The Dark Pictures Anthology Iceberg Explained

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so the dark pictures anthology is a narrative driven game series developed by supermassive games the same developers as the hit until dawn which if you saw my last video you would know that i really love and the dark pictures anthology falls into the same vein being interactive horror movies that give you choices that affect the game's plot and the fate of the game's characters being in your hands the anthology has free games so far with more coming in the future and aside from a few issues i have of the games i think they're all pretty enjoyable so far and i like them quite a lot i find the games as well as the whole universe of the anthology that's been set up so far to be very interesting so i decided to make an iceberg chart of the dark pictures anthology i know that the whole iceberg trend isn't really in the limelight anymore like it's not really as big as it once was but still i think this series is interesting enough to warn and making an iceberg of it i know that people still make icebergs this day it's not like a fully dead trend or anything so without further ado let's start with layer one the curator the creator is the main driving force of the dark pictures anthology he serves as the storyteller in the games and he's basically disconnected from the actual game's plot only cutting him at some point spread the story from to talk to the player and review their progress the curator is a very mysterious character that we still don't even know that much about which makes him a very interesting character to theorize about co-op one of the main selling points of the dark pictures anthology is its club mode it actually has two separate types of co-op movie night and shared story movie night is a controller-based couch co-op mode it's the same single player campaign but the different players select which characters in the game they want to be and when a character is being played as it switches the controls to the player who selected that character it's probably basic but it's probably the best the devs could do for a couch co-op mode way better than just having the players vote on choices but on the other hand shared story is much more interesting in shared story you basically play for the game's story simultaneously of another player online so basically the players play a character in a scene at the exact same time as one another this allows for different dialogue trees and outcomes that you can't normally get in single player the curator's cut the curator's cut is a mode that has you play for the game's story but for the alternate character perspective seen in shared story mode just this time in single player this is a pretty cool mode and that allows for some nice extra content anthony clark anthony clark is the secret main protagonist of the second game in the anthology of little hope the whole game is anthony's story but we only figured out it was the player right at the end anthony's story begins in the prologue that takes place in 1972. in the prague we see a teenage anthony living in little hope of his pretty dysfunctional step family we see his little sister megan under the influence of some kind of demon trap herself and her family inside of their house and set on fire everyone dies in the incident except anthony who's left as the sole survivor it's important to know that since this whole prog is presented as a dream from anthony it's possible that all the events seen in the prologue aren't accurate to what really happened it's possible that megan didn't actually start a fire or anything like that but instead it was just an accident caused by anthony and he's made himself believe this whole thing about megan being evil or possessed by a demon or something like that and her starting the fire because he couldn't handle the guilt in the game's present day we see anthony working as a bus driver having hallucinations of his dead family whilst driving the empty bus for the woods anthony is made to take a detour for a little hope whilst driving down the road leading to the town anthony sees megan in the road and crashes the bus after the crash anthony basically has a full psychotic break he imagines that him and his family are cursed souls from supposed witch trials that occur in little hope in the late 1600s and they keep getting reincarnated and dying over and over again he believes he's a college student named andrew who was going on a field trip with his classmates and professor before they crashed in little hope now they're trapped in the town by a mysterious fog that won't let them through being transported back to the time of the witch trials and being hunted by tormented demons and they have to figure out a way to stop all of it to escape but this whole story about witches and demons and all that is actually just symbolism for the true story of little hope which is anthony's journey to possibly accepting what happened in the 70s and moving past it anthony's story can end in quite a few ways but there isn't really a true good ending to his story at most some of the innings are hopeful for anthony opening up the possibility for him to finally put the past behind them and move on vampires the vampires are the main antagonists we've seen in the third game in the series house of ashes the main ones we've seen in the game are these giant winged creatures with sharp fangs that are blind and use echo location to hunt their prey all of those creatures we also see a few human zombie vampires in the game as well the vampires in house smashes are actually created by a parasite this parasite infects already living beings and transforms them into bloodthirsty vampires the parasite can also still infect them if they're newly dead as well the main wine vampires we've seen in the game were actually originally part of a supposedly peaceful alien species that crashed down to earth on their ark millions of years before the game's story takes place but they got infected by this parasite and turned them into the creatures we see in the game bonus features in the dark pictures games bonus features are behind the scenes videos and interviews and stuff like that that can be unlocked and viewed in the game's menus they're pretty interesting to look at if you're interested in the behind the scenes of the games randolph hodgson randolph hodgson is a side character in house of ashes him and his wife mary hodgson were british archaeologists in the 1940s that were led on an expedition into the zargross mountains by a lady named agnes bradshaw after discovering what they thought was the