Do You Believe? (Pancho Juarez)

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let's pray father we thank you for tonight thank you that you have given us a privilege and permission and yet life to come here today I thank you for those that made a sacrifice those that are sweaty and oily and hungry those that fought traffic and they fought weirdness and obstacles and yet they're here would you bless them Lord would you touch them would you please speak to all of us whether we're believers so we're looky-loos looking for you father they actually you found them and brought them here speak to all of us as we drawn your passion weak father it is a very muted yet loud Testament of your power over the grave speak to us we pray enter and invade our private world we pray for our children their children as we pray for mom and dad if if any and grandpa and grandma if any may you bless us with your presence your power may you speak to us from your word tonight we are ready in Jesus name Amen you may have a seat thank you so much pub Sunday is coming passion week is coming if I if I cough I that's why I usually have a country of mic we have this just in case because I'm recovering from a full-on bronchitis if you have asthma my heart goes out to you Oh Lord Jesus I have an inhaler man I've been taking hits left and right with that inhaler I've been taking hits excuse me I've been breathing some of those things so if I have to move this so I can call please forgive me well Passion Week is coming we just got back from Israel and we had four of your homies from here they went with us I don't think they'll ever be the same and The Passion of Jesus Christ is coming Palm Sunday is recorded on every gospel Matthew Mark and Luke they're called the Sanada synoptic Gospels the work comes from the word seemed like symphony in harmony Matthew Mark and Luke they have a narrative that is the same three witnesses that were there and they're right the same thing but John is the one that is an exception John before he he also brings a narrative upon Sunday as Jesus rides upon a donkey which is a symbol of peace not of war the Bible says that he leaves Bethany all three Gospels explained the same Bethany the house of dates because there were many palm trees there in Bethany Bethany the house of dates and the Bible says that Jesus left and let people what people there were so many disciples the Bible says it was a great multitude that means thousands of people were behind them and then as he draws closer he's two miles away from Jerusalem as he goes over the Mount of Olives and then as he descends down to the Kidron Valley the Bible says it was it was six days before Passover so we have thousands and thousands of pilgrims in Jerusalem and they were there in the temple asking do you think that Jesus from Nazareth do you think he will show up for the Passover but lo and behold he comes in on Palm Sunday and he's leading a group and then there's a group from Jerusalem that goes and meets him and these are the people that put palms and branches before him and they begin to say baruch haba b'shem adonai 'blessed it is he who comes in the name of the Lord there were two kinds of people there were those they had witnessed something sensational that John records and nobody else records it and there were others that were just looky-loos religious people religious people in contras were those they had witnessed what Jesus had done the Bible tells us in John chapter 11 what you turn there with me John chapter 11 the title of my message do you believe do you believe oh I believe you believe in what I mean when I was approached by someone do you believe that Jesus died for you I know the basic principles and teachings of Jesus I was brought up as a Christian in my own traditional biological social upbringing I did not choose the religion the religion was chosen for me and I had to be put through certain rituals in ceremonies ceremonies and rituals that I had no clue no idea everybody does in my community you get a white suit with a nice candle you know what I'm talking about and then you do your confirmation I did everything that I had to do but later on I realized it was only ritual and ceremony I was empty I had no clue about salvation and I was brought up as a Christian but then I came to realize at the age of twenty four years old when I was approached do you believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus I do that makes it principles I knew that he got jacked and they crucified him that's exactly what I said it's not fair I believed in Jesus do you believe they rose from the dead yeah I believe they rose from the dead do you believe that he stands at the right hand of God yeah I yeah I believe in Jesus but Jesus was not Lord of my life Jesus but not a personal Savior he was someone as far as I know he was someone like President Obama I know who he is I know what he does I know his wife's name I know his children name I know he lives in 1600 Pennsylvania but I don't know him personally and that's exactly why West for me it wasn't until someone basically told me do you know that he died for you you know that he's willing to to change your life and all you have to do is believe but believe intellectually it was not intellectually I had to believe for heart but my heart and my life was not ready at the age of 24 years old I no man in my standards a no man 24 years old from @h of 11 I had lived a miserable life at the age of 24 years old I finally encountered Jesus Christ in fact you may be here like me I was invited to a concert it was a rock concert but it was a Jesus The Rock concert I got Jack but it was the best decision in my life best decision I thought I was I wasn't really I was not looking for God I don't under you forgot God found me and Howard the gospel do you believe in your heart and this