The Crisis of the 21st Century.

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being a prophet of Dooms overrated there are always too many of them if you look at their track record they generally don't correlate wealth actually having horrific events however it's a good way of getting attention if you write an article saying the world's ending you'll get far more publicity than if you say one in which the world will gradually improve today however it's sometimes warranted what I'll try to sell you here is that the world as we know it will end in the next few decades like it generally has every 200 to 400 years and it'll probably end up with a happy ending intrigued let me explain [Music] foreign difficult to learn its full complexity I love learning about history and my topics all the time but I can't read all the time this is where our sponsor of the Great Courses plus comes in the Great Courses plus a subscription-based video learning service where you can listen to world-class courses and all sorts of subjects such as history philosophy politics and everything else covered in these videos of the library of over 11 000 video lectures it takes the best courses for professors in places like ivy league universities alongside National Geographic and this midsonian one of my favorite eras in history is the nomadic tribes of Central Asia I love reading and thinking about figures like Genghis Khan Attila the Hun and the like cross history and how they let horse tribes are the main centers of civilization fighting and winning off an impossible battles this reminds me of a really good course I took with historian Kenneth Harrow and the Great Courses which talked about this Harold did a fabulous job explaining this epic era of History ranging from the indo-oriented Kublai Khan and from the Frozen Russian steps the steaming jungles of India with a certain Charisma with all this awesome stuff going on please subscribe to the Great Courses plus website by clicking the link in the description and get a special free trial for what if all test fans the main argument I'm going to make here is that we've seen crises across history that break the world system resulting in Mass death Revolution International war and huge social upheaval across the planet and that we're about to experience one of these now the perfect example of this sort of thing occurring is the crisis of the 14th century in this era the Black Death have eurasia's population all of Eurasia became ringed in horrific conflict between the Hundred Years War peasant uprisings the Mongols being driven out of China and the Bloody ottoman conquest of the Balkans in Europe feudalism was replaced by capitalism and eventually resulted in the Reformation Age of Exploration and scientific revolution meanwhile most of the Asian civilizations had large conservative revolutions when you're trained to look for them these crises have been happening with pretty regular frequency the 6th century is a perfect example of a crisis like this one also occurred around the birth of Christ and others around 550 BC 900 A.D and 200 A.D we're going to look at the two crises that are chronologically closest to the present and we've thus have the motion similar with the crisis of the 17th and 19th centuries imagine a world where wages are stagnant or declining where globalization has resulted in massive social disturbances where the poor gather into massive cities around the world looking for work inequalities reach horrific proportions and government's corrupt gridlocked bureaucratic and irresponsive to the people's needs in this world government desperately tries to inflate their currencies to keep up with Rising costs International conflict seems on the verge of starting will most countries worry about Civil Wars as political or religious fanaticism reaches a fever pitch the truth is that I'm simultaneously describing the world in 1610 1850 and 2020. in the modern world our story starts after World War II the ending of the war removed International tariff barriers and the massive impetus of rebuilding the economy increased manufacturing productivity had made massive increases in the previous few decades and the Western Nations didn't have a lot of immigration birth rates had collapsed before the war and unions were strong and so the value of the labor of each each individual person was pretty high the Great Depression destroyed the wealthiest incomes and the rest was taxed to pay for the war inequality was some of the lowest ever in history this all made 1945 to 1970 in the west and Japan the greatest era to be the common person in history however a series of processes started to increase competition for wages firstly immigration and women entering the workforce increased wage competition I'm not saying these were inherently bad moves women and immigrants improved their Societies in countless ways but basic economics dictates when you increase the supply of something and demand can't keep up then the cost goes down and when you get down to it people are commodity like any other massive population growth was also occurring as the world's population went from 2.5 billion to 8 billion in the last 80 years this didn't have that big effects in of itself Africa's population has tripled since the 1960s but this hasn't had profound effects in the world economy since Africa isn't that well connected to the rest of the world's economy anyway what really matters is the growth of the amount of areas competing in the global market in the 1970s the economic world that mattered was Western Europe America the antipodes in Japan today it's expanded to east and south Asia Eastern Europe and large parts of Latin America competition has made life Less Pleasant for working people French workers