"The Truth about Angels" - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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understand it there's a lot of invisible things that go on in the world around us we believe in because we're now on a very scientific sophisticated age but if you had tried to explain to you know King David how cellphone technology works how you would microwave something try to get Peter to understand how you could microwave a fish just throw that fish in there and put it on thirty seconds and pull it back out and it'd be cooked hey just think it was witchcraft but we know now there are invisible forces that though you can't see them they're very real how much more will we know if life should last I'm glad for a good attendance today but there's actually many more here today than you can see because in the Bible it tells us that we are surrounded by these intelligent beings that we cannot see that live in a realm we haven't really discovered yet the spiritual realm and they're called angels now angels are a subject that you find quite a bit in the Bible and so our message today is gonna be dealing with the truth about angels it may be one sermon we'll see how it goes today if I don't cover all the material or most of it then I might let this go over into next week as well there's a story I'd like to launch with if you go to your Bibles and second Kings 2nd Kings chapter 6 perhaps just to give you the background the king of Syria was always at war with the king of Israel and several times he tried to surprise attack or ambush the king of Israel but every time he was about to do that he'd very carefully lay his war plans and it was all top secret he'd tell his generals they'd go to where they knew the king of Israel was frequent to pass and the man of God Elisha the Prophet would tell the king of Israel don't go down that road king of syria's planned an ambush and he'd send some messengers and sure enough there they were they're all waiting to ambush him so he'd go another way and this happened several times until so exasperated the king of Israel sorry the king of Syria he said to his servants one of yous a traitor how could the king of Israel possibly always know what our plans are and they said none of us are betraying your majesty but the prophet of God Elisha who is in the Land of Israel he knows the things that you speak in your bedchamber king of Israel said so that's their secret weapon alright let's just capture him so during the night they found out that the king that Elijah the Prophet was in the little town of Dothan there's very small town for shepherds it didn't have just some stone walls a horse could jump over and so they found out that's where Elijah was staying they sent a very great army this is where our story picks up second King 6 verse 14 therefore the king of Syria sent horses and chariots and a great army there to arrest one unarmed prophet and he came by night and he surrounded the city and when the servant of the man of God just like Elijah trained Elijah Elisha was his apprentice when he lie she became the main prophet he had a young man probably one of the sons of the prophets he was training he woke up in the morning went to get some water bring to his master's house and says when he woke up he went out and there in the Rising Sun he could see the glitt'ring armor of all these soldiers and heard the snort of the horses stomping ready to attack the city they were surrounded on every side and he shook Elijah awakens it alas my master look out the window what shall we do Elisha rubbed his eyes and he said do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them well that would be a lot because it says this was a great army and then he prayed a prayer that I pray this morning he prayed he said Lord I pray you will open his eyes that he may see I pray that God will open our eyes and help us to see that we are not alone and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man you notice Elisha didn't say for my benefit but for his and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of chariots of fire and horses all around Elijah this is God's army it's often depicted the angelic hosts as chariots and horses of fire when Elijah went to heaven it says then chariots and horses of fire that's the only term they could think of to describe that these angelic messengers of light that came down and swooped up Elijah they were all around them surrounding them on every side we are surrounded by angels and the Bible talks of a lot about angels so I thought it's appropriate at least 250 times in the Bible there are references to angels now how many of you would say that you think that you have seen an angel let me see your hands that's quite a few we'll have counseling session following the service no I believe you I believe the Bible says some of entertain angels unaware some of you've seen angels need you to know that they were angels you won't know until you get to heaven you don't have a story to tell because you didn't even know how many of you think that you've been divinely protected by angels that's almost everybody so is that why we believe in angels not me though I may have seen an angel though I know I've been divinely protected by angels I believe in angels because the Bible teaches it all over the place it is literally from Genesis to Revelation matter of fact of the over 250 references to angels in the Bible nearly 80 of them are just in the book of Revelation and so angels are clearly taught in the Bible but you don't hear much taught about them and I think that if God talks about it then he wants us to talk about it sometimes they're called angel that would be the Greek word comes from Angelo's and it means a messenger in Hebrew it's Moloch and that would mean someone who is dispatched as a deputy or similarly a messenger then we've heard about Seraphim and that means the burning ones are the shining ones cherubim they're a class of winged angels sometimes they're called watchers sometimes it says there was a man and you read on in the story you know that it was an angel but he appeared in the form of a man