INTO NAMALSK - DayZ Series - Episode 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] been circling the island for a couple days now just looking for any sign of the previous team i think i'm gonna finally head inland see what i can find this place is desolate not a soul in sight boat should be okay there i need to get indoors though i am freezing sun should be coming up in a little while looks like there's a shed up there so i've just built this fire here just trying to stay warm it's still early morning and the temperature is just brutal i could easily get frostbite on my hands and face if i'm not building fires regularly looks like i'm already getting pretty cold unfortunately i lost most of my gear um in the surf when i was trying to get to shore i did manage to find a little bit of gear here just from some boats that i was scavenging on my way to the shed found a fishing pole and a pair of boots the thing now is i need to come up with a plan so currently i'm located here on the northern part of the island my objectives are to find the lost team that was sent here before me i need to continue their investigation of the malts corporation's offices and the excavation site which is somewhere on the southern part of the island before i can get there i need to just try to find some weapons and maybe some decent gear because there's a lot of banded activity in this area especially the further i go south just heading up here to this little barn here might be something looks like some rags i can get yeah it definitely looks like somebody's been here oh shotgun shells there we go i just need a shotgun so my plan is i need to find a gun and my best bet is going to be in one of these towns nearby but i'm also keeping an eye out for uh building supplies because i don't really know how long this mission is going to take me so it might be a good idea for me to build a base somewhere just in case i need to store some gear or lay low for a while backpack i kind of like my current backpack a little bit better than this one because i can actually bury it later because it's a dry bag let's just drop that for now oh shots that's coming from the big city over there oh here we go more building supplies um i'll probably end up dropping these but i'm gonna go ahead and yeah i'll go ahead and pick these up just in case yeah i'm just freezing my temperature is dropping so fast that's going to help and vitamins nice there it is city for cuda or vertuca or something other shots are coming from i think the dam over there it's a little bit beyond the city actually it's a little too dangerous to head in there right now so i'm just going to go up this way because there's a little town just right down there in the valley i'll have better luck there i want that vest oh it looks like it's damaged oh well all right i'm gonna head in here and see if i can find a i'm gun those shots and it's kind of freaking me out a bit water barrel i suppose i can take this wrench maybe explode a couple zombie heads i don't know actually how good that is uh let's drop that stuff anything else here another infected oh this thing's not very effective jeez all right i'm going to find something a little bit better oh food finally and more food okay this is a good sign this is a good sign this might mean that nobody's been here yet this whole town looted it might get lucky check some of the other houses oh there's a guy here hope he's friendly what's up hey man are you sick yeah i seem to have the sniffles but i have some vitamins oh no have you eluded the town yet you look pretty cute i just spawned and uh some guy came up to me and gave me a bunch of loot so yeah doing pretty good oh lucky well i think i'm gonna go start a fire here getting pretty cold yeah nice pretty much all the food that i've picked up so far is frozen so i need to build a fire so i can thaw it out here we go gotta get nice and warm all right let's drop this food oh hey man uh i did loot a couple houses just at the beginning of the town all right let's see here what i can't understand you you're muffled oh my bad i forgot you're good do you uh do you have any um 380 acp no i don't have any ammo except some shotgun shells well i'll go for luther rest and if i find any ammo for your sport i'll give that to you okay thanks man i don't think he knows that i don't even have a sporter all right let's drop this food here somebody down there so one of the things i like to do is whenever i'm looting a town is go to places that are generally kind of out of the way that most people don't go to to loot so you have a better chance of finding stuff what is that guy doing got about 100 zombies on him oh that's not him that's somebody else and there's another one oh man these guys are geared okay i don't know who they are but they're armed so i need to get out of here i am way too vulnerable up here let's go let's go i don't know where the other guy went that was that was a shotgun okay all those zombies are gonna be on him i need to get out of here because i am pretty sure that if they see me they're going to blast me if they're even together i'm just a big walking target right now i need to find a gun badly all right let's head back to the beach i think so i've just come up here to this house i need to build another fire my god all right let's see here i'm hearing like weird voices or something no idea what that is sounds like children playing or