The Power of Planning and Change Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message I want you to write this down the power of planning the power of planning and change the power of planning and change I want to focus for a few minutes on understanding the principle of planning and preparation and how that relates to strategic thinking we have young people here tonight you are very important to me if you are below the age of 25 you are very important for next year if you are between the age of 25 and 40 I want you to brace yourself for massive change if you over the age of 40 you're going to learn that the things that you thought was settled are going to be shaken not in a negative way in a positive way I want you to write this down the two powers in life there are two powers in life that every one of us have to deal with every day the two powers in life that you can never control or stop is time and change you cannot control time you cannot control change secondly the two most difficult components in life to manage is time and change whether you like it or not the new year is coming thirdly a man's life consists in how he managed and used time and change we become what we are as a result of how we used time and how we manage the changes in our lives you are a product of those two things and therefore the four point is very important the key to your future is the successful management of time and change you can't stop time you can't stop change so all you can do with them is manage them and you become what you are based on how you manage both of them I want to simplify life for you tonight you are simply a product of how you use your time and how you manage the changes you've been through so far and what you become in ten years from now will be a result of how you manage the time and the changes so when we talk about time let's talk about time by itself a minute time is an amazing power every day week month or year is a gift given to us by God and that gift is given to us to fulfill an assignment that means that you were sent to earth to complete a task and to fulfill a specific purpose but you were sent to do it by God within a certain amount of time so you don't have forever to fulfill your assignment this is important you was sent to earth to do something and you were given a certain amount of time to do it in so you don't have the luxury of experimenting and this is the Bible calls a burden it's a matter of fact the passing of time and I wrote this from my spirit the passing of time makes you accountable to God so the next time you tell somebody Happy New Year pause and acts what did I do with it what did I do with the year they just passed how much of it that I wasted watching television being with people who had no interest in success being involved in habits that didn't improve my life my body what did I spend that year on we are accountable to God why he gave us a gift and so when we think of time I want to read a verse from the book of Job chapter 1 chapter 14 rather verse 5 now this is a verse you must remember all your life it says man's days are determined that means you don't decide how long you live your life is on a timer the next verse statement says you have decreed the number of his month and have set limits he cannot exceed have you noticed that at the end of years suddenly a lot of people start dying there are people who spent Christmas weeping and sometime the people who died had no sickness or no tragic situation some of them would be playing basketball and died they'd be playing tennis or in the garden it's as if he's supposed to die before the next year I always believe that there's a quota that verse says he sets limits that you cannot exceed so job says look away from us God and leave us alone until we have put in our time like what a bunch clock you came to earth you were born at a certain time and you only get a certain time to do what you supposed to do and leave and let me say this being all doesn't mean that you are blessed because of being all means that you are blessed by God then Jesus was cursed because Jesus died at 33 years old but he didn't die sick he used these words it is finished he died because he had completed his assignment within the time some of you have come to this meeting tonight and you can't read a good to Junkanoo and God sent you here to tell you stop a minute stop hold it right here young man stop this woman what are you doing with another year young Manas our number you wonder why I work so hard in my life why I try to do so much in one day because I am on a collision course in my month whenever that month is I won that month to be embarrassed I don't want to die wishing I could stay alive I want to die like the Apostle Paul when he said I have finished my course why are you here tonight in this watch night service your annual service what are you doing here are you afraid of God my comment well oh I use it because God sent you here to get your life sorted out to get your priorities back in order to help you understand you ain't here just to pay bills and drink beer and watch TV you were sent here to do something within a certain amount of time and you don't have forever to do it it's so important ladies and gentlemen I am always concerned about people who say I am 90 years old can we take some of our age there's a man in the Bible who was 969 years old I'm the only thing we know about this man it says he died leave us alone God let us put in art what a statement now please write this down remember this every new year is a chapter it's a chapter in your man's book of how well we manage time and change that's what a year is it's a chapter you close it a new axis of holiday do you know last year I wrote two books I got him out early they are now books of last year they went to a hundred and twelve countries they are in 68 languages I labor all night to write them night after night I gotta get him out before the next year I did it while you were sleeping I was working how did