"I'm Moving To Australia" - James Smith Podcast x Ant Middleton

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hey this is this guy on i know the school mate i know this school i'm videographer i'm chief technical officer i'm everything in one um so ant [ __ ] good to see you again thank you very much for coming on the podcast mate listen thanks for the coffee with the love heart that's you know very welcoming show intent that's why that's my number one roommate no it's good to see you again man good to see you again how you finding australia you were just about to tell me and i was like no let me get let me get the cameras on um love australia mate you know got a great connection with australia what a lot of people don't know is from the ages of one till three or one till four i can't really remember um i lived in perth i said yeah my father was a computer engineer and he worked for ibm i think it was um so we moved out here and again i can't really remember it you know it was a phase in my life where they're so young i've got vivid memories um so i've got a great connection with australia um my wife also loves australia she's she's done a gap year out here and when she was young and she's always said look let's move to australia so when sas australia came up i was like right listen let's let me see the uh the layout let me see how it goes and having um been to dinner and lunch with channel seven and the heads of channel seven you know i don't think it's going anywhere for the next you know three four five years and plus work with the channel as well hopefully um will sort of escalate from this moment forward so we've sort of made a decision to potentially move out here next year mate is the lifestyle here uh i came here almost by accident well it was an accident i took a fair few psychedelics at a festival in in europe and i came to the conclusion yeah just as you do and i came to the conclusion really randomly that was going to move to us so i went home and the people around you sometimes you say to him like you want them to push back and i said dad i might go to australia he goes yeah i've always seen you living in a place like that and i was like oh [ __ ] so i came out here and i wasn't aware of the lifestyle how it is laid back it is a bit more chilled out and the first thing that strikes me is what a great place it would be to bring up a family now you've got five kids that's what everyone says and how many kids you got we know you've got five kids i'm like i've got five kids i've got a 19 year old i've got a 13 year old i've got a 12 year old i've got a five-year-old and i've got a four-year-old um so everyone's like and even if it's for the kids i can work anywhere in the world you know filming boom into a different country 24 hours away you know get a flight you can end up in the other side of the world in 24 hours um so i can work anywhere so mainly for the family for the kids for my wife and for me i feel like i fit in here yes and that's very sort of strange being the person that i am you know and i don't know whether the uk is just a bit you know a bit pretentious for me a bit a bit too pc for me um where i can't be myself you know i sort of have to suppress a part of me in order to fit in which i don't like doing you know and i won't do as you've probably seen um but here i feel like you know you've got that balance right that you can be yourself be honest yeah don't go out to offend people don't go out to you know don't go out and make sure your actions aren't malicious you know i don't go out to offend i just go out to tell the truth and i go out to to to make people realize what they're capable of that's my message nice is all about positivity i'm like you are capable of so much more i'm going to show you for a bit of tough love for a bit hardship for a bit of suffering which life is all about how capable you are how much potential you have and then boom um that is seen in some parts of the uk as you know tough love is is my favorite approach to to everything i've often said to people that i tried very hard for about 15 years to play rugby at the highest level now not being great at rugby was probably the best thing that ever happened to me i'd be 30 with no acs i was just very good at delegating tackles exactly and uh i remember i had a coach back in the day and asked him once why i'd been dropped and he was like mate you played the worst i've ever seen and i was like and he was like i can't believe you played that bad with your family watching and i was like oh my god but he didn't say that because he was a cruel sadistic [ __ ] he said it because something had to change in my mindset so that when i came to training on tuesday i wasn't gonna [ __ ] around i was gonna do what i needed to do i was going to hit my tackles turn up on time and change my attitude there needs to be pain for that response similar to going to the gym you need to inflict the damage to then get the response you want absolutely exactly like you say we're now living in a soft world where you know especially in the uk and and the media criticism i feel like i'm living on like a little fantasy island here where sometimes i push to see what i can say to see if there's any implications and there's no kickback and then i see what's going on in the uk and what people are getting slaughtered for and with me and and you know what there's there's quite a lot of different things and one thing that i noticed from the outside looking in is how much of a national treasure you are but because you are so fondly loved by so many people you're always going to have that small percentile of people that find their way into the comments section that call up the tv and complain that skew your i've got the voice ultimately yeah and it shouldn't be allowed to have such a minority to have such impact over it i mean i saved it for later on in the show notes but uh piers morgan who's one of the first you know on trends for anything that happens snow white i believe now they're looking to try and cancel that because they don't start me off the kiss that ultimately saves no white's life they're saying people someone out there has gone this is sexual assault this is sexual assault i can't [ __ ] believe it mate i read that piers is a great friend of mine and i look at things like that and i think to myself wow listen piers is you know he sort of leads them now are we leading it in a way you know i sort of see myself as a predecessor that you know i must sort of keep the word true and keep the word honest and um you know because people like piers he gets some head shots you know he's constantly getting you know baited he's constantly getting uh getting [ __ ] for what he says but ultimately the majority agree with him it's just like yes it's gone too far the scales have literally just gone in the uk wallop and i think i think they're starting to rebalance but nowhere you know it's going to take a few years i think but in australia they're we're still here you know you look at both of the political parties for example i don't want to get political but they're very close you know yes obviously they said one sits on on the left one sits on the right but the majority of both groups sort of agree you know but you look at the politics in the uk you know the parties are so divided bang bang that what does it do it creates a divide against people people almost here can still say to each other oh [ __ ] off yeah yeah exactly yeah even the words the word [ __ ] in australia new zealand new zealand is a [ __ ] compliment i played rugby in new zealand for five months and then someone was like you're a good [ __ ] and i was like wow i've been accepted and then and in australia it's fine it's like uh you know it's highly regarded in the uk someone's like what do you know what did you say well i worked with the aussie sass um in afghanistan in 2008. um they had a compound one next to ours and um that's what they used to say this guy aunt you're a cat but you're a good cancer i was like thanks very much does that mean i'm a cut no no no you're a good [ __ ] and you're a good oh okay i take that as a compliment but um yeah the word [ __ ] i've been using it on sas australia um to the point where they produce a man over and you know i don't know how many [ __ ] we can fit into uh into one sentence but can you just try and you know one per episode is fine what's crazy is that in a country where it's so commonly used uh the publishing laws here you're not allowed in your book the word can't be in there so like when i started writing i know you have a trilogy of uh non-fiction books over a million copies sold yep number one sunday times bestseller have i missed any accolades off of here no no no that's it um so far so far coming yeah and i was looking at your numbers that i could just see from the uk let alone having a presence in australia a phenomenal amount of books sold but that i was warned that if you put the word [ __ ] in they won't publish it in australia now i could be wrong with that it could be that i mis interpreted or heard that i think i've got [ __ ] in mind a few times actually so maybe maybe it's something i was warned against it but can you imagine someone going into the shop seeing your face seeing your book okay that's that [ __ ] legend off the tv getting your book reading it going [ __ ] hell this is brilliant get into a word oh who can i call let me speak to the manager and i bought your book i've read it it's been great so far but these four letters here have ruined my day yeah but mate it happens that's the sad thing about the uk and but the press you know in the uk they they lap it up you know so negative the press in the uk you know you talk about a witch hunt you know i never thought that existed right until the latest sort of um shenanigans with sas uk sas who deswinds uk um ultimately people can see through it they know that i was pushed before i could jump um but the witch hunt afterwards and i'm talking about you know the press are going to every single recruit from from [ __ ] series one like six years ago they're going to every single crew member you got you know the production company that you're going what's going on and you know some of the comments in the papers you know that people that were there on the last series on the production that are leaking information and you know i used to think to myself you know when you look at some stories and you look at poor caroline flat for example i was just about to say this you know i'm thick skinned i'm bulletproof you know you can hit me hit me hit me but the moment it pings off me and it hits my family then i'm like i've got a [ __ ] problem here now dude i mean it's like um it's an anxiety that you carry around with you and it's something that i've not experienced the full force of but it it really is something where uh i had a post completely misconstrued the other day where um someone accused me of a white male straight privilege saying that my success was because of that and my point was saying please don't mask hard work and put me into your ideologies put me into a category they've seen someone doing well they've gone over he's white when he's male well he's straight yeah and i was like excellent and i kicked back at that and people were like privileged exist james you're so naive and i'm like whoa where have you taken this from because i didn't put this in the text yeah and then uh news.com.eu they message me they go oh we'd love to talk to you about this piece and i was like all right bit nervous [ __ ] in my pants warning signs then they post it two hours later because i haven't got back to them and they've put the whole thing there but they haven't commented on the post because it's sensitive of subject they've put it there just to see how the public react and i was like you cheeky [ __ ] yep and they're just they're they're just trying to cause a star and spin things and and like you say you can be a very robust individual i mean you must be i put in the show notes as well when you message me and your name comes up i'll get intimidated and when i see that but exactly like you say it's just going to bounce off you and hit someone else and one thing that uh since talking to you offline and our fair since uh first time we met having a conversation with you as aunt not as someone that i see on tv i was like i like this guy because you remind me of my friends you are you're a boy yeah i am and what tv media and you know the snippets they put on tv for sas and all of these things or what you're supposed to say on gmtv will portray you as being a better version of what you are and then when they see something real they're like oh hold on this this maths doesn't add up it doesn't match and and that's where this pain point is coming from and they must think you're a worse person but the truth is all of these people on tv i'm sure you've done media as well where people are sat there on the desk they're like and thank you so much for coming on today [ __ ] fantastic and then the cameras stop they get the phone out and they're just tweeting they're miserable yeah and you're like hold on where's the yeah where's the person you see me yeah but you're exactly right it's like people see this chief instructor this screamy shout yeah i am you know i don't mix business with pleasure i like to when i work i [ __ ] work you know i mean i like to get in get the job done no distractions concentrate 100 on the job at hand i'm very passionate about if anyone tries to max mix with my [ __ ] or [ __ ] with it then i'm like hold on a minute listen i know what works i'm going to do it this way you do your [ __ ] i'll do my [ __ ] um but outside of that i'm i mean i'm so i'm completely different and i've tried to sort of um portray that in like my straight talking series you know when i've done straight talking with liam payne straight talking with rebel wilson um you know when i've done mutiny when i've done escape when i'd done um what's the one i'd done um everest um and i try and show the people or the viewers or you know the people that think