is what you're going to see this is the story of two women Mary and Martha two philosophies to contrast two orders to world views Martha is the oldest sister and Mary is the younger sister very different the Bible tells us here in John chapter 11 we are told in verse five that Jesus loved Martha and her sister and brother Lazarus this is John John is the only one that chooses a miracle story that epitomizes Christ's mission and fate victory over death you see the Bible says here that there's an ultimate sign that Jesus is the source of life now he gives life to one man who had died there were good friends the Bible tells us that in the previous time that Jesus in his first year of ministry second year of ministry during the Passover there were so many people that Jesus will crash forgive me he will stay overnight in Bethany there in the house of Mary Martha and their brother Lazarus Jesus loved them we are told in verse 5 that she love them this is one of the basic principles that you and I as believers and for those who don't know Jesus you need to know this Jesus loves you you need to know that maybe your parents don't love you I understand that maybe your spouse don't love you maybe your children don't love you even your neighbors and co-workers don't love you even the bus driver don't like you but jesus loves you a lot how much this much he loves you and you need to know that Jesus loved Martha and Mary we are told that Jesus is a way ministry when all of a sudden is a distressed message for Martha and Mary we are told that laster's became sick the work is as nesto in the Greek which means weak impotent and riddled with disease and the sister sent an urgent message to Jesus and when Jesus heard about it inexplicably Jesus does not respond until two days later however he makes a clarification to teach the disciples and you see this word so that you may believe so that others who are going to witness the sensational miracle they may believe the whole activity of God was not only to prove that he is the bread of life that he is the light of the world that he is the door that he is the Good Shepherd that he is the resurrection in the life that he is the way the truth and the life and that he is the vine but he wanted to prove one more time that Jesus has power over death he knew that the source of death was sin for the wages of sin say loud it's death we all die that may be news for some of you but 10 out of 10 people here will die inevitable I don't care if you use oil of olay I don't care what you you you're going down you're going down you can deny it I'll go to Gold's Gym I went to Wells Fargo Bank and there's a Gold's Gym next door and asks all these guys going in there and then they walk you know I can't I can fake it too they want with their arms extend they don't have to there's a big space in here and they're walking to the into the gym and they get of the car and they're looking at themselves in a glass plate I look at myself as you do you're getting old but I understand that I have piece by piece but I'm like Paul you know I know I know I'm getting wasted the our men is wasting away but the inner man is growing day by day see this is reality death will come and death brings pain and grief anxiety stress Paul forgive me Jesus is notified by the sisters will pick it up verse 1 now certain man was sick last year's of Bethany the town of Mary and her sister Martha verse 2 it was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was sick now don't confuse this with the lady in Luke chapter 7 this lady was she her vocation was the little scandalous that's a different woman this is Mary it tripped me out you see for me you know growing up in the traditional biological you know Church of my youth I only knew one Mary the Holy Virgin Mary only knew one and asked I reading the Bible trip out there are seven Mary's they're seven Mary's I had no idea not at all this is one Mary very different from her sister we are told they're two contrasts we are told in Luke chapter 10 38 now it happened as they went that Jesus enter a certain village and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house and she had a sister called Mary who also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word but Martha was distracted with much serving and she approached him and said Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone therefore please tell her to help me and jesus answered and said to her the famous words Martha Martha you're tripping that's not what he said listen what you say Martha Martha you are worried and you are trouble about many things but one thing is needed and mary has chosen the good part which will not be taken away from her two different dispositions two different attitudes two different lifes two different drives Martha was a busy lady one author said this Martha seems to have been an anxious woman bustling spirit anxious to be helpful in providing the best things for the Masters use in contrast in the quiet earnest of Mary who was more concerned to avail herself of the opportunity of sitting at the Lord's feet and learning of him Martha was not sensitive like today the contrast there are those who will celebrate commemorate passion week culminating with the with the crown one in the bedrock of our Christian faith the resurrection and Palm Sunday we rejoice over it for many people who are religious Palm Sunday we've become a leg leg part day put on wore your picnic and they break their Lent you see I'm trying to be very diplomatic because I'm very sensitive I come from the background it is not my intention to offend but to enlight people you see there was a certain Wednesday right after Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday there's a carnival a carnival which is a French word means carnevale bye-bye flesh so on Tuesday they will put a