ROUND 3, FIGHT! • Pokemon Platinum Versus • EP 01

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I'm gonna wait for you at the start as anyways because it's not wait it started on right here instead aren't they actually yes they are done right here so you need to Luke I was too busy talking to you I guess I just fully took on the persona of Luke I'm little push stop push the stop button you know the little jokester is like you're so bad at taking an exam you put the wrong name I literally did that if you moments later you know it kind of sucks though what's that and I just realized if I win Luke still wins [Music] lemon let you think about it hey you're the lose-lose situation here buddy no matter what I do Luke wins all right [Music] [Applause] yeah you're right nice scheme boy Luke here and everyone just thinks I'm going to lose today I have 20% right now on Twitter and I am not happy about it wait you yes a rose guy we are back everybody welcome to the versus Luke how you doing calm down this is on my channel thank you very much no it's on your channel if you're gonna if you're gonna introduce the video on my channel then you've got to do it properly you're right guys game boy Luke and welcome back to another episode of our vs. if you excited hit that like button let's see we can get 5,000 likes here on episode number one if you are new to the channel go ahead and hit that sub button sub the both of us because this is going to alternate between channels how you doing you know a gamer howdy y'all I just like to take these next few seconds to explain so you understand the upload schedule for this series Monday Wednesday up over here on Luke's channel we have 32 - don't we have got done Tuesday and Thursday over on yung yung Dylan's channel now bonus days on Friday and Saturday and that's only if and I say hey you hit you hit you hit damn gosh dang like dolls you hear me 1,500 likes per episode you get bonus episode two bones I immediately think like I'm put their accents don't even sensor that I might be dispensers oh I might need a sensor that but if you guys are excited to hit that like button the schedule if you couldn't understand my my dear friends accent it's Monday Wednesday on your boy Luke's channel and then Tuesday Thursday on my channel and then if we keep hitting the light goal which is 1500 likes per episode you get an extra episode on Friday on Luke Channel and Saturday on my channel are you ready to proceed into this game yes okay let's do this thing okay just now joining in I just want I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I just know there might be some new people here because I'm gone we both lost in diamond in Pearl one time so this is winner takes all to see who won the vs. I'm very excited this is this is poetic yo there's gonna be a movie and Chris Pratt is gonna play me Chris Pratt I think I think it could play me okay um let's see who do you think would be a good you know spiel person to play me you know I people are gonna slate me because I never I can never remember actors names okay just say a monavie they've been in I think I think Black Widow would be a perfect I knew you're gonna go I'll take it all right fine for you we'll just go with Tony Stark the smallest individual okay that's Danny all right the guy who plays the the centaur in Hercules what's his name you know his name yeah you know his name the short guy yeah daddy the legend yes we have Danny DeVito and Scarlett Johansson movie coming soon what a dynamic duo how would a big movie just so you guys are wet we're not doing the choose I've started for this one because it's kind of like round three and we wanted to get this series up as fast as we possibly could not see if we do it if we do like I choose our star we just it's gonna take extra time so why not to mention you're gonna be here literally in a week so we can just start getting some recordings going and stuff so oh yeah a shameless plug July 20th I'm doing my 10-year anniversary sleep lock Lutz gonna be here yeah Hobbs gonna be here he demo original woman do you want a straw there's gonna be so many people here to celebrate the ten year anniversary here on YouTube so check your calendars Markham get off work do everything you need to do be there July 20th it's gonna be a fun time and also Luke are gonna be doing a live series you have a better life series we'll also be able to record live well why don't they do the live will be a to work will be out of record verses episodes together in person so I think I just realized gonna feel like the layout change and everything because the webcam is the intro or poor friend everything for us that's a Frankford changing up the intro ain't the guy changing up the art for you like them to do I swear to God if I get some trash daughter's today I'm going to be mad upset honestly I'm okay with a trash talk if we both get a trashed on that hey you alright I'm on with that too but if you get a regigigas that doesn't have slow start now and I have a metapod and a Butterfree and then like a Wurmple then it's just not saying oh you know I just realize my anxiety levels just drop by like at least forty three point five percent because I don't worry about Regirock I'm as my stars that my rivals like star Pokemon because that was already the worst thing in the world yeah but you've managed to do a okay because your team got stacked yeah why is the start of this game literally so slow I want to hold the speed a button so bad right now it's okay I'm gonna wait for you at the stars anyways because it's not way it started on right here instead aren't they actually yes they are done right here so you need rival do [Music] I'm Luke Oh too busy talking to you I guess I just fully took on the persona of Luke I'm little push stop push the stop button how do you mess that up the you know this little joke sir is like you're so bad at taking an exam you put the wrong name I really did that I did that I got all the questions okay we need to send your game to somebody right and then we need to change the sprite so that you play as Barry and your rival is the other guy Luca seasick that would be pretty sick do you know some guys I don't I know Luke you know everybody you know the Mafia you