How the Worst VALORANT Team Became the Best

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we have the greatest teams in the world here to compete it genuinely doesn't get any better than this this is VCT Champions the global finale of the 2023 valer Champions Tour where 16 of the world's best teams Gather in Los Angeles to battle for the prestigious title of valent world champion after 20 days of fierce Bloodshed between the world's most elite teams only two remain and nobody could have predicted this Titans such as fanatic and loud were absent and on the Grand Final stage stood Evil Geniuses from the America's league and paper wreck from the Pacific League a matchup that nobody expected Evil Geniuses they're the team that got eliminated on day two of locken and started off the season with loss after loss after loss after loss and eventually this happened he's got to win it out now but so difficult so damn hard and it's to 13 Evil Geniuses got 13 OED by loud making history as the first team to get 13 OED out of all International VCT leagues there were rumors that their coach's head was on The Chopping Block after that humiliating loss the community mocked them haters piled on and many even declared EG as the worst team in the league but while Rock Bottom is a death for some teams for EG they used it as a solid foundation to conquer the world oh my God gets another can he get out I don't know that they're going to be expect oh my gosh they have no idea Ethan makes a me out of Le despite the losses and the hate week after week they relentlessly sharpened their skills they started winning towards the latter half of the season and with a stroke of luck thanks to mibr upsetting 100 thieves we're going EEG barely made it to playoffs they kept grinding kept on improving and it's with a third place in the America's League's playoffs contained well by Team Liquid com also G for another attempt to no way in hell second place in BCT Masters Tokyo but the job's not done yet BCT Champions they clawed their way up slaying world class teams along the way and now they stand on the grand final stage this is evil genius's chance to finally silence the haters to go from the worst team in the league to the best in the world this trophy would be the Ultimate Prize to complete 's Underdog run but on the other side of the ring is paper Rex Kings of the Pacific League they're an elite team known for their hyper aggressive creative play style that catch even the most cautious teams off guard yet they have never won an international Trophy and for them their time is running out because Jing one of papere x's beloved core players has his mandatory military service coming up this will be his last year playing as a pro so this year paperex set out to claim an international trophy for Jing both these teams have slay Titans on their way up and now they face off in the grand finals of the most important Tournament of the year the stakes are at an all-time high we enter Lotus the first half end with paperex up 7 to5 now the team swap sides it all comes down to this second half all the best teams in the world leverage stats to gain mindblowing insights to dominate their competition if they're doing it why can't you well you actually can with the help of our sponsor valerant tracker you can Pi a valent tracker as your most trusty companion that for conquering valent rank what I like most about valent tracker is that it's like the Swiss arm knife of stats anything about my stats that I'm curious about down attacker always has the answers one in-depth stats of your latest games match history tab want to see trends for how you've been performing lately Trends tab or maybe you want to see which weapons in maps you're statistically best at balance trackers got that too and all that is only scratching the surface of what balent tracker can do there's a gold mine of insights for you to uncover so download bent tracker today for free using my link in the description below this is the pistol round it's the most important round of each half because the team that wins will gain a huge economic advantage that affects up to the next four rounds paper Rex need this pistol round to secure the lead they got from the first half to bring the series into a map five EG need this pistol win to close the round Gap and potentially become world champions with this map win with so much at stake what pistol STP would both teams pull out EEG opened with a the 131 B main heavy default they want to get B main control and grab the all orb while Astro and Viper passively hold the flanks as for paper Rex they open with a one two2 spread they're heavily leaning towards b and a this round this means that c is weak to hide this fact they're going to turn this deep ashes star they placed into a smoke to secure early seon control now it's up to EG to figure out papere X's setup the barriers drop EG begin walking up B theice sends a sky Flash B main pop the sky flash detects EG but wait even with that info thei instantly rotates a thei sky flash was just to