and so there are a number sometimes they're talked about as stars a lot of references to angels in the Bible well we're gonna go through a number of points to just give us some understanding about these intelligent beings that surround us that we interact with every day you know we talk about God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit but there is another class of principalities and powers that are in the Bible that are involved in both our salvation and trying to bring about our fall because they are good and they're bad angels we get to that in a moment but it's good to understand what's going on they are powerful beings and they are created angels are not born people misunderstand those verses there in Genesis chapter 6 when it says the sons of God saw the daughters of men they were fair and took them wives of all they chose that's talking nothing about angels the Bible says the term sons of God has used two different ways in the Bible behold what manner of love first John chapter 3 verse 1 behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called sons of God believers are called sons and daughters of God and back in Genesis there when the descendants of Seth that were true to God as long as they remained separate from Cain who had turned his back on God and his descendants they remained loyal but when the sons of God sets children saw the daughters are Cain called the daughters of men that they were fair and they began to intermarry the result was they were brought down says then the thoughts of men's hearts were only evil continually well the pastor duggard says some of their children were Giants that's not unusual that's simply called genetic vitality you'll often find that the children of two different races when they come together are actually they have stronger genes and so that's that's very common that's how you get the hybrids that's why there's bigger corn today than you had that's what they call a GMO those Giants were GMO Giants they were humans they weren't aliens they weren't angels do not procreate with humans the Bible tells us that they are created beings so let me read some verses on these you might want to take notes and maybe I'll upload my notes if you can't keep up Nehemiah 9:6 you alone are the Lord you have made heaven the heaven of heavens with all their hosts the hosts the heavenly hosts angels remember when Jesus was born says there was a heavenly host the angels that were singing their Psalm 104 verse 4 who makes his angels spirits he makes them there created his minister is a flame of fire Psalm 8 verse 5 for you have made him a little lower than the Angels man was made a little lower Angeles are powerful more powerful than humans that would be much more powerful than us they were even more powerful than Adam in his innocence 2nd Peter 2:11 whereas angels who are greater in power and might do not bring a revealing accusation against them before the Lord so angels are more powerful much more powerful you read in the Bible in the night it says that one angel slew 185 thousand Assyrian soldiers you can read about the angel of the Lord went through Jerusalem with judgment seventy thousand men died one angel with a drawn sword so they're very powerful don't make a man blister the bad angels you can make them mad that's ok which brings me to my next point there are good angels and there are bad angels revelation 12 verse 7 and war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought with the dragon now the dragons a symbolic word for a character who's that Satan the devil correct so if dragon is a symbolic word in his angels then does it stand to reason possibly the word Michael is symbolic for something too the dragon who is the leader of the evil or fallen angels and his angels fought with Michael there was at one time a war in heaven understanding angels helps us understand why we have sin in the world today it's their fault it's the Angels fall the bad angels God created these very powerful ministering spirits and there was a rebellion among them led by the highest created being whose name was Lucifer and finally the rebel rebellion developed and unfolded to a point where there was a war and they were expelled they were cast out of heaven and when Satan found in this world some creatures that were willing to listen to him instead of God God said no needed the devil said go ahead the Bible says whoever you obey that's whose servants you are he was given permission to set up his headquarters on this planet and he's been carrying out his rebellion against God ever since now there are good angels and they're bad angels Ephesians 6 verse 10 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places Paul is trying to use the words available then to describe there's a whole spiritual realm we don't understand there are different levels of angels that these principalities and powers and we're worrying with them that bring temptation Matthew 25 Jesus will stay to those on the left-hand you don't want to be on the left hand depart from me you cursed into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels they're very real though you can't see them you cannot see television and radio waves but you believe in them we now know about these things job verse chapter 4 verse 18 if he puts no trust in his servants if he charges his angels with error there were some angels that rebelled led by Lucifer Satan the devil if you take D off devil what word do you have evil he is consummate evil now someone is thinking with God so powerful and his angels outnumber the devil's angels the Bible says in Revelation 12 one-third of the Angels chose to follow Lucifer and that's a lot get to that and why doesn't God to snap his fingers he could create him can't he uncreate them couldn't Evie / eyes and be good with a word he could do it God could do it without breaking a sweat you could destroy all the bad angels but it has to do a lot more with God's justice and his character then who's more powerful the devil is leveled terrible charges against God and if God just wipes him out when he accuses god of being unfair it then motivates the creatures