something zombie children okay just trying to organize here got my food set up out here it's gonna oh hello let's pick this back up i think there's somebody there's somebody upstairs these voices are getting louder what the heck is going on okay i'm freaking out a bit here what is going on here in footsteps too outside i think oh my god that literally made me jump okay i'm staying inside i'm not going out there there's something going on let's shut this what the heck [Music] everything's getting dark come on hurry up this is not good [Music] to [Music] [Music] i can't back up oh man my health is so low i have no idea what happened but i lost consciousness started seeing these strange images of something not sure what it was i need to get out of here though everything seems normal out here there's a zombie i killed earlier well i need to go down this way because i want to get off this island and maybe get to the southern island but i think i need to get some fish first cause i'm already low on food and i need to get my health back up let's see if we can catch some stuff i've come over to this little town here already looted all these houses just trying to get my water up before i head to the next island still have no idea what that was that happened back there my health isn't all the way back up yet i'm gonna check the boats to see if there's anything there's a guy there oh man oh man he's pointing right at me right by that shed oh i'm so glad i saw him because i was going to go up there all right i need to get out of here i have some ammo i could probably kill him really shoot at him but i'm too low in health i'm just going to go back the way i came okay let's see if these are as good as that village was oh here we go more ammo you know what call me nuts but i think i might go back over and see if i can find that guy he's have more than just tracer rounds now oh 357 too all right i'm gonna use this this might be a bit risky but i'm gonna see if i can find that guy [Music] it's been about 10 minutes but he's probably in the same area [Music] if he didn't run off [Music] so i've been circling the town for a while i'm gonna go check the well that's where i would be it's almost guaranteed to have to stop there oh got him i think that was him i don't know if that was him but he had a gun so he's dying oh that was pure luck all right i don't want to go over there and loot that body yet there's a lot of zombies i'll just back away for a bit really hoping he didn't have a friend this could turn out bad sporter 22 uh i don't think i want that but i will take this oh he had some food too decent stuff he had the same magnum as me okay so this guy must have looted that town yeah he had to have because some of the stuff i recognized that i didn't pick up all right well i think i'm geared enough i can probably get out of here maybe move south safely i've come pretty far south now off the main island over there but i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to find any more villages this far down so i'm going to have to go fishing if i can there we go pretty low on ammo and i'm sick things have taken a turn for the worst come on really hoping they're biting at this time of day need to get a fire going too because i'm starting to freeze caught something ah perfect a mackerel all right let's just cook these up this should last me for a good while fish is one of the most nutritious foods in these parts [Music] a little shot way off in the distance so i need to come up with a new plan here because i'm kind of just wondering at this point so i'm currently located between the um two main islands and what i need to do is find a decent gun because i'm hearing a lot of shots around me and i'm just running around with an ich rifle which is not very good there's three military bases nearby that i think might be possible where i could find a gun something that's maybe semi-automatic long range hopefully anything's better than what i've got so my next step is going to be to go check out these bases fingers crossed i'll be able to finally get something good [Music] but of course i am worried that there's gonna be a lot of people down here and i doubt they're gonna be friendly okay i've made it to the first base oh man that's pretty big seems to be really out in the open too ah this is gonna be dangerous luckily it's dark so i can maybe sneak in there this might be a little bit crazy but i think i'm just going to run in here quick kill all the zombies and just try to run through the tents just pick up whatever i see yeah let's go for it [Music] this pickaxe is so effective oh man i can't get hit much more come on oh my god two three four [Applause] killing spree all right i think i got them all well that was kind of a waste of time literally nothing good except a plate carrier which may have been worth it i don't know but looks like the sun's come up so i'm gonna head down to the next base it's pretty far to the west one more zombie for good measure i see something is that a guy looks like there's a guy there at that boat oh yeah there is let me see if he's geared he doesn't have anything running around with a knife one of the first people i've seen in a while all the people on this island there they're just left over from the evacuations a couple years ago looks like he's running up to the dam but this guy's probably been surviving for quite a while i don't know where all his