Paul Mort Talks Sh*t #23 - Jay Morton

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there's a time of more orlando where i stood oh [ __ ] um that was in afghan and we got mortared it was the first time we got mortared and um the first more i was out there's like a little patch of garden afghans like to have these little garden things that they're really proud of yeah and i was washing some clothes and hanging it up in this little garden also you weren't even [ __ ] nice is downtime and [ __ ] someone decided to murder us [ __ ] hell the first one landed there's a wall maybe i don't know if my memory serves me right probably where that wall is there so five meters away it landed on the other side so the wall protected me from the splash it's me paul mort and uh producer mark is also here we're in the [ __ ] big small come on hey what a journey i know and today we are talking [ __ ] with mr jay morton jay what are you saying okay guys all right i'm man i'm very very excited so me and chief just been talking about podcast interviews and i said i'm going to ask him some questions that he's never been asked so we don't have to do the intro thing because if you're listening you'll know we've already done it so jay doesn't have to tell us why he joined the sas why did all that [ __ ] because you can find all of that out in his book soldier which is available in all good book stores not now though because they're all closed well me i tried to get it on the way out here and they didn't have it you can get it as the test goes amazon waterstones i love it they're going to admit we don't have a waterstones on one street perfect loads of mobile phone shops is there are loads like the ones that sell the the cases and the the weird home actual phone shops really that's my die it's mad off it all right let's get started my first question for jay morton is are you scared of dying [ __ ] going deeper me i'm not pissed oh wait was the first question i asked the earlier i said um what's the story your channel for so i'm gonna let you escape that one for now are you scared of dying um yeah maybe yeah like i have a good life so yeah would i want to like die and and leave this not really um but then at the same time right if you die that's it i'm pretty sure that you don't sit watching what your life could have been yeah no so it's trying to ask that question because i was listening to the audiobook and you were talking about everest right and obviously you were in the [ __ ] ses for 10 years and you put yourself in some pretty [ __ ] mental situations so my first thought was this [ __ ] not give a [ __ ] about dying yeah do you know what it's more i think it's more about just the feeling that you get from there yeah yeah yeah touch the interesting point like touching the point of what could have been death yeah and maybe seeing it and being exposed to it i think that's always scary isn't it what if like what what if i didn't do that what if i didn't yeah see that that haunts me more than desert yeah yeah boredom boredom haunts me more than anything else boredom and just having a plain life yeah of just no excitement no highs and lows and lemon and herb nando's chicken life just getting drunk there's only one p there's only one person i know all does that and that's my seven year old daughter lemon and herb chickens are for me yeah is it turning back like you never rub lemon and herb on your chicken at home dude no no no it's not a thing no it's not so jay listen i want to stay on this subject of fear and death and and that right and i'm sure you covered this in the audio book but i haven't got that for you and i've been listening around to xspeed have you listened to it yeah no i have one point five i can do one point yeah i can't do two well i can talk i'm trying to listen yeah your own aren't you well it's nearly done it'll be out on the 28th of december actually that's good it's always better when you listen to an audio book and it's the person who's so much better i don't understand those actors that are doing it yeah and they're so flamboyant right it's annoying like you know not knocking a man obviously but listen to tyson fury's book and the guy who does that i'm just like yeah i cannot tell you because i'm trying to imagine tyson's voice but you can't because it's this over flamboyant and he has a really strong voice yeah he's got a really recognizable voice that stands out a mile and it's got character in it depth yeah busy guy so i've got no idea what uh you're talking about fear see how good he was that's just not giving secrets away did you see how quickly you jump on one subject or the next one i haven't even asked them about anything secret yeah we could do it again you don't even know you won't even know they call me one take more don't they i'm not doing anything twice [ __ ] that everest in the book everest in the book fear of death handling fear let's look at that because you've obviously been in some mad situations in your life right what's your whole strategy about handling fear is that one did you record your audio book i did um yeah you know what like i try and look at it quite a lot because i get asked this question quite a bit about your fear um do you know like when you're serving in the military and you're going out on operations yeah like i don't know you build a sense of security so you're going out on on you know you're going out most nights on operations it's in dangerous territory or whatever yeah it's like you don't generally feel fear when you go out um you know because you've you know you've stacked the odds in your favor you've got as much firepower that you need to go out on the ground um which is the same with climbing high altitude mountains it's like you've done all the training you prepared you know i like to think that i know my limits up there um so like you build this sensor you know what i see what i'm hearing here is that i love you're basically training yourself to deal with it doing the prep yeah but then the prep but then what happens is something might happen right like rounds get fired an explosion goes off someone slips and falls that's when like the fear actually creeps in yes that's when you go like [ __ ] like that right now yeah so like the whole time you walk like i like to say when you climb everest you're walking on this tightrope and it's like you know it's it's super like you've got a balance on there right because if you fall left and right that's where danger is but whilst you're on it you're fine and you're safe yeah so it's like you walk in this thing thin tightrope and it's like as soon as bullets start flying in a contact or whatever like that's when fear creeps in but it creeps in for like you know two or three seconds and then it's like right well you're in this situation so what next i suppose if it wasn't there like you wouldn't be able to stay safe would you yeah but you won't be able to stay safe like the fears there to keep you alive yeah and it's your body right your body's saying like right we need to get out of this situation whatever it is yeah and people feel fear for all different reasons right it's not just being being on high yeah being being in high up in the whatever you call it or like fear comes in you know work like business like chatting to chicks whatever it is like that's fair it's the same reaction yeah i heard yesterday actually this is crazy when i was off yesterday i heard someone say that fear and anxiety are the emotions of growth and i was like holy [ __ ] it's true though that's such a great way to look at it like when you're anxious that's your body's feedback telling you you're about to do something that's going to help you grow yeah of course like everyone everyone um associates anxiety to bad negative stuff right and it's not like it's like i get anxiety all the time but i know it's for good stuff right because i'm not i don't i don't 100 feel natural doing some of the things that i do but i know that i should be doing them yeah yeah it's almost like i say this all the time like feelings like anxiety even disappointments and let downs they're all like a prerequisite for being successful at anything yeah massively do i mean do you know what else as well like insecurity like i find that this is my theory i don't you know back me up whatever yeah but i reckon some of the most successful people you know success viewed from other people's eyes yeah probably have like a deep level of like insecurity or like like not self-belief like um what's the opposite of self-belief like doubt yes joker's like you almost want you want to work so hard to get away from that yeah yeah i think if there's if you're not doubting yourself you're probably not playing a big enough [ __ ] game yeah what i mean like you're probably you're probably sitting in that area of like come on certainly imagine being satisfied with everything that you do just living in that world just like you know the best thing i've ever i'm so perfect well that's a sign that you'd like that's definitely a sign that you're playing it safe like or your mental possibly like if you didn't have any self-doubt you'd already be doing the thing that you're talking about you know what i mean you'd already be doing it because you'll already be you'd be on the self-doubt that self that also helps you kind of seek out problems in advance yes kind of so you're you're thinking you you sell you're doubting yourself about what you're thinking about and then that's how you you come up with these solutions for problems it's like an alarm clock yeah like an alarm clock yeah it's actually i don't know i think you probably find this as well the more times you do this you know you more the more times you feel this anxiety and carry on doing stuff like i don't know it gets exciting doesn't it yeah i can start to enjoy that anxiety i'm like i feel it a little bit yeah this this means that i've got you know i'm creating stories and i'm creating like yeah stuff that i want to do yeah yeah and and i remember saying when i get on the stage somebody asked me do you not get nervous before you speak in front of a big crowd i'm like well i do but i just treated like that's my mind just making sure that i've practiced enough yeah my mind making sure i do a good job yeah you know what i mean sorry man what are you gonna say are you good i was gonna change this no but it's exactly that right um you know getting fear or nervous before you go on stage i always find like the fear and the nerves build up way more at the start of something and then as soon as you go into it gone 100 percent yeah i found that with like you know if you're jumping out of a plane at night it's like the build-up to that is you know because jumping out of a plane at night it's pretty [ __ ] scary during the day is fine right it's enjoyable over the skies of california you're out you pull you shoot you can see where everyone is you're like yeah okay yeah wind check whatever check your instruments night time pitch [ __ ] black can't even see your hand also he's also not mentioned that he's [ __ ] probably jumping into [ __ ] war zones and [ __ ] do you know what as well you think about it as well that when you get that fear and anxiety and panic it's almost like your body's giving you loads of energy to do what it needs doing i mean it's like you said it's that growth space right because then you've got to understand what to do with it because you it can [ __ ] overwhelm you sometimes yeah you can see people going into a flat spin and that's where people start to flap right like what am i doing what kit have i got blah blah blah or you just you can let it settle right just breathe breathe into it chill have a think about what you're going to do in your brain and then that's it max max an mma fighter so if you didn't have those that feeling before a fight you wouldn't put your [ __ ] hands up exactly yeah yeah you just walk in without your [ __ ] hands up yeah which i'm sure i've seen you do but the second round when i was a bit more confident yeah but no that's exactly right it makes sure that one that you give a [ __ ] about what you're doing because if you saved it yeah and and and that you switched on and you're ready for it yeah it's like mma right it's like everyone thinks or there's probably a big misconception that everyone thinks it's just a bunch of brutes yeah but they're not other people there's a lot of there's a like there's a lot of intelligent guys yeah yeah they all look like dorks there's no [ __ ] titles no there's no there's no [ __ ] massive hench guys they're just all little [ __ ] nerds they'll all be