fake presence the sky Flash B the ASTM smoke C this was all a block to make EEG think paperex are heavier towards B and C paperex want EEG to rotate a off all that info right into their a stack but despite getting flashed EG keep their composure they proceed forward Sky flash back their Sky Flash doesn't see anything so they grab the orb but forsaken hears this he immediately Sprints forward and open opens the doors EG post up ready for a scrappy fight but little do they know it's just a lone man by opening that door forsaken's singlehandedly Bluffs that paper wrex are so strong at Sea long to the point where they can confidently open the doors to challenge a be main fight all this to hopefully lure EEG into their a stack but EEG don't see anyone fighting doors they're so confused right now and aside from be main they still basically have no map control towards C and A so they're looking to change that e leave buio to hold the B main space then they regroup C Lobby to take C long control we'll be the one to notice this first and foremost now he's got to run U pinch seong and push forsaken back seong control is eeg's divine Jin start rotating off a and right after grabbing the alt orb EG immediately begin rotating to a this is a macro master class from EG but forsakens like wait guys EG aren't coming in C stay a stay a so the the paper Rex a stack stays up EG are about to run into paper Rex's stacked sight considered Divine Jing's rotation but EG are walking back into the blender right now something nearly caught face check in the wall but 30 seconds left EG have to find a kill yeah they're struggling right now they're just kind of being helped at the door joro off to a quick start but Jing going to stride off forward and chase him away EG running on back may maybe looking towards b as the next option but it's not like mree game watching toward WS this but Boo's gone thee head the flash it didn't pop and he takes the head of mine freak they're going all the way to see boo can cut off the rotations they've been forsaken the sight's going to be theirs for the plant the safety net ino's L pays off for eg a 4v2 now busio will even be healed up no smokes papx have to almost fight here commit to some of these engagements and boo might have just done enough for EEG this round and EEG take the pistol it was looking been very scary for EEG when paperex read eeg's rotate a but when the battle started towards a e saw paper X's Omen blind Sky dog and Rays they instantly realized that paper Rex are stacked a meaning Astra is alone towards the seaside of the map with this info and barely any time left they make the final call to Pivot C Mind Freak knows that EG could be rotating B though so he Ducks back to smoke from B but at this exact moment boo slips through the Gap to find an incredible timing giving him the position to completely disrupt paper X's rotation and when forsaken on see gets swarmed and ran down by EG the rest was history this is a caliber of play from the best teams in the world and this is only the first round EEG open with a 212 default they know paper x might make some kind of aggressive play since they're on a save so EG are just playing back and posting up in pairs to punish any aggression paper x open with a 113 spread they want to aggress a m and take that control the barriers drop it paperex n and smoke a main jamoo spam to the aain wall with his Aries though and it completely stops paper Rex's aggression at the same time towards C Ethan Sky flashes SE long The Flash doesn't detect anyone it gets Bo on the angle forsaken wants info so he jump peeks buto predicted the jump Peak and Snipes down forsaken EG up numbers now in seasight is completely open paper X all begin rotating away from May but EEG called to just chill chill they know that paperex will probably regroup and do some kind of mid-round aggression to get an equalizing pick so EG are just sitting back posted ready to punish the aggression difficult round with just pistols you're not going to see them in a similar sort of look so you know this is probably a 7 seven score line EG know they're really turning those screws making it hurt paper's trying to stack up towards B but I mean look at EG they're waiting for this yeah that continuously we see the anticipation from EG the reads generally have been on point The Flash out not going to amount to too much it's a mass it's an absolute massacre in Middle Devi can't do anymore have they absolutely can't and Demon one mows down paper racks their pistols to no chance against demon 1's Bulldog especially in a long range fight like that EG flawlessly win their anti- EO round but paper Rex are on a full by next round that's when they're looking to strike back paperex are armed with a full buy while e are bonusing with their worst weapons and since e have worst weapons they want to avoid long range fights the closest range fight they can get b main so EG open with the 032 B main heavy default as for paper Rex they have four players a they're going to make sure EG don't take a single step