The disappearance of Heather Elvis

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this is no ordinary missing-persons case I've never quite seen a case like this in 20 years of doing this this case has spun out of control despite the drama and rumors playing out on television and social media one sad truth remains clear a young girl is missing in Myrtle Beach South Carolina and no one can find her now Crimewatch delhi takes you inside the shocking series of events that shattered lives and has torn a community apart bring the truth bring justice just tell us what we need to know about her daughter Terry Elvis's daughter is 20 year-old Heather a hostess at a popular restaurant in Myrtle Beach her proud parents are so excited about Heather's future their little girl is all grown up and ready to take on the world she loved working I don't know what it was about Heather but work was her driving force but her passion was doing makeup she was very artsy and that's what she really loved but hiding in the shadow of Heather's bright future there's a dark secret she was like do you see him I was like who and she was like Sydney and I was like Bowie Sydney and she was like that guy over there the maintenance guy Briana Waller Minh was Heather's roommate and best friend she's breaking her silence about Heather's disappearance in this exclusive interview with crime watch daily Briana says they met when Sydney was hired to do maintenance work at her job even though Sydney was 38 almost twice Heather's age it was love at first sight at least for Heather even after that day the day that they first started talking like over a series of weeks it was her running and being like Bri Sydney did this and we're gonna do this and we hung out here and every time he would come in she would almost like run away because it was like oh you know like Sydney's here kind of thing Heather's romance with Sydney was very intense when it came to Heather he made her feel like she was his one and only she told me she loved him but there's one big problem Sydney is a married man according to Brianna Sydney's wife Tammy knew about the affair and warned Heather and calls and text messages to stay away from her man it read in part someone's about to get their beatdown your is about to take his last breath when the whole thing was found out it blew up like a bomb almost I mean Tammy was livid texting Heather she was sending Heather pictures of her and Sydney having sex I personally never saw them because I told her and did not want to pay me her phone calls you know you're gonna stop talking to my husband or else and it wasn't or else I'm going to do this it was or else according to Brianna Tammy made sure Heather got the message loud and clear Tammy called Heather she said you're gonna end it with my husband so she put Sydney on the phone and sat there while Sydney and Heather talked and they ended things on the phone but Sydney made comments to Heather and said you know you were nothing to me you're just someone who spread your legs and basically tore Heather apart as a human being Briana says it crushed Heather it was two months full of tears then Heather showed signs of moving on she called Brianna and told her she was going out on a date it was supposed to be the first official date since after her relationship with Sydney had ended I asked her what they were going to do and she was like I'm not sure but I'm just excited Heather was happy that night and let those close to her know it she texted me during the day she said my D is teaching me how to drive a manual car yeah I got a text from her and it was a picture of her driving a truck and it says look at me I'm a pro it would be the very last picture anyone would see if Heather Heather State dropped her off at the apartment around 1:00 a.m. at 1:44 a.m. Breanna gets an emotional call from Heather she was crying when I asked her what was wrong she told me Sidney had called her Breanna was floored when Heather told her why he called he said that he left his wife and then he missed me and he wanted to see me and she was like I don't know what to do and I was like how about you sleep on it she was like okay you know I'm gonna go to sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow and we always under conversation with love you so she said love you hung up and that was the last time I talked to her according to a police timeline Heather then left her apartment and drove to the Peachtree landing a popular place for fishermen and kayakers peachtree boat landing is a dark and desolate wooded area certainly at night Peachtree Landing doesn't get a lot of attention or traffic by any means phone records show she ping there at 3:30 8 a.m. it was the last time anyone heard anything from Heather less than 24 hours later police get a call of a suspicious vehicle parked oddly at Peachtree Landing it's Heather Elvis's car registered to her father cherry what did you find when you got here I came with officer to identify the car and to open it for him I had the spare keys to it spare keys to all of our cars you know locked up at home so we got here we found the car and we opened the car the officer went through it and he found receipts time-stamped earlier that day and that's pretty much it Heather had vanished along with her car keys purse and cellphone did you try calling her at that point oh yes just straight to Christmas man the Horry County police first want to meet with the last person Heather called or texted police reports show that was Sidney more Heather's dad wants answers too did you notice anymore never heard the name before not once that's not even one time never that night when we're going through the phone records and it was did you want to call him I actually did call him you called Sidney more I texted him that night and I said please call me it's important did he call you takes it back a little bit later and it says thing to take said who is this and I immediately call the phone back and he answered the phone and I was told me who I was and what did he say uh he began to curse me profusely I said hey I just want to know where my daughter is that you were the last person to talk to her on the phone I've never known you daughter I never spoke to her wah wah wah wah I just kept going on and on he said he didn't know your dog yeah I said I said man I said you've got children too I said this is my daughter and he says don't you threaten my child and he hangs up the phone cops questioned Sidney he first tells them he