Functional Crystal Meth Addict interview-John

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all right John John where'd you grow up where are you from originally um I'm originally from Massachusetts Springfield Massachusetts tell me about your family two older brothers and an older sister I'm the youngest U mom is was divorced uh raised with with my stepdad and my and my mom uh moved out to California in 72 and um that's when they had that big earthquake and stuff and so I guess my mom told me that I had night tears or something and they Shi me back to Massachusetts living my grandmother until I was 10 cuz you so scared of the earthquakes yeah I guess so I don't know I mean night ter I you know I was so young and then moved back to California and by that time I was into sports you know baseball baseball was my thing I lived and breathed it and um and where I lived it was a bunch of Kids on the Block and stuff and you know you how you always get in fights with the kids and stuff and I was I was a smart ass you know I always got into fights with with other kids and stuff cuz stupid I would say to them and uh then I got uh then when I turned 15 I went to uh uh to the high school Al Hamra High I was living out in Montery Park and Alhambra at the time and I got introduced to smoking weed you know and then right soon right after that then it was a free Basin and I was like 15 at the time and I thought it was the greatest thing ever you know and that kind of pretty much put a cap on my baseball career cuz I want to party you know I want to hang out with the girls and you know and back then we had cholos and you know gangs and stuff like that and I got jumped into a gang out there um and I was a cholo for few years until up until I got married I was married I got married when I was 19 and had twin boys a couple years later and uh I was still doing still doing drugs I was U drinking drinking then and uh it was I was a heavy drinker for a while I would black out and sometimes I end up in my neighbor's living room in the middle of his floor in the middle of the day I don't know how I got into his house but I've done that a few times and uh you know I thought it was funny at first but uh you know as I got older I was like God how stupid that was you know how bad I was I was such a bad Drinker and uh then I started getting into Coke the 80s came around got into Coke and oh massive amounts of coke I worked for a Shell gas station at the time and I would steal all their motor oil to pay for my Coke and stuff and uh and then uh my wife was doing coke but not as much as me but I still kept going and I ended up uh going from Coke to crack started cooking it myself was trying to raise kids trying to work and stuff ended up selling their jewelry everything for the crack and I did that for about 2 years and thank God I'm glad I'm not doing that anymore cuz that was just just a horrible two years of my life doing that it was bad I used to drive to Matha park right there on third in bonnieb and pick up uh you know some cracks some plates and I jump on the two freeway I was living in Glendale and I would hot boox myself in my truck and that's all I would do is just drive up and down the two freeway getting high in my truck you know and uh and then I had to go home and then go watch the kids and stuff and I'd be just gacked out you know it was pretty bad and I stayed skinny for years years years and then um I don't know it just one day I just I think I had enough and I stopped doing everything for about 5 months started working out I put it like I got up to about 180 lbs you got clean yeah I got clean for about 5 months you know it was about as longest I ever went clean and then I went back to drinking but I still kept on the weight you know I wasn't doing any uh Coke at the time and then I got introduced to uh to meth somebody was smoking it out of a glass pipe and I was like what the hell you guys doing crack and they're all no this is meth meth and I went oh let me try and I started doing that and I've been doing that God I don't know for a long time 30 years at least 3 35 years do you prefer meth to crack uh oh yeah hell yeah they're both up hell yeah because I wasn't I felt like I needed to be in control of my high you know I was I always say I'm not I'm an user I'm not an abuser of it but crack I was an abuser of it you know to the point where I was you know going to motels and stuff and just just to get high in the motels and that's all i' be doing is have my ear up against the wall and listening to other people thinking if they're coming to get me and stuff or I'll see people like outside my window like they they looked like they were smoking a cigarette in the bushes and stuff that's on crack you're descri yeah that was onra that's behavior that I I hear from people that smoke meth yeah oh meth meth I wasn't I'm I don't really hallucinate too much on meth um I may get super gacked you know on it and and I I might hear things but I just roll at the punches you know I just roll with you know if somebody's coming to get me that's how I see it you know then they're going to come drug affect everyone differently yeah it's yeah it does and you know I guess I can consider myself a functioning addict I still do it I buy half ounces every two weeks you know and that's just for me personally of meth yeah you know like like the other day I just bought a half ounce you know and uh and I share you know I share it you know with some people that need it and stuff and you know I've had girlfriends that that done meth I have girlfriends done heroin my last girlfriend was Big Time heroin addict and she used to shoot up full like 80 milligrams of it and just like and it was dark and you know it was bad you know and she would she died a couple times and you know I caught her on one of her ODS and stuff lucky I did and and the whole time she's oding on me I'm just thinking