wages were depressed by Chinese workers whose wages are in turn depressed by Indonesians this combined with massive increases of productivity among the upper classes due to the information revolution has resulted in staggering amounts of inequality I've heard the argument before that we need to have low paid labor for the economy to function this is true for the modern economic system as it exists but it's basically class Warfare Americans aren't willing to pick strawberry since the wages are depressed by population growth and immigration if they weren't though labor would be significantly more valuable which would mean Americans would want to do that work the strawberries would cost significantly more but the lower classes would live in nicer houses this is an extremely complex process that I've gone into more detail in other videos but long story short results in more social stability as the working classes get pissed off and not having their wages grow well there's insane struggle to get into the upper class and not be lower class the struggle explains lots of stuff like high College costs as people will pay any price even if it's unsustainable to not be poor and Bloated government bureaucracies as government officials try to get their friends more jobs members of the Elite Four into different factions in order to get people like them more jobs with results in political instability as the government becomes more bloated and controlled by special interests it becomes inefficient it runs higher costs since there isn't a strong consensus of what's important inflation runs out of control as it's easier to print money than deal with underlying issues when government doesn't do things right people Riot and often becomes easier to start external Wars with hope of bending the International System than it is to solve internal issues England for example forestalled its Civil War by a hundred years by uniting its nobility by invading looting France in the Middle Ages if we compare all these trajectories to the 17th century everything lines up wages stagnated to do a combination of population growth within globalization by which Spanish goals are in America flooded the European money markets inequality reached horrific levels while religious fanaticism gripped the European continent the cost of Education skyrocketed as did inflation governments were also highly ineffective the decades between 1620 and 1660 were horrifying some historians estimate that a third of the world's population died in a combination of terrible revolutions Wars and plagues affecting nearly every nation such as the Manchu conquest of China the 30 Years War English Civil War or even famines that killed one-third of the Ottoman Empire's population is this the future possibly yes but the world has changed since the 70th Century in some critical ways an optimistic look comes from the crisis of the 19th century a crisis that was so sporadically sprawled over a century that you probably wouldn't see it if you weren't purposely looking for it it was inverted entirely in some parts of the world due to technological progress the first parts of the world to face the crisis of the 19th century were Britain and France who were facing very similar issues to the ones mentioned above around the year 1800 a big reason the American Revolution happened was that the process above had rendered British internal politics overly rigid the French Revolution was a very similar process afterwards the hungry winter of 1821 was one in which the Specter of Revolution hung over much of Europe in which the British legal codes would hang a man for stealing bread to feed his own family purposely oppressing the lower classes was the order of the day after the French Revolution had been so horrifying this population growth hit Central Europe around 1850 which resulted in the Revolutions of 1848 in places like Italy the Austrian Empire and Germany however something remarkable happened the Industrial Revolution after 1850 the standard of living grew markedly in Northwestern Europe as industry improved individual productivity Farmland opened up in places like the American Midwest and Argentina that collapsed the price of food and mass production made the cost of life in general cheaper excess population moved to the colonies of the Americas by the time we get to world war one inequality had collapsed in young men of both the right and the left were happy to die for their Nations however once you look outside the industrialized Worlds the picture gets far more Grim China had the typing rebellion of the third bloodiest war in history which killed somewhere in the range between 20 to 40 million people alongside humiliation by the Western Powers collapsed into Warlords and a period of humiliation that ended with the Japanese invasion in World War II the year 1876 saw famines in China India Scandinavia and Brazil that killed summer team 30 and 60 million people a big reason for the massive deaths that occurred in Central and Eastern Europe during the world wars was because they were experiencing these same population pressures that had built up over the late 19th and early 20th centuries Mexico saw two massive waves of death in the long 19th century one of which being the wars of Independence and the other being the Mexican Revolution during World War One however there's another heartening example the second half the 20th century in the 1970s there is massive worry that due to the incredible population growth seen at the time that people would be starving by the end of the century however what occurred at this point was the Green Revolution resulted in massive increases in food production which allowed the world to have four times the population while everyone being better fed