to follow God out of fear instead of love and God must have us obey Him because of love love must remain the supreme motive for serving God so he had to allow Satan and his angels to show their hand unfortunately you and I were born in the world where this battle is being acted out but their good angels and their bad angels Jude 6 there's only one chapter in Jude so it's Jude verse 6 the angels which kept not their first estate speaking of the evil angels but they left their own habitation he God has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day now the Bible is telling us that these angels they know that their time is short revelation 12 says the devil's come down with great wrath because he knows his time is short and whenever angel saw Jesus come to their town as a Jesus son of God we know who you are have you come to torment us before the time they know their time is coming they are in everlasting chains they're restricted to this world that's why it says in Revelation chapter 20 the devil is bound a great more powerful angel comes down and binds Lucifer he's bound to this planet during the Millennium that's a different sermon though you know there's a great quote from that classic book great controversy page 517 none are in greater danger from the influence of evil spirits than those who notwithstanding the direct and ample testimony of Scripture denied the existence and agency of the devil and his angels short version not only is it good for us to believe in God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit we need to believe in good angels and you even need to in bad angels doesn't mean you worship them means you need to know that they're there because otherwise we're easily exposed you need to be aware that there's a battle that's why Paul said we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but there is a real wrestling match how many of you have felt that wrestling match between good and evil in your life before every hand should have gone up because you don't feel any resistance you're probably not trying but if you're trying I mean even the Lord's Prayer says deliver us from evil lead us not into temptation even in the Lord's Prayer it says there is a battle in the Christian life and angels are involved in that well a few more interesting details I mentioned that angels do not procreate Jesus made this clear they don't have little baby angels I know you've seen lots of paintings of angels that look like chubby little babies and that's just a you know little cherubs little Cupid's on clouds naked frequently but this is just medieval fiction angels are majestic large powerful creatures and the bad angels you know the eye that people love the devil loves for us to see that devil and his angels portrayed as these little ghoulish troll like imps with you know bat wings and horns and all this and goat feet and fur and and steel thinking people go oh you think these are their creatures that are out there tempting everybody and they scoff and dismiss it no they are very beautiful powerful majestic intelligent creatures but they don't marry they're created Jesus was talking about this Luke 20 verse 35 but those who are counted worthy to attain of that age and the resurrection from the dead they neither marry nor are they given in marriage nor they gain can they die any more they've got their glorified bodies for they are equal to the Angels and our sons of God see the angels are sometimes called sons of God being sons of the resurrection and so Jesus says angels don't they don't procreate and they are created God made everyone and he gave them all a name they are bright fast and powerful Ezekiel 1:14 and the living creatures ran back and forth in appearance like a flash of lightning they're very quick you know dragonflies are probably one of the fastest insects they've been clocked at like 25-30 miles an hour which for you and I to go that fast you'd have to run about 90 miles an hour and they fly very quick and they're very powerful they can lift over two times their own body weight there's no aircraft that we've created that is able to do that and they've got AI is all around they can see in every direction they got fantastic vision you can't sneak up on a dragonfly ever try that and what's amazing is they have found fossils of dragonflies and they used to have a 24 inch wingspan back before the flood would that be spooky can you imagine mosquitos back then and how big they were there would add rain did dry in one bite how many angels are though wait no there's more about them being bright and fast when Jesus rose from the dead Matthew 28 3 the angel that came it says his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow face like lightning their brights Daniel 9 21 yes while I was speaking in prayer the man Gabriel whom I'd seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly he touched me about the time of the evening offering Daniel's praying the man Gabriel this angel Gabriel comes touches Daniel in his prayer and he says you know when you started praying God in heaven sent me and before his prayers over he's here how fast as an angel have to go to get from heaven which is probably not in our galaxy to get from heaven you've heard about of course you know the speed limit which is what 85 No or the you know you've got the speed of sound depends upon the air pressure or six seven hundred miles an hour and then you got the speed of light 186,000 miles per second do you know for an angel to get from heaven to earth he has to go infinitely faster than the speed of light they are fast highway patrol would never catch them they got the speed of thought Dave there's another so this speeds out there we don't even know about yet because we can't measure them but angels when God sends them they zip right along and evidently they have wings you can read in Isaiah chapter 6 the Seraphim each had six wings with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he flew I don't think their wings that look like stork or eagle wings with feathers we often paint them that way and what you see on the screen friends please forgive me these are just