The CrossFit Games: Team - Deadlift & Big Bob 200
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Channel: CrossFit®
Views: 588,498
Rating: 3.2931483 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The CrossFit Journal, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, 2014, Affiliates, CrossFit Affiliates, Deadlift, Bob 100, Team
Id: K18yWey17jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 49sec (4969 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 25 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Why is everyone saying this is a troll post? CFHQ, by allowing this kind of breakdown in form but still giving it the "three lights," is vouching for this kind of lift. To answer OP's question as simply as possibly, yes. This is an actual lift.
I think the more important aspect of this all is the "why." Everyone is so quick to point out how training is so different from competition, but that not only doesn't make sense logically, it also goes against principles of sports training. Hell, it goes against the principles of any kind of preparation. If I were "thinking about getting into CF," I would be very wary of this. It's precisely why I have not joined a box.
Now we can all have a circle jerk and shrug this off as a troll. That seems to be the favored option for now. Instead, why don't we address the actual issues? Isn't it better to talk about why and how to improve something we allegedly love so much instead of pretending it is perfect and that any perceived faults are minimal?
This is the best video explaining whats going on here(funny)
Awesome troll post. We're all very impressed.
Fuck no. That judge did a terrible job. She needed to show control at lockout. The hitching was allowed in that competition, however. If you use CrossFit as a training methodology, your coach should not be letting you hitch the weight up like that. This was in a competition, though, and was kind of a "do whatever it takes to get it up" type "lift."
People point to shit like this when talking about how bad crossfit is. It's a bogus comparison because competition is very different than training.