listening because that ego gets checked right it's awesome like kicks you in the face straight away like we've had dormant you don't like that they don't like that right because they're the boss on the door or whatever and then yeah yeah they're all standing by yeah yeah it's mad so submit tournament of audio books what was the hardest part isn't it an audiobook recorded it was the hardest part of that though um because it's not i just didn't mind it's not easy and that's when i was listening to yours i was saying you actually sounded like you quite enjoyed it if you've got it there right imagine sounded like i didn't enjoy it and everyone's listening to it yeah yeah um i think the first day was hard yeah first day was really hard just getting a flow yeah i think once i found that flow it was all right but i did the prologue and i was like i'm gonna hate this yeah like you know this isn't for me yeah yeah because again like no one likes the sound of their own voice either no i know i hate listening back yeah like i said i even think this is weird well you can yeah you can hear it like with the headphones on the night i find it a little bit weird though uh but um yeah like i got that prologue done and i was like i went outside like got some fresh air came back in and i think once you find your float flowing reading it it's fine i actually went back and did the prologue again so i was like i'm kind of just yeah and that's the first bit that people listen to in the book isn't it yeah you want that to have some energy to it if you sound like you want to get out yeah and i've got quite my you know my voice is just quite you know not monotone but like it's not i don't have like one of those up and down voices yeah i ain't gonna change it for the sake of the fact that you're doing media yeah yeah definitely i love it so i want to cover um i put it on my facebook this morning if you want to spend an hour with somebody that's been in the sas for 10 years what would you ask them me i got some mad [ __ ] yeah you know the most common thing that i got though was um i thought you weren't supposed to talk about when you were in the sas like what's the deal with that what have we talked about you're already at night so what's the deal with that like well uh well you've signed the official secrets act yeah so um you technically can't talk about your time in the special forces yeah um you know there's a lot a lot of information out on the internet whether it's factual or not factual yeah um i generally know like what i can and can't speak about like i'm not going to go into you know yeah and stuff like that i'll avoid those questions yeah regardless of whether they're asked yeah so like yeah like you know as in the sas for 10 years like i'm not not going to tell anyone that i was doing that yeah that was 10 years of my life yeah like that's you might like i won't be able to podcast now yeah jay what did you do i was well parachute regimented four years ago the last 10 years i've just [ __ ] around so like do you know like i don't know you might ask a question i know that there's things that that are sensitive that i can't speak about and that's that's fine and yeah we'll never go there but yeah um yeah did i hear something that billy was your i don't know what the words are billy was your gaffer in the sas he left as i joined i think as soon as you got so i'm sure someone said oh billy was me gaffer he was i think he was he's like d squadron sergeant major and then uh see that's a long title that what does d squadron mean can you tell me that's just one of the groups there's no d doesn't stand for anything big the big dicks big dick squadron made a big dick have you not seen his piece i haven't seen his face there's a prerequisite to get in it is yeah i'll be [ __ ] i'll just both die i jump over playing through the day but not on a night time and i haven't got a big day do you have are you lit up like how do you how do you gauge everything obviously i know you've got your um altitude checker is that the right phrase yeah you've got like like if you do any jump you've got an altimeter so that tells you your altitude um you'll have like some instruments that can tell you where you're going right so you look at those digital instruments um you'll have like some you know night vision that you can see so you can easily like this in front of you so you can't see where other people are you you they've got some lights on different kind of lights um so you yeah did you know like do you know what the guy who's leading it's just got this big flashing light on when you say night vision do you have those [ __ ] big goggle things on yeah like call of duty is it sick is it someone actually asked me what you said i won't call a duty but you don't play call of duty right no because you might be getting into it really just to beat james smith i was like you challenged me to a jewel you know why you don't play call of duty because you're not [ __ ] 17 years old no you know what i mean when people say why don't you have tick tock i'm like because i'm not [ __ ] seven no yeah was under the ball i can't do games oh really see i thought you i thought because we this it's a common topic of this podcast of like creative people people who need to be busy all the time gaming a good way to kind of soothe your mind yeah really yeah okay i don't i i know i do yeah you find that they said switch off yeah i just i need something like that yeah i struggled to switch off dude funny enough that was one of my next questions what do you normally you were like train or something to switch off a bit alright yeah yeah yeah yeah like i'll go out for a walk probably the easiest way to switch off like just i can't like i'm not good at watching tv i just find it boring no i'm the same yeah like people ask us to watch a film i'm like i'll be i'll be clocked out half an hour yeah i just need to be a really good film yeah you're fighting what cinema different then yes because i feel like an event yeah yeah you go into something you're generally with someone and also you also remember you don't [ __ ] around on your phone when you're in the cinema exactly in trouble yeah yeah yeah you get in trouble right like if you're watching a film with a mate and he starts like messing around on his phone it's like yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah it's switching off yeah working out or something like that that's probably good yeah because exactly there's only so much work he has right so i was listening to his podcast and he was talking about sorry he's broke and he's talking about work i've that he did during lockdown and i took my wife's fit as [ __ ] right and i said yeah listen to this jay's like oh he has a workout that i did one of them right was 200 squats 200 push ups 200 sit-ups 200 lunges and 200 burpees and then he said oh but it's okay if you want to make it a little bit easier i just do them 25 at a time and i'm thinking [ __ ] me don't take me all day i consider myself fit and i'm thinking [ __ ] me that the other one he said he said it's a [ __ ] amazing workout and then he said one of them was 20 burpees 400 meter run 19 burpees 400 that's crazy that was savage did you have it it'll be 10 20 kilos i like for some reason why i was just like i need to sweat so i put a hoodie on underneath the weight so i'm like running around my garden probably got like 100 meter field next to my garden yeah and yeah that's horrendous because like at the start 20 burpees is a lot right so the run is the break and then towards the end how many burpees did you say it was because i remember you said it was an eight kilometer run is that yeah yeah total yeah in total it's eight kilometer run and i don't know what the burpees are until can you view a lot of that that means quite a lot probably like three four hundred maybe [ __ ] considering that all i've heard so far is that he was in the sas for 10 years and he claimed everest two tick boxes yeah that's it the ice bath doesn't seem that they're sorry it's a wheelie bin full of cold water i'm gonna change it the wheelie bin just doesn't me i think it makes it less exciting doesn't it it gets pressed though yeah why'd you get into a bin every morning yeah let everyone ask me about it it's the easiest thing to hold water but yeah right i bought so someone's this this company sent me these plastic uh the bins but they're bigger it's like a big bath and um i still use the bin yeah because i can well it's like a neck height in it but like it's perfect to get in and i can just push it over when i need to change the water whereas these big like solid things like i've not like i'd have to plug like a hose pipe at the bottom like have it over a drain to drain it oh really yeah the bins easy how do you get in the water and they will be just with the holes yeah just hose it hose it up change it every me i'm mark there's a few eye rolls there can i just confirm right the bin it's not it's not the rubbish bit it's the recycling bin so it's the one that all the branches leaves and all that kind of stuff going on oh that's too so it's not like loads of bin juice at the bottom oh that's thank you vengeance do i keep finding my recycling bins dog walk i was walking past with [ __ ] putting bags of [ __ ] in his recycling bin i can't stand that no do you know what that's that is that is one of my biggest hates pet hates ever dog [ __ ] no bags of dog [ __ ] dropping rubbish yeah [ __ ] yeah like cigarettes um mcdonald's kfc like cans of coke vibina it's always the same stuff it is it's like you don't get like organic peanut butter jars or like a bag of oats you get [ __ ] no you don't know it's like it's mild if you look after your body you generally look after everything else if you don't look after your body you generally don't don't give a [ __ ] yeah don't give a [ __ ] i it says a lot about where your energies are if you have to do that yeah lack of respect and everything right what you do who you with yeah stupidity i've seen some at the other day so this blew me mind remember the whole hoo-ha about plastic straws you know when that first kickoff yeah yeah and then they made mcdonald's change did they well do you know the lids they never changed the lids to cardboard they didn't change the lids so that's what i'm saying so they still got plastic lids but making you drink out as well cardboard those cardboard straws are [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah is that what you're going to see so that they're no good anyway because they get wet yeah but like um i've got a friend whatever like uh dad owns a recycling company apparently you can't recycle wet cardboard so those straws just just end up in the you know i mean yeah they decompose by the way who the [ __ ] over the age of 12 drinks out of straws yeah well mcdonald's you have to unless unless you're doing fake in the living room what if what are you in the car who did it who was he doing what does he pray for yeah i thought um yeah yeah yeah they tend to lose their accent though really yeah that they're not as strong but yeah it did yeah like i don't know why it's because we're lazy talkers so they'll probably get snapped in the line they actually speak english well yeah yeah that said because i say mom now right and would you say ma ma or mom and he was it you that said a little pc dies every time i say mom yeah okay all the time my mom not well as well i'm in the house tell me ma but the thing is you got to consider that i lived in spain for for two years and then i'm always on shores where people aren't jordi's middle class nowadays do you know what else i see i've been recently calling do you say in fact you might change because you down south as well do you know your evening meal what do you call that dinner what did you call it when you lived in preston t you said see the same as me i'm a secret southerner you're a m i'm a secret what do i say i was am i the world cosmopolitan cosmopolitan meal true that's what it is called dinner what you're laughing about i'll tell you what i'll tell you the next level up though supper oh my god that's like before that's what people in chelsea call it really yeah what they're called tea supper what are you having for supper that sounds like i'm having soup so soup yeah super tasty supper oh my kids have a [ __ ] malt loaf in that they have more of this is another question that people wanted to ask you probably handled you probably asked answered this question loads and i know i said i wasn't going to give you questions that you've asked before but i'm intrigued as well how do you deal with some of the