The Day Of The Lord (Isaiah 3) 12/19/20

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you turned Isiah 3 hi I thought momentarily about skipping this particular passage and doing something Christmasy and then the Lord reminded me well this is the Christmas story and let me tell you why because if you've read chapter 3 ahead and you realize what it is it speaks of it is a description really of the day of the Lord and here's why this is important because the babe that came to the manger came for a purpose came for a reason he came to save us from our sin amen the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is life eternal the reason that this particular passage you could say is that Christmas passage because when someone asked you you know you Christians always say you're saved what do you save from you're saved from the wrath of God that is going to be poured out one day on all unrighteousness that's the short answer you're actually saved from the penalty of your own sin because of the grace that we've been given because of the forgiveness that we have what God would rightly be able to issue to each one of us which he still could but he's so good he won't because we believed his wrath one day he is going to pour out his wrath on all unrighteousness and so chapter three is really a reminder specifically to the Jewish people of exactly what lies ahead what we're saved from and so we'll pick up tonight Isaiah chapter three let's pray and then we'll dig into the word father thank you Lord I think you personally thank you for saving me Lord I still deserve have always deserved that you would judge me and pour out your wrath of my sin and but you won't that's how great the love that you have for us is that's what you Jesus did by becoming a man being Emmanuel God with us coming to this earth living your life sinlessly and then dying on Calvary's cross and so lord as we study tonight as we set ourselves down at your feet as we turn our attention to your word we ask that you'd speak to us bless us Lord with understanding and knowledge and wisdom into all things in Jesus name Amen if you look backwards just a bit to verse 12 of chapter 2 for the day of the Lord of Hosts shall come upon everything proud lofty upon everything lifted up and it shall be brought low one day the Lord is going to do what he has always promised to do that's the context of chapter 3 verse 12 provides us with that as we now begin chapter 3 and so when it says for behold it's referring to the day of the Lord in chapter 2 for behold the Lord of Hosts takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stalk and the store the whole supply of bread the whole supply of water a mighty man the man of war the judge the prophet the diviner the elder the captain of the fifty and honorable man the counselor the skilled artisan an expert in chanter and I will give children to be their princes and so as we look at this chapter one of the great promises that is a negative promise to those who won't abide by it is the promise that one day God is going to deliver the nation Israel as he has always said he's going to do and so as we look at this chapter look at it in the positive vein though what is being said and what will be said is horrific ly negative for those of you that have children why is it that we give negative consequences for actions to our children when we attempt to change their behavior because we do not want to give them what it is that we are telling them we will give them if they continue down that behavioral paths Amen so when you tell your child what I'm gonna take away all your video games it's not that you want to take away their video games that you want them to stop doing what they're doing amen isn't that the reasoning now infant an infinitely greater in that sense is what the Lord is saying to the world I want you to stop doing what you're doing he's going to make that very very very clear and so he puts before us this time called the day of the Lord and he gives us the reasoning for the day of the Lord and as we look at this Judgment Day mentioned 24 times in Scripture so this is not a light subject it isn't mentioned in a church cursory way Isaiah Ezekiel Jeremiah aim of Zephaniah Zachariah and almost the entirety of the book of Joel is written about this if you throw in them the entire book of Revelation you have a very large percentage of the Bible both old and new Testament that reminds us that God is holy God is just God made promises to his children Israel that he intends to keep and at the same time he is not willing to didn't he should perish but that all should come to repentance that he doesn't want to give the negative consequences that he's laying out but he nonetheless reminds us of what those consequences would be if we fail to change our attitude their actions Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 says for alas that great day there's none like it is the time of Jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it remind yourself that Jacob is also Israel amen so when you see Jacob it's really the condensation of the totality of the nation Israel it was before Jacob had his name changed and became governed by God he was he'll catch her and so as Jacob has given this promise by Jeremiah the Prophet it says something it's pretty unique it's a time that Jacob's trouble will come into view but he's actually gonna get saved out of it that is the promise that the Apostle Paul writes in Romans chapter 11 that one day all of Israel will be saved jeremiah says here's the issue we're gonna see this when we get to daniel's 70th week in just a couple of weeks in the Book of Daniel in chapter 9 it says there in verse 24 for