they know me who who i really am because what i do i've been out in the military for 10 years now james 10 years that's a long time i'm in a completely different mindset completely my priorities are different you know my vision's different my direction is different but what i have to do in order to deliver an authentic show which is sas australia now for me i have to get back into that military mindset now that's me going back 10 years so i mean i almost feel like i'm going backwards when i go when i do this show because that's not me anymore i'm not the military man i'm not in the military i've been out you know i'm not even current you know people go hey this i'm like [ __ ] i'm i'm in the media now i'm i'm an author you know i'm a businessman i've got i've got a brand new author by the way um but it's like i have to really make a conservative effort to go back into that headspace to deliver my work to deliver what i know works and to deliver what i've created you know i am mr sas you know whether you try and replace me whether you try and you know put someone in my it's not going to work it's going to be like top gear it's going to be like top gear right but and again this isn't just me you know saying i'm irreplaceable because no one's irreplaceable but you know that show is built through emotional intelligence it's built through an emotional connection with the recruits it's built through um my message which is you know the mind is capable of so much you know a physical side of it is is great but the mind will always push you through and in order to find out you know what you're capable of you have to expose your emotions you know whether that's fear whether that's a fear of suffering fear or failure whether that's your phobias you have to expose your your emotions and in order to expose your emotions you have to commit to to to to fear for example or commit to your emotions when you commit to them you take a layer off and when you take a label for your emotions you start to understand about the emotion therefore you start to understand about yourself because you are your emotions right and then when you learn you grow and when you grow you become a better version of who you are so when you look at the the outlook of sas everyone thinks it's just this military boot camp you know that [ __ ] screaming shower people and you know but the raw emotion that you get from it that is everything that happens behind the scenes which you don't see you know you can't just get someone's mindset go what you're going to play the game for the next [ __ ] 12-13 days you need to get them into that mindset you need to be living and breathing it with them you need to have that emotional connection from the beginning and i am constantly with the recruits constantly you know and that's where the in-between stuff that's where you get the tv gold from that's where you get the raw emotions because they're living it you know i'm making them believe it i'm putting them in that mindset so when sas for example is taken to america it's taken to sweden it's taken to france they haven't done well because they don't grasp the concept they don't grasp the finer details what actually goes into the show which is this emotional intelligence it's actually living and breathing with the recruits and and that's why we lead by example that's why we do everything with them right this is how you do it boom right get up this mountain follow me it's not a case of [ __ ] no follow me i'm gonna live and breathe this with you because i know what you're feeling at what point and i know when to push your buttons to make you a better person when you're hanging out your ass for example or when you're on the bones of your ass when you're on your hands and knees i'm there with you and i know what to say to break you and i know what to say to build you up it's really interesting when you're saying this as well something that comes to mind is that for so long of your professional career which you excelled at your job wasn't to be popular and your job wasn't to appease the [ __ ] currents your job wasn't to be personally correct and the reason that you excelled so well the promotions you had in the military is what got you into this role and now everyone expects you to be [ __ ] perfect all of a sudden and you're like hold on mate if you were politically correct and you appeased the [ __ ] karen's you wouldn't have got there in the first place it's like a catch-22 yep and it must be very frustrating that you know because your your position has now morphed into this media author storyteller recruit motivator yeah yeah the people expect you to change who you are for them and bend over backwards and i think that is that's kind of [ __ ] but i admire the facts of what you do with these people and how the people that go on the show and one thing that i said i said that i was going to say as well is now that we're mates i can't come on the show i'm so sorry guys you know yes and you can listen listen listen i'm still chief instructor mate of sas australia and that ain't going nowhere so listen a few years time someone says to me they're going to go james you're going to go on the show listen to the next one mate the next one i'm terrible when i'm tired this is the thing this is the worst thing i am this is where the tv gold is that mate sorry i wake up and i'm like i didn't sleep too well like you've been to sleep seven hours you can't yeah i didn't get to nap yesterday mate listen probably don't do it then listen let's not ruin our friendship yeah yeah that's what i'm saying it'd be awful uh in my earlier years i actually was an army cadet for a few years i wanted to join the military uh this would have been quite a few years after yourself and i wanted to get into like officer training and it was something that i thought was always gonna be a career path i wanted to do with what was going on in afghanistan the fact that my parents said to me wanted to go into office training corps i didn't get in i wasn't smart enough didn't have it i wanted to go well back couldn't get it my dad was like with the political standard or like the way the world is we're not sure it's actually a great opportunity for you now yeah you know you're gonna fight someone else's battle we're not really at war um but one thing i remember growing up was this internal feeling that i wanted to be in the military and i always have this kind of notion that we're very primal in our instincts and that that in a hunter gatherer crowd there are some people that don't want to be dealing with the problems some people want the internal thing but some people are just programmed to guard the borders to go around and you see it in the animal kingdom as well and these personality traits that you have and a lot of your comrades have and everyone else the reason we you wouldn't have been centralized to the tribe is because of who you are and that's why you would have defended the border so well and i don't think people realize the differences we have as from like an individual basis and i feel this sometimes because i sometimes really struggle to butt heads with the status quo i also um i'm someone that struggles to communicate with people i get really annoyed with people as well and then you're in a position where they go oh you're you're a best-selling author now you can't get annoyed with people yeah like that wasn't in the [ __ ] book the finger just sways you're like but it's true mate it's you know you talk about the animal kingdom you know you you look at our you know our dna you look at how we've evolved you know we were at the bottom of the food chain now you know and now at the top of it it's like you know we fought our way to the top we have fought our way to the top and again i say that word fort you know we've we've it it's programmed in us to fight that gatherer hunter you know that that that that provider that's who i am you know i know i'm i sit here and i say i'm i'm an alpha male and and i i am an alpha male you know and i'm not scared to say i'm not ashamed to say it you know i love being a father i love being a provider i love getting out there and [ __ ] working hard i [ __ ] love it because i've got a great sense of reward i go back i share my [ __ ] success with my family um and others that you know that around me i love it i love being a [ __ ] an uncle you know i love everything about being a man okay i don't shout it off the roof and go oh this is the way to be that's just me yeah okay so when people ask me i'm like yeah i'm an alpha male but i'm an alpha male with a [ __ ] brain you know this new school is like all about you know emotions and feelings well guess what i'm [ __ ] so emotionally connected you know that that's why that's why i am who i am that's why i can mentor people that's why i can get the best out of people because i am emotionally connected people think look at me and they say oh and you seem to cut yourself off to your emotions you know you're emotionless you know when you do things i'm like no no no i'm emotionally connected i'm emotionally intelligent i've i've been through that emotion before i know how to control it so because of because i i know how to control it people think oh you you emotionless i'm like no i've exposed so many of my emotions over the years with everything that i do that i make them work for me i know how to control them so when i when i'm stood at the top of a cliff for example people go and you know you cut your emotions or when i see a dead body like i've been there i've done it i've taken those layers off i now ha i know how to control that emotion that makes me emotionally intelligent because i think right that's what emotional intelligence is it's understanding the emotion for what it is whether it's fear whatever it may be and making it work for you okay because the moment something doesn't work for you it works against you and that's exactly the same with your emotions you know if you don't expose your emotions you don't take the layers if you don't then of course understand going to work against you because [ __ ] hell the moment that an emotion hits and you're not used to it you're going to what the [ __ ] is this and that works against you and that's why people break down people cry people run or whatever it may be and they go oh you know they're just showing their emotions i'm like no they're not they're not exposing their emotions they're not taking the layers off they're not [ __ ] repeating the process and not understanding about their emotions so actually this person that you think because they're showing their emotions because they're breaking down and crying and you know you think they're emotion they're full of emotion actually they've probably never experienced that emotion before because society doesn't cater for you to push yourself to challenge yourself to expose those raw emotions that are you this is exactly the point i was going to talk to you because you're a very you are an alpha you're a very masculine person you're you're you epitomize almost that person that's speaking about before on the boundaries protecting the people because you've done it from you know as a father as a soldier all of these things i think there are a lot of men that suppress their alpha state they suppress their inner emotions and society is really crushing these people in jobs in nineteen fives and you've got a man who's 25 who who feels like we do and yet he's got some spotty little four-year-old [ __ ] saying to him you've got to stay late today because you haven't done your [ __ ] emails and there's all this angst inside so many young men that can't express it and one thing that i'm really passionate about at the moment is is martial arts i know we got into this very late and um i got into brazilian jiu jitsu at the age of 27 it's been one of the best things for my mindset uh i wanted to ask you have you got any experience with martial arts with fighting with anything like that yeah i've got boxing you know when i joined the army you know got into boxing always into sort of some kind of martial arts because unarmed combat you know brazilian jiu jitsu as well you know that started kicking off uh you know a few years ago in the military um i've got good pal called sam who who owns reorg which is like a military um brazilian jiu jitsu sort of charity you know it brings in vets that um that's struggling because ultimately it's team teamwork isn't it um you know you need someone to grapple with or to roll with in order to to you know to do the martial arts so everything is revolves around teamwork but it's it's the rawest form of combat that you're going to get out there so all this form of release that you're going to get without being on the battlefield you know you step into a cage you step on the mat you step into a ring whether it's box it's like you know [ __ ] hell that's that you know people come from the gutters you know and they and they find martial arts they find boxing they find that that wall this form of combat where they can vent and they can be a man you know and and it changes their perspective it changes their mindset it changes who they are and it's not a coincidence it's like we are we're [ __ ] out look at look at our past we're born to fight conflict i believe is an integral part of our human structure and we are now living in a world that is trying to suppress that and this 100 pc woke worrying about offending people we're now trying to avoid conflict that is in our dna yeah and i think this is contributing to the poor mental state of so many it's dangerous it's so dangerous it's it's and it's almost an accident waiting to happen well it's already happened you know you look at male suicide you know and you know it's like it's through the roof and i know that we can we can now monitor it and it can be recorded now and you know due to social media of course you know you're gonna you're gonna see a lot more of it exposed i'm not saying it's only just started because it hasn't but when you try and suppress an individual it's like look let's look at the animal kingdom