it even allowed the world's Farmland to shrink with there being 15 more Forest now than there was in 1990. as of now there are 800 million under nurse people around the world and 2 billion obese which is absolutely amazing because for the vast majority of history there have been far more hungry people than fat people processes have become universally more efficient the peak usage of almost every raw material in Western countries per capita was around 79 and there have often been collapses between three quarters and half per capita of raw materials because things are just more efficient now global carbon emissions have either are peaked or will peak in the next five years since our engine's agriculture Etc has just gotten more efficient there are two conclusions we can draw from the examples above the first is the standard of living will almost certainly Rise by the end of the Century Modern projections which I don't totally trust say that by the end of the century your average Bangladesh you will be as rich as your average Dutchman today Revolutions in everything between biotech nuclear energy individual productivity and stuff we don't even understand today will undoubtedly make the world a far richer place by the end of the century however in the short term as we'll talk about soon much of the world is close enough to crisis point that we may not have enough time to have a technological Revolution to raise the standard of living fast enough to prevent dead similarly only the First World countries would be able to pull this off effectively and quickly leaving much of the rest of the world in terrible shape this will have large effects going forward another important thing to consider is that in a lot of ways we're hobbling our abilities to make Innovations in the modern world I've heard the argument that technological innovation has really slowed down compared to the 1860-1970 period that's accurate but it's a terrible frame of reference since 1860 1970 was the greatest era of technological progress ever and so comparing ourselves to it is like saying oh I'm so lame I'm just Alexander I'm not even close to Genghis Khan however there is a grain of Truth in it practically all the Technologies we have now were invented due to war with the vast majority of hot new technologies having been invented during World War II the exceptions are GMOs which were a real miracle in the internet which was invented due to the Cold War in general private Industries amazing at making incremental advances but massive breakthroughs are almost entirely from Government research due to war however government investment Sciences declined Marketplace since the Cold War stopped being competitive and there wasn't an external opponent government regulation has done tremendous ills to scientific research lots of Industries like nuclear genetic engineering and even basic things like manufacturing are so regulated as to make putting research in them foolish giving it how much smaller the payout would be through government regulation and the sad thing is these industries have massive capability to benefit the world in countless ways many insiders in the computer field have said that the computer revolution occurred because it was so obscure that no one was there to regulate it and a lot of ways the major world crisis lots of Wars might promulgate higher investment to science that might create the tools that allowed the crisis to get solved in the end before we continue I just want to make a Shameless plug one of my employees at what if I'll test and one of my own personal best friends is making his own YouTube channel about World War II history and his content's really good and I just wanted to shout him out here check out his channel the link in the description all of this depressing material really makes one ask is it all really that bad I mean for most people in the West Life remains quite comfortable the only countries where people really starve for political reasons in places like North Korea South Sudan Yemen Etc the last 30 years have seen massive economic growth around the world people are far richer than they've ever been before in history this is all true but it's looking at it from the wrong perspective the systems that allowed that wealth to form are breaking down I remember watching a movie from the 1970s called Soylent Green it was at the year 2022 in which Earth had become super overpopulated in major spoiler alert the only way mankind survives is by cannibalism real apocalyptic scientific projections show the ice caps melting by the end of the century and much of the tropics becoming uninhabitable due to overheating I think both of these are implausible since ecological tripwires and inefficiency in the human system means collapses happen before you reach real malfusion limits there are a few massive pieces of concern that make me very word at the world system however a wrong way of viewing this is that we're actually in the the edge of the malfusion collapse we could easily support far more people on this planet and if we removed super inefficient stuff like beef production we could raise that threshold even higher it's just that our current social order is inefficient look at housing in America America is a super open and massive country with lots of living space and plenty of pleasant cheap mid-level cities however the good jobs are clustered and crowded overpriced cities and so rent prices there are insane it's similar to friends where the revolution which starving overcrowded peasant land sat next to massive Noble hunting Estates similarly the Spanish Empire in 1650 saw overpopulation in the core lands in Spain but severe underpopulation in the American colonies you can tell that we're sitting very close to tripwires