about what her mom's going to say you know and she was a lot younger you know half my age I was think I was like 52 at the time and she was 26 and uh you know we ended up uh breaking up it was a bad breakup too I ended up getting shot by her new boyfriend at the time when I when we had do when we did our breakup and stuff I guess he wanted to be part of her life or you know I guess he wanted to be her hero so I ended up getting shot twice by him and he shot at me three times but twice I I got hit with a bullet you know but I I survived that and you know I just I don't know just been getting high every day what is it that makes you want to do that it high is there something from your childood that you running away from or my child no I mean you know I had I don't know if it's basic I mean I've been I've been I've had a sexual predator one time I tried to get me when I was like 10 years old really yeah he wrote a motorcycle it's it's I don't know whether I blocked it out and stuff but I would sneak out of my house to go meet him at the corner on my street did something happen uh I don't think so I don't remember if anything happened but U my mom ended up finding out that that's what I was doing and they had the police come and they took an interview for me but I can't remember what the guy's name was now or or anything like that but it was kind of you know it was it was it seemed like I was okay what I was doing you know he made it seem like I was okay for me to him to take a couple pictures you know I never was in a a room alone with them we were mostly outside and stuff and and I didn't realize what he was until as I got older you know that this was somebody that was bad then I've been kidnapped when I was 15 uh by some girl's uh mom's boyfriend he thought I was doing something with with her daughter or something like that and he ended up grabbing me and throwing me in the back of his back of his car or back seat of his car and I had to he made me stay down and he says you know what he goes you're not going to go home you better better pray for your mom that she doesn't kill herself cuz you're going to die today and I was just like you know I was 15 you know and I was I was a cholo at the time too and you know tough as I can be and uh I ended up you know getting away you know I ended up bolting out the the back door I don't know he left it unlocked or he did it on purpose or maybe he was with me I don't know but anyway he ended up going to jail that guy for kidnapping and uh and then but I I still kept partying I mean I didn't I didn't see anything wrong with it you know what I was doing it was like the normal thing back then everybody was getting you know coked out or stoned or drinking are there alcoholics or yeah in your family uh yeah my stepdad was an alcoholic couldn't stand him he was the worst alcoholic ever he was just a mean he was like 4 fo 10 he was a professional racehorse jockey and my mom worked all the time she ended up only a couple T restaurants and but even then man I was drinking big time too you know in school I go to school drunk or leave for lunch and go to my friend's house and get drunk there go buy you know bottles of bardi and stuff and just pound one of those or or or Johnny Walker or Jack Daniels we go to football games and I would steal purses from the underneath the bleachers you know so we can get money and stuff you know um I wasn't big into stealing I'm a horrible thief and but you know I would do it sometimes you know just to get what I needed um you know I guess it kind of carried on to my adulthood um I started stealing got a little bit bigger a little bit you know crazier you know had I was carrying a gun with me all the time um I was stealing cars left and right you know and uh and this is uh this is while I was married at the time still and I got married when 19 got divorced when I was 37 so after after 37 then that's when it really started a lot of crazy started happening because I had nobody to monitor my drug habit cuz I was just a weekend partyer what I would drink during the week and stuff I would fuse like oranges with the with vodka you know and sugar and just mix it up so it tastes like orange juice and smelled like orange juice and I just used to drink that all the time every day and I'd be at work and I used to work for a one of those Warehouse companies you know Costco and I I made it up to a a junior manager making pretty good money too like a 62,000 a year and that was like in 1998 and you were using I was using every day every day I get up and that's the first thing I would do smoke a bowl or snort a line you know whatever got me going and then take my Sunny D's that I used as thinking you know they were my orange shoes and stuff and I go to work and I work I work every day you're a functional addict I was functioning yeah I wasun how many years did you do that oh God I mean until till Rec I mean till now I mean I did 13 years with that company and there was math you were using I was doing math yeah at the time and I was drinking too you know and marijuana used to be a big thing for me I used to just crave that all the time but then that just got I stopped doing uh opinion on functional drug addicts uh somebody who can get up and go to work every day but you think it's possible yeah it is it's it's very possible I I do it I do it every day I still do it to this day I mean I now I I don't I don't rush myself I'm late every day but uh I'm there though I'm there to work and I used to have a rule that I don't get high at work cuz I didn't want to be embarrassed of getting caught and that's my thing I don't want anybody to know that I get high so I function as a normal person throughout the day and stopping is not an option uh if somebody gave me a reason to if if there was somebody out there that gave me a reason not to do it anymore then I probably would I mean I'm 56 going on 57 you know I'm going