people say you should never cage a [ __ ] wild animal whether it's in captivity or whatever because it's got that dna and that that we are no different to that we're exactly the same that that's that fight fighter is in us somewhere you know and the moment that we we bring it out it's like oh [ __ ] you know you've got anger issues or this person's violent or it's like it's it's it's suppressed in a way that you're going to explode but then when it's suppressed you lose your identity you start to go well you know what what what am i here for what you know what what should i do what to sit in the [ __ ] office keep your mouth shut type away and this is what we want you to do give you a pension contribution yeah but that's why martial arts is a lifesaver and i'm not no i'm not exaggerating james it's a [ __ ] lifesaver it saves people's lives because they can vent you know society doesn't allow you it doesn't cater for you to push to push yourself to your limits it doesn't cater for you to step outside of your comfort zone it doesn't cater for you to step outside of the safety bubble everything is you do this it's like like [ __ ] an ant column right it's like go from here to here to here the safe safe safe safe all risk no no no all failure no no don't [ __ ] go anywhere near that express yourself not at all yeah 100 so all of a sudden you're [ __ ] turning around to yourself and you go who the [ __ ] am i i mean i'm feeling this but society's telling you that that's not the right thing to do no james no so you're going no but you you're [ __ ] in a beast saying yes you need to [ __ ] exercise me because guess what i'm gonna [ __ ] destroy you from the inside out if you don't but it's true right and then people are going no no no no no you just get to lose your job schedule lose your house scared to lose a career [ __ ] you lose your career you lose your family it's like it's it's it's like [ __ ] jenga that's what it's like it's like it's oh i've got a way of that i said that but i won't [ __ ] say it's like it's so it's so um what's the word i'm looking for it's so fragile the the whole being a man that people just go you know what it's easier for me to keep my mouth shut and say nothing and do nothing but that again perpetuates the problem and this this almost like masculinity traits that we've talked about even holding a door open for a woman you could be criticized for these days you know oh why have you done that can she not you've just said women can't open doors you know that's not what i've said but we have the physical attributes now to where even if say someone was rude to your wife and you scroll up to them you go that isn't how you speak to a lady you'll be in the press ah middleton tries to fight or whatever it is anyone said anything to my wife i'd i'd [ __ ] there there wouldn't be walking that's what i mean it's like and i'm not i'm not saying that i'm just saying you know there's some things i steer away from but you know it's like if anyone does anything to my children or to your kid like people go be the bigger man i'm like no you're gonna [ __ ] know about it i mean it's like we have the physical side here and i wouldn't want to go on the wrong side here believe me but then we also have this this kind of verbal and social media side where it the suppression of being in an office not being able to physically get it out is one thing but exactly how you said having an idea or a thought or an opinion and wanting to tweet about it wanting to talk about it should be your god given right and censorship and cancellation is now creating a world where you're not allowed to be wrong and you and i have both i had to delete an old twitter account because i used to say things that were wrong if i looked back 10 years ago i was finished in university i look at things like that a year ago but what what the real solution should be is if the if you tweet something whether it's to be covered let's do whatever and you are objectively wrong you don't get cancelled you need an authoritarian figure who is potentially above you maybe a doctor or someone who actually knows what they're doing and they should reach out to you and go and i think you're wrong would you like to have a discussion and people that don't know should sit back they shouldn't be canceling there should be a grown-up discussion because ignorance should be allowed yeah what what world are we supposed to live in where you're not allowed to know about a subject yeah me on uh for instance when i spoke about hard work being masked under white privilege instead of people going unfollow this person which they did people were openly saying please unfollow james smith why didn't someone say hey look here's a leader in this field this is their opinion maybe you guys should have a talk podcasting is this like it's being called the intellectual dark web these conversations that are happening on the internet with no kind of governing to it these should be happening more because if me and you are wrong about any subject and we then get our ignorance curbed that's going to help thousands of people but instead people are like nah let's not do that let's finish it yeah let's finish him yeah of course because even uh sas uk that's livelihood and to have that impact you from the outside looking in people say are we just going to do australia no they've impacted us the dominant effect of these things and then other tv channels other ideas in the works other things that are and my housemates and i we say something where they go [ __ ] himself like you go talk to a girl and don't get a number [ __ ] himself but all these other tv producers and companies [ __ ] themselves oh we can't because they're worried about getting 100 negative press and it's like you know you just mentioned it there you know that but it's like when people go go and educate yourself you know that is the biggest cop-out and i'm gonna go go and educate yourself you know they talk about what white privilege whatever it is and it's like i'm i don't want to go and [ __ ] educate myself it just that's like a [ __ ] brain surgeon talking to a rocket scientist and brain surgeon might get something wrong i'm going to go the blocker scientists will go go and educate yourself on [ __ ] on rocket science your brains and it's like why the [ __ ] would he do that he's a [ __ ] brain surgeon it's like with me it's like i don't see color okay i don't you know you're a [ __ ] or you're not if you're a [ __ ] i'm probably not gonna get on with you if you're not i'm gonna get on i don't give a [ __ ] about the color your skin i do not give a [ __ ] about the color of your skin i don't see [ __ ] um color and i don't the moment i say that it's like yes because you're white privilege okay go and educate yourself i'm like i don't need to go and educate myself i know i will take a person by face value and this whole you know diversity you know people have got this [ __ ] so wrong it's like i got asked the question well what do you think about diversity and i'm like well diversity's got nothing to do with skin color nothing at all to do with skin color if you had a white bit of paper and a black bit of paper right and you wanted to build a [ __ ] aircraft a paper plane to fly you'd be like why what what one do you well don't [ __ ] care you know well what's it for well actually you need to distance and speed well actually i'm going to take the denser the heavier paper which one's the heavier paper that might be the [ __ ] white one okay well what do you want it for i want it to float and i want it to glide okay well you might take the black bit of paper because it's lighter you know it's what's inside so the color is completely [ __ ] irrelevant so when people say to me oh we need a diverse team i'm like diverse diversity for me is a diverse way of thinking okay now people get [ __ ] so caught up on color and color it doesn't matter because it's not gonna make any difference it's a diverse way of thinking so if you come from africa and you've got a different culture to me okay you've got a [ __ ] different way of thinking because you can bring something to the table here you're from a [ __ ] different culture different way of thinking diverse mindset bang education if you're [ __ ] from wherever and you've got a better education than someone else well actually i can use that education it's a different way of thinking okay but if you haven't got an education you've got life experience like we have well [ __ ] out we can use your problem solving you can we can use your way of tackling life that's diversity to me so having a diverse mindset so of course you can grab people from all over the world don't matter their color their [ __ ] skin grab them because they're going to bring a different way of thinking and when you bring a diverse way of thinking ie diversity to to a team or to the table then it's great because you can attack that problem that task that mission with a diverse mindset you can bring something to the table from what you've experienced from life you can bring something from the table from your educator you can bring something from the table from your culture you know what how would you you know how do you see this problem you can bring something from what you've what you've been through and it's like it's got nothing to do with [ __ ] color so it's like when people say people say to me go go and educate yourself on on i'm like i don't need to go away to educate myself on something that one i'm not [ __ ] interested in because it it will just cloud my vision on how i look at the situation and two i'm perfectly educated thank you very much you know i've got a multi-million pound brand you know i'm number one best-selling author um i've got several times several times i've got you know i'm i'm very well educated and what i need to do into my field okay and i know that i'm a [ __ ] good person and it's it's it's like when you get thrown all of that [ __ ] in your face you know i keep everything simple james in my life i'm like to get to my answer i'm like good bad yes no positive negative right wrong good evil i have this why why junctions and i get to my solution i don't [ __ ] take all the [ __ ] [ __ ] there because because you're offended because you've you know come from a background here because you're a different culture because you're a different race you've got a different religion you've got different colours it's like [ __ ] hell you know it's it's about the person and i think we're so caught up especially in the uk about you know about [ __ ] color about race about that it creates a [ __ ] divide do you know what i mean it's like again i've nev i've never seen a black person in my life james okay have you ever seen a person that color in your life honestly have you ever seen a person your background's come up oh black have you ever seen a cup person in this color no no have you ever seen a white person have you ever seen a person in this color in your life no i've never seen a bluster why do we use black and white i'll tell you why we use black and white because they're polar opposites okay you can differentiate black from white you can divide it [ __ ] easily okay it creates division because it's so [ __ ] obvious it's it's the polar opposite to each other and that's what happens that's why black and white is used because it creates [ __ ] division it's like what side you sit on the black or white so i'm [ __ ] out no so i'm not on any side and that's what's [ __ ] happening in this society people are [ __ ] throwing this [ __ ] down our throat and i'm like i'm like [ __ ] hell if you don't sit on that side you sit on that side okay and if you don't sit on that side you sit on that side this hole in between middle ground common sense [ __ ] take taking people for face value and and you know respect and manners and it's all [ __ ] gone it's now a political left political right black white male female and the gender is exactly the same male 5 is like [ __ ] hell we're losing sight of really the the main kind of graph metric i feel we should be working across is competency by the way i'm not fighting by the way this is the chair yeah [Laughter] before did you know about it i feel like we now overlook competency you know if someone was to look at the the guys you've got in sas australia someone back there goes all white men no we've got four competent people they're picked on competency they're picked on their ability to do the job and like you say this division is getting worse and the male female thing at the moment i am i've had a few uh pops recently where i said that everyone that really attacks what i say on social media has their pronouns in the bio and i put did a video the other day i said if you're transsexual a transgender and there's a chance i'll get it wrong by all means put it there but everyone else now is just doing it to look good yeah to wave a flag saying hey look at me i'm jumping on the bandwagon and i i would love to get these people and say what have you actually done apart from seven digits in your in your bio what have you done have you ever gone to a protest you ever you know marched for trans rights in the in the city square have you ever done any of that no you've just done that to look good so that when someone lands on your profile you look like you're doing more than everyone else yep and now we're doing people that are creating division for own personal virtue that's it that's the only reason they're doing it is to look good and then but there's no boundaries for it jamie it's like it's like if you say all of a sudden say oh i want to you can't you can't go say no to that person because so they can be who the [ __ ] they want when they want how they want to be you know i mean but it's like because there's no boundaries there's no like come on mate stop [ __ ] chatting [ __ ] do i mean it's like yesterday you would did i mean it's like and when when you have a world with no boundaries then you it's a [ __ ] dangerous place right because do i [ __ ] pull this person do i say something whatever you do don't say that