mask on so they will not be recognized because you see they're going to get religious and for forty days they're going to abstain from food from certain items so on Fat Tuesday they are gran demise themselves that means they stuff themselves and they drink and they have all kinds of central arousals and they have a mask or there will not be recognized because the next day it begins a holy week a holy forty days and when do they break it on Easter Sunday I'm not trying to in any way belittle my tradition my culture my faith as a child it's not my intention but when I was growing up they were people they say what are you going to give up I'm gonna give up Coronas other guys will say I'm gonna give up weed how many know what I'm talking about is your hand if you don't talking about right I'm not I'm not making this up man imma stay from hard liquor ban just beard I'm serious you're laughing I hopefully some against the video I'm not laughing you're laughing I mean this is serious stuff so here we are in our ignorance come East err Sunday the most glorious day for the Christian believer but those who don't know Christ we will go to the park man I haven't smoked a joint man in 40 days and I smoked a joint on Easter Sunday thank thanking God that I made it 40 days without smoking a joint you see the contrasts still there there are those who believe and don't believe like Mary and Martha so their brother is sick Jesus is a friend in fact to all of us jesus said in in John chapter 15 you know you know I'm no longer just call you disciples but I now called you what friends Jesus is not only our Savior a redeemer but he's a friend loyal friend so he's sick they send a message notice verse 3 verse 2 it was that Mary they anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was sick therefore the sister sent to him saying Lord behold he whom you what you love is sick when Jesus heard that he said notice the clarification this sickness is not unto death but for what for the glory of God that the Son of God may be glorified through it I mean he's going to die you're reading to the story and yet Jesus said no this is not unto death you say the anticipation of Jesus Jesus already first saw the future he says this is only on occasion so that God may get all the glory and he will give further clarification to his disciples that there's a purpose behind what God is doing he's always in control of things especially the future you don't know the future I don't either but people love to know their future that's why palm readers and car readers all kinds of heebie-jeebie and almani it's all happening there people want to know the future they want to know three things am I going to be healthy number one secondly am I going to be rich and the third one is am I going to get the hook-up and do I mean why am I going to be my soul mate and they're they're hooey I he has no immigration but he's going to love you come back next week maybe you maybe the cars will read something else maybe you get a new European come on right away $15 next time and people wonder the future we don't know the future but the Bible says that God knows the future and he has a future for you for me there's a hope there's a love jesus said he's not gonna die this is for the glory of God he explains himself but inexplicably the Bible says in verse 6 so when he heard that he C was sick he stayed two more days in the place where he was then after this he said to disciples let us go to Judea again the disciples said to a rabbi teacher lately the Jews sought to stone you and are you going there again Lord it doesn't make sense they're gonna jump you there's a green light to whack you and you're going to go back to Judea verse 9 are there not twelve hours in the day that's a rhetorical question yes according to the Jewish times yes if anyone walks in the day he does not stumble why well because he sees the light of the world the daytime but it won't walks in the night he stumbles because the light is not in him this thinks he said and after that he said to them our friend Lazarus sleeps but I go that I may wake him up one of his favorite metaphors for death was sleeping that's a wonderful metaphor Jesus used that metaphor for death to soften the blow of death because to every when you die it's not the final place it's only a transitional place absent from the body is to be present with the Lord it is a transformational room where we discard this body of flesh this body of disease this body of pain we transfer from this body this body stays in rose Hills for as long but my spirit goes in the presence of God I'm not here anymore but I'm now with Jesus where there's no tears no more sorrow no more pain and so Jesus begins to explain himself verse 12 then his disciples said Lord if he's crashing over his sleep he will get well verse 13 there's the explanation however Jesus spoke of his what of his death but they thought that he was speaking about taking rest and sleep then jesus said to them in a plain language Lazarus is dead here's an explanation verse 15 and I'm glad for your sakes that I was not there that you may what that you may believe nevertheless let us go to him so there's a purpose behind this he says I'm glad that I was not there I'm glad that I'm over here and I'm going to deliberately we believe inexplicable that he stood two extra days by the time he got back to Bethany death had come to Lazarus he already been in the tomb four days so you can imagine the grieve the anxiety the pain what death does so he stays behind he gives an explanation and the Bible says in verse 16 then Thomas who is called the twin didymus said to his fellow disciples let us go so let us also go that we may die with him verse 17 so when Jesus came meaning to Bethany he found that he already been in the tomb four days now Bethany was near Jerusalem at two