How hundreds of biological men INVADED women's prisons

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we are never getting off this ride [Music] hi my name is sydney welcome back to hell and as per usual before we launch in today's video is sponsored by established titles and by me you asked for putting people merch i made you some because i love you some of you also asked for kid sizing which are on the website too go check them out there's tons to look at because we all need to protect the pudding people now at the end of 2019 i made a video on this channel about a swedish man who murdered his girlfriend then identified as a woman after the fact and then was transferred to a women's prison and even back then before all of the additional madness of 2020 i thought this story was absolutely freaking bananas and if i'm being honest i never thought that housing biological males with female inmates would ever take off in any significant way although i don't know why because we live in clown world [Music] and i still hate it here but since then and despite the fact that this topic always has new developments and continues to escalate we hear very little about it besides of course you know the super freaking banana stories that come up such as california handing out condoms and plan b to female prisoners and two women at a new jersey prison getting pregnant after having sex with transgender inmates aclu won a battle to house 27 inmates there because of course they did but like i said given that this topic gets such little attention i thought it would be worth discussing because in the two and a bit years since i made my video things have gotten kind of out of control so that's what we're going to do today take a look at biological men in women's prisons and all the various twists and turns that go along with this topic but before you once again bored my hell gondola and i give you depression and i give you some extra sadness let's hear from today's sponsor established titles if you haven't hugged the tree today it's possible you hate nature if you haven't hugged your dog today you definitely hate nature and if you don't have a dog well invest in one but fear not friends it doesn't have to be this way establish titles is here to make you a lord or lady and in doing so save the trees and these creepy freaking bugs established titles is a super cool initiative based on a historic scottish custom established titles helps you buy as little as a square foot of land on a private dedicated scottish estate and you get to call yourself a lord or a lady you get this official certificate with all the details as well as a unique plot number that allows you to see the exact location of your land you can go to scotland hug a tree hug a scotsman see your land it's beautiful of course established titles makes a great gift especially for father's day which is right around the corner and let's not forget for every order placed establish titles commits to planting a tree this keeps the scottish woodlands rich with woodlands so to honor your father by making him a lord click the link in the description established titles is running a massive father's day sale and with code sydney you can get an additional 10 off your entire purchase in 1987 a man was shot and killed after a heated exchange outside a bar in orange county california the perpetrator was sentenced to 17 years to life in a male prison that inmate came to be known as michelle norsworthy a biological male who behind bars began identifying as a woman norsworthy began expressing as female around 1994 and was eventually transferred to a california prison with a gender clinic in 1999 norsworthy was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and a year later was allowed to take female hormones after suffering sexual abuse behind bars and with declining mental health a prison psychologist recommended surgical treatments for gender dysphoria to alleviate norseworthy's psychological distress this wasn't easy at all to achieve norsworthy was denied access to those treatments time and time again until 2014 when norsworthy sued the state of california the following year a federal judge concluded that denial of care violated norsworthy's rights under the eighth amendment this refers to cruel and unusual punishments not being inflicted on prisoners is that why we don't lock people's hands off when they graffiti things uh probably yes i'm just thinking out loud but maybe that would deter them but anyway remember the eighth amendment it comes up a lot with this topic the court essentially ordered that the california department of corrections rehabilitation provide norse-worthy with adequate medical care including sex reassignment surgery as promptly as possible this was undoubtedly a turning point the rolling set a precedent for transgender inmates and their right to specific treatments behind bars norsworthy was viewed by trans activists as a pioneer but even norsworthy admits now in 2022 that the door opened by this ruling was not a good one because i didn't mean for this to happen my case opened up a doorway in 2015 that i i am a i i don't know i'm waiting for the states to apologize to women i didn't mean for this to happen well it did happen and it is happening and while norsworthy might have opened a quite regrettable door this has been going on for quite some time the subject of placing trans women or biological males in women's institutions has been a very hot topic for civil rights groups and activists for the longest time they argue that transgender women are at risk of sexual violence and general violence in men's institutions and that they themselves do not pose a risk to female inmates oftentimes transgender inmates are presented by the media and social discourse as a poorly treated population in need of rescue from a broken justice system and in need of affirmation for their gender identity i need rescuing from this crap but you don't see me complaining i can't believe it's only taken me two years and i'm more than ready for the asteroid