The Diren Kartal Show #30 JAY MORTON

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okay guys welcome to episode 30. this is episode 30 man and today i've got mr j morton what's going on how are we doing doing you all right i'm excited to have you good same you're i think you're my biggest guest you know really not physically because you're not that big but you're my biggest guest man yeah you're my biggest guess yeah okay buzzing to have you before we begin i ask this to everyone what's your nando's order um trying to think because i get i go to nando's quite a bit so i get 20 off for being in the military what yeah i really never handed my um it's called the mod 90. and if you show your mod 90 you get 20 off mate that's enough for me to go to military yeah i never handed it back in so every time i go in i just have to put my uh finger over the date that it expired and just flash it in the face and i get no way yeah so i'm a medium medium chicken half chicken yeah and you know what i've gone into i've gone on to salads i get the mediterranean salad really yeah and then i get like a side of um like grains or something like that no periphery chips next i'm shredded man i don't eat chips mate you're already in good shape man you're you're the guy that you're like you're like you're like the real life action man okay as a compliment yeah that's a big compliment i want to ask you another question actually sure was um did you do a cold bin this morning do you know what i didn't really no is this something that you do every day ever yeah try to i'll probably do like six days at seven um but obviously the summer's it's been the summer hasn't it so yeah the water's not been cold enough and it's just just now just gone there's a bit of frost in the air this morning wasn't there yeah but you had me up at stupid o'clock this morning sorry i apologize man but what why do you do that the bin um what's that do you know what like there's loads of like health benefits isn't like cold water exposure yeah loads if you google that there's loads of health benefits related to it but for me do you know what it's like better than better than having a coffee in the morning okay like a fight yeah so if i just jump out of bed like i'm quite a warm sleeper anyway yeah like sleep with the windows open yeah so i'll get out of bed and like the first thing i do is just walk downstairs and just jump in the burn really yeah that just wakes me up and then i have coffee and then where do you get the water from is it just from the tap like you get ready from the evening like how does that happen no i keep the same i keep the same water in water do you jump in the shower off though of course like floaters on the top on the top now i've heard you've got another morning ritual yeah i don't know if anyone else knows about this you're looking a little bit nervous i want to know about jay's curry coffee taste curry yeah that's fun isn't it about the curry i told him i was like you need to give me something i said you need to give me something about asking about curry coffee that's that's that's our future man's friends we're gonna go into the curry coffee business i was going to say you're going to make it a brand james jay's curry coffee that's yeah you don't see it over here mate what is it i don't know what it what is it uh curry and coffee or something that it looks like it's like it's like turmeric coffee okay so it's what's that it's turmeric you know turmeric what's that it's like the orange stuff oh it's correct okay okay okay okay okay why do you say you know that because i'm turkish you said that you're like you should know that hey yeah mate you can say whatever the [ __ ] you want you can swear you can act as freak like this is just two mates i just put you in the friend zone here we in the friend zone all right mates yeah you said best mates didn't you yeah best meetings i he's probably replaying his episode 24 times a day constantly constantly non-stop um so where you from curry coffee you forgot you asked me what curry coffee was no no where are you from um preston is it originally yeah yeah preston north of england and then like you moved around before the whole military stuff yeah no not really like born in preston and then stayed there till probably well till i joined the army 19. with family uh yeah like all my family's up there my brother lives up there yeah lives in manchester um and then yeah pretty much as soon as i joined the army yeah uh katric for six months in colchester for four years and then obviously moved around whilst you're in the army deployed overseas what was the first thing you said before kosher start uh catrick what's that is that last even further up north you might not know where is that where you have to train yes that's basic training and how old were you then 19 19. okay so you went to college and stuff yeah kind of yeah like i did um well i said i'd say that people added a year at college doing uh sports science but it turned out to be less than a year really yeah i just hated it like yeah i like enjoyed playing sport um you couldn't see it still win it i just don't like being indoors i don't like i don't like people telling me like what what to do essentially in like college is that isn't it you've got a teacher that tells you what you should know and tells you what to do like this is how you pass this is how you what you have to write yeah it's like this is the only way yeah i like that no i hate that i hate that i'm a bit more free-spirited i like to just do my own thing and yeah not be sat indoors and you know what i don't know it's probably the same as you that's why while you're doing what you do but i like just a bit of non-conformity but also like just if everyone if everyone's doing like one thing then yeah like just do something else or yeah like i always say like if you find yourself doing what everyone else is doing you're doing the wrong thing hey yes that's good that's a nice little clip for the instagram post that one dropping some bombs there would so would you say you were like that in the military because that would be hard because you have to do because you have to be you can't well you have to do what you're told right yeah or to us i don't know you tell me yeah so like you know the military's great like obviously you go through basic training and that instills discipline and yeah you know every military guy is disciplined whatever regiment he's in because you know essentially to operate at a higher level overseas requires discipline but yeah you know i think the one thing that's probably you know old-school military and the reputation that military gets is very like discipline like focused but you know these days it's especially in the special forces world it's you know freedom of thinking like yeah um you know because you've got to be creative haven't you you've got to yeah you get you've got to solve problems right of course because because that's what's solving yeah solving problems at a high level under stress and because if you couldn't you wouldn't be sas you're there you're there to solve problems yeah sure and that's like sas is like a massive breeding ground for like creativity and free thinking it's like um you're all individuals you all bring different skill sets to a team or a group and that's what makes it so strong and everyone's got a different opinion of how you do something or how you set out on a task yeah and that's like wealth isn't it you know i mean you've got you know you've got a team that's probably six to eight men you've got a squadron which is full of like 30 blokes and if they're all thinking differently then yeah you know there's strength in that do you feel like you keep your friend circles like that now as well like 100 percent you know i mean it's like adding then it's harder to find friends right yeah yeah i know what you mean yeah it's like having like i say this with me myself james a lima uh my other friend ali whatever like even you you come to the next lads trip and like if you looked at it like you wouldn't think that any of us would be friends you got a you got a black guy with an irish accent a turkish guy that looks like an bollywood zach with budgie smugglers on you've got a welsh guy with a swedish accent so like if you look at it you would think how the [ __ ] have these people like become friends yeah but i saw like misfits that fare yeah but i feel like then like you said like with the whole thing with everyone has their own strengths i think that's what should be around because