THE CRAZIEST RANDOMIZER! • Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green Randomizer Soul Link • 01

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all right put the money in the bag put it in ditto has seen some hard days bro [Music] yo i know i know it's hard bro but this ain't the way put it down buddy put it down put the gun down i was gonna run away no problem no no trouble no trouble buddy we don't know trouble oh all right we're good ditto's seeking therapy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] you're right guys it's game by luke and welcome to a pokemon fire red leaf ring right nice and solid with united gamer what's going on fam how are you beautiful people doing and welcome to our next project here we are doing a fire red and leaf green soul link as luke said this is with custom forms made by team summit i'm so excited i have been ready for this i literally guys we came to match like come on literally like that deserves a like spike right there 15 thousand likes episode number one luke how have you been like bro we have been like four or five months and it really has it really has it has been a uh a fairly long time and my controller does not work um but that's okay because i will make it work very very smoothly you are about to enter but welcome back everybody if you are new here we are very loud we're very energetic we're very involved with the community if you enjoy your time here hit that sub button literally about only 50 percent of you that watch either of us are subbed yeah we need to get luke to 300k that needs to happen right now i'm very close to be fair i'm very close thank you everyone that's like been asking us by the way like where his next project is and all sorts we've been bombarded by you guys uh for like dates and stuff and ideas what the hell is coming on next and you know here we are i'm just so glad that you guys are finally back again and also a massive shout out to 64-bit and skis and scott for all the amazing intro the jiu jitsu kaizen oh i'm so excited let's go vibe it's such good vibes i um we have to say big thank you to team sub it as well because this is uh dylan i think it's dylan's custom form sort of like fire red thing they use for a sleep lot we're just repurposing it we randomized it again um but we're repurposing it because it has a bunch of cool custom forms in it and listen it wouldn't be a game boy luke in united game of soul link without custom forms i don't think we have we have set that box we've already done a soul link which a lot of you found the channel from our previous so like then we did a cage lock which i'm still like i have like i look at a blank wall sometimes and just remember that day of when i use crush grip and i'm still pissed off about it oh no sometimes just to punish myself i watch paint dry and then i go back to my normal life yeah to be fair to be fair you guys been wondering why that basement's taking so long it's because dylan's sat there watching them paint like guys don't don't proceed yet it's time for dinner no no no no i choked go watch our previous series if you're uh intrigued and everything but it was a great great series and my rival who's our rival who's our robot gonna be making the same person who's gonna become vinnie because we haven't done three-way we haven't done any we said we do three way three months ago and i know that's tumbleweed yeah well we've been we've been literally planning so much i'm i'm gonna be a dad in 14 weeks yeah like first we couldn't really even talk about it this series we can literally say i'm going to be a father oh also my shaker cup comes out next month if you guys want to pick it up on g feel uh dot com if you want to pick up the united family shaker cup thank you all so much for winning that tournament last year dude i'm so happy to be back my god oh i got a heart scale skill i'm gonna get master ball all right did you no no hang on you did open the game i sent you right you didn't you didn't you might have to open the other one because there's no way there's like 600 items in this game and there's no there's no way i believe that the potion got randomized to yet another potion it's possible i don't believe it for a second no it's okay i'll let dylan download the game are we open it just just to be sure and like while he does that this is a soul link and i imagine there's a whole bunch of you that probably already know what a soul link is but there are a whole bunch of you that probably don't so basically our teams are connected you can see like underneath our team screens there's like some colored flags and each colored flag yeah it was wasn't it you don't know each colored flag synchronizes basically two bonds together if one of those mons dies they both die um when the pokemon are paired together they have to be opposite genders um or rather i think we do back and forth here what we'll do and then we'll do same gender um and we also uh that they can have they kind of have the same primary typing um all these rules and stuff that sounds a little bit confusing all the rules will be in the description below uh perfectly timed we can actually go get our start together now but all the rules be in the