miles away and many of the Jews had joined the women around Martha and Mary to what to comfort them concerning their brother then Martha as soon as she heard heard that Jesus was coming when and met him but Mary was sitting in the house here is what the manifestation of character comes out when there's a tragedy when there's a circumstance or hardship that is beyond your own human capabilities to change this is when the true character comes out you see all of us have a personality hi hello what's up hi but uh but all of us also have a character and character is what we need not personality don't listen to the 60 songs you know she has personality quality personality no what you need is oh is character because what Paul says he says we rejoice in tribulation knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance produces character and character produces hope and hope will not disappoint because the love of God is poor in our hearts by way of the Holy Spirit character is very important so this is where the character manifest there's pain this grief there's death there's distress there's the rest there's mental anxiety there's tears and Martha when she hears that Jesus is at the gate of Bethany she gets up she doesn't tell Mary someone came in told her the Messiah is here and she gets up and noticed the both attitudes verse 21 verse 20 then Martha as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming when and met him but Mary was sitting in the house now Martha said to Jesus Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died but even now I ask that whatever you ask of God God will give you jesus said to her your brother will rise again now you notice here but I don't like about the Bible is that there's no inflected intonation what does that mean we read we don't you can say like though for example dude I can say dude I can say dude I can say another way dude or I can say dude see that's what you call that's what you call inflected intonation we don't know how Jesus said it we don't even know the tonal inflection and Mary's voice this you go up to Jesus she says Martha said if you would have been here my brother would not have died or she could have said if she would have been here my brother would have died you see so we don't have that I wish we had internal inflection I wish I knew how she said it because when you hear people talk you see their heart for the Bible says for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks when you hear people talk you can tell their heart where they're at you can tell if you would have been here Martha's and then jesus said to her your brother will rise again Martha said to him oh I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day they have witnessed Jesus miracles they have seen and heard of Jesus raising people from the dead and yet she relegate Jesus to the notion of the Jewish resurrection that one day that God according to Ezekiel the Prophet that one day God will close the grave that one day God will have victory of the grave that one day the death will be swallowed up and that was the hope of everyone so she relegate stew her religion her tradition her culture Martha your brother will rise oh I know because you're not according to tradition and rich on the ceremony I know and Jesus said to her I am the resurrection in the life hear this he who believes in me though he may die he shall live verse 36 and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die and here's the question do you believe now it's personal now think about it what Jesus was saying is very cruel I mean cruel malicious we all know we're going to die so what does he mean that if you believe in me and whoever believes in me they shall never die you see we're not speaking about physical death you see when you come to Revelation specifically in Revelation chapter 20 the Bible says there is a second what death what does that mean there's a physical death what I call the Rose Hills Forest Lawn death and then there's a second death spiritual death is the absence of God's present in a place where the worm never dies a place of torment a place of eternal damnation where there's gnashing of teeth Jesus said there's two resurrections one of the living and one of the Damned there is a resurrection but which one will they go that's the anxiety of many people because God has put eternity in our heart according to his AC ecclesiastical each Apter chapter 3 verse 11 that when God created us he put eternity in her heart it is part of our DNA it's encoded in us you can you can be an atheist you can professor be an atheist but deep inside of you you know there's an eternal being something more powerful than us he turned her life beckons us calls us and if we're not sure of our security will become anxious become desperate and we go to the notion in the man show the world you only live once so if you only live once and you over 40 oh man you're you're over the hill that's the acceleration of people trying to maximize because see they're not looking at with eternal perspective they're only looking at the terrestrial existence I'm 40 years old and I'm living this life and I'm turning 50 I'm 60 and I'm 70 is this all there is is this all there is to life and there's the desperation with people putting on wigs stretching the skin liposuction and all that stuff trying to maintain what's going down in editor Lee there is the tragedy Jesus says I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die question do you believe this and she said to him yes Lord I believe believer what I believe that you are the Christ you are the Messiah you are the son of God who is now to come into the world that's what you called a confession of faith and that question was personal do you believe your I believe in God I believe that there's a superior being no no no