know everybody that's first machine say that actually so I don't know the Mafia but my my mother's side of family that cooled the I don't to give too much away I want to say their names but freaking me out my this is just raised in a small town but they were like considered like and I don't know if you use this term but they were like the hard people of the of the town that norm messed with them because you'd end up yeah my granddad had been to prison and I all kinds of stuff like that and it means he's cool now but like back in the day they were like proper you know they were mental they didn't kill her everyone knew not to mess with them basically and I used to compare them to the Mafia whenever I explained it to my mom always used to laugh at me my granddad's in the Mafia it's awesome my mom told me this story I was once on my grant by my grandpa he tied someone up to our lamppost because they would like try to mess with the house you I don't know if it's true or not I know I don't know to this day if it's true or not but like I was like okay any stories like that I don't have any family in the Mafia good to know - never mess with Luke okay this was just you know case in point don't mess of Luke alright um but my brother had a different growing up technically he's my half-brother but I hate telling people he's my half-brother because then they automatically assume we're not as close but he's my brother but yes so a lot of our lives we weren't literally together and do my so he grew up a lot harder than I did my older brother and yet he got in fights all the time and some of the stories he would tell me like I don't know if they were all true but they were pretty freakin breathe they were very interesting to hear but I'm gonna get a legendary right here I'm ready to go I'm ready you're gonna look at your first one look at your first month oh that's really good it is but it also is like it's like a glass cannon like I just really take hits that's a thing all right what do you got this is a glass alright number two I'm not I'll okay Noctowl is not that bad wolfing all right you only the last one at the same time three two one go cubone Sidra did I get that last time alright so neither of us got like a god to your mind yeah I felt like that though yes a tough decision you know I'm honestly thinking maybe knocked out haunts are so good but I'm just so scared early on like a lot of mons get bite and stuff and I'm a hunter I'm not gonna turn to a gengar and I'm very my worry my worry is why I think Cuba is the better option here but grass and water types are so super common and they have really low level ground level grass and water lawns always have stabbed moves so I feel like coughing is better but at the same time I think it's wrong it is does Cuban have a normal-type move in the beginning yeah probably cuz if he only has ground-type you're not gonna hear flying but if you only has normal times you can't hit ghosts yes so the problem is as well with like coughing it has poison gas tackle smog smokescreen assurance that subsidizing it's a little 2014 I didn't get stabbed moving to level 24 I think Sidra for me I think Sidra I have really I'm really I'm really you know defensive I don't have God okay special offense though so all wow cubone doesn't even have an attacking move into level seven I think Sager for me I'm gonna go a siege or like I need a dragon to tool or whatever whatever though of all this thing whatever it's called but I think seizures just the most I think I want I have to pick coughing well the good thing is we neither of us have a bulky mod like a nothing like to just amazing in the beginning like mine maven may never evolved and yours doesn't really do anything either so alright my go ahead and time stamp that for both of us I'm gonna take care of my blue Lucas he's got a busy later don't like you've definitely got the better one I've two of other two of us because you got an evolution yeah that's true but I only gonna have like water gun in the beginning like I don't even have a stab move in 1227 yeah I got a better one but oh the good thing is we get one two three we'll see four likes five it encounters in the first like you know first episode probably yeah so this trip this can't touch me let them have an attacking move watching attacking me really upset are we really about yet the good thing is I poison gas which is pretty solid so that's definitely solid alright I have I do have a water gun sweetest one of the one thing I wanted to make sure I did have in the beginning okay sweet that's really not that bad alright I just wanna make sure he didn't only have a bubble because that would have some heat kept us waiting alright big big heads up so those look rules do not start until we obtain pokeballs of course that's a very very important thing to note and I'm gonna go with kind of like if we're if one of us dies if it's early on we may as well like restart as we know where we know it's which way that going yes we can do the revive token that we always do on our little community like you get one revive tokens fitting your entire nose like challenge ok that's easy mode if you lose all your mods you continue with the Monza community box and then in between the next episode and that one that you know the next you get the opportunity to grind which is what we did with you and I a couple times yeah that's fine with me I'm literally fine with doing without on that way I'm gonna win I got this alright mm-hmm-hmm I can't because also we talked like technically this is winner-takes-all so it's like round three over time kind of thing so if I win this I keep my undefeated record and vs. so I'm going all out I'm going all out here and then if you win you you pop that cherry boy in person it's just base 20 and it's what 70 accuracy fun time man all right mom I know how to run you don't have to read me instructions okay and I need to change my freaking it speed thing so okay so thing is the thing is as well what's very important to note is we have so many Pokemon to catch the beginning in this game so our son poke one doesn't really matter that much you know to make long as long as we can catch other mods it matters if we don't catch anything and then we got to