into a main but wait since pck don't have a sentinel that means they're leaving be completely open will EG realize that the barriers drop PX Sky flash rais nade Omen One Way aain buo misses his Marshal shot on something who wi swung aain off rip EG are locked out of aain so they call to speed up their B main take their Sky flash gets nothing so EG safely farmed the all orb but wait paper Rex are already stacked B this was your game plan from the start paper Rex stacked a in the scenario that EG decides to rush a if there isn't an a rush then all the presents they've shown at the start might bait EEG into taking B fast with this read papx decisively pivots back to a b stack and with forsaken playing Mountain SE long papx could pull off a nasty be main pinch but EG heard the A- link door break this means there's going to be at least one or more papx players a link okay what does EEG know right now they saw Sky flash rais n a main they saw something swinging off the util that's three players a they also saw an omen one way now Omen smoke has a travel time the further Omen is from from the smoke the longer it'll take to appear paper Rex's Omen oneway bloomed only 3 seconds into the round the only way a oneway gets to aim that fast is if Omen is either playing b or a so from all this info EG can deduce that papere X have four players aside the a-link door just broke this means those four players are hovering between A and B that means there's only one player C so e called to regroup in NC busu and Ethan start sprinting up C lobby but forsaken here's this don't Island again this makes me I mean he's capable but of course he is forsaken but he's got five against him his teammates are on B he maybe maybe you need some help here someone bail out forsaken please he's trying to stand a fight but there's an Army in his way EG overwhelming they're going to get an upgrade but trying to get quick to a jing tries to deny them slows them down holds him back but he gets broken in on a minute on the board and they've got the sight they should be able to get a plant and with this they can take some space posted through here something lucky to be alive what's he doing the paranoid has gone in he's just standing there J punishes this and now down to two mine freak and DVI need to dig deep the plant's not in they' still got a second to work you can see D trying to have a little look see if he could spot out where Ethan is they're creeping closer there's nowhere safe in this m freak with a huge pick up towards Ethan demon one still standing it's a one V one demon one wins it and EG wins their bonus round pushing ahead now and because EEG won their bonus round paperex is going to be bankrupt next round and EG's economy is about to bossow out of control after last round and the round before and the round before that 4 seconds like okay maybe I need a little bit of help see long so paperex open with a 203 spread they're sticking to their game plan of fighting for a main control but this time forsaken finally has some help C but will it be enough because EG are opening with 3C Lobby it's a CA heavy default but with a little bit of a Twist so far EG have been starting off rounds pretty slow it's time to change it up they call it to ramp up the tempo such a capable team but this is so difficult forsaken again left just so alone he couldn't and Jo runs over Forsaken and Jing paper x starts sprinting over EGR like wait wait chill chill chill no need to rush we have numbers advantage and the better guns let's just group up and hit a sight together so EGC players just post up while demon one and Comm both rotate to regroup C but paper WX aren't second guessing themselves they're all rotated towards the SE side of the map there is going to be yet another battle for C two sers a sheriff in hand difficult really I divy desperately trying to avoid detection but we survive for the time being my FR will fall elsewhere though a formality the paint shell will find it just something left in the 1v5 can he make a miracle happen okay well that's expected I guess EG flawlessly win round 16 paperex call a timeout they need to make adjustments ASAP or else EG may just run away with this game and the championship trophy along with it this half started with papx in the lead and now the tables have turned EG have stolen the lead and if they win this round they'll not only be the first to hit double digit rounds but they'll Force paperex to save the round after from that it's likely that EEG will end up with an 117 lead just two steps away from being crowned world champions paper Rex know this too they cannot let that happen so paperex open with a 311 spread in their timeout they realize that they're not getting much value from their early a control since EG are just going C or B off the start so this round paperex start with three player C and op to solo B and they have Sky solo a so she can flash a m to keep their default a aggression looking the same this is papere X's adaptation but wait EG opened with 4 a main they predicted that paperex are