The 9620 gets a new engine.

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well guys here we are the dealer's on the way over with the new engine i got the new charger cooler and i got the old charge i just got the old charger cooler out of it here's that crack i was telling you there's nowhere to set this thing it was almost a screw up right there glad i was standing here when that did that but here's that crack clearly and you can stick your hand i know the camera probably won't pick it up but you can stick your hand to see cover the daylight up you can see through it because the the uh uh what is that going to be see the air comes into the top and comes out the bottom i think and then comes back over to the left-hand side of the intake manifold so this is going to be the this is going to be the outlet on the bottom inlets on the top anyhow there should be a arrow that's the inlet that's the outlet on the bottom so the air obviously was leaking out i mean it's just you can see daylight clear through with the so you know it was just blowing straight out straight out of here it was blowing right out of there all the all the manifold pressure or charge you know charge air from the turbo i don't really like i mean this is a brand new charge air cooler look how many welds they got on here kind of makes you a little bit nervous doesn't it it's like he didn't get it to pass its inspection on the first pass and then found a couple spots that he'd go back over and you're like i don't know about this you just hope that it's gonna be okay see how this this new one's got the square notches because the mounts actually have square notches and see how the square notches are completely gone out of this one it's just warm completely out so anyway i thought i'd show you the old versus the new so we're going to put the new charger cooler in it right now somebody had these in here wrong these i'll show you right quick i was looking at it i mean i just pulled this thing out i just today so i didn't pull this thing out when i pulled the engine out the chart the new charger killer has been sitting in there and i didn't put it in i've been waiting to see who was gonna do what you know so anyways once i found out we were getting the new engine i said let's get that charger cooler changed out when he gets over here he gets the engine we'll stick the engine in anyway it's fresh in my mind and i know what i did so i'm taking it back off right now i went and looked in the book because something just didn't seem right to me i'll show you what i'm talking about okay see the big flat flange here this this is threaded all the way through well they had them in here like this they're supposed to drop down i'll show you they had them in there wrong that might have been part of the problem the reason it cracked let's lean it forward and what they're supposed to do is they're supposed to go like that okay that that's that's what's supposed to happen okay so what did i do with the other bolt so you can get this other one's kind of hard to start so all right this rubber thing here is a little pain in the ass don't quite line up the way it ought to line up but there's springs on the bottom that'll kind of help it along all right it's more better now yeah somebody had those in there wrong see then they had the wrong bolt that's supposed to be a shouldered bolt i'm probably going to pull that one back out and get a washer for it that wakes makes way more sense to me against this plate yeah that's the way they're supposed to go in there not the way they had them all right so that's that's another problem solved and fixed that little debacle anyhow let me grab my phone i'll leave the landline up here and it'll start ringing i mean where in the hell's the phone at oh i left it up on top of the tractor all right i'm gonna put the lower hose on he should be here anytime we'll get that thing unloaded and uh we'll get the sun high i'm gonna get her i don't know if i'll get her going today but we should be close by the time we get it in there don't take much to put it in there so anyhow well guys here it is here's a remand 12.5 liter power tank hopefully this one turns out a little better than the last one did so i gotta get the starter in it i'm just gonna try to get everything on it that i can right here because it's just easier for me standing right here with it on the stand he he was kind of which i don't blame him scotty was a little nervous this was quite a load in that three-quarter ton pickup he said that he said that the wind was really blowing coming across state line road and he said the pickup was doing this he said man i went slow said it sorry it took me so long to get here said yeah it's kind of a pretty good load for a three-quarter ton pickup even i sure as hell wouldn't want to put it in a half-ton pickup but uh anyway there it is so i'm gonna go get the starter we'll get the starter mounted he's going to get the the crankshaft it's sitting over there with the flywheel and the new crankshaft damper which we're not going to need but uh i i still i bolted the crankshafts on the crankshaft the flywheel and the crankshaft damper on the crankshaft when i sent it over to get it uh balanced you know to check to get it checked so he's bringing the old crankshaft because i have to assemble the core engine to send it back so we're so while he's doing that i'm going to start looking stuff over and going in there and i'm going to go grab the starter and we'll put it on and by the time i get some of that stuff lined out he'll be back with that so let's get our asses in here and get going all right okay so this we'll have one that here let's see here lock nuts go on the starter the bolt and get them out of my pocket here well let's go here and that jam nut will go on there when that ground gets thrown on there there's another actually i'm wrong there's two regular nuts so i would guess it means there's only one lock nut but the lock that's gonna go on the ground strap is my guesstimation on that whole situation so it's already got a filter head for fuel filter on it so it's got that i'll have to drag some more stuff out here and see what we got let me just wrenches and tighten those up it's nice because you've got a viewfinder you can actually see what you're looking at there so i love this ratchet i really do okay let me get an entrance and