by looking at human well-being metrics you can tell how desperate a society is by looking at a series of rough human metrics that tell you how healthy a total Society is and the world Now is really desperate by looking at them the first is a system historian Peter turchan developed to look at the amount of people in the upper class and compare that to wage stagnation and use it to project social instability ability his computer models have projected crises ranging from the fall of the Roman Republic to the Russian Revolution on the time scales they actually occurred at in history his algorithm in 2010 projected the 2020s would be a decade of massive instability in America Europe's in a very similar position meanwhile if you replace unemployment for inequality inequality rates are often highly indicative of political instability where once you hit a certain threshold there's almost always going to be a social collapse similarly interestingly enough once the average age of marriage exceeds around age 27 or 28 you're probably going to have a major crisis since later dates of marriage suggest greater hardship among the population similarly declines in birth rate beneath the replacement level are also highly indicative of major crises for the same reason we could use stuff like weight gains and declines in Sleep Quality as similar metrics of a collapse and well-being I'm only looking at data for America here since that's what I have but the trajectories for later marriage rates buying houses later less sleep Etc are true in basically the entire world uninteresting things the standard of living itself is often less important than relative stress the French and Russian revolutions for example both occurred after technological revolutions that Rosa standard living materially but a peasant society in which people marry young and are able to establish themselves at a young age is far more stable in a more technologically developed one where young people feel incapable of reaching the goals or their expectations social media is almost certainly jacking this horrific process through the roof firstly it creates a system which people view the curated perfect versions of other people's lives while being stuck with all their insecurities in the sucky parts of their lives secondly it creates comparisons between regions where that otherwise wouldn't happen provoking envy and insecurity how is life in the Baltimore ghetto manageable when you see videos of Beverly Hills every day or life in a Shack in Cairo when you know about the Netherlands a major issue here is its significant parts of the world's population live in recently urbanized mega cities people crowding a tenement and struggle to find work slaving long hours and they can find it often live outside the law with little hope of getting a stable life to start a good family their society's move from peasant to Urban in a generation and so their culture is incapable of adapting fats to people's needs this stage of development are basically early industrialization begs for major Wars and revolutions afterwards the first piece here is the United States whether or not you like it is the Beating Heart of the world's cultural economic military and political system the last 80 years of History has been the historic Golden Age with the Pax Americana a topic I've discussed in previous videos however we've gotten to the point where the Pax America no longer makes sense for the majority of Americans the upper classes have done very well by having Goods produced in places like China and having Mexicans mow their lawns but both of these have depreciated indigenous Americans wages this has resulted in massive political polarization and internal strife the way America solves its internal crisis is by becoming what amounts to Mercantile s the US is an exporter of practically every raw material you can think of whether oil food iron ore Etc and by 2030 could become industrially self-sufficient this would be pretty similar to 1920 in which the U.S shut off immigration and put up high tariffs which resulted in massive wage gains in an era of strong American nationalism when the U.S went into World War II although this is stuff Trump has already done and Biden hasn't stopped so we're seeing this process already in in fruition however the US is a quarter of the world's economy and so having the U.S pull out of the world system with a massive negative effects much of the world's economy creating a huge recession this is sort of similar to how when China periodically went into isolationist phases in the Middle Ages it precipitated massive economic and systemic collapses of the Eurasian economic system similarly the US will likely have a strategic Retreat since both the Democrats and Republicans with the exception of the Biden old school Democrats who will die off in the next five years have pseudo isolationist agendas the question is how far American power will retrench the Middle East and Africa will almost certainly see massive power vacuums come out of this this opens up the next issue the effects of Aging most of the northern hemisphere between Europe China Russia and Japan are going to stop being functioning Societies in the next 15 years since their societies are just going to get so old it's hard to exaggerate how disastrous this could get Japan China and Russia for example are projected to have each of their Generations meaning that in 50 years you could have half the population what will happen at least is that their Capital May diverted to support the elderly which will have absolutely disastrous effects in the third world which is dependent upon wealthy country capital and result in a profound recession there with many governments collapsing in a revolution this issue is going