"Stay in the Fight" - Matthew Woodward

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be aware of that James chapter 5 verse 11 if you have your Bibles we're going out of order we're gonna turn then the James 4 and 7 backing up on chapter but james511 James 4 and 7 and then we'll be in Ephesians 6 the Bible says behold we count them happy which endure let me say endure and you've heard of the patience of Joe how many know the job went through some pretty crazy stuff for a season of his life but he endured he had patience and he saw the end of the Lord whatever God was trying to do in him job got to the end of that process and the Lord blessed him and gave him double for his trouble he saw that the Lord is very pitiful he takes pity on those that walk through things and he's of tender mercy that's that's the God that we serve James 4 and 7 says submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you they can't set and give you any word this morning we're going also to Ephesians 6 verse 13 Paul said wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore we say stand somebody say endure resist and stand this morning I want to preach for a few minutes and the subject stay in the fight you touch your neighbor give my title stay in the fight let's pray Lord Jesus god I thank you once again for the privilege the honor to be in your house today I got I pray that you would touch and minister and speak and bring revelation by and through your word God I'm praying that you would use me this morning I pray that you'd get flesh out of the way and God that you had just used me as a mouthpiece of heaven but God don't let your anointing rest on just the one that is speaking but God let it rest upon all of those hearing your word this morning help us to be hearers and doers of the word I ask it I pray it in the name of Jesus as we say in Jesus name one more time can you give God just a resounding hand up in a shout [Applause] if you're believing if he's got faith come on lift up a shout Jesus hallelujah amen you can be seated now this is before my time and it happened before I was around but on October 30th 1974 or the most famous sporting events in recent history it took place and it was a boxing match between undefeated heavyweight champion George Foreman who has since moved on to making grills and former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali the match took place in the nation of Zaire Africa now now known as a nation of Congo and it was called by many the rumble in the jungle anybody know what I'm talking about some 60,000 people were in attendance and many millions more watched the event on television live and going into the fight there was much speculation that Ali would be defeated it seemed like he was outmatched and that Foreman was a shoo-in for victory and so many believe that Foreman was the favorite to win this fight due to his superior strength and his punching power and and also because he had defeated some of the few people that had defeated Ali people like Joe Frazier and Ken Norton he had beaten them and they had beaten Ali and it just seemed like Ali was a little further down than Foreman on the boxing totem pole if you will it looked as if defeat was was certain for Ali but despite all of this history was written and Ali took home the title of heavyweight champion of the world after knocking Foreman out with ten seconds left in the eighth round of the fight everyone loves a good underdog story don't we what's interesting though is not just the fact that Ali was victorious but also how Ali went about achieving this victory the boxing match has become the subject of much commentary and speculation over the past several decades and many sports writers have discussed the technique utilized by Muhammad Ali which was anything but conventional essentially a would provoke and he would anger Foreman causing Foreman to attack full force and back him into the ropes Holly intentionally took a lot of punches but by laying back on the ropes Munsch much of the punching force was absorbed by them and not his body you know it just kind of makes sense if I were to take a punch supporting all of my own weight and balancing my body completely under my own power all of the force of that punch is absorbed by me but but but if you're standing against the ropes taking a punch against the ropes much of the force passes through your body into them and so throughout the fight Ali kept himself against the ropes just waiting for his opportunity to deliver the knockout punch this technique was later called by the rope-a-dope by publicist John Condon and without it without this method of fighting perhaps Ali would have not become the victor the rope-a-dope that's what they call this guy now the reason I shared this story with you this morning is because I feel like there is a moral that we can learn from it yes even from boxing even though Muhammad Ali was outmatched and overpowered by his opponent even though it seemed as though defeat was inevitable his mentality seemingly was just to stay in the fight no matter what came his way and no matter how strong his opponent looked and no matter how many punches came against him he may not have have had the bigger build or the stronger right hook and and his enemy may certainly have been stronger but if he could just hang in there he had this idea that eventually the fight would turn in his favor and it did and he won isn't it true that sometimes in life we to find ourselves in a very similar situation we're not boxers many of us probably most of us but sometimes we face things in life that seem beyond our ability to feet and when we look at our circumstance or when we look at the enemy toe-to-toe it seems like we are outmatched when