pro-lgbt outlets routinely focus on terrible cases of abuse in order to push the idea that males should be accommodated in women's prisons so long as they identify as a woman the issue is and i made this point in my 2019 video nobody really seems particularly concerned with what this does to female inmates there is very little interest in how this impacts them and no significant attention has been given to the data on this topic to determine if there is in fact a risk posed to women which activists often claim doesn't exist it does it brings us to a point where we have to ask if the rights and safety of female inmates are being traded away with very few people like i said actually interested in the consequences although like i mentioned earlier there have been significant developments when it comes to this topic housing biological males in women's prisons is still a reasonably new phenomenon we can trace it back to 2003 when a federal law called the prison rape elimination act or peria came into effect prio was intended to prevent track and punish all kinds of sexual violence and abuse in prison the legislation itself makes a point of saying that the high incidence of sexual assault within prisons involves actual and potential violations of the united states constitution you guessed it the eighth amendment interestingly it then references a 1994 court case pharma v brennan where a pre-operative transsexual called d farmer who projected feminine characteristics sued a prison because the officials had displayed deliberate indifference to farmers safety knowing the prison was a very violent environment i'm confused aren't they all violent environments it's worth noting that farmer wasn't trying to be moved to a female facility but rather be housed separately in a co-correctional institution this feels like at least in part the basis for a lot of transgender cases and claims that came after many of them relate to the eighth amendment as the justification and basis for their positions i don't know guys color me crazy but i think of cruel and unusual punishment as like you know drawing and quartering people or putting them in the box with the spikes and the face mask in the and the torture like that you know not housing people in a facility that matches their biological sex they're not the same now the 2003 priya act does not mention transgender intersex gender identity or any similar wording of the sort in fact while the law was designed to protect inmates from sexual abuse it does not establish rules on housing and moving inmates and especially not based on how they identify rather it was about protecting inmates in the institutions in which they are housed because 2003 was a time that actually made more sense i missed that but as with most things even this got weird in 2012 the department of justice issued a final notice of prius standards so basically standards building on but separate to the 2003 legislation the standards were expected to be implemented by all federal prisons and any state facilities that wanted to continue receiving federal funding the 2012 standards included things like letting trans and intersex inmates shower separately from other inmates and moving trans inmates to male and female facilities on a case-by-case basis of course things were then accelerated in 2017 when obama introduced the federal bureau of prisons policies days before he left office they stipulated that a federal inmate should be housed with respect to their gender identity people love this gender identity stuff in 2018 after several female inmates in the federal system in texas challenged the policy in court saying it made them feel unsafe because i mean like no one's surprised by that the trump administration rolled back the policies and once again housed inmates based on biological sex gender identity was only considered in rare cases for example this would apply if someone had transitioned fully medically and surgically and would stick out like a sore thumb in a men's prison we're talking people who look like blaire white in 2022 the binding administration ruled back trump's roll back and reinstituted obama's policies what is this something that is obvious but still important to note is that federal and state laws are different my understanding is that states can determine how they implement priya on an individual level and the policies that states have vary greatly remember how i mentioned california handing out condoms well that's because california is one of the many states that have passed their own laws with pretty lack standards for cross-sex housing in prison senate bill 132 came into effect in january 2021 and it disturbed people and for good reason the law allows for incarcerated transgender non-binary and intersex people to be housed and searched in a matter consistent with their gender identity and individual preference remember that time when prison was supposed to be a punishment for being probably not a great person in society and now the government just does what you ask because i don't know like equality good for them for getting their individual preferences met it does make me wonder about the female inmates individual preference not to be raped so in short if they identify as a woman they will be housed with women and if their preference is to be housed with women they will be housed with women and let's remember crucially this law was designed to protect people from sexual abuse in prison by letting anyone self-id and then move into female facilities what is this obviously we would not expect a bigot like you to understand equality that causes me pain this has led to people like jessica han a trans-identified male who is incarcerated for the murder of two children being transferred to a women's facility this story is actually a complete mess and youtube will 100 lose its mind if i discuss it so i will link it in the description and you can uh suffer in your own time remember how i also mentioned two pregnant inmates at a facility in new jersey well that's because new jersey also houses