to be an addict until I'm until I die maybe I don't want to quit I don't want to quit what does crystal meth do for you at this point it coms me down bals you down yeah it makes me even kill you know makes me uh uh more tolerable to people and I think people are stupid you know if if I'm not on it I'm I'm an the real me comes out and I'm an and I'll tell you to and I'm pretty honest I'm pretty pretty straightforward probably one of the most straightforward people that most people will meet you know and I tell you what's on my mind at the time no matter who you are have you smoked this morning yeah I smoked probably about 10 minutes before I got here too I so I mean it's just something that I do I lost most majority of all my teeth you know and I and adventur yeah both of them and I got you know I got lucky somebody told me about you know cuz I did have a half partial cuz I only had half of my teeth up on top and my partial broke my motor's nightmare ever and I broke those and now I just had this snaggle tooth and then no teeth just on this one complete side and uh and I had that for did that for a few years and then I was like you know I can't eat couldn't eat then my other teeth started breaking and I said I got to get something done and somebody introduced me to some uh some somebody was doing something on the Internet for uh Dental Grants you know they can give you some implant Grant and I knew it was a kind of like a you know marketing thing you know you go in there and they they tell you that they'll drop the price off but they're really not doing that they're just you know getting you in there and giving you the price that they normally would and that's fine with me because I'm not going to pay that bill you know and and so you know I just put down a little deposit and then the rest of this history you know I got teeth and now I can I'm still learning how to smile and I've had these probably about 3 years now and uh yeah it's it's you know it's hard for me to to show my teeth or something I'll just still keep my mouth shut you know and they say hey you got nice teeth and I'm oh yeah then I'll show my teeth but uh you know I deal with like stress and everything with jokes you know people say I'm real funny I should do standup and so I just like you know all I do is just make fun of other people you know and they think it's it's funny but I make fun of myself more than anything else you know you know if people are uncomfortable with the with with gay gay people I I make it I make them think that I was I'm gay as well you know just so that you know just so they they see that oh there's somebody like you know I consider myself not a tough guy but I'm not afraid you know I'm not afraid of anything um except getting caught that's the only thing I'm afraid of is getting caught and being exposed that I'm a drug addict you know what's your biggest regret uh that I that I walked away from a career that could have you know made my life a little more easier you know it was um it was it was it at the time it felt easy to do it felt smart that I was doing the right thing I was walking away from a career and I didn't want that company to know that I was an addict that I was addicted to alcohol and and meth at the time cuz when I got divorced it just went South you know nobody had to monitor me which was great could you have been functional on crack no no I was not functional on cocaine you could cocaine I cocaine yeah I could I can I can be up all night long all night long and then if I had to go to work I just I go out and get a or I would have a bottle of Nyquil and I would down a bottle of that just so I can get some sleep you know and I sleep my two hours and then I get up and what's your what's your sleep schedule like now God you probably almost consider me a somniac it's very little sleep I'll probably nod sometimes you know if something's boring you know I'll nod real quick but I can hear what's going on and then I'll just wake up but if I get like two hours in I'm refreshed like today like today I got a couple hours you go some nights with no sleep yeah I'll go days days without it and still be functioning still going to work I have a guy that I work for who does construction and stuff and he picks me up and everything I lolly gag you know I take my time as I get ready to go and I said no I'm not ready yet I got to take my dog for his walk first hold on you know and I and I have a great dog and uh and then I then I'm ready you know and he knows that I do meth and stuff and he's sober and he's religious and stuff and he's always telling me why you got to be doing that why you got to be doing that I said so I'm not an to you that's why so that way you don't get a prick coming working for you because that's what you'll get you know you get somebody that's straight out and I'll look at every flaw that you have and I'll point it out to you you know just because I can because I don't give a you know I feel that I'm at the age I don't give a I don't give a and you know people come with me with their problems because they believe that I'm intelligent and I give them sound advice okay yeah maybe so but I really don't give a I don't give a what's going on with you or you or you or you I don't care what anybody's doing I don't care what anybody says I don't care what your problem is if something's sad I I don't want to hear it you know these are shoulders not to cry on if you want to cry go to the bathroom and cry in there do you have kids I have twin boys yeah they're men now they're in their 30s yeah you raised them yeah up until I was for they were 14 then I got divorced and then uh I had a house you know had couple cars couple dogs swimming pool you know I was living the dream you know I bought my first house when I was 32 and uh and ended up having to sell it you know after the divorce I wish we didn't have to do that California sucks you know you got