description below um of course this series is uploaded every do you not know this monday thursday luke tuesday friday me come on there we go that's the days again all that information will be in the description uh and obviously the channels will be down there as well make sure you sub hit that notification bell for us because we do stream two and i don't doubt somewhere down the line maybe we'll do probably a score stream of this game with like yeah i mean eventually some part will probably do like a like a pairing like going to get a rest of encounter stream or something because definitely true because like hidden areas like the nooks and crannies and stuff but we've done islands or something like literally because like that's another thing i want to say we are doing the islands or at least during the the mainstream we're doing every bit of content that we can because this name is excited to be doing this and this game is kind of short so yeah this game is pretty short but you know what guys i just want to say already thank you i know you guys are going to show support on this episode one so just thank you so much because i know you guys have been dying to have us back but now is one of my favorite parts in any pokemon series that i do and is the randomized starters luke do you want to do the honors you can go first no listen i it's my channel you're the guest here so you go first a nuzleaf okay put your nipples away nosleep put your nipples away okay so you got uh primary grass never noticed that he asked nipples [Music] stop touching yourself bro come on i'm with you bro i mean guys listen literally the way that they're looking asleep the way luke told me he wanted to do a solo again he just sent me a picture of him and then i knew it was destiny listen i didn't i didn't i raised your left hand i didn't want to do this here you go buddy this is for you this is for you dude i'm gonna be a dad in like a couple months all right go and pick your picker thing elegant trash not happy i love ella kid don't you dare snubble come on we got to get one custom form in this there we go yeah let's think of it bros let's go okay so we have the fire i think fire and dragon i think dragon is it i don't know what primary typing it is actually i'm not sure it might be fire but probably dragon i reckon right here here we go legendary shell gun dude mine are rough i think you have to go with the dragonair just because dragon are sick yeah you can't go shalgon then because i think the primary i think that you got to get the nipples out i think i think you might have to get the nipples out i just need to bring the nipples out i think so but you won't be able to evolve him until you get to celeste because mars aren't randomizing this by the way but i didn't we should we've got a break city because you get a leaf stone there all right all right yeah what i will say is monza randomized mostly everything is but the the marks aren't randomized because we actually couldn't randomize the marks in this so um it's all good it's all good we have so many encounters before we actually have to fight uh brock so we're going to get at least something else on our team i just want to know what all you have uh this is also named after seder who is a legend on the channel yes for those that don't know we um basically have like a really like cool tier of membership where um basically uh you guys get to have a permanent um like mascot for a pokemon that we have we shot them out like every month or something like that but uh yes so i have a common curb because bopping b is an excel member and you have guts i'll take that dude i i only have pound and harden and you have hard nipples that's crazy bro i got a blue flute this is a flute brilliant bro it's cold right now all right i have magma magma armor i mean that's not bad that could be annoying to be frozen what so you're fire primary fire ooh am i primary fire that's good you are primary fire you could have something you could have guns you could have gone shall go but you wouldn't evolve at all 55. yeah shell gone like it would have been rough not all of my choices were going to be rough and that's all luke's fault because he was going to give me the first rom and then he's like no never oh my god i was it worked because every single time i've randomized the games for us and they like said okay dylan this is your game he's always always had better stuff than me so i made sure i was like i'm gonna name this one no this one's dylan's no yeah he was literally typing out my name's like nope nope nope nope i'm gonna get this one because it's gonna be better and look at that you name it kerbo i love that name that's a great name right i um yes our first pair now okay so this is how it works right so i forgot to mention basically oh my god he has uh primary grass man i've got a primary fireman we cannot have duplicate typings on our teams yeah and the nuzlocke challenge doesn't actually begin the soloing challenges until we get a first pokeballs which uh is from oak so luckily we didn't just lose um because that would have been really cheap of course luke wins his what are you sure how can l kid beat you but i can't yeah that is that's yeah that is a