trauma that you've seen what's yeah have you had counselling for that have you had help with that um because i get a lot of military guys follow me as well that i can you help me with this i'm like i have no experience of that ptsd in that yeah um do you know what like touchwood i've never had any dramas with it have you not no and you know like i've thought about why that was or yeah like there was one do you know what there was like one moment in my career that i probably had ptsd yeah whatever you call it yeah um i don't know like i put it down to just you know at the time it was a busy a busy time on operations yeah um we basically handed over the job whilst going out on jobs yeah and i ended up flying back within like 24 hours on the on the train back up to preston yeah i just remember thinking you know not feeling right and um yeah it just didn't feel normal and yeah for me that was like you know like booze or drinking probably like made it feel better yes um and i didn't understand what that was but obviously looking back that was ptsd yeah um and in my head i kind of knew that it wasn't gonna last forever and i think you know every day that i ticked off yeah i started feeling more and more normal yeah it's hard to explain right like a car people say titan's the biggest healer don't they yeah but like apart from that like i've genuinely been fine and i don't know like i talked about it on another podcast but i heard when i came back from my first afghan tour in 2006 and i remember seeing some of the guys and they came back and we we hit like we all hit the booze hard right all smashed all the windows in the in the accommodation um and that was like you know the the lads just getting their energy big release yeah it was almost like what they needed right yeah um and then yeah like a few of them probably went down that dark path yeah you know we probably didn't know about it as a group because you tend to keep that stuff quite quite quiet within a male community um but you'd notice characteristics of people and um you know a lot of heavy drinking and stuff like that and i don't know for me i remember listening to someone talk about ptsg so p-tip like post-traumatic growth so instead of [ __ ] yeah instead of trauma and instead of going like the negative yeah uh slide down instead you go the other way that's a great i've never that's an amazing i've never heard that before but that's an amazing frame i put it in it yeah i can't remember it was who was talking about it i think it was i can't remember his name he's um he he talks a lot about depression and stuff like that and i'm listening to his things like tim ferriss podcast or whatever yeah but um i i thought that's kind of where i was just like flipping that dude putting a filter on in there like on instagram that's amazing but it was because i came back from a 2006 tour and like i felt like i'd grown up loads like you know i was 21 years old when i came back and i just felt like i you know i felt not mature but just like the stuff you'd seen or done it was just like a you felt different big education right yeah yeah different in a great way yeah and i was like it was like and then i don't know the more stuff you're exposed to like that the more i just felt that yeah and i just yeah i think you i don't know i can't speak for anyone else right because we don't know what everyone else's experience is but i've always felt like i've always looked at the trauma that i've seen as as a positive in my life and i've been great almost grateful for it yeah i know it's probably isn't the right thing to say it's like you punching people in the head yeah you you're grateful for that all the time violence they'd have no problem doing it to you i've heard someone else say that was an mma fight i think but if i didn't do that to him he'd do that to me you also kind of see it is what you tend to find is with like not even just mma fighters anyone really doing a martial art or that they never get in fights because they understand what the consequences are they understand the negatives and and how bad it can end up which is kind of a similar situation you come back you've got [ __ ] all the proof either yeah that's another thing right you've got an often approved yeah some of the most chilled guys right yeah some of the most which makes you think about the guy who kicks off in the bar and yeah he's all loud and yeah and then it comes back to that that self-doubt i would say this when we talk about confidence which i'd love to talk about with you as well when we talk about confidence i get a lot of people how do you get more confident i'm like a lot of people don't understand what confidence is it's never about who's the loudest person in the room and often i find that they're the most insecure right yeah the ones that are the loudest they're the ones that need the most [ __ ] yeah the external reassurance significance they want to feel [ __ ] significant so that they're honestly the loudest so what's your what's your take on confidence then i um agree with what you're saying there paul it's like yeah generally the the biggest i don't know it's like that theory of or it's like comedians yeah is it robin williams like spent all his life making people happy yeah he's the most unhappy people most unhappiest person inside it's like that with confidence yeah um it's like that you know like what we're saying with the mma fighters you know in the special forces it's like one of the tenants is honor and humility and it's you know some special forces guys are some of the most humble characters but you get that kind of beat over your road that a little bit but it's i think it's going back to that we've nothing to prove kind of thing we've not like we we do the job that we do and um like that's what we want to do we just want to be professional soldiers yeah there's no showboating or what was that like for you then when you first went back home from after you toured and then went back home what was the whole experience like were your friends different did you look at them different or family not really like i was quite excited about just what we've done and you know you you want to share the share those stories yeah um no like i think the more time you spend away from your hometown the more you realize that people in your hometown town their lives just carry on just yeah as normal and you go away for six months and you come back and you expect dramatic changes i'm away for a week and it feels like i've been away for ages and everyone's just had a normal [ __ ] week yeah you come back and it's just like you spend two hours in the pub with them and it's just like all right you know what's the worst part for me now go on holiday and i don't take my phone right so when i come back i'm thinking i'm going to be [ __ ] bombarded here yeah yeah and that's [ __ ] i'm like maybe i wasn't as popular as i thought oh i get that when you just do like a little detox like a few hours and you're like right get back to the phone so many messages and there's [ __ ] nothing waiting for him to come in you're like i've done that i've deleted instagram and facebook just the apps off my phone yeah re-download i was like oh so you seriously i was like no one [ __ ] likes me i've hidden mine now they're like on the furthest you know those videos of people dancing like old people dancing or like jews dancing and then or like muslim men dancing and then they put another song over there oh like the mckee now this is a [ __ ] guy with the the the coffin really i love that when they're just i see him on yesterday of two old american guys like line dancing yeah but they put children by robert miles over the top i'm surprised i didn't send you that mate did you see a a group of paramedics or something done that no they did it and with the really yeah i think i think it was like a stretch that i had on like just you know out the back of it and they got fired that's harsh yeah we need paramedics yeah yeah you've done a bit of that right medical stuff yeah medical that's probably quite gnarly is it um yeah yeah yeah um you know you get to like i worked in like the hospital in afghanistan every time we went over there so there you go yeah you get your fair share of trauma coming in yeah would you do that job here paramedic no would you know i i did like a little bit of stint on i didn't get in the ambulances just i thought you were going to see casually there during the tv show i thought i was going to see it be on tv you know if casual tier after the you've probably answered this a million times but we're on the tv thing how did that [ __ ] how many times have you been asked that yeah quite a lot have you yeah well i haven't heard it so you have to tell me a story how did how would it come about i um it's not like an exciting story isn't it no that like they were um they approached so i was working for through dark at the time they approached the guys through dark by the the clothing the clothing company martin stapled and sponsored by them yeah martin like we speak on uh social media every now and then um but yeah the the producers just approached us and just they were looking for a new ds and yeah like we all applied and sick that was it just following that it isn't a very exciting night yeah basically i was uh i was skydiving and this guy my wife still thinks he's a [ __ ] dj what do you really mean honestly it's not i thought him last night my wife said well tell him he can come and dj at our office party you can't dj could mix a few how can he mix a few can he i mean the comedy value of having him play is probably better than the music you know right i was in barcelona speaking in this ifs thing with smith and paula lima and uh sven came he came in from a pizza on a proper private jet or some [ __ ] right and he's [ __ ] started doing that he just there's loads of people in the pool and he started doing an aqua rubbish class on the side of the pool i was [ __ ] he's a funny guy that's hilarious he is a [ __ ] man like we met for the first time this year on a stag day actually yeah like we've got friends in common yeah but you know he's he's obviously doing his thing in ibiza yeah this is sven goodwin go and check him out on instagram by the way so he's doing this thing in the beta and then we went on a stag do um and then yeah it just became two single guys and um obviously lockdown happened and he was i think he was due to fly out to ibiza and then obviously the beef had closed all the parties so i was like mate like i've got a free house it's just me living in it so come on come on live with me through through yeah i bet he was fun to live with brilliant mate you got him into the bin every every morning yeah he's i've seen him hit the pads he's [ __ ] yeah have you seen him well i think i have a really sharp yeah yeah he used to do some boxing as well she's an by the way he hits them yeah who's the most famous person in your phone book ah it's probably gonna be bad this one is it oh yeah um got mark cavendish have you ever yeah that's pretty cool like because i i like that kind of celebrity you know he's like credible for like what he does and yeah exciting he's not just [ __ ] random he's incredible he doesn't go in cycling yeah but yeah he's made a really good name for himself winning loads of gold models and world championships sprinter yeah because you you didn't start on the celebrity one right in the celebrity sas you were on it though right yeah yeah yeah yeah but that was after you did the mall thing yeah yeah yeah yeah so the second one was after you did the what the mall thing the mall oh yeah start on essays who dares wins to put him in as a contestant listen for the guys listening and you can tell mark that story because i think it's cool as [ __ ] uh yeah so i go in as a recruit for six days and then obviously just blend in with those guys and pretend to be one of those and then i'm like relaying all the information um and then yeah like i forget a helmet on a day that we're doing some um what do you call it the the water drills i get called out by ant get thrashed um and then i volunteer ellie to hold the barrel above her head and then uh like i take my armband off and walk away throw it on the floor and walk away and then i come out an hour and a half later on stage is the new death yeah i mean it's better if you're doing a pool well we i did it when i was in dubai this time around and it blew my mind i was like wow yeah you sink to the bottom and then just push unbelievable that's all both kids that they thought it was amazing so instead of if you breathe in when you go in the water