The Deception Of Worry - Touré Roberts

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I'm just grateful to be in God's house today just just glad to be here is about praying and preparing for the service one of the things that I want to get right is I want to get right what God's intention is for the gathering we can have our intention but if we don't align with God's intention for the gathering that we don't maximize what is made available to us in that experience and I've talked about this before but I want to re-emphasize this truth about the gathering first of all man did not come up with the idea of us coming together it would have been a good idea but still this did not start with men God instituted worship and if you study in Exodus chapter 25 he points out if you read it with eyes to see and ears to hear you will find three benefits for the gathering God says I want you to gather so that I can first of all meet with you come on somebody God God wants to to meet with us we are his children his people his sons his daughters and he knows that we need him and it also speaks to how much he values us there's some beatings come on isn't even there you've been trying to get a meeting with somebody for the past five years and can't get on their calendar but God says you know what I want to meet with you regularly number one number two he says I want to speak to you yeah that's what this is about we want to hear God's voice he says I want to meet with you I want to speak to you we have learned that we don't live off of bread alone but we live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and in the third reason for the corporate gathering according to God as he's given Moses the instruction about building the tabernacle he says I want to meet with you I want to speak to you at number three he says I want to dwell among you I want you to experience my presence I want you to experience my atmosphere right this is an atmosphere of truth that's why that's why you can feel one way upon entering and almost be a completely different person upon exiting you don't have to talk about you you can come in with a whole bunch of things on your mind you're trying to figure something out and maybe you don't know if you're gonna be able to overcome whatever it is in front of you and you leave out of here like why is because you were in an atmosphere of truth he says I want you to hang out with me I know you've been hanging out with your problems I know you've been hanging out with what you're calling in real life I know in in the times between we have met with each other I know you may have inhaled some of the faithless oxygen and energy of society but I want you to come and get into my presence because in my presence there's fullness of joy in my presence I heal you so those are the three reasons why we come together and it's very important that we do I got a word for you today and I believe it's it's gonna help you a great deal and I want to pray whether to jump right into this thing and I think you know it'll probably take me about two hours and 15 minutes to fully unpack it just kidding only two hours let's pray father thank you so much for your presence thank you for what you're doing in this house you're awesome we love you we worship you we celebrate you you are good we understand what the psalmist said when meant when he said o taste and see that the Lord is good hallelujah you tastes so good to us and we thank you and we're just gonna fade the music all the way out and we just honor you and God as we prepare to hear from you there's sons and daughters that need this word to live to literally live this word will be life and death for them and so father I thank you that by your spirit you're gonna touch apprehend us and pull us up higher there's some who have literally been rocked to sleep by various distractions have been lulled to sleep by a great disappointment so much so that they have forgotten who they are in you and father I pray that by the time were finished those are here those who are watching via live stream right now would have a great awakening and that there would be an alignment that would come to them that would allow them to walk in the fullness of who you called and created them to be I thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation is gonna flow in here I thank you for prophecy and inside knowledge that's gonna flow in here and I also thank you Lord God that your great love is gonna penetrate even the hardest and hardened heart even those who may have what your word describes as fortified arguments that have been keeping them back I thank you that since the weapons of our warfare are not carnal today they're going to be mighty through you too pulling down of strongholds that every argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of God today is going to be demolished it's going to be shattered and there's gonna be transformation in all of our lives because our mind is gonna be renewed in Jesus name Amen amen all right let's get into this I want to talk today about the deception of worry the deception of worry do me a favor and just turn to somebody and say worried is deceiving where he is deceiving it's deceiving it's deceiving and I want to draw your attention just stay seated I want to draw your attention to Matthew chapter 6 and verse 25 I'm gonna be reading out of the old school King James translation on that one and we'll jump down we'll read verse 27 it says this is Jesus speaking and he says therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what you shall drink take no thought for your life hallelujah once you sho eat or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what you shall put on is not life more than me in the body more than raiment will jump down to verse 27 and it says which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature this is the word of the Lord we're living in a time right now where more people then is appropriate more people than that which is appropriate are either angry or worried most people are a lot of people too many people fall into that category either you mad about something or worried about something and and Jesus and sometimes we're we're worried about what we're