because if they identify as that if they are saying that they want to be this person or that person or whatever it may be then you cannot question that yeah and i think that's great and i think that people should be able to be who they want to be 100 and what we don't need is these outliers trying to boost their own own position uh interestingly enough my housemate told me today that there is uh new zealand have got their first transgender olympian weightlifter so i have to be careful how to say this she was born as a male you can't say used to be a man that's not allowed that okay could be competed already in the um but now is going to be going forward so bournemouth so competed as a male computer's female female born as a male now as a female it's going to the olympics as the first transgender athlete i believe to lift weights competing as a for new zealand represent new zealand as that and the way they've done it is they've said oh well the testosterone levels are now low enough that that's fine and i've read that this morning and i was like i'm not sure how i feel on it and i feel that there are so many of these kind of echo chambers and this isn't an attack on the person i don't want to shame them i haven't named them but people have been given this this ability to create echo chambers where people can say something pretty outlandish and people are so afraid of getting cancelled by standing up to it that it just gets moved higher and higher and higher up the the chain until bang you've now got something so quickly james just tell me what that what the proceed procedure is or do you know the procedure from going from male to female or or or female to male 1 is it just if you're going from if you're going from male to female for example you you get your your private parts lobbed off you get it all gets there's hormonal therapies right so in america i believe that from the age of 16 a girl can go to a clinic and then get prescribed testosterone and then men can let me just let me just jump in there so what what do they do with the pelvis you know you know the pelvis is gender-pacific yeah there's different widths and and the female pelvis is designed to to break and to open in order to give birth what do they have day of pelvis transplants so you that this is this is you know you can do everything all the hormones everything like that but you your your your skeletal system is is gender pacific whether you like to hear that or not and i'm not saying it to offend people because i'm awful be the [ __ ] you want to be that's my message you know be who you want to be tread where you want to tread just do do you you know i'm all for that always for that um but when you talk about you can get as technical as you want but the skeletal system is is gender pacific it's like it's like and to have you what do you do do you have a pelvis transplant do you do you swap and swap out pelvis it's like you know there's a reason why male men [ __ ] do sports they have their their [ __ ] area and and women do their sports you know and you can play you can play around with [ __ ] nature as much as you want because that's ultimately what you're doing right you can mess around with with nature as much as you want but it will never it you can you can never do a full 100 percent flop this is my concern i haven't got kids yet not enough and i'm concerned that i can only have somewhere don't that's why i'm not going back to new zealand thank god the board is closed but um if i was to bring and this kind of people say what are the dangers if you know this this woke-ism this worried to be cancelled these all of these things if i have daughters and they grow up and they go to school and i go watch them play a game of netball hold on those are boys that they're playing with giving them a shoulder barge and knocking them over oh would they identify as women it's a very concerning landscape that we see and and i'm not saying that you know i'm not attacking or hating these people i'm saying these alarm bells yeah we should be looking at as a society to say hold on what's really going on here and uh well we need to take away the tick boxing it's all it's all government's votes it's like right let's tick this box let's take this box let's take this box you know um because they want to be seen to be doing the right thing but really do they do they give it [ __ ] no this they just want they just want their it to fit their agenda because they want to be more popular they want more viewers on their channel they want [ __ ] more viewers at the athletics they want more discussion around whatever it may be um and we have a horrible tendency as [ __ ] humans to complicate absolutely everything in life everything and i do the complete opposite that's how i live my life that's why i'm i'm psychologically robust i'm you know i'm i'm always in a good place no matter how much i get attacked i can always sit back on my morals and and say you know what i'm a good person and i don't i i do not get involved with um with all the complications because one i don't understand them two i care not to understand them i know i'm a good person and i'll treat you with respect and until you tell you know until you show me otherwise um color of your skin gender [ __ ] religion i don't i don't care you know i've got [ __ ] hell i'll talk to anyone and everyone i'm a socialite i love people i like to outside i'll leave you outside on the street for five minutes already got a mob of mates you put there with my mates as well you thought it's coming heavy-handed um so it's like it's like how you know we're [ __ ] complicated enough as it is as you know as our own unique person you know as as as yourself and then when you try and add complications to complications you're going to get [ __ ] complications and you're going to say things that you you know that is not right you're going to say things but in my heart of hearts i know what to say and i know not what to say okay and if you want to be called so and so i will call you what the [ __ ] you want to be called i've got no problem with that it's got no skin off my nose you know but but it's the moment that you it gets forced down your throat is when you know i come from a family uh traditional family okay i i work on the provider okay i'm on the protect on the provider i work my wife doesn't work okay she doesn't want to work you know when we had uh when we had our first two she was working part-time and then we had two more we had four in total and she said and can i stop working i'm like yeah she went because i don't want other people bringing up my children i want to be there for them and you know i want i want to watch them grow i want to watch them you know develop i want no i want to want to be there i'm like yeah absolutely so guess what i'm going to have to up my game i'm going to have to work harder so that's what i do but when i tell people that my wife loves being a full-time mum she's got the [ __ ] hardest job in the world she's got four kids for some worse i'm here gallivanting around you know i mean filming and enjoying myself with you um she's got school runs she's got uniform to she's got after school clubs she's got [ __ ] appointments to she's got to look after herself she's got to look after the house she's got to keep the fork going whilst i'm gone her job is [ __ ] hard but i say to people yep emily loves all of that she loves oh well she needs to get with the times it's it's like and i've had papers and magazines going oh and middleton needs to get with the time it's like what's wrong with having a [ __ ] traditional family all of a sudden i'll tell you what's wrong with it it's because all of these [ __ ] outside complications all of these [ __ ] the work patrol the pc patrol there it's like well what if your wife wants a career if she wants a career she [ __ ] asked me and i'll give her off we set something up you know put her in hotel quarantine yeah but it's like it's like with my children that you know do you people say to me and do you know what do you what do you talk how do you bring your children up i say well bring my boys up to be boys and i bring my girls up to three girls you know the moment they go oh well you know don't get me wrong my young son plays with my daughter's barbies you know they [ __ ] do what they want you know their kids i let them crack on and do what they want but i'm my boy i'm like listen when i'm gone yeah he's 12 when i'm gone you're the man of the house you know and people are [ __ ] shocked that they're like what what do you mean is it well he's you know he's got to look after his mum he's got to help his mum he's got to help the girls and the girls have got to do their bit as well but um you know you've got you've got the blue jobs to do son you've got to [ __ ] take the bin out i want you to sweep the floor i want you to you know the girls have got pink jobs to do it's like but that works with us you know what i mean and everyone's happy with it there's no complications with it and then they get to school and they hear about all these different things that they should be taking on board and and they come back and they're [ __ ] confused they're like so what am i supposed to say daddy what can i do and i'm like say what you want son are you i've got you say what you want but listen don't be an [ __ ] don't be disrespectful to anyone because the moment you do that you're gonna get a [ __ ] smack around the legs right don't um don't get in trouble for that now no no no no but you know metaphorical leg metaphorically but always be polite and respectful to people don't treat people like idiots because they treat you like it is so you know but and if you've got something on your mind you know say it but only if it's if it's you know if it's worth saying i said don't say if you think to yourself oh no that you know it could be you know could i upset that then then probably don't say it you know if it's not got any [ __ ] worth behind it then then then don't say it but just be you son what do you like doing i like playing football i like doing this i like you know he likes my tie he does he does mai tai he he loves it he loves getting into the ring and my daughter's a complete opposite she loves playing netball she loves you know ballet she loves gymnastics she's like even though my son loves gymnastics as well but it's like you bring it up i bring up a traditional family from what has worked for me and all of a sudden it's like well you need to get with the times it's like you know you're not you're not doing it what you're failing i've had that before you're failing as a father by bringing your boys up to be boys and your girls up to be girls well listen if they get older you know that's my responsibility as an adult so my responsibility as a parent if they get older they go oh dad talk to me son what's wrong talk to me what's it like being away for how many how long will it be from leaving quarantine filming and going back two months just over two months and it's hard it's [ __ ] tough you know my son's on the phone my four-year-old son's on the favorite time he talks to me you know he ends up in tears when i have to go you know my my daughter my five-year-old daughter is is you know missing me as well and then i've got my 12 year old son or you know my 13 year old daughter you know just like when are you home daddy when are you home and it's like you know i've got i've got to do what i've got to do you know there's in order to to provide for my family this is what this is the path i've chosen this is this is what i've got to do um and it's the sacrifices that i make this is what people don't realize it's all right for you you know you're you're and since i'm away six months seven months of the year for my family you got two weeks in hotel quarantine i remember messaging you guys you're gonna be all right you're like mate i could survive in the wild piss and [ __ ] myself for two weeks i but then again there's going to be these these big responsibilities of where you know you've got a show that's going to go ahead people probably think oh you know you just got the cameras on there's a lot of responsibility being you know huge responsibility the direction of the show how it goes um and what i i sense this on probably a much smaller scale is you're not worried about it going wrong you're worried about the potential that you have in you and you're like right over the next two months in my head it could be this good yeah and even if it's fairly good it's not good enough for me and every day you wake up you're like i need to be top today and you do touring events as well speaking events whatever it is people think it's not just turning up and doing it it's turning up and maximizing your potential because if you have a day where everyone in the crowd is happy everyone's at home is happy but you're not happy with how you've performed it creates internal turmoil of course it is you're a high achiever if you're someone that only wants the kind of best level so of course it does but that's the way i try and i try and and this is where i try and keep things simple i always talk about simple to tackling things simple i when i'm at work i'm at work you know my wife knows not to call me i mean unless it's an emergency or unless there's an issue at home or whatever it may be but don't call me when i'm in that headspace because what i don't want to do is to have a distraction for me to to deliver 98 percent and then to have that two percent niggling in my head [ __ ] i could have done better i could have done well it was because of this this and this and then you start to make excuses well when i'm left to my own devices i will tackle that job 100 and then anything that goes wrong i know where it's gone it's gone wrong with something that i've done or something that i've said or something that i haven't done you know so i can i've got the answer right there i can go i [ __ ] i can do this better next time i can do that bear next time the moment you get outside distractions it it gives you excuses yeah and then you're like [ __ ] hell