location of the tomb of alexander the great but was actually the location of the temple of naram sin which was where the vampires resided lady bradshaw knew this all along and was interested in harnessing the immortality that the vampires possessed but that didn't end up working out for her and no one made it out of the temple alive manchurian gold manchurian gold is the name of a chemical war weapon in mana madan it was being developed by the us military and china during world war ii it was a gas that went and held caused intense hallucinations the chemical was being transported on a freighter called the ssrang medan and it ended up leaking all over the ship causing everybody on board to either die of fear or go crazy and kill each other after this the orion madame was left floating in the middle of the south pacific ocean for many decades before being boarded by the main characters in present day and whilst in the ship the main characters also experienced the gold's effect and even after all this time the manchurian gold as well as the orang medan itself is a closely kept government secret with the military gunning down the main characters and won the endings after they discovered the name of the ship in the maturing gold secret future game premonitions in the games there is a special premonition amongst the others that shows us seen from the next game in the series the premonitions so far have been in man and medan we see a premonition of tanya slipping off the balcony and hanging herself by our scarf and little hope we have rachel being cut off by eric and in house of ashes we have this guy being incinerated this is honestly a really cool way of teasing the next games and also making people come out of theories about what the scenes could possibly be alright so that was the first layer of the iceberg now let's move on to layer two future game hints along with those premonitions you can find for the future games you can also find closing hints to the future games for actual items in-game like for example in man and medan you can find the newspaper that talks about the archaeologists and how they went missing in iraq in man and madan also you can find a book in flesh's book called shroud of innocence which looks to revolve around witch trials not only is this a tease towards little hope but the same book can also be found in little hope too there are other known hints to future games in the series but i only mention those two two different demons in little hope depending on how anthony's sister tanya dies in the prologue tabitha will be executed in a different way and will have a different looking demon if tanya slips off the balcony and hangs herself by her scarf tabitha will be hanged and our demon will be a levitating corpse with a noose around its neck and its hands tied behind its back and a really long tongue for some reason and if she dies inside the house tabitha will be burned at the stake and our demon will be a charred corpse of the stake still stuck to its back gas mask if brad is separated from the grip at the beginning of man and madan he can find that gas mask inside of a locker if he has it he avoids hallucinating in the cargo hold later on and if fless also avoids hallucinating in the scene fuss and brad meet up again and then proceed for the ship together instead of either attacking each other or running away from one another this leads to a unique scene where either flesh or brad are trapped under a great enough flooding room and the other one has to try and save them or they drown i think all of us can agree that this is at least top five most intense fears to be trapped in a flooding room like this a similar thing is being like trapped under an icy lake or something completely [ __ ] terrifying but yeah this right was incredibly interesting i don't think a lot of people got on their first playthrough either because they missed the gas mask in the locker or they have brad with the grip at the beginning part reused face actors throughout the anthology you can notice a lot of face actors from previous games being reused for new characters i believe the devs said in already ama this was intentional to mimic american horror story where they bring back the same actors to play different characters secret curator appearances during some scenes in the games you can spot the curator hiding out in the background these secret curator appearances can mostly be seen close to the point where a character can potentially die so it can basically serve as a heads up to the player that a character could potentially die soon a pretty interesting fact though is that the curator only appears like this once in little hope he can be seen in the ending just before anthony goes to take his own life this is because anthony is the only character in the game that's actually real so the creator only appears for him i just think that's a pretty interesting detail junior's survival inman and madania can actually save on the fisherman jr from dying if the characters manage to hold on to the rebreather up until the confrontation with junior they can use the rebreather on him which presumably gets an ensuring gold gas at him and stops him from taking his own life in this route after that scene junior basically does nothing in contribution to the plot he kind of just hangs out in the background of scenes with no dialogue the only thing he really does if he survives is just show the characters a shortcut to help them follow olson which has no real effect on the story because they still find the route to him anyway bugs and glitches the games in the dark pictures anthology have quite a lot of weird bugs and glitches that mostly occur at completely random times most of the time the glitches aren't really that game breaking they're just really strange architects of murder architects of murder is an in-universe show hosted by kate wilder which investigates into different serial killers they're first mentioned in this pamphlet you can find in little hope where it talks about their episode focused on the zodiac killer kate wilder and the crew of architects of murder are actually going to be the main cast of the next game in the series devil and me friend pass the friend passes a thing given to owners of one or more games of the anthology a little bit after a new game releases it allows the holder to invite a friend who doesn't own the game to play for a shared story with this pass you can do one shared story play for on each of the games and the pass is only usable for a limited time a lot of games do stuff like this but i think it's especially good that a game series like this is doing