artist concepts and someone comes to me and variably and they say how come all the angels are painted as Caucasian be patient where that's all that they're coming up with if I get the others I'll put all kinds of them up there but angels are individuals now we're trying to read our understanding of people into angels they're completely different they got some kind of wings they fly with you can read in second chronicles the cherubim spread their wings over the place of the art Seraphim cherubim and angels I think can fly they have a way to maybe fold up their wings where you don't see them when they want to appear as men they obviously hide their wings you'd think there was something suspicious right so they can do that there they have bodies though you know the Bible talks about there is a celestial body and there's a physical body you and I have what kind of bodies now physical bodies but flesh and blood cannot in here at the kingdom of God in the resurrection were given glorified bodies that will inhabit both the physical and the celestial realm angels have very real bodies but it's a celestial body so it's a whole dimension we don't understand you know who was it Albert Einstein that said there are different dimensions we can't comprehend and for all you know and another dimension a train is coming through this room we're totally unaware of now I used to be people laughed at him but now when we're aware of all the different radio frequencies that are bombarding us that are swirling around us and the different kinds of rays and different kinds of light the spectrum you can't even see makes it easier to believe that there's a spirit realm that we just don't fully understand so yeah they've got wings how many angels are there well we don't know exactly but there's a lot for one thing tells us that there's its innumerable Matthew 26 verse 53 Jesus on the cross or when he was being betrayed he said to the disciples when they were gonna fight for him do you think I cannot now pray to my father and he'll provide me with more than twelve legions of angels if one angel could take out a hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers what would you do with twelve legion angels a Roman legion had come to over 70,000 angels that'd be a lot of Angels revelation five then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands you know keep in mind in the Greek they didn't have a word for million and so they used the word thousands as many multiples as they could and so basically saying I saw this numeral the innumerable company of angels which by the way you find in Hebrews 12 verse 22 for you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem an innumerable company of angels and those are the good ones thank heavens but if one third of the Angels fell that means there's a whole lot of bad ones out there too Isaiah 40 verse 26 he brings out the starry host one by one and calls each one of them by name now not only is God numbered all the stars you know any stars there are neither do i but one astronomer estimated there are approximately as many stars in the visible universe as there are grains of sand on the beaches of the world so the word in knew there probably is a limit to the number of angels we don't know what that as God said to Abraham your seed will be like the stars of heaven your seed will be like the sand by the seashore but there has been a specific number of descendants of Abraham so we don't know how many angels there are but I just want you to know then a lot of them according to the Bible amen that's good to know because the good angels outnumber the bad two to one Colossians 2 oh wait I didn't tell you what the next headiness angels are bright they're powerful they're intelligent they're individuals they've got personality but we're not to worship them they are part of the divine order that God uses in our salvation but they are created where is God the Father Son and spirit are eternal angels had a beginning big difference we're in the same category as angels and that we had a beginning but the good angels lived through eternity let no one sheet you Colossians 2:18 let no one cheat you in regard to talking taking delight and false humility and worship of angels all the same don't get involved in that or intruding into those things he has not seen now even John the Apostle wanted to worship an angel a matter of fact when you go through many of the times in the Bible when angels appeared to men the natural response they were so bright and so glorious is that they would fall before the angels because here they've got the glory of God they've come from the presence of God and we can't even endure it I mean when Moses talked to God they asked him to veil his face angels had continually behold the face of my father how bright are they and so you can understand when the Apostle or Daniel or Ezekiel when they wanted to fall in worship the Angels it's because they've come shining with the glory of God the residue of God's glory is all over them and I John goes on to say and this is revelation 22 8 and 9 when I heard and I saw I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things then indignant the angel says see that you don't do that what is one of the 10 commandments I shall worship the Lord thy God only him shall you serve there was an angel that asked Jesus to work him and Jesus would not worship Lucifer and we're not to worship angels especially it's not that one see that you don't do it for I am your fellow servant angels see themselves as our partners in the plan of salvation I am your fellow servant and of your brethren the prophets and those who keep the words of this book worship God so angels and we're not God we're only to worship God and gladney forgave John for doing that you and I if we saw an angel might be tempted to do the same I mean an angel in their unveiled glory there are ministering spirits what is the work of angels what do they do well he makes his angels spirits his ministers a flame of fire I think I read to that verse already we also read in Isaiah where these angels in chapter 6 are before the throne of God and always they're