it's like well i could have done better but and it lowers your standards so i'm very much like even when i'm here you know i'm here to work you know people are like you're going to arrest you on your week off between filming i'm like you're having a laugh i'm like i'm working i'm i've been up doing radio shows podcasts meetings dinners lunches because even this interaction now is is pr yeah we're going to become mates but it's pr it's giving and take it 100 it's uh so many things that people are just having to catch up over a headset we'll have the catch up tonight but it is it's like it's like and and that's what i do because when i put my mind to things i know i'm going i will deliver i mean i'm that confident in my in in my capabilities i say to people like channel seven when they first go and hold you know it's been really successful in the uk i went do not worry this is before you know they must have thought it's a white cocky coming right they were like i'm like that don't worry about it i said i will deliver i said this will work out i'm the [ __ ] chief instructor i am mr sas i will deliver this show to you and they're like because it's sort of like a a task non-scripted show you don't know what the [ __ ] gonna go on because obviously it's due to the down to their emotions down to how they act down to their personalities production companies are like you know spent millions and millions and they're like oh my god is he like i'm just to trust this [ __ ] this this chief instructor [ __ ] brick guy that's [ __ ] screaming with loads of tattoos that's on on on the front page of the news for negative press in the uk and i'm [ __ ] putting a production on him you know i'm putting her and i'm like trust me listen i know what i'm doing leave me to do my what i do best i will leave you to what you do best the moment you try and interfere into it with my with my stuff i said then we're gonna butt heads it's probably you know not a good thing to do i will deliver and it's the same with this one the second one right and the last one was a bit we need to go bigger one but leave it with me but i do not know i don't say it in a cocky way i'm like it's going to be bigger and better this is something i definitely do be interested to get your take when people such as what's heard in the uk is it powering you with a bit of a [ __ ] you to do turn it up even more here you're like you know what i'm a [ __ ] move in yeah i get a place around here seven years down the line every person at that [ __ ] uk decision board is gonna be sitting there thinking [ __ ] oh we [ __ ] up but that's life in general james that just isn't that's that's what i thrive from you know energy yeah exactly yeah of course it's it's like my main motivator when i say the plow i've got the plow as long as the plow the main motivator is positive okay my main mode faces my families wanting to give them you know children opportunities wanting to to show them not not give them everything so they look at me and they go that's what hard work is don't mind my dad's away all the time he's [ __ ] working all the time you know i mean because kids it goes in one end at the other but they see they learn what they see they go [ __ ] you know that's what hard work is all about that's what i want to give to my children okay so that's that's the plow that's positive right all the fuel that goes in is negative fuel it's like [ __ ] you oh you you wanna you wanna [ __ ] counsel me dear well watch this [ __ ] oh so-and-so said [ __ ] about me well [ __ ] watch this this is like all this fuel is going in it's negative because in order to have positivity you need negativity right so i'm like [ __ ] i'm not chucking this fuel i'm like ah yeah oh oh whitey right bang bang bang bang bang and i'm it's just making me make it i feel like [ __ ] thanos you know when he's standing there with a [ __ ] corner i'm like ah what a [ __ ] sucker you got a notepad everyone that crosses you now you get the notepad okay and in three years time and look we'd love to sit down with you oh yeah why don't we meet at 10 past [ __ ] yourself but it's true but the biggest form of revenge is success i i love this there's the exact point i was trying to get on to then well like i remember every single yeah i remember people i thought of my friends that were chat [ __ ] by my back oh you swear too much to be successful you're not in good enough shape uh you know people that said oh well done i'm getting 10 000 followers i never thought you'd get that many and i love these thoughts i use them in back of my mind all the time and like you said i've never thought of it like foreign momentum and there are days where you're a bit flat and where you sat there and you're like i can't really be [ __ ] and you have to conjure all of the all that negativity and then you just smile and you're like let's go 100 and you have to it's like but the thing about it james is you know we we have a horrible tendency as well to you know to take the negative and let that completely engulf us you know i mean i'm 98 of the people people that follow me i've got [ __ ] responsibilities to them they look up to me they read my [ __ ] health i showed you my instagram messages on on it's it's such a responsibility you've saved my life i've read your books i was going to take my life last night i [ __ ] get your book your books like a bible i read this chapter every single day before i go into work i read and it's like that's what i concentrate on yeah you're going to get the negative [ __ ] that comes along but it's like people have a horrible tendency to go when it hits a nerve you know people might chuck [ __ ] two three percent negativity at you and it hits the nerve and you go [ __ ] how they figured me out and he let that 23 completely engulf 100 of you it's incredible the weight of the way our kind of mind works that there are some dm's where i'm sure you've had it where you you look at your request you click on one and it's the big one you're oh [ __ ] i'm not looking at that and then you're like i better have a little look and then you have a look and you're like [ __ ] this is such a nice message and then you're like i've got to respond yeah i can't not respond so you respond to them and you do that and there'll be ten of those but the second one just says you're a prick you're there and and suppressing emotions to me is a bad idea because it magnifies them and you're like doesn't matter you're like it does [ __ ] matter then you go and you look at his profile you're like oh and then you're like stop it stop it i could be responding to people but i think that people don't understand this they could look at us here in this discussion one remark to someone dieting one remark to someone aspiring to succeed in their role one person being ambitious the one two percent we give it too much weight as a subconscious decision and it's so much effort required to strip away the weight from that one bad comment and uh another way that i see this as well book reviews right uh i looked onto yours and ross's when i published my book someone gave you a bad review for the book getting damaged in the post and i was like oh my god they i carried that with me the whole day i was like i was like how was someone and given given a bad review for the book turned up damaged it's obviously not his fault and that's not a review on the book and i was like i started sweating i was like james you got to drop this and what i ended up having to do was uh i went to the books that changed my life the most i went to four-hour work week comments some of ryan holiday stuff and i looked at his bad reviews and i was like this is just human nature of course it is it's like getting an egg and then being no yolk in it statistically unlikely but when it happens there's nothing you can do about it but you but again look at that and then look at all the five star you know it's like and over the years you know at first you do you [ __ ] know but over the years it's just like you know for people to to even come on your social media that you don't know and go and call your accountant blah blah blah it's like what heads out i almost think what headspace must you be in and i almost feel sorry for people because i think to myself wow where you know you must be riddled with negativity in order to come onto someone's social media and not knowing them and and just putting out a blase comment where you know yeah you're kind you're pretty is like you don't know what you're talking it's like wow it's like it's not that's actually not my problem i mean that's your problem however i do reach out to people who um who are negative to me and i [ __ ] disarm them with kindness you know i've got and you're pretty [ __ ] selling all your tours one was a prime example one when an ex-military guy got on board he went ah and you should be looking after your home for these tours where's the military discount for for um veterans to go to your talking tours i went mate i said look he went you i can't you just sent it for the money i was like listen mate if i've done a military discount how would i know if you're ex-military because well you just go off our word i'm like well every single [ __ ] would be putting in for a military discount i said i said um and also if i do put a minute you're not allowed to show your id card anyway you know you know that's you know it's impossible for me to go put military discount on without it being abused so i said therefore i don't i said however are you struggling mate are you instead if you're struggling i'll give you two tickets to my show i said you and someone oh and i'm [ __ ] ever so sorry mate i misjudged you blah blah blah blah blah gave this giza two vip tickets to my show because obviously he's straight he was struggling i think he's struggling with mental health met him in his power at the show [ __ ] nice as pie and i'm just like mate listen but you're going about things the wrong way do you know what i mean it's like i'm not yeah i'm i'm [ __ ] grafting my balls off i'm doing back-to-back [ __ ] shows jeremy and i said you've got to think about the theater's got to take them some money the the the um [ __ ] agency's got to take money the [ __ ] production company's got to take money your time traveling getting there the nerves before the event how [ __ ] you are after it there are so many things that people don't take into account and it's [ __ ] hard hard work um and i just let people know listen even the negative people you know i just sometimes i'll pipe up and i'll just say to him look listen well do you know do you want to talk have you got you know you're obviously in a bad spot you're in a bad place you know but sometimes you do you want to get on there and go you [ __ ] yeah yeah you do you you know i think it's one of them um but then i think about my message i think about the responsibility that i have um and it's huge it to the point where it's it's overwhelming um and you know i look at it and i think to myself one miss bit of information one you know one word could could change that person's life for the good or for the bad you know i've got to be really really careful how i do it and i sit there with my team and they run through all the messages and go ahead this i think you need to reply to this send them a little voice yeah send this guy a message send this this person some tickets um send this person a book send this person you know and i've got a full-time social media team that does that you know um and they're they're scrolling through everything and there's books being sent off now do you mean before i go i sign some books and you know i'm just like anyone that's [ __ ] struggling anyone that you know that's in a real real bad place let's [ __ ] do something from and this is the stuff but i don't promote any of this [ __ ] because it's i do it out the goodness of my heart it's like charity people go oh [ __ ] how i give mate after my [ __ ] wages goes to church i swear it does you know get people called and my son's doing this and then i'm like what what what but and they're like oh can we promote it or not i'm like no i don't i'm not doing it because i want to [ __ ] promote i don't i'm doing out the goodness of my heart if you don't on lad bible where people do something they're like oh this guy gave a thousand dollars to a homeless man and filmed it everyone's like why did you have to film it and you're getting hate from a good gesture and one thing that annoys me that right this there shouldn't ever be criticism or skepticism around someone doing well or making money and i remember my first couple years i really struggled ever posted anything i posted a picture in business class on a flight and i got a bit of criticism and someone commented and going your economy seats are so cheap because of these people he goes if james didn't buy business or fly first your economy suits will cost the [ __ ] fortune yeah it subsidizes the majority of the playing costs and even then if even if you were to make someone's annual salary from one night in an event good because guess what even if you buy a house money is going to go to the former owners or the builders the builders of which have got a family even if you go into a nice we're going to go for a nice restaurant tonight i'm going to take you for dinner thanks i'm a tip the waitress with the [ __ ] you money that i've managed to accumulate from during my touring event that's that's money in her pocket it goes into the restaurant so the chefs can get food and everything and everyone even like everything you do i racked up a three and a half grand uber build last month and a few people oh it's all right for you well i [ __ ] gave a lot of money to russia yeah of course yeah and people trying to they don't see this like when i came over to australia it's like what's this [ __ ] two bob celeb doing coming over to australia we can't even go back and see our loved ones and i'm like my brother lives in australia so i said to my brother i said look we've done rehearsals before the show and you know doing all the recces and stuff