going to adapt by stacking C so to counter that EG called to rush a and it looks like the read is perfect they're about to hit paper X's weak sight the bear drop EEG Asher stck kill Dre mly SE long paper are quaking eyes Glu to see long but there's no one C EEG is lurking up a behind the Viper wall jamoo is one off his raal he Farms the orb papx want more info so they jump be they see nothing but it's too late EG begin their a execute actually divide the solo anchor here show stoer will pave the way divide to close the back door the sight is clear EG realized paperex are playing full retake they plant the spike paper x are all regrouping B are they all going to go through that tiny a link choke that might be really risky they're all about to run right into EG's Crossfire a main but paperex know this they double smoke a main this gives them cover to get out like keep looking this way this could be a disaster but Jing's made it ahead dream here he's trying to play sends a sky flash for Jing J Peaks a link at this exact time break he's done the best in get a two for one trade takes down one and booo can they hold demon one does the damage Slips Away depends on booo but the cross is made and now it's all on demon one and he is looking up to the challenge diffuse started and ain't stopping takes him away but M freak surviv he's got back on it theuse is there and paperex live paper Rex survives this crucial round round 17 goes to paper Rex EG sees that Jing has his razal and they know that Jen usually plays a they're not in the mood to get nuked so e called to open with a 311 seong default and look at this paper Rex also called to open with a 311 spread the exact same setup as the last round remember during their time time out paperex came to the conclusion that holding C at the start is more valuable than wasting utility a so both sides want C long blood is bound to be shed the bearers drop a sky flash SE long papx are posted from sight though so the flash gets nothing J mod jump peaks in case and op rep Peaks he's getting nothing so he starts walking up meanwhile Mind Freak takes out his Omen blind lean towards C now Mind Freak ready try and bail out any pressure on forsaken he's taken the swing and he's taking his life J caught in the jaws of paper X's trap setup forsaken draws first blood but EEG now know that Omen Ray and Astra were C so they immediately rotate a but then they slow down they're like whoa whoo chill guys pipx might be oping here so they Sky dog out to reclear close a main Rex terms of the first Blood here the dog sees nothing but since ich were forced to take it slow too much time has passed EEG have lost their timing to hit a papx already left their C stack and are in the wider spread across the map going a might be a bit too obvious EG are thinking so they called to leave booo aiming to hold that space maybe get a pick with his op while the rest of the team regroups to rehit C to BU Sky Flash's a main The Flash detects booo but Sky Flash doesn't tell paper x exactly how many players of EG are a it could just be a lurker it could be the entire team plus eeg's a players could easily pivot through a link to be so paperex CAU to stay in their one 122 setup but EEG know papere X's line of thought they're even more convinced now that hitting C is the correct car he's got to be so careful these Seekers are a problem he wants out he's going to fall away and respect the sight take he can't hold it on his own well they're invested at the right spot as well because a couple of them go towards waterfall H sorry towards the door com's getting aggressive on this com's playing ahead and that's so smart a deep bit of utility going to make this harder but the show stoer goes above but it's still going to catch Comm but the reveal couldn't make the most of it their demon one this is great from paper x holding this together boosto and Ethan they've got the plum but can they hold the post Ethan staying close overwhelmed jings in there and nowo in a one V5 paper rex runs over EG that was such a chaotic postl from EG basically eegi pop the sky to begin the C execute M freak immediately nopes out and plays for retake C sees the timing to take space c and get a cheeky kill he waits a second then Peaks out of the smoke there's no one there he decides to back off while moling but demon one thought K was going to fight so it tucks deep into the smoke he doesn't realize that the Viper Molly already gave away their forward positioning Jing sees comm's Molly though so he knows EEG is playing close so Jing pops his ra out picks Off K as he's running away the smoke Fades at this exact moment and Demon one gets mowed down aggression gone wrong from EG snowballs into a 5v2 for paper Rex with no reason to be scared Jing flies into Ethan's face and M freak takes down boil to flawlessly close out the round paper X come alive to tie up the score last round paper wreck showed their trap play see long they anticipate that EG are going to be like oh my God paperex are fighting SE long now we got to go a this round so