gear is maybe he got robbed there's the damn right there i didn't want to cross that because it's a little bit too out in the open oh he better watch out there's some zombies there there you go get him hit him whack him oh he's got another one coming they can spot you from so far away and they're very fast don't see anybody ever at this section i think he'll be okay well it seems like i've gotten myself lost been looking for this other base and the storm just came in now i can't see 100 meters in front of me i'm gonna go back down to the coast maybe then i can orient myself towards the base so dense i might have to build a fire too what the these trees are knocked down okay this isn't natural somebody is coming here with an axe and knock these down maybe to get the firewood well i guess that's too many for a firewood there must be a base near here i guess we'll follow him oh there it is i see a fire outside right beside a base wow oh man this isn't even finished yet all right i'm gonna move up hill see if i can get an angle down in there yeah this part of the wall is not even finished i think there's somebody down there though it's gotta be i'm just gonna sneak up a bit oh is he laying down nope it's empty well there was a guy here i don't know if he's still around or what that fire couldn't have been burning too long now i would try to get in here but the problem is if i do there's no way for me to get out so i'd be stuck as a code lock on there i do want to see what's in that medicine cabinet though there's just no way i can get in there without getting stuck so i'll just leave it for now and maybe come back later once i have some raiding supplies first let's find that base so things have went from bad to worse once again is now pitch black i am totally totally lost i was trying to find that base but i may have went in the wrong direction because of the storm and now i can't even see where i am so i'm just going to head up this way look for a landmark it is really freaky out here though i'm pretty sure this light is visible from far away there's a road here not sure where it leads i'm just going to keep going this way so i just spotted a light up here through the woods looks like somebody has a fire going up in one of those military towers oh yeah there's a guy there he's sitting right by it let me get a better look i could easily hit that guy i don't think he knows how vulnerable he is [Music] oh yeah this guy has nothing just trying to survive out here all alone well i'm just going to leave him be [Music] i would go help him out but i really don't have much i can give i'm pretty low on supplies myself i'm just going to keep heading off in this direction plus i wouldn't want to go up there it's a it's a little bit too out in the open for me i wouldn't feel comfortable there are a lot of survivors out there like him just trying to stay alive whoa he just killed himself i think he just shot himself nope is he shooting zombies it's a mistake to be shooting zombies from up there because i think they can run to the top oh man somebody killed him they're on his body all right i'm killing this guy he's dead that's what you get killing an unarmed person okay i'm hoping this guy wasn't alone i have to run up here i can't i can't fight these zombies and i just heard wolves in the background that's a bit risky that is so dark somebody may have heard my shot all right let's make this quick yep he shot him this guy's not that geared either it doesn't look like looks like i'm not the only one struggling out here oh grenades quite a bit of gear oh man i do not like this this is so sketchy ump let's grab that oh man this guy had some base building supplies too more ammo okay i'm low-key kind of glad this guy shot the other dude because i needed this gear badly oh my god nails i've been looking for those for so long i can maybe actually build a base now i take these for sure which one was mine all right i'm gonna get out of here i think that's pretty much all i want there's one more military base i need to check but i think before i do i'm going to try to bury these building supplies because i don't want to risk losing them the wolves they're getting closer let's get out of here i think this is a pretty good landmark here that i can use to bury the nails is there anything up here i don't really want to climb up there starting to get daylight finally that was a long night just gotta remember where i'm putting these okay okay i'm gonna run up here go past this section of trees this is a pretty good spot all right just going to bury the nails in and maybe the the pliers do not want to lose any of this stuff i better keep that on me actually so i might find a mag in the military base really hoping nobody finds this okay let's check it oh man that is really well hidden there's no way anybody will find that i just gotta remember where i put it okay so it's behind the church in that little section of trees gotta remember that oh man that is a big base got two canopy tints don't recognize the flag looks like the yeah it looks like it's built out of just towers watchtowers okay i need to remember where this is too because i may want to come back over here and try to get inside i don't have any explosives which is what you need to get through the through the walls it's pretty much the only way actually i have a grenade but that's not that's not good enough i need c4 plant it on there