Executed Sage Was Reincarnated As A Skeleton (1-3)

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this is the story of Dwight who wondered if he would get to see his love Claire the hero once he built the world she wanted to create it all started when Dwight and Claire were standing next to each other Tied by the shackles the people around just wanted them to die accusing them of betraying the country the chief minister quieted everyone down and repeated the final verdict that the sage Dwight harvelt and the hero Claire Barton were the ones who defeated the Demon Lord who wanted to plunge the world into darkness player was the hero and along with saged white these two represented the wisdom of making she was the comrade in arms for him and also the only and most important person in the world to him but the chief minister announced that these Heroes Souls were rotten as they would soon plot to bring the world into chaos by becoming next demon Lords while the people threw rocks at Claire's face and as their judgment the chief announced their sentence to be thrown into the valley of the Dead Dwight tried to oppose them believing such of them becoming next demon Lords and apparently it seemed that someone had been plotting against them he reasoned that they just saved the world but everyone still kept on accusing them white couldn't take off his shackles which prevented him from chanting any spells and then the king arrived calling them as the minions of the Demon Lord he said he was wrong to honor them as Heroes and sentenced them to death for their sins which they never did Dwight told Claire to run away but she reasoned that they must not run if it would lead to the peaceful world she wished for she didn't mind being sacrificed for that cause and gladly accepted her death she told Dwight that he could have escaped on his own but he didn't do so because he just wanted to keep living alongside Claire for the rest of his life she said sorry for getting him involved and thanked him for standing alongside him even at this time it was very painful for him to see that soon he would lose her for some crime she never committed he thought that he should be the one to apologize but before that the executioners killed both of them running Spears through their body the sight of Claire losing the vision of her eyes as she was dying it was just heartbreaking for him meanwhile the people applauded for their death Dwight was heavily disappointed to see this was the world which Hiro Claire wanted to protect and give her life for it was not everything as the king ordered archers to shoot arrows which pierced their body and eyes he now understood how this world truly worked in such a messed up way and after a long time he wondered how much time had passed all this time Dwight didn't remember just how many times he squealed and embraced Claire's decaying body around him everyone else died but he was the only one who took the form of an undead unlike others he wondered if it was because of his extraordinary Grudge which won't let him stay as a dead corpse he refused to die that miserably and wondered where things went wrong for him to end up here he kept holding the corpse of his first love in his hands all this time and all this time he kept on reminding himself how the world was to kill someone like her who didn't done anything wrong players intentions were good but it was her methods which caused her to die for people like that she could never be wrong for wanting a peaceful world and so he decided to carry on her will and felt obligated to perform it as her companion he raised his hands in the air believing she was both right and wrong when she made the surrender to the flow of people he wanted to make peace happen in a more effective way than that and fix this broken World which took her life he wanted to erase everyone responsible for her death but since he was powerless now he knew how important achieving power was for him to become a serious enemy for everyone he realized that the miasma of the Valley of the Dead had no end to it so he thought of trying something he then started absorbing the miasma since it came along with the grief of people countless memories and experiences which might help him gain more power than an individual could tolerate his body started burning but since it was all bones now it wasn't of concern to him and finally after absorbing all the miasma around he couldn't move a finger or move he kept suffering for the sake of his revenge and peace and decided that he couldn't let himself give up here and by the time he recovered from the pain he wiped all the miasma of the valley of dead by devouring it he could feel it now the tremendous magic power and Chaos emerging from his body he felt it was enough to easily surpass the power of the Demon Lord that he and Claire defeated before he then learned how to comprehend his new powers and raised all the corpses in the valley into his skeleton army but he noticed that Claire's corpse was the only one which didn't move amongst everyone else he cherished her remains one last time before putting them in a bag swearing to make the ones who made her suffer pay for it as he used the undeads to walk his way up to the top of the Valley of Death he was determined to go against the whole world and erase himself if he had to but give his everything to make a world where nobody suffers he successfully got outside the valley and at the same time he confronted some soldiers who saw an undead coming out from the valley this was the same spot where he and Claire were executed while citizens kept shouting at them he killed the soldier in front of him with one blow marking the beginning of his revenge against everyone the other soldiers got scared by seeing a skeleton killing one of them Dwight then threw the Dead Soldier back at them and he didn't even need to dodge the arrows shot at him since he was already dead then the dead soldier started moving on its own and chewed off the other soldier's neck he turned into a ghoul which was the effect of miasma inside Dwight's body the soldiers got terrified from more skeletons coming from the valley by climbing each other's white knew the soldiers would be stronger than a skeleton individually but he could just make up for it by overwhelming them by numbers in the blink of an eye and just like that a horde of skeletons surrounded the whole area a soldier got behind Dwight and tried to attack him but it was for not since he just dealt with him without losing a breath he got more than just skeletons from the valley like soldiers who became ghouls once he finished things there he started to charge with the horde he had to the Royal Capital he wished to be the one to destroy all of the royal captains whereas in the Royal Capital the news reached to the king about The Disappearance of the guards which were designated to the Valley of the dead and an undead horde was marching towards the capital the king immediately ordered to gather all the the holy attribute Mages within the country to stop the undeads from entering the capital no matter what and soon the undeads arrived at the Capitol the soldiers got alerted and they were already prepared but the number of undeads was still Spirit breaking from them Dwight realized that the king and soldiers were already aware of their Ambush and prepared for it he knew the strategy they were using though which was common to use Mages and archers in the back which was mainly used to counter the undeads all of the archers started shooting down holy arrows in the count of hundreds white remembered how the same happened before when he was shot arrows in his whole body and eyes but this time he could use a shield to protect himself he admitted their strategy was good enough but unfortunately for them they underestimated the undeads as a mere horde since only archers attacked the undeads in the start instead of Mages who would have dealt some serious damage Dwight got focused to show them what he truly was and so he started casting his own magic attack his fire attack was at a very immense strength and he shot it at the castle which burned everything from the walls to The Archers Mages and the soldiers alive he himself realized just how much his powers have increased than before at the time when he was alive he was sure that he had gotten way too overpowered the attack was so effective that it alarmed the whole royal capital and its citizens as well the citizens started running away in the commotion and they even pushed each other without caring what happened to the other person as long as they managed to escape Dwight saw that this mess was what Claire tried so hard to protect these citizens rejoiced and humiliated both of them while they still didn't know just how much Dwight and Claire went through because of them then one of the citizens threw a rocket Dwight begging him to not get any closer to him and called him a demon as well his army also Dwight had become a demon really which was because of what others did to him he became what they wanted him to be and then another Squad of archers and mages came to attack him their arrows this time were glowing and infused with the Holy magic it was the best defense against the undead but he didn't want anything to happen to the remains of Claire's body which had been holding in his hands all this time so when they shot arrows at him unexpectedly Dwight didn't run away or Dodge those arrows taking them head on his body started purifying and it felt like he was burning alive soon his body gave up and shattered into many pieces on the ground The Archers and mages thought they finally took down the leader of the undead but some miasma came out from Dwight and it took the host of another undead the other skeleton became Dwight himself and apparently Dwight expected it wouldn't be an issue to die for him since all the undeads under him had a part of his magic so in the cases where his original body gets destroyed he could not freely switch to another undead body so it meant that he was basically Immortal as long as he had many Undead subordinates the soldiers were left terrified to see the leader of Undead's returned and this time Dwight was serious about fighting back stating that he had done enough experiments for now he created some Undead monsters and ordered them to devour all the human in front of them white came to the place where his previous body was to check if Claire's remains were still safe or not he saw that it was just fine since he had casted a shield on it earlier which meant that his defensive magic got stronger after dying he then ordered the undeads to hasten for raising the bridge the soldiers tried their best to not let undeads inside but their struggles were pointless since Dwight was basically Invincible right now no matter what they would try against him he could easily turn the tides of the battle in his favor with overwhelming strength he kept his March going without any stops and eradicated everything which came along the way the undeads were basically unbeatable with their numbers so much that soldiers didn't even know where or which one to attack and soon Dwight reached inside the main hall of the castle he had been to the castle many times so he was already familiar with the architecture of the place he used magic to see through walls and objects to spot where the King was hiding the King was inside his room from the moment Dwight started attacking them and it seemed that he didn't move at all thinking that his soldiers would just take care of everything but the King was truly an idiot to think that way as Dwight reached towards the door of his room he could feel the gate having layers of protection barriers on top of each other which also had some curses on them which would be inflicted to anyone who touched the gate without permission but Dwight just reached out his hands forward and broke the barriers with his immense