your people Israel and upon your holy city Jerusalem to finish the transgression to make an end to the sense to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring an everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision the prophecy and to anoint the most holy this angel comes on the scene and says look there's going to be this period of time you're gonna see these 69 77 year periods some 483 years and then this prayer is gonna come this prints we've been studying in the Book of Daniel by the way who speaks pompous words who's a ruler of a one-world government and a one world religion and overseas in one world monetary system he's gonna come on the scene the Prophet Zechariah in chapter 12 reminds us behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all people round about and when they say in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem that in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people all that burden themselves with it shall be cut to pieces so that all the people of the earth will be gathered together against it there's going to be a period of time when God finally judges the world and the focus of that judgment is going to be this little tiny nation Israel they will be this burdensome Cup this this nation that causes the rest of the world to tremble and sometimes people say well you know you know Israel's not that big a deal you need to read your Bible because the word Israel is mentioned two thousand five hundred and sixty-five times in almost 2300 verses this really is a huge part of what the Bible is all about God made a promise to Abraham that pomme promised transferred to Isaac that promise transferred to Jacob that promise transferred to the totality of God's people through Abraham Isaac and Jacob it's never been taken back because God doesn't take back his promises amen so if he has promised to deliver them if he has promised to save them as he has promised to make a great nation and to bless the entirety of the whole world and to place them into a very specific unique land that is theirs and theirs alone then it's incumbent upon God uncommon incumbent upon God to make good on that promise and in fact when you look at God's name throughout the totality of Scripture more than two hundred times he's called the God of Israel specifically and so what God is saying here is there's a Judgment Day that's coming but that Judgment Day is for a very specific purpose that purpose is very clear when you read the book of Revelation because you see in the first six chapters of the book of Revelation not a single evidence of the church on earth the church throughout the first six chapters is in heaven and then all the sudden the trumpet sound the scrolls are open the bulls are poured out and this incredible destruction erupts on the face of the earth it's because God's not kidding he is going to do exactly what he promised to do through the Prophet Joel and you can read the books of Joel to the book of Joel there's just three chapters to it later but I'd encourage you to read that at some point in time and the entirety of the book of Revelation as we look at this a very difficult time that is right ahead of us when you look at the history of Israel and our neighbors the Bible plainly starts to speak very quickly as soon as the children of Israel they've escaped from Pharaoh they've crossed into the wilderness they mess up God has them wander around in circles for forty years they get to the edge of the promised land they finally make it to Kadesh Barnea they're looking in and they see giants in the land is and we're not going in there who is it that leads a man this is Joshua and Caleb a man the book of Joshua immediately records what war God's promised the land there is the land he's promised to Jewish people the land that's your land but you're also gonna have to fight for it and so the books of Joshua and judges to some degree the Book of Ruth very definitely first and second Kings record this incredible conflict that the moment the children of Israel actually inherit the land and the land is divided they immediately are at war with their neighbors that is the history of the nation Israel ultimately that would come to fruition as the children of Israel are driven eventually from their land and from the time of Christ until May 14th of 1948 they spent the better part of 2000 years kicked out of their own land we call it the Diaspora the dispersion they're scattered all over the world little clusters of Jewish people many in Europe Ashkenazi z-- some in the former Soviet Union in Russia many here in the United States of America but the Jewish people are at war with their neighbors the moment they return anybody know your history what happens you see Zechariah said I'm gonna make the heart of their fire like wood and they'll devour the people around about them Ezekiel 38 says eventually all of their neighbors which by the way are entirely Muslim nations now 100% every nation around it for those of you that know your history Lebanon used to be largely Christian parts of Persia used to be fairly Christian some of Syria the southern part of it used to be Jewish and Christian but now they are entirely Muslim nations and interestingly enough the Book of Ezekiel actually names the nations that will come against Israel in the very last days the day of the Lord the time of Jacob's trouble when God finally says enough I told you don't do this I told you leave my people alone I told you that land is my land if you read the book of Joel carefully you're gonna find out that the land of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is actually God's land but he gave it to Israel and he said it's yours