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don't be afraid to swear [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever else i don't even want to say a couple other ones what is good guys welcome back to another video my name is justin and you guys are here with justin so are you thinking about getting a tattoo done but you're scared it's gonna hurt and be super painful well in today's video i'm gonna be going over all the ways to minimize that pain so you can deal with it the best possible way and have the easiest tattoo session yet if you guys are new to the channel i do want to welcome you in this channel we pretty much talk about all things that are tattoo related my experience opinions on certain topics but most importantly my journey towards getting amazing tattoos and working towards an awesome body suit now i got some great news i have booked another appointment with my artist brandon he has been killing my legs so far and putting amazing artwork on me he is super excited that i'll be going back in the new year to add another new piece to the upper thigh so that's a great reason to go subscribe so you don't miss that or any other future content but let's get to today's video guys let's go [Music] now getting a tattoo is never gonna be a walk in the park you're always gonna feel some type of pain when getting it done whether it is for a couple minutes or a couple hours or for like maybe eight hours plus you're gonna feel some type of pain so taking a couple steps and doing a couple of these trips in terms of minimizing that pain will definitely help in making that session a lot easier now i just recently had my lower leg done i've had almost 26 hours of tattooing so i have a pretty good memory on what i can do and how to deal with pain and minimizing it i've had almost 46 hours on each arm so i've had a lot of hours put under the needle so i can really kind of give you my own personal experiences to what i believe works best now i did do a couple videos i did two videos one on the or the pain of the arm and then one on reign in the lower leg and i'm getting at this because everybody's gonna be different in terms of how they deal with pain but in the end this video is meant to be just about dealing with pain in general whether it is in a sensitive area or not you're going to have areas that are going to be different from everybody else so i kind of want you guys to help me out now and go ahead in the comments and let me know what is the best way that you find minimizes the pain when you get a tattoo done now i want this done because i can try something else out see if somebody has some good idea that i didn't think about and try it out for myself but also more importantly for everybody that is new to tattooing so they can go into the comments and read what you guys do and so they can maybe try it out and see if it works for them so there are a couple things that i want you guys to know when getting your tattoo so the first one is tattoos are gonna hurt no matter what people say you're gonna feel some type of sensation in some way you're either gonna feel stinging scratching burning vibration you're gonna fear one of them or all of them at the same time and whether what people say when they say it doesn't hurt they don't feel anything most likely they're lying and they're boosting themselves up there is some type of sensation that you will be feeling with the tattoo i find that usually when you start a tattoo that's when it's really painful in the beginning but as time goes on to about the 30 to an hour mark you start to feel the pain go down and that's because now your body is starting to get used to the pain you know it's not used to a needle puncturing you thousands of times per minute over a certain amount of time so right off the bat it's going to be kind of painful but your body does get used to it but then as you start getting into the lung appearance of times about three to four hour mark when your skin is now being overworked the pain starts to shoot back up and this is only gonna go up from there to the point where wiping hurts in about eight hour mark i've had that and it sucks after like nine hours of being tattooed so the one point i will have in this all is the less time you guys are in the chair the better and the easier it will be and the less painful it'll be for you so now let's get into ways to minimize tattoo pain now the first tip i got for you guys is going to a good and reputable artist and the reason why i say this is if you guys go to somebody that isn't reputable doesn't know what they're doing you know they may not know how far to put that needle down or they may overwork the skin they may not know how to work with the skin as well and it can lead to scarring and then other types of things as well the main thing is that a good artist will know how to work the skin how to go about it and then also usually they will be kind of quicker in terms of how they uh do their tattooing somebody that doesn't know what they're doing will obviously take a lot longer and like i said being in the chair longer will equal more pain down the road so you want to be in the chairs least amount of time and being with a good artist a fast artist too sometimes will help in terms of the pain in the long run so the next tip i got for you guys is choose a less sensitive area now this tip i don't believe in too much just because i'm a big believer in placement and i believe that a tattoo will look its best in a certain spot and if you change it just because you're afraid of the pain it won't look as good as it would in that other spot that is maybe a little more painful so my tip to you guys on that is suck it up but also there are a lot of people out there that do not want to deal with pain and you know changing the placement is an option so if you say like for me for example for me the inner biceps one of the most painful areas that i've had on my body and if i didn't want to get this there and i kind of switched it i thought okay you know it's gonna be too painful i maybe could get it on the outer spot or somewhere else on the body that is less painful which will equal in the long run a less painful tattoo next tip i got for you guys is get a good sleep with a bad sleep is gonna equal more pain i've gone where i've had a night shift and gone straight to a tattoo and it sucks you're just in a bad mental state you're just very tired your body's just drained of energy so you know getting a tattoo and especially a long tattoo it's gonna suck so always try to get a good sleep the night before a tattoo the next tip i got for you guys is stay hydrated drink lots of water beforehand you just want to be able to you want your body to be nourished there are some where people say that staying hydrated helps with skin and keeping it kind of replenished keeping it nice and like smooth but there are also been things where i read online where that doesn't really help too much but i also got something that can help in that kind of terms and that is moisturizing your tattoo before going to get it done start moisturizing your tattoo a week in advance in that area that you're going to get it done because moisturizing will help really replenish that skin and that area making it for a better tattoo and experience with the artist because now he doesn't