you do this year we looked so much that excitement toward a new year and the question is what happened to the last one make a note of this time and change are the raw materials of life time and change are materials these are two things you can't stop and they keep moving they keep happening and they build your life time and change are building blocks in other words time and change are the only commute commodities in life that every human have in common all of us are given 24 hours every day and all of us are subject to change every day so no one is better or less when it comes to time and change you become what you are by how you use your 24 so every new year is an opportunity given to you by destiny to improve your management of time and change I want you to make a decision tonight the 2013 and talking to you 2013 will be a year that you become a professional manager of your time and your changes I want to encourage you please stop wasting time I was thinking about how God created time listen remember this time was created by God but he has the problem God created time put you in it but he doesn't live in it that makes that relationship very dangerous where does God live he lives him forever in eternity so when God speaks to you must be very careful if he tells you I'm gonna see you tomorrow that could be a thousand years so I've learned to be very patient with God's promises because the Bible says a David the Lord could be a thousand years because he doesn't live in time and because he's like a live in time therefore he has places in time so that we could put his kingdom in time out of eternity he wanted to extend his invisible kingdom to the visible world so he put us in time so that eternity could come into time we were sent into time so that time can know what eternity looks like crisis when you pray don't pray to go to heaven heaven is an eternity he said pray like this our Father who is in heaven the eternal country thy kingdom come and I will be done on earth which is in time he want time to experience eternity so he took us out of eternity put us in the earth suit and put us in time so the time could experience what we are like without our suits you are not a physical creature trying to have a spiritual experience you are a spiritual creature having a physical experience I am a spirit you can't see me but I live in this body and I was sent from my country called heaven and my country sent me to reveal its culture to time and he gave me an assignment out of the unseen matter of fact let's read where God created time it says and God said let there be lights in the heavens in the sky to separate the day from the night and to let them serve a signs to mark seasons and days and years God created seasons days and years so meat has on one new year you're talking about God's material God created days and years and he says let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light to earth and it was so and God says this is good days are good years are good I thank God for days and years if you had to live in eternity it'll be a tough place to live because whatever happened in that place with eternal for example if you had a headache in eternity it would be an eternal headache if you got divorced in eternity the pain would last forever God blessed us when he put us in time so we could have days and months so he can say that the pain was yesterday I was broke last month come on say Amen see that's why my time time allows you to get rid of what you're experiencing it keeps pushing it back into history so you can live in the future in a different life in a few minutes we hope to live a year for some of you it was hell on earth but the good news is in a few minutes you'll be able to tell everybody that was laughs yeah you've got a time crack whatever you went through it being pushed into history and you are being pulled into a future that hasn't been touched yet 2013 it's going to be the most amazing year you ever had you might well find autumn now for it he made the year and he said this is good so time it is measured in components like seconds and minutes and months and years and and weeks and we thank God for that matter of fact God is so good that he only gives us a daily supply give us our daily but you see we want monthly bread God says no I supply day by day one of the good news we have from God at this one weaving may endure for one night but joy day a neighborhood this year is about to leave us I got a good year waiting for me come on believe that a couple second I get goodness some of you are so glad that last year is about to become a reality because it was so horrible the best yeah is just about to start break this down time measures life in seasons and winter summer autumn spring some of you are not a long winter for some of you 2012 is just winter nothing worked you got a job lost a job got a job no clients left companies folded up lost your tuition couldn't go back to school I mean all kind of stuff happened you got a divorce and then remarried baby died mother died father died to me stuff happened car accident wouldn't off stuff happening this year and God a saint it's okay it'll so me last year I couldn't use is that is only a season it's only a season I put it to you that time for text man from living in permanent states I used to be broke and I might be broke again but nothing lasts forever to everything there is only a season can I give you a promise whatever your season is right now it cannot last hallelujah if you are a tough year I'm promising you by God's Word it's about to get better this is the good news a new year is a blessing write this down because a new year is an opportunity for you to correct your priorities it also gives you a chance to redefine your purpose it also gives you a chance to renew your vision again it gives you an opportunity to set new goals for your life it also gives you an opportunity to get rid of your past thank God for that one it also gives you a chance to plan another future you can