The Deadliest Weapon in The Universe | Three Body Problem Series

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[Music] hi guys it's quint here if you enjoy my videos consider hitting the like button it's the only way the youtube algorithm really notices me scientists believe that at some point during human history the population had been reduced to just 1 000 reproductive adults in the year 70 000 bc humans almost entirely vanished from the face of the planet itself according to scientists near extinction has occurred at least three times over the course of humanity's 100 000 year history the dilution of mankind to so few humans magnifies the impact of all human actions in lucian's remembrance of earth's past trilogy humanity is tested many times but there is no single greater near-extinction event than the singer's dimension strike we've discussed the crisis era the deterrence era the post-deterrence era in this video we will discuss the broadcast era the era directly following the crew of gravity and blue space's decision to activate the universal broadcast system freeing the human race from tricelerian oppression while inadvertently revealing the location of the earth to the inhabitants of the dark forest and the bunker era which followed the return of tian ming whose brain had been sent off into the vacuum of space centuries earlier trisolaris had already met its fate after its location was revealed to the dark forest the world and all its inhabitants had been annihilated save the trisolerin fleet who escaped into deep space humanity had known that the earth was doomed but something gave them hope that survival was possible the cryptic stories of young tianming young tyangming's return to our solar system would seem as the arrival of an angel of salvation to the remaining humans on earth to understand who tianming is his direct tied to the sword holder changzin and how these events came to be we have to go back to a long forgotten program enacted during the crisis era the staircase project part one the staircase project in the eyes of historians the staircase project was a typical result of the ill-thought-out impulsiveness that marked the beginning of the crisis era a hastily conducted poorly planned adventure in addition to the complete failure to accomplish its objectives it left nothing of technological value the space technology that eventually developed took a completely different direction no one could have predicted that nearly three centuries later the staircase project would bring a ray of hope to an earth mired in despair during the crisis era humanity made leaps and bounds in terms of innovation and technological progress even with trisolaran sofa and stifling them the staircase project was first viewed as a waste of resources later as a source of hope but by examining the text we see that it was in fact a dire mistake on the part of humanity no one ever discovered exactly how the tricelerans intercepted and captured the probe carrying tiaming's brain but it is revealed that this is what ultimately gave the aliens the upper hand against humanity during the deterrence era tianming himself had designed the droplet attack against humanity the spin-off book redemption of time goes into detail about what happened to tianming during his time among the trisillerins wonders horrors and all we will definitely discuss redemption of time in its own video at some point in the future as it was approved by loshishan but not considered an official part of the canon by some the staircase project had been enacted around the same time that luo g became a wall facer the original goal of the staircase project had been to launch a human toward the trisolaren fleet at one percent the speed of light that person could serve as a diplomat between the two worlds while also gathering intelligence shenzhen had been an engineer working for the project thomas wade who led the project eventually decided that based on the assumption that the tricelerians could in fact regenerate the body it would be better to find someone to euthanize and send only their brain at the time xian ming was terminally ill xiang zhing convinced him to volunteer for the program the book acknowledges that this project was foolish but it's meant to reflect the many foolish things that humans have done throughout time which are only seen in a clearer light through the lens of history even if their plan had initially gone as expected once tianming's brain actually approached the tricelerins it was bound to go wrong but of course the initial portion of the plan didn't even go well when the probe is launched there is a malfunction tianming's brain is launched off course into deep space seemingly lost forever one of the cables holding the sail to the staircase probe had broken near the orbit of jupiter the craft had deviated from its planned path and the earth deprived of its flight parameters lost it to the endless depths of space if the tricelerians had been able to intercept it later they must have had its flight parameters after the cable broke otherwise even the advanced tricelerin technology would have been incapable of locating such a small object in the vastness of space outside the solar system the most likely explanation was that the sophons had followed the staircase project probe at least through its acceleration leg to gather its final parameters part two the return of ming during the broadcast era following the destruction of trisolaris the remnants of the trisolarens reveal to humanity that they have young tianming in their custody apparently the tricelerians had treated him like an honored guest they had given him this final opportunity to speak with xiangzin who he had been infatuated with for many years before leaving earth but in truth this was tian ming's opportunity to attempt to save humanity from destruction the trisalaran's knew several secrets of the universe which humanity did not but they had no interest in humans learning those secrets the communication between tian ming and xiangzin was heavily monitored by the tricelerians so tian ming provides his secrets through the use of multi-layered fairy tales this was the only way he was able to avoid alerting the trisolarens to what he was doing one day in a special video we might go into the specific details of tianming's stories but for the purposes of keeping this video flowing i'll just sum up the relevant information that was gathered from those stories as the tales themselves are quite lengthy and complex the secrets he reveals essentially boil down to a single truth there is in fact a way for a civilization to survive in the dark forest humanity worked extremely hard to decipher his stories but they never fully managed to the stories revealed that light speed could actually be attained through curvature propulsion which would allow the warping of space the other key secret humanity managed to reveal was that it was possible for a civilization to reduce the speed of light in a specific