like that my brother come along come along for like two three days you know stay in the motel just get a layout of the land and meet the lads and and sort of just you know jump on the bandwagon and see how it works and he came and he went you know he looked around there's like 150 to 200 people working he's like wow he's like and i understand why they let you in the country because right now there's 150 200 people that are working that providing all australian providing [ __ ] food on the table for their families a roof over their heads a wage during this pandemic and it's because of your show and even adverts between the [ __ ] breaks is money from businesses wanting to get their products in front of people this is economics this is how the world goes around and i [ __ ] can't stand these bit of people that say stuff and also i could be wrong again this is speculation but a lot of the astrology remember how your your your pc and i'm just like [ __ ] i'll be careful you're looking after me here jake there's a lot of a lot of these people that are stuck overseas they're not stuck they're just not willing to pay the price for a flight back because of the limits you've got a plane coming to australia it can only have a capacity of 40 people which means the plane have to charge five grand a seat the australians a lot of them aren't stranded they just don't have five grand whether or not the government should subsidize that is the government's choice but it makes it seem like they're at the airport like begging or they're struggling to get a flight which some of them may but for a lot of them they're just banging the drum because they want the prices lowered or they want someone else to pay for it or they're just in the uk going i'll give us a free flight home yeah i want to go back to covered through australia but it's that society mate it's that entitlement it's like it's like people have got this sense of entitlement um they feel like they're owed something and i can't put my finger on it where that comes from i'm the same this is an interesting question i would not plan on asking you this when i experience relative success as a personal trainer i know a lot of personal trainers don't like me when really i'm the gatekeeper to how they could have this lifestyle there's a gym just here fitness first bondi platinum i went into it the other day i'm not the most popular person but if you were to type in bondi personal trainer i'd come up i did a business event for 250 quid the other day where i told all the secrets not one of those 40 personal trainers came not one of them wow i literally said to people for half a day's wages there's a good pt i'll teach you everything and if i don't i'll give you your money back i said to him if you fly from brisbane you don't think it's worth it i'll pay for your [ __ ] flight not one of them now that has to come from a place of slight dislike could be jealousy jealousy envy envy yeah how do you feel about ex-military personnel and yourself do you know what it doesn't matter what category you're in sportsmen footballer basketball player you're always fighting against your own people because it's the jealousy and envious thing it's like with me it's like 10 years ago i was a sbs operator which i mean kicking doors down in afghanistan with my pals okay left the sps with no enemies no enemies whatsoever got on well with everyone all of a sudden people like to see you do well but they don't like to see you succeed too well yeah i said i'm doing well [ __ ] i went to him well blah blah blah then all of a sudden it's like well i'll [ __ ] know where once was you know [ __ ] hell you know he's gone a bit bit too far there he's [ __ ] you know what's he and then they go right you know what [ __ ] i try and you know what i mean if he can do it so can i and i'm like you could you could put a [ __ ] 100 xsf people in the room i would only i would be the only chief instructor for that show because i'm me you cannot be me just because you're in the special forces with me doesn't mean that you can now do what i do or that you're automatically accredited that because i automatically accredited that and it's like but even if you do try and a lot of people have tried to get in front of the camera oh it's [ __ ] a lot yeah yeah because that's me that you know i i get on well in front of the camera i [ __ ] embrace it i know what i'm doing or you know i didn't but it's just with my personality and with my character characteristics my attributes are it works well for me you know but that doesn't mean that you can all of a sudden be where i am because that's unique to me and it's like with you with you guys it's like [ __ ] how you crack on and do do you're saying i'm fully in the media you know look at the other ds they've got businesses you know that they they live off of you know sas um they that they they've got as well i'm full media i mean mine my work is is filming filming filming filming filming filming filming and it's like it's the reason why i'm there is because of who i am i mean it's not and not not because i'm an ex-special forces operator and that all of a sudden everyone can do that because it's a tv show it's like part of the foundations of unique you 100 and you're always fighting against your own it's like the platform that i've and this is another thing and it was brought up to me the other day and it from a very very [ __ ] successful person in tv they said and the platform that you provided for ex-special forces people is phenomenal do they did you get any thanks for it and i'm like no i said that all i get is hate they said well [ __ ] hell when your book came out my first first man in and i was like it was structured in a way where it's like a memoir and lessons you know look at all the other books that have come out oh they're [ __ ] self-help books now they're they're you know they're not military memoirs they've gone into that exactly the same um exactly same process as your book i mean it's exactly the same sort of it might as well be word for word how your book is and how it's structured and i'm like well great you know if something works i'm more than happy for them to follow they're like do you get any things that i'm like no it's like social media and before you got onto the scene every special forces member that was on had their faces blurred out or they [ __ ] they couldn't really get onto it but since you've come on the scene and you've gone i'm gonna do me [ __ ] hell people are popping up with all sorts i mean people are coming on the tv show sas who dares wins i remember on the second series of sas who dares wins i was in ecuador and i remember looking at my phone and i had 11 000 followers right in the second on on the second series in the jungle people come on now as the as a mole or whatever it may be boom straight away two hundred fifty thousand three hundred thousand people the platform jumped off the platform okay oh and you you know do you realize what you've done for the community and i'm like no because all i get is not hate because people are you know once you get to a certain level you know once you surpass that success you get to a certain level where people go and people start bad mouthing you right they go it's like oh he's just bad mouthing because he's jealous so they don't bother bad mouth on you anymore okay because you've reached a certain certain level where it's like he's not going anywhere i mean so i won't badmouth him because i make myself look like a jealous prick right oh a jealous guy so so i'm at that level now which is great but when when he said this to me i was like [ __ ] hell and this is this is the person that's you know [ __ ] hell he's he's top top top person and he's like your books your social media you know your presence on tv your look look at what is created in in not only the military world but in in the special forces world he said i've never seen so many [ __ ] special forces operator expose themselves on [ __ ] social media expose themselves on tv expose themselves through their books writing books and he went that's all because of you he said so they they won't overtly thank you but listen but they should they they they should and i'm not and when he said that to me i thought [ __ ] hell yeah i'm what i am providing but i'm getting all the head shots you know so i'm i'm the ham everything's because i'm a trailblazer because i'm trying of course i'm gonna get the headshots and i'm quite happy to get the headshots if people can follow what i do and make a living out of it and make [ __ ] money to feed themselves to feed their family to to make a career [ __ ] i'm happy for you good on you but then don't [ __ ] criticize me i'll talk behind my back in order to try and bring me down because guess what i ain't [ __ ] going anywhere they call it uh tall poppy syndrome it's really rife in australia where all toppy uh all poppies are supposed to grow in formation in uniform so if one excels they chop it they don't want it to ruin the look of the whole pack so that whoever is there that goes interesting syndrome new zealand australia the most you'll be chopped the the high achievers are locked up because they want it all to look perfectly good it doesn't look good when one of you is doing too well no he doesn't you would be that poppy who goes off they're going to [ __ ] ruin the whole look now yeah yeah cut that off [ __ ] off there we go but the thing about it there wasn't a look before james this is the interesting part about it the weed okay yeah it was it there wasn't a look before because you know yeah you ready stones and your macs and and you know but this is you know i'm the first ever sort of first ever sort of ex-special forces guy to tour i mean to do talking tours you know to go around it's like it didn't happen yeah people do corporate events but to do full theaters sell sell out theaters you know people jumping on the bandwagon books the way i structure my books the [ __ ] hell the first man in this first man alone has sold just under a million copies first man in the loan after this podcast um and it's like but the structure of the book was like my memoirs and some life lessons lo and behold all the books are coming up now lessons boom listen it's like i'm happy for you to you know it's it's a compliment you know it's i'm happy for you to do it but then it's like it's it is that thing where i've i've this what didn't exist before like this especially with social media with me with tv and tours and books you know books yeah maybe you know but not not my structured books so i've started something right and i'm yeah i'm not the [ __ ] spearhead of it so it's like it's that poppy syndrome i get because people are constantly chipping away at me and i'm your own people but it's it's it's so new and so fresh at the moment i think once it you know there's a there's only we try to tap in like special forces or it's i'm everywhere i mean it's like you're only gonna get one me they say heavy is the head that wears the crown yep uh so first man in fear bubble yep zero negativity yep so then you now moving into fiction yes wink wink right made-up stories cold justice that's the name isn't it yeah cold justice it's a it's a character called mallory um and i've got a very interesting life outside or had a very interesting life for the first few years when i left the military um you know i worked in africa mainly sierra leone the ivory coast burundi east africa south africa um you know and i if anyone's not sure that means you're a bad [ __ ] i've done some bad [ __ ] things yeah um no but um so i used to just bounce across africa working for for governments and you know and doing other stuff as well to to get by um and i've seen you know not only have i seen the worst of humanity on the battlefield but i've seen the worst of humanity on the you know with gangs with corruption with you know you name it i've i've seen it um so cold justice is sort of like this ex special forces operator called mallory who's but he's like a new school he's like he's like you know like myself you know he's had a he's had a awesome career in the military and he gets out he's still quite young and he's he's [ __ ] still ambitious he's still you know he still wants to go out and [ __ ] change the world and such but not in a not in a in a way where you know it's obvious but he's just got a good heart um and he bounces around looking for someone well it's all like a sort of giveaway he bounces around and all the locations that he bounces around to [ __ ] happens i.e all the locations that i bounced around too [ __ ] happens so um it is and i like to call it a twisted memoir right but it's not even twisted it's some of it's obviously fixed you know it's exaggerated of course but some of it's played down as well so it it's sort of just like story at the beginning it's like yeah yeah story on the end of the problem never never let a lie get in the way of a good story no exaggeration get away in a way of a good story but it's um it's not one of these books where you're going to read and think you know it's like a fairy tale it's like it's definitely you know it's kind of it's gonna keep you thinking it's gonna you know it's gonna make you think [ __ ] hell you know does this exist um and you know has this person been there i.e myself and it's a double-edged sword james you know if i told people what i've done and what i've been through okay all up to now in my life you either you're either gonna go yeah or you're gonna think i'm a complete bullshitter so that's why you know i don't i tell you half of my life you know if i if i was to [ __ ] go to the ins and outs of you know [ __ ] hell my whole life and i'm talking no not just the military i'm not defined by the military you know my upbringing the passing of my father moving to france joining the army leaving the army joining the marines from the marines to the special forces from special forces to bouncing around africa bouncing around south america going to prison getting out of prison [ __ ] you know building all again building from scratch finding