plan a different future than the past you had last time time also gives you this opportunity for you to make plans to plan your life and the secret to life is effective management of time and chance and here's what my message is about tonight the principle key the management of time and change is planning you cannot control time nor change but you can plan the way you use go successful people are simply people who effectively planned how they use guide someone said if you aim at nothing you will never miss planning creates bull's eyes it creates destiny it creates targets without a plan you are just shooting in the wind don't allow another year be a year of just shooting to end planning is the most important principle of success in life because the only thing that regulates time and change is planning oh I'm a planner you see without a plan time and change will ruin you if you don't plan on what you're going to do somebody's plan it for you the most dangerous person in the Bahamas is a guy named les you all know this guy dangerous a let's go this let's go do that let's go yet come gold miss let's go here let's go drink this less less less will kill you the only defense against les is a plan les said let's go tell em I got a plan already go into the New Year with a plan that is so strong that time will submit to it and change will become its servant can I put it to you then that next year I want you to remember about to write down God say this is the year of changes in time the number 13 a dissin research for you do you know that every single letter in Hebrew is a number write that now let's know that so when God spoke to Moses and Joshua and Daniel and and Joseph he was speaking in numbers the Hebrew language is the only language that comes in numbers some of you wonder why we use the term 666 for the Beast well the word beast in Hebrew is three letters and they actually are all the six in number that's the word beast so when the Bible said the Beast shall appear and shall subjugate the earth and shall contaminate the temple the word peace is 666 is a number but do you know what 13 is in Hebrew it is the word change welcome to the year change glory hallelujah 13 means write it down new beginning it also means starting fresh I like that one God says no matter what happened up to this point this new year you gonna start oh I received that by myself God's gonna give you a fresh start that means sickness can be history pain go be the past confusion gonna go away loosing don't become history frustration gonna go away you want start right and it's about to happen in four minutes fresh the way thirteen also means new phase that is the strange word it doesn't mean you know like new things and meet a completely new phase of your life I'm about to speak in tongues that means God's gonna change the whole dynamic everything is gonna change in 13 you don't even go to some strange changes you can move into a new house as a new phase of your life you think if you're gonna start a new business and it's going to work in the middle of the economy shout hallelujah cause if I'm gonna give you a new phase thirteen also means and you dimension that means you're gonna go into experiences you never had before you're gonna know God in a different way you're gonna see miracles in a different way you're gonna see people in a different way you can have a new diamond mention this is my part when God spoke to me November I almost couldn't sleep for two days he said this way if they're going to means studying again okay the business failed last year cuz it's okay here comes 13th so you've been told you're like that 13 is an unlucky number but the Bible in Hebrew says if the best number you ever had glory hallelujah say you never I'm about to start again shout loud I'm about to start again come on young people you're going back to school I promise you God don't give you some scholarships they never know about how about giving God thanks right now for going back to school with all expenses paid he's gonna start again I see 13 as you coming to the end of your rope in channel 12 and God given you a new rope we got a long rope this time you bout to move into an area that no one never saw you in as a matter of fact it means where you were it actually means transforming nation 13 transformation he's going to transform your entire experience in one year anybody ready for transformation thirteen bow your heads father we're about to walk over five four three two welcome so you beginning [Music] Oh [Music] welcome [Applause] [Music] they never had a time I had a hard time last year tell them had a rough time last year but it's a new beginning somebody scream it's a new beginning come on somebody just gives our bracelet a renewal if formidable yeah I face a new beginning Micah Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] thank you Jesus there's a scripture here I want you to think about found in the book of Proverbs chapter 16 verse 3 it says commit to the Lord whatever you plan to do and your plans will succeed wow what a verse on Sunday I'm going to teach you how to make a plan because if you go through this year without a plan change is going to destroy you you will be caught unprepared change can destroy all it can become your destiny you have to have a plan God says commit to me what you plan to do and your plans will succeed in a moment we're going to bow before God and we're going to pray I'm going to ask you all the way in the back young people all the people I want you to be serious with God and say God I want Express of what I want you to show me the plan that I need to put on paper and I want to commit it to you tonight whatever plan you have for my life I want to commit it to you and then I want you to claim that promise for a year it will succeed God never plans you for your failure so the only defense against change is planning and here's the word God says I am going to invade the earth this year with divine changes now I have explained this because it's not as