inhabited in obedience and so now they've come back into the land and so what's the history of modern Israel it's very short by the way it's a mere 70 years from May 14 1948 to today the nation Israel is inhabited actually less than the totality of the land that God actually promised to the Jewish people but they're in the land just as the prophet Ezekiel said they would come back to the land they would speak their own language and the dry bones would have flesh and sinew put on them that's happened and exactly as Zechariah prophesied they would then become a burden to the entire world for those of you they're interested in such things more than 60,000 individual votes have been cast in the United Nations in other words countries voting for something against guess what nation Israel that tiny nation is less than 1/10 of 1% of the world's entire population in other words 99.99% of the world is not Israel and yet 34 percent of everything that the UN has ever done since its founding has involved in some way shape or form some thing about for width or geared towards dealing with the nation Israel do you think Israel is a burden to the world look at the uproar that we had when our president rightly by the way moved our embassy to the capital city of the State of Israel which is Jerusalem the whole world condemned the United States of America for doing what should be done why because the world is going to come against Israel in the very last days the whole world and so when you look at Israel's modern history skeptics and you know accuse those of us who believe in a literal rendering of these passages for trying to squeeze it all in there but it's not so speaking there's now speaking Hebrew just as they did you you realize that most of those who have come back to the Land of Israel many of them as he brought their families back the the second and third generations didn't speak Hebrew they have to have Hebrew classes in a Hebrew country but they realize that they need that language because that's one of the defining factors of anyone being a nation a nation is generally comprised of a couple of things a common language common monetary system and common goals Israel's goals are to simply stay alive because they are completely surrounded on all sides by those who seek their demise as a reestablish their nation there's a UN votes against them as you look at what's happened in their world some of the prophecies are frightening if you really look at them we're gonna see as we move on to the latter chapters of The Book of Isaiah the Lord will come and render his anger with fury they'll be slain by the sword Jeremiah says much the same thing I often get asked about the Young Lions in Ezekiel 38 and people say well what about the United States of America in the last days the United States of America is not gonna be Israel's friend we are today but there's gonna come a time when we won't be and I personally believe that that's because the church isn't going to be in the United States of America because we're gonna be home in heaven we will have been raptured the world comes unglued and comes against them but if you look at the history and this list and again you can download these from an internet so trying to write these down in the time I'm gonna give you is an impossibility okay so just go online you can look at it for hours if you'd like to this is a list of the modern wars of Israel now if you know the history of Israel the moment that they declared their independence the next morning they fought a war the very next morning so that war of independence lasted roughly a couple of years if you look at this list you're gonna find out that there has not been a full decade where Israel has not been at war with its neighbors as you think about that imagine that your country is the size of if you were to put orange county in Los Angeles County together it's about that big now I don't know you know if we could clear up the freeways we could probably drive from one end of LA County that's in the south end of Orange County certainly less than a couple of hours but as you look at the history of what's going on in Israel the whole world has hated Israel the the British Mandate ends the Balfour Declaration is over and less than 24 hours later on the morning of May 15th a military coalition of every Arab state in the Middle East launches a full-scale war against a few hundred thousand Israelis anyone wanna know who won yep Israel anybody want to know who won every last one of those Wars yep Israel why because God said once they go back into their land they'll never be removed again never if you travel with us and I'll tell you we just booked our 2020 Israel trip this is taken from a place called the Gwinnett Ragab it's in the Golan Heights considered by many in the world to be occupied territory it's part of Israel Israel maintains sovereignty over it if you ask a Syrian it's Syria that pictures taken from standing inside of Syria but it's taken for a very pivotal battle during the 1973 a sneak attack by the way on Israel Israel is attacked by 80,000 Egyptians they were guarding the southern border with Egypt now imagine 80,000 troops anyone want to take a guess as how many Israeli soldiers were on the southern border about five hundred those defenders came through the Suez in this location in the what was then still Syria the Golan Heights the Israelis had exactly one tank initially stationed the Syrians launched a sneak attack with 980 tanks 980 tanks came against exactly 947 Israelis and one tank the only thing that saved them was the Lord and actually even Disraeli will tell you that along with those tanks for 28,000 Syrian troops backed by Russia modern weaponry