strength he was overflowing with miasma and magic at this point so nothing could stop him and he barged into the room by kicking the door the King was there inside who didn't expect white to reach all the way to his room at all he asked the undead Dwight about what was the purpose behind this attack on his Royal Capital van Dwight spelled out his own complete name Dwight harvelt sounding in a threatening way and he asked King if this name rang any bells to him the expression on King's face grew pale in just a second from a name he used to know from the past the king couldn't believe it was possible as it had been 10 years since Dwight and Claire died Dwight also learned of how much time had passed since then he told King it was surely hard to believe he even for himself but it was the least of his worries now his priority right now was to deal with the King and he ordered his undeads to grab the king the king still kept on acting with attitude and rude nature Dwight announced to him directly that he had come back from the Valley of the Dead to bring peace to this crooked world the King still found it nonsense since there were countless people who have been executed at the Valley of the dead and none of them ever came back as Undead but Dwight didn't care a bit about it and he pointed King out the remains of Claire he asked why the king accused them of being traitors and Claire didn't even deserve to die such death she was the one who always prayed harder than anyone else for world peace and no one except her was deserving for the title of hero any more than her either the king then opened his dirty mouth calling Claire as an eyesore to him Dwight asked him to repeat himself then King continued his corrupted speech explaining how the demon Lord's death changed the world drastically among which the heroes were nothing but a nuisance as an individual with that much power was no longer needed the king believed that strong people people like her might even pose a threat to the kingdom itself later on hearing all of this Dwight couldn't believe just how lowly minded the King was to think that way for executing Claire just out of his own self-interests the king lost his mind and started spilling the nonsense that he could do anything since he was the king and use everyone as he pleased laughing madly for no reason Dwight realized that the king had gone mad and he had heard just enough from him he instructed undeads to kill the king and they started ripping apart the king's body although the last words of King were that he was right in executing both Dwight and Claire on behalf of the kingdom and the world and soon nothing left of the king or his body then Dwight looked around and saw Claire's sword in the frame ahead the sword was nothing less than a precise Memento of Claire so he took it out from the wall the moment he held the sword he started feeling as if he had been using that sword for years and he didn't even need to test it to confirm he understood that was because of the miasma because it also gave him the memories and experiences of corpses leading him to obtain retain all of the hero Claire's sword techniques as well but he still wasn't sure if he should use this sword he then recalled back to the day of their execution when Claire said sorry for getting him involved and thanked him for standing by her side the entire time with a smile on her face so in the end he decided to keep her sword thinking as if it was a Parting Gift now after these events the whole royal Capital was filled with undeads everywhere he came back from upstairs and the whole Capital had fallen now these 10 long years the Revenge he waited for have finally ended and now he could move on to the next phase white decided to use this place as his base from now on as he sat on the throne to think of the future he didn't think that the sage who participated in the demon Lord's extermination would turn into an undead and raid a human Country and this was the starting of an undead country which he would build up across the time next day a human came by the borders of the capital and he noticed the changed atmosphere around it meanwhile Dwight tried to drink and eat food but he couldn't since he was all skeleton then he looked down from the balcony scene many undeads everywhere and the miasma emitting from them which covered the entire Capital the miasma density made the place an inhospitable environment for the living beings when it was just brimming with life the previous day the change was surely a big one not much different than seeing a new Valley of dead here in this Capital he didn't regret anything and instead thought of many things including that this much was done by him it was still just the beginning and after all the struggles in the Valley of Death he realized if there was evil in the world whole Humanity would unite against it and Humanity must struggle for the sake of survival earlier the Demon Lord was that evil against which all humans stayed United with the purpose to defeat him but after the balance of equilibrium was thrown off by Claire and himself when they took down the Demon Lord they thought that clearing the world of evil would lead to peace but it wasn't the solution in the first place since after Demon Lord only the civil wars were left to occur between the countries peace was just an unthinkable Truth For This world so he came to the conclusion that true peace would be created when an immortal evil would rule over the world and hence he decided to be the next Demon Lord with that intent he didn't want to ruin the entire world but he decided that he wouldn't let anyone find out what his true intentions were he was determined to never be defeated by anyone who would be against him and wanted to strike Eternal fear to the world he felt it was a duty as the necessary evil known as Demon Lord he decided that he needed an army befitting that title so the first thing he wanted to do was to create a servant with much power so he merged many undeads to create one powerful one from the powers he gained from the Valley of the Dead the end result of his creation came out as a demon with horns and a completely new self-consciousness as the demon asked if Dwight was the one who created him the demon he made omitted a huge amount of magic power strong enough to even rival the previous Demon King speaking for its strength itself the demon asked again if he was the one to create him to which he agreed learning that he didn't have any control over this demon but it was good enough it could communicate with him he thought it could talk through to this demon in a peaceful way but the demon suddenly started attacking Dwight and went on a rampage Dwight dodged his attack and protected himself from the next one with his own magic attack as a cover the demon acknowledged Dwight's strength but didn't stop its Rampage there and formed Wings made of miasma to fly Dwight realized that this demon had an amazing control over the miasma and if it kept going on like this he might not win at the control of miasma as the demon attacked it Dwight again however Dwight still had the advantage of stronger magic since he was once called a sage the demon could also field white strength in his magic attacks and then he formed an enormous miasma attack with all of his strength Dwight managed to block it with his shield but he realized that the attack from the demon was so strong that it could surpass even a high-level magic and could easily obliterate an army of ten thousand soldiers in the blink of an eye the demon was proud of his lightning attack but Dwight still didn't get even a scratch on him self he called the Demon's attack easy enough to dodge so that it could be prevented from low level techniques the demon was jaw dropped seeing how strong his creator was while Dwight stated the time when he was a human he had much magical power but there was a limit to it which was not there anymore since he was an undead now Dwight casted one of his wide range spells to crush the demon he created and it completely overwhelmed the demon as it fell on the ground Dwight didn't let the demon take any rest and attacked again causing gigantic impacts on the area he told the demon it was about the time he started to listen to him instead of fighting the Demon was still not done and again charged back at Dwight with his miasma swords seeing there being no other way around it Dwight brought out Claire's sword and prayed to her as if asking permission to use her sword and skills she bestowed upon Him Dwight used one of Claire's sword techniques to counter the Demon's next attack and slash one of its horns the demon screamed in pain as Dwight proceeded with putting the demon on the point of his sword Dwight absorbed all the magic and miasma from the demon leaving there being no other way to retaliate against him now the demon asked white to kill him because he lost this battle Dwight stated he wouldn't do something like that else there wouldn't have been any reason to create a demon in the first place he asked the demon to become his subordinate and reason that Dwight could force the demon any time to obey him but he didn't do so since he wanted him to have some self-consciousness and Free Will he asked the demon to lend his strength to him and the demon gave it a thought Dwight knew that the undead had their own self-ego and ability to fight so he knew how great of help it would be for him to have the demon help him from now the demon considered his offer and joined hands with Dwight and after three days most of the body disposal and debris cleanup was taken care of and Dwight's subordinate had been doing really well except that his personality changed a lot more like a pet the demon came and informed Dwight that his dinner was ready but Dwight reminded him that he couldn't eat or drink anything the demon got nervous doing the mistake and then asked if he could bring him change of clothes Dwight wondered how it turned out like this and the demon who was his loyal retainer became so different from the time he was created apparently it was because the demon was impressed by knowing the purpose of Dwight and since then he swore his undying loyalty to him Dwight had named the demon as Grom and he asked Grom to wait until he gathered some supplies from outside Braum requested Dwight to let him handle such tasks and he did not need to waste his time on such things ROM was both dexterous and knowledgeable and since he was born from miasma from a combination of grudges he inherited the fragments of the experiences and memories of the Dead which established Graham's completely new self-consciousness Dwight knew that he could consider Grom as a trustworthy subordinate and it was safe to say he wouldn't betray or stab him in the back now Dwight had some other things to think about which were related to the alerts he sent to each kingdom about his presence they contained the threats like he wouldn't March in their territories if everyone just obeyed him and prevent slaughtering them if it wasn't needed he wondered how the nations would respond to the manifestation of a new Demon Lord and how it would affect the surrounding countries as well he was certain others would send out a subjugation force and might as well be recruiting as many holy Mages as possible even at this moment he decided to prepare an environment befitting of a Demon Lord and with these processes of events he knew he still had ways to go before achieving the true peace which his first love Claire set out to achieve he had an idea that she wouldn't come back as Undead as she could only rest in front of him he couldn't turn her into an undead maybe because her soul had been refusing to do so or it was because of his emotions towards her he wished to find some way to bring her back to life someday and then Grom arrived to report back to Dwight about the incoming of an army with the purpose to this place