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[Music] no no no no no no no no no no [Applause] [Music] over here [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well hey guys it's so great to have you tonight on friday night live uh we're excited about what god has what we're going to be doing tonight we're going to be talking about waiting up on the lord and when i that you know that may sound like kind of boring but no you don't understand the power to wait and the right way to wait actually brings your breakthrough to you okay it actually it causes the breakthrough of the lord to come if you don't know how to wait if you don't know how to engage yourself in those periods you can completely miss what god has for you so we're going to learn tonight how to wait effectively we're all familiar with the scripture in isaiah 40 wait upon the lord he'll renew your strength you'll mount them with wings as eagles you're running not beware you're walking not faint but there's power and there's understanding and knowing how to wait so we're going to be dealing with that tonight and we are so glad that you are with us because i believe it's going to we're going to get rightly postured to come into the breakthrough and into the fullness of everything jesus has for us you know i said to the lord many years ago i said god i don't want just the touch i want the fullness it's good to get touched but listen a touch can be only a beginning spot god actually wants to bring us into full manifestation of breakthrough so that we can see the fullness of what he has for us began to be revealed in our life so so i want you to get ready i believe faith is going to come up in your heart and this is going to be a dynamic broadcast a dynamic time and i'm excited about bringing that word now before we go into a time of worship because we always worship because we want to set our hearts toward the lord worship brings us in tune with heaven okay so we're going to enter into a time of worship before we do i've got i always kind of tell you about some things but i've got some really really important things because of the strategic season that we are in okay what i'm about to announce to you uh is really really important that you grab hold of this and i don't know whether we have slides to come up or not but it doesn't matter i want you to to be aware of this first of all this coming sunday obviously 11 a.m central standard time is going to be radiant church so we always i always encourage you to be a part of that okay come online if you don't have a local congregation become a part of radiant church by going to radiatechurch.world and registering and filling out the digital connect card so that you get all the benefits of being a part of that congregation which includes being able to view our wednesday night services where i am teaching on the court of heaven and helping people understand those concepts but in addition to that sunday night we're going to be doing a sunday night gathering on site and online for radiant church only so if you're not a part of radiant church i really do need for you to go to radiatechurch.world and fill out the digital connect card because sunday night i am going to be doing a special gathering of radiant church both on site and online and it is dealing with uh some issues in the spirit world over waco texas but over other regions and i'm going to be teaching and sharing how watch this how we take away the armor of the strong man in other words the principalities and powers at rural regions how we take away that armor so that he can be defeated and the bible says we will then def divide the spoil in other words the all the things that the enemy has been holding back all the things that he has had in captivity it comes free so it can begin to come into our life so i really really want you to be a part of that now you say well why are you doing that because this is in preparation for the next thing and this is where we're actually going we on monday evening at 8 30 central standard time i am going to be doing a special gathering of gpac a house of prayer for the nations and of which you are a part on this broadcast i am going to be doing a special gathering of that for us to go into the courts of heaven in regards to the case that texas and other other states are presenting to the supreme court to deal with the election fraud and to set things in order for ultimately donald trump to be reset and re-seated as the president of the united states of america now you need to understand i actually did uh something uh or we did something prior to this whole case coming before the supreme court and i'll get into that more uh uh tomorrow night and then monday but i want you to online listen i want you online on monday night to be a part of this we're going to be streaming on all our platforms on monday night at 8 30 central standard time and so i really really really want to encourage you to plan on being a part of that now there is just one other thing i'll mention to you what i'm just making announcements uh on j on january 8th and 9th and 10th which is a friday a saturday and a sunday we are going to be having a very special gathering and conference here in waco texas on site but it will be online but we are coming together before the courts of heaven and we are going to be decreeing and declaring the future that god has for 2021. we're going to be shaking free from all the stuff of 2020 and we are going to be declaring and decreeing and announcing and pronouncing literally