Palestinians flee Rafah as fighting continues

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good evening and thank you for joining us on this Mother's Day today the Biden Administration delivered some of the strongest public criticism yet of Israel's conduct of the war in Gaza Secretary of State Anthony blinkin said Israeli tactic had failed to protect civilians in Gaza and failed to neutralize Hamas the Israeli military today opened a new Crossing into Gaza it will allow Aid to once again flow into the territory almost a week after Israel captured it and shut down the border crossing with Egypt Israel urging more than 1 million civilians right now to get out of Rafa ahead of an expected push Into the Heart of the City cbs's Remy inosencio is in Tel Aviv tonight with more Remy good evening parts of the city of Rafa are now abandoned people fleeing to the coast as Israel tries to eradicate Hamas from Southern Gaza but Israel's Army has also now return to fighting in Northern Gaza senior military officials publicly fear past gains May be lost warned by Israel's military of a major Advance the tens of thousands who fled to Rafa are fleeing again this is the 10th time we're evacuating said this man I'm a journalist I should be telling others where to go shattered neighborhoods of Eastern Rafa are now eerily quiet those that haven't left caring for the wounded and for the dead Israel's military says dozens of terrorists have been killed our operations against Hamas in Rafa remains Limited in scope but the Army has launched a new operation in the north saying Hamas is trying to reestablish itself there in expanded strikes up and down the strip the Israel Defense Forces said it hit more than 150 Terror Targets in the past day with more funerals like these held in their wake outside her makeshift shelter Jamila Abu Jabara lost nearly her entire family in an Israeli strike my 8-year-old son's body is still under the rubble she said I'm waiting for a ceasefire to pull him out she was a mother of seven children her 10-year-old daughter diema is the only Survivor she said I wish this war would end many in Israel wish that too tonight the country mourned its dead on its first Memorial day since October 7th but net who vowed to push on keep going until Victory he said in Gaza Abu Jabara wished she could have protected her six children I wish I died and they had lived she said my message to any mother see our lives and see our sorrows I'm one of countless mothers who have lost and very public cracks are now appearing between isra is's government and its military Jerica senior military leaders are demanding prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu decide what will replace Hamas as the governing body in Gaza or risk Israel being stuck there and with no way out Raman aseno reporting in Tel Aviv thank you
Channel: CBS Evening News
Views: 97,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: War, Hamas, Israel, Palestinians, Gaza Strip, Rafah, Benjamin Neta​nyahu, Clips, World
Id: EawRmpHXvXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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