Manning but but but Jesus says something that is it almost seems unintelligent if I might be honest with you Jesus he basically says take no thought about this about that about that take no thought about it now one of the things that makes us like God is our ability to think our ability to reason our ability to understand our ability to know yet in this passage he's saying take no thought and doesn't it seem like I mean it doesn't sound smart I mean let's just talk about for a second I mean there are things that are going on that may give us a tendency to worry or whatever and does it seem like the right strategy for something that may be looming ahead is to take no thought about it not think about it let's just can we just have a real comes in because sometimes what happens is we read something about and we say Amen on the outside but on the inside we're like but yet here and plain English Jesus said I don't want you to take thought in another translation that word translates worried it ultimately does mean worry but it does have to do with taking thoughts he's not saying I don't want you to think he's saying I don't want you to think in an unprofitable way are you tracking with me if we look up that word you know I'd like to study words that word that was translated take no thought has the idea in it of not being distracted or divided so it actually means when he says take no thought it means to worry and it has the idea in it if you study that word all the way down to its origin it has the idea in it of being distracted or being divided so when he is saying take no thought basically what he's saying is don't take in an unhealthy thought that will cause you to deviate from the thoughts that I've caused you to think I'm gonna take my time you're gonna get it to the day you go and get it today if the idea in that word is is don't be divided don't don't take a thought don't be distracted don't be divided then then what that supposes if I can't be distracted from a direction I wasn't on the only thing that makes a distraction valuable or equitable is if I'm headed in a direction are you tracking with me I can't be distracted from distraction I can't be distracted from nothing I can only be distracted from a mission so so so that word there take no thought again has the idea of being distracted or being divided and so the question is being divided from what being divided from this from a central positive purpose field and powerful thought and direction write this down if you're taking notes your life should be consistently governed by a powerful positive thought i'ma say it again and it probably up there should be up there your life your life all of our lives right now should be consistently and constantly govern not by randomness your mind is not a white space your life is not a whiteboard all of us ought to be full of a thought at all times and not just any thought but a powerful positive thought I'm gonna give you one Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 God says this he says for I know the the thoughts I think towards you in other words my whole perspective of you is a thought when I look at you I don't see you as all these many different things no no what I look at you you to me or I thought and the Bible says it is not just any thought for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace thoughts of Shalom that's wholeness that's prosperity that's good that's well-being and well doing so you are a thought before I put you in your mother's womb I knew you you started as a thought and right now you are a thought and it's a good thought it's an awesome thought and it's a thought that should ultimately govern your lives so I'm not living in randomness my life is governed by a thought because if God governs my life by a thought then I need to do the same thing I'm gonna take my time today see what he says take no thought he's basically saying don't take another thought don't take another thought and it's important for us to continually meditate think on his thoughts for us for I know the thoughts that I think toward you God's thinking about you tell somebody right now God's thinking about you and he's thinking good things about you you know what's interesting is that word when God says for I know the thoughts that word know is a Hebrew word yada and that that's the same word used some kids in here okay that's the same word used to denote intimacy you don't say hankie so that works has the idea in it of intimacy so when God says that I know the thoughts that I think towards you he is saying that those thoughts are so real to him that he is having an intimate experience with what he has in store for you he is excited about the thought of you oh I feel the Spirit of God he's excited about what he has in store for you and that's why Jesus is saying don't take any other thoughts because if you take in a false thought a negative thought then you're going to live in a false realm in a false reality when I have already set up your blessing I've already set up your miracle I've cleared the path and the obstacles and all you got to do is believe it see the reason why the Bible says that without faith it's impossible to please God it's not because God thinks less of you when you don't have faith no you're messing with his experience yeah he's experiencing but he has for you and when you have faith he gets to experience it all the more because he knows that what he has for you is going to be produced in your life in the process of time now he knows that what he is already experienced about you will come to pass and it's no longer a wish and a desire of his but because you are in agreement and in alignment with it it's gonna happen are we together your life if you don't take any other notes down today your life should be consistently governed by powerful positive thought when you wake up in the morning smile this is the day that the Lord has made I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it because I'm in it and if I'm in it God's still thinking about me he's still thinking about me all of his incredible thoughts concerning my life have not expired yet God doesn't keep you around to hurt you he keeps you around to align you with the thought