the destiny and the purpose and what life is to be in 2021 in our lives in america in the nations of the earth so i'm just putting that out there i want you to be aware of it we're going to start putting out uh uh promotions all that kind of thing so that you'll know what's going on so that perhaps you can get registered and come and be a part on site and if not at least online okay so it's going to be a very powerful time they're going to be other people other than me but we're going to step into the courts of heaven and we're going to deal with these issues so that we can move full speed into 2021 and see god's purpose is done okay so we've got a lot of stuff going on and i want you to be a part of all of it now i'm going to pray we're going to ask the worship team to come and we are going to step or we're going to begin to teach and minister today on waiting on the lord so father thank you for your presence and for your grace over us i dedicate this time today to you i dedicate this service and i pray that that we as your people will be mightily and dynamically stirred lord lord that your grace and your glory would come and that you would teach us how to effectively wait so that we can from that posture and from that place move in to the destiny and the future and the blessing and the breakthrough that you lord have for us we thank you for this i thank you that you're doing this lord and we're excited about the days that we live in we're excited about that which you're doing and that your divine purposes will be to thank you for letting us be a part of your house of your church of your ecclesia of seeing your purposes done we thank you for that and we commit this to you in jesus name amen so let's join mike and nicole let's worship together and then i'm going to come back and declare the word lord bless you [Music] do so my so this now please so [Music] stuff [Music] so so is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] is do [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] is [Music] and we declare lord that you do reign above everything you reign above everything lord you are the lord you are the king you are reigned lord even in our nation here in america and over the nations of the earth over all the different places where people view from we declare that you reign you reign over our governments you reign over our systems you reign over every circumstance over everything we thank you that you are the god that reigns you are the god that reigns and we come to submit ourselves to you your word says it will submit ourselves to you we'll resist the devil he'll flee from us we thank you for that now lord we want to ask that you would bless your word in the time today we would ask for the anointing of your presence that would just come that would empower us and strengthen us lord to help us minister even as we ought but we just we just humble our hearts before you we thank you for the kindness and the goodness anointing of god i pray go forth and break every yoke break every yoke over the life of your people and let everyone be made free and be made strong you know what i just saw in my spirit and heard in my heart the story where jesus sent his two disciples to go find the donkey and the colts the bible says that he was going to ride into jerusalem and when he found him one of the one of the places it says that he found them tied at a place where two ways met and many times the lord has spoken to me and he has said many of my people are tied at a place of indecision and there's someone that are watching me right now and you're tied at a place of indecision maybe you're actually trying to decide whether you're going to fully obey god or not i just want to declare to you faith and courage to fully obey just to take that step just to do whatever it is he's telling you to do that no longer will you be tied at a place of indecision no longer will you halt between two opinions but i say that even now you're being freed to fully to fully obey him and to set your heart toward it but then there's others and you're actually tied you're trying to make a decision maybe it's about a job maybe it's about a a place to live or a house to buy or or whatever it might be your maybe it's about should i should should i marry this person it's like it's like big issues and you're tired at the place of indecision and and even that place is a place of fear it's a place of apprehension because you so don't want to miss who the lord is or what he has what i just declared to you complete and total wisdom i say watch this according to what paul said to peter or excuse me paul said to timothy he said that god has not given us the spirit of fear that which would come and bind us but literally of of of love and power and of a sound mind i decree that you have a sound mind to make right decisions and i say that you are untied from that place of indecision that place where two ways met and i say that you are freed to move into into the direction and into the ways that god has for you to move and i just declare that over you and speak the peace of god upon you right now because lord i thank you that you love us as your people so much and i free your people from the burden of indecision and i unlock them to move into the right ways that you have for them in jesus name amen amen well bless you guys and thank you mike and nicole for just ministering in worship and uh and there we're going to talk about waiting on the lord today i listen none of us like to wait for the most part we don't like waiting