has not spoken to Heather for at least two months phone records show that's a lie authorities say that they then presented the cell phone log that they say shows that he called her the night she went missing a police report shows Sidney then changed his story amid he he did speak to Heather but only to tell her to quit calling him police then tracked down Heather's date that night he was the last known person to have seen her but after an interrogation he's been clear the investigation leads back to Sydney and his wife Tammy but they both claimed they were not at each tree landing the night Heather goes missing but now the whole community wants answers tens of thousands of people devastated for the loss of Heather the find Heather Elvis Facebook page that her family set up I mean countless posts from around the world Tammy made a post on Facebook - it was chilly saying in part quote will Sydney cheated on me in the months of September October with a psycho [ __ ] who is since went missing then the search for Heather goes from sad to bizarre and at times downright scary 20 year-old Heather Elvis's missing police locate her car at a place called Peachtree landing just outside Myrtle Beach South Carolina but there is no sign of Heather her family panics thousands join the search I just think we all like to know that our children are safe suddenly there's a bombshell Heather was in the middle of a twisted love triangle with a married man named Sydney Moore police say his wife Tammy found out and wasn't happy one report shows she actually handcuffed her husband to the bed at night cops cleaned Tammy repeatedly called and texted threatening Heather one text read well I've been having Sydney followed since January 2012 it's best you call back and speak to me save yourself Hey you ready to meet the missus once the affair services it sounds like a lot of people are going after two anymore and Sydney more on social media it's a storm of course our system works you're innocent until proven guilty and a lot of people posting these people are guilty social media surrounding the case explodes not only our fingers being pointed at Sydney and Tammy more but believe it or not some social media trolls are taking potshots at Heather her family and even her friends either of their support for the Moores or simply to demean them for no reason at all social media has really been such a major part of Heather's case and not in a positive way some positive mostly negative mostly negative I mean it's really kind of dragged you through the mud it is really put a black cloud over top of everything else that you're having to go through it takes away from the focus of the case it's it's a total distraction waste of time I have been called a liar I've been told that she went to New Jersey with me I've been told that I fabricated the text messages that I have I fabricated the phone calls that I'm in on it that I know where she is I've been told that I played a part in her disappearance there's people still message me today and with the most crazy accusations of what they think happened in accusations back and forth I've never seen before and covering these types of stories you never quite see it get to this level then another bizarre twist a little more than a month after Heather goes missing cop shifts their focus on two men in South Carolina and get this one of the men is friends with Heather's father police accused bill Barrett who had organized fundraisers and searchers to find Heather of going too far he reached out to a witness in the case and basically tried to conduct his parallel investigation with ours and then in doing that it interfered with our investigation so many people were not willing to come forward and talk to the police but they'd come tell me and I'd say well here please just call the tip line cops clean bill Barrett also uncovered potential evidence and did not immediately report it you do what you have to do sometimes did I do and I intentionally say I'm gonna break a lot no sir police also arrested Garrett Starnes a Myrtle Beach resident who took interest in the case maybe a little too much interest the cops claimed he fabricated misleading information about Heather Elvis's disappearance and then sent it to law enforcement both men were charged with obstruction of justice Starnes case was dismissed but bill Barrett's day in court is still pending the intensity the community feeling impacted by this feeling vested personally in the loss of Heather since she went missing is unlike any case that I've seen just when it seems this case can't get any stranger another shocking headline Heather's father Terry Elvis and his family are threatened Terry Elvis filed a police report with Myrtle Beach police and said that two men in a jeep came up to him in the back of his parking lots at where he was leaving work and yelled to him we already have Heather Morgan is next referring to Morgan Terry's other daughter that case we're told is still active no arrests yet have been made in that case it's never clear who threatened Terry and why as sympathy grows for Heather's family public hatred is mounting for Sidney and Tammy Moore he files police reports alleging someone took a shot at his family not once but twice Sidney Moore was traveling with his family and he says while he was driving a vehicle was following him rather closely for a little while and he heard what he said sounded like two gunshots after that he said he noticed that the vehicle slowed down dramatically and then turned off their headlights about two weeks later Sidney more files another report this one in Myrtle Beach alleges that about 1:30 in the morning that he saw two men approached him in another vehicle and appeared to put a shotgun up toward him through their vehicle he says that he was able to go to a nearby location and lock himself in that building until police arrived just hours after Sidney's second run-in with a gunman the cops show up at his house with a search warrant they went in the term that's been used as shock and awe authorities kind of storm in there with dozens of police cars and go in there and seize all this information they did seize some property from the home they were seized some guns some DVDs Sidney and Tammy are both arrested and charged with obstruction of justice but in a real shocker they're also charged with two counts of indecent exposure we later learned that the indecent exposure charge was apparently as their defense attorney puts it marital relations in