i have to find the parts for that gonna continue down the coast now nothing up there okay the military what what is that looks like some kind of gear drop i see some loot around it too i'm pretty surprised nobody's found this yet it's a bit sketchy just right behind that last military base okay so this is all medical supplies maybe the u.n dropped this stuff here fairly recently too must have been or else somebody else would have came through and got it felt lucky for me now i gotta go into this base i'm hoping that due to the fact that that crate hasn't been touched that nobody's been in this base yet either maybe then i can actually find a decent gun looks like a couple of military towers a couple of barracks a jail and a lot of zombies all right i'm going to try to sneak in on the far side and just work my way down got to be as sneaky as i possibly can i do not want to let the zombies in here locked let's try this side okay if i'm going to find a gun it's going to be in these barracks oh my god there's a lot of zombies here gotta be quiet oh that zombie scared me oh no i think i woke the dead how did they know i was here to make mattis worse it looks like this place has been looted i'm gonna try to funnel them in and take them out one by one [Music] [Music] press these up you cannot die not yet [Music] you have been chosen the answers [Music] i'm back i have no idea what just happened but i'm alive [Music] back on the coast i guess i've been given a second chance by some higher power looks like the day hasn't changed oh well i don't have an answer but all i know is i need to get back to that buried stash before somebody else finds it i need to get all my gear back again i lost everything i should have been more careful should have scouted out the base not gonna be making that mistake again there's another military base up here not sure exactly where i am but i haven't heard any shots i've been running around this area for a little bit so i think i'm gonna head in here i'm just going to watch it for a second this time and make sure there's nobody around and i'll sneak in very carefully [Music] need food i need weapons i need better clothing this place is pretty big somebody dropped us there oh man sks and it has a pu scope no ammo though i should be able to find that if i just kill some zombies they usually have that ammo on them get some extra rags too if i need them later let's check the barracks this one's empty too not a thing there we go a little bit of stuff mp5 mag don't want that scope okay i'm gonna kill these zombies need to get some bullets for that sks gotta be careful here gotta be careful i got a bandage man they just all rush you so quick [Applause] knife's damaged great okay nothing nothing oh yeah here we go i already got a better gun than i had last time okay so that's what i need to do i just need to kill kill these military zombies exactly what i needed nothing in here just heard footsteps and a door closed there's somebody in this barracks there's somebody in that barracks and they've probably heard me they know i'm here for sure [Applause] he's hit twice he just went unconscious from those shots now he's definitely dead oh man that had my heart beating now i gotta get rid of these zombies probably shouldn't have wasted my ammo there hopefully that guy has some oh my god i need the bandage again jesus christ [Applause] run out of racks by the time i get out of here [Applause] okay i don't know how i'm gonna do this i try to lock these zombies in here just need to get him to chase me come on [Music] help two of them want to come in oh my god i need to try to lead him out of here separate myself they should follow me for a bit and i can lose some of these trees up here they're still coming if i fire a shot okay they should run to the place that i fired that shot hopefully oh this guy's too fast not to take him out and this guy all right i think we're clear hoping nobody came over here to this body while i was gone okay good all right i don't wanna stay in here and loot so i'm just gonna take everything in his backpack and run off heating bags yes he did have ammo that's what i was hoping for there's one more barracks i didn't check but i'm just going to get out of here i'm afraid those shots gonna attract some people so i've just come up to this little compound up here so i think i might be able to find a shovel which is what i need to get my stash i can't dig it up without it just want to make sure there's nobody down here already oh and that's that tower i was at earlier where i shot that guy might check that out before i leave either a shovel or a pickaxe is what i need i don't want to deal with these zombies so i'm just going to kill them all it's kind of my favorite strategy now is just to run in kill the zombies have free reign to just loot up too soon okay another axe it's actually a good sign pickaxe exactly what i was looking for so i'm gonna head off now and try to find the stash i'm really hoping it's still there because if it's not then i'm gonna have to start all over and try to find nails which i don't think i've seen a single box what does this look like oh that doesn't work at all small stone you in helmet that's interesting all right i'm getting out of here leaving a trail of zombies behind me this kind of makes it obvious that i'm here seem to be finding a lot of medical supplies even though there's not a lot of medical