to split all your your your assets and stuff but uh you know my wife around on me with my best friend and that that really set me off I mean you know she was she was going to die she was going to die the that day that I found out and I had set it up for her where U she had sent some email to my best friend at the time and something about how he misses Mish hearing his voice and some other and I made a whole bunch of copies of it it was an email cuz of our house uh computer at the time you know back then you know computers were still fairly new and and I would use her email to play u NFL games you know bet on games and so I saw the email draft so I hit you know opened it up and it was to my best friend like 8 days after my birthday and her apologizing for the Friday which was my birthday that she couldn't hang out with me on that or hang out with him on that day so I made a whole bunch of copies after you know how that feel uh it feels it still drains me you know like I feel the blood drained from my head you know down my shoulders all the way to my hands you know that's where it stops the blood and I just feel empty inside you know and I was planning on being married to this woman until we were old you know I got married when I was 19 got divorced when I was 37 that's a pretty long time you know raised kids you know we we both had careers um you know I had money in my pocket all the time it was you know it was a good time in my life and then that just that one moment you know and just kind of just I just pissed it all the way after that you know she I told her there was emergency at home I said come home and uh and so she came home and and she peaked in like you know to see what was up and I said come on in lock the door and I was going to set her up to where I had the copies of uh her draft that she was sending to my friend and I was just going to throw them at her and they were just going to fall to the floor and she as she went to go bend down I was going to come her on the couch with my bat and then I wanted to I was going to smack her right on top of her head and just split her head open just that and I had no no remorse or nothing I just knew that that's what I was going to do and I didn't care about whether my kids were going to be without parents or anything like that I just knew that that she up she did something that that she shouldn't have done you know and is that what happened no lucky I'm a science kind of person and so when I threw the paper and they all went to the floor except this one and this one just floated up to her chest and she grabbed it like that and by that time I was already coming around the couch with the bat and she saw me and she ran around the kitchen table and I told her I said today you're going to die I said what is that and so you know we started she started to explain herself you know about what what she was sending and stuff and it was all you know it was all and I told her I said today you're going to die and and your kids are going to be without parents because I'm I'm not running I'm not going anywhere I'm going to you know stay here you know until the police come and arrest me because uh you know uh there's nothing left for me here and I was and that's when I started getting I started I drank a lot that day after I found out and then uh so she so I she convinced me that you know that it was really nothing it was really nothing and and I said well I said I'll I'll be back and I went to leave and I was going to go to his house and I was going to kill him and I saw her jump on her phone and I stopped and my truck and I backed it up I came back to the house and I I knew she was going to call him cuz he had he had guns and stuff and so I let I let her stay there I let her stay at the house and I I went to move out and uh and then when I C I came back like about a week later and I told her that she needed to move out you know that it's not right that she has a place to live you know I can raise the kids myself and I was still working at the I was on vacation at that time and so I had little free time on my hands and uh and I gave her a suitcase about this big and I said whatever you can stuff in there you can take with you I said so get the stuff in and I said and I don't want you to talk talking to my best friend again she said she told me no I'm not going to stop and I and then by that time I was just like this I said so that's when I started I really started drinking and I just wanted to to just Escape you know what was happening cuz it didn't seem real married almost 20 years yeah 18 years 18 years and uh you know we we still talk you know we talk once in a while I still see my boys you know I still see these 14y olds they're they're in their 30s and I see 14-year-old boys you know you are you still angry with her uh no no I I forgave her long time ago and it took her 4 years to apologize to me though you know and she goes we're all human yeah she goes if there's anything I can do you know to help you through this and I said yeah there's one thing you can do I said you can go through what I went through I want you to feel what I felt you know cuz um cuz it was I mean I I I hated people I hated people that were happy and and and being couples and stuff I was I became an angry angry man and then I started to become violent once I was you know once we were already divorced and separated and stuff and and anybody that said anything stupid to me I was was on them and by that time you know like I said I I picked up a little bit of weight and I put some muscles on and I was Affiliated to to a gang and and so anytime I had any trouble I would call call the homies and they we would come and we would take whatever we wanted I used to run around with a Barber's razor and hold it to people's scalps just to collect money for something make a easly $300 you know on like A1 th000 th000 debt or I just start taking all their