little hello sir technology is incredible it is i'm waiting for technology to be a thing where i can just like warp the woo yeah teleportation like hello luke why is it teleportation not a thing yet it's 20 21 ladies and gentlemen come on come on get on get on it guys like what are y'all doing it's sad it's so miserable oh i just want to see what kind of we don't have pokeballs yet so okay a dawn fan ground that would not be bad that's not bad i actually rate don fan as well you know i'm actually gonna get some experience here because whilst it doesn't matter if we lose we may as well bro i literally actually you know what i might need to speed up just to get these because i'm going to be i need experience bad do i okay i do learn oh i love latias so much did i have poison point i think it did you might have to worry you don't you need to run back in here cause there's no surviving in this you just lose your money yeah yeah well i mean once again we still only have pokeballs so we chill him i'm just gonna go say hi to mom you know make sure everyone's good she's like hi dylan how's the kids that makes sense though because you have one no it's a ducky it's like a rubber ducky swallow swabble who's swooping in like what's the matter donald we gotta go i love i've just been playing kingdom hearts lately so literally that's all i hear is all the time i love i love goofy you ever seen the video that like pro zd uh did where he like reads 50 shades of grey as goofy wait i think i did see that i was but i don't even know that guy is but i think i've heard that yeah you probably know you know who he is you saw him he's like very very popular he's like and inhale deeply oh god the scent of his okay it's enough that's enough oh wait so i think if i remember correctly isn't there an item over here yes there is indeed our first randomize i um don't be careful if you get poke balls your nose like starts i thought you got a lucky egg i was about to be really heated what do you mean we're on the same team no we're not because literally you're like there was no deaths in the layout and i was like it doesn't matter we don't need it well you may need it you're going to get death that's the first thing that came out of his mouth so i was a little you know a little salty espana you know it's bad that's all it is i love how we're matching well i do too and i was ups i i anticipated that you would be wearing it so i put mine on right before we started recording why would i just randomly think you know what luke has one same shirt as me i think he's gonna wear it because we're doing a soloing today and it would have been like cool if you had actually carried and paid attention to me and my needs i didn't wear my wedding ring today that's that's a big step my wife is in the right or wrong direction we'll let the comment section decide that the common question of the video was wrong i think i think dylan alex i'm a counselor or something right now this is worris worrisome right now man i'm scared scared for his middle name is just luke please please please slip that in like you whispered to the doctor i just erased the doctor right luke you're texting me he's tired from childbirth and i'm just there like luke i just do it i just do her first name oh my god welcome luke lukey hayes llh got a ringtone cute though honestly that's a cute name luke i read it luke lukey hayes let me go i don't know what i'm doing when i get a child jk don't want kids it's scary kid's scary oh i i i agree they're scary but i'm very excited like ow that's my daughter ow bro it's okay you don't even have pokeballs yet i never learned anything so i don't even know why i'm in here when i still only have pound but got this wait you get something good soon for sure when i'm level nine you'll get something soon i hope this is our first time recording okay did you just want to like show off that you have a guitar there now like no one can see it yo in the intro moment there's definitely a full yeah you want to reflect a little bit all right go ahead and talk about it i've been like really like i think i mean i've been playing pokemon i play pokemon like so much um but like since moving out and all the debacle with my internet being crappy and stuff like that like i just i burned out that little little candle lit inside of me that was there was like almost dying out so yeah i didn't like really record or stream the last sort of like month almost now um and uh i was like i need something i need something to kind of like you want to play us a song no i can't play music at the moment i'm still learning i'm very bad i don't want to put you on the spot i actually know i did want to put you on the spot play me a song luke think do me back i can't i don't i haven't played in the last few days so i've forgotten all the chords i was wearing like i've i learned two chords you could play like a came in the room and you were playing the guitar yeah i was trying to remember i was trying to remember him i can play like a single chord maybe but where's my pick okay oh wait actually i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i will do and fly [Music] yay i just remember that at least was that twinkle twinkle little star