crisis I'm great not only I am great in the king of God because I teach you to keep law not to keep grace grace forgives you so you could keep laws again yeah please get my series in the bookstore on Law & Grace they'll help you now I can't wait to get to this part here laws and tradition nor tradition are different traditions can give you failure most people fail because of tradition if you're going to be successful you have to break tradition somehow we've made tradition and law are the same they are not let's read Matthew chapter 5 verse 20 words of Jesus Christ out loud read for I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law you will se not enter the kingdom of heaven now that word righteousness means one to be realigned with God's laws okay so he's talking about the differ between tradition and laws you know believe me read the next verse Matthew 15 to read why do you disciples break the rules or traditions of the elders stop reading know the word or between what rules and traditions they are the same okay read it again why do your disciples break the rules or the traditions of who the oldest who the L is not God follow me now you got to separate what man made from what God except I guarantee you with all my strength that man has designed your failure I [Music] don't trust no old man none this is very important what I'm saying he said they said why do your disciples break the rules and traditions of the elders not get with God bridge next statement they don't wash their hands before they eat sound familiar jesus replied now he can respond to them why do you break the laws of God in place of your traditions your rules your traditions Wow help me Lord the difference between law versus rule get your pen this is fresh stuff of the wire remember this all your life my cyber members write this down okay what is law versus rules number one a general rule or principle that is thought to be true or held to be binding the world calls that law it's a rule number two in the world let's say that a statement of a scientific fact or phenomenon that is in that that is invariable under given conditions they call that law and that's not necessarily true because God violated many facts may walking on water by their a scientific fact opening the Red Sea some say they really it happened but God violated the natural facts number three they say laws our principle set out in the Bible especially the Pentateuch is the first five books of the Bible Matthew Mark Luke sorry Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy is the Pentateuch the laws of God they also say that the laws are a rule or conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by Authority this is dangerous stuff here nor is a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority this is dangerous stuff for example in America some years ago they made a rule that black people were only 2/3 humans that means they were half animals that was a law in America right so they expected the procedure to fall of that that means a black man could never be treated like an E human to anyone else so he was sold like you sell animals it's called slavery why because there was a rule that produced that conduct watch this and it was accepted by the community so the white community in America accepted the rule that black people were not humans they were just partially animals so to sell them and to treat them like I'm gonna beat them and to burn them at the brand name with a hot iron was just like running a cow it's not after all the rule is accepted community that you ain't a real human so the whole concept was based on a rule created by the community and it was binding and enforceable by authority that means Authority gave you the right to buy a slave to beat a slave to brand the slave and to sell asleep the community made that possible impossible I thought there is alura's now what happened to that well yet people who rose up and says via against the rule why because there's another law the law says that all humans are equal made in God's image so that they had to find another law they got that law from where Genesis right so it's okay we found a divine law that says all humans are equal so the law became more important than the rule I don't trust the rules of men you can see why the rules of men are designed to make sure you fail and to keep you from prosperity and success the last one is the most frightening one they say laws are an active layer of passed by legislature was a similar body this is dangerous our law is an Act passed by legislature or a similar boiling Congress or something now that's dangerous they they're making laws today all kind of laws I don't call them laws I call them rules the Bible calls some rules and tradition they are trying to make it a tradition that two men get married for example two men can get marry they try to make it a tradition so they become accepted by the community remember the community now is the problem and they want to enforce it by authority you have to marry two men if they come to you why by law they say so that you know there's a problem in some countries where it two women come to get married you get to marry them why the authorities have to enforce it why because legislature says it is a rule which they call a law now problem they made a human law but natural or disagrees the two men kind of children so you're human law cannot stop natural law or divine law that's why we teach in this church the divine laws and I'm telling you right now I'm telling you right now I am willing to die to protect natural law and divine and they you clapping but doesn't be tested one day see we can see if you mean that clap me I already decided there don't mean under me when it comes to protecting the laws of God so here's the bottom line the tipping between rules and laws number one laws are more important than rules what did I say tweet that right now to someone and hashtag MouseMan rule number two these are principles laws are different from rules number three rules these are retractions customs limitations and boundaries created by men our rule is men retract from the divine laws they create customs they create limitations after the rule is it's a limitation they create boundaries a rule is not a law not a real law if man creates a rule it is not a divine law the man was designed by God to protect natural law and divine law what man has attempt to do is to create a third set of laws which is all laws and many times those laws violate the first two laws natural law and divine law that leads to point number four Lords should never be subject to rules Martin Luther King jr. said these words when he was fighting against the oppression of white domination America he's there comes a time when it's legal to break human law that's an important statement there comes a time when it's legal to break human law so let's go you said let's go March let's shut down the country let's sit down on the buses let's shut down every restaurant let's don't go to work why the laws have got to work that's a rule but we said there's another law we equal so we ain't going to work there comes a point where laws cannot be subject to rules I'm talking with success tonight and number 5 where there is conflict between a law and a rule obey the law what did I say when there's a conflict between a law and a rule obey the law that might mean going to jail Nelson Mandela went to prison because he break a rule and he broke the rule because he found another law the law says all men are equal the rule says they are unequal he said I'm gonna obey the law and violate the rule i'ma pay the price number 6 successful people always break the rules for the sake of the law I remember and they said that no man could break the 1 minute mile no three minute mile a four-minute mile yeah it was a lot as a rule they made a rule the human can run faster than four minutes in a mile is it was a rule and then one guy