quickly Dwight had been expecting this to happen for others to want their precious Royal Capital back and since the King was dead he knew the Nobles wouldn't stay idle he was a bit concerned as it was too quick for them to send an Army in just three days Braum asked for Dwight's command but he stated that he would head there himself to demonstrate to them that a Demon Lord has risen it would have been better if the Army would just surrender and submit to him but he decided to head there anyway now then Grom asked white to wait for a second whereas the army of thousands was marching closer to the capital each second suddenly a black portal started appearing in the sky just above the Army and from within Dwight emerged in his new outfit befitting one that of a Demon Lord title this outfit was made by Grom to show The Mortals his absolute strength meanwhile another demon saw the undead bird of Dwight and it seemed amusing to her to see a bird which could fly even if it was made of Bones and she wondered what would be the contents of the bird's letter she hunted the undead bird and read the letter it had she learned about the new Demon Lord which she had been waiting for to happen due to some intentions of her own Dwight analyzed the human Army and they were about twenty thousand in number with holy magic magic barriers around them indicating how serious they were about taking back their Royal Capital he wondered how they managed to gather that large number of people in just three days but either way he could let them just pass through the walls of his place he decided to break their will to fight right here and now he figured the soldiers won't be fool enough to blindly March into combat once they see how big of a gap there was between his strength and theirs Dwight realized that he was trembling a bit but he knew it was too late for him to turn back at this point he decided to make an example out of this Army and for his purpose it was important for him to have the resolve to slaughter all of them he remembered his fight with Grom and how freely Grom was able to control the miasma so he tried to see this battle as an opportunity to practice his control he started charging miasma in a circle and it got bigger to the point that the human Army noticed it they started attacking the giant dark ball of miasma but their attacks were ineffective and then the collected miasma started raining lightning on the people and weakening their barriers without any problem the humans below were left scared to death and soon the barriers broke leading the miasma to spread throughout them the other soldiers couldn't see where their opponent was and soon the soldiers hit by the miasma turned into Undead themselves Dwight got successful infusing magic and miasma together and now the only thing left was for undeads to rise and turn others into undeads one by one at this point he was so used to seeing people die in front of him that it didn't faze him anymore he saw through the hundreds of soldiers one who looked at him with fear in his eyes but there was no mercy in Dwight's eyes the man started running away from all this fighting and the undeads chased after him then suddenly the undead stopped chasing after the man it seemed as if the undeads were stopped from killing them which was exactly the case here Dwight stopped them because he thought it would be good enough and the survivors would prove to be useful in spreading the word of how strong he was it had already been 10 years since the Demon Lord passed away so the entire world needed to know about his Uprising as the new demon king and the threat which could end Humanity after that he teleported back to the castle instantly after dealing with the soldiers his teleportation ability had also improved than before since he could only teleport as far as he could see when he was alive but now he could teleport Way Beyond that he found it very convenient to be able to control the twenty thousand troops and do various strategies without even feeling any depletion in his magic power after that Dwight made the undeads move towards the Valley of Death out of instinct he instructed the undead to jump down the cliff into the valley of the Dead apparently it worked just like offering some sacrifices to make himself stronger the same time the undeads threw themselves off the cliff he felt his power increasing and getting stronger than before the Valley of the Dead was the source of his power and so there was a correlation to that in his very existence which could be reinforced by miasma he decided to sacrifice more Undead frequently from now on meanwhile there were similar subjugations forced assembling in various places but they realized they couldn't overwhelm his undeads with numbers currently he was basically Invincible for anyone to take him down so no one would dare to throw their lives away for Nothing by fighting him although he just wanted to keep the threat of a Demon Lord existing in order to maintain peace between humans after that he went back to the capital with his army of undeads he intentionally went through the Royal City to see how the streets and places looked like currently there were just undeads and miasma around everywhere but he didn't have any regrets for the path he chose to walk on he was no more the sage he used to be but the immortal Mass murdering Demon Lord then suddenly he realized something was different about his castle and it had a completely new design from the outside he came inside asking what happened but he already had a guess who did it it was surely done by grome and he used farsight to see how amazingly white slaughtered thousands of humans Dwight asked him why the exterior of the castle was changed to which he answered that it was befitting that of a demon Lords Abode and it had very improved defenses to prevent Intruders white could feel the grom's excitement and he used magic to analyze his surroundings although Rome altered the exterior of the castle however he pleased he put a number of techniques to improve Castle's defense so if anyone were to enter Uninvited they would be burnt to a crisp in a heartbeat he was again reminded of how scary groom could be despite his behavior towards him he told Grom that he neglected to take castles defenses into account so he was thankful for Graham's efforts Rome replied it was his pleasure to hear from him his praise made it all worth it and he was glad to be of use to Dwight he also agreed to be blessed for having a good subordinate and he told Graham to consult him before doing something like this again after that suddenly they could feel the presence of the monsters in their territory Dwight used farsight and realized they got some guests to handle he and Grom immediately decided to head out there meanwhile the monsters were suffering from miasma and seemed to be having trouble going inside the city throm and Dwight arrived there and saw a formidable number of troops he figured they must have used some sort of cloaking he told Graham it wasn't bad of them which led Grom to ask if he knew them white agreed after seeing the demon girl that he knew them from back when he used to be alive Braum asked who this sucky was he stated that she used to be a subordinate of the late Demon Lord as one of his four Heavenly Kings ROM didn't know what these terms meant and Dwight said he would talk to him about it later Dwight went ahead to greet the succubus and asked what brought her to his domain she asked if he was the new Demon Lord to which he told her that he was still a self-proclaimed one right now she talked casually with Dwight and it made from to attack her which she dodged easily he didn't want Luciana to talk to his Lord casually like that and warned her that he would behead her if she continued to do so she pretended as if she took it seriously but didn't care and then realized the magic scent of Dwight and asked if he was Dwight the sage throm got angry by her casual approach Dwight stopped him and told Grom to leave it to him Dwight replied it had been a while for sure since he and Luciano met she agreed that they last met when the hero Claire cut her in half she had a black clothing around her beautiful bod but her appearance was a trap for others since he knew how many victims there had been who fell for luciana's Venom she asked what happened to Dwight's in his appearance had changed a lot he said she should know the answer to that already that it was due to the Valley of the Dead she expressed it was exhausting for them to talk like this so she asked him to let her bring her Monsters Inside Dwight agreed to guide her inside and Grom asked if it was okay for him to do so white said he didn't need to be worried and if something were to happen he would himself erase them with his full power as he started releasing it in an intimidating way Luciana and her monsters could totally feel death if they tried something so she said this version of Dwight was more Charming than the one when he used to be a human she then mentioned that the miasma in the city was too thick enough to affect even the monsters Dwight didn't care about it until now since there were only Undead he allowed only Luciana to enter and they started a meeting to talk about the matters he asked why she was here to which she told him he didn't need to be suspicious of him since she and Dwight go way back ROM got mad knowing full well that his Lord wouldn't be the kind of person to be with someone like her Dwight calmed down Grom and cleared that they were acquaintances by but it was nothing more than that to be clear they used to be enemies the Demon Lord she used to serve had been dead for over 10 years now and since then there was no reason for both of them to be enemies anymore she said she didn't come here to take revenge on the previous Demon Lord to which Dwight stated that he should just turn all of them into undeads if that was the case and put their corpses to good use she could feel the tension inside telling him that she just wanted to serve under the new Demon Lord he asked why to which he told her story of how after the demon Lord's death the remnants of his army including her were being overwhelmed by the humans she couldn't fight back effectively due to absent of a leader and so she decided to take her men and live a new life in seclusion while laying low where humans won't be able to find them while hoping for a new Demon Lord to appear she decided to take over if a fake Demon Lord appeared but she could feel Dwight was powerful enough so much that he was way stronger than the previous Demon Lord she didn't think that Dwight wouldn't be the one to become the new Demon Lord and even if she knew what happened to him and Claire she asked how things turned out that way he told her the story and it made her laugh to know that the people Dwight and Claire saved by defeating the Demon Lord were the ones who ended up turning back on them and killing them the story was amusing to her but Dwight told her that the humans still have a chance for salvation even though they were foolish she asked why he hadn't demolished everyone next to which he reasoned that his efforts were to maintain the world's peace and his previous ideals were still there which were also the desire of Claire she told him they desired a land of Peace in exchange to which she offered to provide white with their technology and strength both of them realized that their interests aligned but Grom asked for a moment with his Lord in private Graham asked if Dwight would really trust the succubus and Dwight was himself aware of luciana's ability as well the kind of person she was whom he couldn't be careless with but he figured that keeping an eye on her was more than enough he knew it would be displeasing if they started to destroy Humanity while being part of his army but as long as he kept watch over them their army would prove helpful to him he said that they