it was big that was this i thought it was twinkle twinkle little star this is why i don't want to play listen i thought it was that was that was just just to clarify that's me after like two days of playing okay i like my fingers like trying to try to build up the calluses on my fingers because chords are hard i'm proud of you stop i'll get there i'll get there i just need more time you know i i believe in you i i remember when you did the dota did you do on the drums here too yeah i did the sugar we're going downstairs i think it's like that's when brook started playing the bass and we were doing going down down yeah i remember then also they were all playing the um [Music] okay i guess it's your encounter [Music] i'm all for that but what type should i catch wait wait wait wait do i need a female or male 1 right now right now we have f with male and female so i don't need a male yeah yeah go for a male should i just catch this first before anything yeah because like this okay always ghost it's ghost grass that's a that's a pear oh you need a boy okay you need a guy okay i really really want this luke so do not mess this up for us i'm totally kidding i have five balls he would survive a twister he'd survive a twister that's primary water okay well i mean tentacles actually really solid okay dylan i'm going to twister it again okay okay that's dad no i don't want to do it i'll throw a ball first grandpa no uncle uncle hey you get it though i call you daddy and brenda calls me dad grandpa luke i'm not catching it if i don't attack it again so we're just gonna have to hope and pray you got this oh yes okay okay now now we just have to say the magic words it's symbols that if you're new here set with me on the two second shake say game boy luke guaranteed capture every time okay oh it was it wasn't it wasn't the second it wasn't the second one it wasn't the second shake so it doesn't it doesn't count it only counts on the second shape it only counts if it shakes twice if you're ever trying to catch pokemon you know you're shiny hunting whatever just so you know game will look in the second shake it always works it always works it's just gotta have that second shake my friend gabe had uh was really struggling catching pokemon in his streams recently and he was getting so mad when i like because it was just working for him he was getting so i love gabe dude he tweeted me he's like wait he he tweeted me and he was like i can't wait for brenda to meet gabe i was like yeah all right sure that's gonna happen gabe okay last ball game now i just got to do it i'm telling you bro if i don't catch a tentacle on this big silence thank you boba boba [ __ ] tentacle is so easy it should be so easy to catch game boy luke oh i used up all my powers my powers where are they don't poison me please do i even have potions i have one oh i can't hit him i'm level nine yeah you over leveled game boy luke oh it's done oh it's done it's done it's done boys and ghosts is physical let's go yo no that's soul link why are yo i'm sorry you get a cup you get two custom forms you have a pure power venusaur i have a freaking nipple out nuts leaf and then a squid that is literally this close to dying at all times dylan i chose the right game to play i hate you this is going to be these were meant to be your these are going to be your roles this would have been my start okay nobody nobody has this i'm going to name this after let me think let me think you know what um i'm going to name this after dridge dridge is somebody in the community that's been a part of a long time show support yesterday all right you also drink is it just an excavator to me i used to be so terrified of dredge dredge is uh also someone that i said his name wrong for an entire year and then he finally was like yeah because i called him dried yeah and then he said yo yo it's dridge oh yeah this is a fx board that can be really useful um i know i know you have a jolly one which isn't great but poison is physical in this game so that would actually help you a lot with your poison moves at the very least uh jolly's down in special tech up in speed yes sir look at that look at that know my pokemon knowledge i'm gonna go scoop up some bowls my balls you can scoop up my mouth i can't tell luke and i are basically at this point in a long distance relationship because i haven't seen him in a year so the sexual tension is just through the roof like it's not even like it is shooting up into the heavens like god is just like about to grab your balls and your voice about to raise a few octaves you literally stop that like wood you know that part whenever like spongebob whenever like accidentally like basically kills a guy in the ocean because he buries him in the sand and he's just like he made me experience high tides oh like that's just literally the noise that's gonna come from like the airport when i see him oh dude how are we gonna find the nearest bat you know actually thinking about it because i don't know when like you know travel to the states and stuff without um basically quarantining so i want to travel uh if i could i could i think i could technically do it now by the way um you go anywhere anywhere besides my house