paperex open with three players a ready to fight for a main control they're playing retake on B and they have an OP anchoring C but the read is off EEG opened with four player C long since paperex just showed that they're willing to contest C EJ wanted to fight back with even more more players this time plus booo is two off his kill Dr so EG want that sea long orb the barriers drop e Sky flash ra Satchel up SE long the Astra suck at the choke pushes back something paper Rex's a players immediately begin rotating something activates his jet Dash something he misses the op shot EG farmed the all orb then they dip out they don't want to mess with that op they leave a k turret to hold the seong space in case they want to come back see but big indication the offr is noted here on but something aggresses yet again and breaks the turret EG just instantly lost the seong space they had just seconds ago something's like guys EEG aren't committing C don't over rotate papx are thinking if EEG aren't C then they might be going B so papx stack B meanwhile EG know that they're only one of bu's kill joal so they call to work the B mayor both teams have their eyes on B main yeah EG noting the difference and misreading into it potenti Scout destroyed Pap walking this this there's just going to be a brawl in Middle this is obscene there's a player So Close by papx need to be so careful about this one Joo ready to punish and he does gets Jen down flash to follow they're in danger joro getting hungry for it the HP looking rough for paperex divide down to 5050 forsaken 39 Al there for booo yeah it's invested instantly able to secure bite on the back of this Mind Freak cognizant of the possibility that Comm is here the spike finally making its way onto site it's all about timing He Slipped through could he deny the plan the paranoid is going does he play off the back of this doesn't see on the standard spot but he's going to do some damage take away Ethan chip away but it's still just three and with the operator it's brutal to try and play it J getting aggressive and oh he's just adding bodies to the count joro a leashing fury J is him the unrelenting aggression from jamo pulls EEG ahead EEG up 10 to n paperex open with a 212 spread they realize that EG's been running them down sea long so this round paperex have two player C plus an ashar for a oneway and a star mound to counter jango's fast Mound take this is paper X's response to eeg's fast C default but e are one step ahead there's no one C EEG are opening with 1 B and 4 a they've LED with a fast C defon for the past two rounds now they want to change it up they're going to go fast a this round and they're right back to it look at this Joo pushes something back and Farms the all orb he's now only one off his razal aiming controls eeg's in response M freak smokes off aiming to slow EG down but jamos sneaks into the smoke judge hoping he gets to decide Joo slipping deeper this guy jmo finds a crazy timing and slips into the stair smoke at the same time Ethan sends his dog out it instantly gets spammed down e open the door it's an a split but no one goes in it's just a fake EG break the a length doors Sky Flash in with booy aler the B main e are pivoting to a be split and all this noise creates yet another opening for jamo to take even more space he's feeling the game perfectly and he's so deep on this they have no idea maybe a consideration in mine freak's mind he's turn to take a glance but he's seing a victim it's been called out J oh mine freak gets the trade but is that the Damage Done be looking vulnerable EG take that with both hands M freak saw him and there was no reaction from Jing the spike is down and wait k is leaving B main wait k wants to do a super late flank a main but with paper Rex already closing in on the retake the flank might just come too late can EG stall for that long divide is there it's just been invested by forsake Beacon but can they divide and conquer now Ethan still on the sight going to eat the flash turn in time goes back for more chip damage left chip damage right he's looking to punish this pop flash yes he's got it come there forsaken breaks in overwhelmed paper x they're back on the site it's on demon one and come they already started this up theuse doesn't get to halfway he's been taken away from it forsaken with a second attempt but look who's here you didn't turn around you didn't check behind you and of course the late FL comes through common demon one clutch up the round EG widens the Gap they're up 11 to9 EG are just two rounds away from becoming world champions just two rounds away from completing their Cinderella Saga from starting at the bottom to rising to the top of the world but the job's not done yet they can't let this lead slip away they need to secure match point and paper wxs know this too they cannot afford to give EG match and Championship points they is around papx need to win both tees press tab everyone notices that EEG have the razol online with that in mind papx open with a one 122 spread they have a read