were going to only use each other nothing less or more than that from obeyed if that was what his lord said Dwight asked Graham that he would also need to rely on Graham's powers to which Grom swore to devote every ounce of his energies to help his Lord they returned back to the meeting with Luciano and decided to take her and her monsters in his army he promised them a place they wanted and in return asked her to take part in the wars and future they shook hands and Luciana happily announced to be glad to be in Dwight's care from now on he asked why she was acting like that to which she answered it was because she likes strong guys it was the same with the previous Demon Lord when she started working for him but Grom didn't seem that much okay with how she treated his Lord Dwight and pushed her back after that Grom got mad at her for bothering his Lord and warned him not to be fooled by a like her Luciana didn't feel that good with his words and told Grom that even if he was special he was still far from a Demon King's level and she was only interested in the it created the atmosphere between them even heavier than it already was as both of them started arguing leading Grom to call her which offended her they started fighting each other to see who was stronger and keep their words since they were acting like this Dwight thought he couldn't do much so he would just let them do as they please for some time while he would inform Luciano's subordinates about their agreement meanwhile some human soldiers were fighting against an army of undeads they could defeat the undeads as much as they could but it was never enough since they just kept on Reviving and outnumbering them these were the 120 undeads which Dwight sent to invade a city in the north of the Kingdom this Army also included the Orcs and other monsters which came under his control after making an agreement with Luciana Dwight oversaw how effective her Army would be for his purposes as well as how he systematically destroyed the kingdom with the use of his transfer magic it was going well so far then Grom also joined the battle and ended up destroying a larger area with his strength Dwight reminded Graham that their goal this time was not to announce violate them he was aware that an uncontrolled attack by them could end up in the annihilation of the whole area so he just wanted to show the threat of the Demon Lord to lay the groundwork for Humanity to start cooperating in a natural way against him Grom told Dwight that the damage they had done until now was enough to make them realize his threat but he was still excited to just show off his power it was good enough for Dwight as long as Grom didn't lose sight of their objective as his army kept on continuing The Invasion whereas the noble of this city ordered soldiers to stall the undeads for him then instantly Dwight and Grom appeared in front of him he got scared squealing them not to come any closer to him Braum continued the threat to him since this Noble Lord wanted to sacrifice this territory for his own sake and it was sure for this city to be under white since it was corrupted the noble cursed him and Grom reacted harshly to it warning the noble that his death won't be painless Dwight asked Grom to let him handle the guy and he strangled him with his own hands to the point he shattered he wanted to make an example out of self-centered people who were dark from the inside and didn't want people like that to drag down anyone else anymore whereas there was that Noble's wife and children also he looked at them and told them to submit to him if they didn't want to suffer the same fate he repeated these kinds of invasions one after another which made the Lords around the country to submit to him quickly he conquered all the territories near the Royal Capital according to his plan and next in it was to just allow people to continue their lives like before and put obedience into them and as more people laid out plans to eliminate him more humans would come together and cooperate with each other on another subjugation Mission Luciano was glad to see how quickly they got done with it he realized that the Joint Forces of undeads and ogres was absolutely spiffing since the undeads were able to break through on their own while the rest handled the latter part the presence of luciana's army surely had a great impact and because of that they were able to settle the matters at hand better than they originally planned he expressed his gratitude to her for excellent subordinates she was glad to be praised like that then and proudly claimed that she had trained all of them herself she asked white if you wanted to have some tea with her later on to which Grom acted suspicious of her and asked white to be careful of her invitation accusing her of having some ulterior motives she then heard him and intentionally teased Grom by telling Dwight that she might have some ulterior motives after all he asked them to be silent since other things could wait but they were still arguing against each other then all three of them got ready for their next mission at this point there were no foreign countries making any moves against White and the damages from the undead were kept within the Kingdom so he was waiting to see what would happen he wanted to slowly become the problem of everyone out there intentionally and for that they began a meeting on the war council of the future demon Lord's domain first of all Grom asked if there were any problems Dwight told them to continue the meeting then Luciano brought up that monocle on Dwight didn't suit him which was made by Grom so it made from mad at her Dwight asked Grom to not mind her and told Luciana to refrain from making any useless less comments ROM then continued with the reports that most of the Kingdom's territory had been taken over by the Demon Lord Dwight so it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the internal conquering of the kingdom was completed there were still some Frontiers and Nobles to fall yet and to manage them their supply routes were cut off so it was only a matter of time before they surrendered to them so their targets from now on were the surrounding countries Dwight looked over it and thought that his dominance was not enough yet which was also why the rulers of other great Nations still thought of him so little ROM stated there were some Nations specifically which needed to be addressed by Dwight soon and pointed out a small region which he decided to be the first one on their list it was a country which was adjacent to the southwestern part of the kingdom and it seemed to have shown suspicious activities lately but white also heard some things about that City from Luciana since she also investigated it secretly the report said that this small country had amassed an Army on the border of the kingdom and they seemed to have intentions of taking over the Royal Capital which was taken over by Dwight earliest they wanted to also expand their territory but one thing that bothered him was how overly equipped their army was there was also a high possibility that those soldiers were being supported by some other country as well which meant that apparently there had been another country which was carrying out the main objective and pulling strings of others behind the scenes keeping themselves hidden Luciana further stated that she didn't have any idea of which country it might be but they can't ignore how much they had advanced in their military enough for them to crush the country for the sake of their plans in the future once the reports were done both Lucina and Grom asked their lord Dwight to be the one to make the final decision Dwight thought over how it was time for Humanity to understand the threat of the Demon Lord which must be of concern to the entire world like he wanted to he didn't care who was pulling the strings behind the scenes but he knew he should take this necessary step to wipe them out for the sake of the peace he planned to bring in this world he decided to burn the rebels into the ground and they started preparations immediately he knew that even if it was a small country he must occupy it immediately to reveal the countries pulling their strings behind the scenes whereas his army Was preparing by conducting mock battles with each other to prepare for the war since the moment he accepted them there were significant changes in the capital and the miasma around the city had been concentrated around the castle so that the demons could live without any problems he also had a large amount of Undead stored in his basement and warehouses the areas which used to be covered in miasma started to function in normal way again he felt like reciprocating their hard work in building the city back since they were all working collectively to rebuild everything broken in the Royal Capital he was glad to see the Urban Development was coming along nicely to which Luciana told him that she had been learning a lot of pioneering skills throughout the past 10 years for their survival and now that this land was cleaned of miasma it was surely a bountiful land the demons kept working continuously to enrich their lives but then Dwight's eyes fell Upon A man working alongside the the demons he wondered why he was there to which Luciana told him that humans have also adapted well to her subordinates now the idea of humans and monsters coexisting picked his interest since he had never thought that he would bear to witness such a scene one day he had longed for peace all this time so he was also determined to protect everyone under him from any kind of dangers he saw this piece right now because of the small number of people in the Royal capital and this was exactly what he wanted to implore around the world Dwight was very dwelled in his thoughts of creating peace on a global scale and for that he would need to be an absolute evil Luciano noticed how anxious white seemed while he went to talk to his hero Claire's remains he discussed that his power was growing thanks to his invasions but he still lacked the power to bring Claire back to life he believed that if he made the world the way she desired it to be then he would surely be able to meet her and thought that he was the only one who could do it Brahm called out his Lord multiple times but Dwight was lost in thoughts until he noticed his voice ROM asked if Dwight was feeling unwell to which he said that he was perhaps just lost in his thoughts after that he went outside the balcony to check with the Army and announced to them to listen to the words of their lord he gave them a speech asking if they wanted to return the favor of him accepting them then they must take revenge on humans and despite what happened in the past there used to be a sage who fought together with the hero through many Mortal battles and managed to kill the Demon Lord at that time then he raised his hand telling them not to care about the end of the story since when the sage found out the truth of what really mattered and learned just how twisted this world was he continued further stating how they were just sacrifices sidelines of this era or merely rocks but they must fight against the flow of their Destiny and don't just simply accept it he marked his all-out war with the announcement that if the world were to reject them then they would trample over everything he told them to put their body in Soul with evil into their marching on the battlefronts to become part of this turbulent history as this was the rise of the new Demon Lord Dwight speech Roar throughout the demons and all of them swore to be only absolute evil marking their resolve to follow Dwight no matter what the tears only got louder by the second and he found it good for them to be subordinates of the Demon Lord of this era he told them not to hold back and go all out in the wars with this his army had become the embodiment of the demon Lord's Terror and