t-55 t-72 tanks you traveled there today this is what you'll see every one of those arrows points to a military installation that photo was taken from inside of Israel the closest installation inside of Syria that is a military base actually an airfield is less than 3 through that gap came a thousand tanks by the time they were reinforced they ended up with about a hundred disparity of about ten to one by the time that battle was done the Israeli not in the Israeli army not only defeated that that humongous amount of armor tend to one advantage they had actually pushed all the way to the outskirts of the city of Damascus on that battlefield today there's all kinds of this happens to be an Israeli British made Centurion tank there are all kinds of Russian made tanks all over the battlefield still they just left them there it's still an active minefield do you can't wander off the roads lest you be blown to bits the reason I'm telling you this Israel is a stumbling stone Israel is a trembling Cup Israel is still surrounded by its neighbors and Israel is fighting for its very existence every moment of every day interesting in this battle the Russian tanks that were coming at the Israelis had far superior capabilities but they had one capability Israelis capitalized on they could not target the enemy unless they stopped mr. a li tank commander realized that that happened they also realized that they were using infrared scopes so they turned their tanks around and drove them backwards towards the enemy driving right through their lines getting behind them and then destroying tanks from behind because if you know anything about infrared you can't see red light so they drove in the darkness backwards it's just time and time again God having his hand on the Jewish people in this very tiny hotly contested neighborhood by the time it's all said and done boom our Qaddafi sends French Mirage fighters I racks and MIG fighter jets Iraqi sent hunter jets in just the Soviet armies tried to block the UN ceasefire ultimately when the when it was all said and done the Jewish people lost 3,000 soldiers now to put that into perspective for us today in that short little tiny window that would be the equivalent of us losing a hundred and fifty thousand men based on their population six years earlier On June 8th of 1967 the morning of the six-day war the United States had a ship called the USS Liberty it was a surveillance ship in the Red Sea eavesdropping picking up Israeli radio transmissions those transmissions were being transmitted to the Arabs the Israeli sunk a u.s. vessel interestingly enough the u.s. never did anything about it and no one's ever taken responsibility for it the Israelis wouldn't claim that they sunk it and the US wouldn't claim that we even had it the reason I share all this with you is one day the Lord's gonna square all this stuff away he has been defending Israel he's going to continue to defend Israel no one is gonna push them out of their land in every nation that tries including the Antichrist and all of those nations that surround Israel they are one day going to be defeated Ezekiel 38 says it this way and it is basically the why the day of the Lord is ultimately going to come Joel chapter 2 actually tells us that he's gonna give us three pieces of information but Ezekiel 38 verses 16 to 23 and I'm gonna condense this and I will bring you against my land and my fury shall come up against my face there'll be a great shaking in the Land of Israel the fishes of the sea the fowls of the heaven the beasts of the earth all the creeping things on the face of the than all the men on the face of the earth all the men on the face of the earth will shake in my presence and they will know that I am the Lord you see the day of the Lord is a big deal Israel is a big deal it is it is one of those things that sometimes people say well you know there's no more plan for Israel then I want you to explain to me why they even exist why they are still a country why after over 20 attempts to exterminate them in 70 years they are still in the land it's not because of their their great military might ultimately though they are a strong military force virtually every citizen that's under the age of 35 is in the military in Israel they carry their weapons home with them there they're stored in their homes they respond from their homes to battle but in the book of Joel it says this very interesting passage I will gather together the nations of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat now that Valley by the way is that the other end of what we call the valley of Megiddo or the plain of jezreel it's actually next to Jerusalem and it says there I will gathered them together and I will plead and punish them there and he gives the reason why my people my heritage Israel because they were scattered among the nations and they parted my land three very specific reasons because of what the world has done to Israel how they retreated in other words that they were scattered amongst the nations so when people start talking land for peace God looks at it you're trying to give away my land I gave it to the Jewish people and you're trying to take it from me to give it to somebody else and this is not a political rendering of this this is what your Bible says and then finally as they give away this land ultimately the hope is to wipe out the Jewish people God says I will bless those who bless you o Israel and I will curse those who curse you the day of the Lord is coming because God's wrath is going to be poured out on the world and it's likely to be sooner rather than later because of what we know about Ezekiel 38 and 39 and the nations that are gathered