public that's right part of fences they were having sex in their truck about the time Heather Elvis disappeared police are Biden because a few days after Sydney and Tammy Moore are arrested they are handed down new charges the kidnapping and murder of Heather Elvis the disappearance of 20 year-old Heather Elvis is a mystery that's puzzled police in Myrtle Beach South Carolina she vanished in the early morning hours all that remained was her car parked in an eerie place called Peachtree Landing I definitely think Heather went to pee Sheree with intentions to meet someone that she knew and that she trusted I don't think that she would have went to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night just because thousands in South Carolina joined police looking for Heather they searched for months then the Horry County Police Department arrested two people charges of murder in the disappearance of 20 year old Heather Elvis have now been leveled against Tammy and Sidney Moyer Sidney Moore had an affair with Heather police say his wife Tammy threatened her they're charged with the kidnapping and murder of Heather Elvis percent sure that the people that are charged are the ones that they need to be charging with it since day one the Moores are also charged with obstruction of justice and strangely enough indecent exposure that was part of their alibi when first questioned by the cops a police report shows the Moores claimed they were having sex in their car when Heather went missing now the accused le duo want everyone to know their arrest has been a rush to judgment I would just urge people not to reach a conclusion but not to assume that someone's guilty simply because they've been arrested and charged it's being put to me if your client didn't do it who did it and that's a very bizarre thing to say and some are asking how can there be a murder charge without a body just because you can't find the body doesn't mean that the person hadn't been murdered the prosecution's evidence against the Moors is all circumstantial they have numerous threatening texts from Tammy to Heather to end the affair with her husband Sidney one text read in part quote someone's about to get their beatdown your is about to take his last breath you can tell me where you are right now or I will find out another way that way won't have a great turnout for you I'm giving you one last chance to answer before we meet in person only one prosecutors say Tammy's jealousy was so intense she sometimes handcuffs Sidney to the bed at night but is that enough for a murder conviction it doesn't mean anything in terms of evidence or intention or proof the prosecution came up with a timeline during those crucial hours before Heather disappeared here's what they think happened based on phone records witness statements and video evidence 1:35 a.m. police alleged Cindy Moore called Heather from a payphone the call lasts for almost five minutes at 1:44 a.m. police also say Heather then calls her friend Briana she told me Sidney had called her he said that he left his wife and then he missed me and he wanted to see me phone records indicate Heather calls Sidney cell phone at 3:17 a.m. prosecutors determined that Heather is still at her apartment and that Sidney is still at his house authorities believe after that conversation Heather gets into her car and then drives three miles to Peachtree landing at 336 a.m. a private residence camera captures a dark-colored truck coming from the direction of Sidney's house heading towards Peachtree Landing another camera at a business location records the truck getting closer to Heather's location Heather cellphone pings show she has now parked at Peachtree Landing and Peter Lee calls Sydney cellphone from 3:30 a.m. to 3:40 a.m. and the last call that Heather makes that's live is 341 a.m. and that's a one-minute call or an attempted call and authorities say that the phone goes dead shortly after that there's no other data from her phone around 3:40 6:00 a.m. the same black truck ID'd by police is the same vehicle heading back in the direction of the Moores house again the video surveillance cameras captured off the police believe that the black truck belonged to Sydney and cami Moore the couple does own a black truck similar to what was caught on camera the defense of course saying there are a number of black trucks that might travel this road how can you be so sure that it was Sydney's truck we don't believe it was Sydney and Tammy had been held without bond for several months their attorneys convince a judge to allow them out for $100,000 each they've got a word GPS monitoring and they can see they've got to be within a 5 mile outside of a 5 mile radius of a Heather offices family and no contact with the Ella's family as well it's now been almost two years since Heather went missing and the most talked-about murder trial in South Carolina has not begun numerous delays have only increased speculation as to the strength of the prosecution's case whether a trial happens or not we may never know what happened to Heather Elvis and this one is an absolute stunner a judge allows Sydney and Tammy to move from their home in South Carolina to Florida until the start of the trial Tammy and Sydney's attorneys argued to the judge that they needed work that that Sydney needed to work and had an option or an opportunity to apply for a job in Florida I don't see how someone who is charged with murder at the end of the day should be allowed to leave the state I was beyond outraged when I heard it I'm done to it at this point because you have to live every day without your daughter so why should they have to yes it's to me it's like rewarding then I don't understand it despite all the drama in all the distractions Heather Elvis is still missing so many people who either know or don't know her want her to come home today and if someone has killed her justice must prevail if Heather could hear this today or if she's watching or or anything what would be your message to her I would love for Heather to be at home right now I don't think if he's gonna be at home right now he'll never give up never stop searching never stop looking it will never stop asking questions [Music]
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 6,339,896
Rating: 4.7320261 out of 5
Keywords: Heather Elvis, True Crime Daily, Crime Watch Daily, Sydney Moorer, Tammy Moorer
Id: xNHkefx8iIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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