i mean we want something and we want it now uh it's kind of built into us for most of us it's actually built into our culture we're used to you know quick quick fixes and quick food and quick everything but but there are times where god gives us promises god gives us words and and we know we have an understanding of the destiny and the purpose and the thing that we're supposed to be stepping into but it looks like it's a far off or or maybe even when we heard the word we thought well this is going to happen it's going to happen immediately but we find out later that there was a process that god was going to take us through to get us ready to enter the promises and enter the purposes and enter the the fulfillment of that which god said and and so that's called a period of waiting on the lord so we're going to talk about this we're going to talk about this today and how that waiting on the lord gets us in the right position to step in you know lance swall now a friend of mine he actually uh i i suppose he still does he talked about and still talks about the point of converge a convergence in other words where everything in our history both good and bad converges together to our actual divine purpose see this happened in joseph's life joseph had his fathers and his brothers and his mother and everybody would bow down to worship but he would find himself in a position where that would where that would happen but joseph went through some very perilous treacherous places where that he was sold into slavery he became uh the servant and part of his house he was accused of you know stuff with part of his wife he ended up in jail all these kind of things but then when it was all said and done everything converged together for him to become the prime minister of egypt and that's when his his brothers and his father and his mother and everybody came and god used joseph the bible said as a preserver of life to save the budding nation of israel that the messiah messiah would come from but but he went through this this this time this place uh in god that where preparation and much of it would have looked like it was just hardship it was unfair it was unjust but god was using every bit of it both the good and the bad to prepare joseph so that when he took his position as the prime minister of egypt he was now fully prepared to operate in that place of destiny and purpose but there was a i think it was 13 13-year waiting process that god took him through so i need you to know if you feel like you're in a place where nothing's happening or even bad things are happening please hear what i'm about to say to you know that god is a great redeemer he's not the author of everything that happens but he is the redeemer of everything that happens that he comes and redeems all things and he will use things to prepare us to get us ready for the destiny and the purpose that god has for us now that means we have to learn how to do what the bible says wait on the lord and we're going to get into this so look in isaiah chapter 40 verse 27 through 31 it says why do you say o jacob and speak o israel notice what they're saying this is their attitude this is their perception my way is hidden from the lord and watch this and my just claim it literally says my right judgment or the verdict i should have gotten that's that's what it says in the in the hebrew the verdict i should have gotten is passed over by my god in other words god has not been the righteous judge in my situation those of you that know my teaching on the court of heaven this really does apply sometimes we feel like that god is just not rendering right judgments right decisions in our behalf this is what this is what israel is saying he said my way is hidden god doesn't seem to care god doesn't even seem to take notice that i'm alive everything's against me and my just claim the thing i have presented before him in the courts he said it's passed over god's not rendering right judgments for me so that's their complaint against god they're actually bringing this complaint against god as the righteous judge now we maybe we're not so bold as to do that but that can be our attitude sometimes in the waiting period if we're not careful so here's what he says have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth he neither faints nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable and so in other words his wisdom as romans says is past finding out his ways are past finding out he said don't think for a moment god is not aware of you don't think for a moment he doesn't know what's going on that's not the case here he says he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength and even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall in other words those who have their confidence in their own ability in their own strength in their own power he said they're going to come to the end of that he said god's going to let that vanish he's going to let that that vapor just pass away and then it says this but but those who wait on the lord and that means to be entwined together those who are entwined in the lord those who are in intimacy with him in the process of waiting it says shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint so god is literally saying that when you wait on the lord there is a supernatural empowerment that comes and that before it is all said and done you will mount up with wings like eagles you will run and not be where you will walk and not faint not only in your own personal uh uh being but in your journey