The CRAZIEST Incidents That Happened At School! - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit what was the worst thing somebody did at your school stabbed someone through the hand with a pencil gross but not a huge deal then did it with a knife a few days later - the same kid yep the stabbed kid was kind of an a-hole but of course that doesn't warrant such extreme measures still you'd think he'd be less of an a-hole after the first stabbing [ __ ] like this is why I think climate change is going to be inevitable I mean maybe they were still mad about the way he acted before he was stabbed the first time maybe the other kid didn't think a pencil conveyed the message a teacher was driving through campus had a heart attack and ran some kid over the kid become a paraplegic in the teacher night that sounds like something that would happen on South Park but is actually really really sad poor kid and r.i.p the teacher called in a bomb threat edit was done to get out of a maths test what are the odds this happened at my school to one of the kids called in and they had to evacuate the entire place bomb squad was called in happened many years ago in a conservative country - I would guess it's happened in every country someone started a rumor saying they were going to shoot up the school posted it on different social medias scrawled it in one of the bathrooms told people not to come on a certain day the whole nine yards they came and not only did a ton of people not show up we had police on site for obvious reasons luckily nothing came of it but that was still a serious problem edit bit of clarification similar experience in my school some idiots posted rumors of the drive-by being done at our school during dismissal on a certain day for context the school's pickup zone is basically a semicircle where cars drive by and pick up the students and the students are essentially all lined up around the semicircle in groups and such a lot of people did not show up that day and officers were asked to be there during dismissal to avoid anything happening a similar thing happened where people were also speeding rumours of gangs going to fight it out in such wait did you start the rumor god no some idiot thought they was cool by doing it I don't even know the person's name but how school rarely had anything major occur so news of it spread like wildfire it was definitely the sky I can confirm and his mouth accidentally set our girl's bathroom on fire what on earth happened that caused the bathroom to get set on fire toilet paper was strewn across the bathroom stalls to see if you lit one end with the flame continously stay lit or drop off it did in fact stay lit wouldn't the paper just burn out though there's not much in a bathroom to set on fire tiled floors ceramics mirrors the toilet paper did burn out but they kept lighting it apparently the janitor walks in while they were doing it every bit of clarification makes it look less and less accidental had a kid put weed in the vents and then try to sell a fake bomb for five dollars he's in jail now aren't you supposed to do it the other way around sell fake weed for five dollars and put a bomb in the vents you put the kid in the vent sell a fake bomb and then weed somebody brought some sort of contraption to school that was thought to be a pipe bomb if I recall correctly it wasn't so the school made us evacuate then the school searched the students car and found hunting Gardens we were forced further away from school and they had to call in Swat the guy that did it got expelled and was in so much trouble with the law I don't think he meant to do anything it just looked really bad I'm glad I graduated in 98 if they arrested all the kids at my school that went hunting on the weekends and brought the guns to school of their truck racks there won't be many students left I did grow up in southern gather in elementary school we had this school president election thing in the auditorium each candidate had their cabinet of people and they went on stage to perform a little skit talent show whatever well this one kid I think his name was Cody or Corey had planned a disturbing display the stage was a bathroom sink and a cup of water a kid would come out in his pajamas endorse the candidate gargle the water then spit it back into the cap the next would come out and repeat the process with that same cup causing audible groans from students and teachers this happened four or five times with different students until the water was bubbly and discolored with saliva then the candidate finally came out but instead of spitting it back out he downed the whole thing the auditorium went nuts to this day I don't know if it was some sort of gag or trick but I'll never forget how it made me suffer so weird glad I kept scrolling at my high school there was a short cut from one side of the building to the other side that went over the roof at four stories up and just below the short cut was the entrance a guy that had been extremely bullied decide to jump from up the roof in a suicide attempt to school got cancelled for a week he did survive that he didn't come back he changed schools if someone survived a suicide attempt I wonder if at the moment they would feel relieved or disappointed but apparently people who have survived jumping off the Golden State Bridge have regretted it 3 stroke 4 s of the way down