it since the games are better played in co-op infected jason in act free of house of ashes if jason goes to touch this alien bat carcass that him and selene come across whilst exploring the alien city it falls and shatters and slim has to pull jason out of the way but if celine misses the qt it falls on jason and he ends up inhaling some of the dust from the creature i guess which makes him sick and throughout the rest of the act jason has a few coughing fits and if jason survives it's mentioned in the encrypts cutscene that because of the infection he doesn't have long to live just like off the gas mask one from earlier this is a very interesting alternate route which i don't think many players got on their first playthrough so that was layer two now let's move on to layer three the entries on layer three and four were actually originally just all on one layer but i decided to split them into two so yeah anyway let's get into it no bullets ending in little hope if andrew uses up all four bullets in the gun before the ending if he tries to take his own life you won't be able to adjust to the gun being empty giving you a unique cutscene dream julene is the name of a dark pictures fan ship it's jason x salem from house of ashes yeah that's pretty much all i have to say about it well helm scream during the finale of house of ashes in the shepherd hut either nick jason or scream can get grabbed by one of the vampires for the roof if you fail the button mash qt to help them they get pulled for the roof and falling up into the air before being dropped back down to their death and during this scene whilst they're falling you can hear the iconic wilhelm scream demos the dark pictures games so far have had early access demos that were given to content creators and reviewers before the game is released the demos usually place the player halfway first a quarter way to the end of act 1 of the game with the demo cutting off after act 1 ends live action curator there was a live action trailer for house of ashes that featured the curator played by his voice and mocap actor in the game's pep torrens it's really cool seeing the curator get brought to life like this and the whole trailer is just really well done i like it a lot debug mode every dark pictures game so far has had some sort of debug mode it's usually been accessible to people who have gotten early copies of the game like reviewers or content creators it basically allows you to load any scene in the game and with this ui you choose choices from earlier in the game that led up to the scene which you can use to basically get any variation of a scene or play for that you want without having to play for the whole game to get it the debug mode is honestly such a cool feature and i really wish it was available as some sort of unlock and normal game like for example if you get all the collectibles in the game or something you unlock it i just think that would be really cool future game trademarks a few months ago super massive games trademarked the names for all the future dark pictures titles the titles the star directive a20 the craven man intercession winterfold and oh death the winterfell title is actually hinted to in house of ashes being mentioned by miller and brooks in the credit scene we don't really know too much about any of these titles yet but we can infer some things based on these titles and make up our own theories just saying though i'm pretty sure the old death title isn't a video game but instead possibly a card collect a fun game based off the anthology either way i'm pretty sure is going to be some type of other entertainment media other than a video game anyway all these game titles sound really intriguing and i'm really excited to see what comes out of them so that's it for layer three now on to there four cut rubble door scene in house of ashes during the chapter pazuzu where eric and rachel are making their way for the temple there was a scrap scene where rachel would open that door and get buried in rubble and sun that was behind it and eric would have to help her out but the scene was apparently cut because it didn't match up to the devs standard of polish floating flashlight near the end of little hope just after the factory you can spot a flashlight floating in the woods this is obviously just a misplaced asset but still pretty strange to see fairy man at the beginning of little hope we can see that the bus company anthony works for is called pharah man but after he crashes the bus it changes to fairy man this is a reference to caron a figure in greek mythology that is the fairy man that transports people to hades old character outfits in promotional material for some of the games some of the characters are seen wearing different looking outfits to the final game in the teaser trailer for little hope and some promo screenshots andrew and angela are seen wearing different outfits andrew isn't wearing the hoodie that he wears in the final game and angela's outfit just looks completely different also in some mana madan promo material you can see that conrad and julia had different looking outfits as well with julia also having a different hairstyle censorship certain versions of some of the dark pictures games are actually censored in some versions of little hope i know of a few scenes that are censored megan's death at the beginning has the camera angled slightly higher up so you can't actually see your body burning and with all of daniel's deaths it never shows the spear going for his eye on screen it either cuts away or is angled away from it and i could be wrong but i think dennis and david's deaths could be censored too i'll be really weirdly instead of the camera pined into their bodies on the fence it pans up probably to not show as much of the fence post impaled freedom but i could be completely wrong about this though because i just remember seeing a clip that felt like it was different to the normal one i'll double check later and even if i'm wrong i'm not doing this part of the video because i can't be asked with house of ashes they did some quite clever censorship in the japanese version of the game the decapitated heads in the intro are replaced with skulls this is because in japanese games you aren't allowed to show decapitation so they got around it by replacing the decapitated heads of skulls it's honestly really clever because it basically has the same effect as the normal version of the scene while still abiding by the whole decapitation rule also apparently the scene where baratheo froze his spirit the girl is censored as well without apparently cutting to black and not showing anything