How Much My Airplane Cost - Fully Loaded 2021 Sling TSi

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how's it going everybody welcome back to mojo grip mike here today i'm gonna do the most requested video for the last two to three months and that is how much did it cost for this airplane i took most of you or some of you through the journey of getting the kit building the plane um and i want to say thank you to all of you who have followed the journey so far and so today we're going to go through the numbers now full disclosure some of the numbers are all the numbers i share with you in this video may not be the actual numbers in today's day and age given that i started my process of my build process two years ago so things may have changed but i want you to keep that in mind but still i think these numbers are pretty accurate if you wanted to build or own a sling tsi today the same model fully loaded like mine another full disclosure guys this airplane i did have sponsorship on it so the total numbers that i give you are not necessarily my out-of-pocket costs so and with the sponsorship to name a few i've got garmin slang midwest panels also came through and mountain high these are some of the sponsors that i had in building this airplane for the most part a sponsorship offered discount prices for me so the cost for me is going to be different from the cost to you and so the actual numbers here are the numbers that you would pay so whenever we get to the end and you see the total number take about 40 to 50 percent discount and that was my out-of-pocket cost to build this airplane okay now let's get started in building the sling tsi remember it's an experimental plane so you need to get your kit engine avionics and all the other components and then build your airplane so i'm going to run through the list here i have a good list in my hand here and again i may miss one or two things but if i do i'll probably just leave it in the comments or description below so the first thing you're gonna need is your kit the kit for the sling tsi depending if you get a standard kit or a quick build kit you're gonna spend x y z but the standard kit runs about 60 000 now again this was the price when i first purchased now that price may be different today i don't know you'd have to call in and check so 60 000 for the kit okay keep following after you get your kit you need an engine this airplane uses a road tax 915 engine the most modern piston engine in my opinion and the price for this engine is 38 000 was 38 000 again that price could be different and then with your engine you also have your prop this airplane uses an air master propeller that will run you about 17 000 this propeller is a constant speed prop and it's fully automated as well and then after your prop you've got your avionics now this again you you sort of pick and choose depending on what you want in your airplane as far as multi-sling is concerned i have a full glass and instrument panel and if you want a similar setup as this it's going to run you about 55 to 60 thousand dollars now something you'd also consider is your shipping cost whenever you order your your kit and your engine there might be some shipping costs attached to that so i'll put about six thousand dollars for the shipping costs and then next then is just your little custom stuff as you can see in this airplane we've got custom seats in there so i would probably budget three to five thousand dollars depending on what upholstery uh store or shop you use now these came directly from south africa because i asked them to help me put something together but i would budget about three thousand dollars or five thousand dollars to get a custom interior if you want to and you don't have to but that's about what it's gonna cost you an additional and then also you think about your electronics wires lights and that's about another maybe three thousand dollars and you've got paint so guys you know i went with a custom paint you can always live your stuff however you want it but for paying out budget between ten and twenty thousand dollars for mine it came up close to that and so average paint is about fifteen thousand dollars for this airplane and then additionally i have a portable oxygen system in this plane that will run you about three grand and i've also got a parachute system again this is an option for me i think it should be standard that's going to cost you another 11 000 so i think we're about what 270 something now so we're getting closer to the to the end here another cause that i calculated for me personally was my travel cost okay so in getting this airplane built i had to travel back and forth and i think what i budgeted for my travel may be different from again an average builder because you can get somewhere closer to where you are or also you don't have to go as often for me i had to visit california often one because i was also documenting this build so i paid i would say i spent about 14 grand in my travel so i estimated that it cost me on average 155 dollars per day that i was in los angeles and this is like not spending anything like eating that subway but when i thought of you know the travel costs uh every time i also had to get a rental car and then accommodation went to sleep and things like that so about 155 bucks a day and for i went there pretty often uh through the time of this build um and so that came up to about 14 000 and i'm not even calculating how much i spent on filming editing all that stuff but let's say about 14 grand all right so now we're at what 290 and some change now other costs that you would think about in building your airplane um if you go through the build assist now i mentioned that the build assist is eighty thousand dollars this is what i've seen on average now again depending on the shop that you go through the cost may be different but chances are you're going to be looking about that much if you go through a build assist now you can also decide to build the airplane yourself but i would recommend build assist because it's safer and you get it done quicker so if you have the budget to go through a build assist i would definitely recommend it another thing that could come with that is you may need insurance okay you may need a test pilot as it was in my case i was not the first person to take this airplane up so i got a test pile to do that for me there's also cost to your registration and all the paperwork with faa so or you may have an agent a company do that for you so all of that also is additional cost and you may have to get little things here and there for me i got an oxymeter that cost me about another 700 or 800 bucks so just little cost here and there can add up and so ultimately i estimate that the total cost for this airplane the mojo sling is about 300 000 so if you were going to build a full spec out sling tsl like this one that i'm sitting in it's gonna cost you about that much now again if you go through the process yourself and you don't go through a build assist you're gonna be saving a bunch of money so it will cost you maybe 200 to 220 230 000 if you built it yourself but if you go through a build assist you're looking at closer to 300 or a little bit more than 300 000 and so this is the total cost to build out this airplane a 2020 2021 sling tsi if you were wondering and i know everyone has been requesting asking how much does it cost how much does it cost so that's the cost and again those numbers are likely close to being the same but also likely have changed again my journey is a little bit over a year closer to two years that i started the bill for the process to build this airplane so the kit price may have changed some of the vendor prices may have changed i don't know but i would definitely check just to make sure but like i said if you wanted a fully specced out airplane like this one you're looking about about that much okay so thank you all so much for watching if you have any questions leave in the comments below also i want to say big thank you to those who actually donated to the build of this airplane i raised about 11 000 and some change and every single penny went towards the build for this plane so thank you all so much if this is your first time on the channel please make sure you subscribe with the notification bell on also give this video a thumbs up again if you have any questions just drop in the comments i will read the comments and i'll try my best to answer them all right guys be safe and fly save and i'll catch you on the next [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 241,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, private pilot, sling ngt, sling tsi, sling pilot, mojosling, sling hw, sling high wing, airplane cost, private plane, cost, experimental aircraft, how much, sling tsi cost
Id: y55SBXNV95c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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