area of space this would make it so that they could never escape their own star system they would exist within a black domain having no effect on the space outside to the outside universe it would appear as a moat of darkness floating amongst infinite darkness the idea of building light speed ships intended to allow escape from the solar system brought up the same issues as escapism did earlier during the crisis era not everyone would be allowed to escape likely only the ultra wealthy would be allowed to flee the solar system venturing out into the cosmos while the rest of them awaited death the populace heavily resented this idea and eventually all research into curvature propulsion was banned shangzin realized that this decision may doom humanity and in her guilt for allowing deterrence to be destroyed she gives away her personal wealth to thomas wade who assembling a team was to continue to develop the technology in secret as time continues earth is mostly evacuated humanity invests heavily in space cities the artificial light sources could hide in the shadow of jupiter and saturn and potentially escape any photoid attack now they could only wait xiang goes into hibernation for another 60 years and is only awakened after wade gets into a standoff with the government wade has continued to develop curvature repulsion technology and has now produced an anti-matter weapon which the government saw as an immense danger once awakened xiangzhin demands that he stand down the government shows no mercy to wade he is executed a depressed shangzin decides to return to hibernation she knows that this is twilight for humanity the final hours when she was awakened again another 60 years later the long-awaited attack was underway if it had been a photoid then humanity would have had a chance within their space cities they could have protected themselves by hiding amongst the gas giants but even a photoid like the one which took out the tricelerians could not compare to the weapon sent into our solar system part 3 singer humanity had been warned that this weapon would come it was the final secret in tian ming's fairy tales the only one which they had not been able to fully decipher the warning related to a dimension strike it was a distant world which had noticed them this mysterious distant and unimaginably powerful alien world had long ago made the decision to go on the offensive and they had technology of a greater magnitude than any humanity had ever previously dreamed of the world itself was currently engulfed in a war between its homeworld and its fringe world some undefined time earlier the home world could not coexist with the fringe world and one of the two would have to be destroyed we can discuss more details about this civilization in future videos as they are also heavily expanded upon in the spin-off novel redemption of time the lone individual named singer whose task it was to watch the universe for signs of intelligent life had been the one to discover traces of humanity which they named the star pluckers first the other location had broadcast a message via primitive membrane the low entropy entities of that world clumsily plucked their star singer decided to call them the star pluckers like the ancient bards of the homeworld plucking the strings of the rough country zither to send out their message it was this message that contained the self-decoding system although the self-decoding system was primitive and clumsy it was sufficient to allow singer to see that a subsequent message sent out by the dead 3-star world followed the same encoding scheme apparently an answer to the first message sent out by the star pluckers this was already inconceivable but after that the star pluckers responded again interesting very interesting singer had indeed heard of low entropy worlds that possessed neither the hiding gene nor the hiding instinct but this was the first time he had seen one the communications between humanity and trisolaris had in fact been noticed all the way back to the first time yawinji responded to trisolaris but this alone wasn't enough to reveal the location of the worlds however it did reveal that the distances between the two worlds were very short this meant that if one world was exposed the other world would be as well and eventually humanity was exposed ultimately there was nothing they could do to stop it even without singer some other low entropy entity would have noticed them it was just a matter of time or perhaps they had noticed them but decided that a low entropy group that didn't possess the hiding gene wasn't much of a threat and cleansing them was more trouble than it was worth but that would be a mistake a terrible mistake broadly speaking if low entropy entities like these star pluckers really didn't have the hiding gene then they would not be afraid of exposing their own presence and they would expand and attack without fear at least until they got killed however as applied to this particular case the situation was more complicated the first three communications were followed nine time grains later by the coordinate broadcast then 60 time grains after that there was another long membrane coordinate broadcast from somewhere else pointing at the dead three-star world the chain of events painted an uneasy picture a picture that indicated danger the cleansing against the dead 3 star world had happened 12 time grains ago so the star pluckers must have realized that their own position had been revealed their only choice was to shroud themselves in slow fog so that they would appear perfectly safe and no one would bother them but they hadn't maybe they didn't have the ability singer is somewhat perplexed by the actions of earth but nonetheless recognizes the danger that they could potentially possess the potential danger is all that matters in this circumstance the only thing left was cleansing singer took a mass dot out of the magazine again then realized that he couldn't use a mass dot to cleanse the star pluckers their planetary system had a different structure than the dead world system it possessed blind corners using a mass dot might leave something behind thereby wasting effort he needed to use a dual vector foil as he continued to sing singer picked up the dual vector foil with the force field fueler and carelessly tossed it at the star pluckers singer had casually made the decision to destroy our solar system because that simply was their function they were not an exceptional or especially respected member of their own civilization nonetheless they were the destroyers of ours part 4 the deadliest weapon in the universe humanity had been prepared for a mass dot attack but the aliens had not sent a photoid but instead they had sent something infinitely more deadly why aren't we entering jupiter's shadow a a pointed to the combined city outside the porthole there's no point the bunker is useless ciao bin said lowering his eyes how far is the photoid from the sun zhongzin asked there is no photoid