go and fight those trainers up ahead with because if you go and find a grout on that has like mud shot in the beginning that is not gonna be fun don't ever take my ability in my I am do I have any I'm a holding anything okay so I am adamant that's good isn't it with suction wheezing is a spec I didn't know that I didn't know wheezing was a special attacker yeah you learn something new every day I definitely like wheezing as a kid he doesn't get any physical moves I don't think I just I mean you also got to think of like the randomize aspect with TMS and stuff like you never know what you okay but I want your name me right I mean if I get it that'd be great but can you name me three physical poison type moves tongue shot okay one that's all I got that's poison jab to poison jab yeah that is true and I don't know so I have to be lucky enough to have poison jab randomized to a TM and then he has to be able to learn it hey yo you got this man you're fine mood yeah but just imagine if I got like a Mewtwo in the start like I mean it could have been a lot worse if I got a starter okay it's nothing that great but it's catchable you know it adds more diversity to you right now people sleep and this is actually a pun intended people sleep on Hitler oh you see and you know you're looking at all that great but what the hell is that are you guys my whole house is shaking um so so yeah it's ones that you look at your fingers anything crazy but actually in actuality that mine is like super bulky and it hits pretty hard really see now I was the same way about that's solid that's my boy I was the same way about star me so armies freakin great great you need a great special attack and everything it's a great mod I never knew that but we got one Vinny got one in our cage lock in that thing tore up shop fun thing about cage like if you get recover you are broken in cage matches there any problem with salami is that it is really frail so like you can easily pop it I'm riffing recovers like a big issue with with Starmie because it it can be hey got so many weaknesses Tucson grass electric bug dark ghost you know the air does the thing that that's the one that I won the the three-way versus with Vinny and Dobbs the whole way through I beat literally the entire game both regions of gold with a star me the entire game I'm gonna name this after a member of um I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with John Piekarski he's my freakin boy so we're gonna name this thing John John pop do you look at your channel memberships what do you sort them by I go by the comments so if you want to have a chance to be nicknamed one you can become a members and easier way to get nicknamed there's an inscription on my channel and and then you just leave a comment and then I just go through and I scrolled comments on the last episode to see who was there and then I picked okay okay for this episode I'm just gonna go by my recent members are like most note note note notable notorious what members like I got where you're going words yeah I just was going by the last episode the woman we had diamond and pearl hang act did the same thing again I keep on hitting B I swear you that about 10 minutes just like but this guy talks to us for a long time don't you ever pointed verses before you know let's just go let's keep it move on here let's keep it moving on here y'all I'm good I'm in the lead right now you know it kind of sucks though and I just realize if I win Luke still wins I'm gonna let you think about it lose-lose situation here buddy no matter what I do look with watch it watch him throw to himself like in the last rival battle you just like I'm sorry I mean it he won it's obvious right there GM 27 what do we got I know it's normally return which is nice boy what did we get alright I am sick of dialogue here I'm feel like I'm playing gin seven can you please hurry up I want to get my adventure started I'm glad we're not doing an outline she's my starters it really involves community I think it's really fun the reason I don't is because like every time we go to record I choose my starter after the after it's done like we have to wait a whole day I just want to record and start playing yeah you get in the swing of things you hit that first recording session and you're just like that was great now we can do another one but like oh wait oh yeah we have to we we we can't awesome do that [ __ ] does she give you pokeballs now do I gotta go up there again no I think you have to go speak to her right she gives you many ones I know she asks you to go talk to your mom right that's right yeah so you can buy I think you can buy Pope will speak to begin with though I'm just gonna wait I'm just gonna go straight back I just want I dude if I can get that venusaur though like that will literally be game-changer for me to have so early on that it's just gonna be so hard to catch that would be said yeah it would be well I think Venus still has like the same sort of catch rate and he's got be like one I think to you like he has lead seed and stuff so he's gonna constantly healing TM straight away yeah they gave you a return in this game it's randomizers yeah I know this is my first uh I officially switched to doing Pokemon content for away from Dark Souls content pokemon platinum was the very first one that I ever did here we go okay well in that case I'm not again I'm gonna get my yo you ready for this dude I'm gonna launch this and it's about a B sacred fire and you got out of it I'm just saying exactly dude here we go here we go the thing is I do too I get hydro pump or something that'd be so nice just to make sure I live ice beam ice cream would be really good for just coverage right now but the thing is like you never know what they can learn yeah okay we go here we go here we go baby here we go did you randomize the teams yeah I got slim unless I actually just had returned randomized to return I use the exact same settings that I hit load setting so ours is exactly the same there's no way Dylan there's literally no way they're randomized there's no way you are you sure I mean everything else is randomized right like lit yours new your uh encounters are randomized your yeah everything's randomized so I really