that he had for you before you even got here are you tracking with me worry worry is a destructive default state of thinking that's what where he is worry is a destructive default way of thinking why do I say default because none of us choose to worry we just look up and we worried which means that we have to be intentional about recognizing that it cannot profit us I love this I love this Jesus says in the 27th verse he says he says which of you by taking thought by worrying can add one cubit unto his stature he basically says it's unprofitable who in here has ever been helped by worry and if you have let me listen let's talk about it I'm a cast that lying devil out of you there's nobody in here who has ever been profited by worried that's what Jesus told me he's like look listen if worry would help you I would encourage you to worry I will be talking about the power of worry but it can't help you and the reason why this is important is because we almost organically and naturally default to worry when we're faced in watch this and worry is not synonymous with the presence of trouble that's not worry worry is when you begin to interpret that trouble in a way that speaks negatively to you about your future are you tracking with me so the presentation of what may be a danger or a threat or something long the presentation of it is not a problem that's not the problem the problem is my interpretation of it when my interpretation of what seems to be troublesome now begins to eject the thought that my life is otherwise governed by that's the problem I have taken on a different thought as an N as I have taken on that different thought now the truth is being placed on the backburner and worried much like an infection begins to take over and begins to recolor my reality until I ultimately attract what I'm afraid of instead of what God promised it's when I take another thought it is a destructive default why am i taking time to break this down because I want you to understand how stuff happens to you and my experience has been very rare in fact I can't even think about a time where what I was worried about the commentary of my worry ever materialized oh I can't even think about a time where there was something that all I was so worried I was so worried and then it materialized in fact I'm still waiting on some of that's happened in my book wholeness I call it the boogeyman that never comes and so instead of my life being governed by this powerful positive thought and the series of thoughts that God says he has for us instead there's some in this room of some watching via live stream right now and instead your life has been governed by the haunting a boogeyman that doesn't even exist worry is good worry communicates and end that God did not choose for I know the thoughts that I think toward you thoughts of peace and not evil Shalom not evil to give you a future and a hope Oh King James says to bring you to an expected end so in other words my peace is based on the end that I'm expecting so worried comes in and worried introduces I know I'm beating the horse but I want to do that I want to beat the horse worry now begins to present an idea to me that says this is the end of your problem where there are plenty of passes in the Bible let's say things like no weapon formed against me shall prosper that's a perfect example it doesn't say that the weapon will not be formed and the whole purpose of a weapon is to harm it doesn't say the weapon won't be formed it just says it won't prosper against you this is the heritage of the servant of the Lord so yes that problem might be in my presence but it is not the end of me I'm looking beyond the problem and I'm focusing on the promise because I serve a God who cannot lie I want you I want us to do a better job at worrying and not worrying to be a better job in dealing with worry because here's another thing that worried does worried also diverts the creative cognitive resources necessary to solve the real problem that exists I'm saying again worry diverts it channels your ability to think your way into a solution for the real problem so in other words worry is energy worry is strength worry it says take no thoughts worry go is not just in your your spirit and in your heart worries in your head and your head is one of the things that God has gifted you with in order to think your way out of what's threatening you but when I worry that energy that could have been utilized and could have been translated into creative energy to get me out of it now allows me to be bankrupt in that area and ultimately will attract by by virtue of of debilitation what I was trying to avoid can I talk to you like this today will shout next Sunday I'm trying to help you see worry is deceiving see worry says I'm protecting you worry says pay attention to all these things and if you pay attention to all these things if you look at all these things and you begin to prepare yourself for the worst you'll be protected that's a lie because that's energy watch this that means that instead of building for your future you're building for your fault because it is creative energy thinking is creative energy are you tracking with me so we can't we can we came full with it we can't fool with you tell you they can't fool would worry worry is a huge distraction I think if I was your enemy I would make you worry to distract you because if I distract you with worry I can keep you from purpose if I can if I can keep you consumed and shoulda woulda cut us if I can keep you afraid of the boogeyman that never comes of the death that never comes of the sickness that never come there's some in here and I thank God we got many if you're a cancer survivor holla at me in here right now I thank God for that I thank God for that the guys have been good to you moving in your life but some people have the cancer of worry worrying about cancer don't even have it but are experiencing watch this are experiencing to a certain degree cancer because they're worrying about it are you tracking with me it's a big deal and it's a distraction and it's keeping you who would you be if you felt like you were gonna live a long life who would you be if you had the testimony I shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord who would you be if you were not held back by the shoulda woulda couldas of life the possibilities the things that never come what has worried robbed me of for certain peace for sure creativity I feel this see I won't worry to break because if you can get worried under your foot you're gonna go so much further in life is gonna be crazy God needs you to be delivered from worry so that he can always birth things through you one of the things that I'm learning about God is God is looking for people to become healthy wounds he's looking God wants people see the only reason why we are here the only reason why you don't get saved and just get zapped to heaven is because there's some menu that what God wants to come out if you study even in creation if you study creation God created the earth but the earth was not finished and complete until it brought forth what was in it you got a study it's an amazing study in Genesis chapter 1 he said and let the earth bring forth he creates the earth and it says and when the earth was created says and it was so and then he says and let the earth bring forth grass and all these things and trees and that have the fruit in it and then when the earth brought forth what was in it then he said and it was good so God doesn't always create everything at its potential he creates things with potential and so one of the reasons why we can't be worriers is because if we are warriors we will a bird we will abort what God has placed on the inside of us and he cannot birth things through us because worry is a cancer that will kill the baby God God wants us He loves us but God also wants us to be wounds he wants to say you know what my elder Mike you know what I can use elder Mike I can manifest through elder Mike what I can what would I have placed on the inside of him because he is not a warrior he will take my word receive my word fight off all the doubt believe that the baby is on the inside of him and birthed it and produce it and he will do it over and over and over again why did God why was God able to use Mary God was able to use Mary because she overcame her worry you gotta study that that's an amazing story in the Gospel of Luke it's amazing at first when did when when the angel came to her and said you gonna birth Jesus she was like oh hey hey hey hold up all these questions and you know I've never been touched by me all that kind of stuff but then there was a point in her life where she says let it be to me according to your word and God was able to birth the Messiah through her and so I've got to deal with my worry because I want God to be able to depend on me I want God to be able to trust my womb we've got to have a desire to be God's womb in the earth do I have anybody in this room right now and you say God if you put a seed in me I will fight back worry I will fight back fear I will fight back down I will fight back any negative thought you just get me pregnant I am the one god I'm the one you're looking for just knock me up and I will release what's on the inside of me that's what he's looking for but if you were worried er I'm gonna be honest with you you can't do it he's got to go find somebody else because worrying will shock the baby and so I want to give you really quickly and we're done I'm gonna run through these very quickly three things that will allow you to fight back against worry because it sneaks up on us even the best of us you look up man oh my god I'm worried what's going on well something will come your way you'll be in a van you'll be in the flow and something will arise and the next thing you know your peace is gone how do you fight back I'm gonna give you three ways really quickly very simple to fight back against worry the first one is this it's by thinking the highest thought your commitment to your war against worry and you've got to worry you're not at your best when you're worrying when you're were and you start creating these ideas in your mind you start creating a false and narrative and next thing you know you start moving towards that Neriah narrative you start building according to the narrative of failure instead of the narrative that's called the God has promised you think the highest thought this is what thinking the highest thought is so let's say a problem arises and that problem if you're not careful spirit of worry take over in the spirit of worry we'll begin to to argue and create alternative narratives of the goodness that you were previously expecting and when your mind begins to paint these pictures of these new expected ends I dare you to reject it and think about what the positive outcome and possibility of that situation might be to default to the highest thought not the lowest outcome it's an exercise see that's why you just can't let your mind just drift and go because it will drift it will go straight to the gutter because there's so many things in our culture in our world that are actually driven by fear to be honest with you I monetize by fear to be truthful with you and so that means that even from a commercial perspective people corporations are spending billions of dollars banking on you worrying can we have a real conversation in here I'm almost done literally right now commerce is designed in many cases commerce is banking on you worry literally which means that manipulation is in the air and so I can't let my mind drift I have to become a thought regulator because I cannot believe everything I see nor can I even believe the context of what I see you watch the news right now and you be right down at the gun store you already got seven of them you need three more hello somebody even even in the pharmaceutical world come on Savannah they're selling you based on fear and what you need to be afraid of are the side effects of the medicine that's trying to cure the little problem you went to the doctor well one problem took the medicine and now you got 27 problems you were better off with the one problem there's so many things in our world that are banking on you worrying and so you have to it has to be you have to make a covenant with your mind that no matter what I'm always gonna go to the highest thought I got a good friend in LA and and we've