like that's how you learn from others right because there's no point i guess sounds a bit bad but hanging out hanging around with a mate that it's kind of exactly the same as you yeah that's boring man and like you know what like like talking about your your friend's circle it's like everyone's doing their own thing right yeah there's energy in that everyone everyone's got like energy and yeah you know when you all get together that's more energy it's like like you vibe off that don't you and you get energy from that and you know it's like you know it's either that or you go and visit your mates that do the same nine-to-five job yeah they're drinking the same bar and they play football on a saturday at the same time you know that for me it's like the only thing they've got to speak about is is that right yeah yeah is the [ __ ] banner that they've got yeah at [ __ ] me like the wealth of like stories that yeah a [ __ ] black irish dude's got like a welsh swedish yeah exactly there's some stories that everyone's got an individual story exactly and i feel like like that sort of like the whole nine-to-five thing like for myself obviously for you as well that sort of commitment like no offense to anyone that is obviously doing that but like it stresses me out yeah sure like yeah if that's your gig like fair play to you and you're you can hand on heart say that yeah that you're happy doing that as well because [ __ ] i'll tell you what like half of those people in that city they look [ __ ] miserable come tuesday and they're all sat self-medicated boozed you know what i mean yes and you know what i've like when i was pt in sydney here as well because actually my old gym is actually around the corner and like all the corporate clients i've had is like and like they're making good money but like they don't seem happy everything is like is pushing towards drugs alcohol and just nothingness that's sad but why do you think people find it so hard to break away from that it's a routine isn't it especially like earning good money like you think you come to the city you're on a you know you're on 100 grand a year yeah that goes at 200 grand a year you've got a wife you've got kids you buy the house that fits that yeah that lifestyle and that amount of money that you get given it's like and then you can't pull and you can't pull out of that yeah and then the [ __ ] risk of being like 35 years old 40 years old and say [ __ ] this i'm gonna go and work in starbucks and this is the happiest man alive you should guys you should always pull out just ladies you should always always always pull out but do you reckon there's um that is that element of light i'm assuming well now i guess like the fear of like failing uh what kind of doing what you want to do you know because imagine if everyone was like to do and chase what they enjoy right they said well right it'd be [ __ ] amazing i reckon they'll be having i'm excited to wake up in the mornings are you like that i'm saying man it's a tackle yeah excited to get in a bed like because i i don't like the evenings i hate the evenings i'm not an evening person because i'm a doer i need to be doing things i need to be constantly like i get up in the morning like have breakfast drink some coffee and you know i start doing things always and like i was having a conversation with uh with kate my manager recently and because she's the same we need to be active like have projects going on and like weekends have started boring me mate yeah do you know what i mean because i have like i find that moment where i have nothing to do and it's like a saturday and i'm just like me yeah i just i'm bored man i think that's it's like because everyone is majority of people are used to monday to friday right yeah and even when you've got projects going on or you email someone or your manager has to email someone about something they'll usually reply from a monday to a friday whereas you've got two more [ __ ] days that you can utilize you know yeah and utilizing that date isn't actually an issue if you love what you do of course do you know what i mean but then that's that's the classic isn't it it's like you know i mean you try and put a percentage on people that have a nine-to-five job and aren't satisfied yeah i reckon that's pretty [ __ ] high yeah yeah and then that comes like their weekend like a sven classic example like um it was bank holiday wasn't it a few weeks ago yeah and um what did i say like i sat at home i think i was on there like you know just doing whatever and that yeah um and a text fan i was like [ __ ] helmet i was like it's bank holiday that's like normally he'd be out and stuff and he just messaged back he's like jay he's like for us every day is bangkok yeah exactly every day every day is a holiday i don't see those like weekends and holidays as weekends and holidays because yeah like we just had a weekend now and all saturday all saturday all saturday and sunday at work yeah same just did not get away from the computer same and you enjoyed it well it's different it's different [ __ ] challenges different but then you you would you would kind of knowing you doing that gives you say the freedom of during the week where you can kind of do what you want to do yeah is kind of i guess it drives you to do it i think there's also like there'll be so many people where you say to him like i said do you love your job they're like yeah yeah yeah like i don't think all of everyone's honest about it nah like the president you know what it's it's a bit like that imposter syndrome isn't it not impossible i got that wrong no imposter syndrome what's the other one um i'll tell you what mate james wrote about in his first book ah what is it hashtag not an ad [Laughter] um you talk about tall poppy no no it's that syndrome it's going to come back to us yeah it will come back to us fallacy suncoast fallacy yeah that yeah people do that you've invested yeah like that nine to five job you've invested everything into it you've everything you've gone to college you've got your degree like everything you know yeah relationships dude come home and you speak about it with your girlfriend your wife and your kids and like that's investment isn't it yeah it is it's like to then just turn around and say you know what boom i'm overweight like fancy my pt yeah i wanna i wanna have an affair with him please just let me let me can i let go but yeah but then but then you relate it to like male suicide right like you know those [ __ ] shocking statistics like what is it a male between the age of 35 and 45 like his biggest danger is himself yeah like he's more likely to die from suicide than anything else like it's because i think it breaks my heart that kind of [ __ ] i think guys like you talking about this sort of stuff i think it will help i think you influence a lot of guys yeah to talk about it more freely especially like military guys and stuff because i know from that being a turkish background like the men are very driven on high testosterone and like there's a lot of times where i know a lot of men a lot of my family members don't actually talk about their feelings because they it might come across as weakness yeah sure do you know what i mean but whereas more guys like yourself talking about this sort of stuff you'll make people feel better like oh jay's talking about it guys [ __ ] climb everest twice yeah you know what i mean yeah but like i think it's do you know i think like the more like it's it's all about like just stepping out your comfort zones isn't it it's like talking about it is stepping out your comfort zone and it's where the magic happens right yeah of course it is yeah in everything it's like leaving that 95 job stepping out your comfort zone and yeah i think like the more you know the more times you do this kind of stuff the more like you know the better you get at it don't you yeah like if you're constantly stepping out your comfort zone the next time it comes to stepping out your comfort zone and that might be just opening up about the fact that you hate your job yeah you don't feel awkward no you're like do you know what and then you get the reaction that's just like oh seriously man that's [ __ ] and you're like jesus christ he's not you didn't call me puff that's exactly what happens that is and you know what what i love seeing is when that happens because i know what that was like like i felt that feeling and that like feeling is like doesn't matter how much money i had or doesn't matter who was around me that feeling i had when i