think that just happened cuz I load it cuz you know in the universe yeah you voted the right yeah you loaded the randomized versus with Luke on both of ours unless I'd just glitched I guess you won't know until I get the first gym badge enough to just read randomize that the the team's the TMS yeah which is no biggie okay ball okay fantastic brilliant nuts lock has started for you all right I'm about to go and I've already done all this stuff so I'm a little bit of a lead here you know just a little something I'll take what I can get right now yeah I can't wait to record these in person though like literally I'm just gonna be screwed it over to the right a little bit it's coming you have two mics right yep plus there's yours let's go it's mine you can talk to this one or this one and we'll be good to go I set that up because of me and likes cuz we do a lot of collab stuff so it's so perfect when like people gum the court up like when me and Vinnie did the cage like sleep lock here it just fits so perfectly and I have another chair and everything - it's gonna be noise it's gonna be a lot of fun okay I feel like I want to ask viewers what they want to see us do live - because I really want to know yeah I mean we already discussed a few options but if you guys want to see soup we could do like the opposite of the vs. and like work together and do like a soul link or something like that or we could do whatever just like let us know well yeah let us know in the comments section what you would like us to do for a live serious true literally gonna have platinum going up daily with a live series you know we all met crying while Luke's here we got to take advantage of it's not every day that you know the eight Brit bro is coming over to the house I didn't expect to be going to the States again like this year so like I'm really really stoked for it I'm so excited alright first encounter yo I'm so excited - it's getting so much fun here we go first encounter on the lakefront real quick ariados on track I'm not learning my time on it hot steamy but rash okay if you catch that I'm gonna be so mad come on man okay give me a master ball down below - alright Luke and a poke a ball all right give me a mouse about it hey Dylan I'm happy for you I and you got poison so you got status on it great that's awesome yeah yeah I do I'm just so I'm just so happy for you Luke I'm literally dude just do this first poke well then I literally lost nothing because I picked this poker no way no stop our way we're on one deed we all on it okay if he HP up you know that's awesome right oh you guys this buddy named and try to think of some like okay I'm you know I'm gonna give this one to I'm living with a Sora is all right I can't believe this that you just caught a wart off how bad that's not bad don't roll bad dreams okay patters what's up all right hit this thing though I don't think I get hit him no you told to even with bubble think bubble will definitely kill yes no maybe Lou Gedda course the stab because bubbles 20 so stopped makes it 30 and as soon for that makes is a 60 base power move that's a lot to hit a level two with okay I see a long and catch it without it April again there you go alright is that Wow me oh this am yo there's no Sam alright boomys growlithe I always named drew me go shut up you got a war turtle alright my name is when Sam shot at this say I'm Sam's been visiting and I love that dog so you can flip them if you can live this I will pile how most respect for you when I woke up oh wow [Music] aim you got the poison off that's so nice to change I don't like killer change at all all right for my friend on for ya you hate to see it man you hate to see it all right I'm gonna go get this last encounter here and then we're gonna proceed dude I need something's really good just just something last place this is so good it's such a what's his name what's his name we forgot his name I don't know if I'm cool name Pepsi Pepsi okay high five with that oh that's ready you're that sick level 20 and you got a guy hitmonchan it one Li like that's that's pretty sick I would be stuck with that because the second you see what it's evolving into if it's one of the three you don't want then you level it up again it's that's changed and then you can see if it falls and hit one channel hitmonlee like that's huge to me okay yes it's right on the 1hp okay we should be able to catch this pretty easily I just dude I wish I get like an experience checkers training that thing is not gonna be easy yeah you can't leave you conned out war total first of all there we go tie rope added to the layout Luke I got you buddy with my timestamps y'all love this shirt so much I think I've asked you what you've seen have you haven't seen full my talk my spoiler how to have you I showed you the watch it's hotter Hunter you haven't seen sorry I got a mixed up I got a mixed up he's gonna make me tell the story I got her and what the story was we can make me tell the story again you got to see on their hunter though I am gonna name this after lucasz ah thank you for being a member of my man I appreciate it my dude Lucas that's better right okay alright let me see what the abilities and everything online we got Sam here that has clout okay no perky and then we have rough skin actually all right naughty nature not easy I don't know what he is ah no what's he is special defense down speed up okay that's a sound horrible there's no horsing like that doesn't hurt my attacks alright and I'm done with all my encounters until we go to the I got a follow these train bro I'm scared oh man I've learned my lesson I'm getting level like I'm getting level 40 before we move anyway oh I thought that was your encounter I was about to crap a break bro slacking is literal you would have won so I think it's so broken dude oh yeah he's so not ability without ability he's broken its act heck was that I don't hear is that what that was lightning or thunder in my house all right this was real dying today pretty sure I would have heard that if that was the case you know discourse got that good whatever it's called noise reduction we're gonna brush community all right let me heal up my team tonight I want to train right here but I want to let go get