'The Copper Formula' || Arctic Fox Hair Dye

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you know those home videos of moms who discover their child did something very naughty and it's like instant cringe I feel like that's me as a person hello welcome to my updated living room in case you didn't see in the last video umm surprise it's still not complete we still have a few pieces of furniture but we need to get rid of / add to the room I still haven't completely cleaned up from painting it's been like two weeks today I am coming at you with another hair dye video it is that time of the month that my hair is just sort of starting to look as eloquently as I can put it so it's time to judge it up with some hair dye and you guys seem to like my hair dye videos for whatever reason so I figured I would document what I've been doing recently because it seems to change literally all the time I get a lot of questions about my hair color and how I achieve said hair color which i think is pretty common when you have kind of a man-made red I also get asked a lot if I still use henna no I haven't used henna for a while the last time a tenant was washes henna henna what I have been using and which you have maybe seen me used before is arctic fox so a few months ago I did a video where I tried out this which is sunset orange I thought that it was gonna give me just kind of the copper that I was looking for but it turned out to be not this color it came out kind of Airy l.s now I think there are a few reasons why that happened one because my hair is already red it just kind of added to the red color therefore making it more physically red and not orange I do now realize that I think arctic fox their colors are mostly made to go over reached hair and pretty much as white as you can get the main base to be the more accurate you're gonna get the color that it's supposed to be that being said I posted that video and I will reiterate it is totally my fault that it came out that color but arctic fox being the sweet precious angels that they are sent me an email saying hey we saw that you know sunset orange didn't work out completely how you want to do it so we want to send you our copper concoction and three of the bottles that you'll need which is so sweet of them and I don't deserve that because I was just a dummy so main point of this video to make the copper concoction they sent me three colors sunset orange cosmic sunshine which is yellow purple rain which is kind of surprising I have been doing this for a couple months now and I didn't want to make a video on it initially because I wanted to me because I wanted to make sure that I got it right and the past couple months that I've done it it's come out still a little bit too red and not enough bright orange which is kind of what I'm going for so along with these three bottles they sent me this little formula now I'm not claiming that I am super precise with these measurements but I do the best that I can and I have learned to tweak it a little bit but you will see but essentially I still think that I am adding too much of the sunset orange so basically what you're supposed to do is a buttload of cosmic sunshine some sunset orange and then just a tiny bit of purple rain now because cosmic sunshine is yellow it is very very very easily washed out by other colors so once you start adding the sunset orange it just kind of becomes sunset orange think this time I'm gonna go very heavy on cosmic sunshine and then the other two less than I usually use science another note on my sort of hair routine every month is that because this is a vegetable based diet it doesn't latch on to my roots and I think that's because my roots are not damaged enough if that makes sense so basically this stuff latches on to this hair just because no it's not baby fresh and it's a little bit damaged and more porous so that way the color can seep in a little bit better but with my roots and from what I've read other people's roots it kind of just slides off because there's nothing to latch on to so what I like to do is get a three dollar box of hair dye from the store and then just do my roots I've seen that there's some sort of protein powder or something that you can use to get hair dye to stick to your roots so if any of you have advice on that um let us take a step over into my laboratory so as you can see the formula consists of one part cosmic sunshine one-quarter part sunset orange and then one-eighth put purple ring and like I said I have kind of been playing around with this for a while so mine is a tiny bit different so we will start with cosmic sunshine which is the yellow and like I said because this is such a translucent shade we're going to use a lot of it that's just lovely and then I'm gonna use sunset orange welcome to my channel I have the sense of humor of a four year old and then I'm gonna mix that just so I can have a base idea of what the color is so far that ball just a little bit of it I kind of just keep adding [Music] but I don't think I'm going to add any more purple to this I think it's definitely as dark as I kind of want it to be I'm gonna add a little bit more yellow just cuz hopefully so that already is looking better than my previous concoctions that I'd done I have a feeling this will come out more orange than red which is essentially what I'm going for here now that we've got it all mixed I'm going to weather it on my head and again because it's vegetable base don't be afraid to leave it on your head for a while I usually leave it on for a couple hours some people say they leave it on for way more than that but honestly I don't think it makes too much of a difference it's gonna fade anyways so I will leave it on for a couple hours and then I will wash it up I am definitely not elegant when it comes to dyeing my hair I don't use a hair dye brush or anything which I know is sacrilege in the hair community so I'm sorry for that so let's give this concoction a try because my hair is not starting off super white I know that it's kind of hard to tell if it actually worked or not so what I do have is this weft of human hair which I got but never ended up dying so I figured it might be easier for you to see what the cover is gonna look like on something like this gotta be thorough to get started I do have some gloves again I am not very professional when it comes to this stuff so if this stuff makes you cringe then new guy dies so I am going to section off my hair to make it easier I'm not a barbarian [Music] so far I have not dropped any on the floor I'm not saying I need your validation me so I ran out I am going to mix some more hopefully as close as they can to the first batch hello darkness my old friend that was not a good idea why did you let me do that that you were my friend Oh No you know those home videos of moms who discovered their child did something very naughty and it's like instant cringe I feel like that's me as a person I'm gonna throw this baby on to number want to protect my head because you would think it'd be a challenge to wipe your scalp on things and get hair dye all over your house but for me it's possible not only will this protect my house but it will also walk in some of that moisture so now I'm gonna do the extensions I don't know if this will actually work the hair might be too healthy if it doesn't seem to be really sticking in there it kind of just looks like Regina George got in a food fight so now that my hair is thinning and our little rat tail is now soaked I'm gonna leave it alone for a few hours and then wash it out but with the magic of editing you will see what it looks like just about now here is the final color as you can tell it's not a huge difference from what I original I started with what I like about this color combination is that it's very natural-looking I still have yet to find a good very vibrant copper but this is probably my favorite solution so far it's very easy it's not as time consuming as henna or as messy let me scratch that last part and it's also relatively cheap didn't end up using the whole bottle of yellow this time but I still have plenty of the orange and purple left and I have since they sent it to me so that was like four months ago so really whenever I want to do this I only really need to stock up on yellow until the other two wind down so that's what ten dollars a month or something like that fifteen dollars a month I will show you what my little pet looks like it was a little weird bringing her into the shower with me and it's a horrible dye job I know a lot of the blonde is kind of peeking through but it gives you a better idea of what this color combination looks like on very very light hair I think that's very interesting that's it I don't know if this was interesting at all but like I said you guys seem to like my dive videos and let's be honest I wasn't feeling very creative this week because they did have my cosplay convention this weekend so I've been recovering a little bit from that but we will get back to creative fun vintage e-content next week but yes that is it I love you guys with your new role to this channel if you're new here and you feel like sticking around feel free to subscribe I upload every week and we have fun here and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music] my neighbor here just here just always outside our job so yep yeah purple just a tiny bait I don't know what that was and not super professional so I am going this section I'm the worst I'm actual birth it's gonna be headed me none on the floor but literally every other surface in my entire bathroom very game like a little snake oh nice when the sun's o sun's out ginge out hey it's freaking hot in here but my electricity bill was through the roof last month so I'm not using any AC because I'm poor wanna be on top [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 564,922
Rating: 4.9763799 out of 5
Keywords: arctic fox, arctic fox hair dye, arctic fox copper, sunset orange, cosmic sunshine, purple rain, copper hair, redhead, red hair, dying hair red, dying hair copper, ginger hair, hair dye
Id: -DbzWkYQ_ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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