going holy holy holy they worship God so one of the things they do is they're engaged in glorifying God I mean when the angels came to announce the birth of Jesus what did they say glory to God in the highest there's nothing that they find greater joy in than glorifying and worshipping God and I should probably pause and ask you to think about why did God make you why do we exist for what purpose were we made God's entertainment or does God know that will find our highest joy in worshiping him whether you eat or whether you drink or whatever you do whether you work or whether you so whatever you do do all to the glory of God this is what angels do everything they do is to the glory of God and that's where we're gonna find our greatest happiness they're ministering spirits they do the will of God they stand constantly around the do you remember when the temple was built which was a miniature model the Bible says of things in heaven and you went into the holy place where the Ark was what did that Ark to symbolize the dwelling place of God what was engraved all over the walls in gold of the temple angels and what was on the curtain angels what was above the arc angel so if you could go into the if you could put on goggles where you could endure it like a welder with the goggles and you could somehow manage the light you put that on you were to go into the very throne room of God you would see a moving waving shimmering sheet of living angels billions of them surround me got that you got to think you know something bigger than the planet here this audience chamber of the king bigger than you and I can imagine surrounded with ministering spirits and he is telling them his will he communicates with him his will and they dart like lightning all through the galaxy to do his will and right now they're very preoccupied with what's happening on this planet we're causing more problems than anybody and so a lot of angels are dedicated to our world but they're the ministering spirits or the army of god they're called the hosts that was a word for the army of God doing the will of God and you can read again Hebrews 1:14 are they not ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation isn't that wonderful anyone here plan on inheriting salvation why did God say he's got these angels they are to minister in behalf of those who will inherit salvation God's get angels dedicated to watch over you to care for you are their guardian angels I believe so there's one fleeting reference where Jesus said if you offend one of these little ones take care because they're angels do always behold the face of my father in heaven their angels but we may have more than one when you need more I think he sends more Jesus that I could praying God would send a legion no twelve legions of angels and when he'll I sure was in trouble how many angels did God send armies of them for one prophet and I remember reading some quotes in the spirit of prophecy God would sooner empty heaven of all its angels then allow one soul that trusts in him to be overcome by the enemy and so he'll send as many as you need but you've got at least one angel that's watching all the time I also think angels are busy recording a few more verses on the angel cigar de Psalm 91 it's a good song to memorize for the last days which would be now four he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all of your ways in their hands they will bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now the devil actually quoted this verse in part to Jesus when he tempted him in the wilderness he said jump off the temple where it's written he'll give his angels charge over you lest you dash your foot against a stone but he left out the part to keep you in all your ways and to keep you on all your ways means you don't go around climbing buildings and jumping off temples that's called tempting the Lord but it's a wonderful promise that the angels will watch over what was the devil's accusation against God he said you know the only reason Jobe serves you is because you protect him says you put a hedge about him you think that's a hedge of bushes it's a hedge of angels now if he does that for job does the Lord still guard his servants to trust him if we didn't have a hedge of angels about us what would the devil do to us makes you shudder to think about it how often should we thank God that he sent angels to take care of us every day I want to read a quote from the book Christ's object lessons page 341 his angels are appointed to watch over us and if we put ourselves under their guardianship there's something we can do through our prayers by following the light that we have put ourselves under their guardianship then in every time of danger they will be at our right hand when unconsciously we are in danger of exerting the wrong influence the angels will be by our side prompting us to a better course choosing our words for us and in flus influencing our actions you know what that means a lot of times when you've prayed for the Spirit to guide you you really praying that God will use angels because angels are certainly good angels are guided by the Spirit of God you know we speak in general terms so if you say the devil was tempting me do you really think the devil even has time for you the devil is not God he is not omnipresent when you say the devil is tempting me what's really happening is the devil is working through one of his fallen angels to tempt you and I don't know if you ever read that book Screwtape Letters but CS Lewis has some good points in there that the devil is organized and he assigns angels that study individuals and learn their weaknesses just as God as good angels that get to know us may know where we need help and so there are different levels but it's not specifically always the devil and a lot of times we say Jesus saved me well how did he do it through his angels the spirit guided me how did he do it often through angels sometimes it's speaking to your heart but he says he'll give his angels by our sides choosing our words in influencing our actions I've sensed that before where I prayed and said lord I don't know what to