in god in your and you're moving into that which god has that the waiting on the lord will ultimately bring you to the place ordained for you by god that it's not fruitless and it's not pointless that there is a destination in the journey of waiting on god so we want to learn somewhat what this means today we're going to get in to this whole whole issue so there are times all of us there are times when we feel as if the answer or what we were waiting on should have already happened should have already come and if we don't know how to wait and what i mean by that is biblically weight not not just twiddling our thumbs because you need to remember jesus himself is sitting at the right hand of the father waiting now watch waiting doesn't mean inactivity waiting is not crossing my arms and saying well i wish god would hurry up no waiting listen when you wait correctly you are engaged when you wait correctly you are in faith when you wait correctly you are not spiritually inactive jesus is waiting but guess what he's doing while he's waiting he's the head of the church he's the intercessor he's the high priest he's the mediator of the new covenant i mean jesus is so many things right now in his resurrected position and place in heaven while he is waiting he is very busy see waiting doesn't mean i'm not doing anything and because if you are quote unquote waiting and you're not doing something your waiting's not going to produce anything biblical waiting means you are spiritually active it means you are spiritually engaged and that you are pressing and that you are pushing and that all the time you are waiting you are a part of the process of seeing the promise come into reality that's biblical waiting that i am a part of the process of of the of the promise coming into reality if if that is where i am then i am in a position of biblical waiting but if i have just crossed my arms and adopted the attitude well if god wants me to have it he'll give it to me you're going to get nothing the bible says a double-minded man will get nothing from the lord he'll get nothing from god so you can't have that posture you have to always be this this one that is aggressive in the spirit world and you are pressing in the process of your waiting you are pressing you are engaged and you realize that in waiting you are a part of the process and that when you are engaged you're actually step by step moving closer to that place where god's going to bring about his divine purposes okay let me give you another scripture galatians 6 7-9 do not be deceived god is not mocked for whatever a man sows that he will also reap how many you know when you sow a seed when a farmer sows a seed there is always a waiting process a waiting time between the seed being sown and the harvest coming we're going to see that later in just a moment for he who sows to his flesh will of his flesh reap corruption but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life and then it says this let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart so so notice what he's saying he said don't grow weary don't quit don't stop because if you stop please if you stop in the process of waiting for the harvest you could lose your harvest you could lose your harvest see i remember hearing the lady we had a lady in our ministry years ago that taught women from all over the city and she would tell these women whenever they wanted to give up on their marriage she would tell these ladies that some of them in difficult marriages and all that this is what she was telling say look you've been sewing for years into that man you've been you've been being a loving wife a caring spouse you've been sowing for years into that man here's what she would tell them don't lose heart and give up and divorce him and let some other woman get your harvest now that sounds cold but that's true this is what happens so often people give up on their marriages or on anything and the and the lady would tell them look you have sown and sown and sown why would you lose heart now and give up and then let that man marry somebody else and some other woman get the harvest you actually sewed for and i thought what a powerful practical word into a situation now i'm not saying there's never a time you know for divorce because there are i believe there are biblical reasons for that but the woman was challenging these women not to lose their their harvest because they got weary of waiting for the promise to come to pass and to materialize and that applies in any area do you know that we can have sown we could have sown we could have sown and then we give up and quit and we actually lose the harvest that's what galatians 6 9 is telling us don't grow weary and well doing for in due season you'll watch this you'll reap if you don't lose heart if you don't turn it literally means to turn coward and quit listen don't stop you've got too much invested you got too much seed in the ground in whatever situation to give up and quit okay listen you got to be like a good farmer that keeps on waiting persisting being in faith because the bible is sure if i will not lose heart i will reap i will reap in due season what a powerful word what a powerful word that we need to hear that god is faithful he said literally he will not be mocked listen the principle i've just shown you right there it says if that principle doesn't work then that means god's not god because god will not be mocked if we have sown seed into a situation good seed into a good ground we will we will reap a harvest first