your body wants you to float back up at the top but if you breathe out before you go on like you can just stay at the bottom of the water but then you've got to push up to get air yes right and you've just got to keep doing this it blew my they did it for like [ __ ] minutes at a time didn't you yeah it was freezing [ __ ] freezing cold really and there was this the only place that we could do it was in this pool of like streams and waterfalls so there was a current as well yeah which was evil i think fox is in the water at the time and he's trying to hold the recruit yeah so um funnily enough when i told my i always tell my kids about the podcast because they love hearing who i've had on it i think my son he's nine he loves telling these mates like he loves bragging and he's made that oh my dad knows tyson fury and [ __ ] craig david and that and then i said jay what's going on he said it's not the manifesto sudais wins who was eating the chocolate in there that's the first thing he said is that the one who kept giving i got chocolate i got ruined in the edit there it happened like twice i did it yeah and it kept showing it that must have been that must have been everyone's like he was getting [ __ ] kid cats and mouse balls and that every time he went brownie so that was it i got a brownie too they didn't show that one so they pulled they pulled it they kept pulling people out like with with bags on their heads and every time jay got pulled out they took his head off they said all right mate and they gave him a [ __ ] chocolate ball i was like i remember going back to the rest of the recruits in the accommodation i was like chocolate in my beard i just go back and they're just like it's a chocolate in your face and i'm like no that's definitely not that's bad so i want to talk about the celebrity one because uh the celebrity one there was joey essex by the way he blew me [ __ ] my head fell off at how good he was and how he wasn't as thick as i thought he was yeah he's not he was just he was fit as [ __ ] as well wasn't he yeah i looked at it i'm like the guy was really fake that he's a boxer is he yeah is that a whole lot man that used joy essex yeah no it's hard to figure out right he's obviously super savvy like you know he's made fun of me yeah he had a lot of money done really well for himself have you seen his part he's no i haven't seen his partner a nice pad he likes it on social media all the time really um but i i don't know i think he's just savvy right yeah you know whether he plays the yeah whether he plays the the character that he said he said he stopped boxing because he was too good-looking but then there was a whole story about his mummy family's mom yeah yeah his moment hung herself and i blew my head off how [ __ ] fit he was i was like wow yeah like you would never believe that and then it was the one-way [ __ ] value where bellew tony got [ __ ] he was fighting like six of them he lost he [ __ ] me he's brilliant that was probably that was potentially one of the funniest things it was definitely yeah tony bellew heavyweight boxer getting whacked off six girls off six girls amazing and they're like that you know sweating like going for it he was doing it seriously heavyweight boxes getting beat up it was unreal he was going [ __ ] hit me then come on then and then he never is fast doesn't he push his flash and then the best part of it was when [ __ ] ant when [ __ ] yeah it squares up too do you think aunt was [ __ ] his pants then i stood next to him yes i'll have to get him on because i saw this week that rick so i've got a friend called rick who um who got anthony crowley john anthony crawler rings about crowd i was the uh light heavyweight light lightweight champion of the world his fault lenora's he's fought along the channel he was the guy that got a paving slab over his head by burger and then came back from that won the world title yeah fractured his skull brought his ankle on that and his strength and conditioning coach was also tony standing on it something called a [ __ ] how do you really know that he's not in the sas maybe i don't know i am i was going to say like the world's biggest wind up it could what are they called again people are saying waltz uh you end up seeing on social media the ones that you know that stood outside on remembrance day with a barrier yeah medals on but you get a lot of them in business really yeah you get a lot of them in business yeah i get sent quite a few messages from guys that work in london um that i've met or or introduced to whatever and they're like you know this guy he's turned up he's saying that he's special forces xsas really and i'm like all right what's he said like give me some information and give me a little bit of information and there's this one guy he turned up with this rucksack and it was a you know military a military style rucksack right but one that no one in the sas would ever use literally and he was saying that he was um a sergeant major in the sas he's got the sas cat badge on a on a velcro sticker attached to his rucksack oh [ __ ] hell that's like all through those bags yeah those bags there the military they're [ __ ] yeah yeah it's exactly like that but with a an ss cat badge thing on there but he's good he's got a he's got a maglite torch that's like sliding down uh in between he's like [ __ ] hell i can't remember what else he had but as soon as he showed me the rucksack i was like nah no that's not him no chance that guy's in the essence [ __ ] man never [ __ ] ever you've got to have some kind of like you know you might just be desperate for work as well or you know you could be to do something he'd been employed by someone else and it's his company and he got chat and he didn't know that my mate was actually he's expert uh sas yeah and then he's trying to and he's like finds out that he's at xsas he's like i don't even know who this guy is so he goes up to him and he starts chatting to him and he's like yeah you know is it hereford blah blah this year that year like uh this squadron whatever whatever and john's like i was a squadron during this time and this guy just like goes you know ghost white yeah he's like oh like came clean with it all and told him like that really what what did like what is it that they say like i'm just i want a is it like a fantasy looks good on your cv it looks good especially if you're going into a job in security or you're working in the city but do they not do like checks i can it's not you can't you just hope that you don't bump into someone else who it actually is yeah [ __ ] man so unless you're in the north still be people getting away with that now because i get like i get it all the time right like i had it recently and um it was someone because it's a small world yeah it's a small you wouldn't know quite a lot of the people yeah you would have heard someone yeah and if not i'd ask someone and they would have heard something yeah someone mentioned it and he's like yeah he was down in the sbs and he said you know served this year and he's doing this now and i was like never had that name before and he's like yeah he's a bit older so i like i found out when he left and i fired it down to my mate who's like you know he was my peer group so he's quite high up now and he's like never heard of him mate i was like do you mind just like asking around yeah no one's ever heard of it [ __ ] i don't i don't want to tell this you know this guy that's confided in me that this these mates and the special forces that he's full of [ __ ] man [ __ ] there will be still people get who've got away with that particularly because there's no list i mean i'm getting away with it have you i know i have one coming up did you record it i didn't record it i did record it and i'm back tomorrow on time i think mine's like five hours long yeah and they said actually they said so alice from howard collins came and she said that normally sometimes it takes them five days to do an audio book yeah that's what they they told me yeah yeah you did as a compliment yeah well it's faster than you do you're seeing it just saying it but if you talk that normal speed yeah i mean there's jumping out of a plane in the dark and there's doing an audiobook in two days just [ __ ] saying no i'd pick any day any day so one question i wanted to ask you was i think about this a lot as well when you see somebody who's doing who's not doing as well or not doing what they could with their life like what would you like to say to them because you must because of what you've done you must be like [ __ ] helmet you're capable of so much more i suppose that's what your boot is right yeah it's hard right it's hard live these different lives and there's always a different reason that everyone has for doing the things that we do and yeah i don't know like i've yeah i definitely know people like that i feel you know you can offer as much advice as possible to that person yeah but they've got to choose they've got to know it it's like a parent right yeah like parents telling the kids to go to college and get good grades and studying you know and it almost pushes them away from wanting to do that yeah yeah yeah and it's you know i think the best thing especially if it's someone close is just know that you're there for any advice that they want yeah and they'll be the example i think yeah and i've yeah be the example right be someone that you know you whether you know be someone that that does that kind of stuff and yes that kind of life yeah yeah instead of preaching i think a lot of parents do that actually i think that you're telling the kids that eat healthy while they've got [ __ ] man tits in there yeah like that like teachers right teachers are some of the most uninspiring people ever check this out it's a job right yeah they turn up they might not even like teach yeah check this out so the other day my son comes home he's nine he said and he said we're lying in bed he's getting ready to go to sleep and he came out with he would never say that he said dad hasn't 2020 been a terrible year i might miss why would you say that he says oh the teacher i was talking about at school today i'm like he's been fed that and i had to stop him i said wait a second i said it has for some people but what's what have you loved about 2020 he said well i've got to play fortnight with you lord's dad we've been on a holiday twice i've got six months off school i've said so yeah it's not [ __ ] sick it's not that he would have thought this year was awful yeah because he think could you look up your teacher yeah and they're like i don't know like kids are they're adults right yeah we're kids it's like you you turn around and you say a kid's a kid because they're a certain age group or an adult but like they're a person they're thinking feeling doing yeah and at that age they're absorbing so absorbing everything you want them to absorb the good stuff and not the bad stuff yeah like you said be a be a role model but they don't necessarily have to choose to be like you yeah but like if you force them to be like you then they're probably not going to be like you yeah because i know like you know my parents often did an amazing job yeah but um i know all the stuff that they told me to do i didn't yeah i went the complete opposite and i still do now like my mom tells me like my mom will be like you know even with everest and like trying to climb k2 and stuff like what are you doing don't do this it's dangerous you just supported me maybe i wouldn't do it what do your parents think that parents think of this whole thing that you've got going on right now this [ __ ] what do they give you any feedback on it i think because for someone from preston there's not many like there's not i've beaten a preston i've been i've been a d it's called deep deal right i've been there a couple of times it's quite nice it's quite a nice little thing compared to what sunderland sunderland that's why i was there yeah but i've been there like for what you're doing for somebody from preston's quite [ __ ] mental in it yeah i think my parents are just really proud yeah i i think they struggle to understand it because they're you know old generation you go out you get a job you save it for your retirement and then you retire yeah whereas this is new right i mean this is a job that you guys are doing it's talking [ __ ] yeah yeah and i don't think they fully understand that so they don't really are they're not on socials or anything a little bit but then it's just to see like how i'm doing it but that i'm going to follow jay's mom sorry he's mum on facebook the taxi driver