do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah do you believe that he's a son of God do you believe that he rose from the dead for the Bible says he who believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth that Jesus rose from the dead he shall be finish it for me save thank you thank you though you're here I don't know man I don't know only this section right here lay their eggs this is this this this right here but right here is woo hoo boom right here whoever believes in his heart and confesses with this mouth that Jesus rose from the dead he shall be safe but don't I have to do something nope don't I have to get my act together nope don't have to floss my teeth no I'll have to comb my hair no I got all these tats nope leaving there but I used to be a prostitute so what I was a homosexual that's true why I was a drug addict for what a lot of drug addicts here in South Bay I know former former sis out bait come on bunch of Slammers and tutors I know that you can you can it takes one to know one you can owe your Bible but I know you slam just by the way you walk the way you talk I know you're a slammer and I know you're a crackhead just by talking to you looking at your face I know you're redeemed you're forgiven but a crackhead pennies angel dusters oh I know let me finish I believe that you are the Christ the Son of the Living God who is to come into the world and when she has said these things Martha went away and secretly call marry her sister knowing secretly saying hey the teacher has Commons calling for you as soon as she heard that she arose quicklink came to him now notice her attitude now Jesus had not yet come into the town but was in the place where Martha met him then the Jews who were with her in the house and comforting her when they saw that Mary rose up quickly and went out they follow her saying she's going to the tomb to weep there then when Mary came where Jesus was and saw him notice the attitude she fell down at his feet saying to him the same words Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died now do you understand tonal inflection you see Martha must have said you know if you would have been here my brother would not died whereas Mary goes and worships him first and there's the tonal inflection that I need so bad one day in in the future where we get to Jesus there's a lot of questions that I have and I want to know what that I wonder how Martha approached Jesus and I wonder how Mary said then Mary knowing if you ever had some a loved one died if you had a loved one died you know the emotion you know that travail you know the mental anguish you know the horror the despicable distress and you know the feeling they just lost their brother they call for Jesus and Jesus that did not respond and in fact he ignored me he kicked back two days when I was in the ER I was in ICU Jesus takes his time this is a worry about it he's only sleeping no I'm in the hospital dying no you're only sleeping don't worry by full of glory of God it's for others to witness so they can believe don't trip out you're going to be alright Lazarus dies so soon weeping and notice verse 33 therefore when Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who came with her weeping this is the response of Jesus he grown in the spirit not in the Holy Spirit he grown in the emotional world that he had he was human as well he was God and he was grown in the spirit and it was trouble and he said where have you laid him they said to him Lord come and see 35 jesus wept then the Jews said see how he loved him and some of them said could not this man who opened the eyes of the blind also have kept this man from dying then Jesus again emotionally groaning in himself came to the tomb it was the cave and a stone laid against it very crude jesus said take away the stone Martha the sister of him who was dead said to him Lord by now there's a stench for he has been dead for days notice the rebuke jesus said to her did I not say to you that if you would believe you will see the glory of God then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said father I thank you that you have hurt me and I know that you always hear me but because of the people who are standing by I say this that they may what that they may believe that you sent me do you believe Martha do you believe disciples I'm going to do something gonna blow your mind death has no power over me I am the master blaster over death I have the power of the grave this victory there's no sting of death with me and I'm going to prove this so you disciples may believe Martha I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me he will never die do you believe this and now father I'm about to only call a Souris but I know that you hear me and I know that you attentive to my prayer but I'm only saying this in doing this so those that are here surrounding and they're crying you see Jesus saw the tears the tears of Jesus Christ the shortest verse in the whole Bible is very suggestive of the entire scripture these are the tears of love and compassion sympathy and deep emotion Jesus shed tears for sympathetic sorrow some scholar said these tears have been for all ages a grand testimony to the fullness of his humanity and no surveys divine revelation or the very heart of God he was moved he was trouble there are two other times where Jesus recorded crying it all happened in the Passion Week there as he's going down from this moment as he goes down to the Mount of Olives on Palm Sunday the Bible says that he saw Jerusalem Luke chapter 19 41 and he began to weep over the city the other times mentioned the Garden of Gethsemane and during the agony which all but overwhelm his own soul Hebrews 5 7 said Jesus had offer up prayers and supplication with vehement cries and tears to him who was able to save them and here we have that Jesus wept you