'The Dark Side of Oz'
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Channel: Rolf Renton
Views: 2,130,198
Rating: 4.8891368 out of 5
Id: NtExVJlgEC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 47sec (6107 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2013
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Echoes synched with the final 20 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey is way better. Check it out.
I find the whole myth of DSOTM and The Wizard of Oz to be synced up to be pretty amusing. I've watched it stoned, I've watched it sober, I've started the music at different times and have watched different versions of it all over YouTube. I don't see them "syncing" up, nor does any of the songs have any relation to what's going on in the movie except for very few short moments which seem entirely coincidental. I know Floyd was way ahead of their time, especially in terms of the equipment they used, but I don't even think they had that kind of technology or time, especially with the constant touring supporting the album Meddle, to be able to do that. And anyway, supposedly, DSOTM was supposed to be the soundtrack for the movie and not supposed to "sync up" with it. Here's what it at least says on the DSOTM wiki page:
"Dark Side of the Rainbow Main article: Dark Side of the Rainbow Dark Side of the Rainbow and Dark Side of Oz are two names commonly used in reference to rumours (circulated on the Internet since at least 1994) that The Dark Side of the Moon was written as a soundtrack for the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. Observers playing the film and the album simultaneously have reported apparent synchronicities, such as Dorothy beginning to jog at the lyric "no one told you when to run" during "Time", and Dorothy balancing on a tight-rope fence during the line "balanced on the biggest wave" in "Breathe". David Gilmour and Nick Mason have both denied a connection between the two works, and Roger Waters has described the rumours as "amusing". Alan Parsons has stated that the film was not mentioned during production of the album."
I really wish it was true because that would be pretty bad ass. But unfortunately, at least in my opinion, it's not.
Is it bad that I started watching this, stopped watching but continued to listen to the album?
Also, the opening of Sucker Punch with Dark Side is pretty good.