we survey the landscape of the situation it becomes apparent that whatever is against us is far bigger and stronger than we are and that's okay to acknowledge that fact it's just life it's just reality if we're honest we would say that there have been many times in our lives that we were in that same place our opposition our circumstance our fight it seemed like a shoo-in for victory what was against us was without doubt bigger and stronger and maybe you're facing something like that right now maybe you're walking in a valley in a dark night and it just seems beyond your ability to to overcome and it feels like you're treading water and and it doesn't seem like you're making progress now I've not come to preach a message of discouragement this morning but I've come to preach a message of encouragement but before we can get there we've just got to be honest with ourselves and with each other and with God we've all been there and we've all walked those roads and we've all faced those dark valleys there are problems that arise in life that just seemed impossible to overcome and it just seems like there's no Avenue to victory somebody say it's real life come on the struggle is real somebody it's what we live it's it's how we live it's what we walk through and if you're anything like me you know what it's like to face down an obstacle or a situation that seems to have the upper hand I brought these out here they're just decoration I promise takes me about just three minutes just to squeeze my hands inside of them so I'll spare you but I certainly don't always have the stronger right hook and have you seen me I don't have the punching power that the things I face have and it's different for everybody you can fill in the blank for your life and I will for mine I know that some have walked through family troubles broken relationships that seem beyond repair troubled marriages maybe even divorce things that are beyond us bigger than us maybe it's a besetting sin and every time the temptation surfaces it just seems like you take the bait hook line and sinker sometimes you feel like victory in a particular area of struggle is impossible you think it's just the way it will always be anybody ever had those thoughts just always gonna be this way maybe it's an addiction some of you know what it's like to deal with or have dealt with substance addiction but whether it is substance or behavior addiction is powerful and every day the craving gnaws at a person and it feels hopeless and victory is seemingly beyond reach maybe it's illness pain sickness in your body and you prayed and you've gotten reports and it just doesn't seem like you can do anything about it except trust perhaps you deal with regret over the past and bad decisions and you feel as if your past wrongs discount you today for how God could use your life and the weight of condemnation even though it we're told in Scripture that there's no condemnation for those that love God it still looms heavy in your mind and you believe the enemy a little bit too much and it feels like it will never lift you fill in the blank we all know what it feels like to be outmatched and overpowered and overcome by a circumstance of life or the attack of the enemy but I have come to shine a ray of hope into the bleakness of whatever troubles face you because the Bible helps me to understand what we are to do when we find ourselves against the ropes and when we find ourselves overpowered and outmatched by circumstances and are at Cerrie this morning I wish I could give you a three step process if you follow it it's easy as one two three and all of your troubles will vanish I wish that that I could do that this morning if I did that today I promised you we'd have a much bigger crowd next week a lot of the city would turn out if all the problems would go away in just three easy steps it doesn't work that way does it I wish I wish I could give you one simple prayer that once prayed you know your life would be tulips and daisies and a road of rainbows wouldn't it just be beautiful it doesn't work that way prayer is powerful but sometimes you gotta linger and push and persevere and God's answer to us from his word is not some quick easy fix when we face these sorts of things but his answer is simple don't give up I hope you didn't come for anything more deep or theologically profound than that don't give up you know I think it's a an urban legend or something I was looking it up and I don't think it's completely accurate but it makes for good preaching anyway the speech that Winston Churchill gave somebody some people say that his speech was just never give up never give up never give up that was just a part of the speech but but again it just makes for good preaching never give up never give up never give up you say well that's pretty simplistic well yeah I know it's really simple but it's also really powerful touch your neighbors say never give up all throughout the Word of God many scriptures encourage us to keep on fighting in the battles of life Paul said many different times in many different ways such as first Timothy 6:12 fight the good fight of faith he said in first Corinthians 15:58 be steadfast and be unmovable let me say I'm not going anywhere Paul said Galatians 5 and 1 stand fast and stand firm in Christ's liberty we already read it but he said having done all to stand stand therefore and Jesus himself Matthew 24:13 said that he that endures to the end not somebody that that fights it for a while or runs a race for a while but then throws in the towel no but somebody that endures until the end of the fight until the end of the road that same shall be saved and so the overwhelming message from Scripture is just don't quit I wonder if we can get a