felt that was like so amazing do you know what i mean and i think people don't realize that until they do it and that's why if they are not happy like you you need to do something about it yeah sure because like even if for example um i think like when i went online pt when i was on the gym floor i was earning quite a bit i'm charging 120 per session i was fully booked i was doing 30 to 40 hours a week in australia but to go online i knew i had to cut out a big portion of that cash i went from earning three four grand to a thousand a week dollars a week which is like four five hundred pound going online i knew that would damage me like that but the freedom i had earning less yeah i was so much more happy yeah and i think people don't see that and i think that's why i don't think it's ever too late no i don't but i guess if you have kids and family and whatever it is so it gets hard like you get off like you know i don't judge anyone yeah because you can't do don't you know the old classic don't judge a man yeah yeah a thousand steps in his shoes yeah whatever it is um but it's like you can't judge everyone because everyone's like done their own path haven't they and yeah you can't like it is it's hard for like you know that might end up with that guy living on the streets or yeah you know that you know not saying like that's that's for everyone kind of thing yeah for me that excites me you know what i mean it's like going and you know going into the unknown yeah yeah massively it's like yesterday yeah it's like all i've done in my life is like going to the unknown it's so good um i love it i love like getting on sound this this might sound weird but like i love getting on a flight and not know who i'm gonna sit next to yeah do you know me it's weird but like you can go into like go sit down and you're like you can just manifest the good [ __ ] and usually for me it happens i'm like i just manifest this [ __ ] and it just kind of happens like you something good always like i remember when i first flew business class right first time i was so [ __ ] happy was the first time i paid for it myself i didn't even i didn't even have the money in my bank account smith got it and i was like i can't i need to get as well bro i can't i can't level myself down here i need to get it no matter what you know and like and i think that sort of mentality kind of helps you and i did that and i was like walked in and the woman was like hey mr cartel i was like [ __ ] hell she just called me hotel this is [ __ ] amazing knows my name she knows my name this is crazy and she gave me this little package with like you know they give you all that stuff and i was like this is like a toothbrush yeah it was like a it was like a nice make i was like jesus she saw how excited i was she was like do you want another one i said i mean i'd like to take one to my mom and dad as a gift she saw how happy i was yeah and she saw that viable thrown to her yeah she brang me four no she was like give one to your sister give one to a girlfriend or whatever you want give one to this give one to that and i was like [ __ ] this is good i'm just gonna keep doing acting like this that's motivation though isn't it like yeah get like i remember getting a business class fight and i was like [ __ ] i was like i never ever ever ever ever want to go back yeah okay you never and you're like i will do whatever i need to work in a strip bar going on the fans like i'll climb everest five more times i'm never going to that back in that car class you're like walking through aren't you just like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you turn left you're right i'll never turn it right over you never even if it's skin speed yeah why the army um why do you like why did you join would you like did you i don't know when you were younger did you see like a soldier you were like i want to be that guy or whatever or was it like do you know what like i think it always always appealed to me like um it's i don't know it's like hard to put like like definites on it yeah like i always looked at it and went you know what like that's a life that i'd like yeah it's appealing it's got that mystique hasn't it you don't really know what you do you go overseas it gives yours cool edge as well yeah yeah but like so yeah like and you know call it you know [ __ ] fell out you know came out of college in less than a year and then just ended up doing you know [ __ ] jobs pretty much like um did you get recruited or was it a matter of you applying nah you have to walk in a careers office so i was like working like i was making like upvc windows and a factory just like in a production line yeah um and i remember just being i was [ __ ] at the job like they were trying to like promote me onto like different aspects of it so they put me on this welding machine and i kept welding the frames like back to front yeah and you know what like i look back on it and it's not that i can't weld the frame it was just like you had zero interest yeah so as soon as it came to welding frames i'd just switch off yeah and same with it all i could do i'd always do it wrong i'd be getting pulled into the manager's office and i was like this is [ __ ] this i'm [ __ ] bored here kind of thing and i don't know it's like that you know what do i do do i stay in the same town and just be that kid that never left preston or a [ __ ] job or yeah you know you know i kind of kind of wanted to join the marines when i was in school so it was like just walked into the careers office and just just applied what um what was that the emotion going into it like were you like was it weird was it scary no i don't really like um i remember going up to to basic training in cat rick and you jump on a train and you get off the train and like um you just you get told to like meet at a set location and i don't know i remember like getting there and like it was all the lads that i was then gonna be in basic training for that for the next six months so and i'm like look i can remember it now i had these like bright blue adidas track suit bottoms on and i had a shave dad i looked horrendous i had like a missing tooth here and yeah um so yeah like no it was do you know what it was like it was it was like you know when you go over the sports team it's like that you know you're just going away feeling a part of something right yeah yeah yeah just a bit of purpose you know um i don't really remember feeling nervous about it like if anything it was quite exciting and sick once you start meeting people like just gets easier yeah funny old thing like the the you know the first guy that i met like i walked into my room which would be my room for the next six months um first guy that i met i'm still mates with him now amazing and that was like 15 14 years 16 years ago now [ __ ] yeah and what he's at hereford actually oh really yeah yeah and what um what was the emotion like leaving compared to like going in that was it like were you sad was it did you ever feel like what the [ __ ] what do i do how am i going to cope in i don't know what am i going to go do like a normal job now or like what was that like like the intention was never to get out and do a normal job okay like you know what like if all else failed and i had two like um then i'd do it um but you know i think i always want like you know i did 10 years up in the sas at hereford four years in the paris and i think kind of you know halfway through my sas career like got into the mountain stuff yeah um and i went and lived in germany for two years okay trained to be a mountain guide um speaking of german yeah alice uh can you say something that's uh uh yeah okay i can speak for the next yeah i have to struggle i struggled to get the word oh really yeah but you can't speak it yeah i can speak it yeah i was fluent really you have to be here that's cool we're kind of it's like the worst language to to learn that's [ __ ] yeah i know it's like mad aggressive as well we're not aggressive but like but like it's the worst language to learn because you go to germany and everyone speaks perfect english yeah and then like no one else like there's no reason to like basically just don't end up speaking it or using it because everyone speaks perfect english but you learn another skill in it yeah but you know what about learning a language you speak different languages turkish yeah so speak english turkish and rubbish which one is that um it's weird because uh my teachers at school said i'm dyslexic i don't know if i'm dyslexic or if it's because