was the same on the way in he was like so what you here for what's a podcast yeah yeah but like that's what's great about 2020 right like even lockdown like like i've never been so busy in my life with work and with you've just got to adapt especially during lockdown it's like all right what can i do and what can i do that's all that's left that i can do that's me that's it that's a 100 whatever it's trying to be focused on i tell i tell most people the problem is when you focus on what you can't do like there's only negative feelings associated with that and all the stuff that we can't do yeah and also like the language like i find the media and the language like lock down pandemic um like all these words even covered 19. yeah it has an emotional right lockdown living in my house for a month well yeah i can still go out for a walk yeah i've got [ __ ] delivery go to a bar that's it i'll say don't get coffee and some food at like a coffee shop which smith was open you need pens and paper blow your [ __ ] head off the harry potter shop was one of the things what the [ __ ] essential the cell chopped them chocolate frogs that's a i was like why would anyone need a [ __ ] wand yeah the policy i'll see if it works turn this [ __ ] back you'll see me outside harry potter lately platform nine and three quarters open six packs six million an amazing brain please i couldn't i was like really like hotel chocolate wasn't always a hotel chocolate for you that is yeah and and w h smith was open and [ __ ] i couldn't i was like what the harry potter shot was over yeah london's quite i don't know like before this second lockdown the numbers f like bustling i don't know if he came in i didn't go through soho we came in to do a podcast with darren and it was mad yeah it's quite it's nice to see though right yeah i like seeing people out well see i've no i've never been to london like prior to the lock that i came how crazy came in the middle yeah i created lockdown so i've only my experience in london has only ever been yes this like right now which is weird yeah it just seems like back up which is yeah like when i did the audiobook i don't know if i mentioned it i was in them in the business it must be some paul's cathedral i must be business district and it was wild made there was nothing in fact the the night before i did it i stayed in the mall the mama's on and then it closed the next day the marmei's on amazon sell croissants and sakura blue and and the next day it shut down so we had to check out and go to another hotel and this hotel wasn't even doing there was no restaurant open there was no room service you could get uber wreath to live out at the door and that was it like delivered at the front door and you gotta go and get it it was mad that's weird that's also my favorite thing about london by the way uber eats in there you can lose some money i messaged this last night i was sitting watching i'm a celeb and i got a text off him he was like have you seen the food in london have you seen where we are he went search korean food japanese burger we don't get any of that [ __ ] where we are we don't even have it we get burgers mcdonald's yeah that's it that's lit and hey that's a great point would you go and i'm a celebrity no no i mean i wouldn't rule it out but probably not you do what you are told to do i bet you know what like i probably wouldn't would you not actually i don't know what happened i don't know i don't know if any of you are in like some of those things them challenges and that you've done yeah you know what i'm saying oh i have to eat eat something whoa like i can't imagine them asking any of us to go on zero drama no they're after drama you're like okay drama i will be uh probably it was spider on your face yeah it works enough like you don't go out eating worms every day so we're going to give you this sandy berry but you've got to eat a worm and a grub a sandy berry yeah it's the color of the berry for this yes it's sandy oh right berry or berry i thought it was like a sandy bear what's that i thought you meant that as well crazy like i don't know like thailand's probably the worst something dog i've had a fried dog i heard about that suit once did you really have bathroom homemade it was really good right from me in the airport on the way back they're quite nice though something like that yeah or um yeah on the way back from where uh egypt really yeah it's egypt no it was in the airport yeah you had like yeah thailand you can get you know in the little street vendors yeah i remember just eating like i think it was like fried spider or something [ __ ] quite nice yeah i haven't had a spider but it just like tastes like burned yeah that's all it tastes like i mean i'll grab i don't want to eat it every day yeah it's an acquired taste thailand does have some they have some crazy [ __ ] food there on them there's no health and safety in thailand [ __ ] me have you seen the electric and that in thailand before i've never been it's just [ __ ] cables like in the middle of the road in that yeah monkeys on them stir oh man that's i think once all this [ __ ] i want to go to thailand yeah i want to go find myself come back in elephant pants well just you'll have to give you're walking through london walking through london in hemp pants multi-colored with a mustache london like that oh london hell well actually i was in newcastle the other day at fenix window this is like a big uh it's like a massive department store and every christmas they put this big display on for the kids and that and there's a guy walking on the street shelter and um santa is the devil in disguise my kids were there i said how could you possibly shoot your [ __ ] mouth my kids are here i probably shouldn't have dropped the f bit um but the kids saw it was hilarious uh that's [ __ ] crazy what was he doing there was you he was just preaching a long time and jesus was i once saw uh you know pick uh piccadilly right yeah yeah yeah yeah you've got those guys and they're dressed as a goblin but they look like they're floating they've got the stick they're like monk type things yeah so it's a stick it's obviously it's got a spade underneath iron and that it's got a seat that they say you give them money yeah he stands there and kids get pictures with them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah seeing this guy like lift his you know it's like an attraction for london i remember seeing this guy like lift his goblin mask off he's like haggard old man he just like pulls a cigarette out just like starts smoking really yeah he's got like a can of fosters he starts drinking it finishes it gets back under his goblin suit and he's like smiling oh [ __ ] really [ __ ] i tell you what the ones that can you know those like gold men who don't move yes i'm like itching [ __ ] scratch me no i can't stay still me no it's quite freaky though yeah it's actually do you know what i think about once i got arrested and uh when you've got your hands behind your back you can't scratch your face so your face is actually it faces double hdi and it's like that actually when i did all you know all these course yeah break all these calls yeah i made we're talking about it on the thing and when you've got that when you've got that [ __ ] bag over your head yeah and the baby's grinding your ear and your hands are [ __ ] hog tight behind your back and they've got you in all those stress positions you're definitely not scratching your feet you just want to hit your face holy [ __ ] is that a hard part is that one of the hardest parts of selection yeah i'd say so and when you do it for real and not for real isn't being kidnapped but when you do it for real you do like a full week of um uh you get kind of dropped off in an area you've got minimal kit minimal food so you're pretty much like walking or navigating your way through an area with you know you've got like a small compass and like a a cloth map and you've got to navigate at night and then sleep during the day um and you do that for a week and you're you know [ __ ] yeah soaking wet you've probably had 24 hours worth of food and you've eaten it on the first day or whatever i remember having like a pot like pockets you remember crab apples yeah pockets of crab apple oh no like you get that hungry that you just start eating them well yes this is incomparable when i did all these course to give you a ration pack by about and it was i think was two days no sleep yeah and uh by the end like two hours in i was asking who had peanut allergies because one of the things you got with some kp nuts and i ate all of mine within about two hours oh no and i was going around saying peanut butter around here i love yours i was wild so you are you did that for seven days and yeah you go in the bag you have to hunt like you have to get like there's like uh an unwritten rule that you can't you're not supposed to approach people right but you hear stories of like guys going into like houses and just oh he told that story didn't he tell us about that like like this is a patrol we never did it we thought we came across this church and um next to the bins is all this you know the red carpet that they put on the on the altar yeah cut all this red carpet up and like stashed it in our in our rucksacks so every every morning that we'd lie up would push into a wooded area and pull out this bright red carpet and we'd all like roll up together like in a line of six six guys and just like put the red carpet over it anyone came across and found like six grown-ass males in a well did it do you know what's in red carpet you kind of knew you were gonna get captured right but after seven days or is there a bit um did it feel real kind of it's just one of those things right you've got to do it yeah to get in yeah so you don't dismiss it or you don't think about how hard it is or what you've got to do you just you know treat it as every hour every minute you know every day um and you get you get through it in the end i think that's something within itself isn't it yeah it's kind of not thinking too far ahead and and thinking oh [ __ ] what's gonna happen you see you see a lot of guys on selection they turn up and like that's their sole purpose in life or that's what it is there and then is to pass that course and that has like massive negative effects yeah like those those are the kind of people they're attached to the end result yeah already and that you know like it's it's it's that or nothing and they'll build these stories up in the head whereas i don't know when i went on and i know the guys that i probably became close to whilst i was on selection like i had zero expectation about it it was like just turning up to do this course i'll take every day as it comes whatever happens happen come at the end yeah the end of it then did they tell you much about what's going to happen when you're on it are they just three of the wolves so to speak kind of like there's different parts to it so uh the first section is like the hills phase so that's three weeks navigating over the brecon beacons with a big rucksacks and you kind of know what's going to happen you know that that's what you're going to be doing for the three weeks but you don't know what routes you're going to be doing right so that's just you know you've got to be able to come under navigate your way in all weather conditions and get under the time limit um so you have to do that jacob's ladder thing yeah made that's [ __ ] horrific yeah horrific i did it a couple of years ago in august it was [ __ ] awful and is that the uh the fan dance i we did like i'm good after we did like i think we had to have something like 35 pounds you'd be doing double that right yeah with all the kit in that yeah it's in two hours it was [ __ ] horrendous that first part four hours sorry that first part come in from the phone box out yeah did those guys do that in like three hours i'm sure there's one guy that does it he's like the champion or something i was halfway through and he came past back pass and he's bent over like global bent over running like [ __ ] hell yeah that's crazy [ __ ] and then it's hard crazy [ __ ] yeah so you must have done that quite a few times yeah yeah i mean it's not the hardest thing you do yeah no because that's like one of so you do that i think the first week on selection yeah it's pass or fail so if you fail it you're going home really so it's like you're not going to fail yeah like if you're failing that you shouldn't be on the road yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i've got it i've got a qualifier in brutal no this is a this is