peter 1 13 says this it says therefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and rest your hope fully upon the graces to be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ one verse says hope to the end hopefully your hope to the end in other words be committed that regardless of what happens i'm going to stay connected to this and i am going to get the fullness of my harvest that god intended for me i mean it's like it's like the the psalmist or the or actually the habakkuk said he said though this fell and this fell and this fell he said i'm not going to give up i will not give up on who god is i will see the fullness of the promise come to pass because i am committed to to seeing this thing completely through so as i've already said there are biblical there's a biblical concept the biblical mindset that concerns waiting jesus is waiting he's spiritually active now watch it until every enemy be made his footstool because he is confident watch this you understand he's waiting for us to accomplish the purposes of bringing every enemy underneath his footstool as his church why he is confident of his grace and of the power of his spirit in us to get the job done he knows that ultimately it will be done it will be accomplished now let me give you some keys to waiting number one waiting on the lord keeps us while we're waiting it keeps us from transgression see if you're really waiting on the lord if your hope is really in the lord if your vision is real you're going to stay out of transgression that's what it says psalms 25 2-3 i want to move through some of these pretty quick psalms 25 2-3 oh my god i trusted you let me not be ashamed let my let not my enemies triumph over me indeed let no one who waits on you be ashamed let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without a cause so he says look he said let those who have their hope in you that are waiting on don't let us be ashamed but let the ones who are giving up on you and are now dealing treacherously that are stepping over into sin and misbehaving and mistreating others because that's what the word treacherous actually means he said let them be ashamed but let those of us that are staying away from that let us not be ashamed because we are ordering our steps according to your right order because we have a hope and a confidence in you and we are waiting on you see when we wait on god it keeps us in the straight and now when we're really biblically waiting when our heart is alive with the promises of god when there is a spark in our heart that causes the life of god to be in us i'm here to tell you we will see the fullness of his promise come to pass and we will be able to stay on the straight and the narrow see the bible says says straight is the way and narrow is the way that leads to life but the but the way that leads to destruction is broad listen god when we're really waiting when our when our hope is really in god we will resist every temptation every spirit of disillusionment every spirit of discouragement we will push it away and we will keep our eyes focused straight on the promise of god number two the power to wait comes from being taught of the lord psalms 25 verse 5 lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the god of myself salvation on you i wait all the day so listen one of the things that that helps me wait one of the things that helps me stay true and faithful because that's what you do when you're waiting you stay true and faithful that doesn't mean you don't mess up or whatever just but it does it means if you do you get up dust yourself off and go again now watch this he says he says the psalmist said david said he said i'm waiting on you all today because your spirit is teaching me it's leading me in the way of truth listen one of the things that keeps me waiting is fresh revelation coming to me fresh revelation stirring in my heart i mean just like last night i dreamed all night long i'm going to actually teach on this sunday morning that i mean a word that i don't even think about out of psalms 29 the voice of the lord divides the flames and i'm going to teach on that that that word was resonating in my spirit oh last night when i was sleeping not because i've recently read it but because it's revelation and god saying i'm because the word divide there means to hew out of flame and the flames according to hebrews is the is the ministers of god god says i am hewing out those who are my ministers and this word but what it was a fresh word in my spirit and i woke up and i went as i began to look at it i began trying to discern what god was saying life began to come and any i didn't have any really but any discouragement that i would have had vanished away because the word of god the preceding word of god was in my spirit why because i'm being taught by the lord he's teaching me he's teaching me therefore i wait on him all day long i don't give up i've got life in my spirit you've got life in your spirit so so let that light that's in your spirit empower you to wait number three don't look at evil doers success now this could be a big one psalms 37 7 it says rest in the lord okay so so resting in the lord listen resting in the lord again is not inactivity it is a posture of activity in faith knowing god's faithful not trying to produce something out of our own strength but knowing that the word of god is true and it will come to pass so he says rest in the lord wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his ways because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass so so the psalmist is warning us if i get my eyes off the lord and on to those who seem to be prospering the evil ones that seem to be pregnant sometimes it looks like that that the evil are prospering it says don't fret the word fret means to blaze or to glo glow up and when you really look at what it means it's like it's like you start getting angry because there's injustice why should they be prospering when they're not even serving god and i am why should they be plugged and all of a sudden you start getting angry well that can eventually lead you to say well what's the use of serving god i'll go over and do what they're doing because they seem to be prospering anyway the bible says don't fret because of evildoers now that's listen that's a that's a hard word for someone because some of the stuff that's going on in our world it's like why or is god allowing this where is the justice of god where is the righteous vindication of god why is he letting this happen see that attitude can actually pull me out of a waiting posture and i have to be really careful that in the midst of that i keep my heart resting in god and knowing that even in the midst of what seems to be injustice god is in charge and that if i will stay connected to him sooner or later you've got to hear this sooner or later the vindication of god will come rest in the lord wait patiently for him and don't let your anger toward evildoers become so hot that it actually detours us from what god has to be and i'm watching this i'm watching people more con more consumed with what evil doers are doing than they are keeping their eyes on jesus we've got to keep our eyes on jesus and rest in the lord and wait patiently for him number four waiting on the lord brings sure breakthrough waiting on the lord brings sure breakthrough when we're in that right posture it's going to bring a breakthrough psalm 37 34-37 he says wait on the lord and keep his way and he shall exalt you to inherit the land he said if you're waiting on him and you're walking in his ways in other words you haven't just fall unfold your arms or you're say you're waiting on him but you're sinning he said listen they'll do that he said he said keep his way and he shall exalt you to inherit the land when the wicked are cut off you will see it i have seen the wicked in great power and spreading himself like a native green tree in other words he seemed to be flourishing yet he passed away and behold he was no more indeed i sought him but i could not he could not be found mark the blameless man observe the other right for the future of that man is peace see in other words give the process time to work give the process time to fully manifest because listen if you wait long enough you will see that which is against god you will see it come to nothing and vanish away and you will see the ones that have their heart set on the lord come into the full breakthrough that god has for them it will happen it will happen but you have to wait you have to and you we have to we have to have that position of faith that keeps on believing number five waiting empowers prayers waiting in power's prayers psalm 40 1-2 i waited patiently on the lord he inclined to me and he heard my cry so that means that that that as i'm waiting on god i'm crying out to the lord and the bible says that because i'm in a posture of faith believing god and waiting he's going to hear me when i cry and he brought me up out of a horrible pit out of mary clay and he set my feet up on a rock and he established my past so my waiting actually empowered my prayers to bring me out of a horrible pit set my feet up on a solid rock and establish my goings into the destinies that god has for me but it all came because out of my waiting my prayers were empowered listen god knows the prayers of those who are coming out of a correct waiting heart that is full of faith and says god i believe you number six i'm gonna give you eight total the eighth one i don't have on the slides but this but but you gotta hurt the lord actually spoken to me uh afterwards but number six confidence in his goodness is a part of waiting psalms 27 13-14 and i love i pray this this scripture so often it says i would have lost heart unless i had believed that david said i would have given up unless i had believed what did he believe that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait i say on the lord in other words keep believing keep believing he said be like the psalmist he said i would have lost heart i would have given up i would have quit i would have cast it in unless i had believed that i would have seen the goodness of the lord in the land of the living listen i pray that over myself over my family over the ministry i say lord i believe that i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i believe i will eat of the goodness and the fatness of the land i believe that i will come in to everything you have ordained me to come into that we shall see god's goodness in the land of the living so therefore out of that persuasion out of that faith out of that believing that that is the future god has for me watch this i wait on the lord i wait on you i do not give up on you lord i do not say i don't trust you anymore i say lord you are faithful your character is faithful your character is true you will not fail me i will not give up i will persevere i will endure i will press i will be patient i will keep pushing until i see the fulfillment of every word that you have spoken see this is what happened