there are probably other scenes in the games that are censored but i only know of these ones at the moment eric and rachel's car in little hope near the beginning of little hope you can find eric and rachel's wrecked car from the house of ash's flashback heading the way just off the road and past the gate where the characters meet up this is such a cool easter egg and it kind of blew my mind when i first heard about it real ghosts and little hope in little hope we know that all the monsters and witch trials and stuff that we see in the game are only in anthony's mind however there is a fury that the third version of megan that we see throughout the game is actually megan's real ghost there are a few different pieces of evidence to potentially support this theory but the biggest piece of evidence for me is the fact that in the ending where this version of megan stops anthony from taking his own life right afterwards she changes into the real life version of megan that we've seen in the prog and doesn't disappear even after anthony snaps back to reality this implies that this version of megan isn't in anthony's mind but really as there is a spirit of megan this theory is extremely interesting and i think it's possible to be true possible cut plot elm in the house of ashes months ago a user on the dark pictures reddit named kevs765 made a post regarding a theory he had about a possible plot element house of ashes that was cut from the game basically throughout the game you can find a lot of notes and clothes that talk about how the vampire saliva causes things like hallucinations however this never really comes into play during the story with the possible exception of the vision that rachel can have in the star chamber and act free also there's a line from jason in act 3 where he talks about how the vampires tried to [ __ ] up their heads despite nothing like that really happening and there's also this strange vial of liquid that you can see in the credit scene which could possibly be the vampire saliva basically kev thinks that it's possible that there were originally some hallucination scenes in the game caused by the vampire saliva affecting the characters but they were cut out possibly because of the somewhat mixed reception to the whole monsters not being real thing from the first two games so they just decided to cut out to not possibly annoy anyone but hey it's just a theory so now we're moving on to layer five the final layer of the iceberg so let's get into it switch back the dark pictures switch back was a title trademarked by supermassive months before the other titles we talked about earlier got trademarked we basically know nothing about this title yet aside from the logo but it's possible it could maybe be a vr spin-off of the anthology maybe even a vr real sure like until dawn rush of blood but i guess we'll have to wait and see man madan's skeleton in russia blood in the until dawn vr rail shooter spin-off until dawn rush of blood in the tutorial level you can spot a skeleton with two skulls which bears a resemblance to the two-headed skeleton you can find in the casket in mana madan this was possibly put here as an intentional tease towards mana madan and the dark pictures anthology a few years before released man of medan cut ending mana madan had an entirely scrapped ending an unfinished version of it could be accessed and played via the debug menu the ending is a cut final showdown with olson where enemy starts a fire in the cargo hold and the characters have to try and get the distributor cap from olson before the ship sinks something really cool about this cut ending is that actually incorporates the maturing gold into it with the characters fighting olson hallucinating him as their monsters from earlier during the olsen fight in the final game you do actually see them ensuring gold bags spilled after olsen hits the crate but nothing really happens with them also in this cut ending if junior's alive he would actually attempt to talk olson down this explains why in the final game if junior lives he basically does nothing because the payoff and outcome for his survival was in this ending but was scrapped so in the final game if he survives he's basically just relegated him to being a weird background extra this cut showdown ends with olsen falling off the ledge and dying in the electrocuted war another character can also fall and die too if they attempt to save olson when he's dangling off the ledge and that's the only playable part of this cut ending but we can assume that afterwards we would have seen the characters either use the distributor cap on the duck milan to escape as the ship explodes and sinks into the ocean or if they didn't manage to get the distributor cap they would be stuck on the sinking ship with no way out just completely dimmed this ending was likely cut due to time or budget reasons which really sucks because it would have been the perfect finale for the game [Music] the real orion madan the mana madan game is based off a real-life legend of a ghost ship that was also called the orang medan the legend goes that in the 1940s two american ships were navigating the strait of malacca a narrow stretch of war that's the main shipping channel between the indian and pacific oceans they picked up a distress signal from a dutch merchant ship it said sos from a rang madan we float all officers including the captain dead in short room and on the bridge probably hull of crew dead after some silence one final message came through saying simply i die after this they eventually located the ship out in the water and boarded it and found everyone on board dead without any explanation they decided to attempt to tow the boat back to land but when they did the boat exploded and sank into the ocean never to be seen again there's no actual concrete evidence that this story or the orang medan was actually real either way it's a pretty fascinating and chilling story and that was the dark pictures iceberg i hope you enjoyed it i've never really said this before but if you want please like and subscribe i would really appreciate if you did because this video took me quite a while to make anyway yeah i hope you all have a good day see ya
Channel: Anteater92006
Views: 27,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark pictures, the dark pictures, dark pictures anthology, iceberg, iceberg explained, dark pictures iceberg, dark pictures anthology iceberg, dark pictures iceberg explained, dark pictures anthology iceberg explained
Id: CpdzyTDUy8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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