little bit of a lean mentality this morning and just say I know that what I'm facing is bigger and stronger but if I can just hang in there throughout the duration of the fight then I just have this feeling that I can overcome and I can come out on top and I can be victorious that's alright why don't we just pop our hands for a moment if you believe it why don't we just let faith rise in the house of God this morning somebody's gonna find the strength they need today to fight the battle they're facing let me bring some hope this morning God doesn't expect you to defeat your adversary in the first round some of you've been hard on yourself because you've fallen and you've taken some some strong punches and he's knocked you down God doesn't expect you to be perfect God doesn't expect you not to ever get discouraged God doesn't expect you never to get knocked down by the enemy but there is something he does expect from you he does expect you to hang in there until the fight is over that's the only requirement for this fight it's not just running but it is finishing the race it is going through until the end just stay in the fight because if you'll just hang in there you'll come out on top if you feel today like you don't have the strength to win and maybe you said what's the use of trying that's alright stay in the fight you may take a few jabs you may take a few punches stay in the fight you may get knocked down a few times but don't you dare give up just stay in the fight I wonder if we could echo this morning in our lives the words of the prophet Micah and say rejoice not against me o mine enemy for when I fall I shall arise and when I sit in darkness the Lord will be a light unto me it doesn't matter how many times I fall down or how many times the enemy knocks me over if I will just keep standing to my feet then I will win I wish I could paraphrase this morning the prophet Micah if I could I would say hey the enemy may knock me over but I'm still staying in the fight I'm putting my boxing gloves back on and I'm gonna push back the scripture teaches us that falling is inevitable I know where Pentecostals and we don't we don't really believe that but he said when I fall you know sometimes we just need to trust the Word of God is true when I fall not if I fall he just made it up in his mind that if I get knocked down I'm determined to get back up you know the Lord would have you to know this morning that what makes you invincible is not how many times you can withstand the attack of the enemy because his mercies are new every morning if God makes it made his mercies available every morning chances are we'd need them nearly every morning what makes you invincible is not your you know your impervious state to the attack of the enemy but what makes you invincible is that you just determine and settle in your spirit that no matter how many times I do fall I will rise see the enemy can't do anything with a person that it's like I remember growing up as a kid I remember these blow-up doll toys that were weighted at the bottom I think they were called Rock'em Sock'em boppers I never had one they were too violent maybe I don't know but but you punch these things and because they were weighted at the bottom they would swing back and punch you back come on that's what you need to be if you're a child of God that's the mentality you need to have no matter how many times I get punched in the gut or punched in the head I'm just gonna spring back to my feet because when you do that you're invincible to hell you're invincible in the kingdom of God the enemy can't touch somebody that just says no matter how many times I fall on my face I'm gonna rise to my feet and stay in the fight I've come to encourage somebody today you just keep on wrestling with and struggling with whatever you're up against and don't you dare stop until something changes and something gives way and a door opens that that hasn't yet now I want to just bring a little bit of clarity because I think we misuse a word can I do that I want to I want to ask you this morning what does it really mean to struggle with something anyway I want to bring a little bit of I think revelation to the word at least in my life it has been to what it means to struggle has anybody ever had somebody come up to you and you say hey how you doing today and they say I'm really struggling did that happen today for anybody no I'm just kidding please don't maybe you were that person I'm just really going through you know I'm struggling yeah I think we misuse that statement I really do because when we say we're struggling with something we say it like it's a negative thing that's what we mean it's like you know I'm defeated I'm overcome everything's against me my life is horrible whatever we mean to say essentially that whatever the obstacle in our life is it's it's it's it's taken us out and and we're just struggling to survive but but I want to say this morning I want to flip that simply by virtue of the fact that you struggle with it it means that there's some fight left in you and I think that's a positive sign come on if you are struggling and wrestling and you've been knocked down a few times but but you're here this morning that means there's some fight in your spear and some fight in your life and that's good see I don't get too worried if a person struggles I worry when a person shot shows no signs of resistance and they don't struggle and they have a bad week and they're not in the house of God on Sunday and they fall on their face and and they get absolutely depressed and they don't try and and they just stay down that's what worries me but if a person stands back up and they and they say you may have knocked me down devil but but I'm pushing