done business together and he's a friend I love this guy and and I had talked to him in a while you know and I text him a few times and and his his uh you know when you text if you're using an iPhone and the person has an iPhone when you text them the it'll show up blue if it shows up green that maybe they're on the country or whatever it shows of green something is possibly wrong so I text him a couple times you know you may have gotten on if any of you have gotten that when you've text me and you want to have my number reach out to me text me and I'll give the new one I'm kidding okay no but so anyway this story I had to distract in strike I took another thought but the story so I'm texting my texting twice over a space of about two weeks and he didn't reach back out to me and and I love this too and then my mind starts going and then I think about I'm like you know what the last time I was with him he seemed really down and then the next thing I know because now I'm taking all these thoughts now I'm like at some point the thought of man did he kill himself now I'm telling if you don't take control of your thoughts you will be way out there so now I'm desperate then I text him again hey man you could and two days passed by and then he finally replies and he's like hey what's up man I'm out here the Bahamas in the middle of the ocean swimming with sharks chillin you don't say so so so I was taking in a false narrative when the reality of it was he was fine doing better than he's ever been out in the middle of the ocean off the coast of the Bahamas and it taught me a valuable lesson always think the highest thought and so in order to combat worry in order to fight back worry 1 you got to think the highest thought what is the most positive possible outcome of this thing that I've been facing even when you get negative news you don't have to have a negative narrative concerning the end of it are you tracking with me so that you can stay in the realm of faith I feel the Holy Spirit everything happens everything good happens in the realm of faith not the realm of worry I have never never worried myself into a blessing I can what I think about the great I'm almost and when I come down here that means I'm almost done what I think about when I think about the greatest things that have ever happened to me I cannot trace back any of those moments to a moment where I was in the space of worry which means that in the atmosphere of worry no miracles exist no miracles exist there everything the greatest things every powerful thing that has ever happened to me happened to me when I was in the place of faith when I regardless of the circumstances committed myself to be governed by the powerful thought which is God saying for I know the plans that I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and hope it is imperative that we always as it relates to fighting back against worry think the highest thought number two this is important walking and integrity and alignment wait what's the connection between walking and integrity and alignment when you don't walk in integrity I'm put it to you this way in proverbs 28 and 1 it says the wicked flee when no one is pursuing but the righteous are as bold as a lion see sometimes my propensity to worry is intensified because of my life it was quiet now mentoring someone when I know that I am not in alignment and I know it my worry meter goes off the roof so me yielding to temptation to temptation is not just playing me because temptation all temptation is is is the enemy drawing you away from what God had for you I said it before I say it often what I'm tempted one of the things that keeps me from yielding to temptation is because I recognize when I'm tempted I'm not so much worried about what I'm drawn towards because I'm covered under the blood God can forgive that what I'm more motivated by is what I'm being drawn away from you you understand what I'm saying in other words there could be something I feel God that I've been praying for for months and weeks and years and maybe just maybe I am at the moment where God is getting ready to bring that breakthrough if I can stay faithful and if I was the devil I would wait until you were on the cusp of a blessing and a breakthrough and something that you have been believing God for for years and that's when I would throw the bait in your direction I'm not motivated by the fall not really that's not good either but that's not my biggest worry because I'm covered under the blood what I'm motivated by is what I missed when I looked the other way to yield to temptation and not only that not only that my worry goes to another level when I'm out of alignment because I don't really feel covered when I'm out of alignment if I've trusted Jesus I am but I don't feel like it and so I give worry a place in my life when I choose to live outside of the will of God when I choose to not walk in obedience when I choose to walk out of alignment I give worried place and now my battle is that much more difficult and lastly thinking the highest thought number one walking in integrity in alignment we'll talk about how to fight back against word he's just some tips and the last one is dwelling in the secret place not on your problems I was reading I was reading Psalm 91 the other day and we all know this I mean we live this but it's some things that jumped out and really really quickly he says he who dwells in the secret place he who dwells in the secret place a secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge so watch this he's basically saying he who dwells in the secret but he who stays he who remains in the secret place what is the secret place the secret place has to do with your personal and private relationship with God and your devotion and your consecration your pursuit of God and it could happen in church outside of church in your closet it is your secret place it is a consecrated place you're not there's no foolery in your heart you are humble you are submitted you are my god it's your place of salvation it's your place of promise I trust you I'm laid out for you and there God leads you in a way that he doesn't feed you anywhere else trying to describe it it's it's a holy place and I love