when you can travel again and everything's okay with the vaccine whatever i am oh i'm going to find you bro i i i'm pretty sure i could travel right now i would just have to quarantine for like 10 days i don't know i'd have to like oh there's got to be chats with the embassy to figure out exactly what the hell is going on yeah i have no idea literally lex and i have been just like super quarantined just because a brenna was born in a couple months you know oh yeah i haven't you know i haven't left my house in two weeks really i have i really haven't either i think oh i picked up food once i did pick up food i actually have been getting my food delivered to me because um most of the time i have two but like there was one time like i just was tired of eating fast food so i just picked up a nice little bird or something oh pee pee up i was like sell this money money um i should sell this the um you know i mean like i was getting groceries delivered to my house because we had the new yeah we've been getting that too yeah i haven't picked up groceries in forever yeah the uk has a new strain and the place i'm sorry to cut you off but it also gives other people like it's even someone else's job and stuff to like get it delivered and stuff what not yeah true yeah i i just we had the new strain in the uk and then also um the the place i moved to it's like a city uh so um it's it's nice it's kind of like a sea i can already see the british black city but um it's uh it's it's it's um it's a hot spot so like i uh just was like i'll just stay inside i'll just you know yeah it's not it it's better just that way that way when we get to see each other it's just that more powerful dude it's going i want you know it will officially have been a year in about a week from now that's crazy because we're at pacquiao that's insane uh like end of february beginning of march last year are you grinding by the way yeah i was just waiting for you because i'm i'm not gonna speed up because all right well i will we can go ahead and i i need one i need something bro that can take a hit like i don't have anything i have pounds and i have a tent to cool is it your turn to it's your turn to encounter the first anyways right so you can just head over there and yeah dude give me my custom form right now game for please and are we doing in is it male female no female oh guys gonna be confusing it dude piss off game give me something i'm just saying now i don't care what i get i keep the venusaur so we're not using this yeah also we have to consider conservation of pokeballs right now because there are three areas we have to catch yeah must be nice i didn't yo you have a venusaur pure power like true but like i want you to be able to get a good mon like if i if i find something that's not very good i don't think we should catch it because i literally don't have the balls to do it shadow tag and a ring trap are still a thing too right so like yeah ah god dude grinding tentacles gonna suck because if i lose him you lose your venusaur technical was a really good mom though when she did it but if i run into an arena trap when i like say steel type and only have poison and whatnot like it's gonna be rough i think you'll be all right tentacles are pretty pretty good one honestly i hate you all right it's female it's female yeah right so did we wait is venusaur do we see is it primary grass or primary ghost it's probably grass okay so we have grass wait i can't use it yeah nozzle i'll put nose leaf up no you you're definitely using that i dude no like i'll put those leaf up okay okay all right we'll do it right after this one swine uh mail yeah okay honestly i say we just run we just won't waste the balls yeah i think so too i agree we need we have another route literally right above us and then we have the forest i have to make i i i i have to lose a custom form regardless i lose dragon air or i lose venusaur i'm so sorry it must be rough it really i gotta put my nipples up all right are you gonna are you putting it because i don't know if that's a good idea i feel like i'm never gonna see nuzly fl like the same like i cannot believe the track in there dude this is this is scary we might want to okay one yeah one yeah the only thing okay here's the thing i have to grind my tentacle now right so okay this is this is the safer option from both of us we want we want me to use venusaur right i think we should just box this pair for now right now i i actually agree yeah because i need this we can try to catch another pair with this when i'm at level nine and then i can train up the the better more uh the better pair yeah okay so this pair now is um same gender yes yes oh jog on look look no it's brooks all right he talks a lot did you know in japanese like he's it's not about him having his morning coffee or anything like that he actually was just straight up drunk oh i thought he's gonna be like i just killed a man don't go up there yet sir we're cleaning up the scene what's that the [ __ ] that comes to your mind well you're like making it like it seemed like a big deal like something crazy happened so my my mind just jumped there oh okay you ever you never you know how cool it would be to see like an