when they went into the land the bible says that every word that god spoke was fulfilled even in the days of samuel the bible says god let none of his words fall to the ground everything came to pass everything came to pass i'm here to tell you god will not let the words he has spoken to us he will not let them fail but if we will wait if we will persevere if we will stay engaged in the realm of the spirit and keep believing and keep ordering our our life and keep ordering our conversation according to that which god has said watch we will see the fulfillment of the lord it will come to pass let me give you the number seven waiting empowers i love this our case in his courts now i teach on the courts of heaven how to go into the courts and present our case but you got to understand when we wait when we're in a true biblical posture of waiting it empowers our cases before him in the courts see this is what isaiah 40 27-31 says that we said he said and why do you say o jacob and speak o israel my way is hidden from the lord and my just claim is passed over or or the judgment that i'm looking for is not coming and then the the the the uh isaiah says he said haven't you known haven't you heard that the everlasting god the lord of all the earth he he doesn't faint he doesn't watch he's not going to quit in other words don't judge something premature you know the scripture in the new testament says judge nothing it's in first corinthians judge nothing before its time see sometimes we think something ought to have already happened but god says no there's still some things that need to be moved into order there's still some things that need to happen in the unseen realm there's still some things that need to happen that you don't know anything about it's gonna actually bring everything together so that everything you've been waiting on you'll actually see it come to pass but there's a lot of things in the unseen realm that you don't know anything about that i am presently moving into place and as you wait watch this as you wait see you remember i'm just reminded daniel the bible says that when the angel showed up when daniel had been praying here's what he said you were heard from the first day listen the fact that nothing seems to be happening doesn't mean you haven't been heard you were heard from the very first day because you're beloved that's what he said to daniel you're beloved you were heard from the first day but the prince of persia the demonic power came to fight and michael had to come and help and 21 days later the angel shows up with the answer daniel could have said in the process of those 21 days but lord where's the answer it doesn't seem you've heard me at all and he could have given up and quit but because he stayed engaged because he waited on the lord because he was active in the spirit over those 21 days the bible says that the angel showed up and said we heard you from the first day some of you think you haven't been hurt i know what that feels like some of you think you haven't been hurt but you have been hurt and you need to wait you need to persevere you need to stay connected and believe god because just like daniel you will see the fulfillment of that which has been spoken of that which has been promised now i want to show you one more scripture this would be number eight because i actually just was reminded of this while i was getting ready this morning james chapter five verse seven therefore be patient brethren until the coming of the lord see now watch the coming of the lord it could be isn't that second coming but could also be him coming and bringing breakthrough be patient be patient brethren unc until the coming of the lord see how the former waits for the precious fruit of the earth waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and the latter rain so michael would you come watch what he says here he says the farmer that puts his seed in the ground he waits patiently for the early and the latter rain because both are necessary which speak of the outpouring of the spirit but it says the early and the latter he has to have both of them so that the earth can bring forth the precious fruit that he has put seed in the ground for but the farmer has to wait now watch this the farmer could cross his arms not put seed in the ground and he could wait from now on but his waiting is fruitless and pointless why because there's no seed in the ground now listen you guys so many of you are so faithful and i just want to say to you every time you put seed in the ground you are saying to god i believe lord you are not mocked you are god and i exercise myself in waiting because the farmer has to know how to wait he knows when he puts that seed in the ground it's not going to come up and produce a harvest tomorrow most likely sometimes that does happen just not supernaturally but most likely that's not going to happen but he's going to have to wait for the early latter rain to come and water the soil before that seed actually gives birth now this is the truth this is what god has to teach you how to practice psalms 126 he who goes forth continually bearing precious seed continuing see if you sow continually then guess what's gonna happen there's gonna come a point where you're gonna have a continual harvest [Music] see if you only sow sporadically then your harvest is gonna be sporadic but if you sow continually then continually at some point you're going to have a continual harvest and that's what god wants for us and i just say to all and over all of you