i'm bilingual so like when i read something mate it takes me so long to read hence well i hate reading i listen to audio books i don't hate reading but i just can't be bothered my brain like it's doing stuff it's converting something's happening but i don't know what's happening it's just taking so long i'll be on a flight and i'll be james will go read this i'm reading you guys haven't you [ __ ] finished it i'm like bro do you speak two languages mate just shut your mouth do you know what i think about this though like when i learned german like i felt like there was only a certain amount of space in my brain for language so what what i found was i'd start because i'm literally speaking and listening yeah to german all day long yeah like it's literally in the evenings that i'd sit down with like an english guy or a belgium guy or a dutch guy and we'd talk english and just be like [ __ ] it yeah but like because you like started thinking german started dreaming german yeah but like i found i was like speaking english and i'd get to a word and i'd forget that word and i'd be like and i feel like i know where it is in my head i know what it the feeling of saying yeah but i just couldn't it was like i knew the german word but i couldn't think of the english word i couldn't get it out so it was like all this german that i was learning the english was just like coming out of here and i remember coming back to england and for a while i was like messaging in english but in the structure of a german message yeah i'll get you yeah i get you i'll get you i still do it now sometimes that's mad yeah but that's cool though you can speaking of land not many people can yeah not many people well not many not a lot of english people really because we're quite because english is spoken everywhere in the world like the language every other country wants to learn so it's english german it is weird you don't find like like i don't know when you go abroad and i don't know like they stay in a hostel or something you sat like a dinner table and you've got like loads of different nationalities and it's like everyone's just speaking english yeah it freaks me out a little bit it's crazy yeah why like why why don't we learn their language because we're because everyone's because they learn us yeah exactly but like there's no need to yeah because well obviously being in the sas and all that like you did a lot of traveling obviously and like being in the middle east and all that stuff what what was it like living in other countries for you what was it what was the feeling what was it like being exposed to say i don't know going from preston to uh seeing different cultures where say they have [ __ ] tea 20 times a day i guess that's similar to english it's similar just with less sugar less sugar yeah but like what was that like like did you enjoy meeting people did you was it very different for you when you first got there were you like jesus christ they do that different or were you very open to yeah like i love that aspect of the job okay so traveling around and yeah um yeah because because i you know i like traveling anyway even now like i'll try and travel as much as i can so yeah um like even do you know what like some parts of the middle east like some parts of afghanistan are like some of the beautiful most beautiful places i've ever been to but you wouldn't see down the media though would you nah and you don't you don't feel it when you're there really oh okay do you know what i mean but like you know if times were different like afghanistan i can imagine would be one of those places that yeah you would travel to yeah like nepal or places like that yeah something like turkey maybe like yeah yeah it's a big touristic place yeah and it's like pretty much down the road yeah you know so why wouldn't that be as good as that obviously well yeah like the culture is completely different and yeah you know like you go off into like you know used to call it the green zone which was basically like where the river runs through an area yeah it's got the most forestation but then the population is pretty much like the uk and that it's like the population's built around the river isn't it because that would have brought trade in that would have brought water in so that people could drink and and grow crops yeah um but some of the places are just like you know it's weird when i think back to it because that was also the the most dangerous areas because that's where you know if you want to control somewhere you control where you know the water sources and the most population is so yeah if you went into the green zone you're getting into a scrap but it was like there was a difference yeah there was a different um like the air temperature was different okay so like you go from like desert you get dropped off by a helicopter walk through like bacon hot desert and then you come into the green zone which is like loads of foliage and water so you can feel like the water in the air that the air temperature drops and it's weird it's like i get these moments where i don't know it might be like this like a summer's day and i'm like walking near a river or something and i get that same feeling and i'm like it's like there's a smell change and everything yeah yeah yeah yeah it brings back good memories is um when you when you're doing all that traveling right and experiencing all those things do you looking at like the cultures and the people in those countries and seeing this is what i see when i travel to countries that are i don't know if the right word is poorer but i guess maybe less fortunate with because we have a lot of people who are still as happy aren't they this is what i'm saying yeah and they're so happy like i remember like seeing kids in tokyo bali or whatever like you buy them like a little sweet right and the appreciation and the happiness you see in their face compared to say possibly us when we got it well they would be happy for it it's like they appreciate things the small things basically yeah more than say what we do maybe yeah we'll we'll probably spoil aren't we yeah we get too much yeah we do though don't we like i think this and you know i think that's why you know even just like i think that's like as a soldier and if you are a soldier and you've been over to afghanistan and yeah you experienced no conflict or war or whatever you want to call it and been shot at yeah and you've seen those different cultures and i think it gives you gives you like a base level of of humility you know yeah um where you do you come back over here and it's just like like we just got these two like cold like glass jars of water and yeah you know we can just drink it fresh can't we pour it into a nice glass we take all this stuff for granted massively yeah we just got coffee across the road with money we've got money in the bank to do stuff it's like i drive a car in like yeah we do all these things every day and just you know realize how how fortunate we are but i guess you know like it's that i i like that saying that's um you know what is it hard times produce hard men yeah no what is it hard men produce hard times hard times produce oh god i can't remember it what is it i need to get this right right you need to google it hard times produce hard men hard men produce soft times soft times produce soft men that's it yeah good man okay okay you got it this is what we're going into yeah right yeah it's like post world war ii post world war one yeah we were hard people yeah we didn't give a [ __ ] about you know if someone's slagging you off on social media yeah that kind of stuff yeah with snowflakes yeah like they didn't give a [ __ ] about you know i've got the latest bmw it was more about oh we've got a car for the family we can get to see the next family we got a loaf of bread for this week it was like we were hard people and because of that we created a soft time do you know what i mean yeah those hard people have worked to create this to create this freedom yeah to create us being able to get coffee and drink cold water to get overpriced juices and [ __ ] yeah right good juice leave me alone leave me alone good juice have protein i need protein for muscle protein synthesis i know i know i know but like you're right i feel like and like today's covid for example like it's probably like my generation's most yeah craziest thing that's happened right and i feel like the reason like you said people went through those hard times they went through that element of struggle so they can feel more comfort right