r-rated pokemon movie yo check this out watch this oh man old man knows the thing right game boy luke imagine it actually insane insane two for one baby there's grandfather luke oh that's me oh i haven't for my hairline's going as well to be honest with you i haven't told you this yet and i'm so sorry to tell you this on a part one of our soul link that we're back and whatnot and we're really excited the good vibes are flowing a lot of people already know this you didn't record asking if i've told you um um brenna had to take your room i'm sorry she had to because it had the better bathroom and it was all up to lex i know take the time take time get you another custom form and make it happier [Music] dude do we not waste the balls it's okay i'll throw one you're not catching a kyogre and i don't really want a chancy all right ah i guess i'll just jog on then yeah i'll just go [ __ ] myself the second time in this last 10 minutes so sorry timestamp please test please god bro this is our last encounter before the first game okay that's okay listen i got this is all right you know what this is episode one you get some lookies i was gonna say you could have lucky's tip you could do that's for you only right but you guys can also have a lucky tip right now it's a free item right here boom who [Music] there's a pokeball right here right no no no no no no i know i know there's one up above i thought that was one oh it's on the right side i'm not gonna be able to get this nope all right here's mine oh it's mine too oh my oh my god okay it's gonna be the same this must be same yeah yeah you got another water type wood mail i can't wait to so that's my pepper i i'm only gonna have tentacle i'm literally only gonna have tentacle oh my god damn what is this what i i got tentacle i got chancy i got cersket nuzleaf what's going on poliwag also shiny claws breaks all rules give me a mail one come on i don't know if you'd want this with a search kit i'd rather you get this with something else dude he's so cool she she so freaking dope so sick so sick also just realized that she just lose her baby what what did she still have the pouch no no i guess not i guess i guess it's probably like a dark past like you know her baby's back at home she's having to fend for herself so it's like she's went out she's like for christ's sake let's just be the mail primary bug it is it is primary bug so this is going to oh great so you can use this kit oh i'm so happy you can use that yes i'm so proud bro what oh my god i'm missing i'm not just snowball i'm literally just gonna throw a ball the american people are tired of women come on bro shout out to my ladies game boy luke give me a male zoo but i'll be happy with this thank you god all right yay i have to meet brock if brock has a good mon like a legendary we literally lose this series there's no shot dude we are the we are literally like so famous for starting series and dying or resetting within the first few episodes anyways i don't think anyone's gonna care we suck it's okay like the people know this it's no big deal but sir searched it yeah all right bro okay man i'm sorry this video is brought to you by nipples i can't wait for masquerading to be called cerset and it not make any oh nice bro that's actually a freaking god amazing it's like it's actually really good god send the only thing is like it's technically cheating if i bring out my nuzleaf and stuff all right i'm gonna have to speed up a little bit luckily it's your game audio so it won't sound bad um but i'm gonna have to grind tentacle i'll do the best i can oh i can't even do that yet until you're out right yeah well you could just yeah can i go and grind because yours is already pretty good effects i might not even catch it yet no no not grounded not that no ground the tentacle jake you technically have that i got it okay yeah yeah i mean all right blop i don't want to get confused oh you know what i forgot a very vital thing about this uh series actually i need to get my book and i need to write all the pairs down look at that lukey while you do that i will try to survive what do i have on your right now i have poison stink if i run into a steel type and he has arena trap we lose all right that's a very specific situation that i don't think is gonna happen so i think i think he'll be okay okay so this zubat is called uh camera camera zots thank you chris usher yes poison it uh that doesn't give you a good experience in this game by the way just why oh it's like that that part only like that was gen five i think i mean nine's still pretty good but it's not like it it would have been it's not like busted like okay well you know what it's an easy kill is why i'm also excited i'll come back if i can just find more blisseys i'll i'll be okay so hold on i want to make sure that these boxes are organized and stuff right where i only have one in there i have my nuzzle that's it okay and then you have these two on the team yep okay so wait do you have technical on the team right now yeah i said i only have my nuzzly okay then i just want these two like that there we go it makes sense cool that's fine i have a tanky man either way i think nuzleaf will be pretty okay for you