for john young husband actually it was on the facebook comments how do you like your potatoes uh you're not gonna ask this question why not you're not allowed that's it because this is my question rewind rick and rick so everyone that comes on the podcast right i have two things that ask them everyone doesn't matter how [ __ ] famous they are and i've got two questions for you two questions so out of all the things that you can do with potatoes right on a scale of one to ten how likely would you be to choose mashed potato 10 billion it's the it's the thing i choose uh it's probably what is it four before yeah he reckons this number one he's like 10. so about number one tens well i think he played for leeds at some point jimmy can remember him jimmy floyd hasselbalch who is jimmy floyd hasselbang play for leeds and middlesbrough anyway so the hasselblad potato is like a roasty right but before you put it in you like put these thin slices in it yes and then you put your hose and then you didn't know that at the top yeah oh made i don't like one of those chef things you know that you you have to make oh yeah yeah that's the way i made it yeah yeah yeah and then i just do that all the time all right good that's not lazy i don't put the whole i don't put the slices in it now so what do you do now let's cook raw seasoning hi this mash is like baby food i can't do do you know i think potatoes are probably one of the most boring food foods that and rice doesn't really taste like yeah yeah you can't even make it taste nice nah have you had a hash brown i mean that's a lot of effort yeah no i mean i'm not mick he's talking about myself yeah that's a lot of onion as well though what's your favorite breakfast a full one for england really oh they're my favorite someone actually outside like a greasy spoonful english or do you like all kinds of no not great metro greasy like dude we don't get better we don't get in fact do you know what they love in london sourdough tools yeah we don't have anywhere else famous because it's like it's it's [ __ ] up it sounds cool vegan it's not bread are you ovus rathbone yeah yeah but i extra thick tiger tiger yeah yeah yeah yeah i got a little from mazda the one with the cheese no it hasn't got it looks like cheese is really crazy really hard outside yeah so if someone asked as well so are you a full english man yeah yeah i like steak and eggs yeah yeah yeah yeah no would you not i like a bit black pudding as well i do like blackberries probably just like eggs bit of bacon maybe a sausage that's our monster some sourdough yeah it's another avocado that's not a [ __ ] full english you're not getting anywhere that does have a quarter on torsion or rusty though no really maybe can you even get an avocado you can you can definitely get avocado it's [ __ ] brown though by the time it's up there it's not fine there's not many there's not many places that do that i've got another question i've been to newcastle once in my life was it for twice actually so do what uh it was when i first joined the military and we weren't like boozing it's the trait the training for i don't think it's catchwork yeah yeah you know two an hour yeah a train yeah and we just stayed over there for a weekend went out yeah ended up in buffalo bills buffalo bills there was like women dancing on the stage and then we went to the boat you won't know above the bills near um at the gate i think yeah i mean this is yeah but yeah seventeen years oh really maybe sixteen was on the key side i was five then by the way he actually and then he was and then the boat by the boat yeah so it would have been oh what the [ __ ] was that called oh yeah what was that mate this is going to [ __ ] bloggers all day whereabouts no it wasn't at the gear shopping center right kind of yeah i think some of the last time i got tigers there tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger i don't think we got in the one down by the oh it's [ __ ] gonna bloggers i once saw cheryl call there i told i think she might have lost it i think she might should be married about 17 times don't you check this out her nephew's in my daughter's indiana's class at school really holy [ __ ] how crazy is that it's pretty mad hi pretty much what are you saying about sparkle and water get the [ __ ] ah i actually i went i went up north recently and said some of my old mates and it was like day time we went out some food waitress comes around and she's like that they're like oh the panty stella panty stella stella i was driving obviously i was like you got sparkling water with some lime please they will go see eyes i could feel their eyes on me really really enjoy it what sparkling water yeah look at his face does it give you a dry mouth no it's [ __ ] hot it's water water it's just it's just because i drink nothing but water and kombucha and uh oh special forces guys are middle-class soldiers um because like it makes a change right all i drink all the drinks water pretty much do you know boobs at all then yeah yeah yeah but i'm not gonna booze now oh my god yeah no yeah you're saying like yeah is don't travel unless it's essential don't well people were getting thingy this this morning weren't they in king's cross i people are getting pulled over again that's what we were doing because this is really we shouldn't be doing this podcast you can't work you can work from home doing this right if you want a [ __ ] podcast i mean yeah yeah sorry all you guys that have podcasts that do it all on zoom but uh it's not as much fun as did you yeah really do you know what you just lose the i think when you do it on zoom you just lose the i think you lose that flow right right this is chat you know into it like we know when to interrupt the conversation yeah on on zoom it's more of just a question and answer it's waiting for the delay as well it's like some people really know how to nail it yeah on zoom yeah but i'm sure that in person that podcast would be way better it's harder do you know the thing though like the hardest part about doing it in person is pinning people down like getting people down over time and waiting to do it and that i think the benefit that we've got is that we're prepared to travel yeah we've got a portable kit and yeah imagine if you just did it in newcastle no one's coming there it's you and alan shearer is that you probably not even living there anymore no he's probably not really yeah he's probably not he's got wise yeah definitely shot out he's drinking sparkling water he has drinks honestly he's like oh it makes your mouth so dry and i'm thinking wow it like you know how i would describe it is you know have you ever probably not done it on purpose but you've had deodorant in your mouth before for breakfast this morning this is a new you know you can get it it's called toothpaste right i've seen it do you put the whole cannon it's not dry it's like like choppy you're laughing because you both know exactly what i mean here's what i'm gonna you know what this is everyone i ask i've never seen them now where you're at with mash just trying to make your mouth dry and have you ever eaten deodorant yeah you'll end up licking it i just used it like this i usually say i don't get in my mouth no i'll be honest you've never had the order in your mouth ever in your life you aim for example i did i could smell it but you'd never i would never say that like i don't go i don't like put the deodorant i generally like maybe look away or just like [Music] yeah like it's like i don't know when you're walking in your head melt this i can't believe that you've said this to me i'm buzzing it's going to be there i'm absolutely buzzing you know it's going to be funnier when people message paul going i know exactly what matt means because i guess smash things in this spartan war everyone's i know exactly what mac means it's it's true it's true i've had like two people yeah easy never mind changing the [ __ ] subject i played it with facts what's still on what he does is he sprays his chips with [ __ ] links it's because i've got that much off the [ __ ] christmas eve that's how you cook him wait i'm telling you right now this is going down in history what is what what's your favorite deodorant for spraying in your mouth i'll let him listen don't bother listening try to sure that's the same as special is that what you said before yeah it's drinking oh yeah yeah it tastes like that violet yeah it is it's a horrible choice we need to get you the dentist and have a look what's going on it's incredible so the other thing i think you started coming down to london now he has so i'll have avocado and links this might be a change it might be it could be like you'll be on the combo chair on the bow buns yeah i like kombucha to be fair i do like completely quite nice what's up with that what um it's expensive yeah it is it's really expensive uh it is 150 a bottle two quid a bottle is that what it is yeah holy [ __ ] he wasn't drinking that before he's on tv you know it wasn't vimta vip dawn [ __ ] iron brew crap pop cherry crawl i call her the drama the pop man she said yeah sarsaparilla what else what did you say before uh cream soda creams delicious cream soda float was it lemonade in south shields i make my kids get them with the diet coke though we used to have um the ice cream man used to come around ice cream man still going strong you sell his vodka whiskey five yeah five pounds our guys you can have a screw ball or a benton and edges or both combinations you're going to put the flag in the top to put a [ __ ] regal at the top i love it one thing that i did want to ask you about right because we always we've had loads of fighters on the show mma fighters boxers and that right in the sas what style of fighting do you learn like they they t because they teach combat yeah they teach you do you know what you guys all know from doing it you need to be doing that stuff every day to be proficient at it so you would get like a one week or a two week course really yeah and there's no like there's no like tag like it's not as specific yeah so it's like a crab magazine that's probably a mix of all that kind of stuff you know a bit of bjj choking people out yeah but it's you get taught it for two weeks yeah and then you kind of left your own devices to keep it up i mean it's a bit of a stock i suppose you're hoping it's a bit of a box tick it's like if you're should you never really get that close to anyone yeah yeah if you're getting that close to someone there's a problem we've got two weapon systems on us and we're generally with a big group of people with other assets in the sky yeah it's like yeah if i'm choking someone out then something's going wrong yeah yeah i thought that last night because i was talking to my kids about it again i love getting them involved with stuff like this and they were seeing them and i've seen because they're not if you put a chalk on someone they're not going to [ __ ] tap other [Laughter] the kids were saying that last night there's no [ __ ] chat without you getting a choke on someone but i always think about the house i mean you're not letting him tap out really no no you're not no you're about to do that yeah no have you not [ __ ] no close combat he's not mad means he's doing a good [ __ ] job it is 20 20. like a barber that only doesn't my barber only takes cash and he loses his [ __ ] when i go under the barbers with no [ __ ] i'm probably calling him out the va sorry you can't just be taking cash anymore but and then you'll complain when i don't have cash i'm like minute who no one carries cash no one does no under yeah i sold like loads of stuff on gumtree recently they do yeah just old stuff anywhere around any weapons you can't know you've got to go somewhere else um yeah but i've just got all this cash sat at home i don't know what to do with it wow because it takes a lot of time right to go down the bank and deposit it yeah banks are [ __ ] we waited five months to get a open a bank account the other week five months why because it's like a business banks in newcastle i could just have a guy walking around there collecting money bags of money swag swagger no one's eating mashed potatoes he orders it with these nando's man creamy man that's quite nice oh well you can't go back on yourself when you give it a four but would you ever order it or would you eat off someone else's plate if it was there i don't know it's dumb what if you're at gordon ramsay what did you get from gordon ramsay's restaurant i did i did you got matt i did i went to ramsay's it was so much i went to uh it was hell's kitchen in dubai in the how the