to resolve in many different ways in many different nations Europe left to make brutal decisions on whether they maintain ever more burdensome welfare payments that effectively become the world's dying Museum or they restructure their entire worldview and philosophy in order to have more kids and stop funding the elderly after a certain age the next few decades will be soul-crushing for Europe certainly Europe will have a crisis of identity as the Americans become less willing to militarily and financially support them and Europe will have a crisis of identity it'll be absolutely horrifying for many Europeans to realize how really weak they are in the world stage there is no way the European Union a dysfunctional creation of the good times will survive this and China and Russia this aging crisis will be disastrous it'll either result in massive Wars of expansions they try to desperately break the world system or they collapse into horrific Civil Wars as Generations raged either have more money to support their attire or the young to not have the Futures destroyed by supporting the elderly this brings us the position that global warming is already having profound effects on the world the worst Flashpoint is Asian Water Supplies in which due to the glaciers in the Himalayas melting the water that supports China and India's shrinking with northern China predicted to run out of water by 2030. we can see the degree of worry in the Chinese government's actions China is currently damming up many rivers that flow into India which gives India 20 of its water supply similarly China is building one of the most expensive construction projects in history to redirect water from the south to the north of the country for India who's a 60 agricultural nation whose water supply is insecure there is no way they can have China control their water and survive as a coherent Nation this is the biggest flatulent for a major war I know of since India is an American Ally and if a war between it and China the US will get involved from losing in China from taking over the Asian continent a nasty truth that those in power aren't willing to admit is that the 2008 financial crash ended a long time ago it's just at the higher standard of living that westerners enjoyed before forehand was artificially Hydra to taking on excessive debt and was effectively a mirage this brings us to inflation which when it happens internationally at a high rate is basically a perfect correlation for the early stages of a world crisis every major world currency is inflating now to a tremendous degree in the U.S for example 31 out of a hundred dollars in circulation now were printed in the last year this would make hard currencies like gold or Bitcoin appear appealing and it seems very likely will move to one of those of the next 20 years however this would be a brutal and painful process a traditional fiat currency is becoming worthless resulting in massive decreases in standard of living we're in a similar position in the world in 2008 where standards of living are artificially propped up by debt and so once that gives out everyone will be a lot poorer which will create massive social instability however a collapse in Fiat currencies would also result in massive reductions in inequality as people would become equally poor which would act as an effective reset it would also reset the massive unpayable amount of debt the world has meaning that once everyone could agree on a scapegoat then entire world to be able to reset and be fine it would also however result in a massive collapse in the third world since the West would be too poor to buy goods from the third world you also have to remember that most of the third world many borders are entirely artificial and created by European interests long ago with none of the Native conditions in mind expect Africa's borders to redraw here with many nations collapsing into Warlords something else to consider is that modern agriculture's outputs are based off petroleum and fertilizer purchases if the third world stops having a functioning money economy it doesn't export anything to the west to get the money to buy the fertilizers very bad things that happen Africa has been able to expand its population five times over by expanding's agriculture five times over since 1950. if the fertilizer ships stop coming what happens I've talked a lot at Future Wars in this channel but I want to focus here on what makes war in the 21st century so special and the unique issues we face with our technology the first major barriers nuclear war were actually in better shape here than most people would think nuclear arsenals are shrinking a nuclear war in 1980 would probably have killed a billion people and were at 300 million now the only two countries with nuclear arsenals capable of destroying modern civilization or Russia and America and they don't have enough conflicting self-interest to really go at it the disbalance between the US which has 6 000 nukes in China OHS 300 is too great for the two to go at each other this is accentuated by China's Hypersonic missiles not being able to reach Beyond East Asia and the US's missile defense shields being able to negate half the attacks in North America which would make China even more helpless in a war China anyways would probably just want to use their four times over population and Industrial Avengers in a war I could however see a limited nuclear war between countries like Pakistan and India or Saudi Arabia and Iran the issue we run into with war right now is that we're getting to the point where it just doesn't make any sense yes we could use drones to prevent the other side from getting any ground by killing infantrymen that leave their trenches but you can't use robots to hold