it it's a secret place because it's not a church place the church place where we all come together and that's wonderful we all put our faces on and we all look good and we all smell good and you would swear that there was not one sin in the building this is something different this is your personal private place with God it's that place where Jesus said that if you get it right there in the secret place he will reward you in the open place well on the blessings you see on people's lives men and women's lives you look at that you see the blessing and it has nothing to do with what they what they do in public it has everything to do with who they are in private oh but but this passage is saying that the person that dwells in the sea that stays there see when worry comes your way I challenge you to go get in the secret place instead of dwelling on what's going on and trying and you know how it is we would try to be Jesus Junior when a problem shows up right week we get our phone out we start trying to text people and we go on these these these tours of acceptance we call this person and we call that person and we do this and what any were trying to do all this right what you ought to do you know and we just freaked out and we're stressing out and we're stressing everybody else around us and I hear God saying don't do that don't do that because that's dwelling on your problem that that's worshipping your problem and as long as you worship your problem your problem will always be present with you God inhabits the praises of his people so does your problems your problems also inhabit the praises of those who give focus to them so instead of doing that I hear God saying to the sea I dare you yes acknowledge what you're facing because there you can hear God's narrative about it you can be reminded of who you are and problems die in the secret place let me show you how let me show you how he says he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty and what that does is first - it allows you to say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress look at the sequence my god at him I will trust surely in other words your language starts changing and not just your outer language but your inner language begins to change when you are in the secret place because you're in an atmosphere of truth there are no boogie Mans in the secret place he says I will say of the Lord in in verse 3 surely he will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the pest from the perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge and then that's you talking to you sometimes you've got to encourage yourself and the Lord that happens as a result of your time in the secret place but it gets better it gets better is in verse 5 it says you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday I can preach every verse of that but it's basically saying that morning noon and night you are not going to be worried you are not going to be afraid feel covered you're gonna know you're loved you're gonna know that God has got your back and worry doesn't stand a chance in the secret place I love it because it talks about morning noon and night but then it also talks about in darkness and I don't think that he's talking about night what he's talking about darkness I think that when you're in a season where you don't know what's going on because sometimes God doesn't let you in on what's taking place but even in seasons when you don't know what's going on your heart is not gonna fear you're not gonna be worried why because you have made his secret place your home we're gonna kill worry today worry has no place in the life of a believer worry can't I feel the Spirit of God in this house come on and stand I want to pray with you come on and stand with me if you would come on and stand with me if you would I want to pray for you I want something to break I want something to break off your life we're gonna kill where we're gonna be see I don't think that we can be worriers and people who walk in and do the will of God I don't think I don't think the two can flow together I don't I don't think so I don't think that we can worry and be healthy wombs that what God wants to birth and produce through your life I don't think that that can happen and so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to give you tools worry is gonna come it's gonna knock on your door there is gonna be the presentation of a thought trust me you it's not about the presentation of a problem that's not what I'm worried about I'm worrying about you taking an alternative thought and you don't have to if you hear and as God has taken these few minutes and impact the deception of worry you realize that worry has been in your life and has been deceiving you and you want it to end see worries on the cross to that's on the cross to and simply put I'm telling you right now we say well worry is a feeling yeah but every feeling is connected to a thought which means that you have control over it I'll fill the Holy Spirit you don't have to just take worry I'll just take it there wouldn't be worry without a thought that's why it says take no thought I I can't keep the presentation of a thought from coming but I do not have to receive it I did not have to receive him because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bring into captivity every thought bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ which means that I have power over the thoughts that I receive but I have to be intentional I have to be intentional if I'm not intentional then my mind is gonna do whatever it wants to do and let me tell you something your mind doesn't own you you own your mind are you tracking with me and it's supposed to work for you and not against you and worried is your mind working against you if you hear and you know this message for you and you started worrying come meet me at the altar I want to pray for you you struggle it worried don't be afraid something you're worried about coming down no no break it we're gonna break it it'll break it won't break it come break it gonna break it break come on look at all these testimonies look at all these healthy wounds look at look at all these world changes coming to this alter