do you know he does the em what the [ __ ] is it called state well beef wellington yeah beef wellington and have mashed with it truffle mashed beef while it's banging do you know what he's putting out for christmas turkey wellington oh he's got uh do you know think beef mate he's got like he's got like cranberry sauce in the [ __ ] do you know the bit before the pastry where they normally put mushrooms not that i know much about beef wellington the cranberry sauce in in amongst that thing i'm both beef wellington yeah but a festive big what a festive big uh oh he hasn't had a [ __ ] hell you've never lived oh is that from greggs i've only ever had one they're amazing what's in it [Laughter] i have no idea who's had beef you oh it was him that's a beast not me there might be some sausage in it but i think it'll be pork sausage what em what are you doing next with your life what now not like well i what why have you got the absolute back out of here why have you got your why have you got the podcast you do another hour uh racing racing yeah i'm going on a like a racing show oh sick yeah i'm racing a car next year are you is that like a hobby of yours it's going to turn out it's called how did you how did that whole thing come around you're in lockdown you just you only started in lockdown yeah yeah they're um they're launching a supercar next year and they've got a car out at the minute called an r1 and they've got i think five or six of these in a championship next year they're going to do a um a single single car championship so it'll just be progress at racing this event called brick car it's uh 60 minutes around the track two two drivers um and they've got what's called a guest uh like a guest program right private program so people that have limited or minimal experience yeah really yeah so like i've done some i've done some like fast driving and uh evasive driving stuff when i was serving so i'm i'm competent in a car yeah has this always been like a an interest you thought it would like a recent interest like if you always like cars growing up yeah yeah love cars they're expensive though yeah and i wouldn't pursue it yeah with an expensive home someone wasn't fun today which is great right because you know we met up with um the guy that's launching prague in the uk and he told me all about it and instantly it was something that appeals to me like yeah he wouldn't want to drive fast cars around the track i would like that is a very much james bond-esque type of i drove it for the first time last week what was it like yeah i'm still fast it was stiffy insane yeah so it's um it's track only car right set up for track it's 600 kg it's got 350 brake horsepower it's a full aero car so if you think of that f1 f1 is an aero car so the faster it drives the more grip it's got so this thing the faster you drive it the more grip it what did you get speed um i was going around donald turn i don't know probably a hundred and something hundred and ten hundred and twenty um excuse me so where was i going with this anyway the car oh yeah driving it so yeah like i've driven quite a few cars road cars around track yeah i've driven gt cars around track never draw a tank no you've never drove a tank you ever been in a town i think there's specific things hang on i don't want to be in a tank hang on you've never drawn up yeah it's the biggest walk well turned up with this berry in this room but you weren't in there you weren't in there i don't even know what these military [ __ ] so you got mechanized infantry is that what that's called yeah so they turn up in a tank yeah they all jump out the back of the tank and do an attack with the tank in support yes so i joined the paras yeah so the paras would jump out of the place so you can't really jump at the time yeah uh land generally behind enemy lines or in hot spots create you know buzz of kinetic firepower yeah and take land and then you get the um mechanized guys who'd come in behind or take other oh that makes sense areas they're like ground troops coming in vehicles yeah we'll take i'm also sure that i've seen a tank and i've come out of not like come out of an airplane or a yeah unfucking fast and furious i think it might have been no i think it actually might have been on a movie if it was like fast and furious is that the big helicopter thing yeah i don't you could get smaller tanks so maybe senators would go in the back of a c130 which is um the big kind of cargo plate jump out of with yeah four props yeah and the c17 is the big cargo thing that's jet yeah howard jackpot yeah like it's got like uh civilian kind of jets do you know apparently i don't know how true this is apparently every made tank has a t station in it yeah yeah i don't know about t stations they've got these um i can't remember they're called they're like boiling pots sort of boil water so you just got instant hot water wow that is a random fight it is it is i used to build them back in the future yeah the little burko no not the not the taste of the t stands the actual tanks yeah yeah little tanks yeah well we built the armor for them right i got and then they got like constructed up the top end of the track yeah not a fun job yeah tank's probably quite but yeah well it's just big metal imagine going from a job where you were making tanks and then just talking [ __ ] with me imagine that that's a pretty cool transition isn't it it is 20 20. it's almost like you're coming out of the sass it's almost like coming out of the sass and then driving a car or living i get people as well uh not like they're just sponsoring me through sponsor [ __ ] that will be [ __ ] cool yeah but the car itself is like i don't know it's hard to describe what's weird about cars like i love driving fast but i [ __ ] hate being a passenger when someone's driving fast yeah but that's a control thing is that what it is yeah it's like the reason why i don't like being in a plane so i actually don't like being in a plane yeah i wouldn't say that like i don't like it like i wouldn't volunteer to do it every day yeah yeah i don't mind when you're doing your reviews of stuff that you sometimes have to beat the passenger yeah oh [ __ ] hell but it's fun right there's no one else around yeah just driving into someone else in a car yeah i fish tailing them in jade so one thing i'd like i'll still be trying to press the brakes on my side like when you when i first started going out on the track i was training with uh one of the races who just won the championship in the car that i'm racing and danny and um i got on track and he'd do a spotting lap and show me where to break show me where i should be going fast and he goes out we'll probably do about four laps he starts off mega slow and he's explaining like like where to go and we'd be out on like an m3 or something and then obviously he gets faster and faster like towards the end i remember like the first time i went out and went out with him in the in the m3 and i remember coming back in feeling nauseous just really yeah it just can drive the car so well and so what what what speeds do you think he was getting up to then was that around the track 140 maybe on the straight uh maybe because yeah you don't really know either yeah and you're not looking at the speed you're just gauging it off off everything else i just remember thinking like like yeah yeah i was like am i a fish out and funny what your body does your body actually does do that like trying to put a kid in a car seat you stop pressing the brakes like that as well pulling your back is it yeah yeah this is a terrible sound this is a terrible comparison but when i go to the water park in dubai that's exactly what happens to me but you want to go on a slide that's pathetic i feel honestly i feel like my balls are like half the size of the old balls right now my balls right now just said that i i've just said that well when i go on the water park in dubai never mind dramatic planes in the dark when i go to the water park and do buy me [ __ ] bodies stiff like normally some of those slides i've not been in a water pot for a while but like the vertical one don't know which one i think i might have been to that one and you go it's like a pyramid isn't it like an egyptian you come straight to the leap of faith savage darren and the lima are there now right and i sent during a message to me if you can get lemur on the leap of faith i'll give you like 500. i pay good money to say paula lima going down i think you would i don't know huh was he scared of heights or something no i just don't think he would do that actually he is a little bit scared i think he didn't know because you did something with him recently didn't you yeah yeah what was that i wasn't i wasn't with polo i was with haskell um what was that like with him paul was with all he rose with all the uh what did you have to do um it was a race around the lake district and you've got different challenges right so there was you and me in high school yeah me and jay z against olly allen and paula lima yeah we had to do like an abseil in the lakes yeah had to there was a canoe or a kayak with there was no oars so we had these like wooden pieces of wood and you had to go out and get a key um what else do we have to do i think that's it you know is it an advert or a tv show yeah it's for giacomo so an advert yeah yeah so that giacomo yeah that's such a crazy big blocks for fat guys big characters yeah is that what it is there's someone to see yeah oh my god personalities yeah wow that's not bad marketing that is very good yeah it was good it was um yeah i think uh yeah it came out recently the the video i haven't seen it yeah it's funny i've just heard the day of haskell what was it what was happening like good crime he's good yeah good guy i'm trying to hug me he's a big dude doing he yeah i was like he is a bit he is a large man he's a big big guy he is a big [ __ ] big [ __ ] unit did you see that thing where they did with grenade yeah that was amazing brilliant maybe you should have tried to get an invite so you could get a photo take a lot of time i keep commenting on this on their stories yeah yeah i was like you guys look like soldiers this is also a book by j morgan is there any joke no apollo did you ever get your [ __ ] on social media or not um i don't you know you know no one gives [ __ ] to someone in the sass oh well he's never been in the sas i don't know don't get any smart in here because you've got quite a lot of followers now huh yeah like i get some in fact what did i get recently there was one i can't even remember it was some guy had commented on something and then i clicked on his instagram page and his bio was like wasn't the picture of a dog was it nah i swear does it it was like you could tell this guy did you know just did it for a living yeah yeah that's all he went around lying on his bio was like yeah i might not like yeah oh but i thought you were going to say only god can judge me or something it was his favorite one actually it was like i was a really big fan of yours until i seen you on the james high school podcast wow it was like yeah you might not like me i might not like it [ __ ] honestly i'll find a direct correlation between how many people give me [ __ ] and how many of them have got a dog as a profile picture oh mate you wouldn't believe i got a lot of [ __ ] right and uh yeah they are so much [ __ ] for what i'm just talking about things that because i'm talking about mental health all the time right and i think it triggers a lot of people trying to like the way that i speak about it's like you speak about it in a good way though right i'm trying to empower that yeah yeah i'm very forward with it and i'm like listen this is i'm i'm usually saying things like talking's not enough depression is something that you catch it's not contagious anxiety is not contagious and some people don't like that because it kind of it it challenges their beliefs and some of them the only and again a lot of the people that i'm talking are having challenges and sometimes they're just doing it to make themselves feel better you know what i mean that's the i'd rather they go after me than go after someone else like i've got big enough [ __ ] balls to do but i'm i'm big enough and ugly enough to deal with all that [ __ ] that i get it's like smith smith gets loads of [ __ ] yeah yeah it comes with the character you want you're a bit of a dick like me and him are both bit like dicks well you just say it exactly yeah it's your opinion right like you got your opinion uh he got loads of [ __ ] today james when he because he said ps morgan and agree with