then what if you found xiaobin gave a wretched laugh a slip of paper the dual vector foil when activated would cause all matter it came into contact with to collapse into a lower dimension only an object moving at light speed had the potential to escape a dual vector foil once activated the advanced warning system had discovered the unknown object sweeping past the edge of the oort cloud at close to the speed of light this was the first time that humans within the solar system had observed another alien civilization other than the trisolarens the object was not headed directly towards the sun and it emitted weak gravitational waves which was the only way they had been able to detect it in the first place when the projectile was about 150 au from the sun the gravitational waves it emitted began to rapidly decrease in frequency the advanced warning system discovered that this was due to its deceleration within a few days the projectile's velocity went from light speed to 1 1000 of light speed and continued to decrease such a low speed meant that it wasn't enough to threaten the sun which provided further comfort in addition at this speed human spacecraft could keep up with it in other words it was possible to send out ships to intercept it the object simply resembled a slip of paper pure white surface slightly bigger than a credit card but so thin that its thickness could not be measured eventually the slip disappeared entirely and began its deadly job the entire solar system would be compressed into two dimensions it could not be stopped close to a million people had escaped europe six via the emergency exits now caught by the three-dimensional space around them collapsing into two dimensions they fell toward the plane like a swarm of ants caught in a waterfall a majestic reign of people fell onto the plane and the two-dimensional human figures in the city multiplied flattened persons took up a lot of area though still miniscule compared to the vast two-dimensional buildings and resembled tiny barely man-shaped marks in the immense picture the entire solar system would be flattened this was the ultimate dark forest attack in my previous video the terrifying mystery of the fourth dimension we discuss the scene in death sindh where the crew of blue space and gravity encounter fragments of the fourth dimension the tomb that they are able to communicate with tells them that the sea that is the fourth dimension was drying but that the fish who had dried the sea had gone to land before they had done it land refers to the third dimension in the chapter in death sindh that introduces singer it is mentioned that his entire species would soon transform themselves somehow into two-dimensional beings as the homeworld decided to transform into two dimensions singer asked of course the elder already knew the question the elder did not answer which was also an answer if the rumor was true then it was a great sorrow singer could not imagine such a life on the tower of values survival ranked above all when survival was threatened all low entropy entities could only pick the lesser of two evils this would be the only way to ensure the survival of their species long term in the universe because as i have stated in other videos once a dimension strike like the one that took place in the human solar system begins it can never be stopped and dimension strikes had already been committed countless times throughout the history of the third dimension the third dimension was disintegrating due to this fact and eventually everything would collapse into two dimensions it is implied that singer's race may have once existed in the fourth dimension and that they are one of the races responsible for the destruction of the fourth dimension as the solar system collapses only changing and the character aa are able to escape the devastation the technology developed by thomas wade had continued to be worked on in secret a single light-speed ship had been created unbeknownst to the vast majority of humanity lulgie now extremely old chose to stay behind among the last artifacts of humanity on pluto he communicates with xiang zhin and a.a as they exit the solar system chongzin knew that she had no choice but to live on she and a.a were the last two survivors of human civilization her death would mean the death of half of all that was left of humanity living on was the appropriate punishment for her mistake but the course ahead was blank in her heart space was no longer black but colorless what was the point of going anywhere where should we go xiangzi muttered go find them luji said his image was even more blurred now and only black and white his words illuminated shangzin's dark thoughts like lightning she and a.a looked at each other and immediately understood who them meant luigi continued they're still alive the bunker world received a gravitational wave transmission from them five years ago it was a short message and didn't explain where they were halo will periodically hail them with gravitational waves maybe you'll find them maybe they'll find you luigi's black and white image disappeared as well but they could still hear his voice he said one last thing ah it's time for me to go into the picture safe travels children shangzin and aa watched as the entire solar system was compressed into a two-dimensional picture of itself the transmissions they received carried the dying voices of all humanity until slowly there was only silence luji had suggested that xiangzin seek out the members of blue space and gravity but she would head in another direction tianming before his brain left the earth had gifted chongzin with the star a gesture of love in his mind she knew that tianming still existed out there somewhere in the void she would head for their star s74390e2 and hope to find him there like several times before in human history mankind had been diluted into very few individuals whether or not the human race would survive would depend on how well they would be able to navigate and hide within the dark forest in future videos we will discuss the galaxy era and beyond what becomes of humanity in the end do we encounter the remnants of the tricelerians again there's actually a lot more to explore with this series if you want more cool science fiction videos like this one check out my channel and make sure you like and subscribe for more quinn's ideas just a heads up for those of you that may be interested my next graphic novel the lie behind the star is launching february 2023 you can sign up now to get on the email mailing list to get notified as soon as it launches more information on my website link in the description thank you guys so much [Music] you
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 759,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Three Body Problem, Cixin Liu, Science Fiction, Lore, Explained, Trisolaran, Books
Id: gLd_xcY1Afk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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