and i feel like now everyone is scared to go through a level of struggle when really struggle kind of makes us stronger yeah 100 you know what i mean like well look at it in the gym yeah that's how you grow your struggle right and then you get stronger yeah it's the same in absolutely anything would you say the struggles you would have gone through say being in the military maybe you didn't struggle i don't know has like built a solid [ __ ] mindset yeah of course 100 yeah i put it all to alter the military alter you know my years in the sas and you know being around people and like i said that humility you get from just going overseas and yeah you know seeing you know seeing conflict and being a part of it and yeah um yeah that gives you you know gives you a massive appreciation for the world that i live in now and yeah gives you a massive you know just like like you said you know we wake up every day and like i'm [ __ ] happy to be here yeah yeah yeah but that takes work do you know what i mean you don't get that unless you go through those struggles yeah and it's like like what you said before about you know everyone's worried about going through a struggle now and no one wants to just like do something that's difficult it's like that's what we should be doing every day yeah we should be you know going back what helps us grow right of course yeah stepping out those comfort zones and yeah when um when you when like you had conflicts and stuff and when you were being shot at and all that stuff were you scared or was it like there was so much adrenaline at that point where there's no time for that do you know what like and maybe you sat down after you were like [ __ ] hell did that just happen yeah like i don't know like because there's so many different experiences and like i mean after all those years there must be so many stories yeah like like i don't know when you you know what like when you're younger i think when you're younger you don't you tend less to give a [ __ ] about things yeah so like in the earlier afghans um if you got into a scrap it was just like you know it's quite not funny but like you'd laugh about it and yeah but like i was [ __ ] 21 when i first went to afghanistan and you know it does i mean i guess if you cried about it you wouldn't survive very long will you no of course do you know what i mean it you know callouses your mind but yeah like i don't know and then i i think the older you get the more um like safety conscious yeah almost don't you like yeah yeah but you know the body can you know it can do just as much but it hurts a lot more yeah and i think sometimes knowing at that point knowing less yeah you know more like when you're younger you know less right you're just naive you're just happy to throw yourself into stuff and now you know i've probably got like a i've built a life for myself now and yeah especially in the last few years being in special forces it's like um you do you weirdly notice danger a lot more like if if you know a contact goes down or something and yeah then it's weird like if contact goes down and you're a part of that contact no dramas like um you you're almost like your body doesn't have time to register the fear yeah because it's that because like i think what you know hollywood's not done as a great favorite in portraying like battles really well and you know the whole magazine not running out and stuff like that it's like contacts usually last well they can go on for days but like generally the ones that we did whilst you know in the sas that last you know they'd be over within like 20 30 seconds oh really yeah because it's so close it's like we're going into a building it's like you don't sit and fight from that building you just go in and just just do what you need to do and yeah yeah and yeah completely get out so it's like a lot of stuff's over really quickly so if you're at the front and that's you that's that's that's you know coming to fire and you need to to deal with it that's usually over really quick okay because if you're at the back and you can hear what's going on you're like and you don't know what's going on you're like yeah yeah you're like sat there you're like what's going on that sounds like incoming like oh [ __ ] something came over our head it's like right it's like you can hear everything i want to know the details about and you're like yeah give me a sec i'll tweet about it [Laughter] yeah so it's all like i don't know there's like so many different experiences that you can have like in uh in battle i guess yeah yeah sick guy that's oh it's weird it's like i would love to i don't know if i would love to see it but you'll be think you know what it's like not because it's like cool because it's like it's interesting i kind of wish everyone could in like you know i hand on heart i wish that there was no war in the world and everyone [ __ ] shook hands and loved each other yeah that's the world that i love but that's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen ever yeah do you know what i mean and you know like wars for every day between you know everyone you know family friends you know neighbors like there's you know if you look at it on a macro level and then you go why is it happening on a on a on a bigger level you know what i mean it's because you know we're humans and that's what we do yeah um but i wish everyone could just just go over and see see something like that happen or experience like a dead body or something like that you know yeah because we don't even see dead bodies these days do we it's like it'll make you appreciate course things right massively it's like there's a mike tyson that says everyone knows everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face so it's kind of like that right where you're like you think you've got it figured out like or you don't appreciate certain things and then you get a knock or you see something like that you're like yeah that's happened to me a few times in bali when i've seen people flying off a moped and i've gone okay i need to keep my helmet on i'm definitely not gonna story while i'm on the moped and i need to like not drink and make make sure i don't drink and drive yes that's that's hard it's harsh especially in bali because it's like mate everyone's just [ __ ] flying around wasted do you know what i mean and it's like it's not even even if you're sober it's like on a friday night go let's go somewhere walking distance because even if you are a good driver or whatever it is it's not even about you it's about the other [ __ ] that might come flying into you yeah you do that thing don't you like you you build up that false sense of security where yeah you've been out like a few times on the bike you've been hit yeah popped a wheelie or like done something stupid and it's like you've survived it and you're in a set of flip-flops and yeah it's like yeah yeah you and the mad thing is the more you do it like the more i go there the more time i spend there or whoever you're putting yourself more at risk there's more of a chance of it happening do you know yeah so with all that all your travels and everything obviously you know you love climbing you love being outdoors and all of that stuff if you had an opportunity would you go to space yeah 100 you smile you got excited when i said that yeah [ __ ] yeah would you yeah i wouldn't do the whole mars colonization okay you just want to go up there i got there yeah wouldn't mind touching the moon something like that what am might go to mars but yeah i'd like to come back i've got a good life here yeah like how boring would that be going up to mars with just like no netflix 10 10 dudes and 10 chicks just like gotta move quick on this one do you um do you believe in aliens yeah i do too yeah 100 i think you know i think it's like um i think you're stupid not to believe that there's something out there whatever that is yeah do you know what i mean i reckon the reason they haven't told us yeah like i still i don't 100 believe like all that [ __ ] that the pentagon's putting out about like unmanned spacecrafts because like you gotta like look into it a bit more haven't you and just yeah like you know like you think about america's just brought out space force yeah they're obviously in a a battle like a bit of a cold war with like russia and china yeah to dominate space and yeah you know if they say that they've got crafts come from you know an alien planet or whatever it whatever it is then they almost like dominate a bit of space they've got the technology yeah