back and I'm gonna wrestle and struggle until I find my victory you know that's what we should mean when we say I'm struggling hell's against me but I'm against Hell hell it's pushing against me but I'm pushing back against Hell struggling when you get knocked down by something the question is do you get back up and fight or do you lay down and die do you rise up and engage in the struggle or do you just give up you see defeat doesn't come when you fall defeat comes when you stop standing back up on your two feet that is defeat that is defeat defeat doesn't come just when you fall again we got to believe what the Word of God says proverbs 24 a just man falleth not once that suffix means many times a continual falling come on pastor what we're Alexis teaches that a just man falls and continues to fall seven times we're Pentecostal we don't believe that you might is that too real I'm sorry I'm Pentecostal too so a just man falls and continues to fall seven times but there's there's the rest of the sentence really the the just description its ascribed to a person not just that falls and continues to fall but somebody that rises and continues to rise up again again God does not need you to be perfect God does not need you to never make mistakes never get angry never get frustrated when somebody cuts you off in traffic come on there was deadlock over town for like two hours at a time this weekend I know somebody this week had an anger problem just the law of averages and good common sense tells me that some of you thought of us you had no business thinking about this flood and about the traffic come on you don't need to never fall but just that that just state of being it is ascribed to your life when you fall but you get up and you fall and you get up and you fall and you get up it may knock you down but just get back up on your feet and keep wrestling with that thing keep wrestling with that temptation keep struggling with that anger keep struggling with whatever thing besets you or holds you back you just get up and you stay in the fight until you get your breakthrough let me say Amen when we say I'm struggling we should mean that we aren't taking it laying down the enemy has come against me but but I'm fighting back many of us are familiar with the story of Jacob and he he wrestled with a man or or an angel later it says that that there he wrestled with God this is a a theophany many theologians would call it which is just a pre Christ's manifestation of God in the flesh and so Jacob it says in 32 and 24 of Genesis he was there left alone and he wrestled some easy wrestle there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day powerful principle hidden in this scripture when you find yourself in the night season and things are against you and you're in a wrestling match you just keep on wrestling and struggling and eventually daylight will come Jacob wrestled and he was wrestled with until the Sun rose and when the Sun rose things turned in his circumstance and somebody here today you need to adopt that philosophy until the Sun rises on my circumstance I'm not going to stop and fighting I'm gonna struggle I refuse to give up you touch your neighbor one more time say stay in the fight stay in the fight maybe you've asked the question I'm gonna hasten to a close here maybe you've asked the question why why doesn't God remove the obstacle why doesn't God remove the obstacle I know on Wednesday night my father pastor Woodward he was teaching about weakness and he referenced his passage I want to bring it up again second Corinthians chapter 12 the Apostle Paul he struggled with some stuff which brings me great consolation because you know I didn't write two thirds of the New Testament I've never gone on all these great missionary journeys at least you know not not now at this point in my life and you know I know we're not supposed to measure ourselves against one another but you know when I think about Paul I think he's a priest Eller guy pretty awesome Christian but but he struggled with some stuff and he was very transparent and very honest and he would say things like the things I don't want to do I do and the things I want to do I don't been there done that got the t-shirt but Paul had a thorn in the flesh 2nd Corinthians 12 and 7 he said in lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations that I would have from Jesus there was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buff at me lest I should be exalted above measure and for this thorn for this thing I besought the Lord three times and we say three times that it might leave me Lord take this from me Paul would pray but God responded and he said Paul my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness and so Paul said most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me we don't know what the thorn in the flesh was for Paul there's some theories and you know you don't want to read into the Bible something that it doesn't say so please don't take these examples as biblical facts but people have kind of theorized what the thorn may have been for Paul some of the more popular ones are you know maybe it was a temptation that that Paul faced a besetting sin some say that it was a chronic eye problem that he dealt with that that hindered him greatly some speculate that it was malaria some illness maybe migraines even epilepsy some have have thought perhaps a speech disability I've heard some say that and again you know you don't know sometimes if the Internet is true or not but Google told me I've heard that we've got Bible School graduates in the House today and so they can correct me later but that his voice was shrill and annoying who knows maybe that was his thorn and he prayed to God oh please