just kind of snug them up well i don't like that so what i run into most of the time i can't get those gear wrenches on half the stuff i work on and you can tell they've been beating on this this starter here was probably on the original engine it's been swapped over to the third engine now you can tell they've been beating on it with a hammer so i don't have a lot of faith in the starter okay groundwater we'll go on there like so i was thinking maybe one bolt was a little longer than the other one but the stud i mean but they're not so i don't really understand the whole idea of the lock nut when you're not even getting the studs not long enough to get into the nylock portion of the nut i mean it's really kind of useless yeah it's not even in the nylock part of the night so what good is that gonna do whatever somebody had a real brilliant idea didn't they make sure that ground is a tight good and tight okay starter's on i got to figure out what else i need on here that i can put on here there's a bracket i know that's on that block i'm gonna go take it off right quick all right so belt tensioners this one should go right here i'm gonna look up the torques for these i'm not too worried about the starter but i'm gonna look up the torques and torque these uh alternator i'm trying to recall i don't remember i do not remember it's up here i remember right it's up in here i'm having a brain fart you know because it's only been six months that's kind of seeming like that's what the situation is right there something like that okay i remember now i do remember now i don't remember which one of these holes it goes in but i'll show you what i'm looking at here we're going to figure it out though use a little bit of medulla oblongata power here and try to figure this thing out because that's what happens when you tear something apart six months ago this bracket has got to go over in this vicinity here somewhere okay where is the eye at so it will line up with that one what if we went to the next hole it lines up with either one i didn't want i didn't really want to hear that i'm gonna go look at the old front cover to figure out which one went where let's go look at it i'm looking for which ear has wear marks on it to where the bolts went which kind of sucks it's way in here i'm having to walk back and forth this tractor i know for people that aren't know what's going on this tractor the tracks are too wide i couldn't get it in any of the doors in the shop i couldn't get it inside i had to pull it out outside so that's kind of the story of that whole deal all right so this would be the bottom of that cover here is some kind of bracket here on this here's the transfer pump all this stuff will have to go back together for a core engine we got to put the whole thing back together and a little lovejoy and the transfer pump fell out so you got to make sure you keep track of that okay so here is okay all right here's this bracket that alternator must go up in here somewhere i guess i should have brought my impact wrench i guess this is threaded too i gotta get these out of here all right let me go get my impact and we'll zip those out of there all right so obviously this one here the longer the two that i am an alt mirror goes through there and then it gets the nut and the washer on it so now i know which one that goes to already has that filter head that's already on the engine that filter heads already on the engine now i don't know if that return line i don't know if that fitting there is on there i have to look at that there's a couple bolts i see in the cylinder head that need to go in there for some bracketry and stuff like that okay we'll get her we'll have to work for but we'll get her i want to put this thing behind me i'm 100 confident i'm going to put new motor mounts in it i've got a new charger cooler in it and a new engine and she should be fine if the engine's worth the damn scotty's going to go get the crankshaft so i can put the flywheel on it because it's bolted to the crankshaft the old crankshaft for balancing purposes and then he's going to bring that back and then also he's bringing back some break-in oil so we can get this old girl running here so this is going to go right up here like so all right and then that wonderful alternator will get hooked on this longer bolt like so and then you take this bolt here with the spacer and the spacer goes towards the front obviously fell off in here there no that's not right it goes to the back i'm wrong yeah that's not gonna work the hell's the matter with you butter fingers and that spacer will go up in there like a soul and then that will thread in there we can put this nut in this washer on the scene and it's going to go over here yeah yeah and then we can just go oh come on stay on there all right so i got to get an end wrench to tighten that up because this nut here dirt all over the brand new engine that's okay she ain't gonna be shiny for long she's gonna probably be probably by friday or saturday she's gonna be in the field ripping more than likely she won't be pretty for long okay now ac compressor i know it goes over here somewhere i am trying to recall where there's another thing i'll have to try to remember let's put this camera up here i'm thinking maybe let's see here where did you go i thought maybe it went it went right here didn't it pretty certain it went right there i'm gonna go look at the other one to make sure oh that's 15 i'm gonna screw it up that's the wrong one this one up here oh we got three bolts there to torque those out of there and those are shorter so you need the longer bolts that came with that other engine it makes a difference all right goofy sucker all right every time i get this thing where i want it it falls back down on me be careful here that we get through okay started through the hole all right put these nuts on there i need to twerk since the hole is threaded guy needs to torque these first and then put those on tight no sense and tighten them up till you get it torqued right because the hole's threaded where the bolt goes in and i don't think this one ran all the way in yet but i'm having trouble on it an extension on here and i know i'm talking to myself sometimes i can't even hold a conversation with myself okay we're getting there i don't think there's a lot more to put on actually not much more to it really till