more Mons but I need I need to grind I wish I had an experience here or something right now listen we've been able to pick up one item all right chill your beans there's no way I wanna get experience on your first item no wait no I think you've got the experience here there last time in the Dominical versus I'm pretty sure I think you did that's reassuring four tries I mean I was gonna pick up something decent man she that's a long neck boy and four tries I lost several times all right yeah this is not good to train against okay we're gonna run away I'm gonna stay here in the wild a little bit and I'm gonna get some leveling up done and I'm gonna be okay you are kidding me I didn't know why did no no not better be so I'll be thrilled what I'm upset about is like why couldn't this be my first encounter I love Lucario so much yeah you do we love Lucario we stand Lucario out here I'm so sad right now we had we had we had a potential venusaur my team literally could have been horse Sidra Venus or Lucario but it seemed kind of course I corrected my sounds about us a horsey and that'll be but not worse in the back nude stop with the jokes on three I see I need a quote that's why needed just to quote you wait I was gonna catch that I'm so stupid what was it company re but look what he's still pretty good yeah I mean it's okay it's not like it yeah and you got to do it with friendship and stuff that's not fun and it starts with like really low-key choice your eye that's so true so it wouldn't have really been anything good for a good while right now all right what level are these are here they're little six or seven what level what level puts the right shoe Luke I don't like to visit these memories too often cuz it can all these freaking PTSD I think it was those seven or eight maybe nine let me see if I can actually teach him slam that actually might be good for me just from coverage makes no sense to me but okay dude in our soul link with me and Vinnie he picked up Spore and his Holt in its gin.5 so like you can constantly learn it everyone on this team has been able to learn it so his whole team has Spore it's broken bro it's not occasional if they had a cage look to know that's that souling but the thing is in our soul link we're still kind of it we are working together but we're seeing who can have less of it that's right yeah so he's dominating right now cuz he can put everything to sleep all the time 100% accuracy like he has nothing to worry about she'll gotta lose the bet dog key about a loser I'm definitely I've I've long what did he use to attack me with a Miss I didn't even see how I got hit oh my god what I was tragic look at this battle the battle the babies is damaging [Music] that does nothing you're fine absolutely nothing it's nice to know that they have Monferno around here cuz that experience will be nice later yeah 100% I'm just thank you alright I just want to not rent a grass ledge because a running grass side for now I just gotta run away he just kind of sucks and just waste my time yeah we're kind of stuck in this like early-game limbo right now we know the threat of the first trainer so we're like being so careful right now yeah I mean this is winner-takes-all and the thing is like the my speed of buttons normally this the trigger like I've literally because we haven't disabled I've been tapping it the whole time it's just to have it like I'm just wanting to go fast so bad it's it's killing it's killing me Luke I'm dying okay there we go more experience I'm gonna be level eight after this exactly good enough well I played with the speed up button sometimes but I don't like to and when I start speeding up the game and then I'm playing the game I'm speeding up I'm like more enjoying this anymore just like blitzing through the game yeah I'm pretty bad and I'm not sugar fingers pretty freakin bad it's pretty like I don't I don't know but like it doesn't even bother to me to speed up to be honest especially if it's somewhat like this grinding in the grass like I definitely don't mind speeding up at all oh I will fly through this I don't you know I'm out instant disadvantage to my team wasn't randomized and I feel like you didn't do it properly for like you under check yep well yeah instant disadvantage as mine can't be learned by anything I'm just saying I think you're okay that Yuri soo does he have an election move this early on Oh Pachirisu I won't be surprised he has buyed that's scary I hate that move but I can kill him into it I can't even kill pupitar right now this is this is this is the young hate to see it but you can't adult because all you let me so let me see what it is now Twitter let me see what you guys put all I'm 34% now okay we're making progress team Dylan let's go to Lourdes how many total votes only two 670 right now and you're 66% freaking rose I'm gonna prove you wrong guys it's destined to happen now I want John PI to get such a better level but the thing is you I hate turning up the seizure right now because it's just like oh I might not even be able to have a keen Jura if I don't find the item you need it sucks uh I think they changed it do they not I don't think so I need the dragon thingy or whatever hold on I can go to Universal I'm gonna see how they change it to for you I thought you I thought you changed the blue thank you do I need to stop playing the game no I'm good Diamond and Pearl okay and dominant pearl they changed it so Sidra all you need to level up with the Dragon Scale instead of trade with the dragon scale so you don't need to find a dragon scale it's like getting the Electra here for elect like the buyer and them I said you still gotta do that although it's very good above all 37 there yeah any any basic trade ones they just evolved immediately okay he keeps on using weird but I should be fine no I can't kill this right now I can't beat this right now I can't beat this right now I can't beat this right now I can't beat this right now that's very very slow I did enough wait you wait wait gust is special right yeah okay that's why I was like I said that did nothing he was like 5 liter there's a little bit nervous but it's ok alright come on Sam get a level up let's go it's going down he's using ember you're