Grom was moved by the breathtaking speech from his Lord but he was just firing their motivations without revealing his true objective Grom asked him if he wasn't going to reveal the truth to them but Dwight didn't want to have any information leaked and he couldn't tell the truth even to his allies he had decided to tell his true objective and his desire for the true world peace to the only selected people since if this information were to be leaked to humans then his existence as the Demon Lord would of no meaning at all and make it impossible for him to become a doom in everyone's eyes Braum stated it was quite the difficult path but he wished to walk on it no matter what for the world his first love Claire desired for ROM knew there was nobody as kind as his Lord light which sounded funny to Dwight since he was the Demon Lord after all meanwhile there was a person sitting around in the prison somewhere wondering if something interesting would happen to his life after that the preparations for their departure were ready white left everything else to grow to take care of the enemy on their path Luciana teased Grom if his pile of bones would be all right or let their Castle be captured their arguments started again but this time Dwight was serious so he scolded them both to be quiet and not to be too relaxed like this he then started to use the teleportation Magic on themselves in his army of 200 monsters 15-0 undeads which might look like a small number to overtake a country but he was sure if the odds since he would be in it himself meanwhile he made the Grom and others guard the Royal Capital behind Luciana agreed to protect her Lord and asked Grom to take care of the royal capital for the while they asked for Dwight's next command to his subordinates and the time had come for him to begin their attack whereas the human Army was coming towards the borders of the Roy Oil Capital and suddenly the Demon Lord Dwight and his army teleported in front of them Luciano was amazed by the accuracy of Dwight's teleportation and that too with an army as big as theirs apparently Luciana had her subordinate succubus to report to them every moment of the small country and their surprise attack which was why Dwight could plan countermeasures for with a surprise attack of his own this much was expected for him to be the evil of this world Luciana asked if Dwight wanted to make the humans surrender to which he admitted he planned so and announced to the whole human Army that they were currently facing the demon Lord's army the humans didn't listen any further and directly commanded to charge against him they planned for all troops to Ambush and Magic units to attack at the same time and as the attacks were charged at them Luciana asked if it would be possible to win this battle without spilling any blood to which he cleared with a no she stated she was right to call humans just a bunch of Fools and he agreed with her Dwight fended off the attacks from the human Army very easily and since they decided to fight with him he shall command the same to his army the human armies on boats also spotted the demon Lord's army but they noticed that the undeads were sinking into the water the human Chief laughed seeing that thinking they could never reach him this way but his boat suddenly started shaking because of the undeads in water and some even trying to climb his ship they turned over the boats dropping the humans from them and pulled them down together with them meanwhile the Orcs and other monsters were also doing their job of defending the capital and it was a splendid view for Luciana to see their army win easily just like that she had even also brought some wine knowing it would be one-sided Dwight told her to take things more seriously now he didn't intend to take part in the battle but placed his Trust on the monsters which were exactly what the Demon King Army needed Lucina asked white why he was always serious while she got drunk off some wine because of the current situation they had the situation over the canal charging at a small City like this one wasn't a big deal for them she was amused by seeing that there were no human who could even put up any fight they had planned to invade the Royal capital and their forces seemed improbable from the start they must have been influenced by the pressure of other countries and decided to look further into it they decided to have some documents as evidence when they returned back to the Royal Capital Dwight decided to punish anyone who was involved in an unnecessary scheme like this although he started wondering if this subjugation from his demon Lord's army was really what he wanted they decided that this country should be disintegrated without any delay and quickly at that she stated it was boring for things like that and mentioned there could be some strong people in small countries like this one Dwight decided to remember back when there were only few who could actually take over the army of demons which were him and Claire the former sage and hero Luciana asked if he was thinking just that and he was thinking although he fought so many battles up until now they were yet to confront any individual strong enough like that since heroes or strong people weren't just born easily which he was sure about since it had been 10 years is without any appearance of any new hero she gladly mentioned how the previous days used to be for her Luciana agreed to his words and asked if he was talking about the previous Demon Lord she admitted it used to be fun also under the previous demon Lord's army as well as how Dwight himself used to be cute before he asked her to refrain from calling him by his name she wondered and asked out of curiosity if Dwight had discarded his human name to which he coldly asked in return if it really even mattered she didn't expect to hear something like this from him and reminded him that it mattered a lot indeed since he was still himself not just the Demon Lord she reminded him that the Demon Lord couldn't think of himself as some sort of tool made for a specific purpose he saw no issues with it if it was optimal for achieving his goal but Luciana denied making it clear to him it shouldn't be the case and she asked Dwight to tell her more about himself he said it wasn't important right now since they were still in the fight but it was pretty sure by the looks of their surroundings that they had one one-sidedly making sure that the demon lord's name was all over the Ambush but she still valued it and asked white if he could put his value more than everything he heard her words of wisdom and agreed to put some effort into what she asked him for she agreed it was fine for that moment but she would surely hold Dwight in his words and tell the same to grow as well she assured Dwight that he could always talk to her with any problems and concerns including the things Dwight couldn't just talk about to that pile of bones Grom he agreed to rely on her when that time would come as they continued to finish their current battle now with Luciana destroying buildings after buildings around the city she smiled back at Dwight and asked him to continue further he could feel she tried to cheer him in her own way and felt lucky to have subordinates like Graham and her Luciana then notified him that there weren't many enemies left and he decided to get the report on Graham's end for now as well he wanted to do his best on these invasions and return to the castle quickly he then sat at one place and started focusing on something apparently he could now transfer his bodies without destroy playing the previous body and as long as the body he wanted to transfer was under his control he could do it many times without any worries although every skeleton he transferred his body into turn black making him curious to know why that was he transferred his body to another skeleton near Grom and found out that he was looking at the hero Claire's remains in cleaning the container they were kept in he called out Grom and startled him with his presence out of nowhere Braum asked why Lord Dwight was here and Dwight replied he was here to report their progress up to now he reported Grom that they were right on time for their attacks and didn't had any problems so far so they might return back soon as the matter is once done Graham stated he expected nothing less than excellent from his Lord against whom humans didn't had any chance of ever opposing to Dwight asks Grom to keep watching over the capital and they would return next day Braum agreed to his Lord obediently and just like that Dwight returned back to his main body when he got back he thought that the battle might have been over but Luciana came and reported him back that they had indeed taken control over the most of capital but apparently they ran into a problem which was some resistance from the dungeon and the undeads being mowed down one after another so they might need Dwight's assistance there it was unexpected according to him but he kind of also had a gist it wouldn't be that easy but the unexpected part was that the castle surprisingly wasn't guarded that heavily and not only that but the dungeon itself seemed to have gathered some bloodthirsty individuals he asked Luciano how many there were against them to which she replied it was only one who was fending off the army of undeads by himself and there was a chance for this guy to be on the level of a hero but on a closer look he looked more like a maniac who didn't care about anything except dominating his opponents Dwight and Luciana headed off to the direction of the individual quickly since Dwight was aware of the fact if there existed an evil which threatened the entire world then a hero was sure to appear the hero was bound to have the miraculous powers to save the world from Evil Luciana asked if he had any idea about it but he wasn't sure about it yet he doubted if there was an individual like the hero the demon Lord's army would have known about him before there were less chances of them not noticing an individual with that much strength so the guy in question turned out to be a crazy guy who was imprisoned before the battle with the Demon King's Army he started going on a rampage and started destroying whatever he could see then Dwight reached in front of him and they saw each other eye to eye the Mad guy's name was Henry and he could sense that Dwight was the master of all the undeads just by looking at him he challenged the Demon Lord to a fight Wyatt agreed to the fight's challenge but before he could finish his words Henry landed a powerful kick to his jaw and broke it Luciano was astonished by seeing Dwight being hit like that and Henry launched another punch at him at the same time Dwight could feel the strength of Henry which broke his magic barrier so he retreated a few meters away Henry called him fragile and asked for battling for more fun and so Dwight got serious about the fight launching a serious attack at him Luciana asked if Dwight was okay to which he assured her he didn't sense any kind of magic from Henry's attacks but the fact that it broke his defenses like that was no joke Henry managed to survive the serious attack from Dwight and was still standing he stopped his attack with just bare hands which was ultimately more than average Heroes Luciano wondered who that guy was and Dwight remembered that he heard about someone being selected long ago as a candidate for killing the Demon Lord Henry palkin he was an undefeated Warrior and known to be the closest man to come close to defeat the Demon Lord Luciana was surprised to hear he could almost take down the Demon Lord and both of them felt the same about it Dwight asked Luciana to leave and stay away from this fight Henry didn't give Dwight any time to rest and he charged on him instantly white used magic attacks to keep Henry at some distance but Henry just dodged them which helped Dwight to