decided and will break it and once he broke it everybody break it leaders are always rule breakers that's why they're leaders he he can lead by keeping rules he made by keeping laws were not rules the rules are made by men who created the desktop computer who'd in there you remember who Steven jobs and his partner right do you know what they decided they decided that a computer could sit on a desk the rule says no a computer should be big as it wrong so they break the road they break the rule once they break it once that was it everybody said using desktop computers then Steven George Camus says a computer can be in your hand is this impossible only for the deaths he said nobody could have in our hands no last year he says what we have on your wrists they can so have it in your eye why keep breaking the rules e rules are made by man you won't be successful find a rule and break it a bohemian cannot own a bank they say okay that's a rule somebody gotta break that a baby cannot run a 50 rome hotel you gotta break that rule these are man-made rules you know men are so weird let me tell you what humans are like isn't me carefully he almost made a car right they built the car and put on the speedometer a hundred and sixty-eight miles per hour they give you the car you buy it you have a hundred sixty to a power in the engine only put up a side 45 I'm confused here wait now why you don't build the car for 45 then I gotta worry about it because humans are designed to restrict you they give you rules to your power and then comes Jesus and says nothing is impossible if you believe it not them that's where success begins success begins by ignoring them violating their rules huh you work in a hotel goss's no I want you to own a hotel on the island you said they're saying we don't own hotels who said that they said that is your response who is they that's the question so you settled this one is very important never be afraid to break the rules for the sake of the laws of God never be afraid to break the rules for the sake of the law of God in creation I believe rules by man were made to be broken and only those who break them make history humans design life for you to behave so the big great you got to misbehave can I get amen you know Sandra didn't hit him victim at you tonight Sandra kept the rules they said you ain't never supposed to get back up the rule says you ain't wasn't walking on what the rules of men says you finish Sandra here tonight write notes because the law of God says I'm another log glasses whatever you confess you experience whatever you believe you shall have whatever you say you shall experience right honestly this is very important here 1932 2011 says what the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them see they have their rules you got the laws of the kingdom they got their rules you got the laws they got their locks you got the keys you keep unlocking it and it locks on your unlocking click click in the case they're keen to keep unlocking the rules the locks of men successful people no laws that unlock the locks of men men lock you up they lock you down they tell you you can't do what you're supposed to do but it clear it to you you ain't never gonna be the owner of the department or only the company you're gonna work for love your life and Roz is no division I gave you is you own your own company but the rule says you ain't supposed to own it break the rules I am and then you publicly break the rules he says you've made the rules of men more important the laws of God Matthew 15 they told me in this country that I can never do what I'm doing today I violated their rules and the big announcement is you ain't seeing what I got to do next you all think you all know me yet just getting wound up not a question of what you gonna do you have dental laws first law number one it's the key it's a law you must discover your purpose we're gonna deal with that number two you must cultivate perception they all start with P so you can remember them that means you got to actually see your purpose in pictures it's the law you can't go to where you can't see number three it's a law you must understand your potential you must believe in your potential more than other people's assessment of you otherwise you're never successful number four you must have a passion those of you want to be motivational speakers they given you a materialman write this down but make sure you be credit now and usually the first time this is the secret to success passion the fifth key for success is principles even though you have vision and passion you gotta have principles to protect them say get a live by laws to protect your principles your passion and your vision number six a law planning you have to plan your strategy to be successful make a plan number seven people law have mercy this is an important one the law of people if you're going to be successful you're gonna have to protect yourself from the wrong people and you gotta gather in your life the right people you got a void in the wrong people people are dangerous and number eight the law of persistence because there will be resistance there will be those who don't believe you get used to it it's part of process of success and number nine the law of perseverance that means you got to fight to accomplish your dream través don't come to you you go for them you gotta persevere president means that you bear up under difficulties you keep getting up keep dusting off keep saying I'm gonna start again I'm gonna try one more time two more times ten more times perseverance the last one is the Lord prayer this one is very important it means that you must have spiritual reserves you must be able to go to the one who gave you number one the one who gave you your purpose you must have a daily relationship with him that's a praise praise constantly staying connected petitioning the source for your purpose these are laws we are going to study these in this school and once you understand them they're not difficult to apply but you have to learn them understand them so you can apply them here's a quote I want you to follow this quote I know you can read this we can start from the bottom this is normally how you have to think to become successful stop in the bottom can you see it was the first word I won't that's where people start I won't do it number two I can't do it number three I don't know how to do it number four I wish I could do it number five what is it number six I think I might number seven I might not be a I think I can number nine I can number ten I will number eleven I did it okay these may be simple statement but anyone gotta go through these statements I don't know where you are on the ladder right now hopefully you are not on the bottom I won't do what I dream you have to get to the point where you get to the top and say I will do this the will is at the top because it means that you're willing to die for what you're going for is that clear we don't allow please action is the foundational key to all success what is it action as we close tonight go ahead and get this CD act on it start learning the laws read the Bible to get laws not just to get devotions read the Bible to learn the principles not just to learn verses you want to go after the laws shall be the laws David said you teach me your laws I will not fail they are preserved me so act upon what you heard in Jesus name everybody say Amen thank you very much for opportunity to share with you I hope that you learn a few things tonight if you are give yourself a big hand for coming out tonight praise God thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe Global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 945,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: ArHzFz5zO0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 52sec (5572 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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