together against them virtually every nation on the face of the earth has participated in some way shape or form of persecuting the Jewish people we happen to be Israel's greatest ally in the world as the United States of America but imagine if we did not have a governmental system that actually believed that which there are some who would refer we didn't and in fact our president had to fight very very hard in order to make that change to say we're moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem I have picture me standing in front of the plaque Brazil's moving theirs next month is what I understand there are many nations following suit there are some that believe that what the Bible says is true God made a promise that he would one day deliver the Jewish people from all of this tyranny he hasn't done it yet he hasn't done it yet just last week Turkey seized at Israeli vessel in the Mediterranean Sea three days ago this will announced that it finally deep well drilling out in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea struck natural gas begin pumping natural gas next week they will become energy independent for the first time since they've found it as a nation they will no longer need to buy Iranian natural gas or oil because they set up every one of their power plants to run on natural gas they're gonna be switched over from coal so they're gonna get stronger they're not gonna get weaker what we know is the tribulation is God's answer to that Jesus in Matthew 24 verses 22 to 21 and 22 Jesus himself says these things for then what's then the day of the Lord that's the whole context of these last couple of chapters before he reaches chapter 28 chapters 24 25 26 we call it the Olivet discourse Jesus is commentary on the very last days for then shall be a Great Tribulation not a little tiny one but a great one such as what hat was not since the beginning of the world to this time nor shall it ever be in other words is going to be a time of trouble that's going to involve Israel that is gonna be unlike anything the world has ever seen now remind yourself Jesus came to deliver us from the wrath of God this is the pouring out of God's wrath on the face of the earth he's finally gonna say enough no more and except that those days should be shortened there would be no flesh saved but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened interesting that we're told that during the tribulation there are actually people who are saved and a vast majority of them are Jewish we know at least hundred and forty-four thousand because they're named by tribe twelve thousand from each and so it's Daniel and Jesus jon's speak of these things as Revelation chapter 6 begins with the opening of the seven seals of judgment and it continues through the seventh trumpet and the seven vials the Bulls that are poured out when you understand what God's doing he's basically giving that ultimatum to the world saying don't mess with my people don't do it Jesus spoke of a couple of different kinds of tribulation John did as well and it's interesting to me as you as you look at these things in in the light of what scripture says about them when Jesus said look I spoken these things to you that in you in me you might have peace with the in the world you shall have tribulation Jesus was talking about just general tribulation the world is gonna kind of have some stuff going on all the time but when he says Great Tribulation he's talking about a very specific three-and-a-half years that the world is going to come unhinged and that three and a half years is Revelation chapter six to nineteen that's what it's describing do you people take these passages and they try and make them say something they don't say because they are all attached to Isaiah's prophecy of the day of the Lord this time that's going to come and so when each layer is added on top of the next and every single time the focal point is Israel the reason that we are not in this church those who believe in replacement theology I believe Israel is still going to see Messiah and yes they're gonna believe on the same one that we believe on but God still has a plan for them in the last season that's why all of these things still matter to us if they didn't matter to us we could just skip all this part if God was already done with Israel we could just not even read these passages because he's certainly not gonna pour out his wrath on his kids amen I can tell you he's not gonna pour out his wrath on his kids why do I know that because Revelation chapter 6 verse 12 says this during those days the beginning of the tribulation those on the earth try and hide and they call for the rocks and mountains to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb the wrath of God but that pouring out will be the wrath for the great day of his wrath has come read the first six chapters there's no church we find the church worshipping in heaven how do we get there either one at a time you cash in your final chip and you head home to the Lord Amen or the trumpet sounds and we were alive and remain medium in the air amen and so in Revelation 14 we find the great tribulation referred to as the wrath of God now notice what Paul wrote to the church in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 for God did not appoint us to wrath but unto salvation amen through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us that's why he came he came to die amen Emanuel came to give his life a ransom for many he came purposefully because God's wrath is going to be poured out eventually who died for us that whether we sleep whether you've already gone home to be with the Lord or we live we live together with him so these