have to work with dry skin and it works better for you because the ink will be able to hold better and in the long run making it a faster tattoo like i said that's something you want so the next tip i got for you guys is eating a big meal before getting a tattoo done you want to stock up you want to get all those carbs as much as you can in your nutrients high up you want to get that blood sugar up as well just because if your blood sugar is low you will feel more pain definitely eat a big meal beforehand and then also you know with those bring snacks as well because you want to eat them throughout the tattoo as well just to keep your blood sugar as high as possible i have seen where my mom almost passed though and you know she turned white as a ghost and then they had to stop the session for a bit and in that case it prolongs the session even more and when you guys increase the time you're increasing the pain in the long run too so you just want to kind of cut that all out and just have a big meal break snacks eat it and keep your blood sugar up high so the next tip i got for you guys is to bring a distraction now you can bring a book you can bring movies to watch you can bring just your phone and you know listen to music make sure you bring either your headphones or earpods but what i find works the best as a distraction is to bring somebody to talk to whether that is a friend that you have or if you're alone talk with the artist bring a strike up a conversation and try to strike up a conversation that you guys can actually get into and to where it's like it's a more deep conversation because what i feel is when i'm in a deep conversation that pain that i'm no i've been concentrating on for so long is gone i'm now concentrated on the conversation at hand and i i literally forget about the tattoos so that's what i find works best is just try to conversate and talk to somebody about something that is like kind of deep or meaningful to where you are no longer concentrated on the pain of the tattoo and you're just kind of concentrated on the topic at hand so the next one i want you guys to do is do not drink or take any painkillers 24 hours before the tattoo it thins your blood which will lead to you know a longer tattoo just because you will be bleeding more it may be harder to work with the artist so you know anything that prolongs your tattoo appointment is something that you want to avoid there's also one more thing they say is avoid drinking caffeine as well because that things your blood as well for me i've never found any problems i remember having shots of espresso while the tattoo was going and i had no problem but you know for the most part avoid painkillers caffeine and alcohol those things will thin your blood and prolong the tattoo session so the next tip i got for you guys and i find this one works very well is think of this paint as temporary pain it's not dangerous pain it will be done and it will be finished in either a couple hours or however long it takes know that it will be done by the end of the day and you will no longer feel that pain on top of that is you know take it minute by minute if you got to and breathe try to get your mindset into a nice kind of calming area and try to focus on breathing because again once you start focusing on something else besides the pain the pain starts to go and goes away or at least goes away a little less so i find closing my eyes and just focusing on deep breaths in and out does help in terms of the pain the next one i got for you guys is don't be afraid to swear [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever else i don't even want to say a couple other ones i don't even know if i'm gonna be able to cut those in don't be afraid to swear they say and they have said where swearing does help in terms of dealing with pain now this one i have never personally used myself but i've heard a lot of good and bad things about it and that is using numbing cream so now using numbing cream you have to use it the right way or else it won't work you got to apply it for a certain amount of time before the tattoo and then you got to put it and like kind of uh seal it so the skin is able to absorb as much as possible now i think for short tattoos this will work but i think for when i've heard from long tattoos is that it wears off and once it wears off the tattoo experience is even more painful so you know just take that into consideration let me know guys if you have tried numbing cream before and you're experiencing with it and then also the brand that you have used so i can one look up it myself and then for everybody else that is interested in using numbing cream as well so go ahead and comment that but the final one that i got for you guys is do not be afraid to be vocal with your artists and let them know how you're feeling let them know if you need a break let them know if you need a breather be vocal with them in terms of how you're feeling in terms of the area that uh they are tattooing you you know if they know that you are feeling a lot of pain in a certain area they may be a little more quicker in that area and then if other areas where you're not feeling it they may take a little more time just to be you know extra cautious in terms of detail and all that so just don't be afraid to be vocal if you got to sit out for like five minute break don't be afraid to say something you don't want to take too many breaks because then you don't want to prolong the experience and then also with swelling and all that but the point is to take all these steps these tricks and these simple things that you can include into your day to help minimize that pain the best possible way for the best outcome in terms of a tattoo and the experience of a tattoo when you have less pain you are more willing to go and get more tattoos because again the pain was lesser than you thought it was so it helps in the long run too of how you kind of view tattoos i do want to give a big shout out to my uh supporter on patreon thank you lucas the spider fanatic for supporting me on that platform to everybody else i want you guys to go ahead and comment in the comment section ways that you find help minimize tattoo pain and then also what kind of numbing cream to use and the experience that you've had with number cream give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed the video it helps in the algorithm and then finally go subscribe join the community i got great plans for 2021 which you do not want to miss so make sure to join but finally i just want to say again thank you guys so much for watching this video giving me your time till next time justin out later guys
Channel: JustINKD
Views: 234,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tattoo, tattoo sleeve, realism, black and grey, black and grey realism, tatted, hyper realism, realistic tattoo, realism tattoo, justinkd, my tattoo journey, tattoo collection, tattoo pain levels, pain of a tattoo, tattoo pain explained, painful areas to get tattoos, leg tattoo pain scale, Minimizing tattoo pain, dealing with painful tattoos, manange pain of, manage the pain, tattoo pain, manage pain of getting tattooed, handle pain, pain, modified, modification
Id: 8TwwM4dHoKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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