do or what to say right now and then you get these what you later see his divine impressions I had it happened to me yesterday but I won't tell you about it we don't have time no no it's not that good a story but I know Matthew 18 10 take heed that you do not despise I just quoted this one of these little ones for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my father who is in heaven I can think of so many times in my life where I've had close calls and near-death experiences everything from the equipment in the plane breaking down and then getting caught in the storm and you just have to start praying that flipping knife was riding up a hill one time and all my friends were watching me a really tough Hill going through the wilderness there was no road there and it was very steep and I flipped a big four-wheeler it went right over me over backwards and all my friends were watching and they thought I was dead and I got up and shook myself off and they said are you all right I said I think so you're kind of stunned me but I just this menu had an angel watching you we saw that thing right over the top of you and these were not believers that told me that and I've had a lot of experience I haven't you had those I know you've got angels watching you I followed you summer to church in the morning because see how you drive and if you followed me you know I've got angels watching me another quote from the book great controversy page 5:11 the wicked one cannot break through the guard that God has stationed about his people isn't that wonderful angels obey the Word of God we need to do the same blessed this is Psalm 103 verse 20 bless the Lord you angels who excel in strength who do his word heeding the voice of his word again it says they're strong Matthew 6:10 your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven they do the will of God in heaven angels are encouraging us to do the will of God on earth well you know why we're talking about angels I mentioned Gabriel and Gabriel has appeared at some prominent events through history the other angels are not specifically named God I'm sure has individual names they're as unique as you and I this good angels are all saved they're unique individuals probably you know God there's no two snowflakes that are the same even identical twins aren't identical do you know that by the little influences in their life and experiences that might be different they become different and God has made every one of his angels unique they've got personality they sing when they're happy they cry when they're sad they sing at the birth of Jesus they rejoice when someone is saved they're grieved when someone is lost they cried when Christ was on the cross they've got personality they have intelligence they've got all the emotions that God has they have perspective so these angels are unique and they're here today they're around us they're listening I'm praying that they're helping us here and helping me speak and if I'm not speaking right I still hope you hear right so the other angel is called Michael but he's never really called an angel Michael is called the arc angel and he stands out as the commander of the angelic host and in the same way revelation 12 identified the dragon as the one who led the evil angels michael is identified as the one who leads the good angels now I'll submit to you what many Protestant reformers believe that Michael is simply the code name or another name of Christ that is used prior to the incarnation the word Michael actually means who is as God Michael whenever you see L in a word L Elohim that means God Daniel Rachel or always God is in that name somehow Michael means who is as God Archangel means the highest or the chief that holds them all together the ark was the top of a stone or an arch so where you get the word and so the greatest messenger who is as God that's exactly what Michael the Archangel means a messenger angel the greatest messenger who has the greatest message who is as God who leads all of the good angels is who that's Jesus Jesus is not an angel doesn't say he's got wings never talked about Michael's wings now let me give you some more evidence in Daniel chapter 12 it talks about Michael the Great Prince who stands in behalf of your children that means he stands as a mediator he stands as a representative he stands as an intercessor an advocate who is our advocate Jesus Bible says first Thessalonians the Lord Himself will descend from heaven who the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout and the voice of the Archangel the Lord with the voice of the Archangel it tells about in the book of Jude that when Moses died again this is Old Testament when he's when Christ appears in the Old Testament is called off on a christophany or theophany and you see often the angel of the Lord that Jacob wrestled with this often was Jesus in his pre-incarnate form he's always been eternal God he's not a created angel but the word angel even David King David's once called an angel it just means a messenger and so Christ is Michael the Archangel and you see him pleading for God's people in the book of Daniel chapter 10 he resurrects in Jude verse 9 he's the one who comes to Jesus as the resurrection and the life and Joshua falls down before the captain of the Lord's army you remember that story and he says who are you I have come as captain of God's army and he said take your shoes off your feet for it's holy ground that's the same one that appeared to Moses that's Christ that's God the Son and so this is Michael the Archangel and it's Michael the Archangel that has become the vehicle the bridge the conduit for every other angel to pass over in minister to you and me we started with that scripture reading about angel about Jacob having a dream are the angels of God you know the closest thing you can picture is an escalator angels of God ascending and descending on this ladder and then Jesus in the New Testament the Gospel of John chapter 1 he tells Nathaniel do you believe because I saw you praying unto the fig tree you will see greater things than this hereafter you will see