after three times of that stop Paul we don't know some people even say that the thorn refers to a person maybe that's your thorn somebody such as Alexander the coppersmith who according to Paul himself did him a great deal of harm second Timothy 4:14 we aren't exactly certain what Paul's thorn was which i think is intentional on god's part because it leaves it open-ended for us so that we could place ourselves in the Apostles shoes if Paul said it was a speech impediment all the people that have marriage troubles would say oh that's not for me if it was a temptation all the people with some other problem like a sickness or an illness they would think it's not for you but but it's it's open-ended today and many people here this morning have a thorn - we aren't exactly sure what it was but whatever it was the one thing we do know is that God left it there come on God no I'm leaving it there Paul I'm leaving it there for you to struggle with to get frustrated by I'm leaving it there as something that even at times will trip you up and give you a bad attitude I'm leaving it there to struggle with sometimes like Paul we pray for God to remove whatever the obstacle that stands before us but he doesn't anybody ever prayed about something that God would remove something or correct the situation and he did it can I get an amen on that God left it there and this teaches me something about God which is that God would rather leave the obstacle and see you learn how to struggle learn how to wrestle with some stuff even if it means you won't be perfect then to remove it and let you have Easy Street the rest of your life and see you remain the same it's because the struggle is what makes you stronger the wrestling match is what gives you the tenacity and the ferocity to make it all the way to the end the struggle is what builds character in your life and some of you don't understand why God doesn't change your circumstance God why won't you remove the thorn and you've prayed and you've prayed and you've prayed just like Paul God why won't you heal the relationship that I'm wrestling with in my life I've come to tell you that God will heal the relationship but for now until he does he wants you to build up some strength in the struggle he wants you to learn how to navigate the attack of your adversary in the struggle so that someday you can throw a knockout punch and wreak havoc on hell come on how many know that whatever the enemy throws against you it can't get to you unless it goes through the blood of Jesus that's upon you and so if it gets to you it means that God allowed it to get to you and he wants to use it to serve his purpose not hell's purpose and so just stay in the fight maybe you're you're asking God why won't you prevent this temptation why won't you remove the carnal appetite in me and if you would do it God then that I I would live in more righteousness and and perfection I would be better I wouldn't fall into sin any more if you would just removed the thorn but God leaves it and he says I want you to gain some strength in the struggle and if I took that desire from you you'd be just as weak as when I found you and so stand and fight god will leave things in your life and God will let the enemy throw jabs at you even though it causes you to fall it may cause you to really mess up at times and get bad attitudes at times and make mistakes but but God's answer to Paul is the same answer to us this morning my grace is sufficient for you come on God wants you to get stronger in the struggle if you have bad days in the meantime if you get frustrated in the meantime God said I've got it covered my grace is there it's sufficient for you it's sufficient for every bad day it's sufficient for every time you fall my grace is sufficient your objective is not perfection your objective is determination to stand up and fight and that's the music to come I'm almost finished when you feel that you're outmatched and you know that there's no way that you have the strength to achieve victory in spite of this determine in your spirit to keep fighting anyway you know there's a secret that your adversary has that he doesn't want you to know about him it's Satan's weakness it's his Achilles heel if you will and James lets us know what this is James chapter four and seven are one of our text scriptures this morning James said if you will submit yourselves to God that's a key component of this promise that we won't take the time to get into but but if you will submit yourselves to God and resist the devil so we say resist we've been called to endure we've been called to resist we've been called to stand but if you will resist the devil will flee from you when I'm gonna fight with the enemy I don't have to have the stronger right hook all I've got to have is some resistance and if I will resist the word promises me that eventually he will flee and I will win he will flee and I will win this verse lets me know that Satan has a weakness and it's that he has no stamina and he has no staying power in the fight and he may come out swinging beating his chest and he may look stronger than me in and without God he certainly is but he's only good for the first few rounds it means that if I will just stand and stay and struggle and resist and push I'll win if I just don't quit I'll win if when he knocks me down I just get back up I'll win because if I resist him he will flee the enemy knows that that he needs to defeat me quick in the first couple of rounds because because if I just hang in there and I struggle I push back he will eventually turn tail and run it's a promise in the Word of God somebody say it's a promise and so when we engage an overwhelming circumstance that the devil puts in our life victory is