learn that Henry tactics were very simple but he attacked with extraordinary sturdiness which made his attacks that of a superhuman strength when taken to their limits Dwight tried to attack Sun only from the front but Henry intuitively blocked the attack just in time seeing Henry's strength Dwight couldn't believe he wasn't using magic in any of his attacks and movements then he used multiple miasma attacks on Henry and one of them landed on him but Henry just destroyed the attack itself with his extraordinary strength Dwight analyzed him throughout but found no weakness to Henry he was even surprised to see Henry was still standing on his legs between the toxic and thick air around them filled with miasma which would be too much to withstand for anyone generally generally this much miasma could turn a living into an undead it showed how strong a physical Vitality Henry had seeing how strong Henry was to not be affected by miasma he decided to propose a bet to Henry which came out as a surprise even to Henry himself Dwight stated that if Henry were to lose this combat then Dwight wanted him to join the demon Lord's army he wondered if he could really get Henry to be his subordinate as he continued and said that if he lost the bet then he would fulfill any wish that Henry asked Dwight knew that Henry was a man of rare humor but he learned that he used to be serious too in prison he was really weird since Henry could escape the prison at a time given his strength but had not done so for 10 years meanwhile Henry gave a thought to betting and came up with wanting the demon Lord's army if he defeated Dwight since Henry's prison was over now he was thinking of fighting against the world just for fun and this personality of his was too much even for Dwight besides that Henry remarked that the role of the Demon Lord wasn't something which could be done by an unprepared skeleton like Dwight and mocked him for not making it in future he provoked white as well and so the BET was on along with their battle Dwight then emitted heavy miasma and asked Henry again to confirm if he wanted to do this for real he didn't believe it all and knew it also that there wasn't anyone who could replace him Henry agreed to the fight and the battle between them to decide who was Stronger began Henry charge straight at Dwight but he used undeads and put them in Henry's way tune he created the Windstorm which caused a shock wave of which was a defensive move from his side meanwhile Henry could feel as well that Dwight would be a tough opponent for him since he couldn't get close to him then Dwight strengthened his shock waves and it even further pressured Henry into corner but Henry had a frenetic Obsession which could be seen in his eyes he admitted he was Far stronger in strength compared to any other man which he could never defeat in his past life but now he started giving it his all to push Henry against the attack as hard he could but Henry was still standing having some troubles being like that then Henry finally got pushed back to the ground just from the shock waves Henry couldn't believe he was being overpowered like that while Dwight was also giving it his all in this attack and ended up pushing himself so far that his hands broke and he finally managed to deal Henry that much damage with his attack sending him flying through multiple walls Henry ended up in the concrete but it was still undetermined if Henry was still up for it or not as he had just been thrown backwards like a bullet Dwight didn't have any problems if this attack had cost him his arms and this much sacrifice was not not big for him expecting the worst case scenario if Henry woke up again he already kept his next attack charged and waited to see how the tides of this battle would turn out for both Henry and white but after some time has passed Henry and Dwight are at the castle of the city they just raided Henry admitted that he was glad to be part of Dwight's Army now since he was tired from being in prison for so many years but he made it clear to Dwight that he didn't have any kind of goals or Ambitions to make and he just fought him thinking that becoming the next Demon Lord would be good Dwight got from his talks that he fought him just because he was just bored actually Henry was just a crazy fighter with confidence in any battle then Lucian agreeded Dwight and told him that the place was now safe to explore Dwight was already aware of that and he saw that Luciana had taken some of the leaders of this country and Enchanted them which made them nothing but mere puppets for her Dwight was impressed by Luciano's succubus skills and with the help of these puppets he could easily gain information they had to identify the third Kingdom who was behind these attacks Luciana then noticed that he had also brought Henry along with him and they greeted each other Dwight noticed her getting too close to Henry which might be bad so he stopped her and asked Henry about the location of things he wanted back from this Castle Henry stated there was a treasury at the top floor of this castle where the confiscated items from prisoners were kept they went to check it out and found a huge pile of treasure which made Lucy and his eyes sparkle with the gold everywhere she was amazed to see the treasure this big and started checking out the jewelry on her meanwhile Henry finally found what he was looking for he got his bow which was made of dragon bone and it was a unique weapon in the entire world as well as precious to him because he was an Archer even though his class was tank he wanted to try shooting something right away and picked up arrows also then they went to a higher place in a tower where Henry could try out his archery he started aiming at a bell in the building in front of them and focused his energy on his Arrow before shooting it with an insane power the arrow shot the building just a few meters is below the bell and barely missed it however the arrow caused a great deal of damage to the area Henry figured his arm had become a little full over the years but Dwight could see that his arm was unbelievably strong the shot which Henry just made was an impossible one which happened thanks to his unique skill then Dwight felt like giving it a try as well and took an arrow from Henry Henry told him that he would need a bow as well but Dwight stated he wouldn't need anything beside the arrow as he fused the arrow with dense magic and miasma while he aimed at the Bell Dwight shot the arrow but it went around and hit the hill behind it making the whole Mountain collapse along with it Henry was left Amazed by how powerful it was but at the same time he and Luciana mentioned that White's aim was far too Off the Mark meanwhile the humans who lived on that mountain were scared from experiencing heavy impacts of the arrow from Dwight they thought if the Demon King was finally attacking their Village as well and instructed everybody to leave the village as soon as possible to find a safe place to live the people were extremely scared and started praying saying to the god to have mercy on their souls and provide them the help they needed while somewhere a soldier immediately came to his sister Nina's aide in the time of chaos he told her to evacuate this place as soon as possible and out of worry she asked if he was coming along with her he had said no to her since he still had the duty to protect everybody else he was terrified of the battle but if the Demon Lord was here he knew that he must fight against him Nina tried to tell him how dangerous it was but he assured her that she didn't need to worry about him he knew himself that he was weak but he believed if he did his best then he could be just like the hero from 10 years ago who defeated the previous Demon Lord he again made sure to calm Nina of her worries and swore to always protect her life Nina was glad to hear him say that and counted on him as they promised the same to each other whereas Henry was amazed by seeing the Royal capital of Demon Lord Dwight filled with monsters Dwight asked him if he had been to the capital before to which he stated that he came to the Capitol when he used to be a newcomer mercenary but he didn't like the current environment of the royal Capital either Luciano was somewhat not sure if Henry was showing his true thoughts and asked him if this place being destroyed by monsters made him angry he reasoned that this was common since humans always used to kill each other and so he didn't care about the slaughter either he reasoned that if he weren't to be like this he wouldn't have become part of the Demon Lord Army in the first place she was intrigued by his way of thinking and accepted Henry in her own way Dwight was good with them understanding and accepting each other regardless of the differences they had and it was also exactly the kind of environment he wanted to create with things like this happening everywhere else as well Henry found the castle looking very amazing and asked white if he was the one who made it to which he replied that the person he left in charge did every modification out there then the person he was talking about Grom came and greeted Dwight with a lot of happiness in his voice he was impressed by seeing his Lord attacking a small country and then getting back in just a short time he then noticed Henry and called him a filthy human asking who brought him here Dwight explained things to Grom and Henry greeted him as well but Grom was mad at him and warned Henry for not talking to him so casually Henry was surprised by the change in grom's behavior and Luciana told him it was usual for him to do so Henry stated that the captain of Grom might be having trouble with handling him right now to which Grom got even angry at the teasing remark Dwight enjoyed seeing Graham's reactions and he was okay with Graham's attitude now ROM never caused a mess which he couldn't control which was also why he trusted him the most Henry then challenged Grom for a shooting contest between them and the winner would be renowned as the strongest subordinate in the demon Lord's army Grom agreed to the BET only to make Henry regret making a bet in the first place meanwhile Luciano was embarrassed to see how well Grom and Henry got along together and she asked Dwight what happened when he was looking at her confusedly he replied it was nothing as Grom and Henry began their challenge thou things go well with Henry having joined the demon Lord's army and right after 50 days of him joining Henry made an incredibly remarkable progress in the battlefield Henry became a brilliant instructor and his guidance was a great contribution from him to strengthen the entire Army he was very helpful in guiding the battles and wherever he attacked none of the enemies were left behind alive the other monsters from the Army looked up to Henry with full respect and now with the addition of Henry he figured his subordinates would become even stronger every day Dwight then realized that even though he was Immortal he was not that Almighty at all right now and to fix that he wanted to fully develop the entire Army more than before to Corner everyone in the world and create a peace that way meanwhile Evan's Village was being destroyed now by the army of demon Lords he wanted to stop it but the numbers were just too much against him not only that but he had to witness his sister Nina being killed by the undeads in front of his eyes she kept screaming out for help while Evans tried his best out of misery to reach her at any cost but the more undeads he killed along the way the more the they piled up he always believed in Destiny but by the moment he reached her Nina died after that Luciana came to report something urgent to Dwight she told him that the lands of the small countries around them were being stolen by neighboring countries and some countries occupied their mining areas to make profits for themselves it