him and loads of people gave him [ __ ] just because jim that piazza had agreed with james on something and people started giving game [ __ ] about it well peters is a better end any room it's mad it's mod in it yeah yeah oh when you're on skype you get offended by the most mate it's smart wait news last week yeah yeah how was that all right yeah was it dialed in from my kitchen yeah that's kind of your who was that guy that you're with because i've heard a lot about him recently mims aye yeah nimzes you should get him on this podcast he's in turkey though so you might not be able to do it face to face i don't mind he's going out to climb up i've already said we don't mind travelling so who's this guy he's like a mountaineering guy and he yeah names is a legend i was on selection with him oh it's not hugging right so he's sbs but nim's basically uh climbed all 40 into the 8 000 meter peaks so there's all the all the highest peaks in the world above 8 000 meters so everest k2 yeah um there's 14 of them yeah and the previous record for climbing all those was um like seven years or something seven or eight years nim smashed it in like six months and three days indeed is that who you did everest with no like i didn't do it with with nims but uh on that second everest summer and nims came climbing past me like we're good mate so we spent some time on base camp yeah but he was you know for what he did for mountaineering for just you know what is humanly capable yeah last year is phenomenal yeah it it probably i i fear that it you know that it wouldn't get the recognition that it should do yeah because it is such a massive feat of human performance yeah yeah well i don't even some seven years to six months that's correct i know what i feel like after doing one every summer it takes me a good three months to get back to normal really yeah hell [ __ ] happy three months is it is it like the knees that hurt at the moment just whole body it's just everything living at altitude is way harder than living at sea level just general yeah so everything's harder your body's not getting as much oxygen your digestion's not working as well you've just not got as much energy your body goes into catabolic effects it starts you know churning your muscle and whatever else for energy um and you you know you're constantly sleep deprived you don't sleep well the food that you get the nutrition's not really that great and that's that for six weeks and then the higher up you go the harder it gets sure so like you know you take summit day for example you leave so you leave camp three which is a seven thousand two hundred meters you leave that at five a.m um you get to camp four that evening at four you rest for a little bit you leave at 8 p.m you summer for say six in the morning seven in the morning and then you're on a big slog all the way back down to camp two so it's a good you know 40 hour constantly on your feet at an altitude above seven thousand meters why did you do it um why did you do it twice i'd do it three times but you've done it three days yeah why i'm planning to do it next year again yeah i'm supposed to do k2 this year which is the second highest yeah um it's that challenge yeah right it's it's doing things that are difficult and the second time on the third time you do are you trying to do it faster now i want to take so i want to go on everest again but climbing everest is expensive so i'll look to guide on everest next year so i'll look for a private client yeah so take one person up there yeah and just you know bespoke to him just kidding that's everything and that's cool that i get why you do it once but then the next time i'm i'm almost like well you've already done it yeah like why would you do it again i don't know i kind of missed it i missed going out it's simple life yeah you live in a tent for six weeks yeah in the middle of nowhere like the scenery is insane yeah um and that you know like if you look at my life that's pretty much what you have a really simple life now probably not yeah not at the minute anyway no quite busy i try and have like a simple life like i don't watch tv media and stuff like that yeah but i guess you know work you know you've got to generate money somehow yeah yeah exactly that involves a lot of energy but it's nice to just you know you have wi-fi but you're not logged on to it all the time it's yeah i think that charlotte doing something that's challenging and the reward that you get from standing on everest for the third time yeah like that second time i stood on everest like i shed a tear at the top really yeah feel different the second time yeah because the first time felt easy everything went right i felt good on summit day i felt strong yeah i was like this is you know i'm not saying that it wasn't hard it was hard it was taxing on the body all that stuff but in terms of how i felt on the day it wasn't as bad as the second time and i you know we tried something in on this you know so last year 2019 we tried something early um i got really ill yeah as altitude you've got to kind of work your way up yeah there was like so you get summit windows so basically right uh you get six weeks you give yourself six weeks to summit at a high altitude mountain so you fly in everest takes you 10 days to get to base camp um and then when you get to base camp you relax for a few days maybe a week just just let your body recover and get used to the altitude and then you'll do in a climate what are you doing that in that [ __ ] time though like what does that do young at your phone and that have you you've got your phone you saw internet yeah um like just trying to stay active like go out on a short walk every day eat but you're recovering right yeah just sat there watching movies playing cards um and then you go on acclimatization phase which is you climb up to camp one overnight up to camp camp two do two nights at camp two touch camp three on your second night and then come all the way down or stay up there depends what you wanna do yeah that will acclimatize you to around seven thousand two hundred meters you can't really climb acclimatise over that like westerners definitely can't yeah maybe if you were born at altitude indians um nepalese that are born in high mountains and the family are and they've got that genetics maybe they can but the sherpas will climb with no oxygen up to its mother yeah up to like the um the balcony which is around eight thousand four hundred meters um and then when they summit on summit day they don't really use much oxygen but once you've done your acclimatization then you'll come back rest and then you'll get three weather well you get one weather window generally guaranteed sometimes get two occasionally get three so you've got to then plan when the best time is for your your team to summit in terms of looking at the weather speaking to the other teams and finding out when they're going up yeah but you've also got a lot of logistics to get up the mountain which the sherpas do whilst you're resting and recovering so they go and like do a recce so they'll go up drop loads of oxygen drop tents drop some food so that when you go and climb everything's in place yeah and then you'll climb but we got an early window which meant that there was only a few teams mainly the smaller teams that had a chance to go in summit and there was a few other guys in my group that were feeling quite strong and fit that wanted to try it so we climbed it to camp one and i don't know if you've read the prologue in the book but that's that's the incident that happened in the prologue yeah um with one of the climbers got ill started coughing blood up so i stayed with him um and then yeah we we got up to camp two and i you know we basically got to count one i sorted this climber out got him into a warm sleeping bag called for help from camp two they came down we basically had loads of fresh snow so i ended up leaving camp one with no warm kit you know basically because i plan to climb all the way to camp two yeah um but yeah it was like midnight like minus 20 outside and i remember leaving camp one i was shivering already and that just that drained you yeah there's like no one around yeah that's classic like i was really intrigued by you got to a point where you stopped driving yeah that's crazy but that's death right that's how you die on a high altitude mountains because shivering keeps you warm isn't it that's what it's actually bodies yeah um got to count two you know probably like three in the morning would you say that that was the closest you felt the dying i can't believe it start off on death in my [ __ ] hell i'll tell you what i'm doing i'm good at this i've seen a new book about a hundred times i've seen a james book and now we're back at the is that the closest you've been would you say nah there's probably not really there's a few there's probably really yeah so your body stops shivering honestly that's the closest on a mountain yeah yeah other than rock fall yeah rock falls quite scary yeah yeah because you you're in your country where it's coming yeah yeah yeah yeah and then when it lands next to you and you're just like whoa that's going in your head yeah yeah um yeah no that's definitely not the there's been quite a few times when's the time you could tell us about what what's the time you're about to tell us about um i don't know i remember there was like a load of contacts and then there's a time of where i was stood oh [ __ ] um that was in afghan and we got mortared it was the first time we got mortared and um the first more i was out there's like a little patch of garden afghans like to have these little garden things that they're really proud of yeah and i was washing some clothes and hanging it up in this little garden obviously you weren't even [ __ ] nice is downtime and [ __ ] someone decided to murder us [ __ ] hell the first one landed there's a wall maybe i don't know if my memory serves me right probably where that wall is there so five meters away it landed on the other side so the wall protected me from the splash but the you know the explosion the wall here the over shock was like enough to like ring my ears not me i'm up got me off my feet and uh like i picked myself up and i could just see everyone like running into the building so i ran into the building and um you do this thing when you get mortared you basically try and listen out for the the motor firing out of the barrel and then the motor landing yeah yeah uh so you can gauge like you try to engage the distance and all this kind of stuff and um the second one didn't we didn't hear the splash of it land but then obviously third fourth that like the windows were smashing and we're all in the basement and then it finishes um and we give it a little soak period so 30 minutes before we came out you know obviously got rid of the mortars and we came out and where i was hanging the washing out in the garden the the blind mortar so the one that didn't explode had landed on the grass [ __ ] hell yeah and this garden was the one that you didn't hear yeah the second round so the first round i was hanging the washing out grass which is you know no bigger than this table now and the first one landed on the other side of the wall as i stood up to run and get in the second one landed on the grass where i was like didn't blow off what do you do with them so you just get an explosion someone comes in yeah someone yeah someone detonates it [ __ ] hell so that was quite close wow and then there was like some times where i've been shot at and um yeah there's one time when we we got contacted and yeah you could see the rounds flying like any bullet ones i've not known have you not uh no real scars that you've been yeah i've been quite really [ __ ] all quite great yeah just for a [ __ ] great soldier great at these jobs oh they were [ __ ] thank you so much thank you i appreciate it thank you my mum
Channel: Paul Mort
Views: 10,013
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: jay morton, sas who dares wins, military, military podcasts, mental health for men, helping anxiety, men with problems, men suffering, depression in men, mental health matters in men, how to help with mental health, suicide in men, mental health podcast, podcasts for men with mental health, suffering men, talking men shit, talking man shit, fitness for men, fitness podcasts for men, helping men with weight, dealing with weight, deal with fear
Id: iAlTwCrn4IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 12sec (6372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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