ground and if you can't hold ground war doesn't make any sense similarly if you end up with a situation where each size is robots controlled by guys with video game controllers back at home the incentive to kill civilians gets way too high since it won't cost anything another form of this is that factories in the home front could become more automated it could open up way more people for the war once you get War this destructive it becomes unfightable for anyone involved the issue we run into is that it seems likely that we have to wage war since it's the only way to change borders and regimes we just can't freeze the world's politics in 1945 or 91 as the world changes all of history is either in a Waging War preparing for the next War the way we'll probably solve this as the next World will be so inhumane and horrifying that we have to form a sort of Bushido code of what's considered decent Warfare breaking it will be a social taboo like masturbating in the train or polygamy in a western country any country that breaks these rules would become an international Pariah and lose the faith of its population this is the only way I can see getting around the Paradox of having to wage war while War becoming unwageable if you look at the history of the world we've seen lots of compromises like this Noble casualty rates were really low in the Middle Ages as ransoms were common practice and killing civilians as Taboo in 18th century European Warfare we'd possibly end up with remote controlled robots for Warfare or freezing the and having highly trained human armies are more likely a highly complex ad hoc system with a bunch of weird different combinations one of the top things our descendants will hate us for is our overuse of antibiotics we prescribe them too much to humans and we also use them for agriculture to a tremendous degree we're already maxing out our antibiotics to a massive amount using far too powerful ones and the amount of diseases that don't have appropriate antibiotics for them is skyrocketing rapidly we've gone to the point where large amounts of wildlife have antibiotics inside them from the stuff getting into the water supply I don't know when this Dam breaks but it will with the greater poverty and Chaos that come out of this it's inevitable this is added to a situation which we're clearing lots of Virgin forests in the third world which makes its chances of running into some uncontacted disease way higher this is how most pandemics in history have started a similar situation is that with all this conflict going on the chances that someone drops some sort of biological disease weapon designed to be difficult to defeat seems reasonably High the nasty truth is that for most of History disease was the force that balanced out human numbers people didn't starve since disease kept the population down the massive population growth of the 20th and 19th centuries because due to the more effective ways of dealing with disease the sheer amounts of lives things like malaria prevention or the polio vaccine have saved is insane often numbering in the hundreds of millions or above a billion a twisted way of looking at this would tell you that a world with more disease would appear to us as a Utopia for those who survived a world with the same degree of productivity but half the population would be a world where people wouldn't work very hard but would be fabulously Rich by our standards it would be a world where most people would live like Aristocrats a world where automated robots would do menial stuff in a world surrounded by incredible Natural Beauty with cities built like Parks it would also be a handy solution to our demographic problems if the elderly died at a higher rate to disease people would have more kids in order to make the chances of their genes surviving higher this would result in a younger creative population similarly it would be a major help for climate change the global climate didn't get much warmer until the 1990s when it was really just the West polluting it started to really get warmer as China industrialized with coal but remain within standard fluctuations of what was is normal around 2010 when places like India or Africa started to use more coal people often ambass earlier generations for not doing more about climate change but the truth is that we really didn't get definitive evidence those human driven until around 2010 however it does mean that we could largely remain in a carbon-based economy with greater efficiency in procedures with half the population climate change is a deeply complex and emotional topic this doesn't help that people really not knowing what they're talking about Comet models are so unpredictable and that we really don't know what the kind of holds like 25 to 50 years out we don't know which areas will get warmer or colder or drier or wetter Etc scientists are generally incentivized to make climate change look as bad as possible since that's how they get more funding this isn't to say climate change isn't an issue it is and it's a major one at that but we normally get fed the worst case scenarios in the media in general things as of now look better than most people would think climate emissions have likely already peaked in China switching from coal to other based economy is projected to be the greatest event in history for improving the climate similarly nuclear and renewable energies are both seeing improvements now the world crisis could either of positive or negative effects in the climate a very worrying possibility would be that China or India face issues in the global supply chain and thus stay on coal which would be terrible for the global climate the flip side of this collapse is the possibility that the global supply chain could collapse and