stuffff whatever I thought was worth money you know and never got in trouble for it you know I F you know people fear people that are serious and I my eyes were dead too that's why I still cover my eyes you know because I I know what that guy looks like you know with those dead eyes and it was I was dead and I didn't care either back then either and uh so I got a bad reputation people wouldn't allow me in their homes they were my friends I would have to make a phone call to get in and and so I just started doing you know more and more meth God how much meth I used to do I used to buy I used to buy pounds of it for a friend and he would give me a pound so it would be like 5 pounds at a time he give me one pound out of the five I can keep it and sell it man I was snorting it I was shooting it I was smoking it whatever whatever to get that high that I wanted and uh and then uh one day and then were the differences between smoking shooting and yeah there's big differences in all three you know it all depends you know you can get you can get some method that is good for smoking you can also do a turkey baster I've heard I can do turkey baster I've done that I've done that I've had you know I've had girlfriends that are you know I have many many girlfriends after I got divorced and you know and I like I like them all I like them all no matter what they are being you know big girls you know skinny girls you know Mexican black you know right now I'm into black girls you know there's a couple black girls that are that hang out that I that I know that I like you know we fooled around you know I fool around God I've been with so many women it's unreal from 37 into my age now does crystal meth help with that um yeah it does actually I've heard that actually it does it it it does help me but you know I'm 56 years old so I need a pill on an occasion you know other than that I need something for you to to beat that desensi you know being desensitized you know you know watch a lot of porn you know do a lot of jacking off you know uh and but I get I find the sexy girls and that's what turns me on is girls that are sexy that do things weird My First Girlfriend after I got divorced she was bisexual and I call her my teacher and she pretty much taught me a lot of things and she like to strap one on on occasion and you know she wanted me to some guy and I was like no I don't want to be no guy I'll let him suck my dick for you but you know that's about it I don't want to be no guy I don't want no hairy or anything like that I said but you can me if you want and so she thought that was great so I used to let her me on you know once in a while and stuff and that was fun you know it was fun cuz she was an aphrodesiac this girl I mean anywhere we went people were just drawn to her and we would have you know three SS and five SS you know like little Carousel of of people you know that I don't even know or she barely even knew would that be happening if you guys weren't on meth uh probably not probably not you know but uh it was it was you know I had some good times and but you know like those those relationships all my Rel relationships that were with drugs it was they were all they all ended you know maybe not all bad but they ended you know we just kind of moved on and did something or something my last girlfriend she was a lot younger I mean you know but she was just a horrible girlfriend she's just was just horrible for me and everybody kept saying that but you know she was a good you know and that's all I saw you know that she was a good even though she was doing heroin heroin which I hated because I had friends that did heroin and I had friends die from it from fent and all I had them die from it and you know and I didn't want somebody dying in my care you know I I was I felt that I had a certain uh uh certain level of of respect that I that I believe that I had from people they you know they trusted me and stuff because I'm like I said I'm pretty honest and you know I nowadays I don't steal from anybody I don't take their stuff and you know if I find a wallet on the floor nowadays even if it had money in it you know I I give that person a chance you know and I'll either mail it to them if I don't mail it to them then I'll try to find something that I can call them with you know if they have like a doctor's card or something I let them know that I found their wallet or something just give them that opportunity before I have to take it but I've done some real crime stuff man real crime stuff you know and done home invasions and and you're living on the streets now yeah I lived in I lived in a goes hand in hand yeah I went from I was living living with a friend before I went super homeless um I was living with a friend for about 3 years and then they moved to Palmdale and a friend of mine dropped off he had a pop out trailer and it was a joke it was a joke he goes oh I heard you going homeless so I brought you this pop out trailer you know for you to live in and you know I made fun of it and everything and I was going to fix it up and sell it you know and make some money off of it but no I ended up living in it and I lived in that thing for about a year and a half and then I went from that to a a to a motor home and then from a motor home to another motor home and then I finally I got some Ed when Ed was happening everybody was doing that unemployment I got some money in and I bought another motor home which I ended up giving it to my last girlfriend which was a mistake you know um and then uh I just and then from there I went from this last motor home that I was in to living in like a tent I guess or fixed you know housing with the with pallets you know and uh it's cold and rainy at times man and it's pretty bad I mean this this year is probably one of the worst years I think for being out on the streets you know with the rain and everything the non-stop rain and stuff