the media world getting into this [ __ ] you know from the shadows to the [ __ ] limelight it's like and you you'd be like that the guy's talking [ __ ] too much yeah but so there's and i always say you know i i'd find it hard pushed to find someone that's had such a versatile life experience than i've had at the age and i'm 40 years old i was going to say you know me chilling on the beach in bondi for a couple years doesn't quite you know that's going to be my next half of my life that's going to be the most hopefully we don't hopefully we don't do a swap there's um is it jordan peterson's got a really interesting standpoint he's a cool guy i'm a big fan of cool same uh and he's got a standpoint on ptsd and ex-military and he goes a lot of it i could have this wrong as well he goes a lot of men go to war not fully understanding what they're capable of because he says that we're all monsters we all control it which is something we almost talked about earlier that we all should be monsters we all should control it that's why i think martial arts is great yep because we [ __ ] someone up within the rule set that keeps them safe we've got demons inside us we have to exercise them 100 and i think a lot of soldiers that go to war can be naive to how big their demons are yep and in the right situations in the right circumstances that comes out and it becomes very hard for them to live with and i think that um would it be fair to say it's almost therapeutic being able to write in a fictional way about what's going on about things that i've experienced in your life yeah i think it definitely is you know and it does help you know i'm not i'm not a talker but i'll always say to people you know talk because you don't know if you if you like talking until you've spoke until you talk so the the first port of call to everyone out there is if you've got issues talk about it okay because then you're going to find out well actually talking about it doesn't really help i mean or [ __ ] out it really really helps me which majority of people don't it does but i'm the opposite you know i've spoken about my thing but i'm not really a talker jeremy i'm happy to hold it earlier i don't like talking about my father's definitely talking about you know even though i've spoken about it in my book um and it it's therapeutic i suppose yes it is um and it does i suppose when i talk about it in my books and it's down on paper then it does you know you feel like you've got it off your chest so it it it is a form of of therapy but i don't like revisiting it i mean i'm like what i've done and i've done and what i've seen i've seen and um i think with ptsd it's when people take it personally when people take personal battles from war and make them their own and what i mean by that if you and me go into combat we're after a taliban commander for example and we burst through the door and you get [ __ ] shot you know that's not personal that that guy didn't go right [ __ ] out i'm gonna shoot james smith and kill james smith yeah it's like whoever's you know i mean he's protecting his [ __ ] commander whoever burst through that door is going to get [ __ ] sprayed no matter what the matter is me you [ __ ] whoever you know i mean so that's where ptsd sort of stems from i believe is when you take it personally it's like [ __ ] hell i should have been we stumbled at the door i should have been first through that door or that bullet should have been for me why him why am i still alive and he's dead um and it's the same with you know when people tread on ieds it's like [ __ ] how the person in front of you gets blown into the [ __ ] air legs everywhere [ __ ] and it's like butterfly effect yeah the butt and it's like that id wasn't for him i mean that was for any [ __ ] that [ __ ] came around [ __ ] treading a kid could have trodden that i [ __ ] you know a vehicle could have driven over that you happen to tread on it it's like it's the but then it's like [ __ ] hell but if you'd have missed that then i would have tried on that and it's like so it's it's it's and that's what i always done going into combat james i always said to myself this isn't [ __ ] personal you know nothing about this is personal nothing about this is you know i've got a job to do you know i'm after a taliban commander that's responsible for example for [ __ ] blowing up 20 odd marines you know he's put a kid on a [ __ ] wheelbarrow and he's gone to the kid [ __ ] will that wheelbarrow into that that patrol over there and what was he done he [ __ ] clacked off the [ __ ] wheelbar with the kid killed [ __ ] marines you know collateral damage is the kid that's an evil [ __ ] all right so when i go after mom i'm gonna have no problems you know if i come up against um immediate threats i'm gonna have no problems pulling that trigger but i always went into combat and this is something that that has served me well with my mindset okay this is um and this is because ultimately whatever you imagine up here whatever you think up here you know is your reality so you can create yourself a [ __ ] nightmare and you're going to live a nightmare or you can create yourself a process that you can break things down and you're going to figure things out quicker um and i always i always say you know especially being point man in the military um no one has the right to take life no one has that [ __ ] god-given right to take life okay but if someone thinks they've got the right to take life i simply deny them that right okay so if i go into combat i want to capture everyone do i don't want to go around [ __ ] kill him but it's easy to [ __ ] press the trigger i don't want to go around killing every [ __ ] because you're just a bully of a weapon then but i think to myself in my head i'm like right i only take life in order to save life so if you think you've got the right to take my powers life or take my life i'm going to deny you that right and when i deny you that right what am i doing i'm saving life yeah okay because you're just about to take life i'm denying you that right i'm not killing you i'm denying you the right to take life therefore saving life i can process the process process that in my head so when people say how many people are you killed i'm like i've not killed anyone i've saved life the denier yeah no but i've saved life right i've saved life because if i didn't if i didn't deny you the right for taking life then you would have taken a life but i've denied you that right therefore i've saved life and that that was a mindset that i adapted in order to process and live with and accept me pulling the trigger you know and that's just a process that i came up with with my head over there no one in [ __ ] hell i'm i'm i'm a human i've no one's got any right to take anyone's life i've always had that in the forefront of my life of my head that is you know you only take life when someone thinks they have the right to take it and therefore by doing denying that person that right to take life i am saving life and it's something that i can process in my head it's something that i can live with because i've never been a bully with a weapon i've never just gone in and gone boom boom you know i could have quite happily have done you know you could be [ __ ] firing at me and you run into a doorway you still got your weapon on you but it's like you're [ __ ] running i'm not gonna [ __ ] shoot you in the budget i mean it's like it's i'm a good and that's when you go when you realize whether you're a good person or you're not a good person i remember coming back from afghanistan after my third tour um knowing that i'm not i'm a [ __ ] good person you know i mean and living with that because ultimately what you have to live with your decisions you you have to live with what you see you have to live with what you do you know you you have to live with what you take back from the battlefield and if you can process it in a way where you know [ __ ] hell yeah like i done then it made my life so much easier it was just like you know if i can capture everyone in this [ __ ] room then [ __ ] hell job done i remember by the last last sort of couple of missions in afghanistan on my third tour mission success for me was going on to a target and you know everyone's surrendering me not pressing the trigger or going on to a target it was a dry hole you know they got wind and they'd [ __ ] off right it's um and i used to come back and i used to feel relieved that i didn't press the trigger and that's when i said to myself you know listen maybe this this may be time for for me to move on jeremy because i was like yeah i've trained and trained my whole life to go to combat i've [ __ ] thrived on going into combat i love doing my job i'm tired of it now i mean and i remember just a sense of relief when i've got back and i didn't have to change my magazine i didn't have to [ __ ] reload my [ __ ] my ammunition and then i thought to myself you know i remember those couple of times i was just like yes and i thought to myself do you know what time for me to pass the torch on do you know what i mean and um so you know when it comes to to helping others and when it comes to ptsd and when it comes it's you know it's you hold the answers you know you you can break it down and process it as much as you want but then again i go to always go to keeping things simple and i don't always get it right of course it's [ __ ] life you're gonna [ __ ] up you're gonna make mistakes um but in my heart of hearts you know i've i've always sort of think that i've done the right thing in in in there it must kill you when uh you know doing such an admirable noble profession and role you do that you make great decisions you [ __ ] you know in some respects put your life on the line to do the right thing then you come home and one thing you said or what you know yeah somebody choose a tweet and you're like [ __ ] hell but you know what i mean but that's so petty to me you know when it does happen i i get i do get it right i do get them but i won't change my whole demeanor or myself for just just that so that would be hard to live with but it's 100 right and also it's like it's like [ __ ] hell for me when i hear [ __ ] like this and i hear i just think to myself you know i've i'm so grateful for everything do i mean it's like i don't really take anything for granted you know so grateful to you know to be able to provide my family to have a roof over my head to [ __ ] eat simple food and you know i could strip everything away from me and i'd be happy still do you know what i mean um so when i when i when i've gone when i've been in a situation like that where you know i've walked that line of of of life and death and life is so simple because you know when you walk that line of life and death you know you two things are gonna happen you're gonna live you're gonna die okay life becomes so uncomplicated in those few moments that you go through that door right because it's just like am i going to make it i'm not sure i mean there's no complication there's no [ __ ] there's no [ __ ] um outside interference it's like it's the purest form of life okay and when you've lived the purest form of life where i'm going to live i'm going to die everything else is just [ __ ] you know especially when you hear it's like what for me i look and i go shut the [ __ ] up or get your [ __ ] head down or stick that up your [ __ ] arse or you know it's like you know what i think australia is going to be perfect but it's just you know and and that's what people don't understand with me is it's like um and they probably do understand it the majority of them do and that's why i've got such a you know a great fan base and and following and i'm really appreciative um of everything but i like to think that i work just as hard for them as they do for me um but when you've been when you've you know you've been to the to the depths that i've been at it's it there's not much that phases me out there mate there's not much that i i won't you know and all this negativity that does come you know every now and then in its waves it does just bounce off me because i think there's bigger things in life to [ __ ] worry about there's bigger they're more important issues to be concerned about um you know that we've got a [ __ ] future you know we've got a future generation of kids that we need to [ __ ] hand over this [ __ ] world to you i mean it's like we've got we've we've got big you know it's bigger and [ __ ] more important things to be worried about than [ __ ] someone commenting on social media or someone complaining and being offended because they heard me say something on on their say yes uk and it's like [ __ ] off someone damning you're saying you're a prick yeah yeah yeah that still gets moving onto a bit of a lighter tone so uh cold justice when's it gonna be out so cold justice is out in october i'm not sure the exact date but um you will all hear about it um i'm going to do you know really really push it um it's a sequel so there's two nice all right so this is the first one um this is the first one but um yeah there's going to be a sequel to it and you know who knows um it could even be a series about it and uh and potentially a film channel channels channel seven you got me good uh it's it sounds like there's a lot of lessons that you know i'll say men um the topics we've spoken about now and and even the systems you've got in place with dealing with your problems with dealing with criticism it sounds to me like there's definitely a lot of lessons that if someone could put themselves in your shoes through any of your books they can just take a little a bit of ant with them they're going to deal with problems a lot better you know they haven't got to worry about afghanistan they've got to worry about their manager at work or their workouts or whatever it is um i did a q a before we started today i've got some questions my first one is actually from me when you watch films there's guns and there's warfare and everything i was only a [ __ ] cadet and i've i got like a marksman badge for my thing but when people don't reload