we're ready to when he shows up we'll put the flywheel on it and we'll put her back in there i'm gonna knock these old motor mounts out as you can see these were shot look at this one here these aren't too bad these are the backs and these are the fronts here so let me knock these out of here something a little bit odd i had to you can see where it originally was in these holes i put the belt on there and the belt was loose so i moved it down to these holes and now the belt's tight so i wonder if there's something deer did with their spacing here somewhere that was just a little bit different i'm sitting there trying to think about that even it has to go like that i mean because this bolt here had the inside this one on this side was the longer one where this ear would go on there and if you moved it this way it'd be shorter it would it would be even looser yet so i don't there's something they did somewhere it was just a little bit different and compared in comparison to the other one so it's i don't see any problems with that it should work fine they they put those extra set of holes here for a reason they they must have something just a little bit different between covers or something ah goofy camera's facing the wrong direction it's got two lenses it's got one where you can look either way anyway here's the piece of crank that is bent yeah you should have seen the little video the guy sent me on his balance machine this end of the crank was just wobbling he goes yeah this thing's junk he says i'm not even going to waste my time with this thing trying to balance this thing he said you need a different crank or a different engine wait a second uh ugh uh [Music] hey i didn't know it's right by the camera there did so get a piece of cardboard [Music] oh so crankshaft flywheel bolts and we're ready for the big lift okay so it appears that all the holes are centered let's lay maybe uh what am i gonna do with these bolts right here maybe can i manage okay this sucker's heavy you know what easier putting it on out here those bolts what a plan that was huh let me pick them up somewhere else let me get a line-up bar and try to stab it with a line-up bar can't put them in that pocket because there's holes in the coveralls pockets everywhere wonderful coverall outfit you know take that one out too can i get that one to stay in a convenient spot maybe [Music] [Music] thank you so much [Music] get my toes out of the way ah all right all right that one started all right yeah twice as much fun putting it on in the machine which i've done i've done rear main seals on these right in the tractor it's no fun all right i'll put the rest of bolts on and torque it down oh oh my god wow all the things in the world wow so oh like that ah so on the other side i probably could have picked it up a little more level would have been helpful so yeah i just saved myself a lot of trouble and picked it up straight i thought hell i got m uh nice and easy so what i'm having trouble with is the way the back of the block the back of the block wants to hit wants to hit there not good not good and i'm in the wrong holes here damn it i'm in the put these mounts in the wrong holes oops nice job there dip so let's pick it up real quick and swap those around that's why it's not acting right you dummy see i do dumb too just like every other human being i was looking at the the this offset and i was basically i got the left on the right and right on the left what happened the same thing on the other side i thought something didn't seem right you know what the hell's going on here why aren't those lining up i know why because you're you're doing all right what is going on here that's not gutter started in there all right we should be able to proceed so so i gotta find the mount bolts all right so i keep getting asked about the rental tractor let me just tell you the story so i learned a hard lesson there and i should have listened to a lot of you i got my eyes screwed out of my head so bad on that deal it's not even funny so let me tell you the story okay so this kid i went into partners with his dad is the one that owned the d6n you know and anyway uh she got that on the wrong side let's go over here put a little grease in these caps anyway guys and he owned the and his dad on that log loader that old log loader i did the head gaskets on well i never gave the guy a quote i i'd never done i've never done one of those log loaders with that engine sitting down in the hole like that and he just asked me out the blue what do you think it's going to cost to do head gaskets on there i said i don't i said i'm just guessing 1500 2 000 i don't really know i i've never done any so anyway it was way more involved than i thought it was and i never quoted him any direct price and so i went over there and i did the job you guys saw the job i did and he just absolutely flipped out about it i charged him 3 200 to do both those head gaskets and he absolutely went sideways so his kid first of all the tractor that he bought you guys saw what he bought it had all kinds of problems when we got it up here and he just decided to take it upon himself that he was gonna make me pay for the hall up here it was like 1700 bucks so he just took that off what they owed on the loader so that didn't really make me very happy him just deciding what you know that's two separate businesses technically i could have went after him for that because that's two separate things you can't do that so anyway here i i found the customer and had the tractor rented out for first and second cutting i think maybe even third i don't know how long they pulled the baler off there but anyway i you know you i spent six hundred dollars worth of oil and filters on it i spent 160 dollars for the gas cylinders for the hood on it i pulled the hood off i put a plate on it because the fiberglass where it mounted to the bracket that where it hinged was all broke loose so i built a plate for it to where we didn't have to buy four thousand dollar hood put new gas cylinders on it i put up a light switch in it i mean i did all this stuff so then they just go out there and they just get the rental tractor and i never got one dime of the rent money so i lost 1700 plus the 600 i i probably lost if you count wages i probably lost three or four probably at least four thousand dollars on that thing i ate four grand on that