that have sown continually [Music] that your continual harvest is coming probably has already started but i want to say to all the rest of us [Music] that it will be like the farmer that we sow continually because that's what we can listen a natural farmer may not be able to sow continually because seasons prohibit that but a spiritual farmer which all of us are we can take our seed our money we can sow continually and every time we do we're saying we believe in the faithfulness of god to give us the future that he has ordained for us and we wait for the early and the latter rain [Music] me his presence his presence his presence his presence i say even as you sow your seed i say the harvest of god comes when i say there's a new empowerment it is a state listen when you sow your seed is the statement that i'm waiting for the lord ever how long it takes i'm waiting god i won't quit i won't quit i will not give up i'm going to keep believing i'm going to keep believing i'm going to keep believing i'm going to keep believing i'm going to keep believing i'm going to keep believing i'm going to sow seed i'm going to sow seed i'm going to sow seed i'm going to sow seed because you're god and you will not be mocked oh listen all the mocking voices all the mocking spirits that have come i see this coming that have come to attack you saying all that stupidity that's foolishness all those mocking voices i command them to be silent now because some of you have been under attack by those mocking spirits they have dared to rise up against the knowledge of who god is and i declare that those mocking spirits are silenced that god is not mocked that whatever a man sows that shall he also reap and i declare that over you right now and i cause every mocking spirit to me and i just see some of you need to rise up right now in great aggressive faith and say you're not gonna control me you're not gonna control me you're not gonna tell me what i can and cannot do i am going to believe in the god that is not mocked and in the one that whenever i put my faith and confidence in him and persevere and believe he will out of his faithfulness manifest his breakthrough into my life so i want to encourage you right now so you see this is a moment to sow your seed you can go to gpec.world you can do it by text you can mail it in whatever you do but there is a significant anointing right now that is upon us it's upon us and i just want to speak blessings and i just want you to know how much god loves you and how much he and those of you listen i see those there's some who are weary and you're tired you're weary and you're tired but there is a refreshing wind of god that is coming to just give strength in life to you to bring a fresh wind of his presence that's gonna beget to blow over your life and begin to blow over your family there's a fresh wind of god that comes now it's coming to you right now just receive i see you sitting at the computer and i see you with your hands up and i pray touch them lord right now touch them with your presence right now i thank you lord for this in jesus glorious name listen just for another moment just let his presence just come to refresh you to give you faith to give you courage to give you boldness i say even as you wait i say with the psalmist i say wait upon the lord wait upon let me find that scripture here's what here's what the psalmist said [Music] wait on the lord i say this to you and your spirit wait on the lord be of good courage take courage don't let fear grab hold take courage don't let fear i rebuke fear off of you i say take courage right now and he strengthens your heart he strengthens your heart right now watch this and he says wait i say on the lord he will not fail you he will fulfill everything that has been spoken concerning you and everything you are believing him for and even as you sow your seed today the harvest of god is sure because the god we serve will not be mocked and every market anyone i just saw i saw those mocking spirits i saw they just they've been made to be silent they've just been silent and i declare the blessing of god over you hey we love you very much would you join us sunday morning 11 a.m for radiant church got a powerful word i'm going to bring but it's sunday night at 6 00 p.m central standard time as i talk about how we can function as a house of prayer but then monday 8 30 p.m when we go and stand in the courts of heaven in behalf of the the supreme court and the decision they will render concerning the case being presented by texas and the rest of the nation we just thank you lord for your divine purpose just all of those things i will i i want all of you if you would to be a part so keep be aware some of you hopefully most of you even all of you will get emails and things sent out but should you not watch for it on the platform facebook youtube gpac.worldradiatchurch.org watch for it okay and we will be on and we will be a part all together as a house of prayer standing on behalf of our nation we love you may the peace of god and may the breakthroughs of god come to you as you wait upon the lord lord bless you we'll see you soon [Music] thank you for your heart and your health you are greatly loved [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Robert Henderson Ministries
Views: 682
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ezRyIXgWj3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 38sec (3938 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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