simple as it sounds change is going to take place anyhow use a cliff but God says I'm going to interrupt the normal conditions and I'm going to bring changes that I want in your life and in your country this one God is I'm going to disrupt nations I'm going to change people's lives who didn't even know they were going to be changed I see God changing heads of states by getting them in a condition like soil he's going to appear to people and knock'em of their horses i prophesy he's gonna he's gonna interfere with people who think they don't need nobody you're gonna meet them bomb and they're gonna have a transformation and they're gonna call upon the name of the Lord change is going to be divine he's gonna providentially interfere with your affairs nothing will be normal this year god I'm going to put myself in the middle of your situations and I'm going to change things that no one thought to change are you ready for divine change [Applause] then the Lord spoke to me he says tell the people that this ministry is about to go in a new dimension BFM so he told me to give you these instructions clang your year in detail accounting for every day and plan it in detail according to the vision he will put in your heart is it plan in detail number two if they tell the people to initiate in other words you're gonna make the initial move you won't wait for change to happen you are going to make things happen you will not be a victim of change you will be an initiator of change and you will expect for that change to be in your favor in other words God says commit and make changes that will be the change that you desire for your life your own destiny in other words plan the change you want to see and I will do what he says when I say plan to change you want to see don't let change change you change change he said he respects to me daily if I want you to come to me every day in the morning this year and ask me what is your plan for the day because he will have divine intervention he's going to interrupt things you have to talk to God every day this year because when you wake up in the morning he's going to change the schedule the commodity robot hallelujah if you think this is not God I'm going to demonstrate its conformation oh dear Hannah stand behind this man the power guards can hit you you've been praying for God to give you a change all this year everything that he promised you you thought it was delayed fresh beginning in your life in the name of Jesus and release it now Lord open the door that's been shut in this family in the name of Jesus and let there be a miracle today in the name of Jesus thank you Lord it's okay it's okay and father heal the body the same time in the name of Jesus I rebuke the spirit qualta loose him you shall not die you shall not have cancer I changed it says the Lord I changed rejoice this happens a fresh watch the testimony go [Applause] you and I would have to be the ones that make the blast and now comes the hard part the Lord says not only will you become the one who plans to change in your life but he said this ministry shall publicly initiate change in the nation I say this with great fear I'm so afraid because our ministry for the last 34 years we have initiated the cause of change in our country but we never intentionally decided to change the country beginning today the nation shall not rest our country God says is in our hands it's gonna be carefully he was frightening to me he says the second half of your vision is about to begin the first half is to transform followers into leaders is that you've done well now he says you will transform those leaders into agents that means we shall not be quiet anymore so here is the declaration want you to write down 2013 the year of change the new beginnings it is also the theme of our here is Kingdom leadership for transforming society this is our mandate this country shall experience esta this country shall experience Joseph this country shall experience Daniel your country shall experience Joseph your country shall experience esta the spirit of this in this ministry shall be the same spirit upon answer if I die I die but I will go in there and save my people this is our mantis we will transform society through Kingdom leadership I shall explain this our focus then is simple we'll be leaving national spiritual and social change it begins now the preferred voice of God shall return to the country the devil will not have free range anymore he shall meet the voice of God in every situation the Lord shall save and protect his people not just in the Bahamas but every nation represented here God is about to interfere with your country this is our Monday I'm a slave I am a slave to his assignment i prophesy and bahama shall be protected because we shall obey god that we don't need to fear the righteous shall rule I'll say it again the righteous shall rule and the people will rejoice and so it's a new beginning fresh we are going to transform society we're going to say your grandchildren your children's children shall not be made ashamed and they will not curse you for doing nothing you will do something this shall be the most eventful year of this ministry we shall be heard in the marketplace and every time Satan lives ahead in this country the Lord shall lift a banner higher i prophesy we shall not seek the wicked rule in the Bahamas and in your nations claim it as well [Applause] do you understand this is our Mandy I said and I said God how do I capture this you know every year I captured a theme in a symbol this is the symbol it's an octagon after gonzo Hector and he said this shall be seen around the world the nation's shall be impacted beginning in Jerusalem thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes it Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 1,332,365
Rating: 4.7821946 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis
Id: f7BIIqUuL6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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