gonna lose you're gonna lose you're gonna get burned it's okay cuz I am winning the vs. yay alright right here Sam you can take this it's just a bloody little splat yeah we can do this buddy we're in this together Sam that's all you did with a stab moves - perfect - come on buddy that's one expectable burger over on my bubble you so much my bubble did I can't I'm screwed I [ __ ] I'm so screwed I can't get away from this thing I'm Tony Sam's my good luck charm buddy I did good when Sam was here when we recorded the verses as soon as Sam had to go home I started get my butt tore up Sam's my good luck charm and he's back I say I only have him for a week so we need to record the whole series within this week please that'd be great you wanna be cool so you don't also you don't want real cool the video would be in person we'll do the finale in person where I'm already you know it's like the Elite Four and you're not the fifth Jim we'll do that all right yeah yeah yeah yeah it makes more sense in my yeah yeah yeah what do you what do you have to do before you leave God huh what all you have to do before you leave like before you come here um we just need to vote report that's it I need to reinstall windows gonna back up all my stuff so I can bring it to your house so I can like make sure I have my scenes and then rest of it at yours that's my end I think and maybe clean my house I'm gonna keep my house before I leave so that when I come back it's nice and fresh yeah you don't come back to a mess yeah I definitely get that I got a claim it's not only that but obviously if you like like I've been cooking or whatever I haven't cleaned up a few things and I leave it to for two weeks that's just not a nice thing that you're gonna have all in your place when you get back that and now we don't get bugs over here bro you crazy you know you don't get any no not if you leave food out No really no moving to the UK guys hate bugs I hate him only time I've ever experienced that was my sister left the door open when she was a child when she was a child and left the banana out and like a whole bunch of ants crawled up to get that thing but that was it but that's it that's the only time you don't get like gnats or fruit flies having at NASA yeah in like the summer months but they don't get into the house and comfortable they get in the house here if you leave food out like this I'll find a way I don't ever have that partially I'm I might be like an odd case I always thought this I feel like whenever I speak about like UK stuff I feel like people in the magnet like that from the UK community and they go into the comment section like one of the hell is been talking about I've seen this this happens to you all the time but I yeah ok but it's never happened to me [Music] well count your blessings cuz mugs suck dude I was gonna say our garbage people really sucked one time and they just like didn't come pick up the trash right so we had to like keep it near the door and dude like we accidentally left the door open one time in all these flies we've still been getting them out of the house like we just set traps for them and get them out it's so annoying it's literally they don't do anything it's just a nuisance like it's just annoying to get them out yeah but yeah go ahead and say what you're gonna say hate to see you bite I'm gonna go take on this train no I remember so I remember being in the house we went to church con every words that we were in this house and they were like little ants crawling out of like the outlet I'm almost like yeah if a house isn't built well like the house I'm in now because it these houses in this neighborhood they're not bad for renting yourself I would never really buy one in this neighborhood because they're just kind of thrown up they're literally thrown out that's why they're cheap to rent they're you know they're not bad homes but it's just like it's not like oh yeah I want to live in here forever cuz like they have little cracks and the thing like our railing came out really easily and stuff it's just really kind of cheap stuff which is all right that's you know cheap to live here it's a good place to rent you know for your first home but yeah so like I definitely we have this cracked and if we leave food out there the little ants can crawl in and get inside yeah I feel the same about this house if my landlord is watching please look away but this house is like it's nice it's cozy it's like a little bungalow but I can already see like some of the ceiling like cracking slightly and like looking places and I know that it's like not the best build but it it works for now you know what I mean yeah exactly exactly like this one did our first month here and it was just because somebody literally did something wrong like we had a like a leakage below our shower that ruined our roof downstairs and it leapt into our kitchen they came and fixed it because it mean the landlord fix it we don't to pay anything cuz it's theirs is that it's that problem not yours yeah so luckily though we have to pay anything for but it was so annoying couldn't use our shower for a week like we had to I had to go shower Ryan's at its way to through all our water off and now like we couldn't use a saying nice riots yeah okay see you nerd bye dude it was so funny okay so and you know the ten year anniversary I'm like alright guys we're gonna have 20 people in this house and my house isn't the biggest in the world it's a good size but some of the biggest with that many people and I was like there's a requirement you must shower and I was like yes I'm looking at you Ryan that kid would beat showers he showers for an hour but sometimes they'll come in here and he hasn't showered like three days I I feel like and he's just I'm like Ryan you got to go shower bud you got to go shower poor guy you got you got to we out here she's getting out with this man and this is the first episode right we don't know in like two years time where this videos gonna be at it could be my most watched video suno's hole frightfully potentially like two to three hundred thousand people eventually that King Corphish doesn't shower if like three days sometimes at a time say Ryan please shower just in the comment section okay