was good to see how well the setup he created went to form a movement which would have never been possible without the help of this report that the demon Lord's army was destroying the small country with the purpose to steal resources and territories now that he learned about these reports spread by other countries he found out the country who was behind all these unusual plans of rebellions everywhere he decided to attack them later at dawn which would lead him to finally conquer the entire country he wondered if there would be a human able to defeat the Demon Lord like 10 years ago or someone with a plan to do so the suddenly Grom came to give a very important report to his Lord Dwight asks what happened and then we see that Evans whose country was attacked by an army of Undead was Stan ending with his sword stabbed in Nina's body he couldn't believe how something like this could happen apparently he had to kill Nina because she had turned into an undead affected by the miasma it was truly a traumatizing sight for Evans as he remembered his past good memories with his sister when he used to work hard or return injured and she always took care of him but now seeing her in such a state of Undead Evans lost it and released an immense amount of magical energy at that moment something in him changed as his eyes emitted a colder look than before with Nina's Body In His Hands ROM finished his report by informing Dwight that the hero had finally appeared and asked why if he would come to join the attack this time meanwhile at the Frontiers from a small Kingdom which was attacked by the forces of the demon Lord's army one soldier suddenly awakened his powers fueled by the rage and grief of losing his sister he responded to the repeated attacks from the living deaths and got overwhelmed by the Holy Light from his true power that person was very similar to the hero filled with determination back in the castle Brahma Paul apologized his Lord and said he should be the one to deal with the hero as his right hand Dwight told him not to worry and if the person was truly the new hero then they wouldn't be able to do anything about it he claimed that there was only one person who could fight against that person which was the Demon Lord Dwight himself he wondered if it would be someone different than Claire which wouldn't be much surprising to him a new hero was now born in this era and hearing that Grom was confused Dwight explained to him that there used to be a time when he saved the world from the Menace of the previous Demon Lord but now he was himself the new Lord of this era he wondered how strong the new hero would be since he was awakened with the sole purpose of facing him he declared that the will of this world was itself directing him to bury the hero himself Rahm asked what Dwight was going to do to which he replied that he couldn't just simply wait for the hero's arrival and he had a purpose to complete he wanted to achieve it even if he had to go against the entire world he knew that if he just left the hero untouched right here then the hero would soon become stronger and more powerful over time so he needed to take action right away he decided to go and destroy the hero himself because he was the only one who could do it Brahm stated that when the time comes he requested Dwight to choose him to deal with the hero and he would do so with his full power white admitted that he would expect great things from Grom as well as Luciana he went to Claire's remains and confessed in front of her that he would face the new hero this era and finally become the real Demon Lord he wondered what Claire had thought of him if she were to be alive and look at him right now he was more well aware than anyone else about what a hero was the hero was the chosen one who would grow up in adversity and achieve a miracle by the end he knew how this would happen since he had seen how it all happens because he had traveled with a hero before now he has no problems to worry about thanks to Luciano's concerns for him which helped him relax he was determined to not hesitate now until he finally fulfilled his duty as the Demon Lord Lucian assured him that he could rely on them at a time if things get dangerous he agreed to her and being relied on Maeve Lucian a happy as well he prepared prepared to go there as soon as possible and this time he didn't want to let his monsters die with him he decided to leave them in the Royal capital and take only two thousand undeads along with his highest subordinates to the next Battlefield including Henry he declared the war in front of all his soldiers who would be joining him and they would head out to attack the hero's country the same night at the time when undeads arrived there and in the night time he reached there just on time according to the information he got the hero would be waiting inside he instructed Henry to declare the beginning of their attack and Henry obeyed he destroyed a whole front side of the wall and if he kept attacking like this then the other side of the wall would collapse as well next was grom's turn and he used his miasma and spread it around the place inside the wall they just broke by the time soldiers inside learned of the attack they were already surrounded by miasma everywhere which made them unable to breathe he praised Grom for it which made him happy he asked Luciana if she wanted to proceed with sabotage but suddenly something erupted from the castle they were attacking it was from the hero Evans and he was filled with hatred for the Demon Lord Evans charged his sword and Unleashed a large attack towards the direction of demon Lord's army the single attack from the hero erased dozens of the undeads and Dwight casted a shield just in time Henry Luciana and Grom could feel that the attack from hero was not by any means a weak one Dwight told them that he would be the one to deal with the hero and instructed them to focus on collapsing The Fortress he told them if something happened then call him immediately after that Dwight instantly teleported behind the hero Evans and warned him about the fight against him directly the hero immediately got enraged at seeing the Demon Lord in front of him and shouted curses at him Dwight didn't waste any time and held the hero with a handmaid of miasma and Magic he told the hero that the casualties won't be small if they were to fight here and so they should change the battlefield then the humans spotted the Demon Lord which was a very bad timing for them since Dwight was in hate but he didn't want to kill anyone for no reason but the humans attacked him regardless while Hiro tried to stop them Dwight had no choice now but to deal with those humans right away and he used miasma to turn them into undeads the hero got angry and tried to attack the Demon Lord but Dwight made the first move and threw Evans away Evans corrected his posture in the air and launched an attack either way Evan's attack was visibly not well thought of since he just wanted to Target Dwight despite others who might come in the range of his attacks Dwight was unscathed thanks to his shield but he could feel that the hero's attacks were very dangerous indeed any of the heroes attacks if landed could deal permanent damage to his soul and hinder his resurrection he was now very certain that Evans was really the one chosen to defeat him with all this power meanwhile the others were focused on attacking the Fortress which wouldn't be much trouble for them Dwight figured that the rest was up to him this was where Dwight finally turned serious with his attacks with determination to defy his fate against the hero Evans blocked his attacks one after another and their fight only grew intense and Evans got pushed back back from the attacks he was not sure why Dwight was doing all of this Dwight could feel Evans was not trying to stall for time but genuinely wasn't to hear the reason behind so many killings he answered he was just doing as he pleased because he was the Demon Lord which provoked Evan's anger even more his anger was reasonable since he got a lot of people killed by the Demon Lord including his sister he still remembered the sight of his sister Dying by his own hands and knowing that Dwight could understand what the hero might be going with Dwight stated that there have surely been countless tragedies caused by his actions he had invaded towns cities and others homes with Undead Army and sometimes he even raised them with his own magic he had so much guilt on his shoulders but he clearly told the hero that he was aware of everything he did the hero Evans only saw it as Dwight being a heartless freak and deciding to follow his Destin as the hero he swore to defeat Dwight white could see the determination in Evan's eyes one which he himself used to have in his eyes believing the past behind now he took took out the sword which belonged to Claire and got ready to fight the hero in a sword battle both of them put their concentration in their swords and Evans made his first move to charge at Dwight while shouting Dwight launched a counter-attack of his own but Evans crushed through it and closed in on Dwight it turned out that Dwight misled Evans close to him only to use his magic and miasma attack from behind but surprisingly Evans managed to keep up with Dwight's continuous attack speeds even though he was only going faster Evans was growing stronger even in the middle of the battle and Dwight already knew how it was possible because of the miracle-like power he had which used justice as its fuel to defy logic and evil he demonstrated the power of the hero throughout and this power reminded Dwight of his Claire who had the same rate of growth he deflected the hero's attack and pushed him backwards again the hero could feel the difference in their powers and felt scared Dwight realized that two and told the hero it was nothing to be embarrassed about since it was an emotion which everyone felt boy could feel inside him the swordsmanship tip of Claire which was the result of a tremendous amount of training an actual combat experiences he was certain after clashing swords with the hero now that there was a big difference in his abilities as compared to evidence Evans couldn't bear to listen to it and spit it out that he could never forgive Dwight and take him down to bring peace to the world however peace was everything both of them were fighting for right now although in separate ways the hero stated that they had been at peace for the past 10 years so why did his sister have to die now Dwight knew the truth inside that Evans had not done anything wrong but he himself was the Hopeless one here as they both stood with their swords in an attacking position Dwight was aware that instilling fear and murdering humans was not the right thing and above all waging a full-scale war against humans with using their own people's corpses was amongst all the unforgivable acts he had done so far but even so he was still standing on his belief for wanting the change he strived for while they clashed their swords again Evans fell backwards a few meters away from the impact and Dwight wanted to just go at it despite the foundation of his meaning of Peace being a Rocky one but he wanted to unite humans with the idea of becoming the Demon Lord as a pretext he knew that peace couldn't be realized on ideals alone and so he asked the hero to give up since Evans had no chance of winning against him the hero Evans stood back up again with the determination to save the world and he charged it Dwight with even more strength than before white could feel that Evan's blows were surely not a joke but his power was still too great he blocked Evan's attack then Evans got behind white in an instant to launch a surprise attack Dwight noticed Evans just in time and he thought if he were to leave things be then the holy sword of Evans would Vanquish the Demon Lord of this era he let Evans attack