um so yeah but like i think i think you're stupid not to think that there's anyone else with the size and scale of like the universe right and the galaxies and all that kind of stuff it's like and not even one universe it's mental there's loads i love that i love space yeah it's interesting it's mad i remember i've watched uh i first go into it when i watch cosmos because you read the book i haven't no um read the book really yeah i started watching it years ago and i used to listen to your book yeah i used to listen to um thingy's podcast star talk yeah um neil degrasse tyson yeah and smith started getting into a bit of space stuff and i was like listen to this podcast and he's [ __ ] obsessed with it now so yeah but it's mad in it sometimes like i know you know when you go to say when you go somewhere probably where you live on somewhere outside of london where you can actually see the stars it's mad didn't it when you think about it like it's quite humbling yeah it is it's like imagine going all the way up there like yeah how [ __ ] crazy would that be it's like it's like uh i was in shamany recently and did a couple of overnights yeah just like took a sleeping bag slept outside under the stars and and you're like literally just you know clear sky like nothing nothing no clouds in the sky and you're looking up at all these stars and yeah can literally just see like comets like shooting stars like everything because there's no light pollution it's quite humbling to think that there's like so much out there and you're just on like an even smaller rock that's spinning in this like massive we're like nothing massive do you like all like um all the quantum physics i i do but it's i i love it i love i love listening to people sometimes i find it hard to understand so i'm like i'm always rewinding and trying to listen and then looking up what they said i almost feel that it's like the people that are trying to explain it don't fully understand it themselves so it's the theory on something that they don't understand okay that's my theory because like you read about all these theories right like string theory yeah because i try and under understand them on like you know if i can just understand a little bit because like i try i'm interested in that person's head and just like how the [ __ ] does he think of that yeah he's a clever dude yeah yeah yeah like how has he calculated that right like yeah like all those people like back then yeah mad like no google nothing no google google what does this mean bang how many stars are in the sky yeah it's [ __ ] mental and there's also like they've also found earth-like planets so like the mad thing is whatever's happening here with us the same thing could be happening in a different universe either ahead of time or before do you know what i mean yeah like there could be similar things happening i don't know with flying [ __ ] cars who knows you don't you don't know you don't know which is sick it's like girl i give you like dogs that look like i don't know just like animals and stuff like that it's crazy but then like going back to that it does it makes you think like because you know thinking about the earth and like the amount of time that the earth got left because that's quite sad yes and um i can't remember who who said it recently but someone said that they they predicted that there were people or life forms or a life on our planet before us that's never been said before kind of thing because of the like the rotation like the the cycle of the earth obviously you have an ice age then all the ice melts and then it's and then it kind of warm enough for life to live on it and all that kind of stuff and but like think about us now right and what we've built yeah and then what have been one day in the future which is in if you think about time in the time of say the universe when the universe was perhaps born and died yeah like this earth will just be nothing do you know what i mean it would be dust will be nothing yeah no all our [ __ ] followers on instagram yeah it's madly like there's nothing bro we're nothing we'll be nothing this studio will just be like gone it won't even be something that's remembered i know that's the crazy thing and it will be people trying to figure it out like we are or not or not because there's places out there now that might be exactly the same yeah that are just like dust [ __ ] you know what i've i've never done mushrooms but i want to do mushrooms and just talk about this [ __ ] this goes deep deep like so deep you can't find yourself but like it's i love i do love talking about it and you get into these conversations and it's like [ __ ] it's so like when you talk to someone that is interested in it as well because i think we don't and when everyone has like say if you got a problem you're gonna you're having a bad day whatever it is you're trying to solve something the mad thing is like i feel like us people in general we like to over exaggerate a situation a problem and when you think about the bigger scheme of things of everything life space all this stuff it's like we're nothing no our problem is nothing like what we probably complained about someone listen to this complain about the [ __ ] coffee that they got from starbucks this morning it's [ __ ] nothing sad it is yeah you think about it like and then you like relate back to what we were speaking about at the start of the podcast and just like that guy who just doesn't want to you know step out of his nine-to-five job and and do something that might equally make him so [ __ ] happy yes when you think about it and like think about this studio just being dust and [ __ ] take it do it now take it yeah do it do it now we're telling you don't do it now like the avenger before thanos comes and [ __ ] things up yeah what um how intelligent you have to be to be sas it's like have you ever have you ever like worked with someone and gone how the [ __ ] have you ended up here right do you know what i mean yeah totally but then like i think you know everyone brings a different character to the party and you know you've got guys in there that are super intelligent and have like a massive iq yeah you know i talk a lot about and especially in the book i talk a lot about emotional intelligence so eq and uh aq which is adaptability um is that what that is yeah so like you know to be you know a good special forces soldier you don't necessarily need to be intelligent because like iq is you know academic intelligence isn't it yeah i can recall a load of information and solve mass equations and you know einstein's iq was insane you know what i mean but he probably could not hold down a good relationship with his wife or something like that and that's that's eq right yeah to be a good soldier i need to i need to have good emotional intelligence to be able to say right these are my guys these are the people i work with yeah i know every you know i know all the ins and outs of each one of these guys so that you know if if dave's on the range that day and he's shooting and he's not hitting targets and he's not you know speaking to anyone in the group then there's something wrong with him kind of thing and you know how to get him back and that's what picking that up isn't the important thing right as a team as well as solving problems in other countries right sure it's like you know you have to look after yourself first and foremost but then look after the team and like that's that's you know if you've got a team that's all all looking out for each other and all working well it's like the skill bit you can bring in yeah yeah the skills like binary isn't it skills there but like if you've got a cohesive unit that everyone looks after everyone you know everyone's checked their egos no one's you know slagging anyone off and that kind of thing and they all work really well yeah then you bring the skill into it that's when you have that's when you're you've got something yeah do you think that's why you got chosen for like ssudez wins uh because you're good at that because you're good with people because you're you're very nice to talk to yeah like you can just keep talking which is a very good thing and do you reckon is that something like you had to apply for did they be like hey you you channel four were you saying was it like that or uh is it something you wanted is it something you aimed for or was it just like it's weird you know i think i left the army in august 2018 and yeah like my life since then's just gone like you know completely i don't know not