if you at this point yeah yeah yeah Ryan please dude I will not I don't know thing is right as I've gone older I've Carol s right if he stinks around me i'ma tell him right to his face bro yeah it's okay it's okay I do it too I'm like Ryan bro you got to go put on the odor or shower he's like I have like there's no way Ryan there's no way but go shower right now does he know how to use like a washer well I thought I feel like he does usually I wears the same clothes so they didn't have a washer listen they didn't have oh they have a washer and dryer until Frank moved so the what what Ryan did is every single day he would wake up in the morning and hand wash one shirt with his hand I don't even know how well he did but he would hand wash one shirt and then dry it well I like like hang it up and let it dry and then wear it after he would do get some stuff going he that every day instead of going to like a laundry mat washing her clothes for a month or whatever and then asking you hey can I borrow your washer for like - no he literally yeah he didn't want you to know how to do was talking to the right little Hey Dubuffet you brought this one up but the the washer and dryer but now I think his I think Ryan's family told him how to use a shower or uh but they sure as heck made sure to show me I use a shower before he moved on yeah first he does not know Ryan came to visit when he's 18 or he's 19 now he came to visit and he asked me how to use his debit card like how did you get here how did you actually get here you don't know how to use a debit card he's had it for years he just doesn't know how to use it I love you Ryan but this thing oh you know I love at the start poke one is that they level up so fast yeah it is very nice you know one thing I love is when you get a trade mind in the game like Kenya or Chuck yeah and heart goes and they they get a level whatever not you can't say that Kenya's not a trade pokémon that's a book when you're gonna deliver the mail for a guy and you just let you take the mail off you burn it and that's my book one now bud sorry yo but you know what Eve it's like yo you wanna read this guy's mail completely illegal kids but you want to read this guy's mail alright go go and read the letter don't deliver it and read the guy's mail mind [ __ ] oh my is that straight my stuff you know it is can do that can't do that I can't teach kids stuff like that by the way I am done with the first route congratulations most of us the I wants what your item is it's going to be a master ball I don't think this Lucario has force poem yet so I'm gonna attack him it doesn't okay I didn't think so so that's great grinding for me I just I was trying to be really safe with Sam because he's my good luck charm I gotta make sure I'm okay gotta make sure I'm okay that's good you know your bulbs really early as well I love that hound our I actually did not know that thank you what level did you think he evolved that I don't know 25 30 okay well to me hound I was a lot of pokin that wouldn't evolved into like at least early 30s you know there was like like talk later I call em Croagunk is evolving into toxic Road it's not but I was thinking like 30 like what is it I guess I think and if I remember correctly is 24 25 okay so yeah it's really good that's really good alright I'm gonna just want I mean I didn't even know that but I'm really glad I started growing in the reason I'm not really grounding tyrolia is cuz we get an experience here it's a second gym and then it'll be a lot easier to Train something so like week so that's why I'm not really too focused about that right now especially when I'm trying to get through this route and get a look get a little I had lead in his versus really quick head lead I like like I gotta head lead to you know it'd be funny if you correct me one day and it's actually something we say over here okay that's not one of them but to be fair I just rolled out of bed okay Maddie I'll tell you I tell you what that ain't one of them June you think I'm southern I can't I can't wait for you meet my family my family's not like they debut and they dress and stuff like me like they're not like come on come on nice if you do well they are they sensitive can I take the milk can i what sorry I'm trying to be PG take the mickers like can I make fun of them can you make a joke Oh yet I don't like am I giving back therefore it is alright yeah that'd be fine they don't care my mom makes fun of her voice all the time she's like she she's always like your mother special English mother's love me sorry you was gonna your mama's gonna love me of course she was so sad she didn't meet Vinny last time so you gotta actually come in bits tell her you told her I love you said of all of you said to her Bobby I'm infatuated by mother infatuated by another mam or your marriage a committed marriage time I would always mess with mom about my mom about everything literally all the time my mom was like yeah I doing what you doing I'm like are you just some drugs I'll be home later mom she's like that's not funny Dylan get home and she always asked me my mom always messed with each other no matter what I think my mom has anxiety I confessed my mom too much because like she would want to know like for example when I go to America when I come when I come to America she will want to know when I've landed she will want to know when I've left she'll want to know if I'm okay like you know she's I in this parents my mom I don't see everybody's very anxious about me she she begged me for nine months and raised me so I'm not surprised but and I feel like I'm gonna be the exact same way I'm anxious about me I can't I can't imagine how anxious I'm gonna be about my kid you know my my son or daughter like I am going to be very anxious about I'm gonna be way too protective they're gonna hate me I'm gonna be like dad can I can I jump rope nope you might trip and fall nope can't sit right here in this bubble and enjoy life yeah the school those things they can sit the bubble you push him to school like [Music] dad I've learned to push my bubble by myself no sign you might trip in the bubble and continually roll down that hole let me get you I got you son just completely pushed him down