three kids murdered another kid over a pair of shoes all the other kids and their Pumped Up Kicks I have to ask what what shoes exactly la lights oh my dark what seriously how did the parents of all four kids feel after this how did the three kids feel about it the three boys got life in prison so I am sure the parents are not all that happy at the moment there was the kid who would write bomb threats on the bathroom wall he did that about five six times before they caught him every time they had to evac the school and send in police to search costed my city a ton of money never would have expected the kid that did it either how did they catch him they put cameras in the bathrooms of course for those curious about this kids really need to stop taking their phones everywhere with them about once or twice a year we have kids scrolling racism on the walls at our school we work in an old brick and mortar building that transmits signals for ship which means we have to have Wi-Fi access points out the wazoo generally we can pinpoint who wrote it down to a relatively narrow time period you might think you're smart putting your hoodie on so cameras don't catch your face entering exiting but you don't realize your phone is hopping between access points during your entire trip to the bathroom and that's how we nail you tracking your route through the building big brother is watching we told you to put your phone away but no you wouldn't believe us honestly row Jeremy and Angie had sex in the baptismal font also the math teacher raped the youth pastor's daughter like 400 times on the school bus how did people notice so late well I'd guess the font is tucked away in well-hidden plus it's probably dark there acted like they had a secret to tell and then burp in the person's ear they're probably in juvie by now that's a messed up ship worst one so far a student was caught masturbating in the library he had to change schools edit I forgot that someone turned on all the natural gas valves in the chemistry lab and left that could have ended badly dude literally same thing happened for the first one but was back in sixth grade a guy's brought a whole tray of pot brownies to class the teacher took one look and said well are you going to share with the class fearing that he will get caught for acting strange he ended up giving brownies to everyone all of them got to go home early and the guy got a few days suspension I do not condone drugging unsuspecting people but my personal favorite part is when he was asked to share he denied at first implying that he was going to eat a whole tray of pot brownies by himself while trying to solve math problems someone falsely reported a shooting at my school was going to happen on the coming Monday over the weekend two kids homes were searched small town so everyone knew posts were made on Facebook and about 80% of the school did not attend on the following Monday students slowly began to trickle back into coming to school by the time the next Friday rolled around one of the boys switched to homeschooling afterwards actually a fairly nice guy sad to see it happened this guy was jerking off in the middle of class and after he was done he wiped his jizz all over some girl's arm he was expelled shortly after what was he supposed to do bring his own napkins or something if you lie on your back you can aim it into your mouth that way the cleanup is easy some kid drank water mixed with cough syrup got sent to ISS did it again while in ISS sent to the International Space Station that's quite a punishment a fight spilled into my classroom the two students began fighting each other somewhere in the hole before somehow opening the door to my class mid-fight the room was not a normal classroom it was meant for tech design classes and had lots of computers in it around the walls the two students continued to hit each other admittedly not very well both parties were inexperienced and missed most of the time and ended up backing onto the desktop computer in front of me I quickly got out of there to avoid being caught in the crossfire they rolled along the desk knocking every computer on its side or off the desk my poor four-foot nothing teacher a very soft-spoken woman was desperately trying to contain the situation then the students began moving back towards the door arms and legs still flailing out the door they went followed by my teacher quickly closing the door behind them both students were suspended the computers were damaged and some had to be replaced I knew both of the students involved and they were both really shifty people had no sympathy for either of them and when I wasn't staring in disbelief I was laughing my ass off I'm hesitating between when two students took a bunch of sleeping pills passed out in class and almost died or appeared fighting a middle school history teacher because she tried to expel him from class lol WTF kind of school you in lo mayo private Catholic boarding school in France some of the kids were spoiled ill-mannered brats they all were coming from rich families and did [ __ ] like that all the time I remember one time a kid playing chess was being bullied up to the point he pissed his pants he had to change school because everybody was making fun of him why do people find pleasure and stuff like that I was one of three girls in the welding class whatever I was grinding a piece of