The Cost To Build A Sling TSi Airplane OR Any Experimental Airplane

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[Applause] my name is Mike I am the God behind all this videos that you've been watching a module grip and recently I announced that I'm building my own airplane and so this is one of the videos that I'll be making hopefully many more videos to come are regarding that airplane and if you're new to experimental airplanes they're different ways that you can go about building your airplane generally people actually just get tits and then you can just build it out in your garage hoping you have the right tools and the right space so for me I'm not doing that I'm going through the build assist one because that's one way I was able to convince my wife to allow us to do this but also being my first airplane I prefer to have professionals people who know how to build airplanes actually walk us through the entire process so that's why we're going through the build assist program which is an additional cost to the kit so first and if you ever decide to build an airplane on your own there to calculate your costs okay so the first thing you have is your kit you have to buy a kit for the airplane and so all of this right here all of this this whole section is what is what your kit is consisted of so you have your um panache your wing kit your fuselage your undercarriage canopy instrument and so on and so forth so you have to buy a kit for the airplane first and then once you buy your kit you also probably have to get tools and I'm assuming your kit will come with a manual and instructions to uh to build the airplane and so but you have to get your own tools but the kit first and then engine you need a power plant for your airplane and then you need your prop your propeller and then you depend on what option so if you're adding if you're building a VFR and ifr airplane we need avionics so different options and we'll go through all of that so you're um panache kid if you know don't know again this is from my nan pile of friends your apology you obviously know what parts these are um phrenology is basically your tail the tail of the aircraft which would include you know your rudder the elevators all that stuff in the back the back of the airplane that's what your um panache is your wing kit that's your wings and generally speaking also your fuel tanks is going to be in the wings your ailerons your flaps is going to be in the wings so that's your that's your wing kit your fuselage fuselage is the main body frame of the airplane so basically if you were to take everything else off the wing the back the middle think of the fuselage as the middle section of the airplane so that's your fuselage and then your undercarriage that would include your landing gear tires wheels maybe lights and then canopy instrument panel and so on and so you can appear basically your doors for this plane the TSR in particular it does you have a wing door and so that's what's included as canopy also is the screen in front of basically the your what you consider you windshield in a car so that's what that is so and so you see the price here now another thing is when you're building an experiment or airplane the good thing is see all of this right here you don't have to you don't have to like pay everything once right so because you're building it yourself so say for example you've only got the money to get your wing kit and also the time remember you have but time to do this so you can get your wings and just build that okay take your time build your wings put it to one side order your fuselage kit and you can build that separately and build your own panache so that's the good thing about going the experimental route is that you can take your time and you can build it over that serves you this is basically all of your kit for the sling TSI and you see here it tells you the approximate amount of hours that you need to build it it's 1,400 hours which is also one of the reasons why I chose this airplane generally dependent on which kit you get you're gonna spend a lot of time thousands of hours building the airplane out and the kit for the sling TSI of four seater I think 1400 hours is a pretty good amount of time to build one out okay and then you can an option for this or any other kit you get is you have a quick build option so quick build for those who may not know a quick build is basically instead of buying kits and putting all the stuff and rivets and screws together with a quick build you basically have all the minut stuff like riveting and screws even parts of the airplane say your wings for example say your wings is made up of three or four different parts rather than you putting all that three four different parts together they will put it together for you in the factory and then send it to you so that's what a quick build is it basically helps saves you know it saves you some of the time you would spend you know building different parts of the airframe and according to this you get to save about 500 hours if you spend on the quick build which will cost you about 23 grand another important option that I'm going to have which is a parachute which costs an additional 11 grand so parachutes in single-engine airplanes was not always a thin as a matter of fact we should raise a glass up to saris Cirrus aircraft I think is one of the first companies to commercialize this safety feature and it's a great safety feature all right a parachute on the airplane basically in case of an emergency where you don't have control of the aircraft anymore you can just pull a tab or something in the in the cockpit and hopefully your parachute comes off and you're able to land more safer than you would if the airplane just