and you know you can't get warm enough you know and I got a dog too and I hate that that my dog's being put through what I've been put through so you know the housing came and you know they say we'll get you in a home and you know and all I really care about is my dog then you know he's he gets a better life you know or lives better but he's so loyal and and you know he knows what's up with me and you know when it's cold days and stuff he just gets right up in my face and I got a bull mive uh American Bulldog and he's a runt and I got that uh and somebody was walking down the street with them wanted a good home for him and uh and I said yeah I'll give him a good home I'll give him a good home and I told my girlfriend I said here this is you know your birthday gift cuz we were talked about getting an animal and but she never took care of it she's horrible like I said a horrible girlfriend at the time and so I ended up with the dog and he's just been around me ever since 5 years know he's been out on the streets and he's very you know he's friendly but he's but he's protective and stuff and he you know everybody loves him everybody loves him he runs he runs the park you know pretty much the park that I'm at and and all the people they always come and say hi to him first before they say hi to me and stuff how does it feel to be 57 years old and living in a park yeah yeah does that feel well I feel embarrassed you know and I've seen friends that I know that that you know that I worked for or work for me and they see me now on the street and stuff and I could see that that that sadness or that you know they you know that patheticness like they you know they think I'm pathetic or something I don't know what that look is that it's that look you know that makes me hate where I'm at you know that I think that I should should be doing something better but but like I said I'm 56 there's not a lot of opportunity out there for me anymore no no matter how talented I am at what I do because for me to go in and and and talk to somebody about getting a job it's a difficult thing and like I say I'm late to everything I'm late to everything I mean I had a dishwashing job for four years and every day I was late every day no joke for four years before they finally fired me they ended up having to get a new manager in into the restaurant that was that and that person fired me because I was late but I was late every day no joke every day 10 minutes to a half hour and I lived a block away and then I go home for lunch and I get high at lunch and then I come back to work and I'm like 10 20 minutes late for that you're a dysfunctional addict yeah so I started becoming dysfunctional but you know my work was really good I mean you know how hard is it to be a dishwasher well I don't know how hard it is I mean I'm a Virgo everything is meticulous in details being high everything is super meticulous this in detailed and everything takes a little bit longer but I was quick at what I did I found found a way to make it work for me you know get in get out get in get out you know make sure everything looked clean when I left so I looked like a superstar so they accepted me for being late I had one you know I was missing teeth and stuff you know and I I wouldn't talk to nobody I hated having conversations you know especially when I was looking for work you know I I couldn't go in there and just talk to somebody knowing that they're looking at my mouth you know so I would grow my mustache a little bit longer so they couldn't see my teeth or I to my head down and talk or I have my hat I'm covering my eyes you know so they wouldn't see you know I'm not I'm not super intelligent but I'm intelligent human being but there's a lot of intelligent human beings out there at the park and stuff I mean it's just amazing how smart some of these people are that are in these situations you know they're doing their drug you know doing drugs that are just pretty much dominate their life it's number one in their life you know I'm not going to say that meth is my number one thing for me but uh you know it's something I I have a ritual doing you know on the regular waking up and going to sleep with it you know what would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life oh God is there a lesson in this I don't know if there's a lesson I mean you know uh I I made a lot of mistakes you know I made a lot of bad choices and and I just got to make better choices I don't use I don't use meth as an excuse why I'm am where I am CU I'm functioning I'm able to function I'm able to do the things that need to get done to make the money and I do and I'll hustle and I'll make money and then it'll pay for my habits and if it's something like $100 just for a day just for for doing a little bit of work yeah that's enough for me I buy my buy my half I have a little bit money I got gr I got food stamps you know all I got to do now is just get a roof over my head a solid roof you know and that's something that's coming from what I hear you know they I I've talked to the people at tiny homes and they uh they said that they're doing intakes next week and that that uh somebody from housing should set me up for an appointment so I'll know for sure whether I get in or not then if I'm in there maybe things will change maybe it'll be different you know that I have a roof over my head that I got a safe place for my dog you know and he's everything to me too you know and I I don't really want to talk about him because it makes me sad but you know it sucks it sucks for him you know he's a good dog all right all right John thank you so much for sharing your story thank you I wish you the best of luck
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 389,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: TdsvOxmHC0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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