last days this time of Jacob's trouble Daniels 70th week all of these things the tribulation the Great Tribulation all of these things point to a time when God is finally going to do what he has promised he would do the very same thing that no parent wants to do when a parent gives its child an ultimatum one of the names for us as disciples is the children of God amen every good parent knows this sometimes you just gotta tell your kids how it is they may not believe it at first but the first time they get the spankin guess what happens generally the attitude adjusts that's the hope amen so when you suffer negative consequences God's hope in your life is that you'll understand those negative consequences came from his hand because he chastens those whom he loves so he's not being mean he's saying look I told you these things in advance I'm trying to change your attitude your attitudes wrong and because your attitude is wrong your actions follow and because your attitudes have followed your actions and you went the wrong direction I'm warning you that if you continue down this path in God's case you're gonna see my wrath the answer to that was a babe in a manger who would grow up to be Jesus of Nazareth a man who would ultimately give his life a ransom for us you see as God speaks into our lives about these things what he's really trying to do is he's trying to save us he's trying to remind us look I am a holy God I am a perfect God I am a just God I am a promise keeping God and so when I told you that those Jewish people are the apple of my eye and I will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them I meant that when I gave them the land that is called Israel the land of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as a perpetual inheritance in other words it's ongoing forever and ever and ever and ever I meant that when he said one day I will save all Israel he meant that you see when you put all the promises together it starts to point us towards Luke whoops no wonder God is going to try men who dwell on the earth just exactly as evolution 3 says no wonder revelation 15 says he's going to pour out his wrath on the wicked no wonder revelation 11 says he's going to destroy those who destroyed the earth you see God's basically saying you can have Jesus by grace and through faith and salvation and not worry about my wrath or you can keep doing what you want to do you can keep going the direction you want to go and so as we wrap up the rest of this chapter and this will make sense to you in about two minutes just as the Lord spoke to Abraham and told him of the impending judgment of sodom and gomorrah so the Lord speaks to the whole world about his impending wrath being poured out for what we've done to him personally rejecting his son continuing in wickedness and evil for what we've done to Israel dividing up the land and disobeying God he gave us an answer his name is Jesus he said this is how you solved this problem believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be what do you save from the wrath of God he gave us a way out and it's by grace and through faith and the faith is a gift so when someone says God is mean and unfair and unjust Ang's guilt no no not always he not mean unfair and unjust he is completely long-suffering had not willing that any should perish and the way we know that he's given us 2,000 years to knock it off you see what I'm saying it's like stop stop already believe on my son he came to save you but the world keeps going the wrong direction we keep passing laws that fly in the face of God we keep doing exactly what he tells us not to do but just as was the case of Sodom remember when the angels will arrived do you remember what Abraham's prayer was he starts out well there's got to be some righteous people there he gets down to ten how many did they find one his name was a lot they rescued righteous lot and destroyed everybody else why is that important to us just a second Peter chapter 2 says God uses examples he tries to tell us in advance so that we will make the right decisions God knows Peter said how to deliver the righteous and reserve the ungodly for the Day of Judgment that's why he says he's not appointed us to wrath that's why Romans 5:9 says now being justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him so when someone ask you oh I love the day of the Lord because it's a warning when you share these things with people it's like you ever wondered how Israel survived all these years have you ever thought about how this little tiny nation is actually managed to exist when they're completely surrounded by their enemies they're well armed mortal enemies who express desire by the way to the entire world is to wipe them off the face of the earth it's not like anybody hides that that's in the charter of the PLO and it's a direct result of communications with Iran Iraq and Turkey they've actually said it we want to destroy them completely so sure with you what God says Malachi declared thus says the Lord I the Lord change not so if you use the most common form of reasoning which is called a syllogism deductive reasoning thought syllogism consists of a major premise a minor premise and a conclusion so in our case our major premise is negative the church is not appointed to wrath Romans 5:9 says we'll be saved from wrath God has not appointed as to wrath our minor premise is he's going to hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne from the wrath of the lamb for the day of his great wrath has come the only conclusion is he's going to save us from the tribulation it's just simple deductive reasoning he cannot save us from something and then put us through the thing