that EG are probably going to execute C with the razol paperex don't want to get nuked so they call to play full retake on C but they don't want to give up the site completely for free so forsaken places two Astro stars on site so when Joo Satchel's in with his razal he'll be met with a suck nade combo giving papx the numbers advantage and since paperex are playing retake on C they're stacking heavier towards b and a something wants to show a aggression to lead EG into their C trap so it calls to aggress a to get a quick pick before dashing away this is paper X's game plan but the read is off EEG C to open again with four a main they realize that paperex have changed their game plan to prioritize C so EEG want to abuse that by taking a main control I can start tasting this can papx stop it can they hold anything up jamoo sniped something straight out of the sky paper X have 2 a the rest are rotating B site is open and EEG can feel this and it's a 5v4 joro is tearing EG through this game leading by example now paina goes in fortunately for forsaken gets a second shot at things there but couldn't quite get it ready in time the plant's going to come through and the gap's getting closed Cho again he has traded this time a 3v3 Jing wants in he gets in he takes down Ethan he's got the sight demon one on the trade and now the 2v2 Divi held back he can't get there he has to run get past Comm and he's just not letting him through Comm takes down toi it's on M freak now or it's 12 he's looking for it he's desperate for it can he save Pap for Rex not today 12 on the board EG need one more round you G just one round away from lifting that trophy one round away from claiming the title as the best team in the world this could be the final round of the series so paper WX buy up they're able to squeeze out a fauxy but they can only afford light armor and forsaken only has a guardian paper Rex will be starting this crucial round with a slight Loadout disadvantage but hey it doesn't matter as long as you hit the head am I right sorry with everything on the line paperex called to open with a one 104 spread for a main this is because for the past two rounds EEG have started heavy a and then pivoted to a b hit paperex are like that feels freaking impossible to deal with they realize that losing a main is the only reason EG were allowed to run wild like that so this round paperex are determined to take aiming control for themselves but EG are not a heartbreak for paperex EG open with a 311 SE long long heavy default EG also have Asher Al and Viper Al for post plant retaking will be incredibly difficult for paper Rex this could be it this could be the call that solidifies EEG as world champions the barriers drop paperex Omen blind Sky flash rais n a main C sees all this he's shouting they're fighting a they're fighting a speed up the sea hit toward SE Ethan Sky flashes SE long forsaken responds by popping his Astra smokes wait smokes plural forsaken has a smoke for one way and the second smoke right on top of Mound EG are like what the hell is this they're forced to slow down to work the smoke there so it's forsaken on the other side oh forsaken is using the smoke to hold close if you were to hold seong normally from that spot you would know where to pre- aim since you can get peaked from close and top Mound but with this smoke fora knows exactly where to pre- aim turning this fight into his favor since attackers will have more angles to worry about so he's forsaken on the other side he's trying to take a challenge put down to 25 HP Slips Away towards CT forsaken gets pushed back to playful retake C unleashes his Viper alt and at the same time demon one lurks a be main but something seems aware the supplement VIP spit up the brutality demon one barely misses the kill something in mind freak double up they want to hunt down the lurker meanwhile the rest of papx are grouped and posted CT waiting for EG smoke to fade back be main it seems like demon one was able to slip away so something in mind fre called to go through the door this is so smart this way papx can pinch EG's Viper all they have a vice like grip with the Viper pit set up here the Divide will go up as well cause more problems paper XO they're looking to get aggressive Jing desperate for it he will do everything he can for his side for that one last time that one last round mine freak towards boo they're trying desperately they still need to get towards the spike it's all on demon one in a 1v3 can he do it right here right now diffuse started he can't B X is still alive paperex are not going down just yet and EEG is stopped just only one step before the peak of the mountain but man that was so chaotic sea long littered with smokes Viper alt suffocating everyone on site and yet paper Rex the masters of chaos wipes out EEG on the retake and immediately EEG call a timeout paper Rex just hit double digigit rounds suddenly overtime doesn't feel that far away hope is still alive for paper Rex and EG know this too they know that this is a game that could easily slip