the ultimate objective but you achieve victory by determining to never give up I think this is illustrated to us in one of the names that the Bible gives to the devil in the Gospels the devil is called Beelzebub which means the Lord of the Flies now I've heard this before I'm no botanist or that's the plant guy biologist sorry there's probably one more specific for insect people I don't know much about house flies all I know is that they're deadly annoying especially when you're trying to sleep but I've heard that the lifespan of a housefly is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 days when they're in your car or in your bedroom it seems like it's you know 30 years but 30 days which means that they only have a short time to do their bidding and to spread their filth and lay their eggs and do their stuff and the devil is called the Lord of the Flies you know might just be coincidence maybe it just means that he's you know dirty annoying likes to spread filth I don't know likes to attack you when you're having a picnic I don't know whatever but but maybe it just gives us an indication of the nature of our adversary but the lifespan of his attack in your life really isn't as long as he would have you to believe but he only has a short window of time in this season of a valley or attack or struggle or problem to do his bidding the enemy may have a tough exterior and he may look intimidating but the devil doesn't have the strength to go the distance than the fight which is why if you will resist he will run Peter said be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour but then he gives us another key the same one he said whom resist somebody say resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world see all you have to do is resist him and he will flee stand therefore put on the whole armour of God Jesus as I close my final scriptures today in Matthew 4 Jesus was tempted of the devil for forty days three different temptations three different times Jesus quotes the word and finally the Bible says in verse 11 of Matthew 4 then the devil left him and behold the angels came and ministered unto him it was only a short time period it was just a short season of struggle but Jesus resisted and the enemy fled I've come to tell somebody whatever you're facing if you will just stay in the fight and show some resistance the devil is no match for a child of God that refuses to stay down but will get back up on your feet and just push back whatever impossibility this morning as we stand is staring you down the choices are simple give up and be overcome or fight back and if you will fight and endure then you will be victorious you will be victorious come on how many know that Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes that the battle isn't given to the strong you don't have to be the strongest person in the ring all you have to be is the most determined person in the ring and say no matter what comes my way I'm not giving up what if you raise your hands this morning I feel like God's gonna allow his strength and his help to come into this room because I know that some of you are facing things and walking through valleys and fighting battles that that have maybe been there for a while and you're wondering why God is not helped you yet but God's Word to you this morning is stand firm in the faith and fight the good fight and don't you dare give up and I wonder if you can lift your hand your voice with your hands today and just reach to the Lord for a moment let his spirit come into this room and minister [Music] elaborado cultura by a mass animal is [Music] hello we're good come on it can be your first time in the building this morning the help of the Holy Ghost is here to step into your life and give you the strength you need come on the Holy Ghost will help you to live above and rise above whatever you're facing in your life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I wonder if you can find somebody this morning to come to the altar with today so let's go to the altar this morning let's let the strength of God come and wash over us again if you've been discouraged in your spirit if you felt like giving up in the past few weeks or months come on this morning the altar calls for you we're all gonna gather here in a moment why don't we step out why don't we come around this altar and just allow the power of God that revelation that God said hey I'll cover you with my grace today may not be the day but it might also be the day just all that you have to do is to determine hey I'm staying in the fight as you come I wonder if you would lift your voice like a trumpet reach out to the Lord if there's somebody new you feel led to pray with them go ahead and lay your hands on them in the Holy Ghost and let the Spirit of God minister [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time just go ahead lift that boys come on reach out with your voice this morning Hellen elbow Korea shot someone engage in spiritual warfare against your enemy settle the issue today I'm not backing down and I'm not giving up [Music] I'm not gonna lay down and die in my dilemma but I'm pushing back [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] come on don't let the enemy demoralize you and back you into a corner come on you may feel like you're against the ropes oh maybe you're in just the right place and if you'll just hand victory is around the corner [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 2,910
Rating: 4.8762889 out of 5
Keywords: stay, in, the, fight, matthew, woodward, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, pentecost
Id: ik73EV5ELgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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