he saved us from because we know the reason why he's going to pour out his wrath so when someone comes to you and says what do you save from what are you going to tell him the wrath of God I'm not gonna experience I don't plan on being here during the tribulation that's why this passage is hopeful and now we can read the rest of this like a story and I'm just gonna draw three points from it because they're very clear verse five the people will be oppressed every one by another and every one by his neighbor and a child will be insolent towards an elder now I want you to think of in the light of the wrath of God is coming it's going to be poured out for a very specific reason that time is called the last days Israel is back in the land now listen to what Isaiah said is going to be the case when that happens child insulin towards an elder the base towards the Honorable when a man takes hold of his brother in the house of his father saying you have clothing be our ruler let these ruins be under your power in that day he will protest seeing I cannot cure your ills for in my house is neither food nor clothing do not make me a ruler of the people for Jerusalem stumbled and Judah has fallen because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord to provoke the eyes of his glory to look upon their countenance as witnesses against them and they declare their sin as Sodom they do not hide it woe to their soul for they have brought this evil upon themselves say to the righteous that'll be well with them for they shall eat of the fruit of their doings the first thing that you see here is pretty clear it's the rise of rampant homosexuality in the very last days they'll no longer hide it that is the sin of Sodom no matter what liberal theologians keep trying to cram down our throats the sin of Sodom was that men lied with men as they do with the woman they're gonna have some kind of flagrant attitude towards that a demonstration of their sin as they did in Sodom they become brazen they look for recognition people will be unkind unjust unloving young people will no longer value the council of elders sound like any world that you're in is that world ever existed globally before it has not we've had these problems before but never like we have them now notice the comfort to the righteous it's gonna be okay with you when God shakes it's gonna be well with you why because he saved us from his wrath amen that's why Jesus came he goes on and says something woe to the wicked for it shall be ill with them verse 11 for the reward of his hand should be given to him that's for my people my children are their oppressors women rule over them oh my people alas those who caused you to err and destroy your paths you talk about a corrupt government I am frankly astonished at what's going on in our government right now I never thought I'd live long enough to see this this is nuts it's crazy it's like the whole system is corrupt and I'm not taking a political stand here I'm just simply saying it stinks it's nuts still the best system of government on the planet but if our system which is the best system is as nuts as it is can you imagine what it's like in China or Russia or anywhere in the African continent or South America every government on earth is corrupt children are gonna be their oppressors women will rule over them verse 13 for the Lord stands to plead and stands to judge the people the Lord will enter into judgment with the elders of his people with his Prince's for you have eaten up the vendor vineyard now notice this you plunder the poor it's in your houses what do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor we have more people in poverty today than ever in the course of human history no we're richer than ever in human history but we have more people in poverty why because we have more people and there's consequently more poor grinding the face of the poor says the Lord God moreover the Lord says the daughters of Zion are haughty now I would ask that you would please put this into a Hebrew context in the Hebrew context women were very very very chaste and they were actually not allowed to even talk to men in public I'm not suggesting we need to go back to that place but I am suggesting what follows is pretty easy to see because the daughters of Zion are haughty they walk around with outstretched necks and wanton eyes it literally says they go whoring walking and mincing as they go objectifying themselves is what it's actually getting at being so sexually oriented that the women who used to be the guardians of chastity are now no longer let's let's face it throughout human history you ladies have been the brighter light in the in the in the pair with this regard making a jingling with their feet this is describing what have been the normal way that a prostitute will walk through town that may be offensive to you but it's nonetheless what it says and this is the daughters look who it is of Zion God's holy people and therefore the Lord will strike with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion the Lord will uncover their secret parts in other words expose their nakedness for in that day the Lord will take away the finery the jingling anklets the scarves the crescents the pendants the bracelets the veils the headdresses the leg ornaments the headband the perfume boxes the charms the rings the nose jewels the festool apparel the mantles the outer garments the purses the mirrors the fine linen the turbans the robes and so it shall be instead of a sweet smell there will be a stench and instead of a sash a rope instead of well set hair baldness instead of a rich rope a girding a sack cloth and a branding instead of beauty your men shall