know tears are louder than words animals animals they howl when they're hurting or they're in distress but only humans weep tears of sorrow or joy one human behavioral scientist he said there are three types of tears basal reflex and emotional which all occur for different reasons basal tears are released regularly to keep our eyes lubricated we don't notice it but we blink a lot and every time we blink our eyelids work like windshield wipers you're blinking right now and we don't realize it and every time you do that every time your eyelids they go down they lubricated those are big soul tears and then we have reflux tears they're produced when irritants bother our eyes and the last one we have emotional tears these are produced in the grip of extreme emotion sadness grief anger and sometimes even laughter have you ever laughed so hard that you cry those are the best times when you laugh and you have not smoked the joint you have not taken no drugs you ain't got no Thunderbird ripple nothing it is just wholesome laughter to the bone but you cannot even breathe you cannot even breathe and you you highly inhale and you're exhaling all this laughter and then you catch yourself and all sudden you grab your you grab your stomach then you can a you ball down and then you start crying I've ever done that very healthy it's an emotional vowel but there are also tears of sorrow whether or not people cry as adults may have much to do with the way their society treats tears in many societies tears and men are only acceptable at a few occasions perhaps a funeral this is unfortunate in many societies indeed specially when boy children are told not to cry regularly and many men have felt cut off from expression emotions of grief that could help them heal from emotional pain instead anger becomes the preferred emotion because it is more male and then they need to work very long and hard to access the grief behind anger I'm a product of that culture man don't cry suck it up I dare cry eleven years old I was 18 years old I was in boot camp I was an ensign range ring Corps boot camp and they're 18 years old thing and oh my god I got two years and 11 months to go I'm going to Vietnam mommy mom mr. Dees I miss your burritos Oh mom it was not a girlfriend it was none other than my mom and I cry and that's the last time I cried at 18 years old the next time I cry at the age of 24 when I accepted Jesus Christ when I went to my mom she was watering the lawn and that Sunday morning I had accepted Christ Saturday before and God did a work on me in the week and I realized my life had changed I saw my mom and I ran to her because she always told me in Spanish you know and this is where I got the word mortification is in the Bible mortification but in Spanish you say mesomorphic on do you're killing me that's we say you're killing me you're sending me to the grave I brought you to this country so you can go to school and make good money you're killing me with drugs stupid why you do this to me why why shut up see I'm from a different culture and I gave her grief and pain and I accepted Christ first thing I saw my mother and the first thing that came out of my mouth I am sorry and I wept and they're in my head in her bosom I began to weep and cry she thought I had lost all the neighbors came out because I was howling and crying and the neighbors came out what happened to Pete what happened I saw him crying I noticed my mom she's saying Vietnam Vietnam it's not true I'm not a combat veteran I don't know PST PST but it as as the pts there you go XT ppl PTSD PTSD OS d pts yeah that's backward whatever it is I had none of that stuff I was just an alcoholic the fact that all these tears are detail and the Bible says that God values our precious tears whether for joy or sorrow the Bible said that God counts our sights put our tears in a bottle and record them in the book of remembrance some 56 verse 8 says Lord you number my wonderings and you put my tears into your bottle are there not in your book why would he do that the Bible says that every tear their false God recognizes it your tears of sorrow the Bible says that we saw when there's no rain that we soul we plant and the moisture of our tears will bring fruit and harvest to our lives tears are never wasted well the Bible says here that he prayed and I finished verse 43 now when he had said these things he cried with a loud voice Lazarus what is he have to mention Lazarus very easy because he would have said come forth everybody would have come out just last stress not the rest of you just Lazarus and the Bible says and he who had died came out bound hand and foot with great clothes imagine it if your feet are wrapped in your ad your arms are wrapped you have a towel around your head and your life olice then you're dead and also you wake up you're inside a cave what is the instinct to get out of there you're in the house of death what is the instinct I got to get out of here but I can't walk why because my feet are wrapped so how am I going to get out of here right you see it now that's what I see you see that don't you see that that's I read my Bible man I like novellas American soap operas are not the same as Spanish novellas you know what I mean are you leaving me I am the camera zooms is not in the Mexican Noella or Colombia no Venezuelan okay no bomb dramatic and that's how I see this Lazarus comes forth and the Bible says his face was wrapped with a cloth and Jesus said to them lose him and let him go verse 45 then many of the Jews who had come to Mary and had seen the things Jesus did notice what happened they believed in him but not trip verse 46 but some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did in verse 53 from that day they plotted to put him to death so in chapter 12 you see in verse 9 that our great many of the Jews knew that he was