the direction that i want it to but then i'd say i'm not someone that sits there and goes in five years i would like to have this this and this i just do things from feel and if something feels good then i'll go and do it yeah and if you know i know that i'm going to get value off it and i'm going to have a good time at the same time and yeah yeah of course give value too yeah that's important and the sas who dares wins thing it was it was it was one of those you know it was like i got you know we were chatting to um the production crew did the interviews and then yeah like i got picked it's sick yeah did um when you did like the celebrity one was there anyone that you were like oh i'm excited to meet that person oh you're like i don't give a [ __ ] not really like i don't get i've never you never found boyd yeah you don't care i don't like people are people right yeah and it's one thing i learn like i think the older i get or i'm not that old but as i get the wiser i get maybe but um it's people are people right and it's like i don't know people get phased out by that famous people or whatever but they just [ __ ] in a toilet get up have breakfast and drink coffee just like we do exactly yeah they're just you know they've got their own story and yeah everyone i always think that about companies yeah because i've met like quite a lot of companies and yeah like a a good friend told me she was like look it's like you get phased out by for example like going to meeting nike or something like that yeah you think that um that like the it's like a company it's like oh i don't know it's scary it's like just a load of [ __ ] people yeah you go sit down half of those are useless yeah you know cause that's a guy with funky chino shorts and yeah high top nike socks with glasses with a yellow hat oh you're just a person yeah just like you just got that brand on you actually like [ __ ] a conversation and i got yeah you figure out all this stuff out and it's like it's not a big deal nah right yeah that's good what um so you climbed it everest twice yeah i feel like i've got i can talk to you all [ __ ] day but what time you gotta leave thinking that of time you climbed everest twice okay i get that you climbed it once why the [ __ ] did you do this was it like was it that good of a feeling like it's again it's just i don't know it's like i got the opportunity to go and do it yeah and if i got the opportunity to go and do it again i'd do it again really yeah it's an experience and take me up there yeah 100 i could do it yeah what's the difference i know there's like um is it like there's a base and then there's like different because i see i see a picture of you with like oxygen mask on and [ __ ] yeah like i don't know if i can do that big man i'm gonna sit boy you probably used to suck in no oxygen yeah probably yeah um yeah so you've got like base camp which is at 5 000 meters yeah so if you think like the highest mountain in in let's say mont blanc the highest mountain in europe there's one in russia that's bigger but yeah so mont blanc just under 5 000 meters okay um so base camps 5 000 i want to say 5 400 meters yeah above sea level so five kilometers above sea level so like if we were to just fly to that height now um you'd probably get sick and could potentially die okay um so you've got a you've got to build up to that height gradually so 500 meters altitude a day um is roughly what you aim for that takes ten days to get to base camp and then you live at base camp four you're there for kind of three weeks oh really yeah well you stay there for about a week a week and a half and then you start climbing up to the higher camps so you've got four camps uh before the summit um all like equally individually spaced up till you know just short of 9 000 meters which is the summit it's mad how your body is it's crazy how like amazing like our body's all right hey after like i remember when when i first went to my dad's village in turkey he's quite high and he's fine he's like used to it he was there like every summer whatever it is and i'm like [ __ ] you know it's like midday i keep yawning and i keep wanting to sleep i keep napping i'm like what the [ __ ] lack of oxygen yeah of course yeah i'm like [ __ ] and then i was like i can't believe i didn't realize my dad's running around he's feeling fine you've got this skinny kid that takes the sheep up and down the mountain every day he's the fittest [ __ ] person i've ever seen you know i mean he's like a mountain go the way he climbs up and down that's probably what you're like you know what i mean but like i forget how crazy that is and that wasn't even that high yeah so i imagine it's a pretty [ __ ] cool achievement being able to climb everest how many people could say they did that there must be a lot of people that died on the way up yeah there's loads of bodies like we had have you seen any on the way up yeah there was i think it was like 10 or 11 that died so i climbed last year 2019 and 2017. i think 2019 was quite because it was like a mad rush to get to the summit just because the way the weather turned out um so you just ended up with loads of people just heading up heading up for the summer at the same time yeah so we passed probably you know three or four bodies on the way up and then was it frozen or yeah it's pretty savage to be honest it's quite sad um because i wouldn't i wouldn't want to go that way you know no like it's not like you accept it yeah um but like i wouldn't want to you know die on on the mountain kind of thing you're you have a partner climbing partner or something like that yeah so yeah we had a group um so like i'd lead the expedition and then everyone's like pretty experienced anyway so you can pretty much leave most of the guys themselves um and then you go with sherpas which are you know nepalese mountain ninjas they're just born over there they're the same like um like i've used a sherpa called mingma quite a lot yeah um and he is well they're all called migma but yeah he's coming with david but he was on my first ever summit and like mingmas probably about i'd say like 55 kg really maybe 60. i bet he's just up and now like mate like i've seen him carry rucksacks probably the same size of him full of like oxygen bottles tents food like everything and he'll just come down the mountain with it and he won't like like when we summited he was with does that for a living yeah he does that all season like he's mad he's like um yeah he's like uh the youngest guy to climb all 14 of the 8 000 mountains jesus yeah i mean it'll just have like a trickle of oxygen so you've got like different flow rates yeah it all goes off liters per minute yeah so you've got one two three four now the new ones have like six um a bottle's got [ __ ] i should know this so many liters i'd be there sucking up all that oxygen so that's the thing right you get people that go up and they'll have you know 12 bottles of oxygen and three sherpas and you know these big fat chinese like guys with plenty of cash and the sherpa will just keep changing bottles of oxygen out cash yeah they'll just be sucking clean oxygen all the way up and skipping all the way up kind of thing but yeah um like ideally i think you know i'd use maybe three or four bottles of oxygen sure produce one yeah and he literally just does it trickling out really yeah they're strong guys may old one a test i would love to see i know jiu-jitsu's got nothing to do with it but you know when you're like there's a lot of points where you're not [ __ ] breathing and you're just trying to hold and you're trying to drop your heart rate and be chilled when you're moving i'm assuming it's kind of like that well you have to be very composed right yeah i mean but you are you know you you have to lower your breathing um you can't you can't because you're breathing yeah you like breathing is one thing that you're doing up there you are cause like you need to get the yeah so i use a few breathing techniques um but yeah like like summit day you're literally like a couple of steps like keeling over like doing the old classic resting on there really yeah you're [ __ ] like uh especially like so like the first the first summer like um like i was i don't know like it's weird it's one of those things it's like the first summer attempt i had so much energy i was like climbing so fast i felt i felt like like i am now if i went through a run yeah yeah second uh summit attempt last year um like i tried i wasn't [ __ ] but i was just not i just didn't have as much energy at the top