his body with a plan in his mind as Evans beheaded Dwight's skeleton head Dwight knew that history would repeat itself again if Evans were to win this battle it would go the same way as even after he defeats Dwight he would be considered nothing short of a threat since he would be the one to defeat the Demon Lord and slowly but surely the people would come to dispose of him like they did to Claire and Dwight and turn Evans into a killing weapon being controlled and sacrificed at the mercy of other human beings however this time he couldn't let the kind of future happen again and he landed a critical blow to Evan's body he couldn't allow himself to be defeated at any cost and so he went all out with his next attack pevens was left terrified at the sight of his immense attack as Dwight wished to end the fight of Good and Evil right now he wanted to show Evans what true despair looked like as the battle grew more intense than the beginning the hero managed to stay standing even after being through a large-scale attack Evans dashed towards Dwight with pointing his sword at him and Dwight this time let him come closer intentionally then cut him with his sword he told Evans it was no use and he was done fighting with him now as their battle reached their climax but the hero Evans declined accepting his defeat and he could let the dream of his world peace go to waste after losing his sister Nina The Demon King then told Evans to allow him to stop Evans here the hero didn't expect to hear that so Dwight continued to ask Evans if he had heard of the names Claire and Dwight before Evan's Vision got blurry and he told Dwight that he had heard those names 10 years ago since they were the ones to defeat the previous Demon Lord and save the world but afterwards they stole demon lord's powers and because of that they were executed being accused as the fallen heroes Heavens couldn't understand why the Demon Lord would mention it and ask why he mentioned them Dwight told him that it was rebuttal to their ideals as Evans just thought that defeating the Demon Lord would bring peace white then explained to Evans that it was not as simple as it sounded because it didn't turn out that way before either Evans was shocked and asked what he meant to which Dwight answered him that they utterly failed at the peace they fought for he could still feel the pain in his eye and chest from those arrows shot at them on their execution even if they weren't there anymore he told Evans that the world was just cruel and brimming with despair which also fell upon them so much that his ideals didn't mean anything at all he told Evans that even if she were to defeat him here he would still eventually fully experience the Deep Despair and gradually he would understand everything that white told him just now Evans was about to die but Dwight assured him at his dying moments that he would carry on his will for peace even if it wouldn't be in the same means he wanted them to be Heavens couldn't understand what the held white was talking about but one thing he knew it was that he couldn't let the power of Hiro which he was bestowed upon be abused like this for the sake of the heroes before him this was meant for Peace's sake and also for everyone's sake he lowered his head silently and Dwight thought that Evans was finally dead he got closer to confirm it and tried to touch Evans but Evan suddenly grabbed Dwight's hand and lastly summon each ounce of his remaining power to deal one final blow with all his strength he shouted out loud that he won't just give up like that and prepared to land his holy sword on Dwight but Dwight was prepared for something like this and he slashed Evans before he could do so as Evans was falling he remembered the voice of his sister Nina telling him that she couldn't help but worry about him and if the Demon Lord was attacking she wanted Evans to go against him and since the moment he became a hero Evans tried not to be laughed for being weak like before he felt sorry in his last moments for not being able to keep his promise to his sister although he managed to barely touch Dwight's clothes with his sword in his final moments the hero finally died for real and he fell down Dwight held his body and took the responsibility for taking his body somewhere to respect him meanwhile Henry got back from the battlefield to Grom and asked what the situation was Brahm asked Henry what was up with the blood stains on him but it turned out that they were just the blood of other humans he just fought not his own Grom was worried since Dwight had been taking long and Henry teased him that he might have died but Grom was sure that his Lord would never be defeated by anyone so Henry assured them that they had nothing to worry about in that case then Dwight returned to them and Grom asked if he was hurt anywhere white told him he received no major injuries and he was just fine Braum was glad that his Lord was okay while Dwight was still thinking of his his last battle Henry then expressed his excitement to fight against the hero and asked white if he was strong Dwight answered that hero Evans was really strong enough to befit the title of the hero Henry was jealous of him for fighting Dwight then Luciano arrived and hugged Dwight she congratulated him for defeating the hero which was really the greatest achievement for a Demon Lord Dwight wondered if it was really a thing to be celebrated to which she told him it was obvious as Dwight was also aware of it himself that the previous Demon Lord couldn't do so because he was killed by Dwight and Claire Dwight understood how big a deal it really was then Luciana asked him what they were supposed to do since everything was in their control now Dwight stated that they achieved what they came here for so they should withdraw their army right away and begin the preparations quickly after that he took a look at all the destruction he caused in the past few hours and he could understand the heavy bird in which Evans took upon himself as a young man to become the hero and work hard for justice Reed Evans was surely a peace lion person whom the flow of the world wanted to be the hero who would win however Dwight had now taken control over Destiny by himself now he reminisced about Claire the previous hero and he was aware that he just went against the flow of time by being the Demon Lord who defeated the hero he stood quietly under the vast night sky as he kept his resolve firm about continuing to follow the path he chose in order to bring the world peace he desired for and to achieve it he was willing to fall as low as it would take him meanwhile somewhere in the forests some monsters were begging Demon Lord and hoped if the Demon Lord of this era had any hatred towards the humans then he must hear to her final moments and complete her wish to put an end to what was happening to her and others as the humans kept killing one monsters after another for their self-interests after that Dwight was holding training for monsters in his army they tried to attack Dwight with everything but he managed to defeat them easily he told the monsters to control their emotions and not let them get the best of their Consciousness he praised them for the good teamwork they showed and reminded them to keep it up since they couldn't just lead every war with their undeads he told the monsters to keep training hard because he would be needing their help soon after the hero's death the kingdom fell completely under the rule of the Demon Lord the news of Hero's death also spread quickly throughout the world and it led to spark debates on this matter of concern he was certain that there were already some countries who might have started forming alliances and pacts amongst each other to fight against the Demon Lord he saw this progress as something he wanted but regardless of that he knew that he also needed to put down those countries who were using these situations for their own benefits and selfish gains and he knew now which country planned Those Behind the Scenes smuggling of weapons Luciana also confirmed it was the truth from her spies that this country was indeed Distributing the weapons to smaller Nations to fight against the demon Lord's army the one behind all of this was the Empire it was a country that grew into a mighty nation by swallowing the smaller territories around it and they managed to grow themselves just like how demon Lords did through the numerous Wars Dwight announced that they would be launching an attack on the Empire as soon as the preparations would be done then Grom came quickly to inform Dwight about an urgent matter he reported him about the appearance of a certain group of people who were trespassing into the demon Lord's territory Dwight heard it was surely suspicious and thought they could be spies from other countries however they were 30 in number which was too much for an individual to hire and yet too small to count as an army he could figure out that if they were spies then they wouldn't be in so many numbers either he wondered what they wanted to accomplish and to find that out he asked Graham about their current location after knowing the location he instantly teleported right in front of them he realized that these people were actually a group of elves who live in the world trees forests the elves immediately got on their Guard from his sudden appearance and pointed their weapons on white he told them that he was not here to fight and he knew that elves were demi-humans loved by the spirits but they were constantly in conflicts with the humans he stated that he wished to speak with their representative and then a female elf stepped forward her name was Olivia and she introduced herself to Dwight she recognized Dwight by his appearance as a jet black skeleton and understood that he was the immortal Demon Lord when others realized that they shook in fear after which Dwight came straight to the main topic and asked the elves what business they had with him since they came to his territory Olivia informed him that the world tree forest was apparently invaded by the human armies and they had come here to ask the Demon Lord for his help she told him it started 10 days ago when a human Army came to their forest and demanded their trees the elves obviously refused their demands because every resource in the world tree forest was sacred to them which they could never give to anyone especially those with ill intents after some days of that the human Army came back and suddenly started cutting the trees regardless of the elves permission this time the elves tried to repel the Army but they were no match against them and considering the predicament they were in Dwight understood that elves were left with no no option but to ask the demon Olivia admitted he was right and stated she was hopeful after hearing that the Demon Lord had hatred towards the humans so they thought if the rumors were true then it was all more of a reason for them to turn to Demon Lord for help since they were demi-humans in their enemy humans Dwight was aware that she wasn't wrong to think so since he had been just slaughtering humans up to now but still the rumors were a bit unexpected for him he then asked for which country was attacking them to which her answer unexpectedly aligned with the next Target of Dwight the Empire and she was certain it was then after she saw the crests on their flags of the Empire he understood that the empire was really a threat which needed to be eradicated right away
Channel: MangaCapped
Views: 279,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Executed Sage Was Reincarnated As A Skeleton, MangaCapped, Manga Recap, Manga, Manhwa Recap, Manhwa, Manhua Recap, Manhua, Anime Recap, Anime, Skeleton
Id: sGzFvgjHQ2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 38sec (4958 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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