result in places like India East Asia or Europe switching to nuclear in order to have a more secure energy source similarly lots of Wars would result in lots of technological investment that could create the next technology that could deal with global warming perhaps biotech could create some form of bacteria that could produce oxygen in a super high rate I'm not sure a worrying trend is the global warming would result in the Middle East and Africa becoming drier given that these areas are already overpopulated and based on subsistence farming with generally not having enough water things could go badly here the best way to summarize the crisis of the 21st century would be as the end of the era of Western industrial hegemony and towards a more fully industrialized Society removing from a world in which the West Was rich in everyone else poor to a world of 1500 again in which all of Eurasia is Rich and Powerful similarly removing from a world in which Humanity was basically a parasite in the world's biology to its Steward it's similar to how the world wars were the really painful process of the world shifting from an agrarian to an industrial society our cultures haven't really adapted well to industrialization we haven't really figured out how to do it properly the transgender debate is a great example of this this is a debate at heart about if modern technology is transcended biological sex differences or not the immigration debates are about if globalism is trended to National or ethnic borders we've been wealthy enough that we've been able to put off answering these questions for a while but the crisis will force answers very fast the huddled masses will watch internet videos listen to clubhouse and read tweets as the prophets of the next ideology just give them ancestors and how to live we'll see so many religions and ideologies develop in the next 40 years an example of the sort of issue we need to solve is the relation of women to society most women need to balance having children in a career as deeply stressful and we haven't found a good solution yet the current situation has resulted in declining birth rates and relationships collapsing around the world as everyone struggles to manage work and personal life at the same time the vast majority of the population both men and women included find the idea of forcing women back into the home is morally abhorrent different ideologies will come to different ways of dealing with this ranging from opposing demons like the handmaid's tale or having the state raise babies or some more Humane method that's not those two another example of a social issue we need to figure out is our relation to sex I honestly think internet pornography is a massive underrated social shift that will result in profound changes towards social sexuality I mean practically every single male and most females watch it and once that generation gets into Power how long can it remain an Open Secret this is honest pretty similar to the massive issues of the early 20th century in which ideologies like Nazism communism neoliberalism Etc were all attempts to figure out how to build a coherent industrial society one of the things that really keeps me up at night is that the track record of these ideologies is so horrifically bad that it makes one wonder what monstrosities will get going forward one of the books that changed my perspective on the world was I have no mouth in my screen which is a Sci-Fi book about a world where a super powerful AI wipes out humanity and gives torturing five humans forever for over a century long story short it transforms the last human into a harmless gelatinous mess incapable of committing suicide impermanent pain while breaking its sense of time by changing his brain composition so it lasts forever the night I realized humans would probably be capable of this within a hundred years I didn't sleep very well and that's the point the Nazis are Soviets if they had those capabilities would certainly have used them the crisis of the 21st century is that Humanity getting the power of gods and learning to use it responsibly the same power that lets us torture our opponents for forever would allow us to eliminate poverty and spread across the Galaxy I'm honestly confident that good will ultimately win since totalitarianism often just becomes dumb and really inefficient but I don't want to have to put Humanity through one of the worst and most horrifying events in history to get there I don't want beautiful cultures of thousands of years of History to get blown down the drain in the same way stalinism ruin Russia the only thing I can say is that this event is yet to happen and history often hangs by hinges if a few minutes have gone differently Mao Hitler Idi Amin would never have risen to power Seneca once said the only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing some of you might feel horror at the possibility of facing this but heroism can only come from facing great odds the next generation of Roosevelt's Joan of arcs and Winston Churchills have already been born what a faultist and thanks for watching if you enjoyed that video please check me out this weekend's intelligence speech where I'm a keynote speaker or check out my patreon where I've got all sorts of chapters of my cultural history of America or history of the world alongside that exclusive fan only videos or check out my Twitter as always thanks so much for watching and have a great day
Channel: Whatifalthist
Views: 1,082,274
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Keywords: Fsdfsd, Premiere_Elements_2019
Id: hIJq79HsvuU
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Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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