right now world changes coming to this alter right now say this is courage and it's gonna break off you gonna be cold who would you be if you didn't worry yeah and that's who you are it's actually who you are she got brought this message because remember his thoughts his thinking he he sees you pass worry if I know the thoughts I think towards you he sees you beyond it so he invites you to service oh he invites you to watch via livestream because he's like oh I'm gonna get my will accomplished I'm gonna give them a breakthrough in the air worried and it's just gonna be renewing their mind about worry giving them strategy giving them tools understanding what it is breaking them down simple English what was Jesus talking about his saying just don't take another thought I've already given you a powerful thought for I know the thoughts that I think towards you and guess what they're not evil you know somebody hit me up on social media and they're like I think God is mad at you I'm like that's a lie and here's another lie oh you know God is disappointed in me that's another line because disappointment requires ignorance think about it for a second if I'm disappointed that means that I expected something ignorantly that didn't happen and so since I expected ignorantly it didn't I'm disappointed God is impossible for God to be disappointed impossible because it takes a level of ignorance to have disappointment I assume that something was going to happen that did not happen and therefore I am disappointed and that's what we do we we attribute unto God human attributes his thoughts and our thoughts his ways about our ways as high as the heaven is above the earth God is not let me just say this in case you're thinking it God is not mad at you nor is he disappointed in you God has thought about you full time and he never loses that thought about you for I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of Shalom and not evil to bring you into and expected him to give you a future and a home even when you have lost hope God still has hope for your life are you tracking with me sometimes you got to draw upon God's faith about you when you lose faith in you you got to remember that God has faith in you he is still got faith in you and it is evident by him waking you up this morning and putting breath in your body he still has hope the bets are still on concerning you regardless of what you have been through it's still on it's still on I feel that for somebody is still on is still on he's still on those promises the goodness the blessings the favor is still on is still on because God is not a God that changes his mind what he thinks he thinks because what he knows he knows and he knew you be here today and he's gonna do something in your spirit today and in your mind today and you're gonna see things differently because what I'm gonna pray for is for God to extract every thought that you took that he didn't give you every thought you took that he didn't give you so god this is my prayer he gave me a message and I gave it you knew who would be in this room you knew who will be watching via live stream and father I'm praying right now that even as Jesus like we commune Jesus became everything that was a lie everything that was that created our shortcomings and our limitations and he killed it in his body I believe that right here in this room new life would take place God you know the thoughts but your sons and daughters have taken Oh glory to God you know the thoughts you know the thoughts so we have taken that you didn't give us father in the name of Jesus I pray that you would begin to move upon the face of this congregation move upon the mind of those who are here and those that are watching and God I pray that you would begin to with truth with the pliers of truth begin to uproot every lie every commentary every false narrative that we have taken unbeknownst to us hallelujah and father in the place of those thoughts I pray that you would fill it with truth with your thoughts in the same way that you are intimately experiencing the thoughts that you have for us let us begin to do the same thing let us not have it as a thought where it's just some church colloquialism or saying that we say but it never takes root in our mind we want it to be more than that we want that thought to be so embedded in the fiber of who we are that we begin to be intimately experiencing the thought even before the point of manifestation do that Lord God in us Lord these tips and tools these insights and even more by the power of your spirit may they become ours may they become our weaponry that we might use it to fight back the debilitating disease of worry and instead where we were once warriors may we become warriors that bring forth and birth and produce in this earth by faith and patience everything that you placed in us recolor our perspective may we see it differently now we're worried told us we were going to die we boldly declare right now we gonna live we're worried told us that we have been through too much and have been too wrong to receive the best of God as May that lie be victim and may we stand in the righteousness of Christ and the righteousness of Christ guarantees and assures the rewards of Christ's may we no longer talk ourselves out of what's for us and for that person who has been wrestling with the boogeyman that never comes just as we grew up one day and realize that the boogeyman wasn't real I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that we would grow up in our spirits in our hearts and in our minds and recognize that God is our help and no weapon that is formed against us will prosper let this be our testimony let this be our experience let this be that which we renew our minds with in Jesus name Amen amen amen
Channel: The Potter's House of Denver
Views: 26,663
Rating: 4.9054651 out of 5
Keywords: Touré Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, Sarah Jakes, TD Jakes, Bishop Jakes, Bishop TD Jakes, Ministry, Worry, Anxiety, Trust, Faith, Hope, God, Jesus, Los Angeles, LA, Cali, California, Colorado, Denver, Global, World Wide
Id: O2VO21j02fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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