when you know when you've got like a 100 round magazine it's like it's a pistol if you like yeah and then they're never changing it does this stuff annoy you do you know what the only film yeah noises shout me but the only film that i'm not many people know this actually i don't think i've ever mentioned this it's going to be extraction but no have you seen lone survivor yes great so i remember on the plane home from somewhere i can't remember i was and i thought just scrolling through and i thought you know what i like mark wahlberg i thought you know i'm gonna watch loan survive i thought here we go you know you know special forces blah blah blah and i remember sitting there and i didn't know that obviously the lone survivor had you know marcus latrell had obviously scripted the film i mean you could tell just by the equipment they were wearing the noises that were happening the the [ __ ] you know the way they were moving i didn't know this i thought just some director you know blah blah blah and i remember watching and thinking [ __ ] else like me being in afghanistan it's like this is so [ __ ] on the ball right and then they go into the mission and surveillance mission yeah four man team up in the mountains yep identify a target before they send an assault for i thought [ __ ] hell then i sort of clicked on that um you know the guy had survived so i thought right [ __ ] you know this is the this is the most realistic film um you know war movie if you want that i've ever seen and then the fire fight happened you know when a cnn is going you know like we're just about to [ __ ] meet our friends from the other side it's like you know check out boom and then you hear ting ting against the rocks and you [ __ ] hear them [ __ ] they get up all their kit you can hear and they move and then it's like down again i can just remember i sort of zoned out all right i remember looking at the screen and i could taste afghanistan in my mouth so i literally had to press pause pause the [ __ ] film and it's the first time and only time i've ever had a sort of flashback from afghanistan but i could taste sand in my mouth so i had to [ __ ] pause the film i got up walked up and down the [ __ ] aisle um just just thinking to myself i thought i had [ __ ] grains circle it was i could taste afghanistan like pavlov's dog when he rings the bell and he feeds the dog you you have that association so strong that you have a physiological response from it first time and it threw me off balance you know because i you know i don't suffer from flashbacks and you know the odd nightmare but nothing nothing you know that's worth worrying about um but the first time and i thought to myself wow and i can remember i didn't watch the rest of the movie until i got home i thought i'm going to save it until i get home because and that's the only movie that is so realistic and you can tell that has been you know there's been it's been made by someone that's been out on the ground that's been the real deal that's that's been there and done it because that taste in my mouth it almost took me there i was like [ __ ] me but any other movie you know it's like it's too american it's like yeah you just you know yourself it's just like you know i don't really watch war movies i don't really watch anything to do with that and and you know because of what i've done and where i've been and and who i've been but um that that was the one movie that [ __ ] hell that set me back and i was just like wow that's excellent from a film maker's perspective but it was so rawly different to any other film here it was really not fairy tales the amount of injuries that they accrued and being on the back foot and do you know what right this is my my version of your stories is so much [ __ ] like i smell a bit of incense i feel like i'm in bali right you know i've got that for you mate yeah yeah someone's got a bit of incense oh my gosh but that that to me is is mad it's crazy and it is so good to see things not go right in a film yeah and uh it does i like films like that because it really gives people like an insight as to what really is going on it's not a fairy tale um but it's like it's like you know there's always things you can pick up i was like i was just like yeah of course don't [ __ ] don't whack the [ __ ] kid you know what i mean it's like just why the [ __ ] did you why did you let him go then look for an extraction point why don't you [ __ ] take him up to the extraction point wait till the [ __ ] aircraft was in cut him loose let him run down and you [ __ ] get on the helicopter i'm like it's killing me it's killing me i'm just like but then i think to myself right for them to let him go one it would have been yeah position and mission compromise but when you go mission and position compromise you think well let's not go out let's not go out here without a [ __ ] scrap yeah i mean as i sold as a as you know being on the ground myself that's the only thing that i can think to myself though they went right position compromise mission compromise let's [ __ ] release a little [ __ ] knowing that we could get into you know before we get extracted we could get into a [ __ ] fire fight and that worries about getting court-martialed when they get back for making a mistake but even the the the easy and any right thing to do and again it's you know only because i've been there and i've done is like grab him plastic off the [ __ ] you know if you've got no comms and [ __ ] hell you could go and get community you know take him to take him up establish communications establishing an extraction point take the little [ __ ] to the extraction point you get on it just as you're about to run on the back of the tailgate unclip him away yeah yeah yeah and it's like or or even even if they're worried about because at night time blah blah blah put him on the [ __ ] helicopter yeah get him on a [ __ ] helicopter a few miles away um just uh yeah put him through the pro and they them you know they know where they've got their [ __ ] couple of days time they're [ __ ] taken back to his village good as new uh so funniest moment filming sas remember i'll ask you about your most recent one um it's the funniest moment do you know what the funniest moment when i think of it is is when i called everyone [ __ ] [ __ ] you know i remember going and going you're [ __ ] you're [ __ ] super [ __ ] and you're turbo [ __ ] and um it wasn't until i watched it back that i thought to myself [ __ ] you know talk about [ __ ] insulting people um we just come back off a [ __ ] horrendous task they were a few people were really really [ __ ] and i could just remember and that's a military military terminology you know you're [ __ ] turbo [ __ ] you're super [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and i'm gonna and i just remember so in the zone that i just end up calling every like like ricky gervais your [ __ ] your [ __ ] your [ __ ] and i was like your [ __ ] your super [ __ ] in your turbo [ __ ] and i just thought to myself [ __ ] you know listen the military man's come out of you and i can remember looking back at that and just laughing my tits off it's uh someone else asks do commandos go commando yeah yeah what's why i don't know is it like a maybe easier were you a sniper at one point yeah is it true you have to pee and [ __ ] yourself yeah well you have to pee in a you have to put you have to [ __ ] in a in tin foil uh or um cellophane and could you not allow that you're in an observation post you're not allowed out of it i mean so you look enough and you have to [ __ ] in a [ __ ] put it in your bag and it's oh so now but i just do that put it in put it in my mate's [ __ ] bag he's come over about [ __ ] 20 turds in his [ __ ] mouth like [ __ ] out my [ __ ] day sacks heavy i can imagine the kind of [ __ ] that would go on you're like on the front line you're hiding [ __ ] oh uh what does success mean to you um success is um it's freedom for me you know people say to me uh you know what is you know freedom and i'm being free up here okay um my eyes are open you know i've seen the worst of humanity that my eyes are open i can i look at that as a curse or as a blessing and i look at it as a blessing because um you know i've seen the worst of humanity i you know it can hopefully you know i won't witness that again and i won't say but i can help others you know i can help others get through trauma i can help inspire others i can help people get through tough times because because i've witnessed the worst of humanity um but also um free i've got a free mind i mean i i refuse i always say to people you can take everything away from me you can take you can lock me i've been locked up you know you can take everything away from me the one thing you can't take away from me is the way that i think it's my mindset and i find that so liberating you know you can [ __ ] lock me up i'm always in charge of this and i find that really liberating but the the other thing is when i talk about freedom is the freedom of movement now you know i'd say the in order to have freedom of movement you need money okay and you know people say oh money doesn't bring you happy no money doesn't bring you happiness right but money brings you freedom um and freedom brings me happiness all right so it's like it's it's so i've got my eyes open i'm happy with that um you know it's also got a free mind to say no to people because i think yeah one of the best productivity and happiness is the hardest thing to do say no and say that you do your [ __ ] sellout tour and you come off ss australia and you've made good money when a mediocre offer comes across you say no and that's part of freedom as well and it's very i've never been powerful tying freedom and financial people say financial freedom i [ __ ] i hate that because it's so subjective but having freedom and earning good money and and working hard we need to say to people not to turn their nose up at the entrepreneurial spirit not to turn them out because ultimately like you say it's not going to make you automatically happy but they give you the freedom yeah and again it's just that freedom it's like you you incorporate freedom of movement with a free mindset and a free spirit you know you [ __ ] know you're free which i mean but there are elements that's you know that that that can stop that now if you haven't got the money to to you know if you're not working and you haven't got the money to [ __ ] move around then are you free i mean it's like you might be free in your head but that ultimate freedom for me is it incorporates yeah incorporates me [ __ ] working hard and me getting and you know getting a [ __ ] paycheck that's that's substantial enough to [ __ ] to be free you know what i mean and it's not and it's not i'm not doing it because you know everyone likes money everyone but i'm not doing it because i'm i'm greedy and i'm my main motivator is money i'm doing it because actually i know what money can bring i've had no money and i've had money i mean i know which one i [ __ ] which one i like do you know what i mean but beyond when i had that money was a working hard was i working up no am i [ __ ] grafting now absolutely so i'll definitely say that um happiness is from for me is um or success for me is freedom but mainly my free mindset love that um mate today's been fantastic i expected us to have a great conversation i've not actually looked at the show notes i'm i constantly [ __ ] myself that's never recorded it's recording don't worry just like that being my own videographer and being my own like voice recorder that every time i broke an eye contact with you is to check on that uh today's been amazing i'm sure a lot of people are going to resonate with a lot of subjects we've spoken about from yourself what have you got coming up watch people be looking forward to you can plug anything you want well listen um listen i'm in a really really good place here in australia um i would be surprised if i were you know if i wasn't here next year you know or some kind of move over here um great relationship with channel seven great relationship with ss australia because i've still got control of that um which is great my books you know i've got a new non-fiction book coming out as well at the end of the year called mental fitness so um so i've got a couple of year deal with non-fiction a couple year deal with fiction books so the next two years i'm going to be writing quite a lot which i love doing my my books are my i love my books you know because there's like as an archive now you can just take it and it's like that's actually like nine children yeah exactly um so more books more tv you know of this you know just because sas um who does wins uk is good they were never in my future anyway you know i was never you know never going to do another one in any way and like i said i was pushed before i jumped again that's neither here nor there but um yeah there's loads of loads of stuff going on in the tv world now you can imagine everyone now you know they think that i'm a free agent is like [ __ ] out bang bang what about this idea what about this idea what about this idea you know i'm comfortable with uh sky tv doing my straight talking shows um which is great which shows the the real side to me i've got sas australia which isn't going anywhere um a few more commissions on on on the go and potentially nudge nudge wink wink my own military formatted show next year that's it so um hey buzzing buzzing for you i think you're going to become an australian national treasure before i do it let's do listen mate i've got some work to do that's for sure mate it's uh it's been a pleasure having you on if any of you aren't following and already uh it's at middleton yes i just aunt middleton yet perfect thank you very much mate cheers guys thank you cheers james cheers
Channel: James Smith Media
Views: 56,132
Rating: 4.9254236 out of 5
Id: Znz5USnEG1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 34sec (6394 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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