should we look up his move set real quick so you actually know when he gets like a stab move i'm not using no sleeve nozzles i'm so high right now what is going on my brain okay i don't tend to call i know technical evolves at level 20. and he gets my ball beam at like level 20 or so i'm going to see i'm definitely don't want to get i have to get him to level 20. uh yeah he gets bubble beam at 25. acid at 19. he evolves i think never mind i lied evolves level 30. have fun thanks man do i get any moves like bubble or anything um yeah bull beam of 25 get acid at 19. [Music] firewood leaf green is a is is a pain bro it's it's a pain because like the male sets in this game the move sets in this game are really bad okay we'll do the initial graph speed the initial grading ups as well then yo i got super sonic thank god for that just for the record though guys like we won't be speeding up uh yeah i just i don't think people want to see me grind a tentacle in the in the wild for 50 minutes yeah exactly i'm kind of in the same position i think they have like every time every every time i'm so sorry oh this game there's something there's something about this game that that just listen last night me and dylan played this game i missed poison powder nine times in a row and i think somebody still remember that the rival lock yeah and like somebody worked out and it was the odds were absolutely ridiculous for that so dude that's that's crazy the last time we played five red leaf green together the only other time was a competitive series the arrival lock yes that's crazy this time it's got some forms though okay i can't believe you got a pure power like venusaur that is yeah well grass is special in this game because there's no physical special space so it won't be yeah but ghost ghost is oh my god if i get shadow ball shadow ball bro like gg that's that's stab was it is that 80 power speaking of ghost type moves there you go tanisha okay see you later all right i'm doing pretty good uh dredge is getting a decent amount of experience out here what if i don't want to fight that what stupid game what's happening are you okay i keep getting fully paralyzed pissing me off man okay wait did you say when dredge uh learns a different move 19. like 19 no shot bro there's also a 10 level booster we might want to add you sound like you sound like nadeshot bro yeah 19. how do i wait how does that correlate like the no shot i swear he says that all the time the only person i've heard say that yeah you didn't used to say it so like now i'm just like i'm picking up on it i don't know where i got that from honestly ditto has seen some hard days yo i know i know it's hard bro but this ain't the way they say put the gun down bro put the gun down chad i'm just go i was gonna run away no problem no trouble no trouble buddy we don't know trouble oh all right we're good ditto's cp seeking therapy what the hell and for his neutral special he wields a gun has a gun good to know literally like everyone else has like really cool like abilities and stuff like kangaskhan has like the electric thing ditto just goes boom okay this thing only has sideways sideways is psychic but it's technically like not super effective yeah it's fixed move it's fixed like a dragon range just fix damage so okay because i feel like this would be good experience for me no or rather it's not nest it's not technically fixed damage but does different damage every time but yeah well way better whenever it lands whatever the rng lands it yeah is that fixed damage is actually a really complex formula to side wave it's got a lot to do with like your level and multiplying it by certainly whatever let me give the sur-skit the experience here honestly dude i might as well just proceed i'm not grinding to level 19. we will literally be here for yeah i'm just getting i'm just getting level 10 because i feel most comfortable being at that level i got a long way to go with zubat as well so i oh my god yes so like boomi one of his favorite things to do is look out the window because i don't know i have a lab and i have a dots and boomi's the dawson tops the lap um so boomi's like one of his favorite things to do is look out the window uh at like the front so we'll put up a little chair for him and like everything but the thing is anytime somebody barks or anytime somebody passes he just goes crazy he literally loses himself okay oh my this thing resisted poison is it rock electric i don't really know but it's level five it looks like it's got like little rocks attached to it and stuff you know what i mean so i would if it's rocking a lecture that's got that quad weakness so are you ballsy for staying against this thing if you just thunder punched you in the in the in the jawbreaker i i didn't think he'd have it that low dude sir leveled up that's amazing let's go let's go search two two three all right if you're at this point in the video just comment down below searched it mvp and then that way just thank you for watching this far into the video yeah tomorrow it'll be on my channel this is probably a good place to stop i got both my ones level 10 i'm gonna be let's do let's do let's go and do the video for us let's do one trainer