metal to practice a weld when the metal was bright red some guy came up behind me and pulled my shirt down instinct said cover your tits and I did with the red-hot steel in my gloved hands I gave myself a second-degree burn on my tit because of that kid my friend said it was my fault it blistered immediately and I was so pissed I peeled a blistered skin off and flicked it at him if he cried like a baby your friends are a-holes they aren't my friends anymore burn down the town library flushed his life down the toilet I knew his face and we had friends in common LA Times comlink edit sorry I read it as what's the worst thing someone at your school did but people may still find it interesting the day I was sick and didn't go to school apparently my weight class decided they were gonna get the class bully back waited till he went to benchpress trapped him by pushing the bar down and every guy that put their BIC on his face he never came back to school after that yet I've seen that porn I remember that in elementary middle school there was one class of 20 or so students all of them bullying a classmate thing ended up on the Internet and a lot of people were suspended but I am also going to say that the kid that got bullied also deserved some sort of punishment the reason why the whole class turned on him was because he was a walking a-hole he was manipulative and turned people against each other multiple times things really escalated when he told the parents of a kid that was in the closet that their daughter was gay after that everyone kinda realized what he had been doing he also tried bullying me a few times because of some health problems I have but I just acted like I didn't care and he got bored and stopped didn't wear his seat belt and hit black ice he survived but suffered a turmeric brain injury he went from one of the smartest funniest and kind people I've ever known to an angry at life and himself person who had trouble communicating with everyone even after years of recovery he would still have bursts of anger at himself over it he tried so hard to get back to what he was before with help and a tremendous effort from friends and family he kept going he even got back to smiling and being friendly with everyone again but the strain of everyday life took its toll on him he passed away about five years after graduation I still think about him though it's been 20 years since I saw him he wasn't drunk driving he was a great kid I swore he'd been on television with his timing and physical comedy I don't say it out loud but he's why I am so admit that everyone buckles up before my car moves I've read turmeric is good for your brain hooray for autocorrect and insomnia looks like I should have some traumatic smartest didn't wear a seat belt something isin't adding up off smart equals equals common sense my dad is the smartest person I know but he does stupid [ __ ] like this all the time I guess I should have said intelligent he could preform difficult math equations mentally and was a constant lead actor in school plays he also had a band that was popular around the school at the time I envied him but liked hanging out with him after the wreck he lost pushed away a lot of people I was a dumb teen and socially awkward I'm not proud of it but I couldn't bring myself to get close to him again athletics director put cameras in the girls locker room and allegedly made some moves on some of them it was middle school Jesus ducking Christ when I was a freshman in high school I found out I had non-hodgkins lymphoma for which I had to undergo a very intense almost two-year chemotherapy treatment and no one of the school cared at all I didn't even get a damn get-well card from anyone in fact they tried to tell me I wouldn't be able to graduate since I only had one year off pay we had to do two years I was under the impression rehabilitating myself from being wheelchair-bound counted as a year of pay but they wanted to argue I was also regularly bullied by people who wanted to make fun of me for not being able to run a mile I have a problem with mile still but it was worse than and having short hair from the chemotherapy in contrast senior year a popular boy found out he had a brain tumor and all they did was just operate and take out the tumor the school held a ducting mandatory assembly and told everyone to wear purple because that was his favorite color and that's the evilest thing i ever encountered at school the student leader of the diversity Club wrote racist death threats towards every black student at the school including himself on a bathroom stall in an attempt to draw attention to the issue of racism at the school school was closed police were involved it was in the news act the drama went on for weeks before a family member of the student turned them in to the police for it he was the one leading rallies and really being the frontman for the anti racism movement in front of the whole school throughout the entire proceedings it was surreal looking back lo you made it to the end you're ducking beasts thanks for watching mate make sure to smash that like button and subscribe for more high quality content
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Id: NbPFDcwnqww
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Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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