fell out from the sky okay and the parachute now with cirrus aircrafts for example all of their models come standard with a parachute system and the great thing with again going experimental is that you can adilyn yourself other options your electric switches brakes leather and seating so here's another thing it's cosmetic stuff but you don't have to have leather seating obviously if you build out an airplane you can always get whatever you like or the most affordable option but if you want leather seating for this airplane from the factory it's gonna cost you 1350 so a thousand and three hundred and fifty dollars if I'm reading that correctly and then the last one of the other big expense you're gonna have is this guys your avionics so avionics is outside of your kit and your engine avionics is also one of the big expense that you're going to have now if you're building a VFR airplane VFR means you don't need the instrument or you don't depend on an instrument to fly VFR basically is you can look outside and see that things are good and you're good to go so you have basic avionics for a VFR airplane and that's not gonna cost you much but if you're building an IFR platform that's gonna cost you a lot more so say for example with the sling TSI or any experimental aircraft out there you can fit there's a lot of options you can think of when it comes to AP on it as a matter of fact you can use iPad get an iPad get the right antennas and the right radio stuff in your airplane and you should be good to go with an iPad or get for flight you should be good to go so those are much more affordable ways to have avionics in your airplane as long as you adhere to the ATSB role that's coming in 2020 so you have to have a USB out if you're operating in certain air spaces so that's another cost you need to consider but say for an IFR panel if you were to choose any of the two big players which is Garmin and dinin you're looking at 30 to 50 grand for your avionics package if you want to get full IFR that's about how much you're looking to spend and the last cost that you're going to have outside of your kit engine prop avionics is the cost to build okay so if you go into the experimental route one thing to consider is the time is gonna take you to build your airplane alright cost to build is not just monetary you have to think how much time am I going to spend on this so 1,400 hours is the average recommended hours to build out a sling TSI let's assume that you're making 50 bucks an hour okay if you multiply 50 times 1400 which I'll do do with my calculator right now that means you're gonna spend about 70 grand to build your airplane if you build it on your own okay that's just that's the cost if you calculate it by time but also if you go through the build assist which is another option you're gonna spend around the same thing as a matter of fact if you look at this green tab here it says build assists from the quick build you're looking at an additional car so build assist here this is the cost for build assist 50 grand okay so if you were to build out the airplane on your own you can take your time with it you know people spend anywhere from 2 years to 10 years building out the airplane I've I've met people who have spent that much time building out but I believe the average it takes to build an experimental specifically a four-seater say events RV or this vent RV would definitely take you double the time it takes to build this and you can spend up to 5 years on average 3 to 5 years an average to build one out if you were to do it on your own so it's either you spend the money now or later and for me I'm bill I'm going through the build assist program which again is what I'm trying to raise some money for through a GoFundMe so you guys I do need your help and support for that and I hope I covered as much for you guys again people email me or send me messages on Instagram asking some of these questions so I hope I covered a lot of it for everyone but please do leave more questions in the comments if I didn't cover something that you wanted answered I'll just email me as well my cat mojo group dotnet okay guys so that is it for me and please once again if you have not supported the project I have the GoFundMe link in the description of this live video another way you can support the bill project is through mojo grab net become an MVP there and with that you actually get more benefits the videos on there that you don't see on YouTube and I continue I plan to continue doing that but the best or you can help right now is help through the Gulf on me campaign the sooner I have I don't know how much we're gonna have by the end of October right now the good news is we've been able to raise about 10 percent of the goal but the sooner we we get to the gold the better and that way we can fund a bunch of the film and stuff and also the build assist program and I really do appreciate everyone who is contributing through the campaign and also everyone who's watching man if you're watching these videos if you're watching and sharing I greatly appreciate it honestly from the bottom of my heart so thank you guys so much you keep me making this videos okay so I will catch you all on a future video all right take care hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and sign in out [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 91,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airplane, sling tsi, vans rv-10, rv10, sling 4, factory build, build assist, propeller, rotax engine, rotax 915, cost, experimental airplane, experimental aircraft, airmaster, cirrus sr22, cirrus, sonex
Id: rv2tB-4Gt_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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