battle and see how we do okay sure i'm scared oh wait hold on give me a second i'll speed up real quick because i did get those items in brilliant forest i'll catch up with you i'll just do this oh yeah by the way i don't i don't personally like speeding up at all so we won't be doing it a lot obviously as i mentioned uh it's just but when you only get baby poke you know what it's only it's only poetic you're right brendan is about to be here and i only found baby pokemon besides the nuzzle he's a little teeny that's just me cute it's true even though i'm 26. true you old we're going to be third literally don't say it don't say it that was that's not a bad thing why'd you say it there's 30 people in the 30s that are in the united family and the 8-bit brooms i know but i've never been in my 30s before it's it's scary so otherwise you're a time traveler and you've found a way to like manage to go back in time that's pretty cool bro i might spend my 30th in quarantine i feel so sorry if anybody would have milestone birthdays and stuff like that like right now i got this yeah that's easy it's freezing calcium money money come on supersonic daddy needs a new pair of shoes sick there we go all right scratch is doing a decent amount of damage because it's obviously stabbed yeah so hopefully we can do pretty good and actually just hit himself there we go all right now we need the poison to get off scary various well no no it's not i mean if i if i have my dragon air right now i beat my little bit of trouble sandstorm you beautiful sound effects all right oh we got the poison okay i went okay i got the first one down got the experience here unsearched it we're shelling don't you dare me listen every day that me and dylan were called i swear we just kind of pushed the boundaries of the pg bar like every single time we're expanding yeah i already have a few things you're definitely bleeping from that i said not you that i said wait for real but i'll tell you what i said later it was very sexual and i can't believe it came out of my mouth in a video oh you're probably talking about my yeah all right yeah i knew this one i knew yeah yo i was gonna say this and i wasn't trying to be i was trying i wasn't trying to you know be funny or anything but that's fine i wasn't trying to be i wasn't trying to be funny i was just going to say it but then i realized actually legitimately is fire it's it's literally fire that's that you know what i rate it because we need more fire types there's so there are just so little fire types right i'm not finding that find this you're still fighting like i'm gonna get inside him because i want to get it masterful yeah what may as well go on them that was hacked in the game there's nothing called what mel berry that's not a thing what do you do what does that even do oh it's medicine cool anyways all right i just threw it away not for me taunt all right sneezel let's hurry this up pal you look you look really freaking awesome fam he looks so cool thank you just staring feels like somebody's watching me [Music] and i get no privacy just breathing down the back of his neck like we're finally here oh wait search it has oh yeah it's an experience i'm a [ __ ] what does starch get no that'll literally this is just bubbles and on that lovely note we'll see you amazing people tomorrow on my channel for episode number two as we continue on this journey probably take on brock and just see if we can survive thank you so much for watching it feels great to be back it does it just again it just felt like what's the word i'm looking for it's like machinery like it just it just works you know what i mean like it's just like well we never left we haven't recorded just us in a hot minute a very like like half a year yeah half a year for sure so it's been a very long time but we're happy to be back thank you all so much for watching hit that like button we said 15k we said 15k episode one if you guys can do that be absolutely insane we'd appreciate it so much of course make sure you subscribe i'm trying to hit 300k by the end of the year definitely we'll do that i will at least i hope i will i want to try to hit 400k that's like an ultimate goal of mine oh race you there all right we'll see where it goes um guys thank you guys so much we appreciate you all um leave whatever you like in the comment section because it doesn't indeed help us of course subscribe to dylan 2 because the next episode will be over there and we will see you guys next time peace peace [Music] you
Channel: GameboyLuke
Views: 145,145
Rating: 4.9715257 out of 5
Keywords: gameboyluke, game boy luke, gameboy luke, unitedgamer, unitedhayze, unitedgamer101, pokemon soul link, pokemon randomizer, pokemon randomizer soul link, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke, pokemon oras soul link, oras soul link, oras randomizer, oras nuzlocke, pokemon frlg, pokemon fire red randomizer, pokemon leaf green randomizer, pokemon fire red soul link, pokemon frlg soul link, pokemon leaf green soul link, pokemon frlg nuzlocke, pokemon fire red nuzlocke, fire red soul link
Id: OZiivj98e54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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