the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man you see heaven and earth have been separated by sin communication has been cut off the cable that connects all of the power of God between heaven and earth right now is Jesus Jesus is the ladder Jesus is the bridge over which the Angels have a right to save sinners that are under a death sentence it's through Christ that they come so pastor Doug why would you take a message and talk about angels there's a distant you know let's talk about angels study these things that we can't see but I talk about it because the Bible talks about it but especially I want you to be inspired to remember they're all around us there is a spiritual world there are heavenly places intelligent beings that worship God and they spend their lives serving God and they rejoice they delight to do his will we should be the same I want you to be warned because all things are naked and open to the eyes of God and not only are there Dean angels but those guardian angels all have photographic memories and I don't know how they're gonna do it in the Judgment Day but somehow they're gonna download every idle word that we have spoke is recorded I think it's the Angels that record I don't know if God has one that's a guardian and one's a recording angel or how he does it a lot of things when we get to heaven we're gonna go ah so that's how it was I freely confess is a lot I don't know but there's a lot that's revealed that people don't think about so be warned they see everything you're never alone matter of fact you know it tells us in the Bible that angels are always watching us and I think it's in Paul's writings he talks about the angels he tells Titus because of God the Father his son Jesus Christ in the Angels the elect angels he says because of God all things you do are open to God his son Jesus Christ and the elect angels you know when the message of revelation came how does it come verse 1 God through Jesus through the angel to John so every good blessing that you pray for from God and good chance it's gonna come through an angel somehow it's nicely you know they probably they got feelings don't leave him out all the time who is it gonna be that will be witnesses in the judgment ten thousand times ten thousand Daniel chapter seven who guarded the way to the Tree of Life angels who were the star that light that the Magi followed angels who was the chariot that took up Elijah who opened the prison doors for the apostles who are the clouds that will come with Jesus who rolled away the stone at Jesus tomb who told the disciples he's coming back again his angels they're just from cover to cover in the Bible and I think you know when we're aware that we are surrounded by these beautiful creatures it also comforts us and that was my third point you should be comforted to know when Christ said I will never leave you or forsake you that there are always angels of God watching over us and these beautiful creatures that they can hedge us in you're never alone they protect us they guide us they comfort they ministered to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane they ministered to Jesus after he fasted 40 days in the wilderness they gave special food to Elijah when he was fleeing out in the wilderness not to mention they've probably worked with the Ravens that fed him and how many times I wonder have they multiplied our food at potluck we're gonna need to trust the Angels today but you know someday we're gonna see him face to face won't be fun to see your guardian angel you'll be easy spotty in mine and be the one with grey hair or no hair and and straightjacket you know I thought that maybe we could close by singing that beautiful song what is it 425 425 holy holy is what the angels sing and I just hope you'd be encouraged by this one that will sing and then we'll pray together as we close let's stand 425 [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh you know God tells us that we're not to worship angels but I don't think it'd be wrong to tell them you appreciate what they do for you every now and then they say thank you to my angels we're made a little lower than the angels but we're gonna have an experience that even angels cannot share in that of redemption and have you considered that Jesus said to the Apostles that you will sit on twelve Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel when we are in heaven in our glorified bodies we will even in a sense have a more exalted privilege than the angels and that will be sent as his ambassadors through the universe to glorify Christ and tell about what he did for us amen you want to be involved in being his ambassador there and we need to start now amen Father in Heaven Lord our hearts thrilled when we just think about the spiritual realities going on around us right now we may not always see it for sense that or even feel it but we know it's true because you say so we thank you for your angels these ministering spirits that you have sent to watch over us to protect to guide to minister to care and Lord we just pray that someday we'll be worthy to stand and face you when you come and the sky is filled with these creatures that have been involved in your redemption in your ministry to us Lord I pray that each of us will also be inspired by their example that we will find our greatest joy in worshipping and serving you and in being ambassadors to minister and to save others in the same way that the Angels feel privileged to associate with you in reaching humans you have given us the privilege to associate with heaven and angels in reaching the Lost help us to recognize that please bless Lord with your spirit now I pray that we will be conscious that there are heavenly spiritual battles raging and that we don't need to fear because greater is He that is in us then he that is in the world and we thank you and praise you and ask this in Jesus name Amen could you please be seated for just a moment a couple of closing announcements
Channel: Aaron
Views: 20,984
Rating: 4.7178841 out of 5
Id: vpk1KuAQaks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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