The Definitive SoD Gold Guide | Season of Discovery

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welcome to the most straightforward gold farming and gold making guide for season of Discovery wow Classic this is going to be for level 1 through 25 and then some further and additional tips for those players at max level first off let's talk about three addons that are going to be extremely helpful they're not required but you may want to grab them the first one is called vendor price now I don't have this one installed because I have another add-on that also does this it's my UI add-on elv UI but this is a good one to have if you have a different UI next is going to be auctionator auctionator is a wonderful all-around auction system add-on it makes everything streamlined and super easy to understand last but not least we have gather mate 2 for classic you want to make sure you get the classic one for Gathering professions as you're leveling this makes life a breeze so grab those three add-ons don't grab those three add-ons they just make life a little bit easier while you're leveling you're going to want to grab skinning mining herbalism you're also going to want to grab fishing now you are going to want to switch to either blacksmith Taylor or leather worker once you're at level 25 but it's not needed as you're going to farm all the mats that you need plus be left with a ton of gold once you hit 25 going full Gathering professions at first something solid to understand is that the items you gather from your professions are extremely valuable in season of Discovery and that's because of the introduction of the whid supply crates where medium leather in classic or retail would really only be used for those specific people needing them to craft these days they're needed by everyone for waylaid supplies and that's why it's such good gold while you're leveling and of course Gathering you want to pay attention to the quest items that drop now a lot of this can come from places like the red Ridge Mountains or other questing zones where things like meat or pelts are used for completing quests periodically while leveling or if already level 25 you want to make sure that you get your fishing skill to an adequate level now you can fish to get gold through just the fish themselves as people need it for leveling and crafting their cooking profession but what we're really after are these Ironbound mithil Browns and weather light trunks now of course it depends on the level of the area that you're fishing in but these trunks contain a plethora of trade skill items and boes as well if you're an enchanter you can of course disenchant the green boes or put them on the auction house but the amount of trade profession things that you get like medium leather and bolts of cloth can be really really lucrative for crafters and people chasing the way supplies rep it can be extremely valuable to fish up these trunks as well as they can contain the journeyman's backpack believe the weather light trunk has a 2% chance but those backpacks are going between anywhere 20 to 30 gold right now on the auction house and the one I sold sold within an hour of posting it so fishing can be an extremely valuable profession to level on that note let's cover some of the best NPCs you can farm for raw gold and items we're going to go in order of level and this starts right around level 12 with the defas bandits in westall now these guys are humanoids so they're going to be dropping a lot of cloth they have a great chance at dropping green boes and a ton of other crafting mats as well as just raw silver next we're going over to lock modan for the stone Splinter bone Snappers now these drop clay talismans and have a good chance as well of dropping dropping green boes these are level 13 to 17 and have a decent raw silver drop as well next we're going to the Barons and this is up to level 20 these are the witch Wing Slayers they drop a ton of the feathers which is a quest item that sells really well on the auction house in silverpine Forest is the rothy nulls this is really level 15 to 19 these drop a ton of cloth and they drop up to wool cloth as well now next we're going to go to the wetlands for the bluegill murlocs these drop a ton of clams and murloc fins now the murloc fins are a quest item for red Ridge the clams of course can contain clam meat a lot of the time but they can also contain those what I believe are three gold pearls right now and last but not least as an alliance this one is really hard to get to but they are my favorite thing to farm right now these are the Gallo SC outs in the Gallo Centaur camps in Thousand needles now these have a wonderful hyperspawn rate there's a plethora of them they have an amazing green Boe drop chance they are however level 26 to 29 so you need to have a decent bit of gear to get there and of course if you're Alliance the competition could be insane on your layer once you hit Level 25 of course you can continue farming the profession mats and the whid supply mats but we have some better options available to us questing is an amazing amazing gold farm at 25 you can do a lot of the quests fairly fairly simply this only scales with gear but a lot of these quests are going to be giving well over one gold per turn in you can see like one gold 60 and then one gold 17 so get all those quests out of the way but you will inevitably run out of quest to do and you don't want to do all of them because then it's going to be extremely hard to level up in Phase 2 when the level cap hits 40 so be smart about that the one thing that you're going to do is the auctionator add-on that I said to download in the beginning playing the auction house is a wonderful way of making gold now I'm going to be giving something up here that I really never thought I would be for a video but personally I do most of this on a bank Al with full Bank spaces because it's going to fill your bags and your bank extremely quickly anytime I get around 10 to 12 gold I'll send it over to Bank Al because that's where everything happens what I do is I open up the auction house if you've never used auctionator you'll notice some new tabs right here go ahead and go to the shopping Tab and this is exactly what I do I type in recipe and then hit enter it's going to scan the entire auction house for anything with that in it as the search term and it's going to pull up all of the recipes now some are going to be more valuable than others but for some we can actually take over the market now let's take swiftness potion for example this is actually let's take this one the elixir of coales regret is something that everyone who is crafting their epic needs and right now it is down to three silver 2 20 silver so what I'll do is I'll go in here and and then you see two gold 49 everyone is going to need an elixir of coales regret so I'm going to go in and I'm going to buy out every single stack up to the two gold and 49 okay and you can do this it doesn't have to be the recipe elixir of coest regret we can refresh it and now see $249 is the lowest price we're going to come in and list at one gold a piece so the one we bought for three silver we're going to sell that at one gold a piece and yes they they really will sell if we actually look and this is one of the things you can do elixir of coal you can see that the actual Elixir sells for 2 gold and 36 silver so even an Alchemist that's buying this to make the Elixir and then flip it they're going to pay one gold because just one of them and they've more than doubled their money anyways if we go back to recipe we can see that there's some other things on the right side we have the available so we want to find something that has 15 or less available if we get something that has four or less available there's a much better chance of flipping it uh Savory DV Delight there's 26 it's already too high the swiftness potion would probably be our next Target because there's only 12 of them and we could actually buy this one and just flip it or buy these two but you can see the bottom price is 20 gold that's never ever going to sell but if we bought all of these and posted them right at the one gold Mark they probably would sell within a day or two uh as long as we don't get undercut but that's the other thing we go over to the cancelling tab right here and there's an undercut scanner this is going to scan through everything and let us know if there is a auction for that item at a lower price and if there is once this is done scanning we simply click on the item it will cancel it and show it up in our mailbox let's just say this manual I want to cancel it all we do is left click and it cancels that auction so that is really how I'm making all of my gold these days I have my I've paid for my runes my mounts my enchants um leveling enchanting and leather working all the way up I've pretty much paid for everything I can think of and everything that I need right now and now we're just farming gold for the level 40 Mount which we want to get the day we hit 40 and that costs right around 100 gold so there is some farming to do I'm also going to be putting out some dungeon solo guides for Rogues or if anyone else that would get benefit out of that so make sure to subscribe like the video and I hope to catch you on the next one
Channel: Gizmo
Views: 53,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sod gold farm, wow sod gold farm, wow sod gold making, wow sod gold, season of discovery gold farm, season of discovery gold making, season of discovery gold, wow sod guide, gold farm sod, wow season of discovery gold making, season of discovery wow, wow season of discovery, world of warcraft season of discovery, season of discovery changes, wow classic season of discovery
Id: bDTHlOuvrkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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