the hall God my kids would hate me if I did that I'm not gonna do that guys I might be a little bit you gonna hurry up you want to catch up with me oh and brother oh man yo he's over there he's like Luke are you done with Dylan yet you lost yet it's my turn it's my turn you can't stop me doc are you dummy oh my god it gets honest win in this game oh my god what yeah he's going to know that it's not stab I know it's not but like I didn't realize I thought doctor I was just kind of a quick exactly Darkrai is literally a thrown away mythical mind it's so unfortunate because it's such a beautiful I love doctor eyes looks but Lambie doesn't get anything it sucks I don't like that about him I hate that for him his only passion is that he got like like shafted like that you know what I mean PG sorry but like you know I mean is that a bad word it's not a bad word but what the word means it's like when you said go bulls deep yeah you can't I definitely think it's worse than that it's not mean they mean the same thing in a sense so I matter water and this I hate I hate burning out of water with I recording a video no you don't bring so high-quality hd ball for me the problem with me is I have like I have a I have a tiny bladder of a small frightened girl okay so out drink water and it falls through me right now I need to pee more than anything I'm good I can hold it like did I can go to the movie theater or whatever and watch like a three hour movie and drink like two sodas or slushies or whatever and be good the whole movie on flight sometimes I can go like eight hours on a flight and I know don't want I mean absolutely fine but then other times I'm just like oh good then like I'm like wait a second you like you you can't use the bathrooms anymore alright okay sir we're having turbulence you can't get off one my leg like four times a site wrapped around and just like no get off this I get off the plane hopping and they're like sir you okay and I was like yeah a great flight thank you it seemed to go one second like okay I gotta go relieve myself okay no no Matt no lucky eggs no no it's the guys guys guys guys guys I made it through the first route on my first attempt thank you thank you it's a new day Luke it's a new day but I'm very happy and proud of you I'm very proud of you let's frickin go what my do let's frigging go all right come on we're gonna go grab here we're gonna go beer I'm gonna get me a lucky guy right here bet hi one day I'm gonna get you're gonna get encounter in them you know yeah might as well you can't even you can't even say well you know it's got its got nothing alright it's got nuts a wolf disc what does he bother just oh it's still nothing it becomes a terrible one to a slightly less terrible Mon you know I'm I don't know I don't know why you're gonna be so rude about it though why are you down me so rude alright well there may be room a but it's like we're like 50 minutes in this absolutely buddy look oh well are we doing - today you don't have time to you I probably don't no no and this is gonna take forever to edit and render because it's like an hour long yeah yeah remind you to wrap up decently soon because this is you're gonna be so bad man and this is gonna take a long time for you to download yeah me go can we leave I don't want to play anymore okay fire me and we're right at the same place - I mean this is pretty even next episodes on my channel you and I you want to inherit rope to him and there's a playlist in the description below so like if you don't like if you get confused and it realized those episodes up whatever just keep an eye on that playlist bookmark that there you go usually say anything else are your bladders just completely taking over your mind I actually feel like I might implode okay Bank yes well I'm in a battle what do you me to do finish to finish the battle Dylan well he did I used I used water gun and it did nothing to this thing if I if if my if my bladder fissures it's your fault well I'm sorry this tentacle apparently claw I'm sorry buddy speed a button no Jian you don't you don't have a CB attempt you're gonna lose a Mon now hysterical like honestly destroying you know I have a lot of potions I'm fine [Music] don't you dare confuse me tentacle don't even think about it bud hey cool get a crit hey John pi it'd be great if you get a crit that'd be awesome Erin there isn't I'm up here all you can sell that a lot of money alright this is where I got you oh I said this but I got you my original diamond playthrough I am really happy for you and I really hope you don't get am you now no I'm not going to be more gonna end this episode off if I could if I could be ever beat this thing you know maybe want some ID I'm a time there you go alright that's done watch it Luke's gonna go P next episodes on my channel hopefully by then he's P find out next time part 2 on my channel make sure you are subscribed to both of us hit that like button hit the belper notifications all that stuff and follow us on twitter just in case there's ever an issue you guys know on trailers and likes it can be done like you did last time it didn't last time to be fair it did do it last time and this is platinum it's a better game even like it's gonna hit 5,000 likes thank you guys so much I'm very excited that we are indeed back Luke it's gonna be here less than a week we're gonna have a live stories we're gonna have in person to platinum episodes it's gonna be a fun time established all this yeah just keep talking while fleeing thank you guys make you all check out Dylan's challenges if you like thank you again and we'll see you guys next time pace [Music]
Channel: GameboyLuke
Views: 172,663
Rating: 4.967669 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon versus, pokemon randomizer, pokemon randomizer versus, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke versus, versus, pokemon platinum versus, pokemon platinum randomizer versus, platinum versus, pokemon platinum, versus pokemon, randomizer versus, pokemon platinum randomizer nuzlocke, pokemon diamond, pokemon pearl, pokemon diamond and pearl, unitedgamer, gameboyluke
Id: JNWg53HgXeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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