people based on their gender identity at edna [Music] correctional 27 transgender women have been newly housed this includes an individual who brutally assaulted and killed a prostitute this story is also really messed up and you know we'll include another individual who forced a pudding person to participate in the creation of inappropriate child material used by fans of the playground this is fine a handful of women who find themselves housed with these people have finally spoken up saying that they're being traumatized and they're terrified we feel like we're part of some sick joke this is a nightmare that we can't wake up from the women here are traumatized over and over again and it seems as if no one cares about our needs we feel like second-class citizens with no rights the women even note that if they use the wrong pronouns or speak out of school they are punished by the prison guards the moment i found out that trans-identified males were coming to edna mahan along with discovering that they were still equipped with their manhoods that truly did something to me psychologically they just took these behemoths and they just threw them into their cells and said deal with it and then every time a girl does come out and say i'm being harassed or i'm being stalked or i'm being i feel like i'm being docked they're just ignored and that's not what priya says priya says that once a report is made for sexual harassment sexual assault or any form of sexual abuse you must respond that's what correctional officers are supposed to do they don't women have no say at all and you know what and i'm small compared to most of the [ __ ] dudes that just showed up there some of them are like 260 280 pounds and i'm not talking fat i'm talking six six six seven now imagine 10 of them walking in all of a sudden into a facility full of females who have been just running amok with each other all their lives and all of a sudden now they don't have a prison anymore and now when they try to ask for help uh trans people got a lot more rights than they do something that i want to note is that the vast majority of female inmates are not incarcerated for violent crime in addition a portion of that female population has been subject to sexual abuse and other kinds of violence in their life in the past so bear that in mind when you hear the stories of the people with which they are now being housed i did warn you i told you this video would give you depression and sadness now california and new jersey are not isolated and they're not on their own when it comes to laws relating to this topic in connecticut an inmate can be housed based on the gender identity expressed on their birth certificate passport or driver's license maine massachusetts illinois and new york also have similar laws but there are many stories coming out of prisons in these states where women have either been brutalized by the new transfers or the transfers themselves have a history of absolute depravity and this brings our discussion to something that makes a lot of people very upset and therefore is routinely overlooked more specifically the kind of criminals requesting transfers to female facilities in california since the implementation of self-id there has been a 30 increase in incarcerated people identifying as trans there have been nearly 300 transfer requests and a third of those transfer requests are from registered sex offenders the bureau of prisons reports that 48 of trans-identified federal inmates are sex offenders something else worth taking into account is that biological males iding as trans are classified at the high security level at three times the rate of the general population of federal inmates why are we still here i gotta tell ya i'm someone who is not good at maths and even i know this is bad like really really bad it really appears that these laws do not disqualify people who might be a threat to women and honestly that is really troubling especially if you consider the words of michelle norsworthy who we discussed earlier who suggested that california's self-id law was sold on the premise that it was intended to protect people like myself from sexual assault but they transferred a lot of inmates and i knew every single one of them when they got to the women's prison and not one of them has anything in their file that says they've been a victim of sexual assault norsworthy ulcers said that the first 10 male inmates who were transferred to the california central women's facility were placed in solitary confinement for trying to initiate sexual relationships with female inmates how many of them actually stopped their hormones when they got there and why because they wanted their penises to work you know that's the graphic details they all went in there and said i'm a woman i'm a victim and i'm tired of being harassed and i want to go to a woman's prison they got there and stopped their hormones that was the first sign this was a one-way thing and they're only rolling it out that way just totally freaking bonkers now obviously this is not isolated to the united states i wish it were contained but the stupid is global in the united kingdom for example things are equally as dicey some have argued that the existing laws were paved by a convicted sex offender and murderer who now identifies as a woman because of an individual called karen jones in a 2011 case prison housing criteria was changed from one's genitals to one's legal documentation meaning a person who legally changed their gender marker on paper was able to request a transfer the argument that jones would be hard to manage in a women's prison was dismissed on the grounds that jones would pose still greater difficulties if thwarted due to what the consultant forensic psychologist described as narcissistic compulsive aggressive violent and sadistic elements in jones's personality the rights of the women who would have to share facilities with such a person were ignored i honestly just feel like this is the running theme of this video that it's just easier to capitulate