there and they came not for Jesus sake only but they might also see Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead but the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death - why because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus how you like that you get raised from the dead and people want to kill you because on account of him you see people went to Bethany and there tripped out everybody was saying doodoos is dead I tell you we went to his funeral we went to Rose Hill went to forest we went to Forest Lawn he was dead and we buried the sucker and four days later but I been but a bum he's out you look at it he's eating he's drinking he's there with his two sisters he's having fellowship you're kidding man I believe I believe but another section we're like Martha they were too busy to understand let me close with this for you believers may you rejoice I commend you to the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that your faith may increase that no matter what you go through you see Jesus left us a wonderful example that his tears assure us the living that we have a feeling friend he understands our tears he understands our pain thank God that all our tears are recorded each tear is counted for each and every one of us we go home tonight knowing he loves me he understands my pain he Christ like I cried he understands us for those of you they have never received the Lord you see I can close it now in fact I'm closing now I can say well wow all you Christians god bless you sleep tight know that God has a future for you may the Lord bless you and all of you who do not believe in Jesus good luck' wouldn't that be stupid I wouldn't want to do that you're here today what do you have to do if you believe in me if you believe in me you shall not die you will have eternal life if you only believe in me disciples I'm going to do something so that you can believe father I'm gonna raise Lazarus so those that around here can see that had power over death so they can believe and people witness it and they believe the Bible sister Paul the Apostle that he will believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus rose from the dead you shall be saved just as you are I have to get my act together no no no no when we catch fish have you ever gone fishing have you ever seen a clean fish they're dirty we clean them up after we catch him and that's what God does once he catches you he cleans you up it begins right here and then it goes through your head it changes your mind mental hygiene and then he gives you emotional hope Living Hope he forgives you of all your sin and it's all for free and all you have to do is believe in him here's what I'm going to ask you right now it's like if you hear i'ma put you in a spot I'm gonna ask you what Jesus says Martha do you believe and Martha said I do believe I believe that you are the Messiah I believe that you are the Christ I believe that you are the son of God and you were the one to come I believe that and she made a confession of faith you're here today and you came in here thinking perhaps it was an indoor swapmeet you came in here because you know it's too hot today and they have AC here or you came here by coincidental reasons no no no no you see the divine sovereignty of God brought you here maybe there's one of you maybe you're like me out of a thousand people at that concert in 1975 there were two surfer girls and one little hoodie from East LA three people came to the Lord three people pastor had no idea what this hoodie was going to be used by God had no idea out of that two thousand people at Costa Mesa College Chapel in that concert three people came to the Lord me and two surfer girls maybe there's three people here maybe there's one but I want to make sure that you believe in Christ a day and your day begins now your new life that you can be born again if you would like to receive the Lord and you would like me to pray with you and for you whoever you are no matter what you've done you from the east side the west side the wrong side we got to get on the right side if you would like to receive Jesus and you believe that he's the Lord and he spoke to you and you would like to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord in your Savior if you would like to do that you want me to pray for you would you stand to your feet whoever you are quickly yes Ted say Pancho I want to receive the Lord today in my life just and God bless you remain standing god bless you remain standing anybody else quickly god bless you Stanly anybody else quickly god bless you remain standing anyone else god bless remain standing god bless you anyone else quickly anyone else anyone else god bless you McCall god bless you anyone else anyone else quickly quickly don't let your pride don't let your friend don't look at each other should god bless you don't look at your girlfriend don't look at your spouse don't look at your friends this is your decision anyone else god bless you both of you god bless you god bless you anyone else quickly anyone else for those of you that are standing would you repeat the simple prayer after me out loud there Jesus I am sorry forgive me I repent of all my sin I believe you the son of the Living God and I invite you into my heart as my Lord and my Savior as my Redeemer and my friend fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name I pray a man
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 27,867
Rating: 4.8020835 out of 5
Keywords: ccsb, ccsouthbay, Calvary, Chapel, South, Bay, South Bay, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Pastor Pancho Juarez, Pancho Juarez, John 11
Id: dRNttJRnB5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 58sec (3298 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2015
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