buildings in this entire island helicopter i've seen one of these before wasn't any loot on it oh dead zombies somebody's been here fairly recently another one there's somebody nearby i need to be really careful here i don't know which way they would have went there's the tower there's a little military tent at the bottom of that i believe there's a fire there he's dead oh that was so close a little bit in front of him i killed one that one is definitely dead shot him right in the chest there's no way he survived that i really need to find that other guy he ran off down the hill this whole area is just so open can't really loot the body until i take care of him i'm gonna flank around the other side unsure if this guy just bolted and got out or maybe he's trying to flank me i didn't get a good look at what gun he had so i am a bit worried if he has a blaze or something that he could just one tap me that's where i shot from i see him i see him oh he's coming right towards me oh that hit him i think i got him not totally sure but okay there's a zombie there that's not aggroed so i think i did get him only one way to find out oh yeah he's dead he's dead oh man sks not as good as my mosin but i am going to take it no i'm not i don't want a double carry just remembered that that's a pretty decent stuff i don't feel at all bad about killing these guys because they were kind of in my way because i was planning to move um in that direction let's get rid of these i can't really talk to two guys or try to sneak past them because if they see me then i'm definitely dead body's still there i think those fires are just so bright you can see him from like a mile away this poor guy had no chance oh ak yes so i might actually take this i think i am that's a gun that's worth double carrying need a close range weapon anyways these are the most geared people i've seen so far i better move out because the shots are going to attract people don't want to stay too long in one place back at the church i am almost afraid to look okay so i ran out of the back i ran past the little cross there came to these trees i bury the stash in just a group of trees is it here they may have been found i think it was there oh no oh wait no it was here oh please please still be here nils i need you [Music] this is going to be demoralizing okay the pot's still there oh thank god they're here oh man i was sweating okay so so i've got the building supplies now and the thing i need to do now is i need to find a good place for a base so i've been scouting the map for a while and i'm currently around this area i believe yeah because there's the church i came this way i'm getting ready to cross up this hill some must be somewhere around there but anyways i was looking down here at the map and i noticed this little island here that's kind of isolated from the mainland there's like a little waterway between it and the mainland it's a pretty far run from the main city which is the most populated area and i can't imagine a lot of people would risk swimming to it because the temperatures can literally kill you in a matter of minutes so i think that's a pretty good natural defense so my plan now is to go check out this island see if it already has a base on it and if not i'm gonna start building my own base if it's a suitable spot but first i need to wait till morning there's tara over there and down there is the nac offices the moss corporation looks like some kind of radio tower up that way but i've been so busy lately that i've almost forgot about my mission need to go investigate these places there's the main site over there the main office it's an old cold war facility there's something very mysterious on this island i don't know what it is just need to figure out where i can store some gear and then i'll begin my investigation looks like some infected up here another heli crash that is a lot of infected just making sure there's no wolves because this is wolf territory a bit worried about that there's the base where i got killed earlier don't think i want to go down there quite yet bad memories kind of sick of just meleeing these so i'm just going to try to shoot him i don't want to mess around anymore i'm in a bit of a hurry to get to the island oh my god this is inaccurate not very powerful either my god the gun is awful all right let's try this one [Applause] pretty far away from any major town so i'm not too worried about anybody sneaking up on me up here they'd have to build a fire anyways before venturing up here another aks not really anything valuable some rack jacket might try that all right let's get out of here there's just a big bridge here that i have to cross and then i'll be at the island made it to the bridge that is a long way thankfully this fog will give me a little bit of cover as i'm crossing don't see anybody alright let's head to the island man what a journey it's been now i'm just hoping that nobody has a base there already [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Baby Nades
Views: 836,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, Episode 1, Part 1, Baby Nades, babynades, gameplay, survivor, solo, squad, series, survival, ps4, xbox, pvp, story, narrative, stream, highlights, PC Gaming, bear, bandit, hero, Namalsk, Livonia, Into Namalsk, Aliens
Id: zK32LAAPJ1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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