fall by the sword your mighty in the war her gates shall lament and mourn and she'll be desolate and sit on the ground that sounds like a world to me where radical feminism is taking control to where the roles that God put into the marriage relationship are reversed to where it goes way beyond equality to someplace that we're heading right now it's what the Bible says folks it's not what Jeff says so the Bible clearly says this is the reason that the judgment ultimately is going to come upon Judah and Jerusalem their carnal living extravagance the turning over to one's thought life and one's mind the things that we should not turn our minds over to and you'll notice an intermixed in all of this there is a proudness of it there is that this is my right not only should I do this I'm proud we just had a congresswoman talk to another congresswoman about how she was grateful she got to murder her baby grateful that she had the right that's a worldĂ­s in trouble that's not a world that's doing well now that's not we've finally arrived that's a world that needs to stop really quickly and go what are we doing because that is nothing to brag about it's nothing to be proud of the death of innocent children is an abomination unto the Lord and it's abomination for the men as well by the way let me be really clear here make no mistake about what I'm saying it takes two to make a baby and the man as every bit as guilty the problem is God warned us what this was all going to look like he said these he said these things 2700 years ago why because he wants to spare us from the wrath he wants us to turn our lives over to Jesus he wants us to think about these things ago what am i doing why do I think this way why would I ever why would I ever vote for somebody that would think these things are okay why would I ever put myself in a situation that would make me a party to these types of things now I think the church it's it's incumbent upon us to take a stand for righteousness in these last days because people are watching how we respond to these things and they're getting their cue from us and if the church won't stand strong for the holiness of the Lord then the world is doomed the world is doomed and so I pray that as we celebrate and I know this is a little bit of a downer but I want to end on an up note as we celebrate the birth of Christ anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be right that salvation comes by believing on the only begotten son of God amen it's not a hard thing the result of that is sanctification we begin to walk in the Lord right we begin to change the way we think and the way we think governs how we act and when we start to change the action God says you got it that's why fruit in our lives matters and so I just want to remind you there is a seriousness to Christmas there's a joy to Christmas there's an absolute elation that should come to us from Christmas because he man who L Christ with us God with us has come but when you're talking to your friends and family maybe at some point in time around that Christmas dinner table you've got those unsaved loved ones maybe ask them how you think they think the world is doing get to some of those questions it's like what do you think about the Lord get their mind set on heavenly things because in that day one day is coming I can't tell you it's gonna be next week I wouldn't even venture a guess but I know when I look around the world the things that isaiah prophesied two thousand seven hundred years ago i can see going on what he said would happen that israel would go back in the land and never ever be removed from it again has already happened the nations that he said would rise up against them are already in place so what that does for me is maybe really thankful I'm saved amen because he hasn't appointed us to wrath so be joyful not but also stand strong have God's opinion on these things because the Lord is actually looking to us he's looking to and fro to see those who were his amen would you stand and we'll pray together I'm gonna bring some pastors up front you need prayer after service they'll be here father thank you lord I just cry Abba Father thank you Jesus that you've not appointed us to any of these things but your word declares to us that we ought not to walk in blindness as those who do not know the truth but we should examine those times and the seasons we can look at the tree and see that the leaves are withering or we can understand that our world is going the exact direction that you said it would before you snatch your church home and before some of these things begin to happen and so Lord we ask that you would make us a bright light or as we celebrate you coming as the light of the world as we have been given that light to shine in this world or we would be faithful to it we thank you for the power of your word the majesty of truth I pray that you would bless us for it anoint us if there's anyone here tonight that's afraid maybe they're wondering whether they're saved or not they can get that squared away right now or they can come and be prayed for and invite you into their life and be saved father thank you it's not simple we ask all this in the wonderful name of our Savior Jesus the babe in the manger who's also the Lion of the tribe of Judah in his name Jesus you
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 396
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ccsb, ccsouthbay, Calvary Chapel South Bay, South Bay, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord, God, Bible, Jeff Gill, Pastor Jeff Gill, Scriptures
Id: ChooJdAbQKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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