yeah okay and we tried to summer um maybe two weeks before and i got ill ended up getting diarrhea um i was i was gonna ask where the hell do you take a [ __ ] up high you don't really [ __ ] because there's nothing because your body just not your body's just digesting food like you eat something and it just like kind of digests it so you've got to go like high calorie sugar yeah um like fats will just go straight through yeah just carbs i just use the old gel above like a certain yeah and then just try and drink water but again your body's not really doing much um so yeah just so like that that last summit attempt i was like i wasn't [ __ ] like i was there do you know what i mean i've got to be i've got to be 100 like focused on what i'm doing and stuff but like i just remember taking two two steps up and i'd just be like just like you're breathing heavy like you just you just no energy kind of thing it's it's because i guess like the climbs you're with as well like i mean i mean i'm assuming it would be horrible to go up there with someone that's really clumsy yeah because in essence people could be putting your life at risk if they're doing stupidness while on their way up right are you like all very close to each other when you're climbing and stuff yeah you're all in one rope so like someone could possibly die because of someone else's mistake or no yeah 100 yeah and that's you know like when people say that climbing high altitude mountains is dangerous i usually say well you know it's usually other other people that are dangerous yeah like myself like i'll take every you know i'll stack the odds in my favors and do everything that i can that yeah every anyone that's with me is safe and as as best prepared as possible and we've got all the right kit and equipment and we've got food and you know the tents are set up and the oxygen's ready i'll make sure that everything runs smoothly so that you know i've i've since checked him they're all experienced enough to go up to the high altitudes and and sleeping yeah well yeah you sleep it's not it's nice it's [ __ ] uncomfortable yeah everest is just being uncomfortable for six weeks for six weeks [ __ ] like even at base camp be like because like there's not much to do right so yeah often climb yeah so like a lot of the days you just get up and then in the mornings you've got some sun so you sit out like get some tunes on like a speaker like drink some coffee stand around chatting you'll go for a walk enjoy the sun yeah and then come like 12 1 o'clock the whole place just gets covered in clouds and then snows sometimes come like sleet have a little afternoon snooze some food and then game of cards and then towards the end of the day you're just like right i'll just crash what's the feeling like when you're at the top it must be is it like when you're up there you're like that was worth it yeah no like it's one of those weird things right it's like i don't know you put you say mount everest yeah and everyone thinks fark highest mountain in the world yeah but it's just a patch of land isn't it yeah it is it's like it's a patch of land oh what's up yeah oh what's next so you get you get up there and you just like so this is the summit i'm here yeah it's to say it's an anti-climax it'd be were you um is this all in your book yeah yeah well this is is in there what um when the book came the book offer came were you excited was it unexpected um yeah like do you know what the more i think now now it's written yeah and it's you know it's ready to go and and be published yeah now i'm excited yeah yeah i think at the start like it's a bit stressful yeah no like yeah trying to like figure out what it would look like and it's called soldier soldier yeah yeah respect is earned but yeah um yeah and then there's that thing isn't there it's like i'm just like a kid from preston the next minute i've got a book on the shelves it's like amazing yeah yeah which is which is great um so yeah like now i'm excited it's going to be released in mid-november what what can people expect from the book um so the book is so it's called soldier um and i've basically kind of looked at my life and looked at kind of why i've done things and and and all the knowledge that i learned whilst in the special forces and i've basically just broken it down into chapters um so the chapters themselves are written soldier so so d-i-e-r um and they all mean something individual which all equates to being the best soldier that you can be but okay also that you can take that and put it into anything that you do whether you're in a sports team or so basically get into your knight were talking about that mindset yeah bringing that across to in a way where everyone can understand and apply it to their lives yeah 100 100 so like s is uh self okay it's all about you know being the best version of yourself and understanding yourself um always opportunity and you know we've talked about opportunity on this podcast yeah you know that's essentially what i've done throughout my life is seize opportunity yeah uh elle's leadership uh talks about leadership um dee's danger and like my relationship to it and again like fear of failure and all that kind of stuff um intelligence so uh emotional intelligence academic um adaptability um he is excellence so obviously something you do in the special forces is try and be the best try and be excel in everything that you do and then resilience which is you know get through difficult [ __ ] fine i'll bite me sick i'm looking forward to it cheers i'm definitely not going to read it by audio booking yeah yeah yeah it's my voice it's going to be your voice [ __ ] yes yeah anyone that listened to this anyway if they like your voice they're probably going to buy both anyway so i'm excited for it cheers i'm excited i can't wait i've got one more question before we finish up i heard rumors that you're gonna race or something yeah so i'm signed to a race team for next season that's magically the season after yeah so you're gonna can you race are you learning to race or what's that about the funniest thing is that assigned to the race team without them ever seeing me race or drive a car that's what happens when you climb everest twice um now like you know what like we talk about opportunity and new chapter i love doing [ __ ] exciting stuff and racing cars is [ __ ] exciting to me like climbing mountains is exciting yeah and um yeah i got the opportunity during lockdown and instantly just said yeah and um like the cars are prague prog uh program evo it's called okay so it's like a tiny not a tiny little car but it's like a full aero car okay produces like 315 brake horsepower it's weighs 600 kg um so it's like a serious bit of kit so yeah i'm gonna be racing that for the next year when's the first day on the track uh so i've been i've started already so i've been been going on the uh track most weeks um and then so i do my race license tomorrow actually i was sick yeah but mallory and they're sick and then i should be jumping in the praga to get used to the prager then and then the first race in the um in the event is next march he'll be writing about that on book two [Laughter] wait if he could if he called driver hey you get good at that because then i want to come sit in a passenger seat and see what it's like 100 percent buzzing hey um i could talk to you all day but you know what i'm going to save that for another podcast i want to say thank you for coming i really appreciate your time bro and um for anyone that's listening where can they find you you know where to find him bruv make sure you buy his book yeah subscribe to the channel to the podcast to youtube and everything and for people that don't know where to find you where can they find you um probably on instagrams that i'm most active so j double underscore morton yeah twitter facebook boom there you go i always hate seeing how i don't know tinder swipe up grinder yeah i always i always hate saying that different name though where can we find you i'm like i don't know where to [ __ ] find you that's how i got you here do you know anyone else find anyone like google google but um yes guys i'll chat to you guys soon peace and love and thank you again for coming on
Channel: Diren Kartal
Views: 21,838
Rating: 4.9116721 out of 5
Keywords: jaymorton, elite, specialforces, everest, climber, army, soldier, racer, #neatup247, podcast, show, fitness, lifestyle, neatup247
Id: onfMvBMfu2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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