just easier to do these people want because you know who cares about the woman just who cares what even is a woman what do words even mean anyway now you're getting it the reason this is important is because in 2004 the uk made it easier to change one's gender on legal documentation like birth certificates and so on this also meant introducing what is known today as a grc or gender recognition certificate a grc means your acquired gender is legally recognized in the uk it costs five pounds and requires an individual state they have lived as their gender for two years this becomes a problem when it comes to prisons for starters prisoners can apply for a grc behind bars and males who already have a grc are automatically placed in a women's prison whether they're intact or not you know if you know what i mean when i say intact until recently the british government did not keep data on males in female facilities who had a grc biological men with a grc were recorded as female in late 2021 all of this changed an order came into effect that effectively meant the amount of males in women's prisons both with and without a grc could be revealed and tracked now obviously and it goes without saying recording biological men as women makes things incredibly difficult when it comes to statistics it skews everything and makes it absurdly confusing but here is some information that we do have as of november 2021 there were 197 transgender inmates in england and wales prisons again this excludes those with the grc because they're recorded as female 158 of those are males who identify as women 60 of these people are being held for sexual offenses to put that in perspective 17 of the normal male population have a sexual offense conviction scotland does all of this a little bit differently because you know with scotland and similar to the united states prisoners in scotland are housed based on self-declared gender identity the last thing i'll note on this is that it's worth remembering the issue the uk was having with police who were recording the gender identity of criminals rather than their sex in 2019 in scotland it was reported that criminal incidents were being tracked by police based on self-reported gender identity so for example a male rapist could say that he was a woman and even if he did not have any legal documents stating that the police would record him as a woman police in england and wales were ordered to stop doing this and record the sex of a criminal instead because there was concern that the crime data was being warped i took my jumper off because it's just like way too hot in here anyway as i noted back in 2019 and now doing more research for this topic i think it's fair to say that the laws and policies created here were done so without the best interests of women in mind and this entire debate goes right off the rails when you realize that sex offenders are being transferred to women's prisons where female inmates are basically sitting ducks and i want to make it clear that i'm not saying that all transgender people are sex offenders but i think the information that we do have indicates that it is quite easy for a sex offender to identify as a woman in order to gain access to biological women not only that but these policies are so easy to abuse for both people who don't really identify as women but do for the purposes of gaining access to the females in prison but also people who really do identify as women who are kind of depraved while i think it's awesome to call attention to this and i think that there is a level of justifiable anger that a lot of us experience here i do want to note that there are people who are attempting to push back against these laws and policies not only are there specific groups and organizations pushing back but there are lawyers who are actively resisting these policies in the states where they are at their worst in california a feminist legal organization called women's liberation front launched a lawsuit against the state on behalf of four female inmates who were victimized in various ways by mail transfers and in the uk an advocacy group called keep prison single sex has been filing access to information requests that have been revealing the extent of the problem and lobbying the government to change these policies so there are people who are pushing back and i think that a lot of the times with the stories we discuss it's a little bit disheartening but here people are working in the best interests of female inmates and that has to count for something as with most things that we discuss on this channel i will not make the mistake again of thinking that this won't escalate it probably will it maybe you definitely will who's to say but in the end i am hopeful that the efforts being put into this issue will see a positive change for female inmates and women in general now before i open the floor to all of you this is just a reminder to check out established titles using the link in the description it makes a great last minute father's day gift i'm serious dads love this kind of thing and when you use code sydney you get an additional 10 off your entire purchase now open the floor to all of you what do you all think is this issue as crazy as i think it is do you think that it's being once again blown out of proportion that it's not that big of a deal do you believe that transgender inmates belong in the facility that matches their gender identity do you think that it's wrong do you think that we're putting women at risk do you think that there are any other ways to solve this problem besides putting people in either sexes institution and what do you generally make of this issue overall as always if you like the video hit subscribe the thumbs up button if you want to leave a comment free to do so just be respectful about it and i will see you guys next time you
Channel: Sydney Watson
Views: 307,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k6PEmajzrc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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