away from their hands if their concentration breaks for even a split second they look at their money they don't have enough for a full buy so EEG c a save but they're still able to afford three rifles either way it's not a full buy like what paperex has for EEG this round is going to be an uphill battle during their timeout EG realized that paperex aren't really playing be I mean they don't have a sentinel so if paperex want to heavily contest C there's bound to be an opening B in other words this could be free space to take first so EG opened with a 131 default to take Bain control and farm that all orb as for paper Rex with everything on the line they call to open with a 302 spread they're anticipating that EEG will keep defaulting C since that's what's work for them so paperex set up a trap play seong just like from round 18 but with e prioritizing B and paperex leaving B open this means that there will be no Collision off the start so for this round the mid rounding will be what decides everything the bearers drop papx Sky flash rais nade Astra Sun Omen smoke a man then jigman Divi back off all this utility a m is to bait EG to rotate away and run into the sea trap keep in mind that was E's exact reaction last round but that won't happen again because EG are starting be main this round committed to their game plan they walk a be main they Sky flash a corner flash gets nothing J Farms the orb papx hear the noise be though so they smoke deep sea long and walk out to take the space Mound M freak smokes off deep beam main then purchase look at this forsaken opens the door nothing be main forsaken breaks EG's deep alarm bot beaming control successfully retaken seong pressure established since EG just lost a beam main space the now have zero map control zero options so EEG car to regroup C Lobby they need to retake C long control or else they'll literally have nothing hoping to maybe cost DG a little utility but it's something he's waiting this guy is pick all perfect forsakens want to find it a one for one to retake SE long demon one recau an ash smoke for EGU triple swing but busio gets full spam by forsaken something tries to dash away but he slams right into the wall that unusual mistake shows the immense pressure of this match right now seon controls EG's jmo Farms the all orb Ethan dogs on the SE Jin rotates C in response but at this moment demon one notices that their kill turret is down since busio died during the sea fight there's a gap paperex could be flanking from B he's cing while demon went carefully reclearing B main Joo and Ethan open the B door that's a brilliant response opening the doors threatens a be main pinch if pcks are pushed out and if paper x aren't pushed out B main meaning they have no info there then the doors opening actually fakes a b rotate Ethan sees nothing through the doors demon one sees nothing B Lobby so B main is fully cleared all this noise prompts J to rotate B the V want to figure out what's going on so a sky flashes front B the Deep flash actually detects demon 1 wait this is good EG are saying paperex definitely think we're going B now so EG take this timing and call to rotate and end a mind freak who's alone on a wants more info because he's on a stinger no chance to really press to this side of the map the TP will come through the omo didn't spot EG they're behind their Viper wall as sight remains weak for paper Rex EG start prepping smokes for their execute jamoo Farms the aiming orb then the execute begins again he's going to take towards the that's a little clear we can already see toward drop down Ethan drops a spike for jamo to plant J plants a spike wait his R off online that is absurd Joo started the round with only four alt points he farmed every single alt orb plus planted the spike for his alt to come online in this final hour as jamo was planning forsaken Astra alss wait he's all the way C forsaken War to use the wall to delay they execute but EG are already on site EG see this wall they're screaming ready everyone get on sight but the retake isn't happening yet it's just a buy and drop he's a little ahead of expectation but come on the way he's going to take him down still trying to deeper the paint it it didn't connect he found nothing it's a 3v3 still anyone's game here Jing the next to try and step into the ring Deon one on the other side Ethan's F mine freak is down to two this could be it no one expected us to be here we we went from a team everyone CED is down and out never been a 13 in any of the VCT International leagu but this year has been about Second Chances and we became one of the best teams in the world down to two this could be it another chance for J it's all over EG are your valerant world champions we start it off as a season of misery ends in a season of infamy give it up for your 2023 world champions Evil [Applause] Geniuses
Channel: Airen
Views: 266,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vcCQNesy4iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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