that's how that that's how bad they screwed me on that deal you know and it's just unbelievable so i just i i learned my lesson i'll never ever go into partners with anybody on anything ever again ever i learned my lesson so i took a bath at least four grand ain't too bad though i guess what a lot of guys tell me at least it wasn't 400 000 like some of these partnerships go man this sucker's heavy i wonder if i can uh i grab those five i grab those bolts i don't know what i did with them and what's funny they sold the log loader to a guy up there i've worked on the log loader said the the guy that clown with i've worked on it that's funny uh yeah anyway i'm not gonna run them down but it's just some people you know just ha golly why would you treat somebody like that and do someone like that and then how could you sleep at night i don't understand how these people can just take somebody the cleaners like that and then still go to sleep every night it's just beyond me that's a heavy sucker you know what get a bolt started in this [Music] i'm just kind of glad it happened sooner than later you know that we didn't get to didn't we we didn't get five or six rental tractors into this thing and i own half of them and he decides to just go get them all and sell them you know kind of glad because that's what they would have done basically i'm supposed to i was supposed to be the one that finds all the customers because they don't know anybody and get all the tractors rented out and i'm supposed to do all the work of fixing them and repairing them and cleaning them up after rental and getting them ready to go back out and service them and then they just collect the money what a deal huh sweetheart deal there only partnership i'm going to get into is with my wife that's it no more of that even some of my friends said i wouldn't do that if i were you and i didn't listen i just can't understand how people get so damn greedy you know that's what kills me just they'll screw anybody for a dollar you know just to get ahead they'll do everything but work for it oh again uh and i've known most of those guys my whole life too that doesn't seem to mean anything to anyone i guess okay am i getting there what's the deal what's going on here having a hell of a time here getting this to line up where it's supposed to go get a needle turned in there or something remember that movie major pain he says i guess i just had that one coming that's kind of what i felt like when they got done with me i guess i just had that one to come and well i got most of this on this side back together uh i haven't put the ground on yet and this bracket here for this intake i got to put that on which i haven't tightened this one up i'm not going to do that until i get this one on there i gotta find the bolt and i've seen the nut for it but i don't know where the damn bolt went so i gotta find that ah we got over here um okay i don't remember so i gotta cut that blow by tube out of there let's zip tie it in there because there's already one on there on the new engine so we don't need this one we've already got one of those all right remember i took this off for a reason um yeah okay that ground will go there okay i guess we'll just start hooking stuff up i'm trying to remember if these went i think these went up through there i think so remember i don't remember it's been a while we'll figure it out though all right guys well i'm gonna pick my tools up it's getting really i mean i was gonna work till dark it's about seven o'clock but it's just the wind's blowing and the dirt's blowing it's just had enough so anyway yeah i've i've got to put finish getting this on there i got to pull this back off a rubber glove got hung up there trying to get the hose on there and a chunk of the rubber glove come off went down the intake pipe so i got to get that pull that pipe back off there and get that out of there i don't want to suck that up there and get it hung up in a valve or something and cause problems so i got a plug up here in this pipe right now on the intake manifold so that's capped off up inside hopefully i don't forget that that's there and shove the tube back up in it note to self anyway uh fuel lines here gotta hook up gotta figure out what i got going on with this suction line i probably put that thing on there years ago and then clock it right or something who knows um but gotta really there's not a whole lot left i mean i got to get the this one tube i pulled off underneath because it was it comes up over here where the hydraulic tank is and it was really hanging me up trying to get the engine out so i pulled it off but uh they won't you know he won't come he probably won't get over here till eight or nine o'clock i might just go over there and grab that oil myself in the morning and not mess around and wait for him half the day he's a good guy but man he i would already had this all together and running in one day but he didn't you know he didn't show up till noon and the whole plan was he said he was going to leave first thing this morning so i mean i got plenty to do but i worked on that engine over there you know tearing stuff off of it and figuring out what i was gonna do and and so i mean i had plenty to do but i could have been work if he'd got here around nine and left over there at eight we could have had her running in one day it would have been done but it is what it is he's got other going on too i realize that he's not just beholden to this one job so i you know and he didn't have to bring it over here either he could have made us come and get it so all right well i guess i i guess we're done for the day tomorrow is another day i got to get their engine stand and shove it inside and then i got to get the crankshaft inside tonight still too i don't know if that loader i'll just pick it up with the loader but i don't know if that loader will fit in through that door yeah it should yeah it should fit through there that door is 12 foot and there's no way that loader's 12 foot all right well anyways guys i appreciate you watching give me a thumbs up if you liked the video thanks for watching
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 69,383
Rating: 4.9705691 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 20sec (3560 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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